M Juinpr n'lfVCTify wrf rygenmHT?? Trrry; i iimk&i&mMM&smMWMMMmi mm?. I WD, liUntlXElalBWMMM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1914. EVENING EDITION. SEVEN .wv.coos hay stage PRnFFSSiniM Al nmcnTnD -- . i Mwviwiinia UIIILU I Ull I OPENS UP NOSTRILS, CLEARS HEAD, EB0S GOLDS OR CATARRH IT ONCEi cliwliile, August, ll-. Lv.Mrid. Mildred Rogers Nelson. Imdosfaria! Review of tine State NEW FACTORIES, IMPROVEMENTS AND ENTERPRISES THAT INCREASE THE PAYROLLS AND PROMOTE THE DEVELOP MENT OF OREGON. 0:30 a. in, n.m. a.m. a.m. ii.ni. Teacher of Piano. 12:30 3:00 3:30 4:30 C:00 5:30 Pupil of Hugo MaiiHfeldt, San Fran cisco, Cnl. Hluillo iiiW South Hioiuhvuy, Mnrslifiuld, Or. a. m hone 70-Ii. I iBHPS nt SAyKm at K- .(,111 S Kni aB m. 1 BLaW th Sat 1 . Sun 2 . Mon I! . Tucs 4 Wutl G Tliur 5 Fri 7 Sat 8 Sim l Mon 10 Tuea 11 Wod 1-' Tliur la Fri H Sat lfi Sun 10 Mon 17 Tucs 18 Wod 10 Tliur 20 Fri 21 Sat 22 Sun 211 Mon 24 Tucs 25 Wed 2(5 Tliur 27 Frl 28 Sat 29 Sun 30 Mou 31 that nutoB 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:oo 7:00 8:00 !):30 10:30 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 0:00 0:00 6:00 6:00 6:30 8:00 9:30 10:30 rtro H. H. Harper HOUSE HUtLDEH , General Hopalrlng und Cablnot ' Making. Phono 349-J. W. H. McBroom n.m. a.m. a.m. n.m. ii.ni. a.m. a.m. a.m. n.m. a.m. a.m. ' CONTRACTOR and HUILDER. a.m. Estimates furnished. a.m. I itepnir work a specialty, a.m. j Rosldonco West Hunker Hill, a.m. j S;S: I W.T.Tompkins, D. S. T. Il.m,; ciiiiir .hciiiuuh) a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. ' now Every known disease troatcd without drugs or surgery. RooniB 1 and 2, 237 South Uroadway. Phono 132-L. Marshfiold, Or. Joel Ostlind PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER e through from Coos Hay to "J? oruera " w. u. naineB' Mus l :.,, v. Including Sundays ' B'c Company. ui.v -..,, ' '.JIG H HIvMl Q riuit TM.nn,. Ini.I --w M. M.Ab.. u.,u.. A IIVUU AUU-U. k'S FIUB PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Kind of Hrlck Work at l'rlcos Thnt Aro Right Sml nil work uunriiiuccu I at "Tho Flreflldo," JohiiBon g 137 Second St. Pliouo J. .. . each Ranges. Bollor Work J. M. Wright Phono 318-R HUILDING CONTKACTOH Estimates furnished on request C. 0. Gosney. Phono 31G4 CONTltACTOK AND HUILDER EstlmntcB Furnished on Request Sly Past Work N Sly Reference First and Alder StB. . Marshfiold 1ST. LAWRENCE llOXlili havo a great mnuy inquiries, nrrnnen and lots. If you Will Uf. H. M. SliaW at a real sacrifice list your' Eye, Ear, Nono ami -Throat. ertyat the St. Lawrence Hotel " .ma-itik ii. hiiaw "' , i-i IMhwim'h of Women and Children Offlco Phono 330. Rooms 200, 201 202, Irving Hlock. IIoubq phono, 10 5-J. Lloyd Hotel. No commission MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. 3r, Commercial & B'dw'y Mrs. Farringer- TEACHER OK PIANO Rcsldonco Studio, Phone 38G-J. JAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. JITS CLEANED AND PRESS lO Sl'lTH MADE TO ORDER 3IVIJ US A TRIAL- IP PAMTATHRIIIM IAY DOYLE & C. O DAGGETT C6 Central Avo. Phono 2G0-X. Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTING ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT Offices. 206 Irving Block Phono. 10II-L or 267-J. Mnrshflold, Oregon W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke Building, Marshfiold, Oregon idurcs & Framing Walker Studio Wrn. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Mamhflold, Oregon. Perl Riley Ballinger PIAN1HT AND TEACHER Rosldonco Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono 3G8-L. ARE YOU BOTHERED Willi Corns? If so, you are deprlv. ed of half tho pleasure of llfo I ploasant wnlklng and healthy oxer-l iclso. A visit to Mrs. Olivia human, Scientific Chiropodist, Ap't :i, O'- council IllUg., Will UO IUU HUUItu Ul MBETH'S AUTO cFRVIpF'a pormapont renicJy for achln f00t 'AND AT CHANDLER HOTEL PHONE VLQ, U CO ANYWHERE ANY TIME- NEW CAR AND CAREFUL DRIVING RATIIS TO CAMPING PARTIES LYNN LAMBETH Owner und Driver. J. BOAIFE JB'1 A. II. HODGINS LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dopendnblo. Immo dlato servlco, prompt attention to all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. larshfipld PA,NT AND lUIOIIUtlU nprnnATiMr rt Estimates Furnished Hone UOD-J. Mnrshuelit. Oroiron. THE COOS HOTEL ....Formerly of Marshfiold WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN