" w ' !LV VU ,11",-""'"" Muwanm THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1914. EVENING EDITION. TWO imrm$$$V r V ,'! J, 4i COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALONIJV .Kdltor nnd Pub. DAN H. .MAI,(XI:V...Nciih Kdltor JircMIX SAVS COOS HAY WANTS UOADTO itOSUIl'llK ilWO WEDDINGS ;F(NE RAILROAD Hugh Mcl.nln, of Mnrshfleld. Is In the city today. Ho stopped In Kose Imii'b on his nj to Portland from Bedford, whore ho attended a meet ing of the Trl-Stnte Good Roads As- Koclntlon. Mr. Md.ain is one ol uiu Tiest known men on C003 Hay nnd ho jstntes thnt tho people on tlio Hay mo with Roaeburg In its effort to get a Tond to tho coast. "If j on people lu Jtosoburg voto your bonds nnd bIiow us that you mean business, wo will he thero with bells on nnd assist you In every wny possible." Mr. Mc Laln was Joined hero this afternoon by Frederick Holllstcr, of North llcnd, democratic cnndldnte for rep lesentntlve In Congress. They will leave for Portland lu the morning In 1hc lntter's auto. Hoscburg News. ON GOQUiLLE JOWJEAR FISH ALONG the WATERFRONT The Pnralso will not arrive until 30 o'clock tonight. She will land at No.-tli Ilcnd nnd put out pnlissengers. She has n large shipment of freight, consisting of about 200 tons. The Hustler will sail for Port Or ford and Rogue River points on Mon day. Sho will en. r lotH of fruits nnd Tofrcsnments for the Agate Carnival snd nlco furniture- for the Port Or ford Hotel. ' MOOS!-: Itl'TTOXS nnd CHARMS. Tied CROSS .H'UHMtY Uept.. Red Cross. Drug Store. ' M'AVK yoir MXCH RASKinS it IIOMHnnd eit Sl'XDAV DIXXKR' at (iOOimiiiii.s iiamuow i..i 1 ITHSIOX. Rev. Haberly Officiates at Dou ble Ceremony in Bantlon Moore May Move. (Special to The Times. 1 HANDOX. Or., .lulv 31. A en pretty double wedding occurred last evening nt the homo nf. Rev. A. llnb orlv. the tather of one of the brides, ,vh'o nlso offh lated. Walter J. Sabln. of the Central Feed Company, nnd Miss Vclmn Klepfer. and O. H. Anson, of Ansen llrothers or Cotiullle. nnd mi.. Mnririinrlto Hnherlv. the daugh- tor of the officiating clergyman, be ing the contracting parties. Tho oung people nro all well known hero nnd highly respected. Moore CVnnpaiiy May Move. It Is rumored heie that the Mooro Lumber Company Is getting ready to move their plant to Yaqulna Uny. The report comes from nn urtlcle thnt appeared In the Sunday Oregonlnn from N'ewporr. hut cannot be con flimed here SISSOfl FIRE SWEPT TODAY moosi: m'ttonn ami charms, Tied CROSS .II-'WI'MIY Dept., Rod Cross Drug Store. LAUNCH FIH'AK leaves every tiny at l:!IO p. 111. for SOUTH Cons River. Docks ut CKNTItAli A V UN UK slip. Llbby COAL. Tlio kind YOU luivc ALWAYS UBI'I. Phono Vi. 1'nciflc Xlvory nnd Transfer Comimny. f)OXT forget tho HAINROW K.Y Cl'RSION up COOS ItlVKU SUNDAY at N A. M. Gov. Johnson Rushes 200 Men to Aid in Fight Against Big Fire. mt Amofiiul Trwi lo Coot IUJ TlmM.l .SSON. Cal.. July .11. Six hun dred men who have snved this city from fire nro completely oxhniisted nnd en n dn no more. Thoy havo cut n trench nronnd the fire nine miles long, but hnvo not strength to watch It nnd tho lines must bo manned by 200 additional men whom Gov ernor Johnson Is sending here today. If they nrrlvo In tlmo the fire will be coiiuueroil. Smith-Powers Line, 20 Miles Long, Will Be Completed in . 60 Days Means Milch. Within sixty dnys. the Smith-Powers road south of Myrtle Point will be completed. This is only In rof eromc to the main line, as the branches nnd spurs will be built from time to time ns the logging operations require them. A. 11. Poweis is giving his personal at tention to the work nnd is putting In one of the finest pieces of rail road that has ever been built lu the west, even the stnndnrd gunge inulii lines not being excepted. Parties who have gone over the road re cently declare It the best ever. Knsy grades and curvatures, well ballasted with wide cuts nnd excellent bridge construction, the line has llttlo ap pearance of being but n logging rond. Tho road Is now completed to linker's Creek, iibout soventeen miles. It will bo finished to Wagner this yenr. nnd there remains about a mile nnd n hnlf of work. On this Inst stretch of grading, about 100,000 yards of dirt will have to be moved but two steiini shovels will bo soon operating on It and they will tnke It out lu n hurry. The mnlu station on the new- line will be locate 1 nt the Wngner ranch, which the Smith-Powers Compnny owns. There the company will