The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 06, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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i Continued frorr Pace One
Wm. Peterson, Stranger, Sue- Frank B. Waite Says It Will
cumbs Suddenly at Blanco Mean fcra or ureal rros- ttetime Durn the month? of June
Worth S 10,000. perity Here. id u:r the h branch ht-
, , w, , meat arenrr at Easeoe : out
Wm. Peterson a straaser rarry- nai toe m-ra i -... -
las 9-Prt efcomir that h wa f t from 'h European ar in a bgsl
,.!. .... 4. L i w. Hi-.. i inrmmh. im tit ii th beiief oi rranK a
ni ddn!r : th BlatKo Hotel la: Waite. who arr.ved here lat evenln?
eerslar. drlnic on tt stairs hil to look after
beine aiti to h.i room He was the Bar
husinew intereeu on
Mr. Walt fame in frost
a boat 45 rear oH anl m vldaUy Portland. her he ronrerrea na
a rfctlm of tuben:uloii. W. J Wllsr "d other. H said
Mr. Petenoa arrired here ystr- that th Earusn BtB?iiiien. o
dar aad registered from Mrrtl Point, for the tlma bela? spoil Mr. Wll-
fayloe thai he wu ola? to Portland r'i plan. I -j-j,
am tk iio w iooit. A in r i -r t"" " .
tfcoagh of maalT nature, hit sank- plored." said Mr. Walta latt nltht.
ea cheek and saral appearaar braoee of the lmmn low of life
lndkattd that It.'ei pa ni naa.-Jy aad propertr It will cans. How
raa for him. ever, lookiar at It from a cold-
He walked around the ftreet . blooded commercial standpoint, the
ter and Ut erealnr went to the tt t'nlted State shoo Id and will be a
pan of the Blanco. He wm found zreat busings gainer. It will aeaa
alulae oa a chair there by Cha. that the United State will practlc
Howard and Watt Short. Peteraon allr hare to fnpplr th world, for
roald Kwrcelr breathe and in re- nisfclag goods for the con a trie In
saoat to an inqairr ld that bt to' red and for the coontrlei that
wlead to be taken to hU room, and hare been relrinr on Enrope for
the two ttaned to a: him. Oa their tonne of supply, la addlton
the fialn be colUpaed and wm car- to thU. it will probablr make the
TteA into the parlor, bat he did not fatted State a world financial a
rerlve. dylaa; a I moat latantly. Ht ter. I p-t to shortly the
wa dead when a abyskiaa arrired mo: proaperona timet the United
a few miaatea later. State bu erer known
about 1 JOft r-n to the railroad camp
alone In addi'lon to the larre aim
ber shlrped In from Portland. San
Francisco and other point.
Mr Dixon ars he doej not an!-
elpate t-at mtay of the foteizn work- '-
men il! leare to to back to Euro; fil
to enlist !n te wars la which their ,y
AAH.t.1.. mwM I.VATiMll -
WWM..S .M"..T..
lite Tunnel lTT2rv.lri2.
Mt tunnel .N. ". between
i drnoiieia ana WJ.'n. 15 masiDz
rood nrore. Porer Brother, who
are drlrinc v 'unnel from the nor'h .
nd. wr 2IT feet underxround en
July 2- Hcjjer k Houswr. who hsd
th coa'ract for drirlnc the t-3nn.
from the lo-ith. uble tte work ,n
U-im. Sha and Benoa. They ar
H"t naderrronnd and will to m::
they ffl' Porter Bros." cw. Por
ter Brc. hare mao as hUh a? 247
feet procref In one month. o 'ha
:i: tw cinT'ctors should aTe-a
upward f $ ten per mon'h. Thev
har not encoiBtered aar dlffk-ilMes
la te tannl. 'he formation b-lnr the
same for the entire dUtaace that they
hare drtrea and apparently the sam
Coroar Wllaoa 'found Peuraoa'i "I do aot think that the war will '' h south J?nf Tb!t,,.!lrt
rrip this raoralaa. I-aat erealaf. be o( lone duration. The EnrlUh
Peterson's clothet thowd that he aad FreB'h natles w.U toon drive
had about 1 2 '."(0 la the Tint Na- Germany from the sea and then win
Uoual Bank of Portland .the Glad- blocade and attack her seaports aad
soe ttate Bank aad h alto ba4 it lil toon en1. France and Enr-
ahoat MS in caah. a ticket on the land and Japaa will be able to insure
Elder aad other effects. la the rrit safety to shipplnx on the blah aeaa
was a life insurance poll'y for 11000 m that 'here is little chane for the
made payable to hit ectate. det for I'nited Stat to bom inrolTed.
tereral thousand dollars worth of In fat. aoou rh only may that w
property la the Willamette Nailer.
