fr p,w- .g.CT:V T. TWO COOS BAY TIMES HI. C. MALOXKV. Editor mill Pub. I)Ay K. MAI.OXEV. ..Xoivs Editor capt. ugeii i ON 1 H i Tho following interview with Capt. submarines, with a personuol of 137, Jlacgenn appears lu the Oregonlan: 500 men. .... I "A coneral European war Is In- Germany hns 19 modern battle ovltablc," said Captain T. J. Mac- ships. 7 cruiser battleships. 20 older im ainnmor Trrnnkwnter. hntttoshlns. 0 first class cruisers, C yesterday, "and In that war Russia, second class cruisers, 39 third class and not Germany, ns seems to bo I cruslers. 7 gunboats, 141 destroyers, popularly supposed, will hold the 47 torpedo boats, 30 submarines, whip hand by reason of her friend- with a personnel of G6.733 men. ship with England." France has 17 modem battleships, Captain Macgcnn predicted that 15 older battleships, IS first class the conflict will witness tho utter cruisers, 4 second class cruisers, 9 humiliation of Germany and the re- third class cruisers. C gunboats, S7 making of tho map of Europe. destroyers, 173 torpedo boats and "It appears that Russia will strike 90 submarines, with a personnel of for tho Slav race, as represented by. CO, 021 men. tho peoplo of Servla. If she strikes) ttnly has S modern battleships, 3 Austria, then Germany must take a , older battleships, 7 first class cruls hand In behnlf of her ally, and tho ers. 3 second class cruisers, 10 third third membor of the Triple Alliance, ; class cruisers, 5 gunboats, 35 de Jtaly, may be drawn Into the fray, stroyers. 73 torpedo boats, 20 sub Wlth Germany striking at Htissin, marines, with a personnel of 33, Frnnco will tome to tho assistance 095 men. of the Czar. I Ilussla lag 9 modem battleships, "Then Knglau.l will throw the 4 cruiser battleships, t! first class weight of her army and navy lu cruisers. C second class cruisers. 3 against Gcrmnny. I third class cruisers. S gunboa:s, 105 Groat Fleet I'nln to Sen. 'destroyers, 23 torpedo boats nnd 48 "The First Division Tf the Hritlsh submarines, with n personnel of 52. war fleet has put to sea." he Bald. C3 men. "It Is, perhaps, the most powerful Austria-Hungary has 4 modern fleet Hint luiH ever cleared from nny lmttleshlps, 9 older battleships. 3 harbor. It Is my opinion that It will f,rgt cn8g cruisers. 2 second class cruIso( In the vKlnlty of the Kiel rrulsors. 7 third class cruisers. 3 gun Canal." ! boats, 18 destroyers, 53 torpedo Captain .Mai-jcnn believes that ,0nta nml 15 subinnrlnfs. with lT.r.Sl another Immense Kugllsli fleet will mon bo stntloned al tho entrance to the (rcnt nrPnln has 20.200 Xnval He Ualtlc, and may enter that sen to m.e wamcn w,ilo Germany hns n meet a Gorman fleet coming out. ,ecrvo 0f no.OOO men for naval mm nuoiiicr iiiii;uiy miuuurou win guard tho north passage between Norwny and Scotland, ho says, whllo 1 . in 1 1 i.i .1 ","l ''" rintt will Inln ifltn tint Trrmiili rnivv fleet will Join with tho French uuvy in guarding the entrauco to the Eng lish Channel, "Thus Germany will bo bottled up," ho declared. A great naval battle will ensue, Captain Mncgouu hclluves, and u navy will bo destroyed. "And It will nut bo tho English nnvy," ho added. England's sea-fighting forco Is the grcnlest tho world has over seen, Captain Macgcnn believes. With regnrd to tho operations on land, Captain Mucgcnu Is equally , cortnln that Germany will fnre badly. Kitchener Will Head Army. "It Ih my opinion that Kitchener will land lu Franco with between 400,000 nnd 500,000 men, the flower of the English army," ho said. "Tho horo of tho Upper Nllo will then tako