hnvo Its headquarters, the hospital will be built nnd meat of the business will be done. However, a siding nbotu n hnlf mile long has been built ut .lo'inson's. about seven miles out from Myrtle Point, nnd another sid ing of a similar length hns been built near Rowland Ci:?k. It Is Pkely that stntlo.is will he put lu there. The Southern Pacific will operate tho new line with the exception of the Smith-lowers business, the hit ter company hnudllug Its own log ging trains with Its own engines, bringing them direct to the mill nt Jinrshfleld under a wheelnge nr rangoment for joint use of the Southern Pnclf'c track between Marshfleld nnd Myrtle Point. The dlHtnnce from Marshfleld to Myrtle Point Is thirty-one miles nnd the twenty miles of new road makes n feeder fifty-one miles long. It Is expected thnt tho Southern Pacific will file Its freight and passenger tariffs nnd nrrnnuo It sdiein'o bt ns to ghe train son he to the new hue hv i he tlmo It is completed, or about 'Oitober 1. For the tlmo be ing, the Southern Pacific will prob nblv operate one train each way n day over the new line, hnudllug both freight and passengers. The present plan Is to have tho motor car ser lce between Murshfleld nnd Myrtle Point by that tlmo, so thnt thero will be but one stenm train each way n duv over the present Myrtle Point line. There nre ninny ranches along tho new line so that a considerable busi ness will probably develop. In addi tion to the present ranches, there Is much laud that can be cultivated nnd the warmer climate there will permit of more intensive agriculture thnn Is now engaged In elsowhorc In the county. This probably will be developed by the new means of transportation. There Is n good wngon rond from Myrtle Point to Uaker Creek on tho opposite bank of the South Fork from the Smith-Powers railroad. It lu open for unto travel now. So far but two logging cnnips have been opened and both of these nre nt linker Creek. Frank Grant is superintendent of Cump Four, the first to start shipping logs Inst week, nnd .John Dnshney lu superintendent of Camp Five, which started deliver ing logs this week, getting out Its first five enrs Monday. This fall or winter the two logging camps now nt Conle lo will be moved to the new line, making four there, nnd lu about three years the present Camp One, on South Coos River, will probubly be moved there. Other camps will nlso probably be opened. In moving the two remaining cnniim from Coal cdo, eleven miles of logging road nnd trestle will hnvo to be torn up ut Coaledo. It seems u shame to tear out the Coaledo logging road now, ns there Is n lot of timber uloiigslde of It t lint could he taken out over the rond. However, It be longs to the Southern Oregon Com pany, or Mennshn Woodetiwnre Com pnny. or Is Involved in the laud grants mid ennnot be secured by the Smith Powers Compnny. This eleven mile road will hnvo to ho rebuilt to log this timber nnd will prihably udd $1 per thoiiHund above what It would cost now to get these logs out That thero will bo boiho heavy shipping over the new line Is certnln. On an average, nhoue seven thoti H.iiid feel of Ions i nil be put on u car and thirty or mote una lo the train can he easllv handled by one engine. However, It will take nliout MM). 000 to 1,000,000 reel of IngM n duv to keep the two Smith iiiIIIh running n ten-hour shirt, so Hint four or five traluloads will have to bo brought lu each day. Dr. Keyzor. iiHtdstniil to Dr. Dlx In the (oinpany's hospital work, now has a temporary hospital filled up at linker deck to cure for the nli k nnd Injured. There has not been much call for II so fur. Tho more serloUH cuses nro brought to the hospital In ..... .i . ,,.., ... M. ....... I I.. ....II,. I iviyrne i-uiiii w in .nun; n"i""" nt Minn neiui anil prounuiy win con tltitii' to be. COOS RAY timpT- DAILY '"" CONUNDRUM Answer to losterdtiw -, I nre tunny itm-mi tldnt. uiiiMv, inn, niter nil, vvlin r.ii . most itHeful in tu. ?, V Uroiith. UIIB 'ill", lloro'H one for today "Wlint Is It tt woi'ail , wnyn looking fr, but L'"1 wuntH to find?" ""' Answer tomorrow. I DR. 11. K. KKI.TY. IH'NTISTv Phone 112-.I. Room 10 1. Coke llldg nt H A. M. MOOSK lllTTOXH nnd CHuT,! ? Red' CROSS .IKWIll.uvVftS W Cross Drug Store. m N HH-: DON'T forget the RAIXlum-fT Cl'RSION up COOS HIVIJIkM HtJNbt, At the Fair Saturday, Monday, Tuesday Those who appreciate Unusual Values will do well to-visit this store every department presents a wonderful" list of bargains. Sun Hound Large variety of kinds and colors, the Dlst p 2iie vulttcs, now IJjfj Dirvcr Stnrfx mi'l Stiiuil Covers. Of white dtiinusk mid IJti- An ens. 10c nnd fiOc values, on sale JJJ Silk Petticoats l.ntet styles nnd shades, double-sewed, (fin formerly Ifi.tHi. on sule jj( M lihly llloiic. or best Gnluten, lurgu assortment of styles, formerly to $2. no, sale $1,45 Ladles Latest Wn'sf. Made of ull-ovur Voiles nnd fig ured all-white lawns, values to $-."