Mn. .Ida Scaolta of Oast on. Or .
tfaoHzht' to be a i'.t-r o( the de
ceased, was the only relat:i- ma
rfeaed ia papers fouad in hi ef ti
pltm j't-A f'roner W.l-ou o hold
the body in--- and that ah mould
cm trie ' nm I'r'tn -. "1 in'
some t'-i.- r. t'ttt .,
'ould Ije-orce invold moull be
s'.rr. for to nat.n attempted
invade '.'inala '
cpeaed up. The hlz tunael It at'it
42A feet loac so that It will be o-.-p'.eted
about Jsnuaiy 13.
IJlr W'ttrk In July.
Th confactor hare sTen .
sborels workinc and are alto dr". r..-elsr-.t
tunnels. Dirlas; the raor.h r.;
July 42. aoa yards of dirt w- -iov.
ed and about fee of tunnel dr.r
en. I'p to Aurut. 4 4 feet of tun
nel had been driven, learlnx about
r,4i ft to drive. Therw are alne
tunnels on the line. So. 1 belnr the
Notl tunnel. No. 2 is north pt the
Slitlaw and the balanr of them r
tr-tn the Slualaw aad Coot Bar
ar.d are numbered In ordor from th
K ten end. Th leaxtht of the fin-
! are at follows:
HiF ' TV? ar HA
S5i njr-ii Jif- jntwii-
..-r-. 1.-I1 aS ' 1
" ' -if'et'i. .'tT5
Advance Showing
Silk Gloves
50c to S1.50
The Ladies'
Front - Laced
Hub Dry Goods Co.
"Smart Wear for Women"
Corner Broadway and Central Avenue
Phone 361
Passengers on Marshfield-
Roseburg Auto Line Report
Roads in Fine Condition.
A ft'
; 5-,rt0 fot
4 coo fcac
vlAOO feot
cTi-a ft.
T 42a fen.
.4ftO ft.
So. SOft feat. 1
J. I'. I'ortiT III. 1
Mr. Dixon stated that Johnson Por- Smith
'r had boen v'y ! at Florence. e-,
Ins confined to his home about three
eks. He left the othor day for
Per land. H'i family had ben with
h'm a: Florence. Strenuoua work'
The Marabfleld-Koseburx au'o line
took out eleven passengers this morn-
1DR, some for Coos county points.
Cooston and Eastside People'
Figure on Forming One I
Municipality. I
At a ra'ln at the KaauM City
Hall last eninx. plans for merxlns;
Colston and Ka aid and th Inter-
Tnina; rniory into one municipaii- ,.,, ,BfiaraWr from rheumatism
r ZL 1 wlth rty and has xon back to San Francisco
across Coos River r- launchd. 1 .1.1. ki. .miiv v-t,. 11.. j
111 "".'k?. de bZ d,a: I Fontaine had ihlr famlllos at' Gar-
a week t outinc recently.
'Ill Coiitliiui Witk
ork caused tn breakdown.
Enxineer Hoey has alto been suf
Company Will Make
Coos Bay Home Port of
Its Steamships.
When the Adeline Smith balls front
Steamer Sails for San Fran
cisco With Big Cargo and
Passenger List.
Hon from tb Cooston Commercial AiBtr fn.
Club aad was favorably received by! u
j.nuia p.joi.
Mayor Kittoon of Eastside preaided
(001 Hay tomorrow, xti will tarry
the new inscription: 1
"Adeline Smith. .Marxhfleld. Coim
Bay, Orexon."