command of the combined French nnd English forces nnd march toward tho Rhine." "To add to the troubles of tint Kaiser," ho said, "thcro Is no ques tion In my mind hut that Denmark, remembering tho lost province of BchloswlK-HolRtoln. will throw her army In against Germnny. Captain Macgcnn believes thnt tho luruiiiiuiiuii in iiiu wiir win sou JiusBia n possession or Constant!. nople, tho Ireneh boundary moved .w u...u,tU iiuu stein restored to Denmark. .uif, mm i,i-i ntiiin ri'illt;nlK-lllli- ELDER BRINGS IE LIST -Steamer in From Portland This Afternoon With Large Num ber of Passengers. Tho Geo. V Ehler nrrhed lu Into today with a cipai Ity list of pk,cii gors from Portland and 11 big cargo of freluht. Anionic tlioo arrlvtux on her wor tho followlnic: Mrs. C. II. Gillette. Myrtle 12. AVowtherby. Nod Smith. Mahollo Sto voiiB. Thou. N'lunr. D. .1. NhIi, II F MeAlUter. Sam Carliton. Goo. Slt comb. Mrs. (1. V Oalnon. .lrn. It. N. Thomhelni, ,lin Won. (). Carlson. Mrs. Curlsou, Win. Diikkuii. Karl Knhmldt. MIm A. Flelsehinan. .MIim Edith UiihIi. Miss Mlnnlo Picrkor. E. h. M. Dcmjal. Goo. J. Miller. .Mrs. Mlllor. W. A. Aikorinun, Dr. Il.irrv K. Shootman, Mrs. t I) (laiii.iitt. H. E. Garbutt. Cameron c liarbutt. Jr., O. Neosou, Mrs. J. E. lleulmm. Virgil Ronhnni, W. R. furtln. Jr., Miss Flook. Oro WilUou, Mrs. Hell Hovoll. I. l.ahnwltih, K. H. Cooper. J. H. Griffith. A. P. Rohfohl. Mrs. Rohrettl. O. II. Lyons, A K. Dittlu, C. R. Gom, II R. Fleming, O. Robertson, T. II. WIU011. Mrs. .John Dotson. J. II. Royd, Harry IJrowu. II. CV Johnson, O. S. Hampton, A. Johnson, C. Michel, J. Henry Hnubcr. Mrs. Ilniucr. II. P. Hausor. Mrs. W. W. Reed, R. M. Gray. A. W Raker. Mr. Raker. Rox 11. Conant. Mr. P. V. Morkey, A. Vnlsauen, Annn E. Murdock. CliontiH' linker. Mrs. J. Dillon, Mrs. Jack McCarthy, A. Don, A. I. Georgo. Elinor Jokephsou, John Unrr. Mrs. E. I.. Thompson, o. 0. Harris, .las. W. Woldon. Mrs. Wol don, Kathryn Woldon, G. R. Halght, A. M. HuiiKorfonl. Mrs. HuuBorford, Rrendn Harmon. MIR Team Won. Tho Smith Mill team d'fouted the Coos Ray toam bv a scoro of nine to uolthliig yesterday. It was pretty much one-sided, as they thought that tho Coos Ray team laid down In order to not tho benefits of the gate receipts by continuing tho terles to the full five games. SaIIx Thiii-Mtuy Tho Rodondo will rail at 9.30 Thursdaj morulnu for San Francisco. (Vundl Tonlcht Tho Manhfiold City Council will meet tonight and may have a lively soislon over tho new ferry landing. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, 'NAVAL POWEfl i OF HIS, ! i Great Britain hag 20 modern bat tleships. 10 cruiser battleships. 3S older battleships. 42 first class cruis ers. 37 second class cruisers. 33 third otnaa rrnisprs. 10 cunboats. 227 dc- ! strove. 58 tornedo boats nnd S5 , duty England hns a peace force of 251.- - mc ineltMlliiK regular forces at, n the coon os nnd 70,000 men . .. ' In India and excluding the native luillun army or 175.000. She has n reserve of 470,500, which Includes nrmy reserves and territorial forces. In her navy shu has a personnel of 137.500 men with 20.200 naval re servo seamen. Large Number of Visitors Ex ported in Autos Elder Brings Some. All Is lu readiness for Mooso Day tomorrow. Tho Elder this afternoon brought some of the distinguished musliio vixiinru im,i nut.... 1.