The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 06, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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i'r r"jfTFi"
4trrC O IT Tin IPC fourth generation of the family to
sJJO Dik. I 1 llVlJUkJ continue tlint century oiu ihuubm-j
- - In Pntmlnn PnillltV.
M. O. MALON'KV. .Ktlltor nnil Pub.! The thought thnt a needle couli
DAV K. MAI.O.VKV. ..Nim Killlor BPW with the eye In the point instead
of the other end wns whnt Hindu
llIii:KSS. Home nml his sowing mnchlne.
I Bending a piece of wire to give It
-I1Y stand yo hero all tho a "hump" tlio wnoic worn kuus
day Idle?" tne story 01 mo ue i-umb iwuk am.
No more searching aitcs- eye.
Hon hns ever been put to man. What naif n dozen men siu nK in "i-
rlghU Indeed, has any man or woman tie coffee Iioubo said to another.
to In Idle? "We'll guarantee you against losing
And what is Idleness? your ship and cargo." and so stnrted
fs It going fishing, or nttendlngthe world's most celebrated Inmir-
Bnseball games day after tlay. or loll-1 nnco concern, which Is Known as
ing nbout luxurious liotiacs wlt.i nov Lloyd's.
lit, ami inn lions, nr fr tter Insr away I "i "' " ui nunuuui "!
lKmmmmmm I
mnniiii n iinT nun nin rTrini m? ntTMiniM.nn.--Mii-iiiii.ii-Hn-.iii mmmumm mmmmmmil,mni
niTiiiiBini piiiii i iniii u b iii eii
v rati y r y rmr r y
the hours In endless devotion to
Iirldgo whist or tango?
It may ho all of these, though some
aro Justified as the occupations ot
recreation. It onibraces much more
tli nn these.
Wo may formulnte a paradox and
ray that some of the busiest men and
U onion arc tho most Idle.
And wo think there can be little
disagreement about It when we stop
To watch tho man with no thought
eavo for tho piling up of property
making himself nn office machine, or
a store fixture or an industrial dyna
mo. You see hi in going to his place
early each day. from tho tlino of
jonng manhood until the day ho has
proudly looked forward to when he
should die In harness, n paragon of
Industry and thrift, a man pointed out
us a model to all aspiring young
Business men.
the fellow who gets Just one good
Idea for bettering nny one of n
thousand things can at once order
his steam yacht.
Private Business Will Not Per
mit Him to Enter Politics
Move Camp.
J. A. Ward Unearths Human
Bones Near Millicoma Mine
Mystery Unsolved.
J. A. Ward ot tho Millicoma Coal
Mine, while doing some development
work near the mine the other day,
unearthed a skeleton thnt evidently
had been lying thee for twenty-five
or thirty yenrs. I ho skeleton nati
not been burled, but was lying at the
bottom of a hill where tho rains had
washed down leaves and dirt, cover-
nut thou, wiicn thou prayest, en
ter Into the closet and shut thy door.
Dlble, King James Version.
Jack McDonald of McDonald &
Vaughnn, the llltic Hldgo loggers,
was In town today on business. Ho
said that while many had been urging
him to mnke the race Independently
for county commissioner thnt ho did
not feel thnt he could enter tho con-
'test. He said that whllo ho appreci
ated the honor and would llko to
nnrvn tlin imlillc. he would hnvc toiliiL' the foody.
mnko a ronsldorablo Bncrlflco In a! There was no Indication of foul
business wny. Furthermore, his piny. The bones Indicated that It
partner, Win .Vaughan, Is much a-; was a man of rnther largo staturo
verso to him taking office.
