rnTTIOiTMiil Hill- i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1914. EVENING EDITION. FOUR mOfi RAY TIMRS tln ft 11 r'liXVn'eS.-K " h aaw A at a A '... r .. ,. iIiaI she or shoeing, etc. conn- .. -- ant keen them for less, some say ilialr ninitprntp nrlred niltOS 'ost thorn 310 a month to run. but It t likely that the cost of each approxi mate' the other dependent upon th n man who owns It. All this enters M. P. MALON'EV Editor ami Tub. i),v E. MALOXEV. ...News Editor WAU NOT IMIOIITAIILE. B IS TO JE IBM FOREST LONDON UA-XKS OPEX. In Former North Bend Condens sary Man and Wife Fin ally Separated. G HhMrl tU i ! . . .. ... ! mn!1B nonular tmnresslon ' that fl big war Is always profitable to int0 the estimate of the man who the newspapers Is far from cor- --can't afford." Text. Sales show an undoubted In-' This Is no plea for the auto or crease whenever war looms up, but ' for the careless or foolish expend! the extra cost of special news far , tures. On the contrary. But slm nioM than offsets that additional piy a justice forces the conclusion jdvenue. The South African engage-, ti,'at the allegation of utterly unjust jnent cut deeply Into the dividends ined buvlng of machines by persons of London's leading Journals. As a wno refuse on that account to pay Tjle nreeonlan arriving here yes -phllnrlnliihln nnnf nmnnfrtrV nhspreS Imnadf .falita la nvordnnp nnil Ol er- iA.,ln.. t.n,4 l.n fnllnwltirr tmtyy Pin. -A convention of newspaper proprle-Mjrawn Also. et us get down to ' clnnnti concerning the former man-1 fire which started Wednesday near tors would as quickly Indorse a great ,r8f,8 tacks on this weepful plea for aser of the xorth Dend Condensary: Belknap Springs, continues to spread war for their own money-making the grocery man who can't get his -Extreme crueltv was the ground rapidly and In the big timber, lhe purposes as a farmers' grange would money. Let's Insist that the grocer on whlch countv Probate Judge Leu- J Forest Service Is rushing more men Tote to employ a pack of wloves to ana- the butcher and the printer and 1 ders acting as 'insolvency Judge, to- to the scene. zuara tneir sneep. i the rest 01 us who exieuu i-mm - jav granted a divorce to .Mrs. Alice Blaze in Timber Near Albany Is Spreading Rap 1 idly. ttr Am ltfJ l'fw to l"oo lUy Tlaiw 1 ALBANY. Or.. Aug. 7. A forest riiinnrlnl Situation N Improved llrltMi Capital. tllr Aoroi lalr.1 t'rwn to Coon ll)- Tlmm 1 LONDON, Aug. 7. The flnnnelnl district of London resumed n normal 'aspect today with the reopening of ftl... Iinnla ftitnrnat (titllnrml nrnlltiil the Hank of England where n largo crowd gathered eager to exchange paper money for gold. Mrs. Iluth Brynn Owen, daughter of Secretary Brynn and wife of a captain of the Royal Engineers, Is sued today an nppcnl for nsalstnnce EATING IN SUMMER. shall fuss with the credit man more , than the public oer our own bad Judcment of credits. And lets look Trip ndvlrp that one must eat ahout among the auto owners we if. fn warm "eaXr 5 thSl k..ow. Perhaps we shall find these heavy foods are not required Is grocery bills closer up to date than ometlme taken to mean hat eating ?""&?t ".M.S Is not important during the st.mmer mai-hlne. hy not quit twins oer month, lint thla u a dancerous mis- a condition? The auto is here to Sand one which ml otorSt to "IK to bur. we all want one from tnero rnrelesnes I and w ,len ll romes ,0 a l)rlce ot a "& 'nCI f"e.,e" "!?,. ,. .i.n, J new car at the price of a horse and KIRKS ON SIUSLAW. Because one s appetite Is delicate the need of food should not be over looked. The right choice of diet has much to do with health and strength. As well expect a fire to turn without fuel us a body to work -without proper supply of nourish-aient. biiccy or a second hand at less than that, a lot of people are able