The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, August 05, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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Ml O. MA LOXEY. .Editor mill Pub.
IAV K. MALOXKV ..Nous Editor
fOUN WANAMAKI5R rocontly cele
brated his seventy-sixth blrtn
ilnv. On tluit occasion lie of
fered a sentiment that rings more
true thnn tho lilfiilutln words that
our forefathers used to Inscribe In
"alliums." Ho Bald:
"To got up to this birthday Is
a far road to travel. Hut thero
' Is no unbeautlful borderlnnd be
tween summer and autumn.
' .Each birthday opens to one a
' new beginning along the hlgh
' way of thankfulncBB to bring his
work to completion and at least
try to help tho other man do
tho same."
The Idea that the years fade Into
ach other as beautifully as summer
shifts Into autumn Is really poetic.
C Continued from Page Ono )
tleshlps. great and small, to sea. The
strength of tho Fleet under tho Im
mediate command of tho Sallor-KIng
will ho 4 03 ships. This Inimonso
foreo could not bu all anchored off
Splthend. Seven miles of torpedo
craft had to he lined up off Reachy
Head. When tho total forco steams
out Into the open sea the panorama
will he one of unrivalled power and
(Continued from Pago One.)
lonal defense had been entirely wast
ed. Parliament would consent to any
liwIlmintlHiililo Kllcrlfk'OS. bUt it WI13
Residents of South Coos River
and Daniels Creek Circu
late Petition.
The Coos Klver school site rontro-
rpnrlinil 11 now stnuo tOdnV
and to change the Ideas or tne soi- W1CU petitions asking for
vices which directed the arm, m. utccMon to determine tho
.... . . . ...,....
necessary to mouiiy tne organization f Vl,rgy
Chas. S. Fee Says San Fran
cisco Exposition Will Be
Biggest Ever.
xew rusixess
is opexer.
Itillnln' Might in Ships and
Mossltny, Minister of War, admitted w,r ,,ncL,it n circulation, dipt
that most of the facts taken separate- (jeorKt. smith said Hint lie did not
ly were correct. If not In the way In jll)W w10 n woro circulating the
which they had been presented, nt ,etltIoii8.
least ns exceptions. This partlnl nd-l jt wns claimed by the residents of
mission wns followed by such an up-'irpper South Coos Itlvor nnd Daniels
roar In the House that tho Minister creek that the last election was void
was unable to continue for a tltno. I bcunust no restrictions were placed
When he was able to resume ins on tho voting and nlloglng thnt six
Hi-lngs Redvtood
from i.iirope.
A Portland paper says: A new
business for Portland steamships was
opened with tho arrival of tho steam
er (leorgo W. Elder from Eureka and
Coos Hay with three carloads of red
rood slashings from the mill of tho
Hammond Lumber Company nt Eu
kn. The redwood Is consigned to
Urn Yellowstone Xatlonal Park and
Tho muster of tho fleet Is In tho 8poecll ,0 naked tho Senate to voto ,noro votes wero cast than were there,
nnturo or a test mobilisation. It nns)tho oovernment progrnmmo In order Tio election was Blmply advisory,
proved brilliantly successful. No, thnt work ,n,B,lt ,Cgn 800n n8 pos- a9 tho school board could select tho
fewor than 193 of His Majesty s ships 8lble Ho ,iortook to employ tho lto without any election. Whether
i u nun ijiiik uii m jjhudii -""", m08t rigorous control over tne execu-' the hoard will grant the new pell
ninny mi wi. I'H uv ;'" " iibi t0n 0f the programme in 01
tirnpmmtiin In nrnor in timia lu n ruinutlnti
I,.. l lm(l Ih.Wllni.OJ.on.l"."" "'.."": l"-o. ...... ..w ... ----, ,n ., ., ....,. ....
iiuihiiui u, ........i, .............. ,-. v.. 0i,tnlii the best result for tne uerenBo .
pianos nnuinur nirsnips, ure amo inn- of ,ll0 c0ntrv. M. Clcmenceati said
ng part. The whole of this Immeiiso thnt ht, hnd MOt attended such a
forco Is undor tho command of Admlr-i .,-...., 0itti ,inrn isto.
