you BOTHERED i ? If 80, yOU mo ""' '.." li-iiifo nf Ufa p ine uicmomiv -UWncand herithr 6P- t to Mrs. uuviu u.u.., hlropodkt, Ap't . O'; Pf' remedy for aching foot 5J0NAL DIRECTOR Sogers Nelson. BCIItT " o Mnnsfeldt, " lfr""- .1. Studio !KH South LTy, Mnr.sliflehl, Or. rper , lepnlriiiK Ctthlnet Minting. utinil )bo. ojuopisoa jjjo .tuition 'lilHU.I"l nw"'.'l ltI pun HOJ-lVHJA'O. iuuu.iuu n m ins. D. S. T. kYltniei- MethodH) irnnwn disease troateu uB8 or surgery. Rooms 1 Soittn uniniiwuy. i .Marsuiiciu, ur, ftd I!.-.. i. vil IM'PMItKIl fa at W. K. HalneB" Mub- B?' . ..!..... IM.t ttu Htrcoi. riiuiiu iuo-u ' Phono 318-11 )ixo contractor rurnlslictl mi request Phono 3154 kjTOH AND HUILDKR Furnished on Uoqucsi Vrk Is My Reference Alder Sts. . Murshflold Shaw r, Nose mid Throat. r. II. HIIAW r Women mill Children o 330. Roonm 200, 201 .', Irving Mock, so phoue, 105-J. ifler Limit or piano i Studio, Phone 38G-J. Dstlind NO ENGINEER AND llCIIITKCT 20G Irving Block or 2G7-J. Marshfleld, Orogon Indler IHCIIITECT ud 302, Coke Building Lliflold, Oregon men IHCIIITKCT ihflcld, Oregon. Jallinger and ti:aciii:k Mlo, 217 No. Third St. Biono 3C8-L. US MAKE ABSTRACTS lust Co., Abstracts, uiepenuauio. lramo- P, prompt attention jests of our clients. U M COST JFMAN & CO. IND TAXI BEHVIOK Kb has boon addod to Ice. Caroful drivers. bre at any tlma. Stand tors. Day phone, 78 19-X. ALB. Proprietor. JONNELLY I ami Fnrlnl Mnssngr fe. I'liono 110. J Inula 1IA1H TONIO IE $1.00 fly at the Owl Pre- gcy, Frank 1). Cohan. Ivenuo Drug Store ALL :00TE'S AUTOS Iwlth careful drivers ire, phone Ml -J, liiaru rariors. pice, Phone 200-L It Cafe. F00TE. LAUNDRY 'ARCEL POST A HAG AND NIK POSTAGE RETURN W STEAM INDRY .MARSHFIEIJ) Job Work TIMES THE COOS' BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELQ, OREGON. FRIDAY. JULY 31, 1914. EVENING EDITION. -n nr9M9Msf ttnOHanriff THREE S. S. PARAISO , , Equipped with Wireless. Hue Passenger Accommodations. New Steel float. 8. S. I AIIAIHO WILL SAIL roil SAN FRANCISCO SUNDAY, AUG vp imiL t J' M" WITH ,,AKXaKKS AND FREIGHT. ,!!i! ' Wl,i'' HA,Ij KOU I'OilTIiAXIl, HATUIIIIAV, AUGUST I, AT 5 P. M WITH FREIGHT ONLY. NORTH BENU MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agents TOM JAMES, Agent, ninr.siiiiciii. EUGENE ItOV sriMMlIIIlVG. ' 1' eJENTIALS OF BREAD-MAKING. Alex Martin 111, sou of Alex Mar- Good MiilcWul MUM He Handled Un tln, Jr , president of the rngrme tier Right CmiiHtloiiH (o Succeed. .Commercial Club, lias learned the nrrjnM vntitrn Tir vr rnr . rf- w u.i.p, .mi a i ,.,-.. rntt,r 1 la t- t.i.. 01 iiiii.Ci, V UIV aiuio, i.t uui; ua - tiooil lirend ran be made from el- To Portland every Thursday To Eureka' every Monday Till: PAST AND COSIVOUTAIILK S. S. Geo. W. Elder NHWIiY KQUIPPED NOIITII PACIFIC 8TFAMSIIIP CO. C. V. .McGKOUOi: AGF.NT W. II. PAINT15U Phono 4 4, Mnrshflold pi.nno 4 21. North Hmwi plank In the wnke of ft-itn nit motorhont. In n letter finn Mursli fleld, written to rrlumlH lnre, ".Jerry" Martin declnicd that lie hnH hnd no ttinible Into the wntpp ninco hU ncr ond trial and that ho hug-ply enjovH the sport. Living this miininor on Cooa Hay, ho upends ninny of the evenings In the water of the Hay. A long plnnk is connected by ropes to the rear of the motorhont nnd geiung 1110 crnrt npcodllv under wav I me uonrti rests on tlie siirrncc. Skill Is required to mnlco the lumiv leap to tho plnnk where the rider stands and receives all the thrills of n huckliiK hrotiejio. IMcrry" Marl In graduated from ,tho University of Oiegon (his year and expects to ko east this fall to contlniio his oiikIii eerlng studios. --Eiikoiio lleglster. EQUIPPED WITH WIIIKLKSS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FHOM MAItSIIFIKLD DUIMNG MONTH OF ,1UI,Y AT JSlIO P. M., ON TIIK -1TII, OTII, MTH, 10T1I, 'JIT1I AND i!0TlL... Tickets on ilo (o at; KoMcrn K)lntfl nnd Information m to routes and rates cheerfullj furnished. Phone .127-L. v, Tt 8UKLn6x. Agent Inter-Ocean Transportation Co, Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FHOM SAN FHANCISCO FOR COOS HAY SATURDAY, AUGUST J, nt 8 P. M. Equipped wltti wirol-ess and submadnb beU. Passengers and freight. S, S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. l5assengera and freight. SAILS FROM .MAItSIIFIKLD FOR SAX FRANCISCO AND SAX PKDRO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, AT 5 P. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGeorge, Phone 44. Ideal Summer Trips ON LAUNCH EXPRESS Lcnvcs Marshfleld overy weok nt 8 n. m. STEAMER RAINBOW Loaves Mnrshflold ovory Sunday at 8 n. m. and every week day nt 2 p. in, IDEAL FREE GROVE AND PICNIC GROUNDS Hrlng your lunch baskets, kodak nnd fishing tncklo for n fow dnya' outing. Sunday School nnd nil picnic crowds a specialty. Excursion to South Coos River overy day. For chnrter nnd picnic arrangements, apply on board. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has bcon a hobby with us for a good many years nnd a lot of our customers will toll you whon it comes to gottlng good, sound, durable framing mntorlal at tho right price wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build and the amount you want to spend nnd wo'll got busy with our pencil and figure out the best your money can buy. Try us. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO HY USING OUR WOOD PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH UROADWAY Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. nENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager FARM. COAL. TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPSCIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDK MARSnFIELD OFFICE, PnONE 4-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PnONB 101. r. J. SOAfFE 4lj A. II. HODGINS PAINT AND Marshfield DECorating :co. Estimates Furnished Phono BOU-J. Marshfleld, Oregon THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marshfleld WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN STREET NORTH HEND O. A. Metllu, Prop. LAMBETH'S AUTO SERVICE STAND AT CHANDLER HOTEL PHONE 20. WILL GO ANYWHERE ANY TIME NEW CAR AND CAREFUL DRIVING RATES TO CAMPING PARTIES LYNN LAMBETH Owner and Driver. SON SENDS FILMS HOME. Albany Man Unable fo Visit Mother In Maine, Poses for Movle.s. AL11ANY, Or., July 111 Unnblo to mnko a trip across the continent to visit his ngod mother, Cnptntn L. A. Wood, of this city, sent her a motion plcturo of himself Instead. Captnln Wood's mother lives in Mnlno and ho lino not seon her for twenty yenrs. Ho had hoped to go bnck this summer, but was uiirblc to do so. Ho walked about alone In ono plcturo and his son wns with him In another. The films were develop ed nnd mulled to Captain Wood's mother. TROUIILEK OK Al'TOISTS. Word has been recolvod from tho Smith Goodrich automobile pnrty that they got their automobile uvlo voided successfully nt u shop In Gold Ilencli and that they aro on their way again nnd having n grand time. They nro expected to bo homo by tho latter part of tills week. Eu gene Register. rilAMHERLAIN ADVISED CANAL WILL OPEN AUG. 15 WASHINGTON, 1). C, July 31. Senntor Chamberlain watt Informed by tho Panama Ciiunl Commission of the formnl opening of tho canal for commercial traffic August 1". for nil vessels requiring less than thirty feet depth of water. ther good hard wheat flour or from good soft wheat flour," Bays Dean Henrietta Calvin of tho Oregon Ag ricultural College, "but you should know which you nro using because they require dlffeieiit trentineiit. (lard wheat flour limy be mndo Into i soft dough, and If It is very hnrd wheat then the bread should ho kneaded down several times. Soft wheat flour should he made Into a verv stiff dough and the bread will not need to rlso more than once be fore It is put Into the pans. "Home-made yeast Is much better th'iit the- dry yen-rt. it can be lik ened to the seed saved 'by a good gardener from his own healthy plants. When properly prepared It contains millions of live, growing, iiiirioHcopIc plants. Liquid yenst can ho kept In a cool, dark place nbnitt two weeks. "Swoot milk Is the best of all liquids for hread-mnklng. It should be scalded nnd thou cooled. The micro-organisms thai cnuse sourness l-i mllli are