V. IA wmmmmmmm HJMiitttiril IT" i ' ' V tf'""-t 7w'$mwwmmMmmmmnam I, met , " V-T'J wffl"'w"1w,'l"" '. J J '.-- jP J HIHIHI MM -fHBI II l m ! '- - m n r- r THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 3V, 1914.- EVENING EDITION. gc&C3KHBHHBuiiuttfttu Mimn SAO 1st Come Tomorrow And Choose Your Suit as Follows : Add $1.00 to the price and select any two summer suits in the store for the price of one plus $1.00. In other words you select a $25 suit pay us $26 and take two $25 suits. If you take a $20 suit pay us $21 and take two $20 suits. This will include all suits that we will assemble on one side of the store ranging in price from $15 to $35 and will include all small lots, light colors and light colored Norfolk suits. ' U I . L. ...-. L. . I ... w a .. 1 a u n 4.llw ... U wv VL fill m . J- L - ! V I & 4 A- L ... . 1 lo me man who warns uiuy une juu wc unci ai lunuwa. i ay .uu muic manjusiurtL,! ui mc urjginai price as below: $1 6.00 Suits, $8.00 plus $2.00 equals " $1 0.00 $18.00 Suits, $9.00 plus $2.00 equals $11.00 $20.00 Suits, $10.00 plus $2.00 equals $12.00 All other fancy suits for this 8 Day Sale Reduced 25 per ct SIMS $25.00 Suits, $12.50 plus $2.00 equals $29.50 Suits, $13.75 plus $2.00 equals $30.00 Suits, $15.00 plus $2.00 equals : $35.00 suits, Sl.bU plus sz.uu equals $19,50 All Blue and Black Suits for this 8 Day Sale Reduced X 5 per ct "MONEY TALKS" LISTEN ! "MONEY TALKS" MEN'S SILK SHIRTS $3.00 Men's Silk Shirts.... $2.25 $3.50 Men's Silk Shirts... .'$2.60 $5.00 Men's Silk Shirts $3.75 All Sizes. ARROW SHIRTS $1.50 Shirts $1.15 $1.75 Shirts $1.40 $2.00 Shirts $1.65 All Sizes. Mens' Overcoats Reduced 33 1 -3 per ct. MEW'S PANTS. $3.00 Pants $2.40 $3.50 Pants $2.80 $4.00 Pants $3.20 $4.50 Pants $3.60 $5.00 Pants $4.00 $6.00 Pants $4.80 BOYS' KNICKERBOCKER SUITS 10 PER CENT OFF Ages 5 to 18 Years. For 8 Days B0YS' PANTS ' ""J w Mens' one lot lad.es- oxfords any straw or cloth hat 50c Pants 40c $3.00 and $4.00 Values n - . 75c Pants 60c CHOICE Raincoats $3.50 and $4.00 Values SSsS ' Kedllced CH0ICE $1-00 $1.50 Pants $1.20 ' sizes 21z and 3 Only. 33 1-2 per Ct. $1.50 Marshtield Bandon Myrtle Point ii M oney Talks n M E LS 'JANITOR" 11 " i BE UNITED SUE FOR JOB That Catching inlet and Not tit Coos Hlvor unit possibly Join in tin) school consolidation movement ami tytlto with tho four C'ooh Itlvor dlst .Icta which will mocl n now school Is (ho latest iiiiioiik the school pat mu. NothliiK (li'flnltc IniK boon lono m far about the lattei uniting lint thuro l said to ho roumuciuhlo dls mission uuioiik iho nation (if the schools It is pointed out that thev ronltl n all themselves of the bettor school facllltUw, including the IiIkIi school dopaMinei!', which tho consul, idatctd district will affoul. The tontioein over tl.o site of tho consolidated xrliool on Coos Klvor has heroine rather animated ltoM limits of the upper section of South Coos ltltir mv Insistent that tho Bchool ho lucaiol near Daniel Crook as thoy claim wits ciliull nitreed w'l en the iiiiiHoliilatlon was proposed. However. A I Smith. I.o Smith and nth or lower ilver lonldeuts mo in sistent that the building ho mi the Mr. M. ll. Smith ranch as w.u oted. A. (). Jtogms' Position. A. (). lingers sa.s that miiiio of tho rum hers on the lowei iier hat mistaken his position In the n.attoi. Vorsonallv ho sas. le is not diioot ly Intoiested as he has no chUdien In school now and when his children aie old enough to attcnl school, he o pocts t he In Marshflold so that thoy will uttond school here llowevm, ho fools that a location fiutlioi up tho rlvor than tho .Mis M It Smith place would ho the best and most ecu. mimical location