nny"- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1914. EVENING EDITION. FIVE loyal Theatre Tonight "The House of Big Features" "THE OUTLAW REFORMS" GRIPPING WESTERN COMEDY IN FOUR REEIS wm i iff- i The play is filled with a series of dare-devil rid ing, thrilling and hair breadth escapes, inter spersed with good, wholesome comedy. Don't Fail to SEE THIS WESTERN COMEDY pa "The Blind Sculptor" lade in Two Reels by Eclair Company of Paris A Strong Story of LOVE and ART 'ATHE DAILY NEWS Sees All Knows All You See It HF md -'H 1- .ower Floor 15c -ADMISSION- Balcony 10c lere Tomorrow Night "LUCILLE LOVE" 7th Series BREVITIES AUGUST TIDICS. Below Is given tlio tltno nnd holght of high and low wntor at MnrBhflold. Tlio tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino nnd heights on tho second line of each day: a compar ison of consccutlvo heights wBl In dicate whether It Is high or low water. For high wntor on tho bar subtract two hours 34 minutes. 5 Hits.. in... G Hint. . Ft. . . 7 lllrs., I Ft... 8 .Ill's., Ft... 9 Itlrs., Ft.., lOIIIra. , IFt.., 1 1 1 1 1 ru . Ft... 1.33 0.2 2.18 0.2 2.50 0.0 .1.38 G.8 1.10 r..r. i.r.c r..i r.38 1.7 8.1G 0.(1 8.G& OS, 9.29 0.3 10.01 0.0 10.30 0.4 io. ns 0.8 11.24 1.3 2.C8 0.0 3.32 li.2 4.03 r.3 4.31 n.4 coo G.5 G.28 G.G r..r.s G.G 8.1G 2.0 8.59 1.8 9.38 l.G 10.18 l.G lo.r.o 1.4 11.37 1.2 0.0 0.0 In .the bnnklng business. Thirteen years ago today ho and William Grimes nnd Dennis Flynn opened tho First National Hank of Anndnrko, Okla., on tho present townslto which was just thrown open to settlement then, the Kiowa and Comnncho Res ervations being opened to entry. They opened in a shack of a building nnd the first dny received over $80,000 in deposits, most of It being In gold, silver nnd currency which settlers cnrrlcd In there on their persons. Four yenis Inter, Mr. Kreltzer's son, Wllllnm, was horn, so It makes n doublo anniversary In his family. iPEOPhE'YQU iKMOW ABOUT ii )i y by way of Allegany. They left' Eugene at 8 o'clock yesterday I ALONG tho WATERFRONT I morning; and arrived iojU Golden I Hi-UIVU Ult VVM IcnrnulMI Fnlls at 7 o'clock Inst evening, . ,.. ,, , ,"! , . , coming to Mnrshfleld this morning. Ui.,n..J J - ,B,hor? fr0m tho Tlinv oMiect to remain nliout a S'"B'n for a cargo of coal. week remain auout a The AlIoll10 Sint)l nrrlvcd ln tlls JOB JOSEPHSON has returned from11"0" "B fr'" Sn" rrnnclBC0 nml Da5r u hunting trip to South Slough, mi. nnM.ii. i i i . i t nnd says that he did not see a sln-l ., J.h ""'V10. l"1 'lllltro 'W0 nBalu' glo deer. Hunters were so thick ' u'n.L lo J1 w,l?,0,t Yh". iry,Ufl that It was iliumorous to shoot ho ,0 C,0M 01,t frtln """''oil to Port that it was antihiroua to snoot, no 0rfon, yC8tcrt,n., Tho Ull8tior i3 to J. It. ROBERTSON nnd II. It. Plein- !"k,c '!,r., lon f"rMtho cn.rn,vn.V 'j'8 lug returned to their home In Port-' "in .Vf,.,1,1,0, ",11c ,l ' ,n1cc,l,5lllt that tho land today via tho Marshticld-' Un" ol ',' J'ns , " tho nnst year, lloseburg auto line after spending', c ;"uoth Is taking on umber some time In tlio Coos May conn- '' 'r,0"!?,nlI1lni ll,lld wn"dcln'ci1 trVi somewhat by losing her nnclior yes- LAWRENCH HOLMUEltO. formerly "' u resident of Mnrshfleld, but now ln charge of the yards of tho C. A. Smith Company at liny Point, nr-, iiveu nero on me Anemic auiiui today for n short stay. ENOCH HOLLAND and family AMONG THE SICK local temperature record. For the 2 1 hours ending at 4:13 a. in., August G, by BenJ. Ostllud, special government mc- I