miQmtitiikmtnn'j?s7Taxwt:'cx'!.. " rTV'J ' Tt THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1914. EVENING EDITION. THREE - - A ( .XVARE1 YOU' BOTHERED lw CIhtm7 If so, you are doprlv- or brii tno pleasure or lira out.; walking and healthy oxer . "A Visit to Airs. Olivlti Edumu, tine Chiropodist, Ap't 8, O'- 11 Side.. Will bn thn Rourrn nf N imrmABent remedy for nchlng foet. WB8S Professional directory "t; tfllldretf Rogers Nelson. , Teacher pi IMnno. ?upll of lingo Mnnsfeldt, San Fran ( Ctoco, CM. Btudio 2HI South R i , Broadway, Mnrshflcld, Or. llOBO1?. f? . H. Harper HOUSE BUILDER i General Repairing iitul Cablnot S Making. Phone 3 4 9-J. xl tfoBr'oom ?&'-Cameron CONTRACTORS AND RUILHERS Estimates furnished, i Repair Work Speclnlty W. T. Tompkins, D. S. T. (Wcltmcr Methods) I Every known dlseaso treated Without drugs or surgery. Rooms 1 and 2, 23Y' South Broadway. Phone 132-L.' Marshriold, Or iJMlb'AlIni'. PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER Leave ordera'at W. R. Unities' Mua- 415 S. Sixth Stroot. Phono 103-L J. U Wright Phono 318-R BUILDING b CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on request c! 0. Gosney. ' Phono 3154 CONTRACTOR AND RUIIiDER Estimates Furnished on Ruquost My Post Work Is My Reference First and Alder Sts. . Marshflold Dr. H. M.Shaw Bye. Ear, Noso nml Thront. DR, MATTIE B. HIIAW DlHeases of Women iind Children Office Phone .330. Rooms 200, 201 202, Irving Uloclc. House phouo, 10D-J. Mrs. Farrlnger TEACHER OF PIANO Residence Studio, Phono 38G-J. Benjamin Ostlind CONSULTING ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT Offices, 200 Irving Uloclc Phone 103-L or, 2C7-.1. Mnrshflold, Oregon W, G. Chandler ,.. ARCHITECT Rooks 301 and 302, Coko Building Marshflold, Oregon ' ' I vn Wnf. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshflold. Oregon. Perl Ri'leylBallinger PIANIST AND TEACHER Residence Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono 3C8-L. WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, :r:LET us make YOUR ABSTRACTS 'TIM 'Trimf Cn.. Abstracts. Umwoulily dopendahlo. I in mo tive service, prompt attoniion to all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM COST !uJ.;S. KAUFMAN & CO. AUTO AND TAXI SERVIOK A Mw taxlcab baa been added tc Mt avte aervlco. Careful drivers WlH no"iuiywhoro at any tlms. Stand MfUfOfur Store. Day phono, 7S WHr 139-X. ' TOM OODATiE. Irnnrletor. '' MISS DONNELLY mIm TriatlnK ami Facial Mnssngp 9,mP& Ave. Phono 110-J My Own Formula HAIR TOXIC I 'PRICE $1.00 la , We Only ut the Owl Frc MeffiUV Pharmncy, Frank I. Cohan Uwtrai Avcnuo imig autre r.wXUTO CALL .,, ,F0R FOOTE'S AUTOS Pup f9i cars with careful driven fffi 3f service, phone lll-J, jJl .MEwco DUlard Parlors. 9t mitt service, Phone 200.1. Right Cafe. J D. L. F00TE. T !U) YOUR LAUNDRY VTDUS BY PARCEL POST ?W FURNISII A RAG AND jT WMU 4 41(14 a WH 4 ".lMirkr. 1BAV WIT 1.1 HflU'IMIJIT ON ITS RETURN iCOOS BAY STEAM I AIIMDRY 57-J. MARSHFIELD ma if k-j. n.m ; Sir-, i 3Si ' " S. S. HARDY SAJLS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS IUY EVERY NINE DAYS San Francisco Office, Harrison Street Dock, l'ler 10. Coos liny & Eureka Steamship Lino E. J. LINDEN, Ant., Phono Douir. 2070. S. S. PARAISO Equipped with Wireless. Kino Passenger Art'ouimodntlous. S. H. PARAISO WILL SAIL FOR SAN FRANCISCO SATURDAY AUC1UST I, AT 1 P. M., WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT. YELLOWSTONE WILL SAIli FOR PORTIjA.NI, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, AT r, P. M., WITH FREIOIIT ONLY. NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agents TOM .1AM ES, Agent, Muishflehl. To Portland every Thursday THE FAST AND COMFORTABLE S. S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. C. F. McGEOHGE AGENT W. II. PAINTER Phono 4 I, Marshflold Phono 421, North' Rend EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. HAILS FRO.M MARSHFIELD DURING MONTH OF JULY AT 12:30 P. M., ON THE 1TH, OT1I, MTII, 1DTII, 2ITII AND 20TII.... Tickets on nulo to nil Eastern K)lntn nnd Information na to ronU-i and rntoN cheerfully furnished. Phono 127-L. F. T. HIIELDN. Agent Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service Coos Bay nnd San ITrnucisco. S. S. Redondo RMUi FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, t .1 P. M. Equipped with wirotess and submarine; bell. Passengers and freight. "s7s. