THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSH FIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1914. EVENING EDITION. FIVE Ni 1'iioV ah ' ifr ''Ik, Ml. Marshfield to fcoseburg by Auto .In 8 Hours .LEAVE MARSHFIELD DAILY AT .".:(( A. SI. ARRIVE. IlOSKHURt RAMLV AT 1:0(1 1 M. co nutos no boat ride or delays. Twelve big mrs, sVora and. the .best' of service makes this thu shortest and most Tnsnnt tno'de v6f, travol overland to the rnllrumi. ar r wr odfc raroful : IiKAVEMAHHIII'li:U - ftrf Limivir ix tin: morning. AKItlV '. 5W. AT PORTLAND IX TIIK EVENING. ''';, in? l 'MW-i FRANK f,7po9ltc Chandler Hotel tqtBMiiHMBaBMiBBHBi m Iteserviitlons ami Information u( aThe Owl D.COHAN lMk for "Owl" Kloetilc Sign '4 u IRVING BLOCK I II I Hi -T Clearance Sale p,en's and Boys' Suits v.ucs and Blacks Included 7,00 5o8 SU,TS $15.00 722.50 -i7SUITS$18.75 trtn nn u32.50 SUITS -35.00 L Clearance Sale LADIES A beautiful line of Sweat crs l-4th Off , All Suits in Window 1-2 Price Special showing White Shirtwaists, choice, window $2,85 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY $24.35 in bRESS GOODS Special : i These Are- All Seasonable Goods at Very Attractive Prices. A Good Assortment of Colors and Patterns. 44-inch Heavy Brocaded Ratine, was $1.95 special price now 95c 44-inch Imported Crepe Tosca, was 68c, Reduced Price J.T. 48c 41 -inch' French Crepe Epontje, was $1.00, now. . 75c 42-inch Fine Wool Brocade, was $1.15, now 75c 36-inch Wool Mixed Brocade, was 58c, now 45c The Golden Rule Marshfield to Portland n Only 16 Hours ijUf Marshfield at G o'clock In the morning, enjoy tlio boat rldo jyiegaBf, then a most scenic and delightful nuto rldo over hills, JMP brooks; streams and lakes, through denso woods, and arrlvo In 1hiIr tlma-for the afternoon train. We, have Rot missed the train ono day this season. """ Tlw farols only $11, Return the same way, reaching Marshfield early In the evening. . Itemembei' and Travel by (ho tllegany-Drain Auto Line I). Ii. FOOTE, Proprietor, mi Sale at Dusy Corner and Scandinavian Drug Stores. j$S BREVITIES JULY T1DHS Helow Is given tlio time and height of high and low water at Marshfield. The tides are placed In the order of occurrence, with their times 'on 'the first Hnn and heights on the second lino of each day: n compar ison of eoiisi'cutlvo heights will In dicate whether It Is high or low wntor. Ktir high water on tlio bar si btrnct two hours .14 minutes. and, ho Bald that ho had put out somo poison for them. Whether the dog belonging to the McLeod's got the poison he says ho does not know. No answer has been received from Dist rict Attorney Mljcuvltit about tho matter. , Repotted Wed. It was reported here today that Andiow Masters of Sumner and Miss Anderson, iccently ol Forest Grove, wero married at Coqullle. Mr. Masters could not bo seen today and his brother. Captain Leonard Masters, said that ho had not been nblo to confirm the repoit aitnoug'i no liolloved It was correct MOOSE JOTTINGS The Field Sports and Water Sports are all arranged for, and entries to the different events are rollinq in. The special features will cure you .of any grouch. Watch this space and don't forget MOOSE DAY, AUGUST 4TH. 28IIrs. . 0.07 0.09 12.00 0.49 Ft... 1.1 CO 0.7 0.0 29llrs.. 1.08 7.19 12.11 7.38 Ft... 0.9 4.5 1.2 C.l nOIIIrs.. 2.1G S.3G 1.3G S.33 Ft... 0.7 4.1 1.8 CO .lllllra.. 