The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 29, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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    .'tffl.' y
iasui" "
It pays to trade vfofegt
im i wiwn wimim--" - , ",'v1fct mEIBm
MP llll IM"H WMIW,""i'"W "
- I k mm J 1 1 I HDb'jKfVBfUV'mmjnlMBVHHHKw illBHI
afchYPn MWt
IMlf ia wa M ba b ! a ! vj m & mi i - .io
social calendar,
- Narcissus Club with Mrs. "at
tic Wheeler.
Sowing party nt Mrs. A. h.
M. K. Homo Missionary So
ciety will jnect Wednesday af
ternoon at the new linll.
Mrs. E. Mlngus entertains
with launch ride for the Misses
Culln. , t , ,
Mrs. It. 0. Thorpe entertains
for Mr. and Mrs. Jacobsen.
Young Ladles' Aid Society of
Norwegian Lutheran Church
with Scnnle Refsland.
Mrs. Staddcn entertains at
cards. ...
Mrs. B. U. Chandler cnter
nln Informally at sewing.
Violinist Given Ovation by Crit
i ical Coos Bay Audience
! Last Night.
Tho violin recital given by Carl
OrisBon, assisted by Mrs. Imam
Horsfall, Jr., planlstc, and Lew Key
zcr. violinist, at Finnish Hall last
evening, was a remarkable one. Tho
audience which filled tho auditorium
was n cultured and critical one and
their approval was earnest and en
thusiastic. t sounds trito and bromldlc to
mention It as the musical event of
tlii .season. It was tlic
event of many sensons. Tho pro
gram was classical from first to final
numbers on the program. The only
concessions to the so-called popular
music wcro In the encores, which
were numerous, when "My Old Ken
tucky Home," "The Old Folks nt
Home," nnd "Last Rose of Summer"
wcro among those given.
When one attempts a critical an
alysis of Clrlssen, patter of technique,
phrasing nnd Interpretation nro Idle
Walt Mason and Dr. Hodcje En
gage in Poetic Duel in
Fly Campaign.
(Special to The Times.)
EIH1ENE. Or.. July l!i. A poetic
duel between Unit Mason, tho sweet
singer of the grapevine circuit, and
Dr. Clifton F. Hodge, the nntl-fly
rrtiflitt'er who fills tho chair of social
Manager R. H. Corey Tells
What Company Is Doing
and Planning to Do.
Manager R. II. Corey of tho Coos
hay Water Company, today made tho
following statement:
Clearing nnd trenching was begun
a week ago Monday near the roscr-
a mini inr nf Hunker 1 1 1 1 1 young words, ur bboii b an IS 1110 irans
them wlilcli was enjoyed inier tlio program uegnn, no invcsieu mu "-' "',"",": .. .!,- i'vn "Ig, """ lulll,l111'"'1, "
.. nvnninir. Tim occasion was mils n witii vnriotv or nuance mm . "D'vo """""-" "-- -. . u- nution BVHie u wiiuiu me
o nnnlversary of Miss Refslnnd's delicacy of sentiment that might hoi been painfully ro ting around ar tor or four wcckHi
rtM... ..KABLiit ifiirn. MluanO. ,... !.!,. ....I luii.nacilliln In nhlflt ntin! lliun. llll illUII (Hill. tiw n1 ' 1 Til., uiti.fiil Tnr rmu linn Wl
I I1UBU llllOllll. ...JIV". .'ti"i.i. llflinillUI1.ll llll iwnniu.u .1. viiiu.ium...
people surprised Miss Seiuile Refs- cendant poise nnd sureness thnt con
inn.i nn Tuosdny evening last by coals nrt and leaves only tho sense
coming In to spend tho evening with of consummate completeness. In
I,- lirlncinc n bountiful luncheon tbn "Danso Tzlgnne." with which
jptmln Johnson. Edna Johnson, Elsie attractiveness. Tho second number,
Larson, Cora, Allco nnd Mabel Mat- n Canzonetta by D'Amhroslo, tho
ihlson, Messrs. Oliver Lnrsen, E. G. only Amcrlcnn composer on the pro-
Mollen, Andrew Anderson, Peter Om- grnm, nnd his name hna been Im-
mcl, Jalmnr Refsland and Mr. and ported, was dainty and delightful.
