WWPVB mmsHSssx 'Tiy'fl'' rmm'MIZ, ,f',,.T. ... JilflB. Ei. L, .ft.to'U! THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 19.14.-EVEN1MG EDITION. tix Sh 10 HOT BAY RAILROAD DOCK: II NORTH BEND owing New Fall AKWATER 10 BRUTAL CASE CONGflETE BASE fob nniG PORTLAND IN Ad ji r North Bend City Council' Make Plans for Trade Excur- Steamship Will Not Use Ocean M. B. Adams Taken to Coquillo Changes Plans for Hard, sion Here Soon Will , Dock Henceforth Plan on Charae of Threatcnmn nsnect Kanway. , nuw Duuumy. w mm hub. i POIITLVXI), Or.. .Julv an. Plans Agent Sholdon of the llrenkwnter Surface Work on Sherman , Avenue; Meet Next Tuesday. XI. H. Adams, of Ninth Mend lias Rjfl 1 ... . . . , . .. .t.rt ....n.,, ai.1., imii tnbi-in . tlm fimiitv inll fit f'n. , ., .. ,, ., ... for h trill ( I'M Ut'S oil to loos Mil' lire niinuiiiii'i-ii urn ij i m i"-' ni'""i' -"" - j - - At n nipolltiK "f "o;"'1' ,,,",i , licliiif poiinlilorpil liv Portland liusl- offices and il .. k wnulil bo henceforth iiilllo oh tlio eli.iriw or thivn etil ng City Coiini-I. It was .luel.lo. to retain Km,, ,' 'JjnViniipp 0r tlio Ore- located at the railroad wlmif. The to kill his wife. Ari.ir.llni; to to the liltulthle mliiR but to reu.lip"" fi inmiio it LrnBiic. whU-h BPnt HrenUnUv has been tisltiK the Ocean story told by Mrs. Adams to tlio n Blx-lnch concrete Ihiio nuil n to- ' .,!,,,, (0(lnv , flm out the Dock for the past ypar, but bojslnnlUK Xoith Hend police, Adams was most Inch wonrlnis surface. An ordinance i V iKanlliiR aucli n ti Ip. tomorrow the llallroaJ dock will be brutal In his treatment of her to this effort was pat-sod in ro'n ".I "0,J" "n Coir c h irman of the ex- used exclusively for both passengers The couple have two children, one nnco with the demands of many eltl-. ,,,h' ,S'T V. n. ,,. M.l fieiuht. itwo ears old and one about two 7.M1H. Four hoc us on s ionium nvc nuo nro to be paved. Final action )l,nn secretary, annoutico thnt the w H n taken ext VueV.nv nta ' imtatlvP plan Is to run an excursion the business The railroad docks lll i ml were ninrrlo en City Attorney I orl yahl v re-'' drlnB the latter part or August, go- be practically as handy for the goner-1 about three ears turns Mtivor Sli nsoii Ib exnortwl t0 ",0 oml (,f tllc Southern nl business as the Ocean dock and, Adams will liny bXsnulrdny. ft "v!rrm, ' Com! I'-cHI now lino .ml thence by or the Corp. II In a Hoy business will Tho changp Is made to concentrate weeks old. Thpy nrp a oung couple Hip railroad docks win "d were married in nooti taiver ngo. i e ins neiiriiiK nuer. ... .i .... hiacp. iuu m mnir. em ei me diuku uc iiiul-ii mini' luimniuni, for J" 08 """".oml rail or tlio boat route might bo Agent Sholdon has arranged that In Tho" Council also decided not to ' wod. at the option or the excursion. "" nf" ,.i t.i .....i m, .in, ., .i,ia ' Itts. t'.nlondotl first for the convenience grado Moado and Mcl'horson streets " , . .,. ,,, ,,, n, ,npnl ai,iminr im i,n ni.n .