MTFiTnfl mutitiLt mtH Jft i I THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1914.-EVENIWG EDITION SIX w lH r;h Si" ?! if '(" ?;; I DOINGS OF CITY COUNCIL SCHOOL SHE '"N III 1 10 KEEP STHEETS GLEAfy Street Commissioner l.nwliorne will have charge of It. Improw I'lne Slieot. Clinlniiiin Ferguson stated lliat (lie time lind nlmosl expired for the rlt ... Int... fttft' r llr.tlllll Mil till, t 111 !1 I'll Vil li! Ill III" II I I tl I 1 in in'H 'ii in. ....,.."-. limit of I'lnu street f-om Hlghth to i. .. ll -nl.l tlini Hm liiiiiin.i I' I I Ml I . Ill' BilHI III... in ....-...s nipiit lind been deferred to allow the propert owners to luivo tie dredge Seattle fill the street. City Engineer Hucklnghntn stated tliat the tirctigo had been nnnlilo to make tho fill on CoLIIICl'l OblGCts to Oil acroiint of the soft mud that It was , nmiMn Tnnnl mi nl.tctli i-umiilng at the time. It was deeided l OfUOliDle I I'aCK Oil IMOI'tH to ko ahead with the Improvement in the regular way next Monday night as tho street will ho needed to eon- tnp new uigniit street nn vu at ORDER THICK rami up I imLI? Ul NUbb ; NOW OPPOS E0 L. D. Smtili and A. 0. Rogers May Knock uut uoos mv or Special Election. Bcni Front Street. An effort to knot k out the iv. special election on Cons Hun. tilili.1i I In. kIi fill' lln lillllillll ' the new ronsolldated school distmi was selected, will lie made at nine I.. I). Smith, A. O. lingers and tuTem are behind the move and .Mi. hmii'i lert last oenlng for Coqullle to con fer with the authorities concerning It .Messrs. annul auti lingers cuuih Council Decides to Have Fire Engine Used and Increase i the Force. i "Cleaner streets for Marshfleld," ntl Mio street will ho needed to eon- After a lively discussion last night. . ... 11...1.. .ii.....i,... ni'i'i mi in iimiv r. liiiii niiL'ii nil- i iim i nv i iiuui'ii uiiiiiu 1 n u iihiii ii i iiiii At ilio Council ncotliiK last nleht. i.rovotnoiit with Front street. ordering the Southern Pacific to take that the site selected at the spei ni Con i dlnini Fvo "sen hrouR it tlio ''"' " ftlt- Tank. out the one bent of double track on election Is out of the way and in ma iter m" bv savl m that ho thought Mayor Allen tinted that there was North Front street. The company Is ronvenlent for ninny of the pupils that tlJ own to vn rooti ought to nmrh complaint about the sewage on given thirty days In whloli to re- Furthormotc. they claim llinl there bo ko cleaner He through tip South llroadway. south of Hall, ami move It or the city will tear It out l not n good water supp y and In connection with the garbage situ- that unless something was done there, and charge the cost up to the com- the Rniiindti are not de sin. be and nfinn tin said that tho Kiirbaco ws dnnger of a typhoid epidemic, nnny. nbovo all. It Is claimed that piitu witeona were careless In handling CMty Engineer Buckingham said Hint I Tie action was taken following ' Mio consolidation of the districts nwlll and refuse and iie thought that nt nine of tho fifteen houses nf-'n letter from C. F. .McKnlght. nttor- 't whh agreed that the consolidated thov should he renulred to haul It fueled had signed up nn agreement to iicy for the company, stnllng that Hfliool should bo