McDonald & Vaughnn hnvo about
completed cutting the timber where
their camp Is now locnted nml will
probably shut down early this fall
A.i.i -i... ii... ,inn-i tt... .n i,' unless tne.v secure atiuiuoiini suuiii)-
jnGW ' ' I ago. They have taken tho matter up
This human being he hail mado! with thp Simpson company, but noth-
Whcn day's long hours have harried ,,,n't hns 1,?cn (loil(y , ,
vo li. .1. Simpson Is expected to re-
a. i,A.,w, .... I.. Mm ,io f M.i turn soon and It Is likely thnt he and
And yet he may be an How deep your Inmost spirit's thirst E,,R"r SI".l,,,ao," wl" 'n,J,nctil(m tl,on
nnd n nnrtlcularly largo Jawbone. It
had a perfect set of teeth. The skull
showed that It was a white man nnd
not an Indian hs some thought It
might be.
How the man met death and who
he was will probably never be known.
Idler, wasting his peclous life In the! To he nloof a little while
icrvlco of mammon. From that which frets nnd
no inignt nave neon better offi orst
J ns logs will be needed to keep the
Items of Interest Found hi the Col
umns of The Itosebiiig llevlcw.
F. K. Allen. Mnyor of Mnrshflold,
loafing nlong the river, gazing Into
cpaco fiom the hilltop. He, too, might
navo been hcttored lr he had been
more of the vagabond typo. For ho
might have drcautcJ to some purpose
or hnvo wandered about In kindly
fashion, brlnullli: rliiicr nml Inmilrn.
tlon to people who hnd lost heart.) O'e
Men havo served God's purpose, wo
aro loin, inrougn i;iu medium of a Th
mngnetlc handshake.
Hut his money, you say. does not
this monoy stand n chance of being
usoil for good? How can ho bo Just
ly accused of Idleness If ho nmasses
a fortune, says an exchange. Ho
does not nlways use It for good.
Sometimes, by his extremo Industry,
ho dovelops an uncanny talent for
taking money from others who might
do moro good with It. Sometimes
lio gains so great n passion for woalth
that ho Uikes advantage of thoso
with whom ho dcnls. in such a case
It wero far hotter that ho did only
nough work to keep himself nllvo.
So wo will agree thero Is work
(which Is not work. And many men
who think they are doing well enough
nml living .lives of virtuous hard
work are In effect but standing nil
the day Idle.
Tho constant need
' ClmttoMn tttlll lit nnnvntlnti
VCXCS "'"'"""."'"' -" "':... ... '." . ... . snout n ilnv In Ourillnnr thlH week
i no aimiiBuii company hub i.irgu : ., ;: , , V. ,
linnl- nml oiiiiugs UC.VUHU mo prusuiu nine , ,",," , : ,:, , , , , ,,-
neck nnu ,..,. " .. ... ... i. .-,.... ... ubnk nu hnndti with old fr n nils. .Mr.
iiri n it nrir ni ...........r-. --- -... -.,,, ..... - . - . . ....
Hlilirn Piilllit nn
tVoCoaullle, but some of It Is 8econd)Allt' 1rt'm.)rt8 l8lness good In and
You are alone within your room; ' lowt" ni" ,,,c;v (1" ot M'0 "Vr'11 optlils He
And yet your spirit craves still t ow; T-hoy ,)0"K ll ,,,.n r Bl,ct "" ' Monilnv night Will I.ystcr caught
more lLrom. 10 I't';T. estate further up tin- f, '?"," ,ML,r, l,8ltrnn Hi
... n.... .. i cnnnii n niui inn Mininsnii rnninnnv "r " .-." " ' -
niiin.-o nnu in sum miiy loom V. ;,..:.. .11- VI- .1.- yVnV-fi k
linr nn "ulnit llif i"ii . "" "' i" 'huuihuii k
he hnd set on his place. Tho hours
r juur iiuiizuii --gum my : ' ,'" ",, " ,"" - lmvn ipimi ilo nu n 'i'Pit 'leal of iliitn-
,ln0P" .Vaughnn company so hey enn og t unto "iiii uuihh " , 'in, ,
uoor' 7 -i ... . . .I hi...:,. ,i. nirn In the ennts. kill nn n crnat
e sound of turning round the key'"ioro reiy 'J'""""'" '.l " i ' ," ,i..,, tt...i.i.. .i.-".V.;
Within the lock tho balm It elves! present Daniels neec ronn. "V."'i., '. '. 7i " :", ,." ; , "
e current of your thoughts flows ' t .ey do no- ge he Ferry trac rmW nwnmHn the VwnlUr.