- now. Tlio street committee was or- '" i "!-" " " r ",.', ,.,,,","',.. ." derail to Improve tho Vnrglnla street " to this excursion, giving time rn gee bo that .t o , dctrnck will bo bridge over I'ony Inlet. 1 I IS to visit other sections In nnd around kept clear to enable draymen lo ban Coos Hay. TO HOLD AGATE i runiium nrifui himmi auun SUITS - COATS DRESS SKIRrs Now on Display Hub Dry Goods Co. "Smart II car for Women" Tor. ttroii(lv;iynii(l Central Ave, Phono 361 m si die f. o freight promptly. I Some time ago plans were nrcnar cd for a largo warehouse and office building tor the Hreakwatcr business i nnd It Is expected thnt these will be I carried out beforo long. For tho ...tC9..tft ll... 'A.'.... .1... f. ...!..... I .1....I. 1-iis been altered to meet tho require-; POrt Orffim Preparing TOP AlV incuts. Bequeathes $500 Each to Mr and Mrs. Walrath Divid ed Into 13 Shares. The will of (luy C. Uarnum. for niorly of llolse, Idaho, cud 0110 of Mrs. J. C. Rumpf Insists on Rcmaininrj With Him , Charged With Fighting. Itntlior than loino her husband In the big property holders In this uo.-'JnH l"up. Mrs. .1. C. Itumpf Insisted thin, was prolinlPiI lipforo Judge on rcuitiiiiiug in ine my jmi hh ELDER SAILS ntial Festival August 6, 7 and 8. PDTER AGAIN IN MOM) AtSATK August' ,i. 7ai.dV..';;rorfon.v".! Charged With Beating Youth hold Its annual Agate Carnival. Jinny) (Jilt Of $200 On B0(IUS 1 permanent Improvements are being , i i i i- , made In preparation for tlio ciirulvnl.i LclNU LUOdllUll. irS.i'neuTo.l'S'Z'PbS T,K, f"""lng from u Port land ,0" ",-. T.' . "...tl . '?.' L. V. . ' pnner will bo of Interest hero iib S. A. V',T,nZ.i, . v"u'r ""'I " " Prnt.l In HOI TALI REPEAT I "TIIIJSNOWIIAIX-TOIlKn AT .IIAKOX (' At AlV n.J Htl.VXI!IIT-MI.SSl:otl ii rami r.iiiT. "Tho Snowball." hr dr- niilmniiH UMiiict. will bcrtJ .1... f ........... V"'l inu .imnunir ujieril llOUtt (,H tiigui. i ne piay made a t: I '" " r 'mmu i mntli' iftt itt ttirm A largo tent fiOxSO. feet has been V i ' "'i.;..".'i?.. n :...... j nnd nil who did not imiu tl I.!.. ... . ..... r- ..l.n.n.l n ...... I ... .!,...,.. . .!,(. " ' ' "' " ....... ......... ......Il . l.,,, ,... . ,. It wmiVS UylTu. ".ou2:;Sur.,.. bu, she declHied that she kcl 811(1 LcaVCS for Port- JV,rTkW lXmLVltouihl no WSlirtf'gSi".1 ' worth and John U. Ooiw. uotild not ho linlws her husband i91fi msii. 7n f; inue will be h pow. boat on rt im.,Ki ,llirVoralilv bv an ad- ., i" . . , ., c.r ' .Mr. mrniimrflmoHibcrllhihlii..l(OHlil uUo. This morning ihe Iailtl WWI f), ,e lake ' wo f.ee bathliig pavll- , !H(. ,', , ' f ' , -,, "' u " It in of hi that Jar : tipss uliown lilm durliiK bl laiit 111- w relead. but Stiimpr was kept T1. r.Pnra w i.'i,t.. .,.Pii-. i . ' Um w,n n,". ,,B l",)Vl'k',t " ll ' , "lar I with mwIi II W I nib k 1' ",,m. ,I11U. tl10 "'I'nHunlM" ness by M? IB Mrs."