for the tmpavors nnd most convonlont for the school ihtldrou. For thst reason ho has tirgad Uio upper river location. How ever, ho says ho Id not Kolnj? to take any leading pait In the matter. GOES TO JAIL Albert Halsted Irate at Being Deposed in North Bend ' Let Contracts. Alliort S. Hulstt'd vnn donosod ns Janitor of the North Ui'inl school at a motitliiK of the hoard this week and Harry Shatter clotted to succeed. Halsted is now thUMteuliiK to sue tho North irend school hoard for In each' in contract, as lie had boon hired for another ear when charges were made uBulnst him. Although num erous ones. Including several years wmo said to haw uiliod protests aitalust Halsted. V. K. Wattera was i ho only one to appear hofmo the boaid. The mIiooI boanl save (iubsor & Daxenpoit a tontrait for furnlshluK soxenty-fho tons or CoiiullU. River mul at r,.a: and the North I loud sialilos a jontract for slxtj.five tons of I'oiiullle coal at $:..2fi. i no tioaul awarded contracts for oxorlmulluB tho old cominlssntv huildliiK. whlih is to be coin m tod Into a grade school near the IiIkIi ' el hool hullilliiK. .Mc.Murtrle mid , Powers itot the uupenter work for $loS;:. L. Kuudsou the n.moilit nn.i paimliiK ror $.i:t mi, niul C. V. Uiojtoiy tho eleitiK wlilng coutriut for Jfl.ftO. for tho past year or so In tho capacity , of browuiaster, left toilay for Port- I Cno Crawford Point Land Com pany, ni-coidluu to report, aro iilau- fV OH III llfini I n,llK ,0 vtmr ,u0 ncioa of their prop III 1 1 ill II IS LU C1,y for ,ow8"o purposes. Mr WW H HW .111 The rirst raft from tho new enmp UI U II II ID lUII r Ul Nortl li0ll(l Luiuher Co. at Heaver Hill wus tocelved at tho mill ' Wednesdny, . . p. ., . , I W. J. Ilrown has nought the gro- Geo. A. Bailey Asks Bondsmen o- hioio in nangor Addition to Tn lirrpnrlnr Him Haq Norlh ,,0"rt n,1(l ',lnns t0 enlarge tho 10 liriUlliei n 11 Has atoek ,,iui ,nko many ImpiovoinentB. Been III. T'm Socialists are planning to hold 'a p'onle hero August 22. Cieorge A. Halloy. an old safo ox- Mm. .1. . (Jrout rotuinod this liol t tjixllintilA n .1 lilm.l. ...... .1 ...I tn a). ,.... ttnwAl l i.v... iuv iihiiii- tuiu uuiiK Biiuu iiiuier, ruii iiiiiii i-uiiiau(i, wneio sue lias osterday gave himself up to Sheriff beon visiting her daughter. (iago and asked to ho taken to tho MUa Itoso Pulley left today for I'ttlttltl lllll llllAIV !., n..l.l I.. Dnll.t H'rt .n t. rt . PLEDGES I TO MOOSE DM wumj juti iii.'v uu I'uiuu ruiuiiiu I'iniH iviTHcu on mo siuHiaw, whoro iiiiiii iiio I'lini'trou ni'ntnot liitti nm . ui.it win onntwi ot.i ! n.i.i. i , ; " , ""' o "k v Winn "-v pi'viiu owiiiu iiiiiu nun nur lin iiimril I Ilu mt unu nt i.i .... mint mt,i .i.,..! i ... .. . ... ...b .v,4 tiia n ma uu uiiii miiviu, .in. tiiui .ii t , Will, I i ho hoard. ' ... ,. t.iia hi ma ull uiiii iii wish, as Mrs. Jennie M. Stewart had H. Klhler. fuinlshed 250 bond for lilin and did Cutworms aro causing havoc on not want to withdraw tho bond. North Inlet farms, according to (3us lialloy said Hiat lie had been sick, Potmson. A heavy rain would ma- conhl not work and was out of mon- torlally aid in their destruction. 0 Ulld felt It WOllld be litlm f.ir Mm ' Wlllai'd Illixsnll. fninwrl,- nt r-,w. to go to Jail than to remain a bur- Hay. hut now of Plxloy, California,! .-I ..ii in iiii-iiuk limn no recovered wnuuii leiauvos of a sovero 111 Ills health. nexs. Itheuinailsin Lent him mnriii.i Halloy was uccused b Collliib nntl l''l '" his hod all suiiimor. Priilhi.r w lw. in., tiiiwii.... i. ..itiii.il,... i . . ; " ",v ...iiiir mi mu .....i.h puiiy composed oi .Ml. btewart lamli nt nangor. of allotting n"l Mrs. dcorgo I) Mandlgo and Mr. iiooigo Stewart in an attack on "'"I Mrs. C. A Smith will loavo next tlom. Stewart and llailoy woro ,'l torn hunting niul tlshlng trip hound over to the grand Jury but t" fiin-j- county Mis htowait fuinlshed bonds tor Mrs Krod Kruse and Mrs. Frank ini'iii. SSIl.i.