Tli, o'nee again your best self llves'mn coinp may be 1,, tojlar- glfi '"nJ'Sf uL stoT
MAOAZINK writer observes!
'Wo Americans, thouuh w nm
the most restless rnro In fli..
world with the possible exception
of the Iledoiilns,, ulinoKi never
pormlt ourselves to travel cither at
homo or nbroad as tho 'guest of
chance' We iiIwuvh im rmm ,.,,.
Dlnco to nnothor with a definite
jiuriioKo. v never amlile." And
tho writer belleveH that wo miss u
Rood deal of pleasure and profit
by our cut-nnd-drled formula of
Alid n novelist meclares tlmt
the best Ideas couie to him when he
Is not especially looking for them.
JIo finds that v.heu ho touum forth
avowedly to ohsorvo llfo and people
nnd truth for his fiction, that what
ho gets Is likely to be distorted,
forced or ovei-emiihasloil.
homethlng like this seenm eoually
true of the ordinary person, lie
needs, upon occasion, to rumble, to
learn tho secret or original reponse.
pur traveling and roadlng ami think
ing nre prone to sufrer by our
conventional processes. Wo follow
beaten paths, pursuing them with
3,mii.'m !'r ,,,llt .8hut8 "", " I'MiHlrml
dollBhtful expcrleuies by tho way
Hut originality reiiulres that we
i' .r,M.M'0 f0.r "rlK'l Impres
filons, tlmt wo clear our minds of a
iV, Vi,i0f ",,,1 '"''"'I'll'itwl luinher of
tradition, that we nimble, nmlbly
and oven alertly, but without ni
ws ii fixed destluntlou or a pre
dotermlned course or thought.
coon iimsTJuKicrixt;
AS a result of a u.cent Invosnga
lion iiiUI ,y , ni,tKmion
nav. of oiiMHlMloiiop Katlierlue .
I . ?.rk. h.,!!,"e: " u ,t'J"'"'-
" "l", """""lumi uiuro u u waste
of $S0 ,l(.r ,!)., All(, , ,,
need lew expenditure the ,,
IS ZHX '" m to ,luk " "
,.r,f', ,",.l" ,"r f00l Iw Im
proved and at loast part of thin da Iv
to plan or Dr. Dals. Thin Is n
llliinilnniliiK Instance ( '!
iouwlii.oiliiK of which wo Ln nn
imK ' ,""") ,0 ,'v,, nml H0 ' "
This iierson mid thnt other drew
t'".nie part or you away
They pulled and hauled and tortured
Through nil tho busy, pntlent day. I
This sliutln hour with none hut Ood! '
(Who no'er Intrudes) will soon re
Your feet to paths In calmness trod;
Filter your room and "shut thy
ow Creek above Allegany, where the ilMtroy nny more of his stock. Tin
Simpson conipniiy hns a large com- "l,1 '"'J, V'fs !,B,lt fho?v l',0ll8Jl1
met tract, having traded timber else- rnbl? ,,BhtJ ""' ?ln,,e ll "J'01.' f01
I The grentcst stand ever mado '
for civilization was the Inkstnnd.
Whls-koy Is tho key that has en
abled some Coos liny men to unlock
the door and let himself Into Jail.