tcoroIogUt: Mnxlmum GG I Minimum GO At 4,13 n. in G3 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1913 GG.G4 Precipitation same period hiBt year GI.S1 Wind: Northwest; clenr. Kills Deer. Frank Rogers of South Coos Klvor yesterday killed u fine five-point buck near his ranch. .Meet Ti.dny. Tho ltnlnhow Club l.i meeting with Mrs. Geddcs on Coos River today. Make Mills. F. E. Hague Is con H. K. SliINB left today for Cnlflomin on n business trip. A. C. VESTAL left for Portlnnd this morning via Drain. C. D. PIPER nnd wlfo enmo down from Allegany on tho Alert today. E. A. RONNELYKE of the dredgo Mlchle was up from Emplro today. CAUL LUMBRIE arrived In Mnrsh fleld this inornlnc from Portland. 51. ATKINSON' camo down this morn ing on tho Gnsgo nftor a trip in via Drain. F. CATTERLIN returned from the north todny, arriving on the Onsgo this morning. SAM CONItO wns a business visitor in Mnrshfleld today, coming down on tlio Alert T. F. SMITH nnd son wore business visitors In town todny from Coos Illver, MISS ALMA OH DDKS enmo In on tho turned Inst evening from nn out Ing near tho Merchant rnnch. Ho states that the hills are full of hun ters, hut that so far no one has bngged n deer In thnt vicinity. TOM WILLIAMS, tlio well known traveler, returned here yesterday for a short stay and ndded to his fume ns n rncontour by a new grist of Btorlcs, which has Hur ry Hugglns wreathed In smiles. CHAS. THOM of the North Ilend brewery wns hero last night on MISS Snence Wilson Is confined at re-, the home of her mother, Mrs, Sarah Wilson on South Broadwov. bv a bad ly sprained ankle sustained by slip ping on the steps lending to tlio dance pavilion. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. P.olf Nerdruin wns reported qulto in Inst evening, suffering from convulsions. ANNUA Ij OF STOCK- MEETING HOLDERS Notice Is hereby given that tho Anntlnl lliootlllir of the Rtnrklmldnm luminous. Ho Rtnten Mint thero wns of the Coos llav. llnflohnri? nml jtothlng to the reported trouble be- Eastern Hallroad nnd Nnvlgntlon tween him nnd the brewers' union. Compnny will bo hold on Monday, us Sec. Theodore Kruppenbach of, August 17, 1911, at 10 o'clock n. tho Portland union round when M at tho offlco of tho Compnny bo nrrlvcd. hero this week. I In Mnrshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, Mil. AND MRS. II. STBWAHT nnd for tho purpose of electing directors (laughter Ireno of Eugene nro In of snld compnny and for tho trnns Marshfleld en route to their homo .action of such othor business ni nftor an extended nuto trip, during may come beforo snld meeting. which thev visited Klnmuth Falls, many Callfornln points, coming to Coos county ny tno const rouie, Itnlnbow this morning from Coos ltOOEIt OOSS loft this week on tho Hustler ror weuacriiurn, in uurr county. From thnt plare ho will wnlk to Crescent City, Cnllfornln, irhon to Grants Uobs, nt which placo he will toko tho train for llerkeley to resume his studies nt tho University of Callfornln. Klvor. HBItHEItT UOGEUS enmo down on the Itnlnbow from Coos Illver to day. II. T. GEAHY wns here from tho I dredge Scattlo at Empire todny on htiBlncHB. lALIlBUT MBIICIIANT Is hero from tho Merchant ranch nt Dullards on business. ARCHIE JOHNSTON returned Inst night from n business trip to Myr- tlo Point. W'K) IX IJAXDOX. verting tho old Episcopal church building, which V nv"ft "ni0'1,1" II. 13. HAMPTON nnd wlfo nro mnk ing a plcasuro trip to Coqulllo Vnl Icy points. Soecial Sales Bankrupt Sales NORTH BEND NEWS property on tho