- largo contingents tomorrow from nil I over this section. , Most of tho business houses will bo cloned tomorrow to give free nnd inn HWlly 10 Aioose.loin and their 1'llndfn The program as heretofore nounced will ho carried out. LIST OF MOOSE DAV PRIZES. Hub Clothing &. Shoo Co., Styloplus suit ? .1. A. Matson, niorchnndlso. . loo. K. Cook, groceries .... l.ockhnrt & Parsons, hnnd- bag or iiiiUo Staurr Grocery, nidse I.ando, lady's swimming suit D. Y. Stafford, box of candy The Parisian, gentleman's hat Owl Drum Co., bottle perfume Smoke House, box rigors . . . Winkler Pharmacy, brush and romh 1. mi 1 5. .10 , 5.00. 4 25 5.00 2 50 11.00 2.50 i 7.50 5 00 0.00 I 1.00 5 00 ! 1 V. a. 00 1 2 00 1 50 1 5 00 C Oil' 7 50 ' 8.50 0.00 I 5.00 . .1 00 1.50 COO .Rod Cross, kodak tioldon Rule, boy's suit .... 11. S. Tow or. Mlver picture frame Pioneer tlroiory Co., imUo. II11I110H Music Co.. violin . . . Ton, Corfoo & Still e Co., ten. coffim or mdko HiikIi .Mii.iiln. ton of conl. . People's S & 10 Cent Store, cut glass tumble- Gordon's Show store, pair moil's shoe August FrUoon. Dutch pipe Gow Why. man's hut Liberal Pool Hull. nuUe. . .. A. T. Hnlnos. sack of flour. . Woolen Mill Store, pair shoos Todd the Tailor, pair trousers F. W. Rortrain, solid silver watch doing & llarvoy. rockor . ! .' Allen Lewis, barrel flour Johni.011 & Gulovsoii. hiun- inoik W. K. WUeninu. sowing rock- or H. KoUtl, pair gloves Ploueor llarttwaio, lry bat- terles or spark coll .... Sumner Hardware Co., brass Jardiniere Pony H. XiehoUun, best child's chair Sohroedor & Hlldobrand. boat accessories Davis Ashman, box cigars Ekblad & Son. mdse. . . . Rlnnco Cigar Store, meer schaum pipe Royal Theatre, theatre tickets Club cigar Store, box cigars Sartor's, mdse Fix-Up, silk shirt ." Sporry Flour Co.. t barrel flour 2.50 5.00 2.50 , 2 50 5.00 COO 2.50 r. i - uu , 2.50 0.00 FI11M1 StitHi.s. Tho fire noin was got this nfternooii .ami n,.ah.i I most of tho hard paved streets down! , """"" "", -ino con- croto work on North Frout street has1 been nearly completed and will bo1 btarted on South Broadway In a dav' or two. ' fj t I.YI.rt.u... It-....- n.( I0M0RR0W IS "MOOSE DAI" BIG IIP AT SI CIG Largest Attendance in History of Outings Results of Sports. The annual picnic of the Suoml Society at Simpson Park nt North Uend yesterday proved to bo one of the most successful tho organization has over held. Tho gato receipts In dicate that there wore between 1200 and 1500 paid admissions. The day was fine and everybody enjoyed tho event Immensely. Tho dance was tho center of attrnc tractlon yesterday afternoon and last night, over 300 tlckots being out nt one tlnio. The sports program could not be carried out complete, tho dance pre venting mnny entering, Tho results of tho venta held were: Men's Footrace Victor Derg first and Harry Ronn second. Roys Under 12. Ray Sandlno first and E. Rcrglund second. Roys Under S D. Klockers first and R, Montgomery second. Girls Under 12. Hilda Anderson first nnd E. Johnson second. Girls Under S. Helen Payne first nnd Slgrld Sandlno second. BEING RUSHED F. E. Conway Company Mak ing Rapid Progress with Fine Apartment House. F. E. Conwn Is rushing work on tho Myrtle Amib entertainment hall, situated on tho roof gnrden. The hardwood dancing floor Is being Inld nnd scraped now. Tho electric fix tures and temporary wiring nre bolng rushed so thnt an Informal dance can bo given tho Ashland and other shrlners on August 10. All Shrlnera nnd their ladles arc cordially In vited. Although tho quarters are not large, the guests can come nnd go, each having n fow dances. Thero will be seats on tho roof gnrdon, which will neenmmodnto many moro. Tho mnln building Is not yet plas tered nnd tho Shrlnors will hnvo to expect everything In tho rough until