to have It. WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST HOW MUCH TOO MUCH'.' If we nienn to secure whatever we -ary. 1913, she testified, he told her H. Keating, from John H. Keating of Portland. Ore. I ,. ., ... , . The wife has been living with her Hip Bl 0" tRc ' I"ros wealthy and prominent parents at1 ,.,.. f'i"10 V,,nt' ... , r.24 Hale avenue. Avondale, Clncln-. EUGENE. Or.. Aug. '.Telling of natl. since January 15, 1013. n terrific battle against forest fires Her father Is August E. and receiving news of lio.OOO ex ra Muth, millionaire baker. The wed- nioney for fighting fires. Carl Oglsby. ding date was October 2C. 1012. The deputy state forester, returned on the wife testified thnt almost Immediate-. Willamette Pacific from the Sluslnw lv after the wedding she and her district, where five serious fires have husband had gone to Portland to live .been burning. Two of these have and she gave him a considerable I covered over 200 acres and have sum of money, which her father had, burned '" Rrecn timber. All are now given her. beside paying her own ""der control, but only after the transportation to Portland. construction of fire lines and the She claims that while living In efforts of scores of fire fighters and Portland her husband neglected her. nearby residents. often nasslnc all of a Sunday In the cellar. "leaving her alone." Whent she decided to come home In Jnnu A TLANTA. Georcln. has become . ""; . . .. . ini.runn.i I.. ., nnnnn ih.i it The safest rule. I think. 3k i. ..nvin.. mn ...!, tn c. on,i ' to put a want ad In The Times o ! p fcwu iiii.ii ivi dm IamIhIiI an investigation l desired. Atlanta pays a rate of $ 1 a thousand feet for xas and It Ib claimed the rate Is 20 per cent higher than Is charged In other cities of the same class as At lanta. In Marshflcld the cas rate Is $1.75 per thousand. If Atlanta has a chance to complain at Its $1 rate, how much ton much is Marshflcld paying for gas? It Is n subject that will bear Investigating, particularly since tho public utility commission now has authority to handle the charges of uch corporations tonight. And we'll get It, quick as a wink. If a man was as good as he wants his wife to be. Old Satan would have to close up the Hades House for lack of boarders. THREE HANGED I Some Coos Bay people would rather send a dollar to the 'eatlien thnn give the poor at ' home n pleasant look. AUTOS AND CKOt'KHV RILLS rjpHL statement was recently pub ii puunsncu mat one person every 2t In California owned an automobile, whereupon a paper down there commented: "How many of the twenty four have their autos fully paid for and how many are permit ting the grocer nnd printer to "whistle" for his?" Tho place to answer that ques tion Is at home. It is probably true that nine autos out of ten, perhaps nlncy-flve out of 100 that eome into any section have been paid for when purchased. That Is proba bly true of the automobiles thnt Ply the streets of Marshfleld nnd tho country roads out side. It Is possibly true that some of the own ers borrowed tho money to buy theirs and thnt they owe some or all that they borrowed. But gen ncrally speaking tho auto ownor Is able to have It. It Is likely that raoro nioney is owed other business piaccs man at the garage. Other people's troubles bore a man more thnn his own. People who praise themselves al- . i nu.vn uiume outers. " . Wnniun flatter with their eyes: she might as well prepare to stay. She said she sent him a telegram I asklnir for reconciliation without (.vail. Mr. Keating resides In Laurelhurst ' and Is connected with the St. Charles Land Cotnnnny. according to the Portland directory. John H. Keating, familiarly known' as "Jack," Is one of the principal of- . . . .. , ., . , . fleers of the St. Chnrles Land Com- LOUISiaiia MOD MeteS Olit