located further up away after 12 o'clock at night. Ho l' Mio expense of putting In n sen- Engineer Bradford Wheeler had not South l"8 IMvcr. near the old Dan said that the other day a whole bar- He tank. etc. and that they were walt-i received any reily t0 his offer to case lV1,H ( rw'k ?'' Im)l:, '" n,"''"1"" "' rel of It was spilled on tho side- '" for the balance to sign. Tho! In the rails with plastic bitumen so ' M'v elnlni llinl" lmlain-o of wnlk. splashing on himself and a eouncllmen decided not to tako any that they would not Interfere with "'"'"f 1"00 of tho funds of their, couple of women who were passing. ; ehnnres of Impairing tho public tiafflc. .Mr. Wheeler. It was stated, district was used In paying the ha. k Mavor Allen suggested that It health and ordered him to go ahead took the mntter up with Chairman 8nIn' of the teacher or the old dls-; might bo a good thing to have tho nid Install the septic tnnk mid take Ferguson of tic street committee. '''I'' near Mio r;"',H "r '"0 llu'r ' streets flushed once In a while and 'linnrcs of collecting from the prop- who In turn leforred tho matter to , ,r t" now schoo was located on ... .... ... .. ,. . niv il... ',.. .....ll , tilt .Mrs M. It. Smith I'liiti-h. ulinrn H ifTiTfini nil inn. lint ri in I irn i.Tiiriin. v .j , nn- l ii ill ii. " " - ....... uiinn. D.." .... . ..l ..... ... ..n...w. -.. SKI AJ ci nuvautc unOM New Fall SUITS- COATS DRESS Now on Display B ! Hub Dry Goods d "Smart Wear for Women" '&' Cm: Hnmdwny and (Vnlral AvcJUV 1.1 ...Ml-- 1 H.l . f'llfflu 1'illlltlk Mllttltl refill in nit in ii7fui uir in h iinriiiiHi i ' nun ifii .'Mini ii ) iiiviinm ii mini iiiiii inn iiiii -..-. .. .. Ho said that the city was paying two! ' '' Shine. .1. II. Flanagan and pnny did not wish to waive any of Its ,l(, M. '.'... UoKVr'? ay " wl" ',',l"'.,','i men mid It would be Just as well If -Mr8- ' i- Ciapman appeared before franchise rights. "" niiuiimiiMi mini to iranspon ine one of them could bo used occasional- "f roiincll about the Curtis avenue Councilman Wilson said that he ,n,J's;, "'"1(l1 win iiicmi an expense maner. Mr. snino snui tnnt tney , uic not know w bat cuml the one "' "'" i' ' """ .Messrs. Rogers and Smith claim H In flitsltlnir l lin Rtrentu ImbIp.tiI nf allowing them to sit around and play ranis nil tno time. Councllmnn Kvertsen said that tho chief of police also might bo used. He s;ild Hint In North Ilcnd the chief of police aided In flushing mid clean ing streets. Councllmnn Ferguson said that on ly two men wore employed In tho street cleaning department now and mat lie tnntiffiit that they kept tho wero not nmniscrl to linnrovliu' flin siruci. iiiii nun nicy ma not want to .Mr. McKnlght said that tho com- lin... tt nH t.. ... i. viii in iiinn iin iiiiit'BH i was nil ., .... ,, . omen of good luck. Councilman Al- ,linl .,,u' l"w11'1' ,l,rl''l outvoted them . "..' " iiinn i" iiinwii ui Swu.i nun. viiiiiicilllllin iXI- , ,, i . . . . lose seven reet of their property. Ho hrecht said thrt t omo piece of track "' "l0 l"l,l,,'lnl election and declare said that ho lind been paying taxes on1 lind been left there nierelv to trv and ,linl ,,u' election was not conducted n third or a lot there for twenty-! hold the fianchlse for the west" side '''Knlly. everybody being allowed to Ithrnn vnnr lln an 1,1 lint nlmnt ' nr tl.n ni.,i i. i... . ..... vote rcunrdlcMS as III I lift t iniiiliri. , .. ' .... ..... r..,.