i'mii)iiiiMu PALL STOP BRAGGING WHEN WE ARE ASKED TO PRODUCE THE GOODS .TlVi. N - " . ''vvi, U (Slam Imj Stows h "-' o i jTOtm 'OPPORTUNITY KAMIIiY CIHCiil-S REACHED with every copy of this moillum. Havo your nilvertlBonicnt rend by llio Homo Cotnnuinlty regularly, so that they will know you. Do In troduced IIY TIII-3 TI.MF.S. IWe&h ,lho 'great purchasing power vv ih tnio .community suouiu noi no 'i'rlaokofl 'In plnclng your advcrtls- lifju,;,,Thei cholco of nicilln of suc- 'ATi:.sToitnl merchants 19 THU TTMF.S. MKMItKR OK THK ASSOCIATED PRF.SS fT. MM 51 1H ,ir :ic; -1 )S!l i t ji XXXVII. Established IKTK ns The Const Mall. iiiiih.i 0 l"vc , lll-l-n... " ;HHA H AHH WAK A: " n te. or y .I ., J0''! Hole! rWHIia aw w e M Mr w -.- ALL EUROPE GfiMinlnnrl's Offnr of Mediation iffiiif rma,. Prices fo Served on the Powers Other Nations P.re ' Cofnnif pare for Eventualities. RMANYp, SUPPORT AUSTBIA W JU . '; W IF RUSSIA AIDS THE SERVIANS anrUiallep, Nations Also Get Armies into Readiness and Terrific y'iHJ .,-,.... Armed Conflict IVIay Follow Assassina iau' N - , tions and Plots Bldmed. C8i dellTf (Dr Aaaoclatwt I'rm to Ohm Dar Tlmx.t w ; VIENNA, July 28, An official notification of declara- I "J!!' tidn ofv war was sent lo Servia today by the Austria iruni,' Hungary government, I Inul8 , Cause of War. wo ia?l Tho actual cause of Austria-Hungary's decision to -enter Jto a conflict with Servia was the reply sent by Servia to a ...Tote. from Vienna demanding that Seivia take steps to put a ": S'top to tho Pan-Servian propaganda on Austrian territory and t, . .ilso to' punish those Servians Indirectly concerned in the iiieiO assassination of Aichcluku Ferdinand and his wife, Tho re taj'iponso of Servia was considered unsatisfactory, and in a ,w ,teml-official communicafion made public yosleiday, the Aus-rrrla-Hungary governmmt said that the icply was T,filled with " i spirit of dishonesty." ,V0U ' Many Countries Involved. - Servia also has mobolizcd her forces and withdrawn the roi'B garrison of Belgrade, the capital city, to the interior, as Bcl '""grade occupies a position too vulnerable to be 'held, m- Every 'War office and admiralty in Europe was occupied in .preparations for eventualities, even the smaller countries sucfi ;as Holland, "Belgium and Switzerland taking precautionary s pm measures.?; i; K Thaaffitude of Russia was watched carefully in official ctovj: circles, and the 'firm belief was expressed here that Russia mSS would enter the 'lists in support of (he little Slavic' kingdom as .i.MSOon atffflghFmg stalled in oavnest, Huns ff , w. ' (By Tho Associated 'Press.V BOUfJAPEST, July 23, Great patridffc demonstrations wi(l took place iintffre Hungarian Diet today, whemlhe rcyal procla .. jfi mation was read proroguing .Parliament, Speeches were "'.Jmade by prominent Deputes, during Wlildl. everf patriotic q'm I word was -IduclrV dhuared. tllr AaoUU4 m( lo Com II. 7 Tlmea. "" VIKWNA, -Pally 21-,lt vwns stnil--- officially announced hero today (tint -Austria Hunjtary ,had dcclnVjd to re fuse Sir Edward arr.v'a pruposul (Of an ambassadorial cauforencn In Loti- IS )! don. com) aau:s AintoAit 8cro Attends Vcllow .Mutitl From J&jw 'Vtirk. s far Aut4 rr to cx. u tib i ;riBV VOItK, fliuly 2R The larg er! ,t gold ahlpmem ever sent ifrom l ,Aierloa U Eurojvt. ?10;MO,000, loft