Mrs. Refsland. It was whon ho came to "Zlgeuner-
4. i- wolson," tho closing number, how-
, ever, that his marvelous technical
I IIIRTURAY PARTY. rcsourco and sheer beauty of tono
1 were made apparent, nnd tho ro-
A very pleasant afternoon wnB sponso evoked paid eloquent tribute
spent nt tho home of Mr. and Mrs. to the tnnstor player. Grlsson has
B. J. Hanson on South Seventh tlio rare gift of submerging his own
street Monday In honor of the sixth Individuality In the composition cho-
blrthday of Master Henry and M!i Hen, and he expends every resource
Etnmn Hansen. Thoso proscnt wore: 'of his skill In interpreting each shade
Mnstors Joe Call, Robert Call. Etiruol of the composer's moaning.
Kemmer. Logan Knox, George Green, Next to tho closing number was
Kenneth Green, Ralph Hanson. Hen- n duet for two violins, In which Mr,
IT mill una uiv ........ " "- " . . . ,, . ...., 1 1
blologv at the rnlverslty or Oregon, vora west or town 101- iiiu iu-
was revealed hero today when Hodge Il)(,h 8up,,y ,,po line for the business
called upon the parcel post to con- , , , processing rap-
HVS'l "iS f 'w.ln Volvo to fifteen men, who
will finish this work within n week 01
ten days. There nro quite a number
of trees nnd large stumps In tho way
and blaBtlng Is required to remove
them. Two carloads of 14-Inch nnd
S-lnch pipe will bo received from
Portland by boat on Thursday and
work will begin at ouco laying samo
with n crow of men under charge or
Foreman R. L. Hickman. Mr. Hick
man Is n now man In this booMou.
having coino hero from the Portland
City Wntor Works. Tho balance of
cntch-thc-lnst-one" fly
musical I homo of tho versifier.
one or ino minor iriiui'iiii-a m mi
is exemplified by tho fact that
Hodge, who Is devoting his life to n
scientific waj- upon insect and ro
dent pests, and who believes that
"swatting" Is a feeble nnd Ineffec
tive method of extermination Hint
ought to bo replaced by scientific
methods, Is known from ocean to
ocean and across the Boas as far as
Hong Kong, and Johannesburg,
South Afrlcn, as "Swnt-tho-Fly"
"Alas," sings Mason, in one of
his most recent ecstacles, which must
not bo fully quoted because or a
beneflclont copyright lnw, "I
"Money TalLfl
Notice the difference
between cash and ere
Marshficld Bandon
i I
tho 1 -1-Inch supply pipe will nrrlvo
hero next week nnd will Do insiaiieu
na mi an nosB.ble. It Is expected that
nm ' tho now supply lino will be laid coin-
i me tiiB-
noxt three
is made
Bovenieeu snee.un, i v kui iiiu imuii- ,,.. ,,.,,
monln I know. And yet I nm weary .. nf ,. .. ,,lir .he road
of swatting, I"vo thrown all my ....,, volr8i t )ngHCH
weapons away; l m weary or uio-i ..,. u , B111I1ii ,M,lclieB which will
1B l-M V
1 kinds of diseases, by carrying ' , Mr , aclt118 nd 09 In a straight
inns to nnd fro; I pause here for n,,,, fr0m dm reservoirs to llth street
veiitoen sneezeH, I vo got tho linen- j ColMIL,,.(.nl Vcniie, with tho ex-
GrlBson nnd Mr. Koyzor appeared.
ry Hanson; Misses Adrian Gardener,
Perl Lnpp. Bdlth AndorBoii, lleruotn
Lapp, Myrtle Conklln, Kvolyn Conlc
Jln, Ollin Lapp, Verulc Anderson,
Emma Hansen.
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. Simpson eu-
tcrtnlnod a party of young people tho phrasing added charm
over Sunday nt their home, Shoro old favorite.