-.i. ui iiiu oiirei. ii iwm iiiiiuieii (Jilt ., , . : eight years ago It had been discovered Mint Cltv Attoniev (loss held tlmt the "8, an" fnrMierniore that there that there was an error In tho survey j company did not 'have a double track wm' no r,-,K,l,n,' hnllois and that xa nnd Mint Micro would ho n shortage franchise now since tl-.ev had imiit r,""M 0,1PH wore nllowi-d to curry in Fall and Winter05 Suits ani Overcoats 4' the property. nowovor. no sniii on v a s uu n irmv inainnii nt n... lt I... I. ..l.a 1. .... i . I lit iftVnd ii in in. iiiiiiiKiii me properiy mat (louuio track at first. Albrecht want- V. .. oft.i...ii9 i. ... .nti... if. ..i.i Miimnn iiiivii ainnii m iniim.. .... .i m ........ .i.....n . i... .. I lit iiniin ...... vip in (i.nni iiiniiiiiuii. iii! mini - - "....... oiiiuiiiM' nun vn ii iiiuru uuiiiiieil opinion Oil 1110 ,, ., that the amount of streot to bo clean- Mio property south of Curtis avenue., city's rlghtH In tho mattor. lie saH,qu n 8t"'- cd was constantly Increasing and that ""t "8 v- Williams had put up a that he was not opposed to granting' lln lirnbnlllv ivnlllil lin (,. nlllU.. 1)0 t'llWI IK'll t llltllllllll? Ilinrn llilu un.iin- lliu Cnnlli...... fnnlrl. .. i . ... I ' , ' ......... .. .....,.. .,.,.v r. " " nv..i-,...D .j..... in in i in in,- It ll'UIICIIISC or . , . a... Jinnthiir iiinn. Itn miirvniiifiil i nil mm (Ml lUlimssllilo tiiiu Tin. m-rni. ...o iimiiMh.i. iph.i, it .1... 1 1 61 I u I HI " "" "-.. - -. -- 1 v...,, ,,,,., ............ ...nn 11 mi- uiiriiivHH woiiki ni n ni hi Iran bo kont constantv on I.'inni discovered when Mrs. C. W. Tnivni- warrant it imi -... id,. ...1 1 1. Ill II III It! the slips and pliue them in the l-nl- wlll probably ir-atc streot. . had n survey made of her lots south .Councilman Rvortson thought that f Curtis to erect n new house. Mr. It woU.,1 be a good thing' to adopt an , ""o Mint tho lot In which ho lllllitlilta .. .'nil lllM Utnril1rlr...r...a WAR 1 11 1 ernil f DM W'na l.l!tw0 n...l lln(. might be that another railroad might want to line tin. hix-oihI tm.i.. u said It might ho that tho lly would li Ifl FROM S OOIH We have just received over 300 samples oil!-1' Company, the famous Chicago Made-to-Orfc?. showing the latest and best Suit and Ove, Suits $ 1 5 to $40 They fit good and wear longer than any for the money. We guarantee fit and v& is Drop in, look them over and give us yourorif happy. in -vm id. V. V W V W W W. vr r w pk. m mw -- .ni ffiS;K?,3;As With Capnoity Passen- I BUMtK HILL DLPI. ' iiii i iwi '-iiiii kiii i nivin a-" - miimuiw umiju nf Prninlit n ,".." -;M"""". "' "MHVI "i "VI i-iiiiiirilllinil misoii said l Mill supt. "' ' i-ihii. U and Mrs Chapman in,t just slgued n Miller had told him that there would! Tll0 v...,,, -,,. ,,.., 1 . .)0 pctltlgp for lUourt order to allow do-' not bo enough fieluht to make nun ....V1,0 N "ltl arrived In yester ijiiiiiiik kiiiiihko io lie imiuuii m ';" vimi'imiu una juHi HigUPd ft .Miner nan toni iiiui that there would . Tim v.i.,., u.i.i.i . . closed