W hwe todar- ' It Is attributed to tho ,Yr scare. Other wiovenvmts i. uo &(e today are eijoicted U bring tho totaH up to itwenty uallllon rilnco rrl- f ITALIAN WARSHIPS MOVK. OrdwI to Itc4ui-n Kiimu SoulIuikI ,t , " IUly ImiiimUtfcly. Ilk tT AwaMwt Vtt 10 Com ht TlnM. .it inrAcnnw T..K. -i Tlir.. Ilnl. 4 -Uh 'wawshlpi vbiltlng Wa Clyde- wore f ' abamaH tnilav t rnhirn llfllllitAlil (nl V mawwvx n auua; ( v- tov1tHy.f.V TftOOPtf .MOVIXfl. ,'1 y flai'vtaiM iwt! MonJeiiegrlwj Aiti Ac ,V tivo Near JKVniitlM-. Br JWwIkm Prcaa lo Cooa liar Tlmca. WimwXjuiy iS. The Mllltar-Jke-RtHVdtiau rejMjrts actiro move MMts ori1th Servian nnd Monte- BscrlnHreeps which aro In clo touch t rrlbfrJiAear tho frontier of Uos- !,' L WATCH RUSSIA '; if Ini Wr Mnur hv Russia "!. ,.: . .- 7 .. 'Be followed by similar Action in Germany. fBf Aaaoclated Ciraa to Cooa Oar Tlmea J XMaiiiN, July 28. No conflrma tlea; hadbeen received up to a lato htir tonight, either by the German foftlsn office or the Russian embas sy,, Mfa mobilization of tho various anjy orps In Russia. Gorman offl etak de-lared flatly that any Russian mahilfcatlon against Austria, partial or ,thrwlse, meant war. German MMfclllMtion orders would then, ho &J8sueu HS,Pfoi-Bet tho !15e luncheon at me Cteuuller. 11:U to 2 o'clock. KASER W MARSHFIELD, MAY BE INVOLVED Declined and Formal .Notice .Is (llf AtMdatt rrrM lu Ino. In Tllnn.) I.ON'DON, July.t'K. 'nto.niuioiuico- mi'iit or tile deciarntlon of war by AtiMrlii llniigary on Servia came to dnt almost ImnntUIately .-uftcr tier- many and Austria had notified Sir :Kll;unl (!rt,y of 'tli rcfunll to Join lu a mediation conMrence. It Is as- Biinud horn that the, efforts of Kuro- ncnn nations will iow lie directed j townnl localt.lnK littitllltlos. Oormany supported Austrinilu the coutuutlon that It would ho iiudlgnl ried ifcr a grait powt r liko Austria .to upiar before a tribunal u)f tho ,i'owora)ii tho uiino status ns u, little LUilkan aiutloii. Austrhi iiungiry In Uiu Interval prciceedctl rapidly vwlth tho niulitllzatlon of her .army. '(Tho entire railroad .t.ystom A-as titUlzed nnvl n -strict coiitorshp imposed. fKH.M.VXV IVUSO ItWUHKS. (nr A.iocUl.a Pm, lo Cooa nar TIom. HRHLIX. July i:3. The Gormwi govenunent -rotumed toda an uir tavorMblo rew.ly -to ulio Drtilsh pro- posal for a conferoiMo of ambnssa- ylrtfa (. T.rtnrlnti nf )i 1f-i rntknfi ti ! t p" ivoworatii an endeavor to brlnt' about n sottlciuent of tho Austro-iwrvlun (Mfilcutly- CMMKIi AT MOXYHKATi. (Dr AaaodatM Trraa (o Oooa Sjij Tlmra.) MUNTRKAh, July 28. Tho stock exchange wiuj closed by the overrun's this aftornooju because ol paultky conditions. J'ower stocks nd tho Canadian Pacific irore .tspeciaMy weak. Rumor That Both Nations Are Occupying and Guarding Strategic Points. (Dr Aia-xlatod rri'M lo Cooa l)r Tlmea. HICRLIN. July 28. An nncon- firmed dispatch from Prussia to the Taegllche Rundschau says that Rus-j sla has occupied Wlrballen at Rus sian Poland with a force of engineers,! cavalry, artillery and two regiments: of intantry, while Russian guards havo been placed along all roads to tho frontier. Tho dispatch added that a squadron of German Uhlans has advanced t0 tho Russian frontlor. . ALL LOYAL MOOSK WILL AT TEND MK13TIXG Tuesday evening. 