JllS- pnny, which 1 as offices In the St. Charles Hotel. His residence nd dress Is given In the directory us 143 Laurelhurst avenue. Mr. Keating wag formerly a song writer and has written many popular hits. Mrs. Keating has visited with friends in Portland us recently as months ago. tice to Robbers Who Killed Old Man. men with their tongues. i A fussy person quickly sours the mill . I.lt...r. 1.l...l.... i..i ui lllllllllll IMIIlllll'BB. All women are born reformers and they want to begin on some man. When a wife weeps scalding tears her husband finds himself In hot water. When It comes to keeping In the straight nnd narrow way, the tight rope walker is all there. Malaria begins with a chill nnd ends with a fever. Love begins with a fever nnd ends with n chill. If n clrl knows she's nrnttv hop lMinu-lnftfr.k Id..1. .I..n n t.n rnA l.n. ! ....... .....nv .nil t iiiiu tu mu iilVi iliuk some other girl ever told her. Nature has arranged all things to some purpose. When a man makes a fool of himself he provides amuse ment for others. During tho courtship n young cou ple sit around and hold hands in WHEAT CROP IS LARGEST EVER,; inr .o titrj Pfr In Coo ltt T(mf 1 MONROE. La.. Aug. 7. Preston Griffin nnd Chnrles Hnll, negroes. several wt're hanged early today by a mob, j less man iwen-y-four liours after I Henry Holmes was lynched here in i connection with tl-e same crime. A. 1.1. Madden, an aged grocer, was killed by burglars Wednesday nnd Holmes was captured and lynchei. Ho is said to have confessed nnd Impllcat j ed the other two. ?' .ti,,?..Amor,c." lrcu i. vu.iii minions In M nfVftOU((Vl Jocts suffer.,,, .g lllr Amoi ltlp.1 I'r tJ ,0iL, LIMA. tw,. ... !,E"V vlan government today "uSjNl wiuwuiijj ior llilrtv ,tnv. i l""l list 8th. uaMr0nu, DR. If. E, H. II. E. KEtrv lii.. Phono 112-.T. Rnntn 204 fc?"U ;- RANK BOARD READV. . Dr A.ltJ Pnn to foot 1U; Tlmn. WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 7. The nominations of Paul M. Warburg and Frederick A. Do- ' lano as members of the Fedorul Reserve Board were confirmed I by the Senate tonight. I United States Will Produce Many Million Bushels More Than Formerly. tnr amocI.i.! rm t. c.oo. u. Timi CORUKfi RUVS WATU.RWORKS. WASHINGTON. D. .. Aug. 7. ' , This country's record-brenklng crop ' Ruckniini Tunis Over Plant for of winter whent amounts to 675.000,-1 SIH.HOO for llontN. 000,000 bushels, the Department of , Kl GENE. Or., Aug. 7 The little Commerce announced. This is 22.- r,"' of Coburg. six miles north of 000,000 bushels more thnn the forc-iiUKene- now ow"8 its waterworks. total There was filed for record at tho l county clerk s office a deed convev silence, but nfter mnrrlace woli. ' cast In July -. .. " ---.. M.U- I - ... ,-; oij,j.. 1 mats nnotner story. "- spring wttuai crop ... .. .utc nC me iuhiiik a great 1236,1 deal of trouble over ntitomobllei and had ax'to m rnn-vr than iiie posiiouiiy mat home one owe i)r. It. V L....- .irnvn m Mvnin The snrin'g wheat In Washlncton iim of $13,300. tho lot on which J3i5.0O0.OOO bushels. 3S.000.000 less "K tie plant owned by Herbert F. 11 the July 03tlmato. j;tf:;num t- "e municipality for the This is to announce GOODROAD'S that owi. tmirh Vin?ra 1 "i "la" Pont '" hl new ,u' Sunday and tate Is estimated nt twenty-two and j "' I,Int stands, tho pump, the tow- ... ... tvffT ,ti7 iitin 11 ithii 1 tciiiiii tiiAfn urn. .... . 1... n.... 1 nna.nnir huiiiaii inm m b i i-i . iiiiik 11 mm 11 1 thumb nun ninint tia ,a ..u. ..... .."". ..." "". """ u' '"""! "- 1 .i,i. .i.. .....: "7 "".. r'.- iu-nil 11 11. Dim i.v mnsning a rcmier and . j .i. , ... .. (...., u licit! and tho fact that he has credit sug n.tlm that . 1.