Tho man who Is selling cabbages,
Ills Income Is nulto slim;
Hut he will not get mad If I
Should get a head of him.
poet tract, having traded timber else- rn,)l? ,,Bht;. ""' mn,1 ll nJ'0l' for
where ror the holdings of the Smith 'll0. ,loH ,af,ur boI"14 woiimloil and
Company thero. fastened by one of Its fore-feet In
iiu iitifi. i-luting ii mio nuiuii,
It Is said that It weighed over :iOO
I pounds. Hears are very numerous
; In the Smith Itlver country this
year, being seen quite often. Tills
being n good berry season, those that
have been killed nre quite fat for
I this time of year.
' Mr. and Mrs. Muthow Voney. of
St. Louis, Mo., were In (inrdluer this
week looking over this section of
the country with a view of locating
Tho timbering In tho north end of
m L jmf
At the Chnuillei'.
Armond Ilium, San Francisco; HI-, Tunnel No. ti Is finishing up to tho
hcrt U. Lenox, Hosoburg; Thus. Dlx-; slide and on Monday they will begin
on, Ktigeno; Meyer Abraham, Fort-'taking out tho dirt which has nlld In.
hind; F. U. Walte, Suthorlln; Mrs. I It Is tho Intention to crown tho work
U. Snyder, Portland; C. C. Hninp-ldny and night on both ciiiIb of the
ton, Portland; Tom Williams, San tunnel. The tunnel on tho south
' Some Coos Hay people Imn-
1 glue Charity Is attending to
i other people's business without
I charge.
I Somo Coos May people aro loo
1 dull io cut even an undeslrablo I
acquaintance. ,
Frunclsco; F, I notsford, Portland;
A. I.. Mntson. Illue Itldgo; D. M.
Fox. Daiidoii: I). J. McKunlnr, Port
land; 0. I. .('.oodoll, Portland; I). 11.
Allison, Portland; Geo. Ouerray,
Portland; 11. A. Wlffonl, Portland;
A. 0. Peterson, Lnkesldo; II. S.
Drown. Portland; T. II. Wilson,
At the St. Lawrence.
end Is now 200 root.
The San Gabriel, In commnnd or
Captuln Westerdalo. sailed Friday
with a cargo or lumber for San
Karl Howard and Vorno Lniimon,
from Yoncnlla, wero In Gardiner
Friday on their wny to Coos County.
Mr. and Mrs. L. U. McDonald, or
Koe Isport, nccompnnlod by Mrs. Will
re 0!.!:i v. Vi their mother Mrs,
Seattle- C I) M ivn-inl It.iwu'iiii,.' ,v ' ''i; i t.ieir iiiower , ra,
MStaikeS-AqiritoA?:, ""',n,rh1rnr ,B,ur-Mrs-Jo,m
nldHon. Coqulllo; I). Watson. Ilnn- '" ",MU' ; nl I)r!,ln'
Wsr Is looming black and blacker,
Like a storm cloud in the enst!
France Is lending out her forces,
For nil hopes of poaco havo ceased.
i I'm nfrald the price of butter
May so suddenly Increased.)
All tho powers are making ready
For a struggle, so they say.
And tho Gorman standing army
Is prepared In ovory way.
(Well. I'm glad I bought potatoes
Of that farmer yesterday.)
Wnr may rend tho map of Furope,
So the papers seem to speak;
Uussla's uttltudo Is wurllko
And tho rest are far from wonk.
(John. oii pay me back that dollar
That you borrowed Just Inst week )
"An empty purso mnketh a full
heart, according to tho proverb,
ui nun itiiinii i m Mionmeli?
Tho averaue woman i.nn .in m..--
iIiIiik with a luiirplu except sharpen) steamer F.IUnbeth sailed' for
!.-.. I.. 0..1....I.I. !.... .... . v
W Mo r,,1 P Mind " ? "' ', v . i'wkln. and daughter of Mnr.hfl.ld.
