mm THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1914. EVENING EDITION. SIX BG. LEffiUE BULL SCORES MS FINE HOME HIJW KANSAS IN PORTLAND W J. I,. Ilowiiinn Has lloautlftil .sum mer Residence Sow. The Portland Orcgonian prints a picture nnd the following story of the i beautiful summer home of J. L. Itowman, who has many Interests on. useful knowledge, nnd twcnty-nlno entireties receive tho town's devo tions. An average six months has Just passed nnd tho police court rec ord Is this: For these 10,000 people a n d their tributary fifteen thousand: there have been twenty four arrests for drunkenness and about one hundred nnd thlrtyfour for everything In tho polite-court. Tho taxes are low becnute our Jails nre empty more or less of tho time, nnd tho cost of criminal trials Is so small that the nverage tlmo consumed with criminal cases In the .llult-lr.l ninn't la 1ml nnn-fllllllll of .St'XKIxnVKK STATU WITH THE ,ho tnl0 conslllncd nt each qunrloi- i.noiiii.ninv nriTiiv '' session. Last yenr these twenty- PHOIIIIHTIO.N QUNTIO. tl,0ll8iuul ,)t.0)0 contributed William Allen White, the noted eigni prisoners 10 me buhc I'" , WILLIAM ALLEN W1UTK TELLS OK Till: EXPERIENCES OK the Portland Loses to Venice 4 to 1 San Francisco and Los Angeles Win. Hr Ao llf. rrw to Coo r TIism intiTf.AVn fir Am?. 7. .Port- Inn.l .Irnlltlnil Vnstprrtnv's cntllC at rVno tint- nnil lo OIVIIOP nf ho Wooloil t. .1 1 .! i-rlnl- In n tl.TTV. Wo linVO III tllO COIIIltJ' (536 Venice. 4 to 1. The games yester- Mill Store: i recent article reviewing tho ninny high school students; 775 students day: The summer place of J. L. How- f prohlbUlon In KniiBa.s, says: In higher Institutions of learning At Venice It. H. E. ,nn. known as Halcyon Lodge, lo- ' ',,. ,,,...., lh Rnilor Inside the stnte. and many outs do Portland 1 6 2 rated near tho Arrnh-Wnnnah Hotel state that escape enumeration Venice S 1 the Mount Hood district on tho ' """"'' v'n.mMlnS: l college catalogues of the state. Hatterles: Krause and Yantz; salmon River. Is ono of the most J10 .. " .aera' 8nu ?; T"oro nrc 4r,, taxpayers In the Hltt. Harkness nnd Elliott. McLean. ' beautiful vacation homes In Oregon. Pn"s .j'w Imvi thrift cot'' WM0 own npnroxlmntcly for- At Sacramento- It. 11. E. 0n the five acres Mr. How.nan has ",,8hlfnt '""",,, ilv accented far ,-v-" mll,,on ,lol,nrrt' V,or,h of "ro"- San Francisco G 0 3 bu,u substantial and good-slzed "f"' nf. n i n social body ort'' nn'1 who' for " ' l'n'psi'- Sacramento 2 6 3 nome wlth ,, conveniences, even a ?PlnTiw SlUTf 2 . state, city, county r.nd school pay Uatterles: rernoiu aim facnmiui; water nvstem. i". ... "!""" '.ir ..,",' " ,.", four hundred and nlnety-clglit tnotis- nny -MniarKey nnu nannnn. ,v trout lake, built in conjunction v. .:, "V"y:;"v ".. and dollars, ami do noi nnvo At nnklnn.l H. IT. K. ...I. I. ..... ..nnrnln lo .OW nS (U WIV U1II1U IMIIIBUS IB I1IIIUUK l.l ,..,. ul ll0na tr, .In It l.os Angoles 9 1 ' il0g stocked with 20.000 trout. The j th" """ "f s. lt. 'L1 " '?" ?! hut then tho legal machinery of tho Oakland 1 0 2,100-foot rustic footbridge, which rentage of 'n,l,ern,; ,.ln n l'Puln- county Is not clogged by the cap- Dntterles: Itynn and Urooks: B,wng ,ne tl0, 8tream. has been ded-i,loof " million am tliroe-qtinrters. r,cea of whl8koy ,u it COsts us rrultt. Klllllay and MlUe. cated to the public. Mr. Howninn ' "i1 thereabouts, we hae ocr eight , $j;,i7;t6 n ycnr t() run our keeps three saddle for utlll- thousand Institutions of Higher learn- AMEIIICAN I.K.ftil'1-:. za,0n urR the vacation period. "B above high school grade, and In w gcen t0 ,80 our twollty ,lolIni.a . . Just across Salmon Itlver from tho JjlKher ediicntlonnl Institutions , , , frol thtf Illltlot.B nv- N'o games scheduled. NATIONAL LKACli:. Chicago 4, New York 3. Pittsburgh -1. Iloaton .". Cincinnati 4. Philadelphia : St. Louis 7. llrooklyn 2. NoKTHvi:sTi:itN Li:.