1 OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 28, I VERDICT Madame Caillaux Exonerated for Killing Figaro Editor, Who Printed Sensational Articles. fllr AMoelntr,! fine lo L-not Oar Tlmeo.l PA IMS, .Inly 28. Madame Henri etta Caillaux, wife of ex-Premlor ,7o fcph Caillaux, was acquUted tonight after a trial lnBtliiB nine days, on tho charge of inurderlnR ,on March 1C, nnRton cninione cijngr or j'.JBara Andrew Frosnos Succumbs to Heart Failure During Dance at Bear Creek, Near Bandon. (Special to The Times.) IIAN'DOX. Or,, J.itly i'K. Andrew l-'rosnos, of Hear Crook, was found dead on the dancj floor that they have there yesterday morning. When tho iluiun hi-oKo up, early In thu morning, tho other people supposed that 1 e was nsleup, so tlmy Idfl him alone, hut the ii'xt moruluK ho was noticed In thn miiiiu position, and then It was dlscm-ored (hut ho had died during tlw- (luiim: suiioidly SEIZE SERVIAN Two Vessels on Dandbe Taken by Austnans rand New Flag Hois'ted. Ill; AmoHiikI Trraa lo Cosa liar Tlmra 1 JISII, Servia. JKtl. ih-'fTbB Soi--vlau steamers Dellgrado and Mnrava wrro seized today at Orsovu on tho Danube by the AiiKtrlans. .The :Bur vinn colors wcra luiuled Uown and the Austrian Dan hdlsldd. tWIillo tho paMteugers were idutiiluull (Br Aaaoclatrd Prttaa ( Cooa Da TlBta.) CHlCitCO, July t-Wur mews formed tlw) sole InfliiMuico 'In 'the wheat martkot today. Prloes shot skyward-atiU business wns transacted at the ntto -of $100,0-(-4) ijir mllnutc There 3i'-obably tb jgrenteat ex cltemcnt In Alio history of tho ex change. Tho market clewed .feverish at 9 1-4 abovu last nleht. HURTS Kt'OCIC IMM02.H. n? AMUilJ rrra U Cooa Dar Tlmra. NEW YORK, July 28. Austria's declaration of war provoked a con- vtllslvo uphtanvnl It tho sloth uaawu Hit) lending stocks showing maximum, dedlnes of five to twenty points, tho Canadian PatXflc being tho clrfet ut- rerw. Tho t-loslng wns extremely weulu E FOR FAMILY A house Is being erected near Klghth and lugorsoll for Mrs. C. II. Icl.aughlln und family by kind- hearted peoplei who subscribed sev eral hundred dollars for tho purpose., Tho house will be a small ono butt adequate for the family now. The I money was rrilsed by Chas. Doano, who circulated a petition some time ago. J. C. Merchant of the Mer chant estato furnished a lot on a very reasonable basis. Last night tho Marshflold City Council told In spector Tribbey to forget the $2.50 Inspection feo and let It go as the city's contribution to them. Chas. Doane, Mrs. Nagle, Alva Doll, Dr. Leslie and others have chargo of It. Tho movement was started when the McLaughlins lost their homo by fire. It Is stated that Mrs. .Mc Laughlin does not allow C. II, Mc Laughlin to come near the place. MAN DIES DURING WAS TROOGHT SI W PBEGS SHOT SKIM iOSEVELT IN 1914. EVENING EDITION. TRIAL ENDS OF NOI GOILTI MMK. CAIIiliACX l-'Al.NTS. Frvndi Court Adjourns llecniisc of Dcrciulnnt's Condition. (Dr AmoiIiiM t'rr In Cu. IMr TlniM.1 PAUIS, .luly 28. Mine. Caillaux fainted In court ni;nln tonight while Mnitro Chenu, attorney for tho Cal tuette family, waa delivering n cut ting analysis of her actions on the day of the tragedy. Hecause of the I defendant's condition, court suspend ed Kitting. E: TO BE ASLEEP from henrt trouble. Hml Xai-i-ow 1-ck. Pat llanrahan hnd a nnrrow escapo yestenlay, as ho was driving out to WhlsVoy Hun to bring IiIb folks hack from their guinnior vncatlon. A bolt In the doubletrees broke and itho lioififH got tuareil. .Mr. Hauraluiu hraled hluiKflf against the dash hoard, but It gave -way, and ho was precipitated under tho horses' feet. He was dragged qulto u dlstnnco be fore the horses were stopped. Ho suffered sovoral very severe bruises and contusions, but Is around town tcdny with tho same sunny smile as of .tore, but has tie assistance of a crutch to help him nlnng. DUE TO WOMEN Mrs. 