. : . v: " :' .-".-,
don; W. Ilortard. Ilandon: C. McMIN .. Mra- H W- Marstors, JIIss Vivian
Ian, Cincinnati, 0.; Mr. and Mrs.l ;ln,K,orB 1 -Mm' s- ' Housor, of
Ilrown. Itosoburg; 0. W. Armstrong. HowbiirK, wore registered at the
Kent, Wash.; W. P. Houncssey, Hon-!(!an,1,lcr Hotel Friday. They woro
ryvlllo: Myrtlo Davis. Hcnryvlllo; un tll,lr roturn from Coos Hay
.May Hennessey. Hcnryvllle; L. n. i'oiiuh, wnoro iney navo neon visit
Garrett, Myrtle Point.
At the lllaiiro.
S. M. Campbell. Portland; Frank
Smith, Portland; Dud Smith. Port
laud: Win. Peterson, Myrtle Point;
Airreu i.arson. Portland; Wm. Itlch
nrds, Holso; F. W. Wilson, Glendale:
J. C. Ilruln, Myrtle Point; C. K. Hn
worth. niuidon; .1. II. Winters. Mvr-
tle Point. G. T. Shanks, Myrtle
Point; II. !:. Maker. Ash.
At the Lloyd.
Hurry Allen. Portland: Mr. and
Mrs. Pondloton. Portland: Herman
Stolnbar. San Francisco; A. Ponsn.
MriuIoii; (5. I). Itnndolph, Coqulllo;
Carl V. Mntson, Catching Inlet; P.
L. Cliiiluo, Lakeside.
Ing friends, to their home In Itoso-
Du rg.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher enmo In
from Tuniiol No. 7 Sunday, on routo
for the Sluslu w.
roirnwi; ix oxk una.
h pencil and sli can i iimi
Jier teeth.
When a young man gets wlso to
the fact that he's loved and lost that's
his cue to change skirts.
A young in
(Special to The Times. i
MANDOX. Or.. Auk. u.Tlie
l?iiiiiiiil., ti .
. ...inibiii wiui ii inn cargo or lum
ber and produce and n mil list or
passengers. Among those sailing
woro c. k. Mrondbent. the,' " ".' I. "" '""' '" ""r
l.. .i.. ;'"i'iiiiiiun ii nm to
man or Myrtle Point, on a busluoss J
trip to San Frnnclsco; Miss Nora i,,
Solve, on a visit to her slstor In Oak-1
Till: (.Altll.i:it TAX.NKIIV.
One or Gardlnor's Imnortnnt In
dustries is the tannery sltuato.l
about throe-quarters of a mllo below
town. This tnnnory has been In
operation for i good nunibor of
yenrs and Is owned by W. P. Meed,
and Is managed by Charlos Smith, nn
export tanner, who hns had charge
of tho plant for over ten years. They
turn out from no to "." sldos of
leather per month, besides tanning
skins of animals that are brought to
them for that purpose. The loathor
that Is mado by this tannery Is ex
ceptionally fine mid brings a good
price lu tho loathor market. The
i tannery Is fully equipped ror tho
; prosont deninnd or It. but ns tho
i country surrounding Increases in
be en-
an may havo to right Innd; Lawrence Machado. of Mvrtle
ilk Illlll .. Pnlllt ..ll .. ..I.-.I. . . ... . . . '
" in ins sisiers in sail
riiiucisco; .Mr. rolls Wo K. of the
for the first klt. and thereafter wonr
inirner s uiasiv tor protection.
Oue thing funnier than honrlng a
woman whistle Is to soe her trv.
ged to moot future
oseburg Movlow.
Po.s ' put llnttlv Creok on the man " wlso wir '""oases her hold
ylth one Idea prepared break- i "" r lumbaiul by holding hor toitguo
Inst rood. occasionally.