(), only !" $1.45 Children's Middle Y.iIucb to $l.ir, sale. ..Mc l.-tilles' Xuvy Utile Silk l.lsle Hose .Thu atie- kltnl, oiit'y l.V u Pair ( hlldi tn'H White Silk Sn Speclnl Ihiglbli Long (loth mid India Miiotis I He nnd 18u lUmls, only loc (i'ih.iI (ifiit.e Ink Tablets Formerly to lfiu, now ... .f)c Satisfaction or Money Refunded THE FAIR CVutrul Acnuo Xoxt lMir to Ckuudlcr Hotel IVOM Centralize amd pyoorize m Central AYenui 1 Hl-TONE CHOCOLATES The Kind They All Want For Sale at TAFFORO' PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Chaedlleir Hotel The nub of a Good Menu Central Avenue 3 "Your Service Is Different" IF ONK Is to servo tho public one must serve nil nllko. "Tho Owl's" Personal Service Is not Influenced by tho size of your orders. There Is no rofiiest so trivial, either by phono or In person, which doos not recelvo our very best attention. Thero Is no o.der so small which Is not filled promptly snd pruporly. This little Icttor speaks for Itself: "Dear Mr. Cohnu: "Thiink you for sending me the prescription so promptly. Your service seems different, 1 know there nre some who do not care to bother with the little tilings. I nppiei late your kindness and promt nosa, nnd promise that my next order will bo more Important. Sincerely. MRS. ." "Sunset liny." The purpose of this servico Is to nerve. Wo want to help you. Whether It he a bottle of Sijulbb's Peroxide or u SI.IO Kodak you may be lertuln of our best efforts. This servico H Is meant for Ul . PHONC 74 j , Owix PIRESGRIRTION tDHfARMACVl r" nnj8iNtn'roifvau'R"wtCYH"Oi TRANK D COHAN "The Kodak Store" For REAL ESTATE BARGAINS HOUSES TO RENT ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE See Aung. Frkeemi Central Avenue i rummy. ;jca j00 Columbia Bread and River Flour are synonymous. Ask the good housekeepers and good breakmakers. ONLY $1.35 PER SACK H Wheat $1.90 Shorts $1.35 Place That Insurance Now lly sm'clnl arrniitfenieiit. I am nble to adjust nil small fire Inane niiniedl.iti-ly. ' represent tho foIlowinK fire In surance companies, nil million dollar corporations, the solid est on earth: LONDON & LANCASHIRE QUEEN ORIENT LONDON UNDERWRITERS FIREMEN'S FUND 1 also roprosjut tho famous Aetna, writing liability, bur Klary, plate nlasa, surety bonds, etc. E. I. CHANDLER PICNIC GOODS ilie-e mv 'he dajs jnu will ni.td things to eat for (he PH-MC I.IWCII or n Hurry-l'p Meal nt home We have everything you want, and reineinber everythins oii et at this IH'ltK FOOD STOHK carries the i.unrantee t.f I'uilty and Wliolesomeuoss. We enrry only tlu ataiulnrd .uul will known brands thnt nro Kimr nnted to us AND WK til' MtAXTKK THK.M TO YOU. OMhrairaib &$ Weaver Tin: Pi'in: food (;uoci:i:s i i . ... . I . iiuuii iiiici" in i rune Corner Cntrnl Aveuuo and Third Street Phone 199 OI'KX AN ACCOUNT WITH THE First National Bamik Off Coos Bay AVAIL VOUKSKLF OF ITS SUPKUIOR FAOILITIBS. Safe deposit boxes In btirslnr-proof vuults for rent at low rates. Central Avenue. How about that newf piano? We have a fine line of instruments to select from. Terms can he arranged to suit your convenience. Wiley B. Allen Co. 1.. I,. THOMAS, Mbt. CENTRAL AVENUE. RUSSELL BLK. BUYING A TYPEWRITER? , If so, I have the following factory rebuilt mach ines on hand: Remingtons No. 6, $30 Remington No. 10, $55 L. C. Smiths ....$55 Underwood No. 5, $60 $.".()() enshj $5.00 per month. All iiiiiclilues guai'. nnteed for one year. Also riblioiis mid carbon paper. CARLL. STOOON Sales Agent. 222 Central Avenuo. Underwood Typewriter Co. Tel, 350. Wale! Vls,bl Adding Machine, ''' A ninr'nnii full..t. r Hit's Easy to Understand why my business has Increased. It only goes to show that when you glvo the public the very best that can bo had they show their approval by their patronage. Clean towels for each patron, together with high class workmen and no more sanl tary shop in the country, gets the business. Terrell's Chandler Barber Slhop i.i. wwiu uutiigrupu tUi SSittgajfgfcy . iBBHBaaaUkBESEIK