'Helen M. Angle of Stam- I fond, Conn., Accused of ' Killing Politiolaru I Mr AMflaia.1 Pr In Cooa la rinM STA.MI-'OHI), Conn., duly 2S. -Mrs. llolon M. Angle was held crim inally responsible for tho death of Waldo It. Dallou, a prominent politi cian, on tho night of June 23, lu tho findings nf tho coroner. Ilnllou wnn discovered dying outside a business 'building in which Mrs. Ang'c had apaitments. Hlie mild she believed ho had la'lltm down stairs a-fti;r ho hnaloft liur. At tho Inqtiost, how over, she infused to make a state inioul. NEW CRY Nebraska Progressives En (dorse "Teddy" Republi cans Also dVlceL Or Aaaofla!a4 Prraa to Cooa Dar Tlmta.1 LINCOLN, Nebr., July 28. Har mony wat the watchword of tho Jv;brnaka Uopubllcaus, assembled to day in state convention hero to adopt a platform. The two wings of tho party, Progressives Jind Conserva tives, were determined to present n united front at tho coming primary. Th.o Progressive patty also met today. Woman suffrngo Is th only Issue on which opposition Is expected and the adoption of a plunk favoring this principle was not looked for. In the adoption of tho platform In the Progressive convention, woman suffrage will be supported, Kndorse mont uf Roosevelt ns presidential candidate for 191G was also ar ranged. AX OLD CHAIRMAN. Pioneer Populist of Xebraska Pro hides ut Convention. fOr AaaoUatei Preaa to luu liar Tlmea.) HASTINGS, Nobr., July 28. J. H. Powers, known ns the father of Pop ulism In Nebraska, although more than 80 years old, acted as tempor ary chairman at the Populist stoto convention hero today, SHAMROCK IV ARHIVKS. Upton's Challenger Rciicbcs Aoies After Set en Days, (Dr Aaiociaien Prcaa to Coo. ur Tlmea, HORT, Azores, July 28. Tho Shamrock IV, Sir Thomas Llpton's new JL-hnllenger for tiio America's cup, arrived here today, having taken I seven days for the voyago from Eng- iiiiin. sue iiroveu nerseu an excellent seaboat In heavy weather. ALL LOYAL MOOSI? WILL AT TKXD MKiniXG Tuesday evening. A Consolidation of mill Coos liny SEVERAL BUNKER ROBBED DE CALF IS STOLEN AT Chas. A. Rodine Expected to Swear Out Warrants Car cass at Petromoulx Home. Chas. A. Kodluo Is expected hero from Allegany this afternoon to swear out a warrant for the arrest of former Marshfleld parties, now liv ing uenr Allegany, chnrging them with tho theft of a two-year-old hei fer from his place. TIiIb morning Deptuy Sheriff I-'red Cage, of Allegany, Geo. A. Gould and Ceo. Terry searched tho Louis Petro iiioulx place there oif n senrch war rant Issued by .lust Ice Pennock yes terday. They found a large amount I of rresh beef lu u ban el under the table In tho Pcrtomoulx homo and a short distance from the house found J thu head, hldo and feet of a heifer. .Mr. Itodlue Identified them ns tho re mains of his heifer, the marking of tho l.lde and