cans or receptacles should bo I'cMtlQP for ... court order to allow do-' not bo enough height to make ono, .i-J fc ," , '1. .' rrlu''' ' 'ester enforccd. I-ObIIIoiik to ho taken In Mio mntter.' lino pay. ,. , Hmtclsco with a capa- firade Twelfth Court. T.,10' W('ro lformri Mint It would ho! I'lnnliy Mtother resolution was nd- !. y, i "V J!""01,.mVri,i iM,,tI ". f"" ('"r" a i ,,, about three weeks before Mio Council opted notifying the Southern l"nc flc ? of f'K'-t. Including about ."00 ,..A" ". .lnm'co "J!" I'MC Prnvldiig r()ll,d lnk0 flrl,cr 7,ror1' ""',,,,, ffi ' , " o f.'.' for A. T. Ilalnes. The tH . ". " MtMI" uou", jrom Bi- that thoy would have Mnio to secure1 of truck within hlrty ny tho rltv ."lln wl ' mX "Knln "oxt Satiiriliiy Is c. tlinn'terthnt' Blrs'var' -0Ctr 0lv,i,"", " or J I . Sli " wouh reiS U i,W lie cost ''Vif, trVl, lwv "- O...MV in iiu nucui iiiiii win 110 ai- ni inr nnillnm nml .u.i.i . ... n.. i. "" " .. ' """ V "' "n HUV mid c II (1. A fl Pnfni-a. tra M " " wi ;' ""w i"''ii .mumi. v-uiiiiviiiiiiiiu: uini.i....i. !.... . .. ' " " the Ferry street crossliiu. itn mi .'"' ""'" ,,8 rt- nson. A. Wa w. ii. .v (u, r I'liouc :.''. HI ini tit) -till lowed credit for It. Itepnlr Wharf. City Knglneor Hiicklnghnni Ferrv stioot urmiinB ii.. .in ...... .mwh a. iianson. A. War that ho was opposed to putting t0 ,, ';., . V5Jr,cn J- "nnkln, It. winner up to the l.nllron.l I c omi U. ,1, .t:'c.,.'...(J:.K.rn'?ors 'N- C- Anderson. ..!.. .....I i . " l.. 1 1 III II VV'II I I I AlWIAiKim. r 11 1 ... I ;;; .;;."." " "H"v,"H " " win, .Mniln. O. ItroiiH.i Hrondt, J. Torn DEER SLAYERS ARE ACCUSED .laiiMin Ti-.iiisrcrit'i. i "-"us mver is n .Mursutleld shop- riio Council approved of tho trnns-' ,,r' ., ., ,.,.. of tho KukIo Saloon llceiiBo fl-OJU -MU.S. AURKI) JOHNSON', of Co- Kli Sneddon to Clms. Ilaxtcr and' 11"" l8 " Mnrnlirivld visitor to- lirlTn llnvln. n n...lll- .... MIIX'. em trip. or .IroilBo Henttln ,,., . i. T n "? " .V'"'" . .' ' .. " " .J.n," a 1....I (urn out bo,o of thS, M,iVii. cVeeM" ,. ? rZMSS! Pl,1"B- I MltS. WAUItKN' niCSSHY nf South haiiMin Traiisfciied. i oos mver is n Marshfleld slion Tho Council ninirnvml nf llin Irnni ' l'Lr fer IIllCll rAn 1...... r ... . lint u-ui,u imiur oi uoquiiio. wno pro- ,.,,'',.... . eenled n bond signed by J. Hen- M'lS CMA8. THOltWALD of Hunker IWttf nii.l I llMtal..M l. .. IIIII In. In.. ..... ... ..v.v y, i, niMiiiHi .Mr. iinxier '; lu") uuiu a niirin uimiKca ttiPin and assured thorn that -they wanted to run tho saloon In cact conformity with the law. Itolmtcs Allnucd. The Council passed thiee rebato ordinances, returning money to prop erty owners as follows: On Soventh, between Ingersoll and w.... ...... ii,, .-....,. ii... .iiiivii uuiu, nun wile, 1 On Hemlock, hotweon Sixth and rlvol ,,Pro taAa' for n short stny. Klglith streets. 1U2B s . ,n Ninth, botween Fir and Dale. f J 111. Improve Hi-use Avenue. Cbnlrinnn Ferguson of the street committee filed a waiver signed bv all the propertj owners on Kuue nve line between llroadway and Coal "nk Inlet agreeing to hae the city redeck the clcnitcd plank rondwav at the cxpciikc nf the propertj. Ity melius of this agreement, i,, lm. provcincni can be ninde at once and ailll ( umacini; their tiirnilnnl ,.h....;i as well as makliiK It dangoroiiH for parties using tho street. lie said that Instead of court proceedings, ho' iiiui vii iiruiiraiion mid by taking It up with tho C. A. Smith company mid tho Southern Pacific he thought Mini tie Council could adjust tho matter. Councllmnn I.Viririmnu onl.l tl.... .1.