r-- 1, "yvKT'inr IF IT WASN'T POR THE HYPOCRITE 35, WOULD HAVE TO WORK HARDER (E000 lag uftmra YOUR OPPORTUNITY to rench tho gront purchasing power of this community should not bo overlooked In plnclng your ndvcrtls inir Tho choice of medln of suc cessful merchants IS Till: TIM US. family ciro.ls reached with every copy of this medium. Hnve your ndvortlsoment read by the Homo Community regularly, so Hint they will know you. Ho In troduced HY THE TIMES. MKMHEIl OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL XXXVII. KNtntillsliCd 1878 hh TI10 Const Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1914. EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation 0f Times, Const Mull and Coos liny Advertiser No. 15. jMmmmmmmmammM Germany Declares War on Russia-News From Europe Stops OFFICIAL W SAYS DECLARATION FORMALLY MAD E France Given Until Monday Noon by Germany to Make State ment of Her Intentions Mobilization Con tinues All Over Continent. MESSAGES FROM EUROPE STOP SOON AFTER HOSTILITIES ANNOUNCED STRENGTH OF EUROPEAN ARMIES. Countries Germany . France ... Russia ... Austria-Hun, Italy 250,000 Peace Strength 870,000 720,000 1,290,000 390,000 Gr, Britain. Japan Greece ... Servia Bulgaria . Rumania .. 254,500 250,000 25,000 32,000 60,500 95,000 Reserves 4,430,000 3,280,000 3,300,000 1,610,000 950,000 476,500 950,000 125,000 208,000 320,500 100,000 Total War Strength 5,200,000 4,000,000 5,500,000 2,000,000 1,200,000 730,000 1,200,000 150,000 240,000 380,000 500,000 Available Duty, Un organized 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,200,000 o nnn rnn 0UUUUUV 1,200,000, 2,000,000 200,0001 200,000 60,000 100,000 175,000 'RAILROADS GIVEN FART OF INCREASE ASKED IN EAST Location of English and German Fleets Mystery King George Made Futile Appeal to Czar Tins morning 1 Austrians Bombarb Belgrade. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) ST, PETERSBURG, Aug, 1, Tho German 'Emperor in the name of his government sent to the Russian Minister of For eign Affaiis at 7:30 o'clock a declaration of war, The announcement is made by the St, Petersburg Tele el aph Agency, which is considered the official news agency of Russia, ALL EUROPEAN MESSAGES CEASE. Witii nightfall in Europe came, the sudden cessation of tole giaphic communication from countries concerned in the quar icl which appears to have reached the verge of general war, The French and German mobilizations have been orderd, The whereabouts of the British and German fleets is a mystery to all excepting the governments 'concerned, FRANCE GIVEN UNTIL MONDAY. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times,) LONDON Aug, 1, A dispatcli from Paris says tho limit of Germany's ultimatum to France has been extended until noon Monday, , A Berlin dispatch says it has been officially confirmed that German mobilization is in progress, The belief was expressed that should Italy remain neutral, with a possibility left open of turning against her allies, Ger many and Austria, the latter nation would be reluctant to em bark on a general European war, German circles showed un easiness all over the world, German forces in China are being concentrated at Tsing Tau, The German Consul General loft his post at Capt Town and Gorman merchant ships were or dered to seek neutral ports, In regard to tho Far East, the Japanese ambassador at London said that as lone: as tho warshins comnosinfi the Triple Alliance remained at Tsing Tau, Japan would take no action against them, but should they attack British interests or should Tsing Tau be attacked, a situation would arise which would be dealt with by Japan in tho spirit of tho Anglo-Japancso alliance, AUSTRIANS BOMBARD BELGRADE. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) ATHENS, Aug, 1 , Austrian monitors on the Danube this morning ronewcu the bombardment of Belgrade and its sur roundings, acocrding to a telegram from Nish, Servia, NORWAY AND SWEDEN NEUTRAL. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times,) CHRISTIANA, Aug, 1, A government decree issued today declares the complete neutrality of Norway, STOCKHOLM, Aug, 1, The Swedish government has is sued a notification of neutrality, GERMANS STOP AMERICAN SHIP. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) SHANGHAI, Aug,. 1, Tho American steamship Hanamet, with a cargo of cattle, and foodstuffs, which left Tsing Tau yesterday for Vladivostok, returned to Tsing Tau today under orders from German authorities, GERMANY MAKES NEW MOVE. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) . PARIS, Aug, 1, The German ambassador had packed his effects and was ready to leave this afternoon when a dispatcli reached him from Berlin making some sort of a suggestion, which the French government took into consideration, and about which it exchanged views with London and St, Peters burg, KING GEORGE APPEALS TO CZAR. (By Associated Press to The. Coos Bay Times,) LONDON, Aug, 1, King George has sent an urgent mes sage to the Russian Emperor in an effort to avert a war, The message was understood to contain a last appeal for peace, The king's action was taken after an audience with Premier Asquith at 2 o'clock this morning, when the clouds were blackest, INCREASE ENGLISH DISCOUNT RATE. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) LONDON, Aug, 1, The Bank of England raised the dis count rate to ten per cent, The National Penny Bank, an insti tution with many branches, closed today, STOP MESSAGES TO LONDON., (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) LONDON, Aug, 1, The usual flood of telegrams from the continent to London suddenly stopped this afternoon, Tele phonic communication also ceased, IREPDRT AUSTRIA HAS OFFERED 0. S. TO ACT American Ambassadors Represent Warring Nations at Capitals. Ill III I I U I I I I A 111 fl fit I I ((ill I III n 1 1 HI I I IjPl '"' AxnrUtfd I'm (n Coo nr Ttmm.1 UU n nuUU UUI I r ll r U UU Washington, d. c, Aug. i. I U IB I I 1 1 U I III VI I 111 LJ I1IL.UII1IL. IIUII Official nilvlccB received nt tho White tuouso toiiny reported umt mo uer- I mini ambassador vun leaving St. Petersburg. Ambassador lion Irk nt Paris re ported u propownl to pluco tho (lor iiiiui interest)) In France In hln IiiukIb was being discussed. Information ronihod tho French Embassy that tho German ambassador In Paris In tlmntod ho purposes leaving IiIh post toulKlit. No action wiih taken by thin gov ernment on the proposal for AinhiiB- LONDON, Aug, 1 .The Westminster Gazette says the K'X .H 11Z?1S inorlcnn ropo mid (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) PARIS, Aug, 1, An unofficial but creditable report is cur rent late-tonight that Austria-Hungary lias offered to withdraw her trooos from Servia and to submit her grievances to an 'international conference, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY MAKES STATEMENT. (Bv Associated Press to The Coos Bay Times,) Austro-Hungarian government has sent a communication to !j,,C8 ,,u i-,vy on tho a C Din,.nln.re ,ll..i.,nr H,4 Annirn U. ,, I, ,l ., !.,,:., dip oniuts gonornly In Hurt uii 1 uiuiouu k uuotiiiiiK uitu nuouiu-i iuiikui y uu iiu iiiioiiiiun win iio nHMiimcii v t uon. of annexing bervia, extinguishing the sovengnty of bervia, ot 1 of re-annexing the province of Novipazar, FRANCE GIVES UP HOPE. (By Associated Press to The Coos Bav Times,) PARIS, Aug, 1, The French foreign office officials declare Hint thflv nnnslrlfirrd it wnnlrl ho fnllv tn rnlv rn nnv linnn nf n 1 peaceful outcome of the international crisis, England's efforts at Berlin yosterday, thoy said, had failed and any glimmer of nope wai appeared naa ueon immuuiaiery exiinguisnea, ; ENTHUSIASM IN RUSSIA. I (By Associated Press to The Coos Bay TimeS.) 