.HE r,imuWfvviw-p,v mMKStf THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1914. EVENING EDITION. FIVE Wd "Mi, fiv. SI 2jM HI 3 Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes at greatly reduced prices. If you purchase Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes now, its like buying a high grade, big dividend-paying share of stock at a low figure For a small investment you get huge returns in clothes satisfaction and value. Look at these prices; then ook at the goods 10.00 Men's Suits $19.85 $27.50 Men's Suits $17.85 $25.00 Men's Suits $15.85 $20.00 Men's Suits $12.85 $18.50 Men's Suits $11.85 $15.00 Men's Suits $10.85 f $10.00 Boys' Suits $7.15 $9.00 Boys' Suits $6.15 $7.50 Boys' Suits $5.85 $G.50 Boys' Suits $4.85 $5.50 Boys' Suits $3.85 $5.00 Boys' Suits $3.45 BLUES AND BLACKS 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT DA UK STAPLE WORSTEDS.. .15 PUR CENT DISCOUNT Woolen Mill Store Be Royal TONIGHT UClliLK IX)VE THE GIRL OP MYSTERY" In Two I tods. this serial. "ItV ltAl)llic lllVDii Modern Melodrama In Two Reola "I,n'l' 1VII lmr..nn.. jJoker Comedy with Max Asher. K MUD HATH ELOPEMENT" "uu rowers Comedy with Bob Leonard "THi: DAILY NEWS" Sees All Known All. lteelvioo Feet of All Now I'ictiires. MlMlccinv. rWOr Pn- Lie ' ' ' "llnlrnnr in Daniel Frohmnn PrS. t,. ay VKS"? L 4he ;;. r,,"" CITIZEN" I everle8t ,Rounntlo Comedy er shown In Pour Reels. "".ft!1" XlRliU h Pletu e . .""S: Lr0U8 story ot the same name. GRAND HEATRE O-NIGHT T DANCE Bj North Inlet Social Club "l urm miet Social Hall Saturday Nteht, Music by Piatt's Orchestra. m W! will leave jmiemaw o'clock1 SPECIAL extraordinary: WOFHAM SCHMEDDINO Tho German Flutest. In Special Solos. This will bo tho musical treat of tho year. You cannot afford to miss it. PHOTOPLAYS "THE MYSTERY OP ROOM 013" A two-reol picture featuring Francis X. Bushman, tho world's most popular plcturo player. "A DARING GETAWAY" A good Dlograph drama tlfat will lntorest anyone that en Joys good pictures, 'THE HASTY JUDGMENT" A splendid offering excep tionally good acting and beau tiful stage settings make this a dandy plcturo. CUPID MAKES A BULL'S EYE SEEING IS RELIEVING" A Good Comedy Children 5c Adults 15c Coining Tuesday: "GERMINAL, OR THE TOLL OP LAROR" A feature that you can .. depend upon as being good. HODGE IN CURRY. Antl- 'Jy Crusader to Spend Month'H Vacation There. Tho Eugono Register says: Dr. Clinton Fremont Hodge, of tho de partment of social biology at tho Unlvorslty, and known tho stato over for his efforts toward a "flyless Ore gon," is mnklng preparations for a month's vacation and expects to leavo tho boglnnlng of next week for Curry county. Ills last lecture of tho summor will he at the Choniowa Indian school on tho subject of "Dlrds." "And I havo my liconso for hunt ing in my pocket," tho doctor declar ed yesterday, "nnd If a big buck dis puted the trail with mo I would bo apt to shoot, but really I would rath er watch them." Ho will travel with only n light outfit, making farm houses and mountain hotels his head Quarters, going out from thero for short trips Into the mountains, "way back as far from civilization as I can got." FIREMEN'S DANCE, EAGLES' hall SATURDAY night. Martin's orchestra. 158-R PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY JUST IN A complete line of D. M. C. Embroidery and Crochet Cotton all sizes and colors. PEOPLES 5-10-15c STORE Myrtle Point Ilandon Marshfleld BREVITIES AUGUST TIDES. Below Is given tho tlmo nnd height of high and low water at Mnrshfield. The tides nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino and heights on tho socond lino of oach day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will ln dlcnte whether it Is high or low wntor. For high water on tho bar subtract two hours 34 minutes. lira.. Ft. . . lira. . Ft... lira.. Ft... lira.. Ft... Hrs. . Ft... 2.G9 CO 3.38 r..s 4. 