-... . VIIHIlll, Ulllli; IIIIIBIIIIIK II It'll! rare of h.mLu" ?,MV?Tnh ,0, ? ,,en,,,,"; he fra' "' ' rare or himself fairly well mid hn drove over to Mnrshfleld ves colt ni ,hJ , J Lll"? .vVr ,h0 out nKnl- Th? accident was vunv uiiu liih iiavninnr rnr tiia m. chlne. he and the banker who loan ed him or the dealer who nave him credit Un't it to be assumed that tno banker and the auto dealer Jcnow pretty well to whom thev loan or soil and that the groier man and the printer are the best Judges ui meir own creil t ii-rnnnt. car. He terday. straightened caused lv HeruiHti being on tho wrong sldo of the street. Dandon Recorder. TROURLE AT DRESDEN. (ii-iiiuui Muli Atlm-kK RrltUli I-pi lion There. in Axtii Prw to roi tnr TlmM J DRESDEN. Aug. 7. The Ilrltlsh id A Rrwt dl of tSL i?niUn,i' . ' "K3BN. Aug. 7.-The nrllli over X n, !' l,M bre" ",ia.,,e 'K"tlon here was mobbed today an Such purchRMs seem rnmninn imi fllo .nn...l.... . .. .. "' ". "' ' ... BvuiiiiiiK ib larger than the '" .ooouy worries ovor any or uiiinr orth and now vul ineie liiuiiK miiimi r- i.i..i.,. n"v( norsoiiii iwriioLics. aitextion: than j iiiiihM iiiuitTiiii Mr run MiMtin rr until wno ownn n good boru 3..7" ":;.."." r" :. '.' . .."".?" '." some where betw.inn inn ""''. vi 1 ue nei.i iminoaiateiy ?500 buggy which whs wnrih aneV. uwllon next .Sunday. Aug Perhaps suo. Inr esJ at $t0 U8' 9',101?- ! n,,,s of tho propos0l, .1 .. iiniuwn ill J1U, nilll' I'llliroli will l.a .rnonln.l til IIIKie 1NU11H ml, In, I ., l.i..l.,. ' imi.vui, 4111 tno lOSl Ol U imv nniMili. ' machine of tun r n. '..':"'.. "... POhent rapacity It costn J20 a iiuuith to J:113 j'Pri.0 nt home lutludliiR hhoe Interested will kindly bo Ily order of lliilhlltur nnd Flnaiue Committee J A MILTON CARLSON ON EUROPEAN CRUISE NOW Milton Carlson, a graduate of tho Marshfleld high school and son of Mr. and Mrs. August Carl son. Is probably nearer tho scene 1 of the European naval struggle than any other Coos Ilnylte. He Is an Annapolis cadet and has Just been making n cruise to European ports on the U. S. 1 training ship Syria. The Srla was nt London according to the ' Inst advices Mr nnd Mrs. Carl- 1 son hnd from their sou. . . sldos other nnnurtennnces. and the city officials have taken charge of tho works. Several months ago the people vot ed by n large majority to Issue bonds In the sum paid for the plant nnd tho bonds wero sold only n short tlmo ago. tho denl for tho purchase of the plant being at once consummated. RLAMES OUTSIDE AGITATORS. in WHITE. Secy. Mid-Summer Sale Still Continues Saturday, Monday and Tuesday will be Record-Break-incj days. Come and see what we are offering. 98c Roys' (.'.ilutc.i Wash ijles. $1 r.O and $1 7:. Suits Renuilful patterns, kln.lb. on hiile, per suit. . . .irlous Itfiuitlful ssintiiieiit olMlilily Rlmist Made of riiieM gill- ftt-t An nua. aru-,y ot latest styles.fonnerl) up to J'J SO. sale price J) U HmiKttloH ,pi mis Full bUe. light and dark colors, special . . . I7i- All White .IniMiiitso Civpes In corded stripes nnd checka, the ISc finality, now 8ic Men'j, I'lne ,Sii) Nay, grade, onlj, a pair Grey. Tan and Rluck, the J0e 10 Ibillilng Suits for Ltulles .Men ami Roys All spoclally priced. u-ulles wiiiio Wnlsts Of Voiles. Lawm. and Marquisettes, Inrgo vuiloty of styles, $3 value, during this sale Pure IJneii Tonellngs during this sale . . . . 98c -Full widths, ISc nnd 20e quality, 9ic fi(Jsat'Iliin or Money Refunded THE FAIR Central Avenue Next Door to Chandler Hotel COOS BAY TIMES DAILY CONUNDRUM Answer to yesterday V: "Why Is a man watching a bnnebnll game like a spoiled spud?" Recnuse he is a specked tnter. GOODRUM'S GARAGE will now supply all motor car owners of this com munity with Firestone Tires Tubes and Accessories An ever growing demand for Firestones in this locality and every locality where quality is appreciated has made it necessary to establish headquarters here. The Firestone factory the Larg est Exclusive Tire