jP WmWWM'MI'T 'V'" r7 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1914. EVEIMIWG EDITION. ' " THREE im PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Mildred Ropers Nelson. Teacher of 1'Jnuo, Pupil of Hugo Mansfcldt, Snn Fran- Cisco, Cnl. Studio 230 South Broadway, Marsliflold, Or. Phono 70-L. H. H. Harper HOUSE BUILDER General Repairing and Cabinet Making. Phono 3 4 9-J. W. H. McBroom CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. Estimates furnlshod. Repair work a specialty. Resldonco West Hunker Mil. W. T. Tompkins, D. S. T. (Weltmor Method) Every known dlsoaso troated without drugs or nurgory. Rooma 1 and 2, 237 South Droadwoy. Phono 132-L. MarBhflold, Or. Joel Ostlind PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER Leavo orders nt V. R. Hnlnea' Mus- lc Company. 416 S. Sixth Strcot. Phono 103-L. I. M. Wright Phono 318-R BUILDING CONTRACTOR EitlmntcB furnished on request C. 0. Gosney. I'nono .ii in CONTJtACTOIt AND BUILDER Estimates Furnished on Request Mv Pant Work In Mr Reference Pint and Alder Sts. . Marsliflold Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear, Noho and Throat. OH. MATT1E II. SHAW DIsninoh of Women nml Children Office Phono 330. Rooms 200, 201. 202, Irving Block. Houeo phono, 10D-J. Mrs. Farrinner TEACHER OF TIANO Resldonco Studio, Phono 38G-J. Benjamin Ostlind consulting engineer and architect Offices. 200 Irving Illock Phono 103-L or 207-J. Mnrshfleld, Oregon W. G. Chandler ARCIIITKCT Rooms 301 and 302, Coko Building, Marsiineiu, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marsliflold, Oregon. Berl Riley Ballinger PIANIST AND TEACHER ilesldenco Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono 3G8-L. ARE YOU BOTHERED A'lth Corns? If so, you nro doprlv W Of half the nlnnsuro nf llfo . lleaiant walklni? nnd hcnlthv ntnr. lo. A visit to Mrs. Olivia Ed man, klentlflc Chiropodist, Ap't Jl, O'- -cji mug,, win oo mo sourco or permanent remedy for aching foot LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co.. Abstracts, thoroughly depondablo. Immo late service, prompt attontion to all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. fOU AUTO CM. I , FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS 0DP MA1 -w, .. . -- B.u mm mm caret ui unven. ot day service, phono M4-J, rr night service, Phone 200-L ..1 UUAC7. D. L. F00TE. SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO US BY PARCEL POST PWISII A RAO AND VAl ""'' 1'OHTAGE ON ITS RKTURN COOS BAY STEAM I AMMrmv Li212li!L"Z MAIWIIFIELD ip . SIRSS2B fiORSEra- iiniiuui.'"' uiHinuuiors ONYX" and "CADET" unoc ilSJENNINGS, No. Bend SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, fnP c Nortn Bend, w Fancy and Domestic in i n a 5S-r- PUlr ",Ce Car6fuI driver.. hMD?"r.Bl0r,e: y phone, 78. I m---" o-A. " QOODAUJ. Pwwletor, . - SAYS BELGIANS ICliTSr KfcUl pgM The best gasoline the Standard Oil Company can make. Dealers everywhere. Ask our nearest agency about delivery in bulk. Standard Oil Company (California) Murshfield Goodies Garage Gasoline Headquarters FOR COOS COUNTY Centra! Ave. S. S. PARAISO Equipped with Pine Passenger AmimiiiodntioiiH, S. 8. PARAISO WILL SAIL TOR SAX FRANCISCO SUNDAY, AUG UST 2, AT I P. 3L, WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT. YELLOWSTONE WILL SAIL FOR I'ORTLANI), SATURDAY, AUGUST J, AT B P. 31., WITH FREIGHT ONLY. NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agents TO.M JA3IES, Agent, Mnrshfleld; EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FR03I RAILROAD DOCK, 3IARSII FIELD, DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST AT 12s!lO I. 31., ON THE illtl), 8TII, 1UT1I, 1HTH, HilRD ami 28TH. Tickets on sale to all Eastern iolnta nnd lnformatloa us to routes and rates cheerfully furnished. Phono a.VJ. F. T. SHELDON. Agent Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FR03I SAN FRANCSCO FOR COOS RAY THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, AT .1 I. 31. Equipped with wireless and submarine belJ.. Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. SAILS FR03I SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY, .MONDAY, AUGUST 10, AT 3 P. 31. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGEonGE, Phone 44. S. S. HARDY SA.XS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY EVERY NINE DAYS San Francisco Office, Harrison Street Dock, Pier 10. Coos nay & Eurekn Steamship Line E. J. UNDBN. Agt., Phone Dour. 2070. ihe Gasoline of Quality Wireless. New Steel Rout. 5R- KILLED Ml" REPORT THAT lMtimm.w UK. TACHMEXT OF EIGHTY HAD SEVENTY KILLKD IN ENGAGK 3IENT NEAR HOHRKR EARLY TODAY. HIT AmocI.I.J I'r.M to Coo, nt, Tlmri.J BRUSSELS, Auk. B. In flglitlni; botweun tho (loriimns nnd HulgliuiH nenr VIbo, a platoon of Prusalnn cavalry was almost annihilated by the fire of the Belgians. At Flc niallu the Bt'IglanB surprised a body of 1'ruHuIaiiB and hilled sovuuty out of eighty men. Tlie Belgian losses wore two officers killed nnd ten men wounded. COIN vi:ighs :u POUNDS. Swedish Eight Dollar Piece Is n Nu mismatic Curio. One of tho largest coins ever struck, being 23 by 13 Inches and weighing 31 pounds, has comu Into tlio possession of tho American Nu- misinatlc Society. Tho piece U of copper nnd Its coln ngo value In ItiB!) was eight Swudlsn (falcrs Jequlvalcut f.o about $C20 American money. As a curio and nrrlty Its vnlitu has now multiplied nt leant ono hundredfold. In general appearances the coin Is n rectangular Ingot with five largo round stamps punched In It, ono In ench corner and ono In the center. Stamps wcro placed In the corners to prevent "clipping." Ench cornor stamp carries tho Swedish crown In tho center nnd tho dato, 1059. Around tho edge Is tho Inscription of Cnrolus Gustavus X, tho reigning King. Tho centor stamp states the value at $8 In silver. This coin was struck at Avcsta, Sweden. Whllo fresh from tho mint it fell overboard In tho harbor of Riga, Russln, from which a dredge fished It 10 yoars ago. Coins iot tills kind wcro cnllcd "plato monoy," Sweden turned them out continuously for 110 years, be ginning In 1G4'J, In tho reign of Chris tina, daughter of Gustnvus Adolp'iui, in denominations of olght, four, two, ono and half dalor plecos, with ploccn of five and three dnlors In ono yoar. The colnngo had been In progress ten years when (.hu specimen now here wag struck. In 17 IB tho Swedish fmvnpnmntil mnltnil ilnu'ti lift Ittmi9j cunnoii and pindo them Into SG.7C0 piato monoy daiors . Such largo pieces of puro copper wore Issued as money In order to find nn outlet far tho products of the coppor mines without depreciating tho vnluo of tho motnl. AH plato money Is becoming rare. Baler nnd half dalor pieces nro most often found. Twos and foir nro scarco, nnd tho eight dnlor pieces are no longer to be seen In Europe oxcopt In tho large iniiBoums. Wild Oats You'ro sowing wild oatc, Wllllnin Honry Fltzjnmes, you'ro plnylng, with others, tho dissolute games; whon you should ho sleeping you're still on tho Jump, n-palntlug tho vlllngo clear down to tho dump; nnd ancient tradition looks foolishly kind on chaps llko yourself who are going It blind; It says, "Lot thoin frolic llko lupntlc goats, for youths must be yquths, nnd must sow their wild oats." But merry enr ousors who capor nnd prnnco must pay for tho flddlor whon dono Is tho dance, Alas for tho oats that you carelessly sow! You find they nro thistles whon started to grow, nnd though you may llvo for a cyclo, my frfond, they'll prick you nnd sting you right up to tho end. I sowed fifty bushol of oats that wero wild, and whllo I was sowing 1 recklessly smiled; I laughed nt tho futuro and lilted gay tunes, and now I a pi old I am harvesting prunes. With aches in my body and grief In my soul, and doctors and druggists despoiling my role, tho wenrlsomo knowledgo my con sciousness totes, that nil of my troub les nro duo to wild oats. Bo wlso in tho morning of life, oh, bo wlso! And sldestop the bnlt of tho father of lies; for wasting tho moments and sowing wild oats will lend you to chewing tho husks with tho shoats DR. II. E. KELTY, DENTIST. Phono 112-J, Room 204, Coko Bldg LAUNCH FREAK leaves every dny nt 1:30 p. in. for SOUTH Coos River. Docks at CENTRAL AVENUE slip. LOCAL DRUGGIST MAKES MANY FRIENDS Tho Lockhart-Pnrsons Drug Co. report they qro making many friends through the QUICK benefit which Mnrshfleld people receive from tho simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-1-ka. This remedy became famous by cur ing appendicitis and It is tho most thorough bowel cleanser known, not ing on BOTH tho lowor and upper bowel. JUST ONE DOSE of Adler-1-ka rollevcs constipation and gas on tho stomach almost IMMEDIATELY. FOR PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Call on LeMieux & Miller, 393 No. Front St. Phone 116-R. QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite BlancQ ; Hotel, GEfiiN HOUSE A.NCOUVER CROWD TEARS RIO jyCk KA(1l'K ,,,,I GER3IAN 'SULATE AND ENDANGERS BUILDING. ID AmocUIM rrm to Coot Hr Time., VANCOUVER, n. C, Aug. B. The big black englo above tho door of the aormnn consulato