'iimiiymiimmmmmminwMwmmmnmm mm :..;;;, ;;,ji:i!:j:! i eM .iiWiiifatitaariiir1 llW''Jl'rr, ira.CT:cirt t.i Btr;;:T.7.tn.ny;TCi.w;.r7R .-i ii it prrp-B.jwastynyawwBi ALWAYS JUDGE A MAIN'S SUCCESS BY THE METHODS HE USED IN SUCCEEDING (Boos Say Stitwa YOUR OPPORTUNITY to rench the great purchasing power f this community should not bo overlooked In plnelng your ndyertlu in Tlio cholro of motlln of suc cessful merchants IS TIIM TIMES. FAMILY CIIICI.I..S REACHED with every copy of this medium. Hovo your advertisement rend by the Homo Community regularly, so fl thnt they will know you. Uo In- 1 troduced BY THE TIMES. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Established 1878 ns Tho Const Mull. VOL XXXVII. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1914. EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull anil Coos liny Athertlicr No. 20. 'i iff. i ?? EXPECT GREAT USD BATTLES INE Military Authorities Believe Preparations About Completed for Forward Movement Which Will Indicate Plan of Campaign to Be Made. GERMANY REMAINS rItI(TeNt""bIJT DENIES RUMORS OF LIEGE REPULSES French Army Screens Its Movements But Greatest Battle of History Is Believed to Be Imminent Much Speculation Now. LONDON-. Aiic 7 News from the German side is extremo- i i.ieacor, Denials came from jcrman forces before Liege, Tho. movements of the sreat by this time must have gathered at their spring-off points on the German frontiers, facing both the Russian and French armies, are kopt from the public, Military authorities, how ever, beliovc that preparations must be complete for the for ward movement w lich will give some indication of the plan of campaign to be fol owed. The French army also is screening its movements, FRENCH ARMY ENTERS BELGIUM.. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) LONDON, Aug, 7, An Exchange Telegraph Company's dispatch from Brussels says the French army has now entered Belgium and advanced well into that country. FRENCH TROOPS IN ALSACE LORRAINE. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) PARIS, Aug, 7, The Minister of War announces that French troops have occupied Vice and Moyenvic, small German towns in Alsace Lorraine, about seventeen miles east of Nancy, ITALY WILL REMAIN NEUTRAL (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times,) NEW YORK, Aug, 7, II Progresso, an Italian newspaper of this city, received a cable from Rome stating that it had been officially announced there that Italy's answer to the Ger man ultimatum was that Italy will remain neutral, ENGLISH TO SEIZE HARVEST. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Aug, 7, -Chancellor of the Exchequer Lord George informed the House of Commons that the government is considering the question of taking over the harvest through out the British Isles, LAST WISH TO Mrs. Wilson Just Before Death Urged Aid for Washing ton Slums. - I ITXERAL TUESDAY. W; Anoi laid I'mw to Coot lla; Timet, WASHINGTON, 1). C, Auk. 7. Funeral services for Mrs. Woolrnw Wilson, wlfo or tho I Presldont, vlll bo hold nt tho Unite llouso at 12 p. in. Tues day after which tho body will bo taken on n speclnl train for burial to Homo, (in. (II; AtmUtal rim 10 Coot Ua; Timet.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Auk. 7. Messages expressing sorrow over tho death of Mrs. Wilson poured Into tlio Whlto llouso from many por sons. Including' Colonol Roosevelt. Sympathy for tho President was ex pressed In n resolution passed by tho House. .Mrs. Wilson's, pot mensuro before Congress, providing for tho reclamation of pest spots In tho slums of Washington was reported out favorably Just before her death yesterday and every effort was inndo to pass It as. soon as posslblo, na Mrs. Wilson tho night boforo had said It would add much to hor hnp p.ncss If the ponding bill was passed. BROTHER IX PORTLAND. IB; Aiiocltiea rrett to Coot Dy Tlmt.l PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 7. Dr. S. Axson, brother of Mrs. Woodrow "llson, passed through Portland parly yesterday on tho way to Wnsh ngton. I). C. Dr. Axson, who has l'ee" teaching In tho Unlvorslty Sum mer School, received a telegram from the President to hurry to Washing- SYMPATHY EXPRESSED. D; Auortate. rrett to Coot Da; Tlmw.