- ifi"'.ry ,0'O88l,,K hud to go there, that J BREAKWATER IN EARLY TOOAY cm uip. II. ,' ,"od'k u io go mere, mat MHS. IIKKIIKRT IIOGKRS and Mrs. '(J''11'1 llot o city would lose the Qlpampr ArrJuoo C, n i A. J. Sherwood, of Coqullle. who ,rct lPerly offered by tho C. A. WameP AmVeS From Port 's visiting at the Rogers homo. f"!,,h eompany and said that ho did land With Good List nf came down from South ro iHv"l0t "Bieo with Councllmnn AUircrht n' . . 'ol Ul today. , nbout Its hclnB dnngerous. I rasSCnnerS. Anlvo Tinliiy. Matthew Vonei'. a . J,r A'orecht said Mint eventually. Tim ni, , , St. Louis capitalist who ha. ho, v y ?""? ? bridge across the moT Vfrom Ktlai.mwi1 L'!' ',"!8 really holdings here, and wife, nr- ,"" "" l wo,ll, no- " many years cunro of f?eiBh? nn n l'1 ll?tlftnlr. rlvnil horn (niln.. f., i.... ... UCforo thorn ii'nrn r.h nnn i .... l-"rh Ol IlClglll ailU n Rood 1 si nf HiK nt Knstsldo mi, a com Io of h n." luT' T"?y hai1 ,l K"0'1 trli., died on this sldo of the1 l?i! "' .A'""B '"riving on the Wrecked , i r t ma -- tiiv tiiini ii ii nru nr 'r i ruMi m ylopment MrlT "m '"h, "; biv "" I!!'!1"' tl... In.ter being H, IJL "wl I ?' !!.Sr Hi lolm, -...-".. :"""'" '""ik n (loo, . ijiir.iini;. ,, A i i. . mi iiiii iifir.wi nni i lark Diiiihiiiii brought tho launch Mr- A',,re('Mt 8nll that tho i wueen. wli c h wns wroikmi mi tim' neuic con i nld In ihln iinv llltnilfiii lm.. t l .. . Ill1 il(Iitrv Imti i ............ ,., ,,.. llll)n KO In t.00ij ... ut Burvuu. jiowovor, II I I'M IIIII' ll'nil'lllllV lllll ll-TIO (till 1 (l III' . Ill nillll. I1KII1II IHI1III nA.u.,1 . - i u 1 1 n t . i sKlds and hauled from thcaout l ,,ho " would not nn- any CarrolT'rn,! inn" J'JWB' S' - licnc i ni iinii.ii... i... r, i i rii (iii in iim nn.. i .... ""' uiirroii, i-red Jones, ii. w i..,i.. wl. The Queen belongs to (irahani Kl'1 tll0l cheaper at Conulllo a "i ' V0(ltlarI. A. IJock, nrothcrs of Coulllo and under. ;M-V'"" '"'. Councllma ",' )a Uo Ke.Ln,8,' '!arry Joao W hmter hy iu. Southern I'aciri,. rnP '' lomarkod that the ' ,., ,1 . , i!:. pK""""' -V. A. S.illom. Wm.. two years as a tender ,, ttie uow';,1, wo' Kooiln in the valley and Mr. ii inm, ,-0,,""',,W' P' "oonoy.1 Iu'IiIkh work i Albrecht intn.-ioii .1..,. ..1. ... .. '" M,s- Kooney. Kntlo linnnni. !.'...... the wet koo.Is. 1 1 . K JnmoB. . u olds. .1 j.. n,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 1 iiieie was rurt hor (nil: alinm iim ii.V "". w. . .Morrison, (i. O '"liroad. h. no acthn. was t I e V SSnhifi Wli0 Tn,"c' Me terry street matter. pain loaiahek and Andrew XuhIob. 1 Deputy (ianie Warden TIioiiiuh re turned today from n tour of Coos and Curry mid reports n number of violations of the deer protection law. Homo arrests have been iniido and others will be made later. Mr. Thom as asks that all hunters bo nuro nml secure licenses before August I, Mint iney im- careful mid not destroy Mm evident e of the sex of tho deer hI.iI.i ,,nn,.,,"".."1,y ,,!,Vo tht'lr 1K "t ..n . . . ,l0,'i(ieii to tnko all CaBCS IllVn Vlllir nlmol.... .1 t. .1...... 