The cause of the chanjee la chutme
in rexlstration of the voxels ami the
Sann .Smith ami ucdondo will be
Steamer Arrives from Eiiil
and Sails for Portland
Tho Goo. . KMcr U-.1:
mornltiK for I'or'bnd w. a 1 1
The steamer HeJondo left today
for Sail Fraurlaco at 10 a. m. with list 0f msenntr. hn.ngi:,tV
::& pntneiisHra and a deck carso of and a fair cargo of nsUal
iOO.noo feot of Iitmbor. Tho passen- freleht. Aninne thote sa.-f ciVl
sor list Included K. It. Hodson and wore:
iie. Irene iiodson. .Mrs. I.. A'. I)un- Tho8f M ypara. Lute Ml
.ai. .jin iimvr. Mja. .1. m. i.iicn- p,ni Hngmuss. n. Mrs. U'7 .V3
.. ..?"' ' "" "i'Vv- " w,Kl.. .'hanxed on their next trio from hore. "' "... i.mninor. ji a a. m. H. Goucher C A. SsdIhlM
r. i" .! ii '"'-- ,Ther will b ruirUterml th mniK hk ".' mnacson.
in. Chester 1 t v..ov mi ivm iirk i-J
financial imiatlon will not affect th .. ". . .. .7. .:. ,. .. fBimcanii !. r iinnimii t u- c.iti. . .. . v. ., u t .. til
' -' . -. .. .... - . i" - ...- -- - - -" in. Ami n& sm r pitnirinvi (Ulu iinv ............ ... .. ,. ...a,.. w. . wi.iik.. i i iiarn Mr I. j jiiti. i 'a
.... a . j. . . . ai in mwiin? ana lami r tnn ; r.n....i ...!. ..k.Ai..,i.ikoii- ............ ...... .... m . ...., . .,., ....... . .... . - " -- - - .1
not mini 01 mem iainainE to eaten . " 77 , "", . 7. '. -.. v .i their home nort ' '""""'". johii .Murrua, joun Maore
the north-bound train for Cortland
2:11. The roada are la xcellat appointed a committee to confer with
condition and careful drivers assure ,n people of Cooston and Investigate
the travdllers on this line of a safe "nl report back. Tbe will probably
and pleasant trip over one of the lak' It up with the Cooston people
most scenic routes In Orexon. Cars nwtt Sunday.
leaving Marsbfleld at 5 a. m. reaih About a dozen loading mn of Coos
Myrtle I'olnt for breakfast. Camas ton. Including Messrs Walker. Horn
for lunchoon and arrive in Itotobura; me. Meeks. Hunt and others, present
at 1, leavlnx a marxlii of an hour ed the nlan. Thev itatdl that rnna.
py many. At tn conclusion of It. Ul the finance were arranied for
.'jewra. xcutsts. .Nelson and wait- in rfvB it, uiil thBt if it bi-iv.
pass tbroutch Hoseburx at ty of the Kattside City Council ere0f the -nxlnTnen on the western n.lf- l
" b r s'erla'.lzed 1- tnls?'.u haw
stopped the ork
He has not had any advles can
cerninx be 'rldse wotk i.ere or at
he In ; q .a or Slu aw
The chance will b one of the blx-l ,. ..
t advertisements for Cjos ' lufld
Mnrln Wncicntr JW
son, A. Larson. J. Anderson, Joe Clar- KinBlr. Mis May Uonons. C I
A. .otl. Alena I.K'htner. Miss i;rv. M II tr -02. Mrs. I
h .stennoim. Mrs. ,M. Stenholtn. iiavi. Rimnr l!a. on L R, era
for rest be lor the train trip. Among
the passengers over this line thin
mornlnc ere Adam Lome, ('has
Crej-, H. K. Shine. Ilessle Matley. J.
nnberson. H II. Flt-nilnz. I) K. Wll-
00. J c Drown. Miss Peterson. Mrs.
ton was bHntc held back by Inability
to make Improvemen's. It has only
about 100 residents, not enough to
meet the Isal refjulrement of 150.