STREET NORTH HEND P. A. Metlln, Prop. . DR.Y WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phone 180-J. K00NTZ GARAGE Excelsior Motorcycle Agency LEE TIRES AUTOMOBILES STORED COOS COUNTY'S MOST COS1PLETE MACHINE SHOP MARINE AND AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING GASOITVK rnn ott FROXT ST. PHONE 180-J "irrciUES REPAIRED AND CHARGED YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good enra with careful drlvor Fot day servlco, phono 1II-J, liluuco Hlllnrd Parlors. For night Borvico, Phone 2(1 0-L Right Cafe. D. L. F00TE. SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO US BY PARCEL POST WE FURNISH A HAG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 57-J. MARSHFIELD New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend NO 8AW EDGES r YOUR COLLARS u you have them laundered TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA CITY AUTO AND TAXI BERVICM A new-taxicab baa been added to ay auto aerTlco. Careful drtvert. Will go anywhere at any tlnw. Stand Blanco Cigar Store. Day phone, 78. Night phone 189-X. TOM GOODALB, Proprietor, Inslnntly Relieves Swollon, Inflamed Nose, HwhI. Throat You Hrcatlio FKvlyDl Headacho Goes Nas ty Discharge Stops. Try "Ely's Cream Dalm." Get n small bottlo anvwnv. tiint tn try It Apply a little in tho nostrllB and instnntly your clogged nose and Btoppod-up nlr passages of the head will opon; you will breatho frcolyj dullness and hoadacbo disappear. Hy momlngl tho cntarhh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal soro throat will be gone. End such mlsory now! Got tho Btuall bottlo of "Ely's Cream Bnlin" at any drug Btoro. This sweet fra grant balm dissolves by tho heat of Tho Stnto Rank Examiners' reports; Steam shovels nro working night the nostrils; pouctrates and heals show decreaso of deposits In Oregon and day between North Rend and tho Inflamed, Bwollcn membrano1 national banks from November 1 to Ten Mile. which linos tno nose, liend anu jUno 30 of $U,OG4,2CO. throat: clears tho air passages; Btopa Nearly two thousand piles hnvol nasty uisciiarges and a fooling or boon driven on the Astoria municipal cleansing, Booming reuoi comes im-ijock to dnto. mediately. Don't lay awake tonight strug gling for breath, with hoad stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blow ing. Catarrh or a cold, with Its running noso, foul mucous dropping into tho throat, and raw dryness is distressing but truly ncodlcss. Put your faith Just once In "Ely's Cream Dalm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. For Sale by Urowu Drug Co. S. S. PARAISO Equipped with Wireless, Flno Passenger Accommodations. Now Steel Iioat. 8. 8. PARAISO WILL SAIL FOR SAN FRANCISCO SUNDAY, AUG UST 2, AT t P. SI., WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT. YELLOWSTONE WILL SAIL FOR PORTLAND, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, AT 5 P. M., WITH FREIGHT ONLY. NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agents TOM JAMES, Agent, Mnrshfleld. Tho New Bridge, Daker County, cannery Is running on beans, Krcbs Uros., of Sidney, Polk Coun ty, nro building n $2000 dairy bam. Main Streot, Oregon City, will bo repnvod with bitullthlc. S. H. Friendly nnd A. Martin will build residences in Eugene. Two cast side docks are to be built at Portland, costing $140,000. Pendleton will have auto street car Borvico for tho Round-Up. C. E. S. Wood, Just homo from New York, says that both the Hilt and tho llnrrlninu systems will re sume extensions in Oregon under better financial conditions. Tho Hood Rlvor Co-Operntlvo Creamery tins secured a site and will begin construction at once. An ABhland financier says that In snltn of the Rluc Sky Law tho citi zens of that placo havo Invested In I Tho Hill system will resume onor- atlon of tho big Knlama ferry and take traffic right through to Astoria. Eugono will try to float a broom factory and Albany Is raising a sub sidy for a furniture fnctory. Linn County officials aro planning a now nutomobllo rond to Cascadla. Tho S. P. Co. will Install block BlgnnlB on 200 miles of its Oregon lines. Rod Ledge Mine to have $100,000 and HomcBtcnd Mlno $200,000 spent on development work, Is n Raker Democrat report. Phillips and Miller havo Installed a 100-horsopower engine In their Rniidon brlckayrd. Tho State Industrial Accident Com mission has on fllo 200 claims against, the state before It