thus heated until thev all die. Milk bread will bo a little yellow but Its, flavor Is better nnd It Is more, nutritious than water bread. Wnter may bo used Instead of in Ilk. however, nnd good brend i'BP ' made with It. "nugnr Is a good yenst food. A little added to the bread docs not affect the flavor of tho bread but does quicken the action of tho yeast. Salt Is used for flavor. Such n small quantity ns Is used In broad dues not materially retard the growth of tho yeast but does whiten tho bread. "Ilrend, while rising, must not ho kept too warm. Moro broad Is spoiled by too much bent thnn by too little, lirend that feels wnrm to the hand Is too warm. The bacteria which cause sourness, and nro to the broad baker as weeds nro to the gnrdeuer, grow rapidly In the dough If It Is qulto wnrm." The foregoing Information In com prelioiiBlvo form, together with de tailed directions for mnklng good nnd wholooonie broad, Is found In Exten sion Bulletin Series 8, No. 20, "Es sentials of Hrenk-Maklng." which may he had by writing tho Extension Division, O. A. C, Corvnllls, Or., for n copy. MORE TROOPS GUARD HAITI United States Sends Four Hun- urea more marines to Cuba to Be on Guard. tnr Ai.ct,4 rrfii (o Coot tltr Tlmm. NORFOLK, Vn., July 31. Tha inWk nn"cock 8n''" this morn nig for Ounntannnio, Cuba, with 400 marines to add t0 the force mobilized llnlH l,0"'o developments at GRISSEN AT THE ROYAL. Tho ninungor of the Royal Thqu tro begs to announce to the public of Mnrshfleld that no oxponse has been spared In securing the most exclusive attraction ever offeror. In n lorn I thmitrn. Ill f'nrl (Iriiuimi. thn violin virtuoso, Mr. Grinsen w.'ll J piny a iwn-uiguiH engagement ai the Royal, tonight and Faturday ev ening. Tho press nccords Mr. Grls sen ns having unusually brilliant technique and deep musical qualities. SELL OLD SCHOONER. The Mtonni schoner Rochcllo will bo disposed of nt public sale by Deputy United Stnteg Marshal Leonard Deck er at the court house. The sale will be to satisfy tho claims of creditors. The vessel Is now tied up nt O. W. P, dock, south of the Ilnwthorne bridge. Portland Journnl. ADVENTIST CAMP MEETING. .7. P. Wheolor, secrotnry of the Southorn Orogon Conference, S. 1). A., returned from Coos County Inst evening, whero ho hits been attend ing the enmp mooting thoro, nnd Immediately took the train for Port laud, whero he was called on business. nnrnn nn-iinn-mim n urcBDurmuDiniLoiiLCfif ENDSGOLD GR CATARRH AT ONGE I I K a r 1 1 c f n no ntflu, Instantly Relieves Swollen, Inflamed Nose, Head. Throat You Hieathe Fitvly -Dull Headache Goc Nas ty Discharge Stopn. Try "Ely's Cronm Ilnlm." Got a small bottle anyway, Just to try It Apply n little In tho nostrils nnd Instantly your cloggod nose and stoppod-up nlr passages of tho bond will open; you will brontho frooly; dullness -and headache dlsapponr. Dy morning! tho catarhh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal aoio throat will be gono. End such misery powl Got tho amnll bottlo of "Ely's' Cronm Halm" nt any drug atoro. This swoot fra grant balm dissolves by tho boat of tho nostrils;, pouotrntcs nnd heals the inflamed, swollen inembrnno which linos the nose, head and .throat; clears tho air passages; stops nnsty discharges nnd a fooling of clonnslng, soothing relief comes Im mediately. Don't Iny nwako tonight strug gling for breath, with hoad stuffed; noHtillB closed, hnwklug and blow ing. Catarrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul mucous dropping Into the thront, and raw dryness Is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith Just onco In "Ely's Cream Halm" and your cold or catarrh will suroly dlsnppenr. For Sale by Drown Drug Co. Convenience and Safeguard If you have over stumbled on tho dnrk basement steps, you can real ize what n convenience It is to have nn Electric Light Switch nt Urn head of tho stairs. When planning your new Inline or tho remodeling of your proem home, don't forget tho siltih on the basement stnlrn, or the Nwitch to light the second floor lights from the fli'M floor. ' jr- r Remember to lududc closet