Ufli.-i'ittlfKHi ilHrtilM L:li MlXPl f?P5WWWP &" THE CiOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 9 14. EVENING EDITION. THREE The Central Avenue Booster CKXTltAFi AVKXl'K, MAHSIIKIKId), AUOUST 7 HIM. XO. L. )I ! LrUAI; AVKXU13 llOOSTKK r. , i i.'i.rv l-'ritlny In tlio Inter ,,WiWl ,.! ! flniicrilt and ivH m ,ft.UFuiin:r-)!i iyr'1 wPwWWBBBBBBJiWWBBIj t IT i J 3114 T4tf"l EH I IJ VV-a i Jlf.UiUIA m i -ra -Irini( mm ico Inn Stree . Ono Pl. One Country, nc diii-.i . tlmo. mid u"u "" "' OL'lt 11KIj1(ON To Do Good. OlMfV'OIilTlCS , More DusincsB. . .i i tlm Postofflco as strictly cnicrvu ..- ., . ,., a untnmir !gXt Central Avenue. ..i Vniif irnnil will. KgiaUJi. in the "otor OIb. OL'lt HTAKK. iiminuliiit IMitoi- "Xatlonnlly Ad 1 1 "cd" 1'rank ' c,,,,al!; . ...im (I. i IMItnr I. T. Hnirlgnn, ''"f . I'ninoiiH (Val. Cub. tlta-U-nl Mill ' '',.,. ,.,.. (j,,,.,!,,,,. EffXl.l lli-iMirlniciit-lliiiTy Sim- UlMlWIli H'.iii.li. Kill" Children' lK-imrlinciifc ! KM Slufroiii, wii. ...in.- i.miiiii ivy i limn"". lS!ii "ml ninlHl. I. To.- ..w'h..I.r."0;.ii1...wAiiiriisl lYI.e... ' 'l!'. 4 lr 7. (loodru.n. iiV;nh7ii!iiioi-""y '''' SAl.t'TATOHY. . iri.iMitt.1 nnna'P. Kit greets tho people of Coon ... ....I.... .,.,,! nuuiirnu tllOlll nay iiHuij in. ......... ---- i tliiit It lit hero to Help tho proaperl y n I population of Coob County In k" oral nntl Central Avenue In par lie ilnr Ilelng " booster It does not bcllovo In knocking at any tlmo or "V..". ti. i.iwiu-tli nml duVolo nitfnt of every part and parrel of Coos Hay and every street In Is different towns will ho Prt of the mission of The Central Avonuo Hoosl er but It will dovoto Itnolf chiefly to Central Aveuuo and It deBlres otlicr streets to oinulato Uh exam ple and by a Hplrlt of friendly rivalry linaten the day of tho elty-thut-ls-to- bi Tho Dooster asks for your con Bldoratlon only In proportion nB Its merit warrantH. It will mix a little fun with the serious Hide, for It lio lluves with Tom Mooro that as "wo Journey through llfn wo siinultl llvo liy the way." ... Tho HooHter hopes that you will bo approve It that you will ulso got tho llooster habit. Among the nioHt Interesting and Important features of Tho HooBjcr will Do "Dorsey'H Dope for Dollar Chasers, or How to t!ot Itlcli Quicker Than Wnlllngfoid." This nlouo will ho well worth several Umes tho suh wrlptlon price to any young man who cxpeits to make his murk at tho bottom of n Uu-day note Ol'KSTIOXS AXSWKUKD. I Is there any way to stop a Har den hose from leaking.' ". Yen. turn ofr tho wntor. How inn I iirevent Ico from mil dewing? 1). Y. S. Melt It and keep It In nn air-tight Jar. Where can I set fresh ranchers' ckkb? A. K. N. Vo are not acquainted with any fresh ranchers and tho ranchers with whom wo nro acquainted nro not layhiR, yn:sTU)X.s vi: cax- sot axswkh : Can you toll mo what makes iny flrelcs cooker Binoko? Mrs. N. O. Please kIvo mo tho rules for play hiK stove pokor. II. N, Kindly Inform mo tho gordonlnB process necessary to ralso Bklnless bananas. 1 I). C How can a baldheadod man pro vent his hnlr from falling over, lus eyes?