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Ang. 7. Messages from every part of tho Un ited States and abroad aro pouring into the White House today bearing Bjnipathy expressions from thousands Mr President Wilson and his daugh ters on tho death of Mrs. Wilson. no funeral arrangements aro not "mulcted. Tho President requested tne simplest funeral services and that only close friends and relatives bo . , " Qearlng up well under his Krier, the President went to his desk it sign a few papers, but returned AID HUM ITT 1 W Berlin of the reoulse of the aeereeations of troons. which OF BIO GUNS Vessel Reaching New York To day Reports Hearing a Naval Fight. (nr Aatoc,ttl prut to Coot na; Timet.) NEW YORK, Aug. 7.- Hoavy fir ing of groat voluiuo lasting for moio than an hour was heard sixty miles southonst of tho Scotland lightship bv tho officers ntid crow of tho stonm er Scottlt'i Prince, which reached horo this afternoon. EXPECT itics rattle. German mill Fiviioh Annies Coiiecn (riitliiK for Rattle. l; AuHxIalea l'r- to Coot IU; Timet. LONDON. Aug. 7. This morning complete sllenco reigns as to military movomonta In both Germany and Franco, and It Is assumed that both armies aro concentrating for decls Ivo battles. No hint na to whoro thoy will como Into contact has been given. GERMAN FREIGHTER ESCAPES. (0; Attoilated rrett lo Coot IU; Timet.. SAN FHANCISCO, Aug. 7. Tho Gorman frolghtor Alexandria of tho Cosmos Lino, with a million-dollar cargo In hor holds, was sighted Just outsldo tho heads bound In today. Had tho British cruiser Halnbow, which passed In two hours earlier, delayed her arrival, sho might havo mado a ncn prize oi war Immediately to the Whlto House, where tho flag fluttered at half mast. Under the hoavy strain of domestic legislation, tho European crisis and tlio long, hard vigil through tho Mex ican crisis, the President worked un ceasingly. His knowledge for tho last three weeks that his wife was 111 to death added Immeasurably to his burden, but not until death camo did he give way to grief. Tho completion of tho funeral arrangements await the arrival of Mrs. Wilson's brother, Dr. Stockton Axson, from Oregon. Tho President requested that the reg ular business of tho Senate and Houso and the government depart ments be continued and 'that lower ing tho flags to half mast bo the on ly public recognition of Mrs. Wilson's death. FI HEMEX'S RANGE, EAGLES' hall SATURDAY night. Martin's orchestra. m BOOMS BELGIANS CLAIM LOST 2510 (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) BRUSSELS, Aug. 7, The Germans before Liege have requested a 24-hour armistice, according to an announce ment made by the Belgian Minister of War tonight, At the ministry it was stated that the Germans admitted their casual ties numbered 25.000. It is assumed that the Germans asked for the armistice in order to pick up their dead and wounded, BELGIANS REFUsTrO SURRENDER LIEGE ON GERMAN DEMAND (By, Associated Press -to The Coos Bay Times,) BRUSSELS, Aug, 7, Le Peuple says the bombardment of Liege had caused six or seven fires up 1o last night, The heaviest firing was yesterday afternoon, German officers then came to the city with a white flag and demanded sur render, which was refused, The bombardment was then continued, GERMANS ENTER LIEGE. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) PARIS, Aug, 7, Official reports say that tho German troops have entered the Belgian city of Liege, but have not been able to take the forts, Fighting of the most violent character took place in the streets, The Belgians captured twenty-seven German cannon, FRENCH ASiffiUFJ) STATES TO ENFORCE THE HAGUE TREATIES (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) PARIS, Aug, 7, An appeal to the United States to protest against violations of the Hague treaties is made in today's hgaro, a Paris newspaper, by former Minister of Foreign Anairs Hanaux, He suggests that an inquiry be begun Im mediately and that President Wilson, Secretary Bryan, Colonel Roosevelt, Andrew Carnegie, Nicholas Murray Butler and Robert Bacon assume tho dutv, He declares that the fate of civilization lies in the hands of the neutral powers, MEXICAN REVOLUTION ENDED; FEDERALS GIVE Representative of Acting Pres ident Carabajal at Washing ton Announces Settlement of Long Struggle. .MEXICANS DEMAND I CARBAJAL TO QUIT ! I I Mini i. (mi too.