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO AND SA PEDRO, SATURDAY, AUGUST I, AT 5 P. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, O. P. McGeoroe, Phono 44. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has boon n hobby with us for a good many years and n lot of our customers will tell you when it comes to getting good, sound, durable framing mntorlal at the right price wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build and tho amount you wnnt to spend nnd we'll got busy with our pencil and figure out tho best your money can buy. Try us. u C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL RILL IN TWO HY USING OUR WOOD PHONE 100. 1S2 SOUTH RROADWAY GROCERIES of a High Standard of Quality PRICES that are Right all the time, SERVICE that is satisfactory, DELIVERY that is Prompt and Particular, These Are Our Business Principles. Conner (& Hoagland DEALERS IN GOOD GROCERIES. 707 SOUTH BROADWAY Ideal Summer Trips ON 0 LAUNCH EXPRESS Leaves Marshflold ovory week at 8 a. m. STEAMER RAINBOW Leaves Marshflold every Sunday at 8 a, m. and every week day nt 2 p. in. IDEAL FREE GROVE AND PICNIC GROUNDS Rrlng your lunch baskets, kodak and fishing tackle for a few days' outing. Sunday School and all picnic crowds a specialty. Excursion to South Coos Rlter every day. For clmrter and picnic arrangements, apply on board. FOR PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Call on LeMieux & Miller, 393 No. Front St. Phone 115-R. - - Now Slcel IJont. To Eureka every Monday PHONES 318-J AND 320 QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, WILL EO POET'S HOME IN CALIFORNIA CITY TO RE MADE MECCA FOR ADMIRERS FROM AliIiFAHTs OF THE WORLD. (Sperlnl to The Times.) OAKLAND, Cnl., July 27. "For tho ptirchnso of 'Tho Mights,' tho for mer homo of Joaquin Miller, $10, 000." This Item will nppcnr in tho bud get this year for tho City of Oakland ami in a short time the beautiful homo of tho dead pout will belong to Oakland nml will bo tho incccn of thousands who loved his work whllo ho was nlio and rovoro his memory now that ho Is dead. Tho final stop In tho move to have Oakland acquire tho pout's former homo in tho hills back of tho ilt was taken when n largo delegation of women called on Mayor Flunk K. Mott nnd urged that tho plan, whlcii emanated from tho women of Oak land, bo carried out nt once, bo that "Tho nights'. ' could become city property bcfoiu tho opening or tho 1915 fnlr. Mayor Mott promised tho women thnt ho would soo thnt tho ALL AT LOS ANGELES, July 28. A un Ique wedding at sen has been planned by MIhb Ruth Jones, daughter of u Chicago rent estate operator, and her flanco, Elswortli Ilusch, a merchant of Minneapolis. Tho arrangements for tho nuptials Include tho charter ing of u fleet of about twonty-Ifvo launches to convoy tho wedding par ty from Santa Monica out to sen n dis tance of about ten miles. Miss Jones estimates thnt tho cost of the mari time wedding will bo nbont $10,000. After tho ceremony on the bosom of tho deep, tho brldu nnd groom will proceed on thu wedding trip to Snn ta Uarharn without returning to shoro at Santa Monica. They will bo es corted part of tho way by tho fleet of launches. Tho wedding will tnko place tho last week In September. Relatives and friends of tho young couple will come from Chicago, Min neapolis, Now York, Philadelphia, Salt