they rench tho roof gnrdon. iuxce nt kam:s' ham, tlm:s- DAY evening, AUGUST I, KEVZEU'S OIU'HKSTItA. Don't MISS IT. W MIS ,m 1 1 MBnHiHlHIIIIHIHIIHBBMHHHHHHHHBHBMBHi I I 1 an-. k, jv 7r,! fmzf!) 1.00 - 5.00 1 I w,,,l""'ll,lMI'"l"MMWwaWiiMMi.Z-W"MW'M"W"W11 MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1914. SEASON DEER IN FULL Sir Several Hunters Return With Venison Claim Moon light Interferes. So far, not mnny deer hunters hnvo returned from their trips, which be gan Saturday. The bright moonlight evenings nre said to make It hard for the deer hunters, tho deor feeding nt night Instead of early morning, 1 Tom Hnrvey was one of tho first to bag game, getting n good ono near tho Sacchl ranch. Jack Lapp secured ono In tho South Slough country. Mr. Dallcy of tho North Rend Hnrbor, Al Mercer nnd Loo Stevens left today for AHo gnny to bag some. 1 Kill Three Deor. I Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmea Old land and Master Leonard re turned from tho Ferry ranch on Is thmus Inlet, where they spent tho week-end. Jim Oldlnnd nnd Jim Ter ry killed three fine buck deer, Jim Oldlnnd kllllnk 11 thrco point buck nnd n porcupine. Jim Ferry killed a three point buck. Special Concert at Second and Market Tonight Num bers Announced. The following Is the program for the open nlr concert which tho Coos Ray Concert Rand will give at Second nnd Mnrket this evening: 1. .March. Waukinqnnh .... Thomas 2. Overture, Tancrcdl Rossini 11. Creole Serenndo. Down tho Rayou Do Koven 1. Htnnoresque, Tearln' O' tho Green Douglas A humorous paraphrase on tho song, Wenrln O' tho Green. 5. Intermezzo, Elegante, from Tales of Hoffmnn . . . Offenbach 0. Hits of Rcmlck's Hits No. H l.nmpo . March, Through Rnttlo to Vic tory von Illon Star Spangled Rnnner. 1C. P. XOTICK. The Knights of Pythlns will meet nt tho lodge rooms Tuesday nt 11 o'clock to attend tho funeral of Uro thor J. V. Hodson. Ry order of t KHHD MOORE. C. C. RAID PROGRAM i IRIS EVENING. rl w rjilHBflMHrIJHn Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Pikes on Ford Cars ElToctivo from August 1, 19M, to August 1, 191.',, ami guaranteed against any reduction during that time: Touring Car Runabout Town Car (F. O. n.JMroit, all vi n i in- l uiieu Glares oi America Only) further, we will be able to obtain the maximum efficiency in our iactorv production, and the minimum cost in our purchasing and sales ( epartments if we can reach an output of IKKXOOO cars be tween the above dates. And should we reach this production, wo agree to nav as Iho buyer's share from $40 to (J0 per ear (on or about AusU, 1915) Auori Sl 1ITk Wh! fl ow l')rd ?ar between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding these low prices and urofit sharmg plan, see (K)ODKOADS QOODRUM. P FORD MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT GOODRADS DISTRIBUTOR FOR COOS AND CURRY COUNTIES ' EVENING EDITION. IREAL WAR IK Hungarian Knocks Servian Through Plate Glass Two War Fights Here. 4 I Al'KTItlAXS OX UAIIiWAV. I Among the 1S00 or moro ln 1 borers nt work on the Wlllaiii I otto Pacific between Kugono nnd I Coos Hay thero lire ninny Atis ! trlnn laborers, nnd gevornl Sor- vlnns, ns shown by tho names I on tho pnyroll In tho Wlllnm I etto Pacific office In Kugono. 