to Incorporate They stated that the
lownsite companies ti.ere were not
lllllatrom and Wm Kennwly Judne wiliinK o Improve and apparently the
Hall was a passenger for Cnqmlie only object of the townslte companies
where he goes on legal buslne-s was to sell unimproved iot They
ft morefiPnily on the map In siilp-l '"r Vl ''.M?' AmivG,r "v v J . "?,,.dei,i FTiTikl
ne clrdoB. Heretofore, the Smith ' -tnn ?v' ' in' -. SV " n ?' ' (5e,,. MlfsS.d.oMio.
vessels have been restored from St.' p" v . iZV- w "A xt" (J0?,,rum "W., I",! S
laui. the former home office of the , ,"r,' " .' .iV ,1m." Ui, K,.,BM; A: K I)ai '7;,.:,
.on.i.Hnv. hut c a Smith. Arnn J' 'rl.f- ' ) n. O. Pnrdl. Carl e. M. Pettltt. Hoy IWItt. Cbu.
hiLn'..,i c... n u- ci.. !... .noii. joun Holm. c. Dally. John I)e- ler. 11. L. Ilrove. C u.
..t. v:i, iii vnii.i ... ... w.s.fii Huiu ...... .. n.l , 1. --.. --- --- . .....
... .1... 1. ... 1 nuinM unit juti iiouinn. Vninnnn a i.iirson. i.riicr
wen iii-Bii iiui iui Miiuu mi uj rKl- ....v. ... ... ---
, .1 . - .. .. ! . Wm r I onlra Plin. Illfl. I .
lennB ir.e vessels out oi uoos nay. " "., - -- .1
...... :....... .r-.- -.... . . hart. K. J. Montan. Leo PV
uen inuy io-'k 11 nil wan 1110 .m-..ii i..mi m- i.iivr; thii' ;..: ;... . ...i..nn tr. v. Li
Kovornment officials, they found that! """:" tJiuiYon. I. x
derson, Jess Richardson, , L,
l)aMliuicll- (IosmI to Ptoerte! agreed to It.
toins oirit-e It now loeaiel here. Then 1 r,,kcn Cnino .North Along Const burK. Mrs. J. , C. Pf?0'.01" C 1
they suBKOsted adding Coos Hay to I of California. wf, i Chii Ftni!
lnrt.hfllil nml li nniwnmmii Oggoner, .MTS. ta. " -
and the government
iw. iHvi.tH r
I'nder the new registration the
,-n. Tini vessels will be taxod in this count'.
CONSTANTINOPLE. Aug. . The Snni "m n Captain Simpson had
Dardanelles and straits nf the Dm. 1 his vessels registered from Hninlro.
phorus wore closed today in order to put tey assessed them too high and
IliiKh II
(hut I .
i Jl
preserve tho neturallty of Turkey.
AID l-'Olt A.MI.ItK'AXS.
f .i. 4t Pr lo 'iy- Hat Tllia 1
NEW YOItK. Aug. fi J. P.
Morgan & Co hav obtained
from the Hank of Frame, on
he credit of their ParU branch,
Morgan. Harjes & Co.. five mil
lionx In gold, to lie placed im
mediately ut the dUpoal of
I II J xkUIM Vtnt 10 loot Pt. Tlro.J
LONDON. Aug. . The Gorman
iinhnsoiidnr. Llchnowsky, with his
vife and Hulto. left London todny
iy a special train, hound for the
oatliiont. A largo crowd asseinhlod
it the railway station but there was
10 demonstration.
You Will Want to Keep That Vacation
Time Fresh and Green in your Memory
Mi.r 11 is oiiij- one 11 your. Tal.e a Kodak wild jou. You
press u button mid your nimio N piVM'iwd for nil time o:
beautiful view of liter, mount In or m-ii will he n JOY iivmhcI.
- PHONE 121
lilt A.KHltt1 frv.. to Co nt TlDlM J
DOVEIt. N. II., Aug. C.A Ilrltlah
Anrshlp seized the German hark
Porkeo. which loft Now York for
ho changed tho registration to San
Honr U Stpu-nrt tvlm u.iii. 1.I0 StolnhmiBO. Mrs. C. r uflf.