! ff gn!8, l .H UK l.rln, thl. afternoon ...i'il.o, J In J?..k. on,,. tekyjM Jh;" SiW'lJoJiSr n'P'gK by K'i" .J' by boduea ling them $r,00 apiece. ' sttunpf nnd his wife and II. P. tl.l, afternoon for Portland. She Mid L X, Un I .It a. I U.lo Ito "ron ' ,0 l,M,", 1"'" "' "1,i- ten! Col. Walrath was also named as ono (lurda. Jr.. of North IJvn.I were nr- menty iwHoiiKera northbound m .J "V-n ntesU l, tl. I '"v.InmU In WuHhlimton. ,l"t"1- of the executors of tho will. Claude rented at the Palace ItuntHiiriint for fnllmvar i xo t"1"''"1" nainin . .... ,.,.,,, inll Bnii.i iinii.r la iNnsiurg iioiiik tno other oxoiyitor. ifluhtlng about :: oVIock this morn- llarrv TIioph. I. k ii.iir.v ni,. Ihe will piovlilen that all his Just l:iir. It seems that Stuninf anil wife lor I'll,, . i w..u'..' ." i .. ....I.I I I .1. . ' --- ' ........r., ,.iin itov Kii.i.s m:.it. mado by 10. II. Diifur, rathor of tho yoiitiK man . now In the lior of tho r A PTT tTrnr asylum nt JA I . f roprosenta Lfl a a MQ1 ilobls and fiiiieriil expenses be paid wero iMcupylnic one booth nnd Uiiriln l.aura I.awlor. Hutli'' Crocltor." liubv ,T7i .. , Pnloni. The older Diifur uiH.il I.HW.H.10. aiior uiih ib.hoiio, was in an adjoining one and words U Painter. Nolllo I.n Painter. Nefs ,'"" ",,s L" ,.,?,, ,v.",, ''"'' "" Hint Puter and V. I.. Murray gnvo f-"" the i will Provides ha the balauco finally led to blows. Tho waiters P. Adoinson. Joe (Junsalos. C. F Itoh- s,,,1", ,tlvn'- M boh a receipt Tor 2fln In .n.bIi. " or tno ostate be dlvldoil Into thirteen In the rostiiuraiitB were unable to oris. Mrs. c. r. itnimriH. n t m. The Hoseburg Itovlew says: On i,rniiilsliiif thev would see bn wn In-. Ti,i..iS2 ?" rollmvs: stop the ineleo mill called for tlio Klnnon. K. JI. l.nlrd. Inez .lohnson, lll f"r'" of u- T- Ashwortli. nonr rnloil on cholco laud In Washington. gdM nZ )i rr ' r'1' '"0r' , V'S'1'1 n",r" 1,oll(t'' Of"'" StiitBinnii ami Donno l.ouUo Uoyer. .Mrs. 1311a Jllller Mrs. ""'(liner, there was an exciting ihI-.tIIh was In July. mil. In .May. M W "" '...V. i,i, ' ,' .Vi'V.ic l,,'III,who1ro"l,l",rt,HB- I-t'Hter L'aton, Chns. Hochborg. H. C. xt,,;p with n boar a few days ago. n:i, aru-r vain effortH by tils mm. 1 four .V.r. nf hn Wn f. i . i .'i' ttttlvvr Stutsiunii said thai when Voung, n. Pnyne. (leo. :. Rich- K"1'1' . L" tll(' J"iIiik of July 20,' lly and rrlenUs to restore his iiieutul to slxtv.riy nt wi?i.i, ,,h !, bo Kot