10 5.G 4.GG G.l G.3S 4.7 9.29 0.3 10.01 0.0 10.30 0.4 10.58 0.S 11.21 1.3 4.03 G.3 4.31 G.4 5.00 G.G G.28 G.C G.GS G.C 9.3S 1.0 10.13 l.G 10.GG 1.4 11.37 1.2 0.0 0.0 Bring Apples. Matt Jutstrom to day shipped down several boxes of urnveiiBteln apples from his South Coos River ranch, the finest that havo been brought hero this season. N'o Tn Penalty. The Coos Coun ty Commissioners In session nt Co qulllo adopted a resolution eliminat ing the flvo per cent penalty which It wns proposed to chargo on tnxes that luivo not been paid. Scott. Roy Victim. Chester Scott, of South Slough, four-year-old son of S. P. Scott, was drowned nbout D n. m. yestordny when ho fell Into u well. The body 1b thought to havo been In tho wolf a half hour before ho was missed nnd efforts to revive him were futile. The boy's father is n tic-maker. GETS GAY 10 GOES TO JAIL Swedish Meetings. There will bo a meeting tonight nnd another one Sunday i)lght at the Eastsldc school house nt which services will bo con ducted In tho Swedish laiigungo by Uov, Aug. Olson. There will nlso be a meeting nt GrniuleH's boarding house nt 2 o'clock Sunday after noon. All Scandinavians are invited. WEATHER FORECAST Br AMorlitHl Treti la Ccxx lit? TlmM.) OREGON Fair and wanner In cast, with northwesterly winds. IOCAIj temperature RECORD. For the 24 hours ending nt 4:43 a. m.. August 7, by Ren J. Ostllnd, special government mo toorologlst: Maximum 74 Minimum GO At 1:43 a. in Gt I'rcclpltntlon 00 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1913 GC.G4 Precipitation samo period last year 04.81 Wind: Northwest; clonr. REOPhB'YOU HORN. l MURPHY To Mr. and Mrs. J. Murphy, n daughter, tholr second child, Thursday, August C. Moth er nnd child are doing nlcoly nnd Pkmow ABOUT HERBERT THOM or Lebanon Is In town for a few days. O. II. MATTLEY went to Coqulllo on mo cany train. OHO. N. HOLT loft for Conulllo Val ley points today. JOHN MESSERLE wns in from Catching Inlet today. MISS NELLIE CHURCH wns n Mnrshflold shopper todny. S. G. WHITSETT of Rnndon wns a business visitor In town yesterday. JAMES McCUTCHEON came In last evonlng from Rcnvor Hill on business. George Frazier Resents Officer Doane's Kindness and Is Punished. As n result of Geo. Frnzlor get ting too gay with Officer Donne last night, he had to spend tho night iu tllQ rltV lull Inntnnil nf l.nt...r ..... j leased on $G cash bond. Frnzler Is 'said to havo boon working on tho lnorrv-irn-rmiiiil nml 1nu ..i..i.t t alleged to havo tanked up. Ho la charged with insulting othors on tho street nnd molesting some women. After ho wns tnkon Into custody, ho bCKECfl Off mill nnlll Mint llln mnrrf- go-round proprietor would furnish hull fni III... n.,.i nrrinnH r,...... . .. "" " t.llU UllKLI LUUI1U IUUK him to the lnttcr's quarters In the Rogers Hotel. The merry-go-round man ugreed to put up tho $G nud Frnzler then attempted to shut tho door In Donne's fnco nnd mndo him Insinuating remnrks, whereupon Donno took him bnck to Jail. A young follow named Kirk who was with him also got too gay with Of ficer Doane, although ho was not Involved nt first, nnd wns also taken to Jnll. Joe Engross, J. J. I.cnry and Snm Agnmullnn were tho othor offenders taken In Inst night. Johnson Jh Ht'lcnM'd. Bert JoIiiiboii, who wns Involved In tho Henryvlllo fracas last winter nnd who genernlly lands In Jnll when ho comes to town, wns roleascd from Jnll todny by Mnrshnl Cnrtor. Ho wns nrrcatcd ngnln for Intoxication, hut Incked funds to pny his flno. v. ii mi uimu uiu UU11I& mvuiy III1U - - Mr. Murphy Is wearing tho biiiIIoIa- E. MORTEN was hero from North Hint .!. n... f I Ilnn.l