haB been running r month. Tho Springfield State Dank l erecting a new building. Tho distilling of peppermint oil more thnu $170,000 of worthless haB begun on the Dugold Campbell EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. BAILS FROM RAILROAD DOCK, .MARSHFIELD. DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST AT J2:!10 P. M., ON THE URI), 8TH, 1UTH, 1HTII, LMRD and 1!STH. Ticket on unto to all EfcMcrn point and Information a to route and ratoti cheerfully furnished. Phono :i.W. F. T. SHELDON. Agent stocks In threo concerns within threo years. The metal production In Oregon for lUia totalled 1, 74 G, 402. The Woodburn Independent lias moved Into tho Austin brick block, Just finished. The Eugono City Council nnd tho Portlnnd, Eugene & Eastern Rail way have settled their differences on Eighth nvcnuo, and construction work begins. Tho Oregon Eastern Railroad re newed construction from Vnlo toward Central Oregon the pnst week. Contracts havo been let for tho Sandy River bridge, to cost $20,840. Tho Willamette Pacific grado Is to bo completed from Eugene to Marsh fiold by .January 1. lletwccn 1700 nnd 2000 mon are employed. The Salem Commercial Club will mnko a strong pull for a starch fac tory farm near Coburg. The last heavy machinery for tho now llooth-Kclly sawmill hnB arrived nnd the formal opening of tho mill has been deferred to Labor Day, September 7. Sheridan business men nro back ing n cannery. Wlllnmtun wants another nav-roll in the Bhapo of a cheeso factory. Glondnlo has opened n now audi torium. Green Mountain mlno, In Douglna ' County, may oporato on a largo scale. Warrenton has carried a $150,000 bond lssuo for gravity wntcr. Cloverdale gots a $2000 co-opora-tlvn cheese factory. Pendleton tins a building boom and tho Dally Trlbuno has a new home. A twelve-foot vein of conl struck three and one-halt miles from Med- ford. says the Sun. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo HAILS FROM HAN FHANC8CO FOR COOS HAY THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, AT P. M. Equipped wltu wireless and submarlrit beU. Passengers and freight. m-UPMI- M M M M M M MMJ J ....J-. M GIRL FIRST TAUGHT HIM TO SAVE Then Ho Miii-rleil Her Now Live Comfortably. They Ing slowly and not nil at onco ono will last you Just as long as two and. you can glvo mo tho ton cents dlf- S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY, .MONDAY, AUGUST 10, AT .1 P. M. San Prantjisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and 600 Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGeorge, Phone 44. To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every .Monday THE FAST AND COMFORTABLE S. S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. C. F. McGEORGE AGENT W. II. PAINTER Phono 44, Marshfiold Phono 421, North Rend The American "Magazine ha. been Zt V y"u..J,d0t 7al !.? offering prizes for tho best loiter en-jBk you'you to walk homo when you. titled "How I Saved My First $100." aro tired, but rlso a llttlo oarllor and. In tho Octobor number threo of tho wn,k down. It will do you good aud prize-winning letters aro published. iyo" c K'vo mo tho thirty contB a. Following Is ono of them written week that you'll savo. What do you by a mnn who was Influenced to Bpond for your lunchoons?' savo money by tho girl ho wno in love , with: "It was all duo to tho girl. Re foro I know her tho idea thnt I could savo anything out of my small galary scorned preposteroiiB. I was not ex travagant, but I liked to gratify my SEE CALIFORNIA 'CMj110!?1''? AY60X3 The Pull Of Advertising "Advertising does not jerk IT PULLS," says John "Wanamaker. Illustrating this remark tho observations of a large roofing manufacturer are interesting. He makes a branded article and advertises it exclusively .in the newspapers the world over. "If it is an advertisement of our company the reader encounters it gradually, and subconsciously the thought filters through his mind that this roof ing is the best purchasable roofing. "A year or so later, when the occasion demands that he buy roofing, he thinks of this kind of roofing and asks for it. "If he talks about tho contemplated purchase of roofing with the members of the family, they, too, have read the daily papers, and say, '"Why don't you buy roofing?' They do this because they believe they know something about this kind of rooting, and they DO know about it." " 