""TTt. ." B , "i MH fatTBHRBy i ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29; 1914. EVENING EDITION: FIVE i " " i """"I T&WtmKmFmm FJL i?Iif B fe&vHIHr'! Cy f ?&. xMjB d lEMiMjl T Duktclves you proper style eilh "UaturalHiape" tomjott features cool because Skeleton Lined, Every Day You find more satisfaction in a pair of Florsheims. They, fit right, they look right- and they stay right $5,00 a pair and worth it. Imperial Quality $6.00. Woolen Mill Store t THE CAMl'INfl SEASON TLNTS 8x10 TO 10x21 $0.00 TO 910.75 (ammocks :o LIho From'si.Trt "P to $7.00 COUOIl HAMMOCKS $11.75 TO $17.00 inson-Gulovsen Company nallty Xhih ulth u Servlco Phhic. RAIN-COOS MAY STAGE 4chedule, August, 1011. rdnr. . . Lv.Mfld ,ro,... sat; 1 ,m. .n. .m. i.m. ,t. i.ra. .'. .m. i.m, .m. i.m. i.m. t'.'m. Cm. i.m. :'. .wl !m. I. IB, i.m, i.m, i.m. . Cm. . . . , nun - . , . . . . Mon 3 . . . . . Tum 4 . . , , Wed 6 . . . . Thur 0 . . . . Frl 7 .. , . Sat 6 .. . . Sua 9 . . . , Moa 10 , . , . Tucw 11 . . .. Wed 12 .. . . Thur 13 , . ., Frl14 .. , , Sat' 15 . . . , gun, 1C .. , . Mon 17 .. , , Tuea 18 . . .. Wed 10 .. , . Thur 20 . . . , Fri,21 .. ., StU 22 .. Sun 23 Mon 24 Tuei 25 Wed 2G ,-. Thur 27 Frl 28 Sat 29 Sub 30 nnttfla that autos nro now i' 'through from Coos Day to k one day, Including Sundays. ...I 9:30 12:30 3:00 3:30 4:30 5:00 5:30 0:00 6:00 G:00 G:00 G:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:30 10:30 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 G;00 6:30 8:00 9:30 10:30 11.11). a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. - HILL h ITARY ACADEMY MmSmUiiVb Boarding and Day School MPtwy Ompline; Small CUtte; Mea . Cwwul wpwTuioa secure loulu that tUJH tlmwUce. Scad (or catalog, ITLAND, OREGON GRAND HEATRE O-NIGHT T "Tin: hi.uk rose1' A VluiKrapIi Drama or heart Interopt, In two pnrls. "Tin: iti'vAii iTM)i:ii. TAKKIIS" A splendid Vltagrnpli C.iniotly. "SKKOIMJINA'S I.OVi: A KIWI If A flno IMtson Comedy-Drama. Admlssliui I Or Clillilten He BiMrfe eliiBS tlireo times slnro the )ear. the first of .H'IjY Til) US lit low 1b Riven the tlmo and holitht of tilirli and low wntor at Mat'HlifloIil. Thi tlilea nrn tilnrnil In tlin nrilnr or oeeurrenri', witn tiiolr times on the first line and holghts on tho Bcno.id lino of each day; n ronipnr Ihou of t'onsor-uttvo helshta will In dlMite wliethnr It Is high or low water. Kor IiIkIi wator on tlio bar hi htnict two hours 34 tnlniitcs. 29 llrs. . 1.08 7.19 12.1 I 7.38 0.9 4.5 1.2 2 1C 8.3G 1.30 0.7 4.1 1.8 3.29 10.01 2.44 0.4 3.0 2.3 in. . 30 Ilia. Il-'t.. 31 llrs. I Ft.. G.l 8.33 G.O 9.37 G.O U'KATIIKIl FOItlCCAST (II. Aoorlaml l'rv t.t Cooa lit; TlraM.) OltKOON. Pair; winds moBt ly westerly. I.OCA 1 Ti:.M1i:itATUHH 1IKCOUI) For the 2 1 hours ending nt 4:43 a. in., July 29, by llonj. Oatllnd, speulul govornment mo tcorologlBt: Mnxlmum 72 Minimum 44 At 4:43 n. m 51 Precipitation 00 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1913 GG.G4 Precipitation samo porlod last year 64.81 Wind: Northwest; clear. To Kcm(U lit Miit-tthflclri. O. A. llouebrake Is moving his family to day from ltoss Inlet to Marshfleld, whoio they now expect to live . HeKln Suit. Dr. It. W. Morrow to day began suit In .lustlco Ponnock's court to tecover n $25 dental hill from Miss Helen McLaughlin. I Ins Opcinllon. Tho young son of Mr. nnd .Mrs. J. D. McDougal of Uay Park today underwent an operation for adenoids. CVnu'iii Is Ootid. City Huginocr Hiitkliislmni received n telegram to day from I'd wards .t LnSnllu of Port Inn 1. Hlntlni? t lint tlio h:imiii1p nf ceinent from v hero had been tested