-) n. atajj st.Miwv il MUX ICO CITY. Aug. 7. El I Sol, tho recognized Carranza or- I nan In Mexico City, todny pub- ! I I Hulled n proclamation calling on all inhabitants to meet In front of tho statuo of Columbus to morrow morning and demand tho unconditional surrender of tho Carbajal government. IB; Attotltlwi Preea la r.oat Da Timet. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 7. Joso Castellot, representative of Pres ident Carbajal, after a conference "KEEP CALM" IS OFFICIAL TIP (D; Ato.late4 rrett lo Coot Da; Tlmet.l WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. "Keep calm; use tho nation's great business staunchness to the fullest extent, withhold cotton from, tho market and give careful attention to ware house facilities for grain," Is the" ad vice of tho Department of Agricul ture today to the farming Interests of the country, as a means of reliev ing the threatened crop congestion on account of the European war. The office of , the Market Department has been making a careful investiga tion into the situation with a view to affording relief. GERMANY HAS ARMISTICE UP CAPITAL with Secretary of Stato Bryan and other officials, confirmed tlio state ment that an ngreemout between Carranza and Carbajal delegates hnd boon reached and expressed tho opin ion that tho situation was now clear ed and tho peaceful occupation of Mexico City by tho Constitutionalists assured. Humor had it that the Federals practically agreed to an un conditional surrender. BATTLE AT MAZATLAX. HcIh'Ih Hcpoi'lcil to Have Captured Outer Defense Early Todnl'. ll AtuxltteJ I'm lo Coot lit; Timet, ON BOARD U. S. S. CALIFORNIA, Mnzntlan, Aug. 7. (By Wireless.) All last night and today there has been continuous heavy firing be tween the besieging. Constitutional ists nnd the Federal garrison defend ing Mazatlau, Tho Constitutionalists captured nil tho outer defenses of tho city. European Countries Make But Scant Acknowledgment of . Wilson's Peace Message. (II; AuoclateJ I'rw. lo Coot lit; Timet. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 7. 'The receipt of President Wilson's offer' of his good offices has boon acknowledged by some of tho war ring nations In Europe, but none of tho responses constitute anything It, the nature of a reply. The offic ials do not know whether It has been received In Germany. ARE NOT READY FOR PEACE YET NO CONFIRMATION YET OF GREAT NAVAL BATTLE RUMOR ?ranfnirriPr ., . ,. - England Still Anxiously Awaiting News from the Fleet That Went in Search of German Squadron in North Sea. REPORT BRITISH WARSHIPS ARE CLOSING IN ON Russian Fleet Reported Bottled Up at Helsignfors German Cruisers Forced to Leave Italian Ports and Meet England. ' (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Aug, 7, -It was reported that England's fleet had encountered the German Squadron this morning and that the German vessels were retiring toward the Dutcli coast, I here was no confirmation of this report later in tho day ami there is much speculation about it, TODAY'S WAR SUMMARY. (Bv Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) Leige, Belgium was again attacked by the Germans last night, out is still holding out, The German cruisers Goeben and Broslau, obliged owing to Italian neutrality to leave San Salvatore, Sicily, have gono out to meet the British flee,t, Their commanders handed their wills; to the German consul before their departure, A London newspaper says the German Crown Prince was seriously injured by a would-be assassin, Finnish sea captains report that the Russian navy is bot tled up at Helsingfors and the Russian ports of Lfbau arid Reval are burning after an attack by tho German fleet, Tokio reports that the German squadron at Tsing Tau is hemmed in by the British warships, The British .tank steamer San Welfredo was destroyed by a mine off Cuxhaven, Germany, and tho British steamer Craig forth was beached near Constantinople after contact with -a mine, The stories of discourtesy in Germany to the Dowager Empress of Russia are declared false by the German Foreign Office, ENGLISH TELL OF NAVAL Lord Churchill States That the Mine-Layer