Hglit.i, porch lights, baseboard sock ctN for the flat Irons mul othei appliances. JPh hiinpjcr and less' expensive to plan these things before the actual work Is started. SEE YOUR ELECTRICAL DEAL ER or telephone to us. Oregon Power Company Telephone 17H. DPI LP NEW TRAIL . Schofleld Rlicr mid Loon Iikc Cut Olf Is Plaiiiiwl. Tho Eugene Register says: A crow . .hi i"?",,1!?8 b00n started at the work of bulldliiK a trail in the Slus law nntlonnl forest between tho ond or the i ond on Schofleld River and Loon Lnko by H. 11. Rankin, super visor, who Iiiib just returned from a trip to the lejcrvo. Tho trail will b Ihlrteon miles In length nnd cxtondB spiithcnatorly from the rond at Scho- uiu mvor, connecting this road with the wngon road between Scottaburg nnd Allegany, it wl bo a conven ience to the forestry employes ns well as the settlors and public In general. It will require several weeks to com ploto the work. Supervisor ltnnkln said yesterday that there are no fires to Bpeak of In the Sluslaw forest, but ono blazo was reported n fow days ago from Camp crook, eight miles from Scottsburg, outsldo the reserve. This flro burned over n considerable nren, but tho su pervisor wns unnblo to nsccrtaln to what extent. This flro wna handled by tho Coos and DotiRlns flro patrol association, nn organlzntlon similar to tho Western Lnno association, tho guards and patrolmen being paid by the owners of tho timber lands lo cated In tlioso districts. PLAN NEW COUNTY. IVlllloim for Division of Lam, Coun ty Are HehiK Circulate!. EUGENE, Or., July 30. Petitions nslilng for the creation of a now coun ty out of the western end of Iane, nro being circulated and, It Is said, ate receiving ninny slgnutures, The petitions will bo filed in nccordanco with tho 1913 law, which mnke tho cicntlnn of n now county a raattor of loenl Issue, to bo voted upon la the territory nffectod nlono. COLORADO GOVERNOR WRITES POEM FOR COL. ROOSEVELT DENVER, July 31. Governor Ell as H. Amnions has written tho follow ing poem ns his contribution tn thn literature on Roosevelt: TiiIdy'H River of Doubt. Ho scoffa nt tho collcgo professor; Dcclnres thnt his strength') on th wnno; Denounces tho grnpo Jnlco of Dry an; Insists that It's not oven sane; Ho dreams all his friends back In office, . And all his enemies out, As ho dines on a morsol of monkey And sails up tho River of Doubt. Ho rovlses tho Ten Commnndmonts, And brings them all quite up to dato; Rowalls tho mistakes of old Moses, And sighs at poor Lincoln's alow gnlt; Whllo Washington's blundering tac tics Produco a most torrlblo pout, As ho swallows a weo bit of monkey And sails up tho River of Doubt. In dreams he's enraptured tho peo ple, And nil of creation subdued; To tho furthermost sldo of this plan- ot Thoro's against him not oven a fond; While tho -world's population will honor, And nngols will bow round about, Ab ho dines on n dlot of monkoy And snlls up the River of Doubt. If over tho colonol nwnkena From delight of his beautiful dream; If over In stronuoiiB fashion Ills pledges he tries to redeem, Perhaps ho'll discover his error; And, surely, ho'll not take tho gout, If ho sticks to a diet of monkey And sails up the River ot Doubt. Freckles Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Re. move Them With The Othlne ' Proscription. This prescription for the removal of freckles was written bv a promi nent physician and Is usually bo sue ccsbful in removing freckles and giv ing a clear beautiful complexion that It Is sold by druggists under guarantee to refund tho money If It falls. Don't hide your freckles under a veil; get an ounce of othlne and re move them. Even the first few appli cations ahould show a wonderful Im provement, somo of tho lighter freck les vanish entirely. De sure to ask tho druggist for the double" strength othlne; It Is this that Is sold on the money-back guaran- CHIMNEYS FIRE PLACES J. N. BAYLISS Any Kind of Drlck Work at Prices That Are Right And all Work Guaranteed Call at "The Fireside," Johnson BIdg., 137 Second St. Phona 434-J. French Ranges. Boiler Work w.-.fr4x6-Mfiafn.0i:rRgl?a j Wa.Centa.