and fount all right for ordinary pur- nnl. Thin wim llio rnllwint ..qIiwIiwI by the Inspector on North Front street on account of being lumpy. The tests at the Oregon State Agri cultural College hnvo not been com pleted yet. New I tout Service. Cnpt. K. Oeo. Smith announced today that the Tio ga would bo put on a speclnl passon er run for the benefit of the South Coos ltler Humnior colony. It has beei found that she will not be needed Tor the night run for the North llend roiidensnry nnd this per mits li f in to give tho new service. Tho Tiogn will lonvo Marshfleld at 1:30 each afternoon, reaching Camp One between G:30 nnd 7 and will not stop for anything except passen gers. Sho will leave Cnmp Ono nt G:30 nnd rench Marshfleld between 8:30 nnd 9 each morning. YOU, MR. MECHANIC Phone 77 - or any other man that uses tools, will never know whnt a real good tool is unless you have used tho KI'.IIX lirTTKIt brand. They cost no more than the ordinary tool AHSOIA'TKIA or.VltANTi:i:i). Manufacture 1 by a company that puts out every tool uniform. Temper, Finish, Class and Qunllt at Kastern Prices. Schroeder & Hildenbrand GFNHHAt- Itin'AiniNCI 1IAUDWAUK AND PLUMUINQ PL E IREQPbE . YOiJI Pkmow ABOUT li v, ")i jmI ' DH. STRATK of North Dend was a Marshfleld vistor today. MIIS. .IAS. COWAN of Ten Mllo Is a Marshfleld Bhopper today. CliAHKN'CH GOULD came down from Allegany today on business. MIIS. CIIAS. KAINO, of Catching In let, wnB a Marshfleld vlslttor today. Cliange on Moat. Sam Smith, n brother of Capt. Geo. Smith, Is now deck hand on tho Italnbow, talcing tho plaro of Waltor Scott, who Is laid up. 1 Itoxiiine Kcliool. Miss Lola Mont gomery rosumed school nt Daniels Creek after a month's vacation called on account of tho prevalence of measles among the pupils there. Clone KI010 Giib Panos today pur ehnsed the Intercut of A. Myers In tho Portland grocery, next to tho postofflco .and then nsslgued tho business to F, G. Morton for tho lion 1 eflt of tho creditors. TIIFO. 1JHADLKY Is spending n few day nt Shore Acres and SiiBUt Hay. I TIIOS. LAWHORNH of Allegany was' a business visitor In Marshfleld to day. MHS. MAHAFFY, of Coos Itlvor, was shopping In Mnrshflold this morn-, lug. WILL SMITH enmo down from his. ranch nt tho forks of Coos Itlvor today. MISS DLANCIIIO LANDH1TII, of Coos Itlvor, spout the day In Marshfleld. ........ ,. ,.. , I HIIIIIK .HIIIH'J IHICK. .Hi H, IllllinUll, iof Forudalu last night appealed to tho officers to aid her In getting "Laugh-; lug Chailey" to pay hack $500 which sho clalmod that ho,owcd her. Tho J alleged offender wnscouud nnd It was adjusted out of court,' I May IC1111,. It wnB roiiorled hero today that Jack McDonald of tho; McDonnld A Vnughan Company nnd ono of tho host known men In tho county would bo an Independent, rnuuuiaie ior county coiuiuiHsionoi this fall. MHS. L. G. MASTISKS. of Sumner, was a Bhopper In Mnrshflold to day. JACK M'DONALD, of niuo KMro fame, was In Mnrshflold yesterday on business. MRS. WILL FA It III. V nnd children of Sumner were visitors In Mnrshflold this morning. Mn. AND MIIS. J. J. DALY, of Km plro woro visiting Marshfiold friends yesterday. MRS. HKDDKN and daughter. Ruth, of Daniels Creole, spout Sunday with frlouds In Mnrshflold, S IN CALF mi Constable Cox to Arrest Petro- moulx and Wife In the Rodinc Case. Constablo W. 1). Cox left this afternoon with n wnrrant for the arrest of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Petro inoulx of Allegany, on the charge of Bteallug and killing n 2-year-old heifer from the Chits. Rodlne ranch. They will probably bo arraigned