"Wo are." ho said, "neither gov-
irtiml tmc if.if.itiftml Vnrv nrnvr. tnnt-l
Js to bo used to decorate tho Interior lor l l"t this Immense force Into ters have heen brought forward. They '
must be replied to. The Minister ofi
War must set forth the present sit-,
nation completely, and Indicate his.
of ono of the park hostelrles.
Mnko a play for luck If you will,
lut remember It Is work that plays.
al Sir George Callaghan. whose flag
Is flying from the Iron Duke. In or
commission It has been necessary to
embark rather less thnn a third of
the whole Naval Kcserve, or about
1 1,000 men. The composition of the .,n,ii,,a ai,n. ini,.i- m,., tinu
mobilised fleet Is ns follows: I .,. nf ,.'. Hni,, fllllt ., mpm,,,!,.,,!
Clght battle squadrons of So ships,
shins. I
t Iim ft 11 1tn unal mMMf li lm tltnl itna mm r i II i"ffl..
One battle cruiser squadron of four. ',"" ' '" " IT 'Vo l , " ' m tligilieer BrOUQIHOn has NTiy
f1ntA It nil Itrisiii nn unaln nt tltnitDnitilu
Eight cruiser squadrons of 20 ar-' n't .,.mim,u i.,i tmon ntwn.i
mourod and ten protected cruisers. ,,ro 900-1005 much less had been
One light cruiser smindrou of six 1.. i.-... i. 1., n- .
)'.-II I Ill I'lUUll' IIUIU III .HJ1 lllllll.v
8''l'8' . t Tim ftcni'pR ntimvnrl thnt nt Mm I'liili
Large Delegation from Ash
land, Roseburg and Grants
Pass Coming.
One training siiumlrou of seven
large but old protected cruisers.
One nilne-lnyer squadron of seven
Thirteen torpedo flotillas of 1ST
destroyers and S3 torpedo boats.
Xlue flotillas of 9 Btibtunrlnes.
Hritulu'x Rlggest Airship's
First Hlglit.
Men Working Wow Ready
For Other Bridges.
Thnt good progress Is being made
Between 100 and IfiO Shrlncrs nnd
their wives nro expected hero noxt
Sunday nnd Monday for tho big ses
sion of the Slirluu on Tuesday, when
of min tliev u-niilil linvo 3020 tilrros
nl nrtlllorv.' na nunlnst 3370 In Cor- on the Coos Hay bridge was t! e stnte-
mnny. Tho stocks of ammunition ment of Engineer C. .It Hroughton.
wero adequate. They wero by no who wns here from North Hend last
means worse than normally was. He- evening on business. He said that
PORTLAND, Or., Aug. r.. "While
t1n Piuinnin-Paclfli' fair nt Sun Kran-
nnother ,,hi will lin n wnndnrrul celolirntlim
locnuon n,i , iixnosltlon nt Snn Dleuo
bo n most attractive affair, tho big- -
gest show will bo outside tho gates.
It will bo tho whole stretch of tho
Pacific const from San Diego to Brit
ish Columbia, and the person who
comes this wny, from whatever mo
tive, and fails to see as much as pos
sible of this murvelous empire of
riches and opportunity will regret It."
Such wns tho statement of Charles
S. Fee, pnssonger traffic manager of
the Southern pacific company ,nnii
ono of the directors of the Pnnninn
Pnclfic International Exposition, this
morning, I
"Wo hnvo now on tho press n 100
page booklet exploiting Oregon which
I regard ns one of the most complete ,
nnd useful publications ever Issued
about this part of the country.
"As for the effect of the war, If will
not Injure tho Exposition . In fact I
feel sure thnt if the great conflict Is
Europe Is prolonged to any great ex
tent, It will '-nvo the natural tenden
cy nf diverting tourist travel from
Europe to the Pacific const . People
are going to travel and the American
industries ure going to profit by the
wnr, because we will have to supply a
good share of the foreign markets
with our products, and that will menu
n'oro proseprlty for us. There will
bo tin niiiM- ........
.... .......i uiimii nr ... .
S'rv,, my.4 T'Z'ti
M. Arlington. Ve Gt
k( A.-c...e Clorinond d ,, 1
Raymond E. Waikin
Mno McNnlr. lMn!
Mf 1.
