The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 27, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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-IT 1t t
?TWr '
o reach the great purchasing power
fjf this community should not ho
Overlooked In placing ypur advertis
ing. Tho choice of media of sue
icssful merchants IS Till! TIMES.
ffiH00 lag
with every copy of this motllum.
Have your advertisement read hy
tho Homo Community regularly, so
that they will know you. Ho In
troduced 1JY THE TIMES.
memukh ok Tin: associated press
munwmwmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmix?kmim -hih
KslnltllsliC,! 1S7H
iin Tlio Const Mull.
A Consolidation of Times, Coast Midi
and Coos Uay Advertiser
Mwis A
No. 11.
nglish Troops Open Fire, on
Nationalists During a
reventedTanding OF
itense Feeling Aroused Amo
itensc Feeling Aroused Among
Catholics in Dublin Fear
IBr AuocliUd rre'i l. Coot p., Timet.
DUNLIN, July 27. Duhlln and
o greater part-of Catholic Ireland
In tho greatest excitement today
Declares That Reply to Aus
trian Demands Is Framed to
Gain Public Sympathy
Aided Intrigues.
Ill; Ann litrd I'rr.i In nw tl TlmM
VIENNA, July 27. A communica
tion was Issued by tho Austro-Htin-gnry
foreign office todny explaining
tlio reason for dissatisfaction with
Servla's reply to her demands,
"The object of tho Servian note Is
to crcato a falso Impression that the
Servian government is prepared In a
great measure to comply with our
demands. As a matter of fact, how
ever, Servla's note Is filled with dis
honesty, which clearly lets It bo seen
that tlio Servian government is not
seriously determined to nut an end
to tho culpable tolerance It hitherto
has extended to intrigues against tho
AiiBlro-Hungnrlnn monarci y
Chas. Hall, Hood River Capi
talist, Negotiating for Coos
Bay Exchange.
Chun. Hull .owner of tho Hood
IMi'nr fnlmilinnn uvutnni ntii! n rnnttnl
..--. .1..., ...,,.., ... ..... v.. ...u,w..u m,j ... ... .. ...
or yHiruivB tun in uuiwroi no Il)t or timl 8t.ct0n, Is understood to
rltlsh troops and Ir sh Nationalists, l)0 negotiating for a controlling Intor
tilch resulted In killing four per- 0Hl tll0 Coo8 ,,.. omo Telephono
ns nnd wounding, many diners, tor- comnaiiv. It was Intimated today.
of whom i aro In hospitals in a (lwU tll0 ,lon, IlllKllt 1)0 cIo8C(, H0()n i
rlous condition Tho local company has tho exchange1
Dawn Camo DOforO tllO POIICO SIIC- i Mnrul.rinl.l Vni-lli Itninl llmiilnli. rnnr Cirmrn tTrlitni Annnrnrl 1A.II DxnUnMo UnnrlU DnonU,,n
edod In dispersing tho crowds that Co,iUo nnd Myrtle Point and tlio, "i ' n" : " ii..' i ,, ,,VI" ' """' uit, huoluuiu
tro marching through tho Htreots connectlm: toll lines.
-iging pairiotio souks ami looKing u h understood Hint Mr. Hull and
r BoIdlorB of tho Kings own .Scot- ,,, tlR80(.ln,08 ,. (nKng ww iho jn.
ih DordororB, -on whom to Inflict ,,.,,, of w ,; 0,KllH nnd a fow
ngonnco for tho fatal events or tl)or nrR0 i10tu,mi,. The Coob Hay
storday, whon Bold era wore or- , Tu.phono Company Is owned
red out to prevent tho landing of , y ,,., l(,01),0 tho 8t(.lc ,,,,, hol(,
ma. and ammunition for tlio Irish ,,y n m;,bor of pnrtlcn. It was or-
itlonallBlB. gnnlzud soverni yenrs ogo by Mr. Dur-
Tho crowd, finding that tho sol- , )lirc; ll(iC(, urn local ox-
ors had been ordered to roinaln ,.,.,', llf ,i, nnn T,.i.,i,ii.nm r,.m.
tliild TtnwHrtnla ill I nnlinl I li ... '
rongho.d where tho HonlerorH woro
With Hungaria.