Factory in the World hns nnm increased crcatly and the output hns jumped 787c This enormous output, made under perfect factory conditions, makes it possible to sell Firestones at a price no (.'renter than others are forced to charge for tires made in less economical factories. Call at Firestone Headquarters Above for Biggest Tire Value Firettone Tire &. Rubber Company Akron, Ohio Branch! and DaaUrt ETrrwhr "Amtrk'$ Urtnt EitUtlM Tlrt and Rim tUkrt" d'(ienioi- Stounit Say Trouble .Minitmiii N .Not Widespread. tllr AmoUI1 I'rvM 10 Coo lUy Tlinw I Ill'TTK, Mont.. Aug. 7. The local labor disturbances cannot be tnken n an Indication thnt thero is general dlsKatlsfactlon among tho orgnnlzed workmen of the stnte. according to the testimony of Govornor Stownrt before the Federal Industrial Rela tions Commission today. "The dis turbances here nre caused solelv hvl outside Influences." ho deelard. I "There Is no state In the Cnlon where organised labor Is ns well satisfied as In Montana." Tho conundrum editor took n ' 1 vacation today. be back. Motut'iy he will ALLIH.'AXV lTi:.MS. t Special to Tho Times. 1 1IA.VDOX OlltL II CUT. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I-rank I'lnm of Hear Creek fell from a bicycle, dislocating her arm. Med ical attention was promptlv given and she Is getting along nicely at tho pivvnt'. Hnndou Hecordfr. DAXDOX PLAXT STAIITS. The Perry veneer plant started op- Mil ill iinittl.in. I I.. !.. - ana. - iiiiiuiiiK m in orner now ana -iiuiui k'iii yesieruav morning af seeral deer have been killed very iter a shut-down of several weeks near Alleunnv In the Inst fnu- it.vi I nnd will mwratn ii..t..iiitt.. 1, ..' The roads from here to Soottsliiiru I'errv can secure snnipa lnVa "nI are In fine condition nnd the autos has sufficient orders ahead to keen make the best time now that they Mho plant going constantly, but his vvr Hutu, mure ure not so manv through passengers lately. Karl Gray, Lulu Hodson and Mr. Smith and wife went out to Gould Lake, near Klkhorn ltanch. last Wednesday for a two weeks' camp ing trip. We hope they will have a good time. ...Mrs. C Hitch and sister are only troublo Is In securing logs, as so iiniiiy 01 me camps have shut down. Uundon Recorder. oami: m:si:uvi: law. A Fresh Line of Fruits and Vegeta bles Arrived Today PEACHES GRAPES PLUMS PEARS WATER MELONS CANTELOUPES SWEET POTATOES -GREEN PEAS GREEN CORN RH UBARB - TOMATOES AND COOS RIVER SUMMER SQUASHES A man slgnllle the nnmn of Prani- Drown writes from Grants Pass to 5 camping at present , Gould's Groro asklns "that Ms horae.tead be inadS I ::rt,r,.;V,1,0!Vy; $" Woodbury a gaiilo refuge h,5 'reoifes? M not r tlioro camping lie granted, however, under the con- Mr Langworthy and family .S'WaSeS &t tiV,,,Mia fcw ,,ay.S.at ,h0 a'n; himself. He reserves the right to rails. They wero drlvon up In tho kill the game that might akeref.ile stage car by Cant. Herman Kdwards. on his ho.nestea for home consiS who returned in the morning In, tlon only, but Is bitter in hUdenunl time to ako the Alert to town. .i.uion of those who In" J Mrs. Prouss came up on the eve-1 sport I'nder the state law any nar-i 11 ng boat to spend the week-end with eel of land may be made fVMinV I refuge, but under such conditions no' I one Is permitted to hunt on these' Nasburg's Grocery The CJOOD HOUSEKEEPING STORE Mrs DIrch, SEATTLE. Aug. 6 -The Chicago.' lands, not even the owuer.Saem Milwaukee & St. Paul tunnel Sirough Journal. ".r, aaieni tho Cascades, which Is 12,000 feotl - long, and which will reduce- tno altl-1 F1UEME.VS DAXOE, EGL1-N' ludo of the crossing 4 43 feet, was hall SATURDAY night. Martin's broken through by a blast yestorday. orchestra. CANNING PEACHES and TOMATOES Phone us or call in and see them 394-J COOS BAY TEA, COfFEE AND SPICE HOUSE 130 North Broadway