tnllnu nt lillallln.n n.t.f ..! that won't como off. Ik'corntloiiH for Shrine Tho street decorations will be loft up for the Shrlnets' visit next Tuesday. Many of tho Shrlncrs are cxpoctcd to nr rlvo Sunday. Rend today on business and pleas ure, Services Hero. Rov. F. Zohe, of tho Lutheran church of Mt. Angel, Oregon, will preach nt tho Swedish Luthoran hall In tho German lan guage tonight at 7:30 o'clock. CIiooso Pnstor. At a mooting of tho congregation of tho Mnrshflold Swedish Luthoran church, Rov. B. F. Rongtson was noloctcd to fill tho vncancy In tho pulpit caused by tho resignation of Rov. J. V. Benson. Rov. Rongtson will toko charge next week. R. A, COPPLE arrived homo Inst nlgnt from his extended eastern trip. CLASSIFIED Ad E. J. COFFELT and wlfo of North Bond nro spending tho dny In Co qullle. T. M. COLLVER, tho well known rnuchor, wns a Marshfleld business visitor today. J. M. FLETCHER AND WIFE ar rived yesterday from Rosoburg to spend a few days In this section. MISS ELIZABETH TELLEFSON of Enstsldo has returned from n visit nt tne homo of her sister In Port land. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ! - FOR HALE Fitst driving team, luir ness nnd two-seated hack, reason able. E. S. Barzeo, North Bond. FOR RENT Modom G-room, fur nished houso, closo In, for two months. No chlldron. GC7 South Gth. Phono 7G-L. FOR HALE Fnut driving team, rews onnblo. E. S. Barzce, North Bond. FOUND lliuul - pointed crescent breast pin and black silk button, at Rest Room. Owner can bare same by Identifying them at th Times office. L. Hfcito Official Coming. It. T. Spalding, who has boon In this vicin ity In tho Interests of tho Stato In dustrial Commission, received n tole- (7inm thin tiinrnlnt- frmti Tl nntlr. with, chairman of the Commission,) s saying he would bo on Coos-Bay this week. COCHRAN and wlfo of Coqulllo wuo navo neon on a minting trip on tho Drain road, came in on tho Gnsgo. C. CARLTON, of Lnkesldo, nnd Glndys Toward, of Notitfh Inlet, ennio In on the North Star this morning. Ict Contract.-Goorgo" nnd Joo Roborts of Tompleton have been a warded tho contract for carrying thd mall between North Rend and Gar diner threo times a week. Their bid for tho year wns J399G, while W. C. Rhodes bid $4350 and Clark Allen 94500. m im m MM a Iflt mife ServiccH Sunday. Dr. J. R. N. Boll of Corvallls will preach at tho Mnrshflold Presbyterian church Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. Dr. Boll was for years stationed at Baker City and lator Corvallls. Ho Is a member of tho Shrluers and Is also chaplain of tho Knights Tomplar, Moving Camps. Copenhagen Bro thers, who havo boon constructing the Coos Bay-Eiigono lino track be twoen tho Umpqun nnd tho big tun nel, have completed tholr work and aro now moving their camps and outfit ncross tho river near Reods port to build north from tho Ump qun. "Wl In Conullle. Hnrvor Gurnca nnd Miss Minnlo Parkor, both of North Bond, wero marrlod nt Co- qulllo Wednesday, Judgo Hall offic-! latlng. Wm. Futchott and Leah Heath were tho witnesses. Tho brldo ' has been conducting the Star Rooin-I Ing House in North Bond, while the ! groom conducts a repair shop there. North Bond Wedding. J. W. Hunt, a woll known Marshfleld car pentor, and Miss Gertrude Arms, of North Bend, wore married Wednes day in North Bend, tho Rev. A. S. Hlsey officiating. Tho brldo is a sister of Mrs. Elmer Woods. The young couplo went to Port Orford for their honeymoon and will make their home In Marshfleld, MRS. L. A. WHEREAT and soiib and her father loft today for South Coos Rlvor. whero thoy will camp out for a while. G. A. SIONALNESS of Portland, who Is Interested In the Cooston and Crawford townsltcfi. Is In Marsh fleld. Ho Is staying nt tho Blanco. H. .1. M'KEOWN