there. Stunipf was hiding tin- nrds, J. 0. Sllngorland, Klwooil Wiles, "8 "" j-yoar-old sou hlhurt ent Liilnmo. young Diifur was declaml, (Vn ed her tho deed to In! Ii J. mi" ,U'r ,ho ",,,1- A,". " Ml,lk' ,lu,M" " "r- W- A " .,0 ,,,,u. ,mHl.llrw ,0 (lrlV, ".' ." "'l',-''t nn.l his rathor appolnt- U "lr' " IIO.'II IJUIIIK III OSIIOW. IJnriln mil III, IO nnd, l.nll nn.l IlllfU U'lirmh lll..l, M - II V lllilllll (if ClllVPS. IO W!IH Hllrill' HI'll tfl ,) no l.lu ...... ...I l .. At in the I rovo baul:. Up re.iuosted ... rninnHiii vi,nii.,r i,n -m .... MiMta i,,i,., f!,,.t,.fu..' !n ' .'.'' eo a lie black boar leisurely onlov-1 u ,..,.., i.. i,,..' ........ i.i ..... .i. J. II. Kll "?. i"? J"5.r.,"-"? "" t,, l0,H b0.tur.i and race tho hearing was a llowlt't. to. T Iw. " ir ,,'?.. IK hlniHelf In a Utile lanyo... Ah ' ffra ,, V l0"0 r ' "V, r ,.,;"""', ton. St. , To lis bIh tr lleloii Ilnrtilinri ir ,,U0Ht,"n- 'Irlcks. K. Ilolvorson, .Mrs. K. Ilnlver- V "'.'7 l,ot,. ?,v,'r, "n ,yT,H frf;,n '"."tho receipt for $200. Ho wrote to & ' ' Pnt. wSrf 'ft.v'J i,0,r...,.L,l"l.!,"fi.'. ofi ". Mrs. I,. A. Hunt. Mrs. I. I.. Srlin. ?" .l',,)or w!nt Immo for his .ltlr, ho says, telling him of tho Norton, C To IVni klo JI l.ucy Tr,,.1 Alle-any CnsP.ConstablP Cox Is ol,. OIlyH KoilUy. Jlrs. F. C. . -'V,' """ ,1,l0IIy ll,r,, llls, w"' Inniliys poor circumstances and nsk- J ortlnmi: ... " "' ". i. Hi. 01 fori .ni"iij i i.m . iiiiiniiiiiif i.i. is ivnii.. n a ni . ,V ......... buck iiiinr tbn vlrlnlv of I in bonr. ..- .;.. i .1.... . .... iMih. Alf J(i "Sr.1"'..."': ""?. . I...r,,!.r.. "!u . ".f.,c'? .f" I. Wo i. iinrtin 'riV, . )) W "I" who was still iii.nwuro of anyone's i " Z,"' ,, , T ' "" "' .. "S ""T O. Stem... i . ... v.-r-. ..... . ... .... . iieiilioiv. at Denver, Colo., ono share. unoulx, who aro charged with steal 'lo Henry Wing, of Provo. Utah 'lug a calf from Clias. Itodlne, ono share. mviib delayed nerving Hiibnoenas W the Clianillcr. di. Astoria: W R! Josenb. .Mo.: Mr. irlt ibnrt, (Irnnu nil, o(iilllo: J. 0. Slfcstft K. u. uowe. rni ihnsoii. Conullle, Xi lor, Jlyrllo Point, I.-1 .... I . ri,l,.nirn (1 V. lur. on, m. uuiiy. f. Dav s, F. I,. "''' , V , ., . ... . Just tne matter sntlsractorl. v. but ihh " ' ., .V. iii I). II .11111. I.. J. Wntso , W"nB 'tfl "t tnrto.l to rtlnili 8C rr fneil to mnko any nccountlng. ton, Portland: Mrs. L. De - JlnchPay, J,rs. nreonoug;,: " Z ,.. " !Ln "V" "Ti.. "! "". "' "! I"t two letters lo P.i.er ; .?1-.1I? ,hf t ..v.. ,.,, j,,,,,, , '"--Mill leniuiii iiuiiiiHwerod. "' .'""" ' "'v. ,":"',. ; u Ntl Vero Fonton. S. Cullv. F. HmvIh i.' t approach. ,,..,. ,.. .x .. ..... : -:- tin ' 110 Itoderlck Jllsg Tn Mis I.VpiiU M.,.,.. .. l.'i... i I .i?l,o,,w.o.. . - i ., s , .wi,i, . r,o .",'", !:;v;r"T;.f- ?" r T Z.ZT ."