Acres. Those enjoying tho hospital-. The recital was an nrtlstlc success
Ity of this lovely homo wero; Mr. 'nnd will bo remembered with do
and Mrs. F. I). Cohnn, MIbs Florence light ns a rare occasion In tho tnusl
Alkon, John D. Moreen and! nniinlH of Coos liny.
luther. I Mr. Grlssen and his local nsslst-
1 ants hnvo reason to bo proud of tho
I ovation they received and tho most
- , ., 7 gnuirying tiling niiout it was tnnt
IcsBly Pott ng the germ bearers, lay , , ,, , f f , mmw, The
after day." Then Va t l-IohciI with . , ,.ih.i Hiimily pipe lino, nfler reach
u complaint ngalnst his neighbors. ' ' 1Vl,",nIMJ, Voni.nerclnl streets, ex
who wont help. (omU 801(I 0l ,.,, 8lrt,ut , Vi,n.
Hodge now ilrops Into Masons fa-!tra) aVonuo and then along Central
miliar medium, the vcrno thnt looks nu,m, townrd the center of town,
like prose, and swings along with it' Tle SUilii itnllion 1 CoiiiiiiIkbIoii
punch In every line. Ho wrote to dpted tho location of new mains
the poet: !nd nnoH last Friday which the com-
"So. poor old Wall, you are tiroil ' puny and City Council ngioed upon
swatting files nway from your now, recently. There wore prewnt at the
and your filthy swattors nro fired,
nnd you'o decided to turn up your
too! .Now, Walt. Just lliton to rea-
Tho rereptlon accorded Mr. Koyzor ,,. mi ,inn't do nn anxious to die
was fluttering and proved him tho if yoU', ony tried truppliiK In son-
niliiiur iinuiiiu nu in niui nvu , ,y ow you (1 linVO lllirj' II III'
hearing, besldeslthe Ri.llroad Com
mission. Mr. .1. X. Teal, attorney for
the company. Mr. John I). Gown, n-p-icsentliiK
the City of Murshfiold, Mr. .
A. II. Derbyshire. lepnwutliiK tho
City of .North Dead an! It. II. Corey,
head Off Suffering And $
(in nri'iiiini nf the nntiiro of tbn nllmnni ... 'rrW
'"::,:,,. , ., ...:,,r. .: " a'fi
ircawiieiii ui ihii-b mini mu Luiiiiuiiiii Heroines luttk X
radical treatment. This Is u serious mistake. DciJS
gCl U lUirKUKi' ui
. M .'01 'Mt IXJIUiehMllH 1
UI IwjiKaHrsrzzaiv
inAoc mhk
an I ridi'M' vmirsclf of this nllnient nt lioinc Th.), jL'v
Vrep.Hntloi. guiiranieel to prodiue risuHs, and t-,i Vj
fiiMt! with ordinary reineilien. Kimy to uoandft. 4V 111 1 1 fllrj.f'f llllltf Willi nlll'll ll'lllflfrn r.,K..4.i4l
,-........ ..X ( . .... .... . ,...,,., ...... ..v.. I'.,. ...0l
a pniknge tnday.
"Two slzoa, BO c and V 00.
tlirt Mimit imltlnnl Pnnit Dili iiliillAiinn I . a a I
i.iu .nUn. ...t..... vuun .... . ...... ...v. Ho (lont snR own nm, ,og0 gizzaru. niannger of tho company. Tlio mm-
, Ills play ug nioro than Justlflod tho , HOndliig you flytrnps poll-moll. ,-ond Coniinlsslon nlno extended the
prldo nnd confidence of his admirers You cn doso. mid dream of n bllz- ,,no for tie completion of tho Im-
hor nn encore. The Last Rose of j,artl wlllIo the trn)H ,.alcl, tbe fllos i.mvementH sixty days and ordered
ST onan dlawts'lnK? t0 'H't hell You've been n brave I'.'.T.o now ni.os net by then, go
IIOIl III 10110 Illlll linWIOSS IIUIBIl Ol nm.. mill n ili.luV! villi linvnn'l Inmu'll .... ..rl..... .. i, ..!... 1.11X.1 MM.....
.. . ...... . M."l I j... ......... v ....., n m L-lllTl'l UII UL'L.llll'l 'III. .Ill
10 1110
For Sale by
K.lltnr Times:
Tho much dUcuBscd concert ot
Carl Grlssen took plnco Tuesday,
night nt tho Finnish Hall before a
wcll-fillod house. About two hun
dred lovers of good iiiubIc wore pres
ent, and followed the various num
bers of tho program with much In
terest. Mr. Grlssen showed himself,
from the very best side. Bach nnd
every number of tho program was
played In finished nnd ultrn-artistlu
etyle. Tho "staccato" parts wore
"fpllflored with n brilliant technique.
tho "legato and con expression"
tho npplaiiso was as slurcrn and oar
nest ns It was enthusiastic and gen
how Is tho cause. Like your indo
lout neighbors, bo Inzy let tho pests
catch thoiiiHcdvoH In the gnuzo. I'm
sending you nets, Just for fun, to
Hwccp up tho stragglers with ease.