and Amphion Are Only Vessels Lost. (II; Amhi lit? I 1'r-M In I'uoa lit; Tllll I LONDON. Aug. 7. Winston Chur chill, First Lord or tlio British Ad miralty, announced In tlio Houso of Commons thnt there had been uo fighting and no losses of any kind other than had alroady been mado public. This statomout was Issued on reports of u naval battlo botweeu the Gormnns and English. Tho First Lord said: "Apart from tho loss of tho small British cruiser Alnphlon and tho Gor man mine layer Koeulglu Lulse, t hot o has been no other fighting and no other loss so far as wo aro nwaro. On Wodnesday a flotilla of torpedo boat dustroyeiH, while patrolling tho minor reaches of tho channel, found tho Kooulgln Lulso laying minus. A dotitroyor pursued and sunk hor. About fifty of tho crow, which num- liorou about Jul) men, were saved. Tho Ainphlon continued to scout with tho flotilla and whllo on tho return Journey was blown up by n mine." FIERCE FlfiHTIXtt REPORTED. (II; AMxltM l'rti to Coot lit; Tlinm.) NEW YORK, Aug. 7. Paris and London send unconfirmed dispatches concerning tho fighting at Liege. A French telogrnm states that flerco fighting continues In tho streets, whllo a Loudon messnge reports thnt the Germans aro asking for an arm Istlco of twenty-four hours, GENERAL'S SOX KILLED. German LciuUt'k Roy Killed In Rat tle at IJogo. Ill; AtoUte I'm to Coot lit; Timet. AMSTERDAM, Aug. 7. The 19-year-old son of tho German general, Count Von Aonln, wns wounded bo fore Lloge and died last night. FIRST SI I ll KAILS. II; AuukUIM I'nn to Coot lla; Timet. NEW YORK. Auk. 7. Tho Aniorl can llnor St. Paul was tho first' trans-Atlantic vessel to loavo Now York without fear of capturo slnco Great Britain nnd Germany went to war. sailing today with crowded cabins and steerngo. Sho flys tho Stars and Stripes and Is bound for Llvorpool. HUNGARIAN CRUISER LEAVES. (II; AMOtltted l'rf lo Coot Ha; Tiinra. BRINDISI, Ituly, Aug. 7,Tlio small Austro-Hungarlan cruiser Tau rus, after repairing damage to her machinery, left at midnight. GERMAN CHINA LIEGE SCENE German's Attempts to Storm Forts Disastrous Belgians Repulse the Invaders. (II; AmkkIinI I'rett lo Coot lit; Timet. BRUSSELS, Aug. 7. Storfcc c the awful struggle toll of tho tutriflo slaughter of GermaiiH In tho vicinity of Lloge. The German Infantry at tempted to carry by assault Fort Barchnn. Tho Infantry cropt up un der the covor of heavy artillery fire, but tho Belgians reserved their fire until tho GermaiiH camo to closa iiuartors, when nt a given signal the Belgians opened with n perfect hall of bullets from rifles and mnchlna guns. Tho attackers soon lay In great heaps of dead and wounded. At tho samo tlino Fort Chaudfon Initio kept up n hot firo on another body of Germans who had seized & neighboring rustle. Tho Belgian ar tlllory reduced tho building to u nmu of smoking ruins. Tho Gormnns fin ally retreated nil along tho lino. It is thought hero thnt tho Ger mans will havo to begin n regular slego of Lolgo nnd it Is pointed out thnt their howitzers aro far too small to bo effective against tho heavy ar tillery or tho Belgian forts. Military authorities aro of tho opinion that If tho Belgians can hold out at Llego ono of tho most snngulnnry battles of the war might bo fought there. REGI.MEXT ANNIHILATED. Report Snj-H AiihO'I'iiik Suffer Severs IrflSN. (II; AuorlatM I'ri-M to Coot lit; Timet ROME, Aug. 7. An unconfirmed dispatch published by tho Trlbunt says an Austrian regiment was an nihilated by tho Servians to the cast of Bolgrado and tho AustrlnnH are la full retreat towards tho Danube. HULGAHK OX RORDER. (II; AuntUte.1 I'nw lo Coot lla; Timet. ATHENS, Aug. 7, A tolegrant from .Mali. Servln, states thnt bands of Bulgarian volunteers aro forming along tho southwest frontier to ro- placo tho Austrian troops, which hare been withdrawn to the uusslnn bor der. PUTS EMIIAItftO OX SHIPS. (II; Aikh late.) Treta to Com na; Timet WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 7, Foreign merchant ships being con verted for war purposes or carrytnc resorvlsts in an orgnnlzcd manner will not bo pormitted to clear from tho United States. FIREMEN'S DANOK, EAGLES hall SATURDAY night. Martin' orchestra. BLOODY nrjwmifTTffli WWtW . wmsmm Uffwff iigjgtMjjnjn;