?;-. rsi.''""..?? :.r"i..an.".SK ness. J I'. Ualllgor, Peter Steckol. "." " l'..,.,u .llUo' examination tlioj nl,j0 , , ...... gntufnetlon out of '""'I; Mib. II. Jl. inuuers, w When tho will wbh molmioil. tlm I cstato was valued at $0.1,000, of which about $1,000 whb given as personal property and $.'0,000 real1 oslatp. This Is Inclusive or thpl upoib. ine amouiit or which Is not exactly known. Quality 4 Price ......,., ...in i . I r.iiiiu ni ii nonr iiioio inoiieraio . I growls from tho brush, so decided It early this mornlnu frnm m.,w.i, ..;! wns not wlso to Investlgnto n wound llicoinlni? I.Ui Tho (leo. W. Klder arrived ter ii cnmi tiin . ii, ....'. ...'.' il bear without a good dog. those nrrlvliiK on her limn- '7,1 V Procuring ono that nflornoon and Iloforo one can JiiiIko a position. l',Ith Shore, W. II. Walters . 4. .ml.... ,. 1... ..-..... .. I.n4t At ipiprson. a. it. Unno hey. ). Hodor- " H . " . , ' ,. T11."" .l,,u Ick. Mrs. Nell Potty, s. O Wliltnpy "V"1' '"covered Mr. Ilrulii had ex F. I.. Landers. Mr .t n i.... I'l'eil. and ho was brought to the Nick lluttlno, C. V. Imosoii tr ll(,llK rr InHpoftlon. Mlbort says Alice KiPielt. Josoph Powley liutu ho '" K!llK t0 ,L','I' tho hide for a vnuniT. .in imnufiina niH... n.. "wm.mii. ItU 1I1II. Afrivrrv ix i:x(.iaxi). (n? A..O.-I.IM 'ln( ,,, raM , pi LONDON. July :i0.--SevPinl soc- tloim at Mm Iti-ltUi. u......i..i .t..r forco were palled to it.nv t.i,i,.v- n.. f,N " criterion, or ostlmate a duality. tho east and south roasts to lollove " ' "Pceiisary to bo In possesulnn of tlio regulars In iMmnllntr lirl.lu.u. .,,,. m imui iu., r,..., ........ .. vi..,. .. ' '' - n--"- n '10 -ii f ' 1 i n ll iin ilium iiii-ii ill ) k Inlll, ,ll,"8 ll1"1 '" "inn k the Illl0-B ,.n,.iHons. Ono fad alone Is It. nt,, i.T., '. !?"ln. ul" ',la' the! Not being an export with a gun at coa8t defeiiMs. ',',,,".. A ... . ,. 8 '"'"'.' hlkH ,lt nn,,,Io k from that time, his father lclllotl it for I ., .... ...... ,. ,,1,. pi-,,1-1 iiM iuri.,u .'....iMij, II I 111 lllllllllill, 'J',0 He nlso had un oxperleuco with a boar when he was soen years old. 'as lie nuil his younger brother ills 'iovoipiI one In a field only a few .Mtirsliriold i roils from whoro they wore playing, Itl'SII X.IVAL VIMtiKIV tnr Atf.ltlcJ I'm. u t.v ll. , TIwm.) CAI'K TOWN. July 30. The Oer man gunboat Klier. which has loiont y been overliHiiled here, pm to nii hurriedly todav. COOS BAY TIMES DAILY CONUNDRUM Answer to jemenhiy's: "A hoy got ten . o-itt. worth of nit mills, what did ho et them for?" Ten i nuts, Here's one for tmluv: "There hip many useful things we know, but, after all. whafs the most useful In the Iuiik run?" Aiihwer toiiiou'inv when taken In telatlou to the other. Thus PIIM'K, when us.