(.ri: Uallard G. Spokane 1. T.ncomn 2, Vancouver .. Victoria 0, Seattle 2. (.'iiti. is eennson. TOPPINtJ IUYS ('Alt. ilUBI 11LI UTB OMUIlw" Hi "" i" . . , ,i . .. 11 lL'itl. Di4 III II Will UIV IMHIUI nowman home. F. A. Itosencrantz Is nn oiner coneges Kansas nas n.oie ,r ,)in f,,r,v wc)1 Wl, building a log house and other devel-. ,1,,,,1ell, ,n col,c nwonlliiB to pop- Beom ,() ,t If0 Kro,.crL,H n)1 cpinent work Is being Initiated In "latlon than any other state In the dotll11K( hollBC0 an, 8l.i100ls and llb- that locality Muring the present i union. rnrles and churches and municipal .Moreover, we nave siu- iniproveinents. And then wo save dents In high schools and the In- 80me of It for bank deposit of three crease has more thnn exceeded the million five hundred thousand dol- ! growth In populntlou during the inrs. which Is the nveraco Lvon cotin A Portlnnd paper says: Mayor last five years. Thus, wo find that ty dejoslt for the tlneo years past. George Topping, of Handon. Is one of tho stnte having the largest number This Is coiibldornblv ubovo tho nver the latest purchnsers of Mitchell Six- of students In colleges, according ave depos't In tho country. When es. While In Portland Inst week ho to population, having the largest 0no considers that the total deposit conceived the Idea of spending the assessed valuation, having next to B dlstrlbuto.l nniong seventeen thous month of August on nn auto tour tho lowest death rate and hav- an,j five hundred accounts the flg and selected the car. Ing the lowest state debt In pro- urc8 ,i0 not show a prosperity denied Mr. Toimliic Intends to drive to portion to Its population. Is the s.nte hv ti... fnct im it would ir wn had , ; .. , ,, , , ' Grants Pass, taking In the points of, In which the smallest average ex- inrge deposits and few depositors. Jmiim'ttc tu lie nf .North lleml l interest on the way. He will visit pendlture Is made for liquor. Wo We have honest politics because ...,.. t,"Il'in- ! Crater Lake and after a visit with have hnved about twenty dollars a wo have no dealings with the saloon .. S'M ' Pr" ' K' V7i . A relatives will return to Handon via head from our liquor bill to spend crowd. In Lyon county nnd In Km- Van Zlle. who was committed to the nnMI1.i mmn tnr tiiim.u ivnrti, vi,u., .. .. .....!.. i... ....... i ., State Industrial School for Girls from An it0rn.tnc Incident of Mr.i i,... ,.... ., ...,' i7i" .h nf n nnnnv ...-- . . imn iin.ii uii ni' niiriiii uiu iiiiiiiiTtr iin.ii; nno ii ivii j ith that twenty or public riiniis. inero is no purcnnB h reiiri'snntH tho nblo vote In tho county. In Knnsns difference between the average Am- candidates buy printer's Ink Instead industrial scnooi ror uiru iron An Interesting Incident of Mr.i How then do wo si thlr&.SKtlo?,bvat'heW8?iS To,,,,,n8'8 pl,rcVB'c ,H l'T f",Cl ij,nt What do we do w the Institution b the State u wag a c0,npctc surprise to Mrs. ,Iollarg a ,, , .,., of Control and turned over WBB ln on a 0f the demonstration uforlbot wn . i North from Hoard to her paronts. During the last few trlg ghc wag ,.e,)t , tne ,iark a8 l0 juuiiiun hit I'uuuuci in i ui: iiibuiiiuuii jj)0 reasons for tllClll has been exemplary, and It was this that prompted the board to give her a parolo when she applied for It. nnd her parents ngrced to care for her. i:vi: sTKAi.v. Measurements of human eyes de monstrate that there Is probably no UlNllSKillT. Glrard. In tho Public Ledger, re calls Daniel Webster's declaration In ISIS that ho would never waste a penny of public money to bring the Pacific Coast nearer to Hoston by neb tl lime Ir rVc VorlVaa an ahw" tHbllshlng a cheaper mall service Jute y i erfect human eve That "oss the Itockles: and In four years 3, '?.. 