Mill Slough fill, Into apartments. Finn Fined. .loo Engres wns nr rcsted by Officer Shoupo Wednesday evening. Ho wuh released Thursday morning after being fined JG for bo lug drunk. Moonlight Itldo. Tho moonlight rldn nnd picnic: of the Mnrshflold churches will uo hold Friday oven ...... ,. , . . , , , ling, tho AIlco II. lenvlng promptly Mrs, hnto Froolund nnd children at 7.30. It Is open to nil who wish hnvo moved from Union nventio to to participate unci a fine tlmo is Oldtown. nssured. w mi.. ... .i. .. , Helix Piciirity. Tom Vlgnrs. for- Ih Biien lug hi. vncatloi nt 4 inset 'erl' of North Uond hut recently of ih BiHiuuni, his nratlon nt Sunsot ,,,.,,, wn horo n8t Bht nnd Hay Mr. nnd Mrs. I left today for homo. Ho arranged UST GOOD CLOTHES IA DtTACnMARI C PRIPP 'oaVu f()r 8n Francisco on tlio Ilo-,tho C. S. Wlusor homo on Sherman A ntAoUIMMDLC rnlOL uondo. tivonuo to F. W. Woods nnd friends. Child DittwiiN. Coronor Wilson JITS S8.50 TO $30.00 1 Cnv K. II. Hodson will for the snlo of somo property near Mrs. Robert Kittson and bnby of Mlhs Hlttlo McNnlr Dwoiiicn llrldo of ltoy Wiitkliix. (Special to Tho Times.) RAXDOX, Or.. Aug. G. Last night Miss Kittle McXnlr, tho talented daughter of A. McNnlr, the hardwuro miAIII.ILl MATOnV nnxin ln Mn.ul. . t ,k,. 1 vi tiia 1 uun Li.1111. it, ..i.tiaii- , . .u ..., .,! flold today on tho North Star from " "" " T . , ,V." f V ' W V North Inlet I 'C'I,B w'10 '8 employed In the J. I. MRS. GEORGE SMITH was a passon- SWwoIl Emporium. Roth oT tho gor on tho Rainbow from Coos 0,,K Ijcoplo are we 1 and fnvornblj River today. I kll0W '" ',lls section. C. 15. METLIN nnd wlfo nnd Mrs. cL..,..,,., ii.Ti mitiwi tiik u'i.m.mc A. Motlln returned today from n MAI" "AiiLASIIMl I HIS I.I.K. MISsVoKA'sTAItNa of Salen, has1 ...Jho ".i'ooorn,.1 nrrlvcd horn for n visit with lrn 1 '"K to B,art bnllastlllg operations on I F Wasson MrB"' tho Wlllnmotto Pnclflc. west of Eu- 1 vp"nnnni'n n.1,1 n v ,n Kno fr0"1 tho present end of bnl- ,. . n,.,i,i i,..i i -in--i, 'nsl nt Fowlers to tho present end boh 01 I'ortlnuii arrived in inrsit- , ,., ,..,, , .... n,i.,i ---,Qitl nt field iIiIh mnrnliiL" I "l0 trnclt at tho third crossing or JAcf RARRY0hnasnRgono to Port Or-1 'law. over forty miles west of S X?" SloXTt0 Carn,Va1,!- wUl pSabW ainTell toward MRS l W Js! Clf ANDLBIl enmo down ?' f JZtul from their South Coos River homo f " P'IB .H?."1 ,.Btc.d,.." d..bZ ?. I todny for a short Btoy. tlmo this Is doiio tho third crossing Snstsldo nro utiestB At tin. rii.iri . lecelved a tolephono mossnge from .., I , '-.K.i kkMii " vf 1 nhnnon wlu l, completed nnd tho rails fur avnn ug homo I IToprlotor ReynoldB of tho South '"JI'Il.n Viatordiy and w! bo'"0' n,on,f' U ,B h0,cd to ,n"nM0 ' U1B" "m0, I Inlet mwiiiIII this afternoon Bnylngl " '', J,?.8 ti.o Tin or I bnllnstlng this tlmo nil tho way Into employed on Tho Times. ie in and talk to us about it. FIXUP ItOVAL TAILOR AGENTS. Row It. L. Sutherlln of Snlem Is a flve-yeur-old child had fallen Into Mp vn fiii n v viinu vv nn,i Mnpleton without n stop. Eugono here In tho Interests of tho temper- well nnd wns drowned. He did . M "wo clTlldron woii vialtors In "lib G,,ard' TWO STORES Mlrld North Pond ammocks if All Kinds 1 mJr sd from $1.75 to $7,00. Tents of All Sizes. WHY PAY MORE? ihnson - Gulovsen Company Quality aino with n Servlco Fume. Ttwiir e Better Fake the homo attractive with !'c for the young people than to them seek entertainment away home, FK T0 THOMAS ABOUT IT' W make terms to suit you. nnco