Bon -wen nd Mml(,
ton . "v" " Voiey nn.1 i......
will , "canor. Coqulllo IImIiTI
Croat Hrltaln's lilL'irodt nlishln. An
tra Tores No. 3. mode Its first flight '
nt noon yesterday from Klngsnorth
linvill nll'Hlllli ntnllnn. Slinornoaa
,.. m , ,,, , .... .-.-.....,. ...... ...... ,......, .......,,
a ciass 01 novices win no union 01 a; Wilch hns been under construction
long pilgrimage over the burning for the pnst year and possesses two
MIIKlS. alrsllln tllllls rnniililo of iirrntiininilnl. ,.r r.f,,i n, ...n.,,,n
lllg fOlir nlrshlllS TioO feet 111 length. ftrl,l Inlocrnnli unrvlrn li'nil lionn frnnt
Commodore Osborne, In charge of the. y Improved. With regard to the
Klngsnorth Station, commanded tho question of boots, the men would go
iioni, niui.ll lllllllf HIIIIIU IIL'UIIIIIlll
circular flights over tho Medway Vnl-
ley. 1 no nirsnip left n the afternoon
El-Knb Klub, the local branch of
tho Ashland Temple of the Mystic
Shrine, has everything In rendlucss
for tho visitors. From Ashland fifi
Shrlncrs will come In antes, most of
them bringing their wives, A similar
ferrlng to the equipment of the Engi
neer Corps, the Minister said that
from 1900 to 1911 they had spent
100,000,000 framw. as compared with
100,000,000 francs spent In Germany.
The (lermans had got a great start.
Since 1912 the grants for the pur
pose In France had been Increased.
With regard to telegraphy, all the
forts would be Joined up one with nn
other. The wireless s ntlous In the
enst would be furnished with new
Moreover, tho
number Is expected from Roseburg,' f0r Splthend,
nu uraniB rnss aim oiner towns win wimt undoubtedly stimulated most
ni-iiu ih uuiuKiiwiiiin. illl kuuu I'nixiiH- llw lii!MiliinH,n r l. ... ,il.
weather the attendance may bo oven m wn8 t,0 ,,,,, nrUv(y of tho 8t.a.
W 0 BA
Some Interesting Sidelights of
European Struggle Old
Legend Comes True.
Tho European
about the only topic
on the street and
Coos Ihiy. Polltk
planes. They came nnd wont with
eosy graco nnd an Impression of
strength and security, us though the
days of doubt wero gono and tho
air was tlielr very own. With a
I strong wind behind them, two of tho
planes flew from one ond of tho ns-
1 sembled fleets to tho other, In u mnt
tcr of a few minutes and then dis
appeared Into the haze of tho opon,
empty sea beyond. Not the quickest
iiinirujiT. ijing motionless, nut men
acingly, on the water beneath thorn,
rniild. witli full s'oam up. hovo fnl-
luwcii mem In treble the time. Fill
i-iKiuy nines an uour iliese sen
planes were travelling
new eyes of the fleets
III Mm t'nfi nmlmilliiintit nf ..n.l
Kion tin. vn,inui i .ii i.i.,. Iii .' tooth rattled so that I could hardlv
::.".: - ""ki iiiu i. ,i. ,.. .,.. .,."'
1 iivui iiiu M1111111111111H in iiiu 01 in era,
Into the field with two pairs, but
there wasn't much to say about the
work as yet as It had been a matter
of preliminaries. He Is now working
nboitt fifty men on tho Job and ex
pects to soon have more. Tho piling
for tho fnlse work of the center pier
hnvo been driven. I
Mr. Hroughton Is not certain yet
whether It will be necessary to screen
all of the Immense amount of gravel'
that will be necessary for the con-'
creto work. Ho said that he would
screen some of it and see how It
runs. Thousands of yards of It have
been piled In North Rend and In the
locnl railroad yards la Marshflcld. If j
If till lino r lm nnrnAtiAil I mnnn ftn '
II till llliO M I1V- n IVIIVll It llll'UII III!