III? Am hint prwt In i'ooi lit? TlmM. )
I l'AHIS, July 1!7. Cnlilaiix. nt
I tlio trial of his wifo today, pro-
I (lured letters -written by Cal-
I motto and n copy of tho lattor's
win purporting t() show that tho
editor had planned to work In
tl.o luteroHts of tho
pauy and rebuilt tho system. i government. "Kvory French-
itlmm.l nitl fnr III,, mil. '...:'.":' "IV. .,".,.. '""".." ' """.." I '"l wl" rcaiuo WIIIU WOIIIU
"- -" , , Vi .1 i wh I io noon mvor exc iiii;o inn is
irs to romo out. Finn My tl.o mob , , , , of n,c r,ncBt .8.
oko down thogato of tlio barracks , , u MorlhwC8t. Tj,o rates
d fired saveral shots, upon which ,?'. ". "... .i i...... ....
' ilium ii I u iiiiii J ihii. iiiiivi vii ti ii vi
o bugles -weri). Bounded, po co camo ,. ,, lt g ,,, tlint tll0 com.
... DPHnn uiiii tin iniu'ii lUTinrmin -
..w n..y .... .. .w... hii'ui u-i.. ,..,,.., i.iih it nirifiit iiiirrnniiiiro or nuli-
Bcrlbers In its Hold Minn tliu uverago
company has.
Nationalist leaders tako most no
us vlows ofUlio affair and will do
mil Toparation from the govern
have been tho effect of that
I working," said Cnlilaiix. Thoso
i documents nro of unlmpcacliablo
I authenticity. Thoy wero given
I to mo hy tho chief or tho Hun-
I gntian radical party."
I Tlio reading of tho documents
I was delayed by recess.
and Coos Bay Project
Aids Hotel.
aid xoitTii m:ii IIOTIX.
In addition to the $3000 sub-
scrlption which ho persoiinlly
mailo towards tho erection of
I "The Simpson" hotel In North
Ilond. W. J. Wllsjly Saturday
I promised tlio North lleud hotel
I comiultteo that ho would urge
I his associates to subscribe $10,
I 000 more.
Belgian Socialists Plan Means
of Stopping Warfare .
in Europe.
fDr Anocll.. rmi to Cool Ifar Tlmn.J
HUUSSKLS, July 27 A partial
mobilization of tho Helclau army wns
ordered today, raising the total ac
tive force to 100,000. The Interna
tional Socialist Bureau telegraphed
Its members to meet Wednesday,
when n general strlko as a preventa
tive of a lCuropean war will bo discussed.
U 11,11 II U IUIM.I
n u uLti v ifiiiu
, I
1 1
Sir Edward Grey of England
Would Mediate Servian
Austrian Clash.
Small Engagement Sunday
Between Servians and Aus-
trians on the Danube.
Illr Am I!ii1 l'ttr Io Cnn llx Tlinra.
LONDON, July 27. Lack or
confirmation of hostile encoun
ter on tho Danube between Ser
vian and Austrian troops nnd
Sir Kdwnrd drey's efforts to
obtain the consent of leading
Kuropenn nations to moil lit Ion,
led to the belief today in the
I possibility of avoiding an armed
I conflict between Kuropenn na
1 tlons. (lermany nnd Italy wero
I snld to have agreed to tho prln
I clplo of the peaco conference.
I Attention wns ttirnod to tho
attitude of Kmperor William
1 nfinr a conference with his nil-
visors on his return to Gonnnny '
i anil niHo to tlio nctlvitles of
1 ItiiHgln.
That If W. J. Wllsey and his as
sociates are able to obtain tho Kin
ney properties they will bo hooked
up to a project for building n rail
Big Strike Called Off to Ap
prove Government's Plan
to Assist Scrvia.