'CtJ!nT",..hif,; v,,.5i Pretty near the whole world rushed 'Mill wv n llllllll IV "IMVM MIIV n illf .hhIii with all her Infinite Ingenuity, has lu . '" '"''' ., never performed. No human faco , in inter uns it nmong all the world's sixteen hun dred million may be he'd perfect, cither artistically or physiologically. To the owner of tho fnco this Is rela tively an unimportant mutter, hut to tho owner of the pair of eyes an or ror of one threft-hundredths of an Inch In tie curvature or dimensions of the eyeballs may mnke their all- important function abnormal, result has been tho habit to speak coutempuously of the In dustry of the Filipinos; hut the American company which has Just built sixty miles of railroad In Cebu testifies that the little brown man, who never hoard n locomotive whis tle until two yours kko, has become an expert railroad maker. Glrard reminds his readers of the progres of the noicro since tho day JDB IRVING BLOCK Clearance Sale Men's and Boys' Suits Blues and Blacks Included $17.00 $18.50 suits (tic: nn $20.00 4 3-UU $22.50 $25.00 SUITS T -JO iz $27.50 $10. D $30.00 $32.50 SUITS (TOfl DC $35.00 $4'.J3 SEE WINDOW NEW FALL SH0W1M in i ne fansian Windoi LADIES' SUITS fy Boys' JS 2" rav; Good assortment A! 25 E 'J" . ESPECALLYREon throughout the houstj yv uii muw ran Gog TYPEWRITERS All stnndarri mnlnc cniri nT ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington M unvu, . u. oiinui, unu on nit i riuiiuur, i or reni or excb CIcaiiIiik, repairing or now platens, work Kiiarantccd. Hlbbon, enrbon pnper (lellvereil. I'hono us your order. Phono II. Alllincu TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Ing In eye-sTaln with Its attendant whe" n ,,ll1 J,,",,.'se 'le(lHml h,0 hl" physics) Ills. The eve responds in no rlKhts n white man was bound llKhttMt physical force In the respect: today he owns 210.000 . that Is. lUIn waves which are Jnrma that Is. six times as tunny hundrwls of millions of times mnr iV."'" "" l"rr" u,r, '" ,""" "" Infinitesimal than sound waves. Tho C..ono operate other farms. ryes are the hardest worked of all J"? Vn" ( ' 'r re.ently re orgnns. ami the safely and exlsience r ,'1B1t Congressmnu J. A. T. oj human lives frenuently depend dl- "" l,f '",w '0 " '" p rectly on their accurate working. The n8 'halrinan of the Commit harmful results of ee-straln. never 'f 0I Military Affairs to dony. In wholly absent throughout life, may dignaiiily. that his conimltieo whh begin very early In childhood, even responsible for wastliiK $20.0no of In the second year. Jinny little d 11- !",,llc ,""ney exui'iiineiitlim with rtren. for Instance, are cons'antly "Hotlc flying machines and fixed the tearing their clothes, hurtlmc their """ " nuothcr committee. Todti.v legs and feet. stumbllUK and falling, "roplanos are an et-senilsl part of iM-causo their eyes are so faulty thnt r nny eiulpmcnt nt " Cr.- their estimates of the .due. location ,",', (!,'inny and Frrnce siipiiI $:'u nnd nature of objects are not carrot- ""O.noo a yenr each In developing Jy iiuade. Adults who have liitun ,nlR 1'inctlcal arm of the service, blind and are suddenly given good G'rnrd Is right. It Is never safe vision require yoais to learn to see ,0 Predict. with accuracy or safety In notion. . 1'robably six ier cent of children aro KM!HT TKJIIM.AHS XOTICH. leit lanueii. left eeines cniiillig . left haudedueM. From 0 to 10 years slr ! I .lewell. Kmliient Grnud of age many chlldreu show an Incoin- Cominander of Oregon, will mnke Ills, proiieiiiiihie "nervousness." twitching "''icim visit ui memo roiniunnitory of the hands ami face, fickle appetite Vo- l0- ' T- Saturday. 