-.:. .;.'. "T " ."" " .:".."" ..-!,. p v j
iuuiiiy. is on a long niiiouiohlle tour or iruiiunuuiiic", rii
thrniiL'd Pulirnrnln nn.i .... th. n-.,- Alvii Ilacon. G P. VtuZ( 6; r
gon cosht. writes to Jack Hodman Lowther, Miss H, M,'l'tlf j.;
uiii iiuiiunn as ioiiows, unaer unto hukcio, .'d. . r -.- .... ni
of August 1 : Morrow. Dean A, Baldwin. r t-
"V'e are now cami
near Handon. this belnir our third
Morrow. Dean A, Baldwin r
ped on the beach ? F M Iwlti "jftaStS
l.lnr nnr Ston. Mrs. L. M '. b
lIMn.A..n. t. I HH. ... tlUfll UHlltlUIl. II11R
iiuxutui, t. ia nut uo- ... . :..-""" "" "- M n ITnrlinR. .Mrs II """...
ed that this troublo will bo en- ,H ,ier.0'. l-eorgew. smith and wife JV ,V ."h7," ' r. F Zurckfr, w
... iiraniiHi in nn no th o mnpn .. nrnA v. , ....t - .-ii,. ii
Now Coos Hay will lead Portland. oSetlS ?.?' haS' ZTin "ohS VW 0 S'0S
as they hav0 no vessels anywhere , M!f?J u, '"' rJ he ,a ? ,!0D " Mrs. L. N. Dukn, .N ?. n
near as large as the Adeline Smith ?o: Mhh: ..ff "rfnr,,.!d, ml t,,nt Mra N.O. Moore, C Li
registered out of there. ' ih.? ? "' h.'"?',rl.c l'?rt Toke an v. Mrg E, u B";, Z
,'.rl u. ,,0cn aiuI woro "el(l "1 fSstn b J Mll'er. B. CniPFf'-"
, for five days. We did not see them; moWagoner Mrs C L. WW
lionsTS ltKiM's'rivxK- nrobah y thev had cotton nut nf thorn mo .VaBhu"1''. nnnrin. Mn.6
just before we came through
. Georco .'. ,L" -. .-.iriA firar. L u Z
War Already Sends Prim. Sky-Hlgli nd wife were telllnj; Ha a few of their via Mrs F v Fuller, Mr. -
III liliilskii tAIllirikfiirns U'tilnh uoin nitlln ftinrti ...-. - - - 1 1 riv-
Illy Aio.ltJ Fr lu Cou Hit TIrim 1 Frnm flil.l li.o.l, ...i.i.t. ju- LUU, l
LONDON. Aug. 6. Tho Ilrltlah tJ' sont of Curry county, for several rn0lroodr ,11
government's scheme to control food mUos north .perhaps twelve of fifteen. v,,i RMr Jo
supplies is 10 no issued shortly, as a - roau is run of sand and one of
shortage Is already reportod. Heof- the hardest propositions to get over
steak which yesterday was 3'J cents with n macMno I have ever tackled.
""" PtariDdl
. ". "i r. .hvl
Jieim liuh, , ..,
Mrs. J
a pound rose to 41' cents today.
in. Auo.Uiisl rri to Coo ti? TlmM )
TOKIO. Aug. C Itenorts that the
rewilutlonarloK in China nre showing
signs of mtUlty have the focus of
mention here. It is feared that the
Hurnpenii war will inspire an out
tsramlg l"clil"rr
pointed out that by merging the two
towns ami tnKing in Intervening ter
ritory, they would make a flno mu
nicipality. A bridge across Coos Riv
er, they polutod out, would make a
largo section of flno farming land
around Wlllanch. Kentuck and other
"lots tributary to Eastside. Othor
arguments vore advanced by them.
.Messrs. wiutty, McLaggan, Kltt
8011, Nelson and Judgo Watklns talk
ed on the Kastsldo view.
I I no plan Is to probably select n
j new nanio for the merged
IB) ,mo.Ui.1 TrM 10 Coon Ittf Tlm.
WASHINGTON. D. C., Aug. 6.
Secretary Ilryan called a confer- I
ence of representatives of all I
European powers for late today, j
when It is believed messages 1
will be delivered supplementary
to those of Presldont Wilson, t
urging the acceptance of the '
tender of his good offices.