bo fore Justice Ponnock tomorrow or next tiny. For a time last night thoro wbb n doubt about the nrrcst of the couple. District Attorney Liljenvlst was hero last evening and he was in doubt about tho ovldence. Anyway, ho said, ho was going on n vacation trip to Curry County tomorrow nnd did not hnvo time to prosecute It. There upon Mr. Rodluo secured John D. (loss to prosecute, feeling that tho evidence was plain. Mr. Rodluo Identified the head found burled on the Petromoulx placo as that of his heifer. A bullet wound In the head corresponds with n rifle shot that others heard when tho heifer was first missed. Tho troublo will bo to provo that tho salted meat found In the Petromoulx houso lu the moat from Rodluo 8 calf. Petromoulx and family formerly lived In Mnrshflold and oporntod tho French Realty Company. Mr. Rodluo has called as witnesses Miss Carrie Hotline, Chns. Krugcr, Jenn Torry, Geo. A. Gould and Fred Gngo. MRS. G1CO. A. 11AINKS and Mrs. Waltor Sneddon loft yesterday for Rlvorton, whore thoy will visit at tho home of Mrs. Haines' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hnrrlson, for a few dn'". a.... MRS. RICHARDS of Areata, Cnllf., Is visiting In Coos county nnd re newing acquaintances of twenty years ago when alio roslded at Hay City. At present she' Is visiting her granddaughter, Miss Ollvo Richards of Sumner. MAl'.ltlAGl". L1C i:sks. M. Fensler and Agnes 0. Kulzer. Albert U. Mill and lCnnnn A. Ste vens. Walter J. Snitln and Velum Klop fer. O. II Anson nnd Marguerite Hab erly. Coqiilllo Herald CLASSIFIED I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I . . FOR SALK - layliiK liens and In cubator; cheap If taken nt once. 187 South Second. FOUND A key near postofflco. Tho owner may hnvo samo by paying for this ad nt Times oftlco. LOST A riinico net pin In .Mnrsh flold Wednesday morning. FIndor plenBO return to Times office. WANTKD Young ninn to luuidlo Speodnut Wrench In Mnrahfleld. Men nro making big money on this lino. Sells nt sight. Hlg com missions. Wrlto for samples nnd particulars. C. A. Hcaly Selling Co., Kvorott, WnBh. I.OHT Plain black car-rlng, betweeu Park avenuo and Cold Storage. Return to "K. M. J.," enro Tltneo. ijt.t.00 HKWAHI) Is offered by S. Lnndo for return of box contain ing oil, paints nnd brushes such as artists ubo. which was taken from storo during flro In building on Front streot last December. No questions will bo nBkod. FOR RENT FOH HUNT JJ-rooin houso. Cull at 648 So. 11th. Furnlturo for salo. range, hentor, bode, tnblo, chairs, otc. FOR 11KNT Sleeping roonu nn housokooplng apartments. 321 South Droadwny. J. WRIGHT WILSON and family hnvo returnod from a weok's out ing nt Goldon Falls. Salmon Run. The snlmon run la stnrtliig In Coos liny and Chns. John son Is credited with tho biggest catch yet. having landed nbout thirty tho other night. They weighed from thirty to foity pounds nploco. IHe Royal TONIGHT The House of Hlg Features. MISS MAHKL FORI) Will sing two pleasing songs. Our Dig Feature Today "Tin: world, Tin: flush and tiii: dkvil" In Six Parts. This Is without a doubt tho strong est and most superbly acted drama (lint tlio Itovnl Iiqr shown vat. A story of Love, Desertion, Vllllany am; unuury. UKAJ.OUSY AND GIANT POWDER" A Sizzling Comedy Hit by tho Imp uompajiy. "Tin: I'ATin: daily nkws" Showing the Current Events of tho Universe. No place too remote for this Interesting news-getter. ADMISSION: Lower Floor l"e Itulcony 10c Here Next Monday Night "MOTH Kit IX) VK" A Plcturesquo Heart Drama In Two Chapters of Throe Parts Each, Fea turing Marlon Leonard. Times