With them you can got tho Inst nuo
and then write ono nioro fly atory,
Fly cnnipnlgiiB nro on In nineteen
cities in Oregon this stimmor. The
University Is sending anti-fly litera
ture, telling how to dispose of tho
also ordered thnt the new reiervolr
bo mndo of one nnd one-half million
gallons capacity as offered by tho
company. Instead of one million gal
lons capacity as originally ordeied,
nnd that It bo so located thnt a
picsBiire of Boventy-flvo pounds on
Front street would bo available an
scon an Improvements to plumbing
nnd pipes niakcH It ferislble to use
same. The question or meter rates
was taken under cons! IcrntU n by tho
BxiIiikIvo Ai'cniy
I'l-nnk I). ( ilinii
gopassgavriaiii i, wiimiw
pests, and model pets and traps, free j Commission for decision later. I
of cost whorovor they nro wanted.! Tho Inipioveiucnts to tho water
beside tpft now 11-Inch hup- ,
io from ti 0 reservoirs, in-
T Tn
Home-made traps are tho most effl- pystem,
dent, Dr. Hodge declnros, provided ' nly np
clutlo n Blx-lueli ninlii extending south
PBXXAXT K.U'i: ox.
they nro made right. Commercial
traps do not have big enough bait
boxes nnd have other defects. Ho
maintains that a farm or n neighbor
hood can bo made absolutely flylcss
with a minimum ot trouble, nnd cites
many examples, his own farm homo,
along llth street from Btrod to In-,
gersoll nvrnue, thence e.itit on Inger
boII to intli Htrcet and tliouco south
on 10th street to n connection with
the C-liicli main nt South Urth mid
Johnson lit Id lust full to First Addl
fCTtSlirtSSuu,n,,"HDudloy Evans Here Promotmg
Wild West Stunt
' Italian Colony.
nmong otiiors. wiiero It lins neon hlon. This will glvo a largo water
iiijiiu Willi Kitill iiiitvuhu 111 l-llllllliril ninlii Plrcnll nnt inlv 11 mm, I Mm. M..I.
for tho people and better health anil I MCliool and South Mnrshflold section
! greater productivity on tho part of 0t the cltv. I
Mr. Grissoii was nsslsted by Mrs.
William llorsfnll, Jr., piano, and
Mr. Low Keyzer, violin. Roth are
well known In Mnrshtlold's musical
circles and played as wo arc used
to hearing thorn perform. Perfect
harmony existed between accompan
ist nnd tho soloist of tho evening, Wash., September 17 to !!,
milch cows and farm animals.
Dudloy hvniis. who Is iiinnnglng .sumiiiut Unlit hi Mnihflelil Retiims lino In Fern
tho nthlotlc features of tho Frontier. ., . I lomnl to clrc
Days colouration of W'alln Wnlla. Mom .Inpnn. mi iuio c in
The David Evans was one of tho nnd Ferndnlo back to tho business
Is on
Tho Improvements ordered nlso In-
cludo a 10-Inch pipe lino northward
through Porhnni Pnrk on 10th street,
from the supply plpo on Central to n
connection with tho Xorth Rend plpo
ornqnio. Ti Is will glvo n
ult of 1 0-Inch nnd K-lncli
plpo around through I'orlinm Park
ninl !ii ilt aunti In tr lrt nAitiimitti. f'lmu llnv linftiif f mr thn nt'mit nm! tt I .