was torn from Its support todny by a crowd of men which tried to destroy tho consulate. PASTOR I ) URATES WITH 3IOR3ION Rev. D. ('. KcllniiM Enu-ngcd l(t 3lyr th Point, States Geo. W. Smith. Reverend I). C. KelieniB, member of tho Bible University fnculty of this city, I sengaged In a debato with a Mormon pastor at Myrtlo Point, near Mnrshfleld, according to MV. Oeorgo W. Smith, who returned yes terday afternoon with his wife, from their 700 mile trip to Crescent City, Cnlirornln and return. Tho moderator of tho church at Myrtlo Point whero tho debnto is be ing hold gavo tho decision Inst Sat urday nigui to uevorend Kollems, who will con tin no tho debnto all thin wcok. Rov. Kelloms, with his fam ily, woh on his wny homo from a tour of California and happened to find tho Mormon In that city on their rctrun to Eugene. In djCHcrlhlnti tho frond (between Grants Bobs and tho coast, Mr. Smith said that "onro Is enough." in ono place, thirty miles out from Grants Pass, the road can bo seen In ten plnccB nhovo and bolow tho car at one switchback. Many cars hnvo to back up to got around tho sharp curves nl tho mountain rends. Tho roads wore good and smooth with tho exception of n ten-mile stretch nenr Port Orfnril. That deer are plentiful In southern Oregon Is evident, nccordlng to Mr. Smith, from tho fact that a party of four men In Grants Pass brought in twelvo bucks In n motor car aftor hunting from Saturday to Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Smith spent ton dnys on their trip, going as far sotuh as Crescent City. They wero nccom pnnlod by Poo Scnlfo, chnuffour. Kugeno Guard. Sll DINERS FROM ROSEBURG. Early Sunday morning tho Shrlnora will lenvo for Marsliflold, whero nn othor ceremonial will bo hold. Both roremonlnlK will bo hold under tho direction nf Illllali Tempo of Ash land Shrlners. Tho Ashlnnd lodge men will bo nccompnnlcd to Marsli flold by a number of Rosoburg and Eugeno Shrlners. Toh trip across country will bo mndo In nutos. Rosoburg Review. THREE HURT ON LINE. Bridge PalutciH on Coos Ray Road Thrown on Hocks. EUGENE, Or., Aug. C Flvo paint ers nnrrowly escaped donth and' thrco wero seriously Injured when tho scaf folding fro mwhlch they wero paint ing tho undor sldo of a railroad bridge of tho Wlllamotto Pacific, 17 miles west of Eugene, was caught by a train crossing tho hrldgo, Jerked pu ngnlnst tho bottom of tho hrldgo until tho ropo broko nnd then drop ped Into the creek bottom, 3B feet bolow. Tho two unhurt foil Into tho water. Threo foil on tho rocks. They nro now In n Eugeno hospi tal. J. L. Smith has a broken arm, a broken log and a badly cut and Lrulsod head; C. R. Cook has a brok en Jaw, and Is badly bruised about tho body nnd head; .loo Ilelfrlck has an injured wrist nnd a mashed foot. OPEN MAIL RIDS. Tho bids for carrying tho Unltod States malls between Rosoburg and Mnrshfleld wero openod on July 28, nccordlng to word recoived lioro to day. As yet tho Postofflco Depart ment hns mndo no doflntto announce ment as to who will carry the malls during tho llfo of tho contract. It Is understood two proposals wero sub mitted. Ono proposal was offored by Charles Barnard, tho present mall contractor, whllo tho other proposi tion wns submitted by n resident of Myrtlo Point. Rosoburg Review. I NORTH INLET NEWS. I 31 r. Koll nnd family have moved to North Bond. Mr. Dlotz and family havo vacated tho Seth Johnson cabin and now occupy tho Wm. Judd houso, vacated by 31 r. Koll. Workmen In chargo of II, C. Chand ler havo completed about a mile of grade work from tho Rozln camp to ward Butterflold Lake. An addition al pile driver was delivered from tho. last Breakwater, to be used at Bealo and Butterflold Lakes In connection with this work. Mrs. Lnyton of Seattle Is the guest of Mrs. Archie Phillips at Camp No. 4. Tho right-of-way clearing at Camp 4 Is nearly completed and tho work men will move in a few days to tho Enynrt Camp. Jack Harris shipped a raft of poles last week, consigned to F. L. Bots ford Co. Irving Plnkerton of Larson Inlet was a recent guest of his fnther, P. II. Plnkerton. Rev. O. L. Hall of Mnrshfleld con ducted services In the North Inlet chapol last Sunday and later went to Lakeside, where ho held services In tho evening. F. 31. Jcnner and family have mov ed to their homestead near Grants Pass. John Travis was called to his home In Eugeno last week, having recoived word that his houso and contents wero destroyed by fire. I , Lljiby COAL. The kind YOU hive AL-W4Y.H upKU. mono 73. PacIXI .lilvery.and Transfer Company,