3.29 10.04 2.44 9.37 Ft... 0.4 3.9 2.3 CO Heck Auto Outlets Tl o police nro today looking for Cnpt. W. C. Harris, whose auto was standing In the street lust night without any lights burning. A car. No. 192.. belonging to Mrs. It. S. Carter of Portland, Is also wanted for being turned In the mid dle of a block In vlolntlon of the city ordinances. WKATII Kit FORECAST (Dr AwoclltrJ I'rn IJ Coot II) TIidm.1 ORKUON. -Fair: westerly winds, LOCAL TEMPERATURE 11KCORD For tho 21 hours ending at 4:43 u. m., July 28, by IJenJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: Maximum 70 Minimum 4 1 At 4: 13 a. m IT, Precipitation 00 I'rcclpitntlon since Sept. 1, 1913 cent Precipitation samo period Inst year G4.81 Wind: Northwest; clear. HORN Skunk Spoils Milk. J. C. Jones. who Ib homo from his outing nl Ten Mile, brought back the report that tho creaineiy there was compelled to throw away S00 pounds of milk ns. a result of a smnll skunk getting ifroUMind In fi nnn rt ttttll 1. ,x ..1. 1 I n ' the creaineiy and which was not dis covered until the can was dumped Into the lnrge vat with tho other milk and all was spoiled. I SOCIAL CALENDAR. TUESDAY. Mrs. Adolsporger and Mrs. I Clabiuigh at homo for Mrs. Carl I Davis and Miss Hush. WEDNESDAY. Narcissus Club with Mrs. Hnt I tie Wheeler. I Sowing party at Mrs. A. E. I Adelsporgor's. I M. E. Home Missionary So I clety will meet Wednesday af I ternoon ut the now hall. Mora Complaint. Mrs. Jud Mc Dnnlels appeared before Justice Pen nock yesteidny and wanted to enter a now complaint against Jud Mc Danlols for non-support. Sho did not know that McDanlols hnd been pro vlously arrested on her complaint. Sho told Justice Pennock that they bad been married a little over a year ngo, uvea logeiner tnreo niontiis nnd that ho had not contributed a cent towards her support. iRBOPhEYa iKMOW ABOUT n v "ji WM ' . MKS. LATHHOP came In from North I Inlet today. ' F. A. DAVIS of Catching Inlet Is In I Mnrshflold today. 1 M. D. CUTLIP was In from his ranch I on Kentuck Inlet today. C. I. UKIOAUD went to Coqullle on legal busluess today. W. 11. WILSON Ion fin. Ihiniloii tlilu (Olid Allto Trip. Oco. J. Steams iiinrnlni? mi IniKliipna. and son Hoy, of Oakland, Or., passed nil. K. MINOUS made a professional inroiign noro today on route from nn vlwli tn iiimvnr urn tminv. auto trip through this section. Thoy J. K. FOlin loft for the Comilll.. rrea "' uinuiiiiK in n aiuuoDnKor six. valley on liuslness today VKIMIS Tn Mi. nml Mi-o ..... . ... ..... ...... ....... A.t.t.1 . - - - - ..... ...ii-j v.i .f.iai.ivnn iwi.i.j. Nelme, at their homo In Forndnlo, Thoy lort Oaklond yesterday at 4'MIIS. J. M. CULLKY of Catching In .... : '-'"'"" iujuiu i-oiiii ni; ict ib (i sinrsiuieiti visitor touny. 11 o clock last night. Thoy came w. n. niiAni.KV inf ihia mnriiiiii!' Coos Pay appears the most pros perous of any place that ho has lsitod In a long time. MISS QUACK KHl'SK emtio n from "The Nook" on South Coos ltlvor today and will spend a few days In town. MISS LULU HODSON. who Is con ducting an Ico crennt pnrlor at Allegany, Is a .Murshflold visitor today. WALTKIl SINCLAIR, tho attorney, returned to Myrtle Point this morning nftor a brief visit on Coos liny. R. K. SHINK, who Is spending tho summer with his family In Em pire, left this morning for Co (tillle on business. W. ir. JKNNINC1S, Alglo Hanson, E. P. Schloffele and Chas. Crouch wero among the Hnyiies Inlet vis itors lu Marshfield today. MR AND MRS. It. H. COREY and little daughter and guests, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mustnrd and Miss Mustnrd, loft todny for an outing at tho beach. MRS. II. K. EDWARDS returned to hor home nt Allegany today artcr an over night visit with her par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. O. Lang-worthy. JACK I1AKER brought in n big con- HiKiinioiu or cneoso rroni the Loon Lnko cheese fnctory today and Is shipping It north on tho Ilreak-wator. a son, tiioir second ciiild. .Mrs, Ncluio was formerly Miss Lndd. Seuil Out lAiggeiN. Hurt Doremiis todny sent twolvo loggers from hero to Gardiner In response to a call for workmen. Rides Surf lloiuil. Archlo John sou In tho lntcst convert to tho surf hoard sport ami Saturday evening de monstrated that ho was