- 1). Y. S. When do tho meat markets linndlo boneless sparerlbs? C V. D. "The COOS HAY'S MOST 1'01'UIjAU ItESOltT ItllXIAUDS l'OOIi CIOAUS A pleasant placo to spend an hour or an evening. Meet your friends at TIIK SMOKKIIOUSE You will always find your cig ar, tigarette or favorite tobacco HERE. Chandler Hotel Dlock Central Avenue rrr if.flW li oe y' WJl Kor any article you Bee advertised and recommended by Good House keeping, Coamopolltnn, Henrst's, Harper's Ilazaar, McClure's, Every body's, Saturday Evening Post, Collier's, nnd other national mediums. "Tho Owl" handles tho best of everything nnd Is helping everyday, not only to place before you products of purity, excellence and reliabil ity, hut to iiuiku Uicbo goods available to tho people of Marshflold. Every wldo-iiwa'ke woman wants some of tho products ndvcrtlscd In tho magazines and nntlonal periodicals and "Tho Owl" Ib tho ono drug store on Coos Hay where; you mpy bo always sure of getting It. Tho Coos Hay Headquarters of Nationally Advertised Products. PHONC 74 J fcs D I Tlilo High. Tho tide hero was high last wceK. lini... Uimiuoii Oiwmi Tho item1 hunting season Is good all year on , Centrnl Avenue and It Is nlwnys open season, 1 J vOwir nRESCRlRTION tfffgfta 1HTnTowTgrroirYomnTTAXTtrP) FRANK D COHAN "THE SQL'lim STOHK." A TCIili LINK OK KASTMAX KO DAKS Sail Accident. Last night W. J. Conrad met with one of the saddest misfortunes In Centrnl Avenue's his tory when n barber without any pro vocation whatever scraped off tho left side of Con's week-old mustache. Social Xote. Ono of our lending society ladles entertained tho Quiet Stltebery Thursday p. m. This Is one of the organizations which iIocb not talk about so-and-so, but It does sew and sew. Sonic Photographer. Jesse Ter rell brought his kodnk down Tuea day morning to take a picture or tho Moose parade, but ho first got-busy with a game of billiards at Tho Smoke House and when he went looking for the parade it was all over, ROMPERS PIXK AXII 1H.UK CHAMIUIAY HUTCH KOMPEUS IJIoomor DrosBoa, Pink and Uluo Chamhrny. (llnghnm and Percale DresBOS for Binnll children -tit the- LADIES EMPORIUM 78 Central Avenue Phono 1C1-L. ('ctH Two Deer. A letter received irom l" reel weaver, who is hiuiuhhb j 1MB vncimun ui .uciviiiiu, buiii-h huh the first day out ho got two deer. A Mr. Kobo of Coqulllo uIbo got a hear on tho same expedition. Ercd In now tho champion Central nvcnuo deer hunter. j Xnl So Slow. A sllck-looklng per son nnmed Professor Suookum enmc to Central Avonuo about n wcok ago. Ho said ho was ono of them there tango-dunce teachers and clnlmcd that he found this placo slow, but would leave It fast. He did, taking with him lots of things belonging to other folks. Our Best Advertisement Is a Pleased Customer l.et us sell you a A PICNIC UASKKT AX ICE CltKA.M KltKKZKU or anything In Hardware and wo enn prove It to you. Marshfield Hardware Co. Corner Central Avenue and Ilroadway. Phono 31. Wo Aru ExcIiibIvo Agents for tho famous Globe-Wernicke filing Cabinets including Guides, Cards, etc., and can furnish them to you at factory prices. NORTON & HANSEN TWO STOKES Front Street Central Avenue PolliM Ambulance. Score olio more for Central avenue. Tl'o first police nmbulnnco was Initiated when Will Qooilruin and (leorgo Haines dedicated a new Ford yesterday by carrying nn Indlvldunl suffering from nn overload of Joy water to tho city cooler. Mr. Ooodruni believes In re turning good for evil and although ho wub fined for speeding ho turned his