Want ads bring results. Entertains Willi IjtunWi Ride. Mrs. E. Mlngus Is entertaining n number of .tho girls of tho youngor set with n launch party to tho beach this afternoon In honor of hor guests, tho Misses Ermn nnd Allco Ciilln, or Coqulllo, Hulld Tank. City Englnoor Buck ingham has a force putting In tho now soptle tank on South Hroadway. Tho forco had to quit work on tho drain In the north nrm of Mill Slough until tho water lowered some. This drain will also drain tho Cnth cart proporty, Nuiiie Sou. Cards nunounclug tho birth of John Willis Paddock to Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. O. Paddock, of Glad? stone, Or., woro received horo today. Ho weighed 8V4 pounds and was nmnod In honor of tho two grand fathers, ono of whom Is W. C. nrnd loy. of tho Hradley Candy Company, of Mnrshflold, Two Arrested. Win, Llghtbody was arrested by Officer Richardson Inst night for being drunk nnd wns fined ?2.50. Ho had ?4.10, so that he escaped with less than half. Jack Turaroso was arrested by Marshal Carter because- he claimed that ho couldn't pay for a bed and was sup plied with a free hunk at the city Jail. NED C. KELLY, deputy sheriff and Coqulllo councilman, was a Marsh fiold visitor today, A. P. OWEN has returned to Mnrsh flold from his South Coos River cottngo for n' short stny. J. W. SWEET and family left on tho RiiBtler for Smith River, whore ho will try black sand mining. M. O. WARNER, of Eugono, Is ex pectod horo soon vln tho SliiBlnw for his annual stay In this section. Mil. AND MRS. MELCHOR NELSON woro In from Coos River to attend tho Carl Grlsson concert last evening. MISS MAHKL MAUZEY hns been spending n few days as tho guost of Mrs. Cnti Egenhoff on Coos River. GEORGE AYRES nnd family plan to leave next week for Hastontlorf noach, where- thoy will camp out for a few weoks. F. E. WILSON and wife loft today for tho W. A. Luso homo on Coos River, whore thoy will visit for n day or two. MISSES EHMA and Allco Culin ofi Coqulllo nro tho guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. Mlngus for tho remainder of tho weok. MR. AND MRS. EDWARD RAMSEY nnd little daughter Jean of Mill Valley, California, are visiting Mrs. Rnmsoy'B grnndmothor, Mrs. A. Ilutchcson. Mrs. Ilnmsny Willi ho reiueui bored as Miss Minnie Ilutchcson, n former Mnrshflold girl. CAPT. CORNWALL, of Gardiner, was n Marshfleld uubIuohb visitor yesterday. Tho Umpqun bar If now dcopor than It has boon and Cnpt. Joo Hutlor of tho Glcnnor reports about sixteon feot. Thoro Is n fair run of fish at tho Ump qun, tho fishormon soiling thorn , 10 1110 canneries ior tnrco nun one-hnlf cents per pound. R. M. JENNINGS returned today af-, ter a short stay at tho Goodwill I place, whoro Mrs. Jennings Is spending the weok. J. A. SMITH Is horo from South Coos River today on business. Ho fonrs that on account of tho drouth Coos county mny hnvo somo bad forest fires. MRS. THOMPSON and daughter, formerly residents of this section, arrived hero this weok from South Africa, whoro thoy spout two years. They camo via Australia, whoro they visited relatives. Mrs, Thompson Is a sister of Sam Archer of Eastsldo, FOll ItKNT Room, and board for gentleman. 