You Just slide In and cover up. which
means for all hands to cot out and
scratch and push. We have been on
tho go nearly the whole tlmo slnco
we left and most of It has been
I mountain travelling.
"In coming up the coast we crossed
Hell Spring mountain. 5200 foot hlch.
and climbed to the very summit. It
(BT AmooLIM rrM lo C004 Dr TlmM J
LONDON. Aug. C A syndlcnto
of stranded Americans, headed by
Grant HukIi Hrown of New VnrW
have purchased tho British steamer tm "n"' , 1
Viking for the repatriation of their Jmath invpr i
countrymen at a price of $500 for n". Ul Uher w
each berth. They will obtain per- " S " .,..
mission rrom the urltlsh goveriv
nient to sail Monday from Liverpool
J. "'
Maud Rider, John McDoiirfr
Duggan. R. A. Gordon.
tltt, l.aura iien. - A )l
.Mrs. J. E. Johnson. uitt
Huffans. Chas. Leake, h
.Mrs. J. W. Parry, L. J. IBC
Among those arriving on tw
fiom Eureka were: . yi
Mrs. C. A. Metllu. ;,;; 1
Mrs. Pulton. G. A. ruw- ,
filhson. A. H. .oe.B,"i.tlU.l
wna A trrnti.l alrvl.t wn. t. . n x Watlln. C. ... Uit-I
1 , . """ " Hum hid iui iu .ijru. j. . "' -, .... n e-
.uoK uuwn on an slues thousands of Endelman. U. ";. ad y, s
feet on other high peaks and In don, W. D. Hutchison "
chasms and from chain to chain as Loda. .
far as the eye coud see. Our trip '
has taken us over a vast amount of . n,nK CM
territory and I am very thankful that -u CWi,tL
we have taken such a Jaunt. We .. vfr l'
were at the very source of the Rogue Randolph Strikes 'l01 ' k-j.
mver ana acaln wo rrossi it nt 1 w Vcariy
Wedderburn. where It empties Into ' t T.hoTlmeJ- ,
imost the same with (Special 10 - .w r
hlch we crossed at BANDON. " 0ltaln J"8,
steamer Randolph. CaP oat j
In comlnc north w rann liv derson. attempted 10 .ur v
Papa, Santa Rosa. HonMshnrtr it. tordav at extreme "ch. trir?T
klah.. Wllllts. Uiytonvllle. Bell struck on Areata "ock. thea-
They will fly the Stars and Strliies SinY" "mite Itytonvllle. Bell struck on Areata ":"t0B tM
ami make as many trips a" posslbt" r'"8' Frultland, Alton. Fortuna. her wheel and near) $ . J
ni reki .Arcata' Refla. Crescent jetty. She " '"cdWcltw3
,.,., , ..... ' Chetcq, Brookings. Pistol River, saving crew and toeu(tlitef
11 S,,il,wliti i1"1-1'? ' Mn.liflel.l. Gold Beacb. Weddorhurn. Port Or- She has an extra wheel a ,jj
Hon II. Fisher, of Anderson, Illinois, ford. Langlois and Bandon. I think will be on the ruaSRustl'. JJ
' " .' wi,cioilJ Ul 11 I- U will run OVfir In MAralltlnlil Ihun Hnva '1 11B IWT d Wl" ..I
nols Law- School, who has been visit- back to Myrtle Point, and from'thore flagged and came in. 1D1io!p5
lug at tho local Slcnia Chi houso In to Hoselmr nn.i ..., . . n .h nnren that tne wrtl
t.t ii i .j... ..- ;.:... :. . - . " - ".. mo moi uc i- - r...n ivai -. 9 1
u in -!. iii iiiiiii v w rr iarc-viviii n 1 j-k r n .n.i. -. .... a vn rA :i --- -a ny '
com-' where he
1 Eugene
f, left today for Marshflold hero for a week or two. Bandon Is fpr the Agate CarnWr tltt,
le may locate In practice. quite a nice little place and the beach ford, and as much c
Guard. is fairly good, though rugged. . Rogue River ports r