'Only twonty-flvo conta.' " 'Well, cut out tho poco of plo or somothlng you realty don't roqulro. reduce tho cost to twenty conts and. glvo mo tho thirty contB wookly dif ference It's a mlstako to cat hearty midday meals makes ono sleonv nml desires. Self-denial I had not tried dull. Then you go to tho "movies" six to practice, but I havo discovered it times a week, you told mo. Go threo Is absolutely essential tho heart, In and glvo me tho fifteen cents snvod." fact, of saving. i "Well, I obeyed her nnd found it "After wo had come to a tacit was not at nil difficult. I started the, recognition of the fact that I was first week In January, 1911. Tho 'hor boau' tho girl ono evening said: first wook In January, 1012, Blio "'How much do you pay wookly tl.auJcd mo $101.40. for your room?' " 'Thnt's what you'd saved,' shu " 'Four dollars,' I answered. 'It's Bald. 'I didn't tnko tho money for n good-sized, comfortable ono.' mysolf, but to bIiow you you could " 'Don't you think you can get a savo If you tried. Hero's a state- nlco hall room and bo comfortnblo in cut: enough for threo dollars' You go and do It and glvo mo tho other dol lar.' " 'Anything elso you wish mo to do?' " 'YeB,' bIio answered, 'you call on mo onco a weok. You llvo only a mllo away, but I Btipposo rldo. Walk and glvo mo tho ten cents carofaro. You'll find tho walk short If you think of me. Then every night you Car fares saved visiting mo $ G.SO Car fares save'd walking to business 1G.C0 Saved on cigars C.20 Saved on "movies" 7.80 Saved on luncheons 15. 00 Saved in room rout G2.00 $101. -10 "I married tho girl, and It's need iest! to sav wo llvo fairly woll and come hero you smoko two cigars. ' havo a constantly Increasing balance- What price ones?' i In bank. It's tho small unnecessary " 'I'm not going to ask you to outlays that oat ono up. You can cut smoko poor cigars,' alio nald, 'but most of thorn out and savo If you. Instead of two. smoko one. I)y smok- will." fJHr.THE m L fro At tho Chandler. George Guerroy, Rig Hluff; D. R. Atkinson, Rig Dluff; Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Keenoy, Eugono; H. A. Slfford, 1'ortiaiui; a. O. Peterson, Lakeside; TWO DROWNED IN ROGUE RIVER Mrs. Srunbui and MIkh Rilen Curry County VlctluiH. RANDON, Or., Aug. C Mrs. Ion nnd Miss Martha Rllea Scau- wora Robort Jones. Salom; II. N. Pixley, ' browned In tho Rogue River at Ag iSalom; W. R. Holman bnd lfo: , "s ?bo"t tfnt1y'n,vo "' '?8 abovo Portland: J. M. Fletcher and wif I Gold Ilench. The ladles, with a num- Rosoburg; James McCutchoon, Hear er tun. At the Rlniico. George Smith, Randon; John Jof frey, Coqulllo; Dan Kldwoll, Co qulllo; Lloyd Lackey, Emplro; Chas, Crouch, Coquille; II. M. Miller, Port land: Alvln Smith, Coos River; P. L, Smith, Coos River; Mrs. T. E. Dick son and son. Myrtlo Point; D. R. McKeo, San Francisco; G. A. Pulley, Cody, Wyo.; II. W. Fulton, Rolso, Idaho. At tho St. Lawrence, Lola Sampson, Dandon; Mrs. Mary Ryan, Glendlve, Mont.; James Dun can, Florence; G. I. Vaughan, North Inlet. At tho Lloyd. Perry E. Lawrence. Conjilllo; R, D. Thorn, Dandon; C. O. Loyles, Rea ver Hill; J. J. Ott, Coos Rlvor; E. Sprague, Randon. 20 Commutation Tickets $2.00 20 farshfield.North nend Auto Line Oars every ten minutes from O a. m. to 12s "O p. in. GORST & KING, Props. bor of othors. were bathing In tho rapids and woro walking on tho rocks In what was supposod to be a safo placo when they slipped off Into tho water and wero Bwept to death be fore assistance could reach them. Miss Rllea was tho daughter of Postmaster Rilea at Agnoss, and Mr . Scaulon was a widow with threo children, tho oldest about sixteen years old and the youngest twelve. A man named Henry was crushed to death at Brookings in Curry coun ty by a falling troo. Ho, with somo other men, was logging and as a trco fell he was In somo manner caught under it and instantly killed. Ho was In the employ of tho Rrook Inga Development Company, PIANO TUNER WARNER READY FOR ORDERS M. O. Warner, tho old reliable piano tuner, who has been making this section annually for the past several years, arrived yesterday and Is making his headquarters at the St. I.awrenco Hotel, whero ordors may bo loft for him. Ho expects to call on all of hlo old customers but any who are In a hurry for his services can leave orders at tho St. Lawronce, -41 jf Ate -. ( m KKKKKKKKKWW !mH3555? ' r TJMniatfii .J