nnd W. J. Conrnd returned todny from n deor hunt nt Dr. DIx's ranch. Mr. McKcown saw six, hut ho wns unable to bag them. MRS. O. P. DeZARDO. who has boon visiting In North Bend, left today for Euroka. Sho was accompanied to Coqulllo by Mrs. R. Parr of North Bend. L. II. PULLY of Portland, and his son-in-law, Georgo Nagol, aro stopping nt tho Blanco. Thoy had Intended leaving for Rosoburg to dny, but Mr. Nagel took sick and thoy had to stay over, WM. HUTCHISON AND WIFE and dnughtors loft yesterday In their auto for their homo In Portland, nftor a delightful fow weoks' visit with Mrs. Gnmmlll and other friends on tho Bay. WANTED Girl for Koral house work. 755 Elovonth street south. FOR RENT Furnished two-room housekeeping apartment. 413 No. Second street. FOR RENT Lurgo liouso on 12th Court South. Phono 119-L. FOR RENT FOE RENT RwiHonnhle, nicely fur nished 5-room flat, with bath. Centrally located on North Front street. Key nt Johnson & Gul ovsou. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 095 First aud Birch. Phono 239-J. FOR SALE FOR fSALli llooiiilng houso near Chandler Rotol. Phono 140-J. FOR SALE Rnnjo nnd violin. Cheap If taken at onco. Phono 721 North Bend, FOR SALE CHEAP 20-foot cnbla launch, Union onglno, big bargain, best ranch boat on Bay. Inquire at NelBon Iron Works. HELP WANTED WM. HILL left last evonlng with tho big Shay onglno, which will bo used on tho Smith-Powers road beyond Myrtlo Point. It wns usod at South Slough and was recently overhauled. Coming Here. A. L. Pearson, a former resident of Tacomn and Bel llngham, and of Salem, Oregon, was In Eugene on his way to Marshfleld and Florence. To Btnrt a business college and architectural school in one of those towns is Mr, Pearson's purpose in making tho trip to the coast points. Ho believes that Marsh fleld or Florence offers a good op portunity for such an enterprise us ho contemplates. He will leave on a trip of inspection, which will Include Ban'don, North Bfend, Coqulllo, as well as Marshfleld and Florence. MRS. DR. J. M. LOWE of Tho Dalles arrived in Mnrshflold to visit for several weeks at tho homo of her brother, J. C. Cooloy, nnd her mother, Mrs. J. II. Wlldoi;, of rernuaio. WANTED Stenographer, familiar with lumbor biiBlnoBS. Apply Coos Bay Manufacturing Cov North Rend. FOUND I FOUND 2 gentlemen's rents, nt dnnco pavilion Wednesday night. Owners mny havo samo at Sar tor's Coufoctlonory. LOST A hlher brooch, between Fourth street nnd Highland avo., near Central School Houso and Front street and Market avo., Mon day, August 3, Kindly leavo at this office. Reward, Finish Site. E. L. Robinson was at North Bend today and stated that tho levelling of tho site for Tho Simpson Hotel had been practically completed, finishing the grading on Montana between Sheridan and Pony Slough. The contract for excavating ;or the hotel was not let, only ono bid being received. A. L. MURPHY Is a recent arrival on Coos Bay from Monroe, Or., and ho expects to make his future homo here. Mrs. Murphy, who Is visiting nt her old home In Chi cago, will arrlvo hero In September. KENNETH HOUSER, whose father Is a member of the firm of Hous cr & Houser, arrived here today and will spend some time on tho work betwoon Coos Bay and Ton Mile. Ho has been In Montana and British Columbia since leaving horo. MILTON . CARLSON loft today on tho Adellno Smith for Berkeley, Cal whore ho will ontor tho Uni versity of California. Ho was graduated from tho Marshfleld High School last June and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. August Carlson, Perfect Promoters Maurine Beauty Lotion Maurine Satin Cream Maurine Astringent Lotion Maurine Rosebud Rouge Sold Exlusively by IjM. XtfAi.i, .M..L, mnmtnmmfmmaPwitminrnmtnmmtmiKwmmnmvv 22222SSaa