An liitcrentlng Story of a Mu'i
Devotion to Ills Soldier 0,,
In I'our Pitrtu
As I'lcscnlcil Hjr
KliAAV AXI) i:i.iaCElt
thnt wns only a temporary nrrange-1 Inimonso amount of labor to handle
mot'it, and C, 000, 000 francs would bo It
set aside In 1915 for "relief" boots. I As yet Mr. Hroughton has not re
A motion referring the matter to tho'w'ved orders to start tho construc
Army Committee wns adopted after! Hon of the bridges on the Umpqun
nn agreement hnd been reached be- and Sluslnw. However, ho has mndo
tween the Committee, tho Govern
ment, nnd M. Clemcuccnu.
A nowspapor man who Interviewed
n veteran of the Civil Wnr, quotes
him ns follows:
The man who went through n bat
tle ami says bo wasn't scared Is m
doggoned liar. I used to tell about!
how we marched fearlessly aualnst
tho guns of the enemy, but I got to
uiniKing that I mucat so cry main
1 more years to live and maybe I had
seme preparations for them and
would bo rendy to stnrt on n day's
notice. Inability to got quick ship
meats between hero and San Fran
Cisco ho finds to be ono of tho draw
backs in the locnl work.
The' nro 7lJ,)oUor H,l' W "b0"1 " Since then
..on or .nnoY f,u'1. '"' l "'' t battle my
llllbbor rnnlU... 00" rlet' " tllOt I COl
war situation Is llm power of the seaplane, notj u?r. .,'( . " " ' '
Ic of conversation ml '" '' Imposes of attack by J J, lJ' ,0, Vod ami
In gatherings 011 ,,0". '' In the detection of sub- "" ? Is 00 hiB V 1"
s nnd everything marines, whlcli from a senplnue cnn,(, ?""? .,.,?" '",1K1 (.oxl"
man Empire. The prophecy was
that (iormnny would have n ruler
wtio would relgu for years nnd bo ;
mucli beloved; that he would In
turn ho succeeded hy a hot-headed
eon who would Inwilvo the nation 1 l
III a world-wide war In whirl, iliul I
l?mil..t , ...... 1.1 1... .1 . . ...a I
"'"l'u nuillll IIU IllWIIIiyilll. I lie
present situation apparently malum
It all enmo true. Emperor William
lmvlng succeeded bin rather. Empei
or Frederick, and tint outcome of
tho present wnr will determine hu..
true It was.
J. ('. Kendall said that a few
weeks hko he picked up an old new,
paper which printed a forecast by
snmo progiHHitlcnior of future uNonts.
For August. It gtntcd that nil Eu
rope would be Involved In wnr In
inni liiouiu.
Counilliuau Curl V
and the Toast i
Tlie good things or lRo nre !
not to be had sliinly. but como I
to us with a mixture: like a I
witoolboy's holiday, with a I
task nfrixed to the tall of It. I
Charles l.anib.
attacking, nr
Auvtrlnus advancliijf,
HaUoties booming, bombard
EvorNon of f ' nelts cruel, cantering come.
Dealing destruction,
England, esclted. nxpocts excuse:
Franco, reeling friendly, roars
uermniiy. growling, grimly
iuarslirield nerved In the i.iu-inuii
nnny nnd, while bo is loyal to the
Fatherland, ho ihiuks (Jermany Is
wrong In the piosent struggle and
that the Kaiser has been on the
wrong tack for the past six voars.
That the situation In tho Hu.t u
regnrded much more seiious than It I"nnry, howling, hoots her "hops"'
Is here was Indicated by a telegram ' "Rl-V- Innocent. Intently inquires '
W ll I I It T ( 1. !.!. .11 .....-. ill t lllltl't At. I- .!
..,ii u ... ui'imun riciie(i iroill 1 " ' "" 1 mi 1111s out
his wife yostordny. Slie Is visiting l'" l,,aw 'lown their fires.
at the homo of her sister In Cort-' --K-
land. N. Y.. where lior brother-in-
Ww Is president of the First National . ' THE CY.MC SAYS:
Hank. Slip wanted to know if she
lllll.l .in -. k. ....... ..1 III. .. ..