11 ". "mill iiuur WHO dogs direct to tho grand Jury. f iVTC out " wrmnt at llnndon r fiii r(1 '' K".r' lrlver tl10 Mrli- ki im. i8et S,"B0' t,,,nrKlnB "l' with Killing deer out of season. Flgor in iiliP,)T,l t0 lmvo lllH onrlnB In Imndon todny. W. J. Jnudlt n,..i 1 . mill .. ---., iiiHVVIU l i HUW- with ftm ,'a,nlol. '8 also clmrgod with k IllliiK deer out of seaBon. ncalnii M..l,,mffM nro t0 b0 ,niu, against tl ren linnv.. um . .,,,. - "" ,11,1 mull llllll souio on iim Sunn. i.'i. . .. uuiu.. ;.. ..V""1." ' U,K. i mo uo rig ieif lot BAH I I V ro NATIOX.tlUlie . OD Chicago 3; DcW'o St, I.oula 9; ril'-18. St. I.011I1 0; PfclW"'1? Pittsburg 3; .NeiW' Cincinnati 6i t AMi:itK'.UU New York 5: Cto M'liulilni'lnn 7: Kl HoBton 3: CiW lilladeliiuiai,i' XOIITIlWESHUi ll,.llnr.l TlMdlf irlnin.ln RnclU'l Vancouver 0; SS I'KIIKINS IIASJ I.. . nrlrl'.tl j. 111111 f"Vi . . Mint Floyd Pfrtta I -II l llAffttlll. IV iinii 111 mvv-- ,j laid up for JS;? count of a BP,ltr- Mm Inquired of nil lis fr.,Mi,U wIum,. .0 Ko Mr a good pair of eye-glasses. They t"d him to Bo ,0 tho KU, ciuiSiS nun.' STOHK, for guaranteed sat lf net Ion. Well, he cam to H nd we fitted him out l groat shape. n0- a hooitcr now. led Cross Optical Department, DKKIM.'K K-IIOl'lt LAW. tu.:".flB.,iU,lt Attorney (j,.erai Hei.. J......I. iiniMj iniormo Labor Com.' iMlWoiier lloff t?t men 0 mploye ' ' dredge ,d ,10t c2mr vhhl u . ';",n,.",!1'i'ny. which It Will ? -Mr. lloff thinks ti.,.v ..r.. " make the bom., , afs-ssiwcssK -,g pe0p,e ;;:; !!eniam,,ni,lhm7lMH:a8S;,:iMe '-on, auy Anoth er WEDWESDAY You Will Find Many Tempting Bargains Wl w 1 Economy m T U II P C n A Y fS I I I U II W l- If "r fr ...... n ..MIKB . I. U 11.1. nun. 1 11 ..t .. .... . t ....... , m,.." .'.. '' ur ""iKBlion. mill ""ni nome .-r.nuip uihi the law did not am v wo.Unu.nouone.-s.U'sra'S- RED CROSS DRUG STORE PHONE 122. ' AI.Ii I.O., MOOsn uni in. TKXI) Mi'i.-riv. 'i. . ""' AT. I ' - '1 MhlOMlay ClOlllllsj I ,Altl (iltlSSi: in COCKlT m aocK.Ts. "'"" DIS. II. I.' i;i.'l mi. .. ... ..' .. " "iillll, IIK.M'INT TALK TO THOMAS Alton- ,.,. He will make tonus to suit you. Wiley B. Allen Co' L. h. THOMAS, Manager K Hulls Wiiiwi...i in. .1.1 ..1 1.. nn, vnrletf" " iiiiii.i mill 1. iirinn iixw.i . ,jf om, wero fornierlv 7f.i. in sr.,. i.nur nincnd on sale at,' A l.uigo ,, , ,(1((IS W(lsl c((U(m(h In strlpdJ7l bi-ajimljitMnBiickers, formerly 7fic & SCe, )Jnccdo l-'irty Hoys' vsi, suits Of gnlaten and percales, " ' ...."" 8Iyl08' formorly up to ?a.00, nowper Very Hot (;,.(, m,l(.( k ,,,, fll,iy ptM Col fl f"j;"ieijy to 10c a ynrd, plncod on snlo l'"'s Heavy Tim, St sale prlco. per pair Men's Hciivv 'I'.... u 1 j.... r.r,ui -nlnrs. fO"eW 111, -tf -.,., it iiiiii'ih ri ov .'.---. - - 1 um litres' ,, .MsM.s, W , ,, K Wmi, nilts A "' K " nil 10 $ S.I. to clOKO out ILL-I niiiuigSilUh--F()r nicn. ladlea and boyj),J II..... r. . fll -j- .luiinniiiitf Tights . . 'ii-a HiiiiKiilon Aprons Yarloty of colors, formerly 75f,J Ratlsfiictlnn or Money lU'l'iiiKlcd THE FAIR C(i mono U2-J, Koom 201, Coke BiUg.1 '1.. 1 U't&y,; . ' f ', : '.!