Lako City and other cities to at tend the wedding. Tho combined traveling expenses of the mumbors of tho wedding party vlll mggregato several thousand dollars. "When I first told my friends of our plans they did not tnko mo seri ously," Miss Jones snld yesterday at tho Lankorshlm, whoro sho Is n guest. "Hut we nro vory much In enrnest n i BRIDE, GROOM AND GUESTS You Can Always Find a Stock of ZEROLENE And Other Motor-Boat Supplies at Sumner Hardware Co. S rr CALIFORNIA ( PUI.T. .. S'lTTFYtDHlA. iHSTAM'W.UtO-IOUroP'lJO? MJEIES BUY THE JOAQUIN Item appeared In tho budget. The lllghts" will, after tho city gets titlo to It, become n part of tho Wlldwood chain of parks, a series of beauty spots that are unique In Americnu cities. The chain consists In all of a littlo more than 300 acres and tho Joaquin Miller place Is ono of tho links. "It s not merely n suntlmontal fooling that prompts tho Oakland women to urge the ptirchnso by tho city." said tho leader of tho dele gation. "The placo Is roally his toric, and It can ho bought now for much loss thnn will ho tho enso later. "Tho stamp of Jonquln Mlllor's personality has been placed on this home, whore ho lived for inoro thnn a quarter of a century. Somo of those who llvo In Oakland may not icnllze how highly the poet was es teemed by the peopio of the East nnd of Europe. Wo wero too nenr him, possibly, to obtain tho propor perspective. Wo are beginning to see that his old homo will ho tho worm of many a tourist, nnd that will be one of the big taking points of Oakland nnd of California at I nice." SEA IN WEDDING about tho 'at sea wedding. i "When Mr. Rush nnd I bocamo on 'gaged 1 Insisted that wo should he married In tho beautiful land of southern California. I and my par ontB havo visited horo frequently and It always has ImprosBod mo as bolng tho Ideal placo to begin n happy mar ried life. "After wo had decided to bo wed ded In tho land of buubIiIiio nnd flow ers and reflected that our relatives and friends would he nt n consider ahlo expenso in coming horo to wit ness tho ceremony, It appeared that wo worn dntv Imnml in fitrnliili (lmm with something unique in tho way of a wedding. Wo thought It over caro- iiiuy ami ueoiucu to no married out nt sea. "According to our arrangements tho wedding fleet will lenvo tho Hay at Santa Monica In tho mlddlo of tho afternoon. Of course, wo do not know tho exact plnro whoio wo will he mnrrlod, but it will bo about ton miles out from Bitot t. A number or unique features havo been plnnnnd which will bo known only to tho members of tho sea-going party." Llliliy COAL. Tho kind YOU linvo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific Livery nml Transfer Company. -P57 OLD NEW MILKING MILLER MACKS IN W. II. .MONROE AND A. II. ORIS. SELL INTRODUCE NEWLY PER FECTED ONES IN COOS AND CURRY ARE RIG SUCCESS. W. H. Monroo nnd A. A. Crlsoll, representing tho firm of Monroo & Crlsoll, of Portland, Or., aro making a trip over Coos nnd Curry Counties which have recently been relcasod by a San Francisco Iioubo on con tract goods manufactured by D. II. Worrell & Co. This line of goods Includes tho Simplex cream Buparntor, tho U. L. K. milking machine, nnd factory equipment. Tho milking machine, whllo It has been right In principle, had somo Imperfections which are now per fected and It now seeniB to conform to nature exactly nnd is n decided success, as mnny of tho lending dairy men lit Milt utntn Will nttnat nn.1 la a great boon to tho dairy Industry of this section as well nB to pnrta of tho country, bocnuso It enables us to produce milk nt much lesg ex pense thnn can bo done by hand milking and at tho samo tlnio Is moro sanitary and Is tho moro human way to treat tho cow. Nature's way was to let tho young extract the milk from tho udder and until tho cow wns bred up to produce moro milk limit wns necessary to sustain