an adept at It, milking the board do a few stunts which oven tho Fourth of July rld ci'n could not da. ovor this Morning, went to North Hend, shipped their car to Allegany, and will return vln Elkton tomor row. Mr. Stenrns Is with tho E. 0. Young Company, and traveled through hero years ago on trails. FLOWER SHOW DATE CIIA.V(IKI). Ti-nvol Ovciland. Mr. Clark, of lloseburg, an old soldier, nged near- ly 80, and his daughter arrived hero .today. They are traveling with n borne mid buggy mid tent for tho benefit of the (laughter's health. They will go south from lime. Frank Parsons announced today that the date of tho Dahlia Show, at tlio nusy corner Had boon changed from Saturday, August 1, to Friday, iniy ;n. ho lias already received many Inquiries concerning It. Tho mur ammvH r r-nnniiin la viniiim .. I--" - -...--.---. ".,.....- ...r. for Myrtle Point on business. E. J. MASTERS of Catching Inlet Is n Marshfield viator today. RICHARD CONHOY came 111 from bis Catching Inlet mine todny. MRS. J. O. DAVIS or Catching In let Is a Marshfield shopper. CHAS. LA SELLE caino In from tho Hoitser & Houser camp today. MISSKS HUNT came In from Mllll comn today on n shopping trip. WALTKIl LAWHORNE came In from McKlnlcy last evening on business. WM. RICHARDS emtio down from his South Coos Rlvor ranch today fliOTIED AD TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FOUND In North llenil, gold glnnn- es, with chnln attached, informa tion at Times office by paying for this adv. exhibition of sweet nens at tho Scan dlnnvlan will also he held on Friday. NORTH BEND NEWS -I Mrs. W. 11. Plpor of North Coos Rlvor visited friends horo yestordny. ,.,l; .v..m.. Rov. II. N. Lowls. pastor of tho "? "".'" Dirilge Cliiiiiuel. Larson's dredgo Oiegon Is still busy nbovo the Solan- 1 1 der ranch on Catching Inlet nnd Is doing good work, according to Capt. U. I). Church, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles .MiisteiB. lie tiniiKH tlio eliiinnei needs Cuvannugh and Miss Nolllo Nlchol dredglng below tho Solander jilnco son, motored to Coqullle Snturdny. "Iho. I Rev. Lowls nroached at Flshtran mi Sunday. Mrs. Chndwlck, of North Hend IIolghtB, was a Marshfield visitor to day. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. McDonald nnd children. Mr. and Mrs. Onrflold Slmn- nnd Audrey, mid Miss Flosslo Hnyso spent Sunday on South Coos River. friends In Marshfield for a few days. FRANK HODSON and wife of Coos River nro Marshfield visitors to day. MRS. F. II. River, Is today. ROOD, of North Coob a Marshfield shopper COWAN left for Huu to enjoy hor summer MESSERLK came iu Catching Inlet ranch Tn uble Out Hog. MrB. M. A. McLeod appeared before Justice Pon- , nock mid wanted to file a complaint ngaJiist August Frlzcou, clinrglug him with poisoning her dog. Justice Pcuuoik referred her to District At- son toruey Llljeqvlst nnd sho sont n long tl y ntntoniont. It seems that Mr. Frl-, who formerly lived near tho don today vacation. MRS. FRKD from their today. MRS. MARY RTAMHUCK was a Coos River Bhnpper Iu Marshfield tills morning. MRS. HEN M'MULLEN. or Myrllo Point, la spending a fow duyu on the Hay. MRS. A. E. TOWER of Catching In let was a visitor Iu Marsh field this morning. J. 8. WARD left for Hnndon this Mrs. llvrnii Ilodson nnd Mrs. n I M(Leod home, was molested by cats Wallace, of Ross Inlet, wero guests J-;;' "" JL L ill,, . !,n . today at the Ilodson homo on North' H?n)'iSI.? leiguts. 1 he r eop:e are With Us nnd for us,' nnd wo nro willing to rest our enso In their hands. Wo have dono business together for about soven years, having opened our doors August 10, 1907, nnd have never hud occasion to regret our partnership with tho people Judg ing from results, wo do not think tlio people hnvo ovor regretted tho partnership olther. SUITS to $ FIXUP TWO STORKS Maihh field North Demi $35.00 Cash and 3R per year for three years. Buys A Building Site LEVEL AND CLEAUEI) 4Gx90 lot, close In ..,.