-l f nn.tii i...... i . ......... ... it.iiiiiiuu ironi uo- ;".,v, qulllo todav and said thai ! ,.iiJt.i fi ends. tli. . I... ......i.i o .". n....-i ... . J..... up .iiiiii uu vu ui move to coos viipuun i-.ugar .Simpson,1 nccom .MllSctix siinnt Urn iwwii. -.., i..i.i ii- in'et. whore thoy wme tho guests of moosi: lirnoxs uud ciiaicms. Red CUO.sS .IKWHI.ItV Dept.. He 1 Crow Drug Stoio. Hll US (llO cttSOS over hnni unrn ml.-. tug up most of hit, time. I WORTH BEND NEWS moosk iirrroxs for .iooao n.w. ;i:i rito.vr sTitKivT. I.K.WIC your l.l'.N'CH ItASKIvTS at IIOMWand oat SCNIUV .U at (iOODWIMs Halnbow KXCCH-Cl'IISlO.V. palllod llV K. K. ItiL'L.a linvnu ... for San Francisco. Thoy will make tho trip In Cnpt. Simpson's Slmplox car. Dr. K Watson niado a trip to l.akoside this week mid reports tho Chas. Van JSllo left Thursdm for' . i " "t,lwoe", No,tli Inlet and that i v.i i i r f01' ""nt dlstilct . .1 S Atkins and family of Portland I Mr. t. r Vn,...... ,.. . Adol , "A. n.,rf,w. .. .... J?k!.. S ?e. out via Koselmrg1 with (he Coos Hay brewing Company dren. " Ue "W0B,PBWe' T cWI- Coos Bay Business Men's As sociation Will Co-operate in Big Doings. Tho Coos Hay Huslness Men's Aa Miclatlon has sent a strong letter to Secretary Cieo. K. Cook of tho Loynl Order of Moose, promising Its hearty support in making Moose Day, next Tuesday, August Ith. n real gnln occasion. Tho following Its tho lot tor: July 30. 1014. To Mr. Geo. B. Cook, Sec. Loyal Order .Moose, Marshflold, Or.: Tho Coos Hay Huslness Mon's Association wibhes to convey to your order our host wishes Ulld co.nnerntlon In ev ery way to mako Mooso Day, Augsut mo jourtn, ti:o success It deserveBi and wo recommend to our momborB ui ussisi in overy wny possible to tho host of their ability. Wo regrot vory much that thoro has been this delay In assuring you of our hearty co-operation and trust It will cause no unjust criticism of our Intentions, Vory respectfully, COOS HAY HlTSINFSS MKN'S ASSOCIATION. Hy C M. CATON, Secretary. wn.ii ci.osi: moosi-: day. The following grocers havo signed an ngreoniont to closo August 4, Mooso Day: Geo. K. Cook. OHtvant & Woavor. Coos Hay Tea, Coffeo & Spice House. Finnish Co-Operntlvo Co. Marshfleld Grocery Co. L. M Tozier Grocery Co. Portland Grocery Store. Conner & IJoagland, AVarnor Grocery Co. Ts'asburg's Grocery, C W. Wolcott, BIG LEAGUE BALL SOI It J AMOclit.4 rre.i lo ' - T,.lv St. A OAKIMNIJ, la;. -"'- winutng ono gauiu ; . ., Portland played a """, yesterday, tno iai ""virtci to bo railed on account of Tho scores: R 1 At Sncramento - "il Vonlco ij I Sacramonto ' .. 6 ..-..- i-i.w.nniilere t"1 llott; Stroud and Hannaii. At Onkiand ' it ! Portland " I II Oakland '' fiAtc pnttorles: Krause ana " r? ,.. n.,i A Invntiilor. (Second OaraeJ R ,( j 11 I Portland ell I Oakland ..... ','L.mI & nattorlca: Lush, MW Yantx, Fisher: Kluwltter g gnst. (Called at end of w -mint nf llnrklieSS.) n It. I At I.os Angoles - j0 j$ San Francisco s H Los Angeles . . . ,''' sctus Hnttorlea: Standrldgo aua Cheech and noie. p XATIOXAIi l.i:Afilfc' St Loula 1. Iloston - . Cincinnati 2. N k. (jjltf Chicago a, Philadelphia lugs). 'chWo b. PhiwriPrt.1- rmaourg i, """ " rr AIMKIUCUV W-Wl 7,0 111- Washington 2, Detroit S I Innings). .,innt 6. New York 8. Cleveland noaton 4. OhicogP ? ptCff. , NOIITIIWKSTKKN I.lu Ballard. 6, Tacomo i I Vancouver 2, Seattfe v. J&C ..Uf.UljL wrm wam OQK