a silt ear being tho means of Identification. The Petromoulx family claimed that they brought tho beef from Marshflold. : The matter has caused itultc a stir. Sheriff W. W. Gage, who was hero from Coiiutlle today, may go to Alle gany about It and It Is expected tuat arrests will be made tomorrow. Dist rict Attorney Mljeqvlst, who was no tified by Constable Cox and Justice rennork, said that tho whole family should be arrested. ' Petromoulx and his family moved onto the ranch of George dimming, nhout three miles from Allegany, and adjoining tho Itodlno ranch, a few months ago. While lu Marshflold Petromoulx worked n llttlo as a plumhor nnd bartender and his wife was engaged In tho real estato and, Insurance business. Diamonds and Jewelry Taken From Schroeder Home Re covered in an Alley. Two diamond rings, a couple of Indies' gold watches, some other Jow elry. somo sllvorwuro and about $5.90 In i-hango which was stolen from the Schroeder homo In West .Marshflold a fow weeks ago, was found yester day in thu brush In tho alloy In tho roar of their houso. It was all wrap ped up In a bundle and wns but a short distance from where tho tin box, from which moat of It had been taken, was found a day after tho rouuory. Now ovorythlnir that was lost, wltli tho exception of somo old coins, In- eluding a hair dollar or 18C2, a $2.C0 gold piece and somo other coins, hns been found. I .Mr. Schrocdor Is highly elated over tho recovery of the property. Tho diamonds wero valued at closo to $500. Ho does not know how to fig tiro out tho return unless that It was OIULCIHDUUUO MrviriTiipnrT rmiiin rnnxv BANS GET ruunu mum that whoever took tho articles be-! sontntlvo of President Carbajnl, em came frightened and brought tlioni1 phntlcally denied tho reports frojn uacK or iney got scared tno nay or, Toronto mat Felix Diaz was expecting tl.o robbory and wore afraid to como Huortn thoro to plan a counter rovo back after tho loot. Tho houso wns lutlon In Mexico. Cnstollot conferred robbed between 2:30 nnd -I o'clock with Secretary Ilryan nnd declare! ono Sunday aftornoon. that very satisfactory progress toward Mr. Schroeder conducts tho Liberal a peacoful agreement with Gonoral liuiinrd parlors, ills homo Ih tho urst iioiiso west or hievontli on Con trol nvonuo. Mnrshal Carter, who has beon u-nrllllfv n,i tlin nnun linfl n Dlrnmr clno, Ho was rather rotlcont nhout! I i tnilfl V hilt until thnt lift it na imi- v -..-..- iMtiii m-v tw nuo -uii-i vlnced that homo talent was cans- lug tho trouble around town nnd that a number of pnrents.should look nrter tholr boys moro carefully, ninth Austrian army corps from Ho- Dlcd Sirddcnly. W.R. Tlalnos hns !lt'",m Inward tho Servian frontier recolvod word of tho sudden death "('Kn yotorilny and that thero was at San Francisco of Joo Hobson, who " ot,,or trnfric on tho Rohomlaa trnvoled through this section for i '" ''"a,l oxcopt that of troops, years for tho Hannn Shoo Company.' n, 'wo, corps consist or thlrty IJo dlod following nn operation. Ho ,two battalions or Infantry with t was horo a few weeks ago with his ,nrK0 n"uor of quick firing guns. family. I COOS BAY TIMES 1 DAILY ! CONUNDRUM I Answer to yesterdays: "If I I a drove or deer eamo running j I by and ono was shot, how many j I would bo loft?" Ono. that's all. I I only one. The f el lor