$110 50x90 lot, cleared S1H3 50x90 lot, graded street $225 58x145 lot, Improved Bt. S:SIO 02x131 lot, Improved st $300 50x150 lot, improved st., $350 ONLY A FEW LOTS LEFT AT THESE PRICKS. IIUY NOW City Water and Street Improvements 'See Held About It." Phone lidl.J. W. A. Reid 150 Front Street T GRAND HEATRE O-NIGHT Tho Splendid Flvo-Pnrt Putho Drama "A MILITANT SUFFHA- OiriTE" This featuro Ib ono which overy woman should seo and ono that overy man will wnnt to - Five Reels of Fun. Auoti or reel will bo included In tonight's program, making IIUOO FKKT OF PHTUHKS Children He Adults 15c Coming Soon "ICATHLYN" Coining Mouihiy "LORD CIIUMIIY" In four reols -Klaw and Kr langor's products. painting contracts. MRS. C. R. PKCK i;nino to town on tho Coos Rlvor boat this morning to do some shopping. MANAOER DREWS of tho Tele phono Company left this morning ror Coqulllo Vnlloy points. ROY FULTON returnod to North Hend todny from n short stay at his North Inlet ranch. JACK HAKKR, poHtmnstor nt Ash, In DoiightK county, was; a business visitor Iu Mnrshflold today. I PR. A. L. HAMILTON, formerly of i Wheoler, Orogou, Is In Mnrshflold and plans to locate on thu liny. ,K. R. HODSON was down from Coos I Rlvor todny to look nftor proper ty Interests lu Mnrsurield. MARTIN LUTHER, or the Housor & Houser camp on North Inlet, wns n Mnrshrield visitor today. W. K. PAYNE, or tho Ilorlln Iron Works nt Sonttle, arrived hero yes terday to look artor property on tho Hay. Mr. Pnyno says that Picnic Goods Headquarters Wax Paper Auto Paper Sets Paper Napkins Pulp Plates Wooden Plates Tin Cups Beach Three-Piece Set Beach Pail and Shovel Everything for that Outing Trip FOR HKNT 5-rootu liouso. Call nt GI8 So. 11th. Furniture for sale, rango, heater, beds, tablo, chalra, etc. FOR RENT FOIt ItKN'I Sleeping rooms nn4 housekeeping apartments. 321 South Hrondway. FOR RENT Two nicely furiil.slied bedrooms In private family. 352 First street North. FOIt RENT Fiinilhhed room, mod ern. 241 Commercial. FOR RENT Room, and hoard for gentleman. 345 N. First. t . FOR SALE FOR KALE A beaut If id Itl-i-oom home, with two big lots, In ono of tho beauty spots of Mnrshflold. Prlro ridiculously low for quick sale. I. S. Kaufman & Co. FOR KALE CHEAP l!(l-foot cabin launch, Union onglno, big bargain, best ranch boat on Hay. Inquire nt Times Office. MISCELLANEOUS THOSE WISHING Cood board and room, call at 229 S. Hroadway. I FOR SALE OR TRADE I WOULD LIKE To cM'lumgo piano, picture and china for camping nut fit. Answer 1021 Ingorsoll Ave. LOST TSe Royal TONIGHT "SRsim.MS XSK ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW uvuru staging iwo now songs, Tnmna I PEOPLES 5-10-15c STORE Daniel Frohman nresenCa .Tnmon O'Neill In his famous version of Du-' inns' masterpiece "THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO" In six reels. An achievement In science nnd art. Tho guiding character of Dumas' master piece portrayed by its greatest inter preter, James O'Neill. Tho dramatic triumph ot three, decades. ADMISSION: Iaimci- floor, 25c. Halcouy, 15c. Children, 10c. Hero tomorrow night "THE WORLD, THE FLESH AND THE DEVIL" In six acts. Admission Tomorrow Night; Lower floor, 15c. Dalcony, 10c. LOST Party who took lady's gray coat by mistake yestorday troin Hastondorr's Iiench ploaso loavo at Times ortlco or phono 119-L. LOST Ladles' pluce. noso glasses and gold chain, in case, markoil Could Optical Co., Toledo, Ohio. Reward lor roturn to Times oMco. HELP WANTED I WANTED Competent lady or girl lor general housework. MiiBt givo references. 972 N. Second. 158-R PHONE 1 0 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Nyals E as em makes hard roads easy. 25c