the calf, that was all she gave, but, now tho cow Is a very largo fartor In producing tho living of all mankind, nod her products rank away up among tho first of tho cauntiy In commercial value and tho dollars from tho dairy products buy more happiness and comfort thnn a like numhor of. dollars from any other source, because tho cow pays twho por day and buys tho children's shoes nnd pays the ex penses or running tho homo. To mnko a milking machlno that would draw tho milk from tho ud der, entirely release and swallow tho milk tho Bamo oh tho cair and which would not draw harder on tho cosy milking cow than ucccssnry nml draw hard enough on tho hard milk ing cow to milk hor successfully was no slmpla tank and yet bo a very simple machine, hut this Is tho Btngo or porrcctlon It has reached nnd Is lirnptlrnl fni- tlm ninn with nrtlimc. Intelligence, nnd no other Iiqh any business around a dairy barn. iiio nuiKing mnchlno has taken firty years to got to Its present Btato or perfection and has cost hundreds or thousands or dollars, and tho man that has stuck to It, taken It up where his rather loft It, and made It practical nnd efficient, deserves great credit, iir It Is really ono of tho great accomplishments of this day and ago, and they will bo ns common on tho fnrm with twonty-flvo cows ns any othor mnchlno for other pur poses, nnd Just na efficient. HOT IN ENGLAND. Ton-Ill Weather Cuunc Much AgJ- union. London, July 25. American hot wonther foods failed to toko with tho London public during thu recent torrid spell, when tho thormomotor touched U0 degrees in tho shndo. Tho English restaurants In (ho busi ness section reported no falling off In tho orders for roast hoof and Yorkshlro, steak and kldnoy pudding nnd ponB and potatoes, although thoro was an unusunl demand for currant roll. "All this talk about summer dirt and keeping cool Is Tommy-rot." England's hot spoil has started an agitation for roform In men's sum mer dross, hut so far nono havo bad courago to follow tho Amorlcnn fash ion of appearing on tho street In shirt nnd holt. An Englishman novor dis penses with thu coat oxcopt when playing tonnls nnd cricket nnd boat ing on tho river. To nppoar without a coat on tho links Ib qulto at un pardonnblo In Englnnd as to go coatlcsB In tho streets. NAME ON BALLOT ONCE. U'Ren Must Elect to Mnko Itowi tov Governor iih Prohibitionist or Independent. SALEM. Or.. July 28. W. 8. U' Ren, of Oregon City, will hnvo to decide whether ho will make tho raco for govornor as an independent or as n candidate of tho prohibition party, ror Secretary or State nen W. Olcott, after consulting attorneys, ruled that his name could not appear on tho ballot as an independent can didate and alBo as tho candidate of tho prohibition party. U'Ren was given the prohibition nomination for governor sevoral months ago. Prior to that ho had an nounced his Intention of becoming an Independent cadldato, and recontly put nominating petitions In tho field. Discovering thoro wns a quostlon whether his nnmo could appear on tho ballot as both an Independent and prohibition candidate, ho wrote to the secretary of state for a rul ing. CONVICT EUREKA MAN. ChorgeI VA Accepting Money tot Dismissing Bootleg Clinrgw. EUREKA, Cnl.. July 28. Henry L. Ford, former United States Com missioner for tho northern district of California, was found guilty of malfeasance on nine counts in the United States District Court hero. The indlctmonts charged Ford with receiving $100 from each of 13 men, arrested for selling liquor to Indians, . with tho undei standing that bo wou,lf dismiss tho cases against thorn, which wero to bo heard before him as Fed eral Commissioner. The maximum punishment for Ford under the Federal statute Is threo years In tho penitentiary and a flno or 3900. 1 LAUNCH FREAK leaven every day nt 1:30 p. in. for SOUTH Qooa River, &, l,lf"1 "" iy