;"" .. ".-.. in ... .,u .w.ih. ...... "- .., ............ ...u ,. " cssois uuiit nt mo .Miirsniieiu snip- section of Mnrshflolil. This will ben-
lated on having found such nolo mnko an effi.rt to arrange an ex- ynr,,8 ,, ol(, re8dentB will recall of It uhI-Io ra lily "tho Nor I Io I hi's-
stwSi8s.d,;:ioScti.,Sd7 wat" or Coos ,hy,tos ,o WBH1r!hrAro?u?fKrrkrffl ii,!!!5 v" " r'r
vuiiiiTii iiiiii huiinuua uiiiiiiiutiu hm " niiin io vijiii niuu iu uu iiiu
lowed each number.
greatest and most stupendous open
UO Of llltorest Hero: nlno linn wlthonl tlio untnr l.nvliii. m
Domniid for lunibor In .Inpnn from' go through the mains In tho business
It Ix Mm Inlnntlnii nf lf rirlHann nir sbnw of IN klml In Mm wnrl.l I . '' "r uimuur m .iiipnil irom KO iiimiiKII uio maun
to return to Coos Hay Bomo tlmo according to Mr. Evans. It concludes . " ... l, i "l " muiU8U"' l,, ' oi .Miirsniioiu. mo contract,
next year with his nowly organized n three-day race nicot with $20,000 I,J, of tho ront nnvy scandal or hnv lug the work of grading North
trio, consisting of two violins and In prims staged undo,, the nusUco8"vorc,1thero' ncrortlliiB to Captain F. 1 0th s root has Just begun tho work
cello, to present to the peoplo of of tho Northwest Racing Association r Sniu,e J I,!"!8,or r .V? lMM Hirough Perl nm Park, ho this, main
Cooh Ray a concert of high standard, and "Threo Days of Frontier nnd 8 ll00ur David hvaiis. which roachod enn not bo Inld for somo tlmo yet.
Should Mr. Grlssoirs Intentions bo Wild Wost Roiindup." to consist of !' ,rJv fmmiKnlm l"8' wook. Tho I ho Improvements In North llond In-
renllzed. which all muslc-lovers hope riding, biilldogglng wild steors, relny UnM? hv.anB. tlu(l ll'' at Astoria to elude a six-Inch water main from tho
t'jcy will bo. It would then give nil rjini, Indian lines, wild horso racos.axuUt a "nr'-- Porter Addition tnuk at I'nlon and
our surrounding towns, ns well na stage coach races and cowboy and' I'oforo tho graft luculry. It Is Mnlno streets northwnrd on i'nlon
ourselves, tho samo opportunity us- iowglrl races. I said, drydocks and battleships were sveiuio to a connection with tho North
unlly unwonted only iu larger cities. In tho park nt night tho greatost uolnB ""I'1 ' Japan at a lively rate. Rf'id distribution system on Vlrglnln
and surely would bo of benefit to open nir uinateiir boxing nnd wrest- As n coiiboquonio lumber was In avenue. This main will hnvo a gate
our community, and more especially Hug toiirnainout over stnuoi will bo' great doiniind In tho Island Empire. lvo at Virginia avenuo that will bo
so to our musical studonts, ifesented by a single amateur nth- I,,or fol'r years tho David Evans hnd closed and sealed except at tlmo of
CRITIC. lot le club, w't'i over 100 nthletos "eon steadily employed transporting fro. whon It can bo oponed by tho
compotlng. It will be under tho nus-l l" products from this const to Jan. .North liond fire depnrtiuont nnd tlio
plcos of the Wnlla Walla Athletic ' I he first two years she loaded ill" head from tho Porter Addition
- '"inii. .. ..... I.' IIHIIUI IIIU illB-l-"w ,-....... ...... ,,, (1, uilfl- .'., ,.,v ..uH I I IIIUlll 'IIIU II
ii n i-imiv r v .i . Uoi r ,m Wnlln Walla Athletic "- Tho first two years she loaded t head from tho Porter Addltlc
. ii. uhiiiN, or .North Henil. was a Club. The meet U one of ellinlnntlou;"1 Portland nnd on the Columbia '""k used for flro purposes. Tli
niisiiiosi visitor lu .Mnrshflold to- by three round decisions and nil! Hlvfr. During tho remainder of tho will provide very good flro nrossu
iln. Ho loavos soon for n vacation Kj,t clmiiiplons ranging from tho Period she tins boon plying Iu tho i for North llond uso.
trip to SlierWOOtl, OrOKOII. to bo in l,u, ,... .I..l.. .i.... trniln from V:ini.niivni. II n
nwnv ,.l.n..i n ....... i. ..................., ,..h.,i ,,,,,,,,. - v,
...... . .. iii.iiiiii.