car over to tho pollco department when occasion required. I PKKKOXAIj MEXTIOX. I ItOY I.AWHOItNE hns been paint ing all last wcok. IIAIIHY MACKEOWN Is going hunt lug ngaln, or yot. This tlmo ho Is going to Curry County. Ilnrry Is n urcat llttlo hunter and has a place to go ovory week In tho year. DOHSI3Y KIIKITKEH says Hint half the people wore put on earth as a punishment for the other half. Mil, AND MRS. WINSOME KALE have returned from tholr honey moon. Mrs. Knlo rays San Kriin Hum Is all right, but she doesn't think much o' married life. Before Parting i 'With Your Money PLAN TO TAKE , SUNDAY DINNER AT THE . Chamdlleir Hotel a Good Menu' The IIul) of Central Avenue EVERYONE CAN AFFORD A FORD NOW HERE ARE THE NEW PRICES: Touring Car - Jj90 Runabout 40 Town Car -568 F. 0. B. Detroit, all cars fully equipped. (In the United States of America only) GOODRUM'S GARAGE' Distributors for Coos and Curry Counties Central Avenue IX Itl'YIXfi ItEAl ESTATE SECL'HK A CO.MPUn'K AMSTHACT KltOJI thk Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Which Is propaied to turn out First Clnsa Work. This will save you nn noynnco nnd expenso afterwards. Vo also look after assessments and pay ment of taxes. .MnrhhNt'hl orflcu In Coke Untitling oiMNihlto Chandler Hotel. Phono 1I-J. Cixiulllo Offico adjoining Kiirm-i'i-n' Hank Itloek. Phono 11)1. . Hauthiu Office, MeXnlr Itiillillug. Phono 1H2. Henry Sengstacken .Manager. BUYING A TYPEWRITER? If so, I have the following factory rebuilt mach- telffiilo saor, c. s,m,s Itemlngton No. 10 S35UinIenood Xo. 5 I0 $3.00 cash; 3.00 per month. All machines guar nnteeil for ono year. Alsorlbbon's mid carbon paper. CARLL. STOCKnN Sales Agent. 222 Central Avenue. Underwood Typewriter Co, . ocr Wales Visible Adding Machine, I eli OOUi American Multlgraph Co. For.... Real Estate Bargains Houses to Rent All Kinds of Insurance See Aug. Frizeen Central Avenue TL-"1oxi& CHOCOLATES uThe Candy of Character" Stafford's well known standard is excelled in this latest product. Open An Account With The First National ainj Of Coos Bay AVAIL YOURSELF OF ITS SUPERIOR FACILITIES Safe Deposit Boxes in Burglar-Proof Vaults for Rent at Low Rates. Central Avenue Marshfield, Oregon Foir- Those Win Care Clean nnd unused towols for every patron. Kven tho children get tho snmo attention jib tho grown-ups. Cleanliness nnd High-Class Workmanship Is tho motto of TERRELL'S Chandler Barber Shop (Yntntl Avenue, of coiuc. PICNIC GOOD! These lire the tlnys you will need things to cut for the PICNIC I.UXCII or a Hurry-Up Menl at home. Wo hnvo everything you want, nnd romonibor everything you get nt this IMJItB FOOD STOHK cnrrles the (luoronteo of Purity nnd Wholosomoness. Wo enrry only tho stnudnrd and well known brnnds that nro gunr nnted to us AND VK OUAUANTKK THEM TO YOU. OlMvaimt & Weaver 111 IK I'l'ItK rOOl) (1KOCKKH A (nod I'lace to Trndo Corner Contral Avonuo and Third Street Phono 199 How about that new'piano? We have a fine line of instruments to select from. Terms can be arranged to suit your convenience. iley Eo Allen C 1,. Ij. THOMAS, Mgr. CENTRAL AVENUE. RUSSELL BLK. Good Columbia Bread and River Flour are synonymous. Ask the good housekeepers and good breakmakers. ONLY $1.35 PER SACK H Wheat $1.90' Shorts $1.35 tSSBiSM WT'!5? itiaraniirTTwiiriwirf