1 ST, PETERSBURG, Aug, 1, The enrollment of Reservists nf flirt Riisslnn nVmv stnrtnrl nt ,n luinrlrarl nmitm-s in tho Rik- , i 1 1, 1 1 1 , , ., , I Illy Aiw litnl Pr. to Po" Il.j Tltnrt 1 isian capital this morning and was accompanied by stirring, new york, auk. i. ti.o deter scenes. Priests evGivwhera hmssnr in Kpsphvirts ns t irv niinntiou of Amoricnn imnkerH to l.i . . i a t lllfll'ntlt fill i ! marched through the streets singing hymns, FRENCH TROOPS CALLED SUNDAY. (By Associated Press to Tlr Coos Bay Times,) PARIS,- Aug, 1 , An official decree orders a general mobili zation of the French army, beginning tomorrow, DAY'S DEVELOPMENTS IN EUROPE. Italy will remain neutral, as she regards the campaign of the allies Germany and Austria as aggressive war, in which she is not called upon to intervene, AMERICA KEEP GOLD AT HOIE! Bankers, Express Companies and Foreign Bankers Will Stop Export. prevent tho exportation of moro gold to Europo may mnko It extroiuoly difficult ror tho ::no,000 AmorleniiB abroad to got ra-di for Immediate wnnu. Kxpit'Hts tonipnnles, incmhorH of tho American Unnkors' ABSoelatlnn and rnproHan Initios of tho foreign bankers announced that they had discontinued tho Issuance of letters of credit and travelera' chocks. France, it is reported, has ordered a general mobilization, as the orosDects for A strict censorsh Japan will not in Far East are endangered, peace throughout were boneless, p kept back news of military movements, tervone unless the British interests in the FINANCIAL CONFi FOR mm D T BI SEC 11 RECALL 5RIPS BYUIRELESS Representatives of Clearing House Associations Called to Washington Stock Ex changes Kept Closed Today. (Ur AMo:latct Trci to Coot Di, Tlmti.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 1. To consider what shall bo dono to ,,., w,t Mm flnnnnlnl Intrtrnata nt Mm United States during tho European crisis. Secretary McAdoo called on the cleailng house associations in Now York, Chicago and St. Louis to send representatives here Monday to discuss the situation, 30 MILLIONSBY conferences i.v new yoiik. (Dr Auocltted r-rMi to Cool Bij Time ) NKW YORK. Aug. 1. With tho stock and commodity markets olosed, tho financial district marked tlmo today whllo word was awaited of tho decision of tho European pow ers for peace or war. Representa tives of some of tho largest financial institutions conferred at tho office of J. P. Morgan & Co. T North German Lloyd Line Brings Vessels Back Can cel Other Sailings. Dr AtioclitM rrrft to Coot lir Time., NHW YORK, Aug. 1. Tho North Gorman Lloyd steamers Pried rich dor (J rosso, which sailed from Haiti- 1 moro, and Neckar, which sailed from Galveston July 29, havo been recalled by wireless. Tills lino has also instructed the steamer Wlllohad to lenvo Montreal and go to Dostou. .The Russian-American lino cancelled nil sailings today. Tho Hamburg- I American lino's sorvlco botweon America and tho West Indies and Panama tins bcon suspondod. I Trans-Atlantic service botweon Now York and continental Kuropo j was suspended today by tho Cunnrd lino and tho International Mercnntllo Marino, which cotrols tho Wlilto Star, American, i-cymnu, nonunion and Five Per Cent Advance Be- tween Buffalo and Pittsburg and Mississippi. EAST OF PITTSBURG RATE LEFT UNCHANGED Action Long Sought by Rail 1 roads as Essential to Their Prosperity. 117 AiioclMrtl I'rrti In Coo. I)r Tlmi- J WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. 1. A flvo per cent Increase In frolgnt rntoB botweon Buffalo and Pittsburg mid tho Mississippi River wns grant ed by tho Intcrstnta Commerce Com mission in a unnulmoiiB decision In tho eastern advance into case. Alt Increases east of Pittsburg and Dtif fnlo were denied. The railroads which applied for the luterstnto Commerce- Commlfl hIoii'h pormlsHlnu to rnlso their freight intoH woro the flft-two linos In tho territory east cf tho MIhbIbbIppI anil north of the Ohio and Potomic lllv trs. Tho Inciease nsked wnB fIo per cent, just liaU tho lur eaeo which, these Biuno railroads tried to get ap proval or In 11110 but fnlled. Tho contention of tlm rnllrond mnnngcrs was that In tho last thrco carri tho rnllroadu hail spoilt $000, 000,000 In now capital, but that In HUH tho carnlnga woio $10,000,000 less than In 11)12: that tho grentcsji Incronses In railroad expense ha coiuo nliout by hlg'icr wages, taxes and new Investment In the properties; that conditions woro fliith tlint tho New York Central hnd since Septem