Clirl.soff.'i7.on to stnillo Piuiluiiil
Willi liylng .Mnclilne.
Tlo Portland Orogonlan says:
Without oven tho formality of splll-
Tho now rosorvolr, ns already stat
in.. . nm uu uiTiiiui. rtiuong mo ino iiaviu Kvnns Is owned by tho .'. " " ,l,,,uo 0l one nnd ono-hnlf
clubs of tho .Northwest thnt will have E. A. Hunter Company, of Kobe i '""Hon gallons capacity nnd perhaps
oil itr'es nro: Muitnomnh Amnteur.Sho Is tho only vossol nflont having evo." 'ttrger. Instead of ono million
A i c Club, of Portland; Heaver the distinction of being owned In R,""01'8 capacity ns rocoinniendod by
Athletic Club ((.lunibns Athletic i Japan flying tho llrltlsh flag, nnd o stnto commission. It Is doslred
tllll). Of soattle; mil dubs of Olvm.lln rhnrtrn it nn Ai....i. ,.i.i bv thn cmnn.inv In l.nva .,,,,.,)
pla, Ppoksno. Vancouver. II.
Fianclsco and Los AiiKnles.
.Mr. hVMiis has staved atlilmii.
..... ......... ii, r. n.nfti-ii itllllUlll'
,...' .. ..r.,.ii ... ..un..... ..'t..... ...a . .. -. ... -.--.--..-
..,. .. ........j ... ii.niiiiii .....ii. ...i. l.i..... .... ..... a. .....a... ........ m .B
M r k?a-: ! n Sr-ras:
return to the native Imlllwiek wlf. a and form "r weltorwel a , Lm 5 ,",B- ." lV tuke" '
I at nm I.I.. n. CI.....1.. .. t . m . i . . . " " "'
M..T-.. HiiLiauii uu omnia.!, .MiguM i-aiume Ainietlc riub In iSd" He
rSi'i.r f"mou blr,ll will give e. s h newiHiH.r correspondeiit of
hbltlon. of .fancy raring nnd iIIvIhr. sb'll.y an I Is thormuhly vm orw it
Sllra pliui to leave his nioorlug at with mat , of national Interest hav
the liidemuth Ilaths nnd do a leap- Inn mxere.l bk events for larBB
frot act over and under the five p ors he represents.
br'.'!e" "i '.' e 4l,v- ,' 'diiiiv.
Mrs. Chiistofferson. who was for- Evans Is also edlti-r of m Italian
morly a Portland girl, inny accom- paper at Portlsn l. n. .,. that a
pany hor UarliiK husband nnd the !; colony of Italians will soon lo
San Francisco iiiovIiib nlcturo oxnort. cati near firants Paaa nu ,iM ...
K. Carl Wallon. Jlotloi, pictures wi oxroct ninny to come o Coos Cm. v l. to the sof ulnon 'n i,Wt ,W,U
K -! ? -Lt rt- -" nd of the because the Irrigated iTSinffr S furiwToran'.,1.''',,0
-tn uiiu iieigo"
. Ill' .111. r.f.....n .... ... l.n .
s nnni- ".' " viiiiiii.iii. iu iiiivo uuinin ..nun
uosiuos. tlio crnft Is one nf th,. cuy mr present nnd futiirn nnniin.
speediest little siUP.iib vessels In sor- ll wl" roquli-f n consldorublo amount
vice. She cnmnletod tho run frnm f cloaiing of timber nnd crniiiii.w.
out ol troos nnd stumps. This rosor
volr will bo woll equipped with
screons. gn'os and valves, fonco und
othor fncllitlos.
Tho work mado necossary for the
company by ti o unusual street Im
provements made with n stonm shov
e In tho north linlf of North Rend and
l.Miii(iviJMPviv t'l. ...wi '.". . .""". ",v"u ."""'S.oi an ino
" wwi. raiwi, uiw inarsii ground m .Mnrshflold dur-
n., o-. . TT ,ns ",0 l",Bt 'i' ""a been lnrtcolv
thJ ?nJ??tty. J,I,,I Ual1 vl8ltU(1 ""I'H'teil- required n ovl g of
e poor farm to oversee Hie plans mains on! soivico plpo8. laying other
i some con:omplntod Improveinenta plpos. laying temporary nml s i Ue
In t.o water .ysteni theie. A now work was :u process to servo ser
source of supply will i,e f,m(, 0Il ,, relaying of ,dpe8 and TwiZe
iiKu, ,r,!!"!l ,aml ? ir w or tho linproiUent work done b?