cause. not give tho uaino. Mrs. Lillian M. Mltchner. Kansas Elks .Meet. At a mooting of tho State. President or the W. C. T. U.. Mnrshflold Lodgo of Elks last night, ; will bo In Coos county this week nnd Dr. Ira II. Hurtle of North Uond nnd will address a meeting nt tho wharf,..!. Q. Jnrvls of tho Red Cross Drug (North Rend, on Frldny nt 12:40. Store were elected to momborshlp. Immediately following there will bo They will ho Inlnted later. Nino 1 n basket luncheon nt the Presbyter- nppllratlous for membership wero Inn church In which ovorybody Is In- received. I vltiwl tn unrtlnl tin tn nml ivlilnli will lm i.... n...i.. r.. nn.i r. Tnln "" i ..,... ..... ...,..,. ., .,. .,k i iiiiiiiii i ii. .i f Him ..tin. uttnu followed by nn Informal talk by nillstrom, Miss Ksthor John Mrs. Mltchner nt 2:30. In tho eve- BOn. MIkh Mnv Peterson nnd nlng nt 8o'clock sho will lecture nt Misses Clnia and May Myren have tho Lutheran church. Local talent Kouo to Mr. Hlllstrom's homestead on will nlso provldo ontortalniuont. Ev- nock Creok. where thoy will spend erybody Is Invited. Mrs. Mltchner some tlmo fishing nnd hunting, will bo In Mnrshflold nt the Baptist To Go i Cliliiu. HJalte Nerdrum, church on Saturdny Afternoon, nt 0f tho C. A. Smith pulp mill, Is plan' tho M. E. Church nt S::i0 p. in., Sun- nlng to go to China nnd Japan soon dny morning nt Coqullle, Sundny eve- to confer with tho pnpor manufne ulng at Unudon, and at Myrtle Point hirers thero about tho kind of pulp on Monday, j they deslro so that a pormunont . . I m nr Wot for tlin mill) mill can ho es tablished ln tho Orient, Returns to llniiilon. Stanloy Dol lar Is expected nt Randon on tho Grace Dollar from Mill Vnlloy, whoro ho nnd his hrldo, formorly Miss Es ther Johnson of Coquillo, hnvo been spending tholr honeymoon. Ho will remain n wcok or so nt Randon look ing nftor affairs thero, Wed Today. Warren Powell and Myrtlo Johnson, both of South In let, woro married Wednesday noon nt the homo of tho brldo's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gust Johnson. Rrtico Lnt tln nnd Annlo Johnson woro brldes mnld and best man. A sumptuous re past wns sorved. Tho homo was prettily decorated. A largo numbor of fIends nnd relatives woro pres ent. Row J. E. Knotts officiated. Gets Ttvo Deer. Fred Weavor has wrlttou Rny Olllvnnt thnt tho first day ho went out for big game nt tho Baker rnnch In Browstor val ley, ho secured two fine bucks nnd almost got n boar. Tho bear was later bagged by a Coquillo man. Prior to making tho big kill of veni son, Mr. Weaver secured two fine strings of trout and so declares that Browstor Valley Is the hunters' par adise, Given Cnke. Mrs. M. M. Murphy yesterday celebrated her sixtieth birthday and was presented with a fine birthday cako by Rudolph Sher- ych, prominent young oaKer or worm Bond. Mrs. Murphy has lived in Or- egon since sho was sixteen years old, is the mother of fourteen children, of whom five are living. Sho for merly owned the Gardiner salmon cannery but has spent most of her life on Coos nay during uie paai m teen years. Has Anniversary. Today is Dor sey Kreltzer's thirteenth anniversary G. L. KINO Sccrotnry. KNIGHT TEMPLARS NOTICE. Sir L. L. Jewell, Eminent Grand Commnnder of Oregon, will mnko his orflclnl visit to Pacific Commnndory Xo. 10. K. T Saturday, 7:30 p. in. All members and visitors arc request ed to bo present. E .S. BAROELT. R, C. 0JOTIED I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I l'OIl RENT llmiNiinnlilc, nicely fur. nlBhed ti-room