Biiuiiiu limn, iiuinu mi once iihimiu iiniurui unesirt mnkn Mm .ni,i
of llnlifliliig Iwr visit, but Mr. Ken-, "' "otter but It makes It a whole lot
.....1 mivu uiu-n iiMiniK ner 10 8tayi",u iiiuoniioriauio.
and spend some western money to I -n-IJ-
eae mo eastern riiiauiial Htrlnireiu'i-
iriuiMo 111 ran
A. C. Shaw, head or tho legal do
imrtnient of tho C. A. Smith Coin
pany, Is hero from Portland. Sir.
Shaw was formerly a solicitor of the
united States Interior n.imri-m.,,
st Washington and was one of the
It doesn't matter how deeply
In love a Coos Hay girl may be,
she never rorgets to get the
right ehniigo for a dollar.
- .
laming ngures in tn0 Hnlllnger- 1 the Ql'IET ORSFRVl'it mve. T
filavls eplsodo of a few years ago. --: "" l.H hAh:
. i' ' 'rS' t "Tl", S ??.?' " s' Vond.n ., ,u"
friend, to provide his son with nee-!
canary xuucis anu start turn for homo
Thoro Is always an easier and bet
as soon ns possible. Ho has not re- tor way in ith. ,Z,X r nnu .P01'
dyl any response find consequenU ItSiib&ta to ft EKf ta'taat'S
Ty fa somewhat worried. finish r the
reason lie stayed was the same rea
son I stayed: the othor robs hndn't
souse enough to run so he stayed
with them.
And yet we are persunded that
there aro persons who do not got
seared in battle. There nro persons
In whom rear appoars to have been
lert out. Rut those nro not the ones
who nro doserving of grentost credit
for bravery. A man who was In, the
fight at Chlckamiiuga told usWthnt
as they wuro approaching the en
emy's works at 0110 time one of his
comrades showed groat signs or rear
and nnothor ono burst out laughing,
and said: "Why. 1 believe von nre
seared." "I am scarod." was tho
honest response, nud ir you were
scared half us bad as I am vou'd
Thore It was In a nutshell. The
reason tho one didn't run was be
cause he didn't know fonr. Tho ion
son the other didn't run was boacuse
his duty to his country held htm In
lino. It requires no courngo to race
tho thing you have no fear of. It Is
no disgrace to acknowledge foar in
battle. Tho disgraced man Is he who
allows his fear to control him.
Wo hit the trail ror up above;
Twas one day lato In June,
All Nature seemod In smiling mood,
Tho birds were all In tune.
With horses fresh nnd spirits high.
That gavo tho time full zest,
until Queen Lll. who came behind,
Lit on a hornet's nost.
Hor eyes were big as saucers
And wild with abject fright.
Wo tried to keep from laughing;
We tried with all our, might.
Amount Paid Out Last Week
Was in Excess of One
Thousand Dollars.
There Is not n general understand
ing and appreciation of the Import-
on-' nnco of tho work bolnir dono In
orst Mnrshfleld by the F. E. Conwny Com-
Tiie I'uny. in niiuition to tho large Im
provement bolng made by the erec
tion of Myrtlo Arms, ono of tho larg
est nnd most modern apartment
houses on the Pacific Coast, tho pay
roll Is something worth whllo In tho
business world of Coos Hay.
Tho weok bororo last the F. B.
Conwny Company pnld out JSIG in
wagos to more than 10 workmen nnd
artisans who nro engaged on tho new
npartiuont building. Last weok the
Bum total of tho payroll was In ex
cess of $1000. Among the laborers
at work, probably tbo highest paid
were the plumbers, which In ono
Instance, including overtime, the
amount was lit excess of ?i"'j for ono
Mnny new featuros nre bolng add
ed to tho Myrtlo Arms nnd when
completed It will be what It is In
tended to be ono or the most boau
tlful and modern apartment build
ings on the Pncirie Const.
Eczema All Gone!
H you nro troubled with
any form of eczema you
ciiu tellcve yourself of
this annoying ailment by
M fL ton THE PUIUiChCtllW J
Eczema Remedy
This Is n scientific prep
aration thnt directly coun
teracts and eliminates tho
cause or tho ailment, nnd
aids nnturo In restoring
healthy conditions. A re
liable romedy, which we
positively gunraulee; also
endorsed by American
Drug nnd PresH Association.