T,..ii.rr.. . p UM5' "n011 lo me ii'o i wo cities was finished.
Grants P.,3S is better suited to them. tcctlon,-Coqullio Henid.
J ine usortilncss of the systom LAl'XCH l-'REAK leaves ovcrv dav
imUh nioro ndoquata fire pro- t l:o p. in. for SOl'TII Con 'Mv,'r
hocks at l'li.l'l!.ll, AVEXL'E slip.
New Vmk XiilliuiitN nml liillndii
phln AthletJcN Metier.
tnr Aoui.i I'm., iu .. iiat rimi.i
NEW YORK, July .10. Tho two
world's series contonderH of lnst'yonr
i-truck their strides Iu tho week clos
111',' Sunday, ouch playing for the
first lln-.e this seasuu nt ti real pen-uant-llke
Tho New .York NntlonnlH hree.ed
through the week with a clean rec
ord of five Kuiuos won and iioiio lost.
Tho Philadelphia Americans wont
their old-time rlvnls one hotter, scor
ing h'x victories, meeting no reverses
and running their first sustained
winning streak of tho year up to ton
The brilliant work of tho Athlotlcfl
nnd setbacks for four of tho teams
that wnro pressing them closely losa
than a fortnight ago has rosultod
Iu n lend for tho Mackmen that tho
trailing clubs will find It difficult
to overcome. In the NntlonnlH, how
over, the situation Is mnterliilly dif
ferent. Playing just about ns consistent
bill ns Iu tho palmiest days of tholr
notable past, tho Chicago Cubs hnvo
succeeded In kooplng tho National
Lenguo race at a pitch of tonso In
terest. Tho fortnight's record shows
O'Dny's men to hnvo won ton games
and Inst two, ns ngalnst nlno victories
and threo defeats for tho Now York
A bnro two and one-half games
separate tho Cubs from tho leading
Boston's spurt, which curried tho
loam from tho collar position up to
fourth plnco within less thnn a week,
has been n notable foaturo of tho
loaguo race,
I Ponnnnt aspirations of sovoral
clubs wore furthor blighted In Amor
can League play during tho wcok.
Dot roll came to New York and wns
conquered. Washington, trimmed by
Uoveland In threo out of four games
In tho fcorles comploted enrly lit tho
week, only broke ovon on tlio weok's
Play, but pushed Chicago further
down by beating Cnllnhnn'a tenm
two In threo games. St. Louis,
which broke oven In Now York by
winning n douhlo-hondor on Mo'n
day. was sot hack as far ns It had
advanced by losing both onds otjn
Uouhlo bill to lloston. .
New Yoik proved about tho worst
stiiinblliiK block for nil tho wostorn
visitors on tholr trip, nono of them
taking n serlos In a city whoro not
ablo porrontngo gnlns hnd boon
'ountod upon. As for tlio Hostons,
their I'CCeilt cllniiriina nnuan.l llmm
to b pi kod upon by somo observers
as the most likely rivals of tho Ath
letics In tho race. Thoy juinpod from
fourth to second place during tho
wopk and started tholr wostorn trip
.auspiciously by taking two In sue
I cession from tho Clovolnnds. This mem ton straight wins.
POUT 01 ;
Tnnc nf Qn3.fim'Ml5(
innliiu AflXH
.it lii. r mnilrmlDf tUvl
bottom of the bfk
nml wiiuiiinpDuoj.'j
out of the "'!
deck of tlio ruling
i..inlii. Mnntanltl M
For tie next to b
nnd crew of in '!
od In cleaning mi
nl.l . r. nnvtEltlOll. I
lii tho water for it'jj
Henry u. '
tor for tho 17th it
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W. ",,rln.?, .hen
Mnnzauiiii :,,,
fast to tlio h J
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shapo and relJ 'J
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jury to tno ! j
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SALEM, w.. -
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of Siibllm I y. jw,
the Circuit Cou j,
quor to a n0Je
imposed next
meiH "-
bo rovokeit. S
pon't foet ''l
Times Want Ads Bring Results.
Phono 11 3'J'" I