-il as an Indl-,- cator of the value or a pleio of Fl'lt XITl'ltK, is undo uulens wo aluo (Hinslder (.U'ALITV. (.H'AI.ITV, to- uether with I'ltU'H will brlug you to1 , the (oncliislun that VAI.I'K and VAL-' I I'lC giving are first ronHlilerailons at1 jthls FCUXITIIIK sTiilti:, I. K. SCHLLIN(! is here from Jjyr ie i-oiiii. ICIbeit wns foiniotly n pupil of Hie i Itouson School, but Is now ougngud i.t ranching on Hiiutii uiver. MILO PIKIISON and i nun Ten u ,, wife are In Many a soldier's first engagement has ended In n wedding. this concern with rcreronco to tho htntns of the Invention. TV.o ngiep- tnntlt lllu unil llllil U'llli Hindi, nnnnln he asboits, has been lost. A XATl'ltALQl'ISTlOV- ...v......... riiuipii the ,, .mil. i, , f,......w . . ...i .1..... 1.. .... vnlir 0VD a IIIU riiiii" '".' ,.ui "Is It on straight? ' n-ii Don't foillet Hie :l.1i Iniii'lieoii nl The Clianillef. ll::i(l lo tl o'clock. iniinded tho Vlllalncss. BBa&zvw9mmv IISI, HIU "ii,m imn'if 'WHY PY JIOKI '. Johnson - Gulovsen Company I lie Quality Vaiiii. wlili a Service Fame. fWBBii aw ' ILilLtftAwTyftMMIJn7 1 "- ' y . , 'w;gc"g3igaaTiBaHBMayng Emblem Buttons and Charms MOOSE Big Selection of Moose t Buttons. P Masonic Odd Fellows Elks Eanljs R e d Men Knights of Pyth ias Owls Etc. Marshfield to Roseburg by Auto In 8 Hours I.KAVI: JIAIlSIH'in.U DAILY AT oMH) .. J. AltltlVi: ItOSIUU'lKJ DAILY RED CROSS JEWELRY DEPT. Phone 122. RED CROSS DRUG STORE AT 1:00 P. j. Thieo auto-no boat rldo or delays. Twelve big cars, careful drivers and the best of sorvl.e makes this the shortoM and most Pleasant mode of travel ovorlaml to tho rallruaa. MUVK JIAILSlll'IKLD IX Till: JIOIIXIXO. AIHIIVK AT POKTiaXD IX TDK KVIJXIXO. HoM'iMtiloiih and liiloiinatloii nt The Ov, v Opposite t'liandlc HUNK 1UOIIW 1,0,1,1 ! tw "01 Klectile Sign - I i a tALIBER RIFLES When you buy your .22 calibre r ritle repeater or single snoi suided bv the oxanmle of the craw Iinf ., tL nn..,.'n m.inrilv Of Htlfl UKf.ru. flat n rani ra.an a f? am in rrtnn Uitli" ... v.t u iwui gull u .....o - - .. Go SQft tllft rlolor iuV,n rlianlnv the Red Pal m- J --- vaxa IIIW wmv v ' MarhotRemin8ton'UMC. Your sign of bporumc neadquarters the Remington-UMC arms you wm io own, and the ammunition vou ousht to nave. To Lean wa... .... .1.. I 11. .If- J.l. D- .. -r- -. Bu. .nan., inq mDnciiaa nfnr u. iww " in nw powder Mlrent, rutt pivntti, and gun lubricant. Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridce Co. iS!1 Z39 Bro.dwiy. New York "The GUNNEXf' "SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS" Everything for the Big Game Hunter, the Fisherman and the Atitoist. Front Street . Marshfield, Oregon tfiiMiiiii'L ?i'i' '.luiiUii!i ?-,'f '". )?. -L-. i'tii mnSEfr.