Two sizes, COc and $1.00. For
salo by
Axiiuslve Agency
uiinit-ti in iriarr crin in int Mini
fnl llir lrl tcr ill lirnl ixxuni.log f tt
he l iM.nlilt1, frrmiltnte W kluC I
ThH U the MMInn 0 Iht
I'nrly-iltlli School Vear OptM
SlSPTKriBKR 18th, 191J
Wtttr lor lll.iNtiittnl 100 mm lUl
let. "THH I IMS CAR1IR." aiiJfoDl
Iok iiiit.iI.iltiK lull Infix iii.iII.iii
Drtm- r.MMi- AUKICUllUlli
bandrv, Peultrv HiiNbandty. llnrlhlm
Aeririilhire for Tcicliets. HOKbSIH
NOM ICS: I )omel ic Science, DomrjtkU
l:NC.INI:I:lilNi: Hleitrlial, Initio,
lllclnvnv. Mech.1nlc.1l. C.liemkal.MhH
Ceramics, COMMliUCH. HHARAwal
I'lhtitmiiil fount! Aerlcnlliire.Dirf I
liiR, Honi' M.ikrrV C ourse. Indutfil
Art, lsorrV. Iluslnes- Shotl Ivum
Sinvio Mhsu I'laiie, Strlnj, B4
VoKc (.ultiiir.
piiiKr Billing" Cwirir by Mill Ff
A.IJir.. Til l RKtllHTlAI,
(w.7.IMn-) Cuitillli, Onf
Phone us or call in and see them 394-J
130 North Broadway
We nil ran back to rescuo her,
win utsins wiui anguisn
Hut didn't go so vory close
1110 tune yueon I.ll got stuns.
Tho average married man will
frankly admit that in tho choice of a
Ufa partner his wife's Judemnnr wn
ji auijenor 10 nis ow.
' Cl'Ll.l.VGS OK COQl'lliLK.
Coos County Sent Xcws As Told by
Hie Herald.
Paul Walkor went to Marshflold
yesterday to take the Rreakwator for
Portland, Ho contemplates a trip to
Alaska but may stop In Portland un
til spring nnd got into the newspaper
gamo there.
Fred Slnglo went to Roseburg Sun
day, taking his sisters. Mrs. Roy
Cowan, of Montana, and Mrs. A. V.
Roach, of Wendllng, who are return
ing to their homes after being called
hero by the death of their brother,
Harry Slaglo. Ho returned yesterday
forenoon and reports the road rough
with accent on the "rough."
Edson Elliott, formerly with the
Margaret lies company, accompanied
by his wife, Is visiting his mothor,
Mrs Helen Harvey, and his uncle,
h. H. Meade. Hubert Rollins also
visited tho Meado homo Inst weok,
returning to Hundon Saturday.
Lanson W. Lenovo and Gertrude
M. Arrlngton wero married at Bandon
July 29. Rev. Wm. Horsfall ofHclat
Ing. Tho groom Is a Coqulllo boy.
tho son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Le
novo, and the brldo is a member of
one of the old Myrtlo Point families.
Tho young couple will make their
Great MidSunimer Sale
Every piece of Summer Merchandise must be closed out
to make room for the New Fall Goods which will arrive
shortly. Our prices have been marked lower than ever.
Uome and see what we are offering.
ilOO Snell Wnlstt, for l,iullcc In Voiles, Lawns. Mulls, etc QOp
beautirul styles they are, $2 to $3 values, on salo nt uo
Thompson's (Jlove-liitliiK Corset. Vnrlous now styles, (M
values to $2..ri0, now orrored at V ',t
Ladles' Cutset Covers Heautirul patterns, laco and ombrold- CJJ
ery trimmed, values to $ 1.00, now "U
Ijidles' Fancy Pud Rose SupiHiitei-s All shade3, wore 3Sc, IQji
now, a pair ' "
Ladies Tim Hose silk lisle, values to 35c, now
Men's Fine So Linen heols and toes, all shades, woro 20c, IJJa
now, a pair ; '
Ladles' Wash Petticoats In pretty striped chambrays, val- OHa
lies to 75c, spoclal UU
Men's Swell Dress Shirt Latest patterns, values $1.50 and flOp
S2.00, now uu
or Money
Central Aven
Next loor to
Cluiudler Hotol
I home here.
93 Central Avenue Pone
Cameras and Everything for Them WPRy