1 Eugene Gunrd. Tho European war turmoil cnusod two lively fights among tho foreign ers on Coos Rny Saturday night nnd resulted In Nick Delns, n Servian, bo lng thrown through the lnrgo pinto glass window In c Greek restnurnnt near tho Johnson-Oulovson store. Prior to tho fight lu the restnurnnt Hnrry Coffin nnd II. llnll, who nro supposed to bo Austrlaus henrlng American nntnes because their own nro uuprouottncnblo, engaged lu n mo leu on Front street. Roth wore nr rested before tho war had proceeded to i decisive point. In the Greek rei'aiirnnt nilxnp, iM-actlcnlly all tho waning tuitions were represented. A largo Russlnn. whose inline Is not rlvou. Is wild to hnvo urged It on. J. Phillips, n Mon 11 nourlu-Ilunuurlnn. attacked Dolus, n Servian, nnd knocked him through tho pinto glass. Two other Austrlaus were thero nnd Recorder Hutler's roitrt this morning, when the mon nnd their trials, looked like 11 Southern European conference. Tho fighters wore fined nnd will probnhly hnvo to nay for tho broken pinto glass. Three drunks, one g'vlni: his name as MeCorinlek nnd t'io others Tom Olson nnd J. J. Tracy, spent the night In tall. Two hoys engaged lu n battle nenr Rrondway and Commercial yesterday and wore onungod In u roil slugging mutfh tVnt a'trnctod n brge crowd. Finally Councllinnn Wilson cntuo along nnd separated the luds. ALONG the WATERFRONT Tho Ronmor crossed out for tho Siuslnw this morning with a cargo of general mcrchnndlso for merchants nlong the river. Tho Rustler arrived In yestordny nnd will leave tomorrow for Curry county points with freight. FOR SALE Furnishings of ."-loom rint; Including furniture, rugs, stoves nnd bedding. Inquire Cur tis Flat, Runknr Hill. County Rond. $490 $440 $680 cars fully equipped. GHEEK " BUYERS WlT CAFE SHAREfflDfl Another Sensational Annum, mvnui oumnany. Second only to the war . Kiirono Ix ...". nc fro. nl announcement nmUo tod,. ? I Ford Motor Co.. t hrouKh thelrV1' ! Rny representative, (loo, Iroa,l Vn00? I rum, to the effect tha thft I Motor Co. will share heir B with tho purchasers 0 lJnlk Not only will the pro?! , f fe but tho prices have been redUcft Ford. ' evor'0110 may "n Tho only provision nttnehed to tv. nnnoimcotnent Is that the comV, ' soli 300,000 cars to permit aTtffil of profits thnt will ct $40 to lu built nnd sold. fromAnStTO to July 1 .1014. 221.888 car. 1 this Inerense Is made It meam t distribution or ? 12,000.000 to lit 000,000 nniong the people who wJ Ford enrs at the end of the will. yonr, August 1, 101 5 ' Mr. Ooodriitn ntinounced today ti this Important Innovation goei B! Imtnedlute erreel and the 191Bi,rCl wtlh tho proflt-shnrlng plan and H 11115 enrs nro ready for delivery it onco, ' Tho first UM5 Ford car arrlJ day on tho Elder nnd has been told nt tho now price nnd on the nevr plai In t.'llv .IniiKU of Prnttilll,. A .lllM()U.lll,i: JOl'UXKV. TIiito ("imn Rny Ijidlos Slnrt on Tri Tlmt llocnlN Pioneer liny. Mrs. S. A. Yonknm, Mrs, C. II. Dat gan and Mrs. M. R. Smith left 1M1 morning for Port Orford, where thfj will spend some time nnd take In Ht Agnto Carnlvnl. Mrs. Yoakum will continue the trip to Crescent City, California, when she will visit for n time before tt turning to Coos Ray. These thr Indies stnrted on n similar trip t ittnrtcr of n century ago hut never reached their destination becauieoti tllfferciico nrlslng between the ran who wns to drive the wagon In which thoy were to mako the Journey and his wife. Each of tho ladles dcnlei tho soft luipenchment thnt It wu Jealously that cnusod the difficulty, hut tho fnct Is that the trip was nev er completed. This time, however, they loft nil tho men at home and thoru Is no doubt but that tho Jour ney will bo u pleasant nnd succeiilal one. 1.VXCK nt K.V.'MW IIAIiIiTU liAV ovonlng. AIN.TST -I. KPA7.KIW ORCHESTRA. Don't MISS IT. BSfSEVPOC -"f -'f-f1 rmr HHHDHiiVIH