7:.10 p. m. aui various disorders, nil usually nieiuiieis nun visitor nro request ilue to eye strain. Yet almost all of "' "' preseni. erlraii expenditure for liquor nnd the of beer on election day. And, on tho Kansas expenditure? Let us tnke whole, printer's Ink Is moro whole nn example In n small but reprosen- some nnd lenves fewer bad effects tntlvo unit. I'mpoiin Is a town of on a commonwealth than beer. Wo ten thousand people, the county seat hnvo acquired n taste for printer's of a county of twenty-five thousani Ink and hnvo lost tho taste for beer, people. It Is n typical Kansas coin- That Is about the not result of thirty in unity. In Kmporln are thirty- years of the prohibition law In Knn ono groceries, five clothing stores, sas. four dry goods stores, three furnl- ture stores, two big book stores.' FMIST DKATII CLAIM PAID five bnkerlos, flvo banks, five drug stores, three Jewelry stores nnd Widow of Itn'lronil Mini Allowed six hotels And this spring, follow- SIH per Mouth. !iir a yenr of drouth, and bud crops. SALH.M. Ore. Auk. ('.. Tho stntp the town raised $7.'.,000 for a Y. industrial and accident commission Jl. C. A. building. paid its first death claim when It) Tho town has nearly twenty miles awarded Mrs. May Mason, widow of Of paving, twenty-two lllllos of Julian S. .Mason, conductor of n loc-l , - . .......... --. , ... .. ... ..... . .. , , . sione or cement hPIowiiIIch, owns Its glng trnln, who was killed In Wnllo waterworks nnd light plant tho hit- wn county July 11, n pe.islon of $110 tor being operated under n loase a month. Hosldes tho wife there collects Its own garbage and dlspos- nro three chlldreu and they were s of It in nn Incinerator, sweeps given u pension of $0 per month Its streets, has school property ex- onch, making a total of ?IS per elusive of Its high school worth n month. The widow will draw her hundred and ninety-throe thousnnd ponslon for llfo, unless she inariios. dollars, and n High school Jut com- and the children will draw their plotod and equipped nt a cost of pousln until they ro.".ch the age a hundred and fifty thousand uol- of. 10. lira. Thre public libraries are There wore 232 accidents reported nuillablo pi thoso who doslro to to the commission durliiK Hit month Sioro their minds with moro or l lino of which were fanil. Jt3 "ST 'C&Cr pv b AMMZirrm 1 yWm' -" .. i uW ;.sn f && Rp rertection these case's of eye-strain can be re lieved and should be relieved In ar ly childhood. The Importance of cor rect In tbl condition early In the chilli's stiiol years, and the inftiit iu-o of such a (onilltlon In the cduc: Hon and development of the chill must bo sups rent to every parent and Kncher. , K S. HAHCiKl.T. K. C. AXM'AI. .MlilfliNti OP STOCK. noi.nims Not'ce is hereby ulven that tho AiuiuhI ineetlnx of lint s'orknolders of the Coos liny, Hoseburg and Kastern Itallroad and NiivIkrIIoii Company Mill be held on .Monday, August 17. 19H. nt 10 o'clock a. M at the office of the Comnany in Mnrshfleld, Coo County, Oregon, SAGE TEH KEEPS Tin Hi DAK It's (iraniliuotlicr's Hooipo to Hiing Color, I.iihtro and Thickness to Halo When I'uileil, Streaked or (ny. That beautiful, even sbndn of ior i no purpnte or electing directors dark, glossy hair can only bo had hy of said company and for tho trans- browing a mlxturo of Sago Ton nnd iuuon oi sucu otner iiusiness as ftiiipnur. Your hair is your charm. ' may come before said meeting. It mnkts or mars tho fnco. When1 Ci. I.. KINt! It fados, turns grny, streaked and Secretary, looks dry, wispy and straggly, Justt an application or two of Sage nnd i l.lbby ( o.M,. Tho kind YOU hnvo