ber, 101.1, been forced to lay off 22,- ono men: and It was strongly Intl- nated by roiiio witnesses that unless ho situation woro rcllovod tho rnll- ioimIh might huvo to accept govern ment ownership as tho only iilternn tlvo. Tho opposing contentions woro In effect that tho railroads woro con stantly oujoylng higher revenues; that they spent moro on Improve ments last yenr than any other year In hlHtory; that ono terminal alone, built at n cost of $108,000,000, would havo built an ontlro railroad fiotn Now York to Chicago"; and, above all, Hint tho freo services which tho railroads performed for largo Indus trial concerns, would, if pnld for, net tl o railroads approximately $110,000, 000 n year. Mr. Ilraudcls dodnrcJ that "a sum nppronchliig $100,000. 000 a year Is easily within tho rnll ronds' grasp If methods of conserving revenues which nro being suggested aro adopted." Tho greatest opposition from ship pers enmo 'from thoso Interested In coal and petroleum, and It wns charg ed by Independent refiners Hint tho Inercatrd freight rates would bone fit tho Standard Oil company nt ths expeiiRo of tho Independent concorns. Various attempts wero mado to roprcsont President Wilson as bolnff in favor of tho Incroaso, but ho took: tho stand that tho caso wns before a quasl-judlclal body, nnd no word of tho President's attitude ovor was of ficially given. Ho did, howovoc ex press tho vlow Hint tho caso should bo determined without any unneces sary delay. Philadelphia Mipt Makes Big Atluntlo Transport l'lnos. Sailings for I'NCLi: JOHN PLAYS SAl-'K. 1 11 AwoiUIk) I'iim la Toot Illy TlmM NKW YORK. Aug. 1. All exports of petroleum nnd othor oil products dostlned for ISuropo huvo boon stopped by tho Stan dard Oil Company, such com modities being considered con traband of war, j A Gold Shipment New York. to (Dr Aiiotliltl Peru to Coo. DJ Tlroe.. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 1. Thirty million dollars in double caclo gold still coins wero shipped today by parcel post from tho Philadelphia mint to the Now York sub-treasury, making a total of fifty millions forwarded since Thursday. PRIMAHIHS IX K UNTUCK Y. Dr AuocUted rreu to Coo Ot; Time. 1 LOUISVILLE. Aug. 1. Interest in tho campaign for Governor and Con gressional seats brought out a large vote In tho statewide primaries of Kentucky Democrats, Republicans and Progressives today. PARIS IS GLOOMY, I tlr AuoclitH Pre. to Cooi Bar Timet PARIS, Aug. 1. German Ambas sador Von Sclioen called at tho Prench foreign offlco nnd conferred with Premier Vivian! this morning. The conversation gave rise to the impression that hope of peace was not Irremediably gone, but it was admitted that the situation was very gloomy. llrltlsh ports were not Interrupted Ciiiicol SallliiKS. Wholesale cancellations of trans Atlantic sailings, recalls by wireless ot European bound vessels, nnd tho suspension altogether of servlco to continental Europe by tho lines sail ing under tho flags of tho nations In volved In tro Europoun war, woro an nounced in rapid succession hero to day. Never bofoio In tho history of this port bus tho sorvlco been so Im paired. New York will soon lend tho world In tho congestion of great lin ers rendered Inactive by war. I 1 WILSON SIGNS HILL. (Ur Auixlllwl iTru to Coo. Ur IIiiim WASHINGTON, I). C, Aug. 1. President Wilson today signed tho sundry Civil and Indian appropriation bills.' 11UV thoso FILMS for SUNDAY at "THE OWL," tho KODAK Store Chicago Speculators Afraid of European Developments May Cause Trouble. nr AworUleJ I'rr.t to foci IUr TlmM CHICAGO, Aug. 1. Iluslness on tho wheat market today veored away from whent to corn. It wns decid ed for tho tlmo being that tho wiser toiirso was to turn attention to a commodity depending chiefly on do mestic conditions and not upon tho unceitnlntles of European politics. After having kopt within two ceina In olthor direction of last night's lev el, tho market closed firm. HUV thoso FILMS for SUNDAY; nt "THE OWL," tho KODAK Store MOOSE DUTTONS for Mooso Day. ::i FRONT STREET. wwmrrmiuxiuimHmi