(llr AModt1 I'm. to foot liar Time.
VIKNNA, July 27. M. Jo
vunovltch, tho Survlnn minister
to Austria Hun miry, loft for
Uclgrado today.
tllf AMoflittxl TrcM (o Co- n7 Tltrr..)
inr AMOtuiM rrr.1 Io Too Ilx TIihm.1 (ii, amocUIM Prr.. to Coo. IUr TlmM.I
ST. PKTKUSniTHO. July 27. Tl.o' LONDON, July 27. OlImmorB ot
workmen in tlio Uugslnn cnnltal who I, mm rii(imro,i in ti.n .i,,rvn..n.i a.
road from Coos Hay east to Hose- havo boon on strlko for a week, do- 0f Kuropenn politics today and tho
inirK niiu jiunmuiy iiiruiur, wiib inn ciueii loony io resume worn in or- wisn was general that tho efforts
PAULS, July 27. As soon ns tho inroronco that friends hero gained der to omplinslzo their approval of 0f tlio great Kuropenn powors to
Judges had taken their seats on tho r" " Wllsey. .Mr. Wllsey wns tho Russian governments support or nvort n clasli which might Involve
bench this morning In tho trial of rather reticent about his affalis, hut Servln. They mado patriotic dom- many nntlnns would bo surcossrul.
Miiio. Caillaux, Josoph Calllaux do- B imiiiiiihik over wun cuiuusinsm onsirnuoiiB in mo sireois anu Bang wiillo all tho powors aro propnr-
deral Troops Make Success
ful Resistance to the
(Br AMII4 Ptm to Copt liar TIoim.)
ninudod to bo henrd. Ho said: "Tlio ahoiit Coos liny nnd Its possibilities, national anthonis.
Flunro. hnvinir ncniRoil inn imlnv r .Mr. Wllsey was still Insistent tlu.t
suborning wltncssoH, I should like to tl10 Const Itond of tho SoutV.ern Pncl
VKiibinlt to tlm court, hoiiih niiili,niln flo would bo camplotcd within a fow
papers concerning tlio Into Calmotto's clir8 ll(l ll,ni ll wouiu uo mnile tno.
relations with tho Hungarian govern- ' ,'o f the road.
' motit. I have hesitated to use them, Itolatlvo to his ncgotlntlos for tlio'
W. R. McGeome Of Bank Of 1t lwIdod to do bo In view of the Klniioy properties, Mr. Wllsey Bnld
n',.v, c.. r iMKaro's nttltude. I deslro also to "otlilng and all concerning It was
rend tho Into Calmotto's will." giounoti simpiy ny nirorenco rrom
"How did you get thorn?" asked "'s other romarks.
Mnltro Chcnu. HowlHirjs Itoad.
"In tho samo wny that you got my 'Mr' WHoy Intlmnted to friends
lotters," said Calllaux. who then nro- ,'nt "l0 Hoseburg-Coos Hay railroad
needed to read tho will. project had been submitted to him
Commerce of Eugene Gets
the Grimes Property.
A deal wun closed todny whereby
W. It. McOeorgo. of tho Hank or
VBRA CRUZ, July 27.- -Roports Commerce or Kugono, purchned the
m varlfliis points along tho rail- southwest corner or Central and
td fram Vwa Cm, to Mexico City Sixth. Tho property is 100x100 and
llcata that tho Constitutionalists Is a very deslruhlo location. The
not ready to coaso fighting. A property wns sold by Win, Orlnies
rmlsh occurred nt Solednd, whero and Dunnls Flynn. Mcsers. Ur lines
smBll fedarai garrison inane a and llynu boiigbt tho proporty n
Ing ror posslblo oventunlltles. tholr
Btntcsmon, led by Sir Kdwnrd drey,
wero endeavorhig to bring together
tho governments nt Issue, with a
vlow or mediation.