Mr. Johnson took tho scctcli out I . , ---
of the phonograph and so gave not I Alul mmy " rrled man Is known
v viiiiMien nun Now Jorsev the " " K"011 ''""W iiy all his
Pnroan C Diouo1 oml 0l,t rop San lat week! according to tho report
A moSs0 or door hunters. Pit S lp'orST beff iSliel!
ho rest of the population here Is 'in tho rnl iron," v r Is at Portia m
. hoSKrK rf0rd ' nt' U",,r"at 'l-esS H tho'g'S:
.. l".. . hn,r -iiuii,. I,,st niiinlinr nt npnlil.i.iia ...,n i...i..
TTi.. '",""1" " ow Jersey the , . h"u" """ an ns ac- piopanug to go to Port Orford to nt- Mniirnmi wni-ti -..iniVVi :",:""""
victor, but the country one if qimlntauces except his wife. tend tho Agate Cnrnlvil " lo "l i Kiuirona woik lesulted In tho great-
"Asss ass? r Sr ' ,n'",k ',"""' j"" "" - "."? & aSrr, '?, ' ' ssMttssss
tnoro eco no nica If ii L,,Z' n .n.,,,,,I,t lhi "J""-""" 'n" witli nn ' Vrc L011. '''8n Plantation logging came next. Many of tho ac
idea that wi,lic"s' , "bo plays the slide trom.,;1-.9. he W,l! !S XiZ's A 1""?
Phone us or call in and see them-
130 North Broadway
beon out to the s,,;rVV "'"".'. J,"1.A"",,I,,",oner8 8t from Coos
i., t i i ....... .."im, anil vuuiuy;
new Mitchell Six which he acquired
while on tho trip. Ho has boon gone
.nr.inj n iiiuiiui ana reports by let
ters that he has been having a'swell
Tho old postofflce Is being rapid-
.- rurii niiiti inn n . vi.v
I. G. Komerv. Mnrshflnlii. wria
sprained, sawmill.
Arthur Craig, Marshriold, back
bruised, sawmill.
Carl Vie Their. Marshfleld, back
will, WKKlllK.
or;r;7u",r,uis.?ru,,o",s,,si-.'u"' '""""""" ""'
I ') Edgorton. Marshfleld, foot
a few days
Tl,n In.l n-ol.. .1 ...I " " llhCll
n'nm n. XnZr"??. " " , ""Used, shlnglo Illlll.
A. Hedburg. Marshfli,i
sprained, sawmill.
commence tomorrow to remodel the
building thnt they are going to oc-1
cupy and expect to havo as classy a I
drug store as thero is In fona rm.n,-
. S Donney Corfeo House has been tlon. having been forced out of their
forced to retlro from business tern- building by tho lease of the Croln
porarlly a they cannot find a loca- Drug Company becomlns effective
npEA Garden Preserves are
-- tne lueai siuiiiner uessert -forth
home, the camp or the yachting trip-!
save the coupon below until you have t
and present to your grocer with ordoi- fm.
wti.iwii ii i.ti :nil.i
s.vnii) ami i... ".:.,' iim
Orocer's Name
he will
1111, r prcsom,
Pacific Coast Syrup Co,
Portland, Oregon
The Good Housekeeping Store
A nice assortment of Pretty Ready - Made Dresses
for GIRLS, priced very reasonably. All good styles
and patterns. Sizes run from 2 years to 14 years.
Prices 50c to $2.50
The Golden Rule
GROCERIES of a High Standard of Quality
PRICES that are Right all the time,
SERVICE that is satisfactory.
DELIVERY that is Prompt and Particular,
These Are Our Business Principles.
Conner (& Hoagland
71)7 SOUTH lUtOADWAV 1M10XKS 3IH-J A' 320
inr ii -r
Clearance Sale
Men's and Boys' Suits
Blues and Blacks Included
$18.50 SUITS
$25.00 SUITS
$32.50 SUITS
In The Parisian Windows:
Boys' Suits, Overcoats
and Pants at
20 Per Cent Discount
Good assortment of
At 25 Per Cent Discount
throughout the house, ex
cept on New Fall Goods.