that got j I snot. , I Hero's ono for today: I "What are tho most lll-ustd I objects In the, world?" I Answer tomorrow. No. 12. RILL ROMES SILL IIOUITS Thieves Loot Workmen of Small Amounts Use the Windows for Crime. TOOK CLOTHING OUTSIDE BUT LEFT NO CLUES Harry Thomas, One of Victims, Robbed by Peters Some Time Ago. A series of petty robberies occurred at Hunker Hill Inst night, sovoral places being looted. Tho burglars inndo a clean getaway, leaving not even a clue. Among the places rob bed were: Olias. White, head flremnn at Smith mill, lost watch and $1.50. Gus Jeffries' place looted and fovr Giock workmen robbed. Harry Thomas robbed of 10.M and gold ilug. Tho robberies were nil Blmllar, In dicating that the samo parties did all of them. Chns. White Is homo nlone, his wife being on a trip cast. Kntry wn gained through a window and hi clothes taken ontaldo nnd $1.50 talc en from the pocket. Ills watch wa also taken. Tho clothes were left outside. .Mr. White did not hear tlioni, nor did n neighbor who lives wlihln ten feet of wlioro tho clothes wore found. TIkiiiiiih Hind f.uclc. Harry Thomas, who lost $19. HO in cash and a gold ring, Is the man whom Stanley Peters robbed of x. wntch and u gun when Peters told tho fnlco story about being hold up. Thomas said that his clothcB woro taken out and the articles; ltnkon from them. Ho was not nwakoned by anyone. At Ous Jeffries' place, a screou was cut from the window and tho clothing of the sleeping workmen tak en outside and looted. Just how much tho four thero lost Is not known, as tho men wont to work this morn ing at 7 o'clock without reporting tho amount lost. Parties stated today that dogs lit tho vicinity of tho robbed houses mado a big racket about midnight nnd now think that thu robbers worn tho cnuso. LIVELY AG1 Federals Become Active In Mexico City While Constitu tionalists Work Outside. Bf Aaaoflata Trna to Cooa Dar Tlm.a 1 WASHINGTON. I). C July 28. Urlgadler Gonoral Punston roportod today that tho .Mexican Federals In Mexico City hod taken an offensive stand against the Zapatistas and had driven them from uenrby towns. Ho says thero nro 3,000 Fed orals In Mexico City. The Constltutlonnllsta havo boconin active ninni? thn r nii- I road between Soleilntl nnd Hrlrni,. but nro acting In Independent bandt IIUKRTA HAS UNOUGH, Denial of Report Tlwt Ho and Dins Atxi to hinrt Another Revolution. Hr Aaaoriaixl Pna t Cooa lln rimM.i WASHINGTON. D. C, July 28 Joso Cnstollot. tho nersonal rnnr. tarranzn was being inndo. TROOPS SUNT OCT. ustila Rushes Forces from Itolicnil to S'ci-iinii Frontier. 'H, Aaaoriaifei -rve. 10 root pr Tlm-i J RKRLIN. July 28. RonortH from tho Austrian bordor state that tha transportation of tho olu-hth and .81X regiments or cavalry, two regt- monts of fiold artillery and two regl- monts of army sorvlce corps. Mllitar Wochonblntt. tho official military wookly, today prints a notoworthr urtlclo comparing tho Auatro. Hun garian nnd Russlnn nrinlos to tho dis advantage of tho latter. WORK OX TPXXKL. Tho contractors at the south en or tiinnol (5 aro In about forty feet and nro working day and night on the t,amo, whllo at tho north on thoy havo about finished tho timber ing of what was dilvon boforo they shut .down last wlntor. Gardiner Courier. Times, Const Molt AtherlKor fc t&J I !"??"