flat, with bath. Centrally located on North Front street. Key at Johnson & Gul-ovson. WANTED Stenographers, fiiinltliir with lumber buslncBB. Apply Coo Rny Manufacturing Co., North Rend. I,OST Woodman of World InMir nnco policy, mndo to Mildred and Fannie Rundy. Finder 1envo at Times office. Rownrd. f iley B. Allen Co. - U TnOMAS, Hunt Grand Theatre To-Night If It's n Feature, Yon Will See It nt This Thentif. Extra long features ns a rulo are nothing hut drawn-out one reol pictures. SUCH IS NOT THE CASE in tho Big Five Reel Feature "DETECTIVE CRAIG'S COUPR" that will bo shown at this theatro tonight. This picture r Is one that has many thrilling happonlngs, and nctlon that has never been attempted In pictures bofore. As stated abovo IF IT'S A KKATl'RK, YOU WILL SEE IT ATTHK GRAND. SPECIAL ML'SIO IIV OUR SEVEN- PIECE ORCHESTRA BE OX HAXD TOXIGIIT AXI) SEE A GOOD SHOW AND HEAR THE BEST MUSIC IX THE CITY. Children 5c Adults 15c DA NICE By North Inlet Social Club At North Inlet Social Hall Saturday Night Music by Piatt's Orchestra. Launch Union will leave Marshfield at 7 o'clock" 158-R PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY pltv todny from Xnrth Inlet MISS HILDA 8TEXHOLM and her! EXPRESS BUSINESS VV DUMPS. mother, Mrs. Matt Stenholm, loft, , today for a visit In California. Express company business has been J. O. LANGWORTHY nnd wife nro 'practically wiped out by tho parcol nnlnvlnir n wnnh'a nntlnir In tlin llOSt. tllO actlinl rodllCtlOll III bllBl- Allogany and Golden Falls section.! aa In tho last nlno months bolng MESSRS. M'KENNON, auornny.' lor cent, roportcd by thorn to tho Goodell nnd Ed Duffy woro nrrlvnls Cominorco Commission. Wells 1-nrgo from tho north this morning vln i'ns an opornung mcomo 01 over Drain. $800,000 for the nlno months, but It MRS. OLIVIA RDMAN loft today cost tho Adams compnny 5G7,70r. fnr Ton Mlln. vi'hon aim will Iia tlin more to rilll tllllll Its rOCOlptB, and guest of Mrs. J. W .Bennett for n the American .biggest of the express few days. I companies, fell from a not operating MR. AND MRS. W. C. MORGAN wore income a year ngo of $089,508 to n visitors In town today from Coos deficit of $007,898. Tho express Klvor I companies nro losing money month MRS. SWANEB PETERSON nnd Mrs. by month In oporntlon. They still John Peterson of Hnynes Inlet declnro some dividends, novortholoss, were shornilng in Mnrshfleld this from tho earnings of tholr largo sur- iiiornlntr. I plus built up In more prosperous MRS. E. MINGUS loft this afternoon days. Thoso companies nro contlnu for Coos Rlvor, where she will Inu tho strugglo pnrtly In tho hopo ho tho guest of Mrs. J. A. Mntson.thnt tlio pnrcol post rates will bo nt the Nook. rrtlsed by necessity, and pnrtly to CAPT. DUNSON was up from tho try out whnt sort of a flold thero Is Capo Arago lighthouse yesterday, left for thorn In othor lines thnn on business and pleasure Tiiero strictly parcol carrying, ns foreign ox has been much fog for tho last few! change nnd transportation, cnrrylng days. i big packages, making extra fast ox- S. C. MACKLIN left for Portland press deliveries nnd dovoloplng now today nftor having spent n couple business direct hotweon producer nnd of dnys hero for tho Cudnhy Pnck-' consumer by sidestepping tho "mill ing Company. dleman." MR. AND MRS. II. LEPPERT leave; tomorrow for Eugono and Port- VICTIM OF TANGO ASKS land on n vacation trip. Thoy ex- SUPPORT FROM HUSBAND poet to bo away about six weeks. J. F. WAXLESS. representing tho niiiiglitcr-hi-Lmv or Former