Sulphur onhancos its nppenranco n ALWAYS t'SKI). Phono 7'J. Pacific ""niirouroiu. Livery ami Transfer Company. ! i)ou,t bo,!10r to I'ropnro tho tonic; 1 ' you can got from any drug store n - -JfiO-cent bottlo of "Wyeth's Sage and v . ihuipnnr ualr lleindy." rendv to' LCW RatPQ Tfir' llst- T,,,s (an lwnys l'o depended' color, thickness nnd lustro of your hair and remove dandruff, stop scalp! Iltcbllli; Mini falllni? Imlr i We haul trunks between any I ICvorybody uses "Wyoth's" Snge' points In Mnrshfleld for tho follow-! Sulphur, bocauso It darkens so' lug rates, delivery to bo niado lu . naturally and ovenly that nobody) tho first floors of building., E " , ST ."K81- . L - - - i -----. jfc ........- fiiiiiiKU in mill i inrco trunks f .25 brush with It and draw this through Three trunks 50 "o hair, taking ono small strand Twolvo trunks 1 go nt u ,.'.,uo: b' morning the gray hair Cl t e 1 r. ' "innB iiisappeareu. and after another d--tfeBf iTr-T V ,.; y AJXJWStrfyr- "I lind no idea Uiis Oil Cool: Stove would bake bread and cook everything just like my steel rane. But at does. And best of nil my kitchen stays cool these hot days. Besides, there's no coal or wood or ashes to lug. Oh, I'm delighted with it." New Perfection OIL COOK STOVE It bakes, broils, roasts ami toasts perfectly. It does all thnt any wood or coal stove can do- nnd at less cost. It doesn't smoke; doesn't taint the food. Clean, safe, convenient. Ask to see it at your dealer's. This Bank MnkoH 11 point of giving in limn. It witntN every deposi tor to fool thnt ho or she may approach lis officers freely 11ml discuss mutters which have to do with their finan cial nffnli'M. AIwhjh wlIlliiK and desirous of serving you. We Invite Your Account FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY FLANAGAN & BENNETT OlillKST HANK IN COOS COUNTY. t KstahllshiHl 1HHU. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Intercut Pub) on Tlmo Deposits Offl.crsf J. U'. liroi.i'll. Pli-Mllciil. .1. II. i'iiiuiiKiin, Vlce-Proxldoiit. f t. tt'lllt..... I..kl,lr CJfo.' I W'lnchcHlcr. At. C"-! FOR BEST RESULTS USE PEARL OIL STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Marshfield Handling Trucks Star Transfer and Storage Cr. I Levi Hclsiier, Prop. J -i'hono 120-J, 4D.L, 08-K, application it oecomos beautifully dark and appears glossy, lustrous and abundant, For salo by Drown Drug Co. A full line of MEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVES Always to be found at Ekblad Gib Son, Also Camp Stoves, Ranges, Etc. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME . - . . ...-.. v has heon n hohby with us for a good many years nnd a ' our oustoinors will tell you when It comes to Be,t ,ntr ,i tt Humble framing mntorlnl at tho right price we - frf iiess. Just toll whnt you want to build and the nnioaiuj to spend and wo'U get busy with our pencil and figure om your monoy can buy. Trv us. C. A. Smith Lumber &Mfe-& IIKTAUj DKPAUTMKNT m CUT TIIK I'UEIj HILL IS TWO 11V USIXO Oj-" " ffJ I'llU.M'j 1H(). in- ou" Ideal Summer Trips ON LAUNCH EXPRESS Leaves Marshfield every week ut 8 a. m. Leaves Marshfield overy Sunday at 8 a. m. and eery i - p. ni, . rtr-.. r, ... ... n,n,nn nDnllMn. iiii-ui k-Kf.k. i.uiiwL. a ni 1 1 uiiiimii. inuu lv ... Bring your lunch baskets, kodak and fishing a'e sPecIKf- rlnvn' ,.,.!.. o l.. o-.l.l o...l nil nlonlC CrOUs "1 -lttit Excursion to South Coos Rlvor every day. I' or cuan arrangements, apply on board. Abstracts, Real Estate. Fire and Marine Insurant TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO, HKNltr SENGSTAOKBN, MbP gHtf. FARM. COAL, TIjmER AND PLATTINO LANDS A 9 GENERAIi AGENTS EABTSn)' , MARSnFlEIJ) OFFIOK. PHONE i 4 OOQUILIiE CITY OFFIOB PHONB ,', U