345 N. First. ' FOR SALE I FOR HALF. A beautiful 12-room homo, with two hlg lots. In ono of tho beauty spots of Marshfiold. Prlco ridiculously low for quick snlo. I. S, Kaufman & Co. FOR SALK CHEAP 20-foot cabin launch, Union onglno, big bargain, best ranch boat on nay. Inquire nt Nolson Iron Works. I MISCELLANEOUS I THOSE WISHING Good board and room, cnll at 229 S. Hroadway. WANTED, WOMEN Sell gtinnui tcod hoslory to friends and neigh bors; 70 por cent profit; mnko $ 10 dally. Exporlonco unneces sary. International Mills, Box 4029, West Philadelphia, Pa. I LOST DAL CATHCAIIT returned last ovo nlng from Coos River, whoro ho surveyed tho slto for tho now con solidated school. It has been do cidod to ubo tho olovnted bench, n most sightly location, Wator will bo piped about a half mllo to tho school houso. DR .R. H. WALTER nnd J. O. Mer chant loft last night for Itnsten dorf Reach whoro their families are camping. Emulate WHelies. Small boys in tho vicinity of the Hall avenuo hill hnvo discovered n now method of lo comotion which literally is riding a broomstick. Mounted on skates, they start down tho hill astride a broom stick, tho brush acting as brake as well as steering gear. The sport Is very popular Judging from the num ber who had purloined their mothers' brooms for steeds. Noonnu Complimented. A little magazine entitled "Push," Issued by tho Reserve Loan Llfo Insurance Co., of Indianapolis, pays a tribute to the hustling qualities of E. D. Noonnn, their Coos County representative, who stands third in the list of lead ers for June out of moro than a hundred in all parts of tho United States. Mr. Noonan also led all the agents in Oregon and Washing ton In personally written business in May and has been In the leader DR. SETHER nnd II. J. McKeown enjoyed an nuto trip to Dnndon yesterday. They report tho roads good, but very dusty. MRS. II. SENGSTACKEN nnd tho Misses Genevieve and Doris Seng stackon expect to leave tomorrow for a camping trip to Coos lllvor. JOHN KRONHOLM returnod this morning from a vacation trip to Seattle , It Is understood that he was not mnrrled while away. DR. SETHER and H. J. McKeown en Joyed nn auto trip to nandon yes terdnv, Thoy report tho roads good but very dusty. EUGENE I'CONNELL was In yester day from his summer homo at Tho Maze. South Coos River. Ho re-, malned over night nnd returned to day. MRS. E. E. DYER and daughter, Mrs. Hunch, of Daniels Creek, nro Marshfleld visitors. Mrs. Hunch will remain for a few days as tho guest of Mrs. Bollo Chambers. L. A. LILJEQVIST camo ovor from' Coqulllo yostorday afternoon nnd returned on tho evening nuto. Ho planned to conduct tho preliminary of Mrs. Waltor Halrd, charged with "rolling" Gust Johnson or $100 at the Arago Hotol In Emplro, be fore Justlco Stanley today and to morrow will leave on a ton days' outing In Curry county. REN SMITH, of Danlols Creek, ro- turned homo last ovening from Co qullle, whero ho attended n meet ing of the City Council. Ho la op posed to a plan for building a $4000 bridgo thoro which it Is pro posed to charge up to tho propor ty ownors, Mr. Smith and Georgo Beale own n seven-acro tract that would bo ussossed and he claims, that the bridge would not benefit nnyono oxcept Mr. Knowlton, who has platted and sold a flve-acro tract to ho reached by It and which, Mr. Smith says, was sold on tho agreement that tho bridge would be built. Tho conned did not tako any action on tho mattor. FOUND In North llend, gold glass es, with chain nttnehod. Informa tion at Times offlco by pnylng for this adv. LOST Party who took lady's grnjr coat by mlstnko Sunday from Hnstondorf'B Bench please leave at Times offlco or phono 119-L. HELP WANTED WANTED C potent lady or girl for general housework. Must give roforonces. 972 N. Second. NO 8AW EDOES n YOUR COLLARS If you have tliom laundered at TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 158-R PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Nyals Eas'em makes hard roads easy. 25c ;TrTWiMHrtrMJ