Minister nurroughs Adding Machlno, loaves Conger Injnied In Cnlmirt tomorrow morning after a business, Kutertiiliiiucnt. trip through Coos county. I nrw YORK, Aug .0. A pathetic MRS. J ,D. MAGEE left tochiy for her plea for support from Roy M. Conger homo at Lnkosldo nftor a visit with bocnuso sho is suffering from tubor hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.joulosls is made ln nn application Morgan, nt Dnnlols Creok. filed In tho supremo court by Mrs, MISS. NORA TOWER nnd Chester, Graco Fitch Conger, nloco of thoMnto nnd Leslie Isaacson loft on tho Ro-ciydo Fitch, tho playwright, for all dondo todny to resume tholr cours- mony of $30 n wcok ponding a suit os nt the University of California, for divorce W. D. HUTCHISON arrived horo on, Mr. Conger, who Is associated with FOUND a gentlemen'M cent, nt danco pnvlllon Wednesday night. Owners may havo samo at Sar tor's Confectionery. FOR RENT Furnished two-room housokeoplng npnrtmont. 413 No. Second streot. LOST T Mlvor brooch Initwivn Fourth stroot nnd Highland nve.. near Central School Houbo and Front streot and Mnrkot avo Mon day, August 3. Kindly lenvo nt this office. Rewnrd. FOR RENT FOR BALI) Rooming house. North Second. 13 FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooma, 2 bed rooms nnd board at tho Roy Crest Apartmonts. FOR ..RENT Furnished ,.1-nxim houso and flno gardon plot for $S por month. C. W. Evortson, at Coos Bay Bakery, FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. C9G First nnd Birch. . Phono 239-J. FOR SALE I FOR SALE Furnishings of O-room flat: Including furniture, rugs, stoves nnd bedding. Inquire Cur tis Flat, Bunker Hill. County Rond. FOR SALE Bnnjo nml violin, Clump If taken at once. Phono 721 North. Bond. FOR SALK CHEAP UO-foot cabin launch, Union engine, big bargain, best ranch boat on Bay. Inquire at Nelson Iron Works. tho George W. Elder from Euroka for a short visit with friends nnd relatives. r banking firm, Is tho son of the Into Edward Ilurd Congor. w'o was Unit ed States Minister to China during J. P. SHARKEY and Elwood Wiles of, tho Boxer trouble The plaintiff Is Portland loft today for tholr home a daughter of tho late Col. Henry nfter spending boiuo time In Coos s. Fitch, U. S. A., and Is a native of county. Thoy mndo tho trip in Oakland, Cal. and out by private auto. Affidavits from three physicians E. F. RUDRAUFF of Portland, L. C submitted to tho court by Mrs. Con Smith Typewriter representative , gor's attorney say thoro Is no hopo for southern Oregon, leaves to-,for hor recovery nnd Jhat sho Is too morrow on the Marsimeiu-uoso-burg auto lino for Portland. MRS. F. J. FEENEY. of Bandon, who has been visiting friends In Marsh field for the past week, Is visiting tit Sunset Bay today. She will re turn home tomorrow. E. L. PIERCE has returned to Tar Heel camp, resuming operations there today. Ho reports that Hom er Ring, the noted, coon fancier, is now back at tno camp after a few days outing, weak to earn hor own living. Sho was hurt while tangoing In a Broad way restaurant. While doing tho dip she slipped and her leg snapped at tho hip. M&- HILL MILITARY ACADEMY I A Stlect Non.SecUiian Boudioa nd Dy School MR. AND MRS. R.' C. KEENEY. of fe'Bojr.. NyiiuDUdPliae;Sm.llCU.e.;M& Eugene, arrived ln Marshfield this i....-. mornlng ln their touring car after ' " U"K"e- J" Z a pleasant overland trip, coming PORTLAND, OREGONV N lAVt Liver Its Sa Cures Indigestion, Bilious ness, Headache, etc. 25c and 50c. fl TWJ J fllImCf j ;'ljc3tr3'agSt' a&i EAMMiM