I At tho Sorvlnn legntlou In Lon
don, tho vlow wns hold that eomo
improvement had taken plaro and
this, wns nttrlbutcd to Influenco ox-
Stiinil of fiervln. .
Alex Oeorgovltch, tho first secro-
tary of the Sorvlnn legation, snld:
"Wo havo compiled with ovorythlnic
leewrful reelfltanoo.
prisonment for Desertion
Abolished Dishonorable
Disohargcs Instead.
rRf AMtt4 lrM to Crc nr Tlmn.1
VASIUNOTON. D. C. July 27.
eratary Daniels' order calling
abolition of Imprisonment for
ertlohfrom tho nnvy In times of
ce wa. subject to general com
nt today In naval circles, Tlio
er prevldea for siiinninry dlsmls-
Instaadiof Imprisonment ror blue
ket 'who overstay tholr lenvo,
drunkwhllo on shore, or commit
ilar " brsiaches of discipline, nnd
honorablo dischnrgo or mon who
h'to quit the servlco by merely
undlBK' certain enlistment nllow-
row years ago and, while tho amount
for which lt was sold wna not given
out, It Is understood to huvo beon
a marked Increase over tho purchaso
price. The proporty is Just nerosa
tho Btreot from tho now Conwny
Mr. McGcorgo nnd a couple of
rrlouds woro hero from Kugeno Inst
week and It Is understood that this
Io quo of a number or Investments
thoy aro arranging to mako hero.
flint ilnna twit llminln m. J.n.u.l.
nnd his nssnclntes and In fact It was President WilSOfl SayS U. S. lights. Wo hope Austrln-llungary.
nitiivii ii in ue wns in cuiueruiicu wun . PnlirMi lc tn konn rirnr
of Affairs There.
IB; AukIiM Fmi 10 Coo. II. Tlno.
WASHINGTON, D. C, July 27.
In tho Intorcsts of nenco. will recoc.
nlzo thnt consideration Is duo to an
Independent stut'o nnd bo nvert war.
ir. howover, Austria-Hungary want
war, She will havo scon Hint wo are
prepared to nccopt It In tlio Interests
Tho gravity or tho Kurop-jan sltua- nf tlm itipniiv nf ,.,. tnn
twnrd. but for tlon was roflcctod In nn ohlclal dls- T,0 r.ict that Austrian nmbnBsa
n t ho rigurcd'l'iitfli from 8t. Potoriburs oday. jors nbroad woro willing to discuss
line, tapping aylnn that tho Husslan Minister of tho controvorslnl points with forolKn
or goiithern and control Oregon might
Alex Nygard Claims Hold-Up ,J0 iinod through this port.
i niimA d:j Turner Is CoinJiig.
OH KaiirOaa Bnage Mr. Wllsey was also reticent about
More Bad Checks Mr. Turner, tho Duko or Portland and
a noted 'Kngltsh (financier. How
. Tho police todny nro Investigating evt-'. It was Intimated that the lat
u report that Alex Nygard or Hunker tor might bo on the Day again soon.
Hill was held up and robbed Satur- It seems that tho Duko of Port
day night on tho railroad bridge. 'Bl, Sir Arthur Perks and General
According to tho report to thorn, Ny- Manager Hitchcock of tho McArthur
gard was en routo homo aftor 12 o'- Porks Company, havo been working
clock whon two men accosted him, American projects. Tho Kngllsh
Roy Casey Commits Suicide
Near CoquilleKing Girl
Rejected Love.
Itoy Casey, a young man who had 1 1, . ,iiui,nrnA.i ,.-0va .,
been working nonr Conulllo. com-j withdrew his funds. Ho kept his
IIIIHIHI Mllll'lllf I1V Nllllflllllir IIHIIKMII 1. 1 t I -
took his watch and $2 In cash. They
have not secured n description ot
tho men.
Mine llnd Checks.
Officers on the Georgo W. Rider
stated todny that tho Portland polico
nro seeking a man namod Williams
who wns formerly employed ns watch
man on tho Klder, on tho chargo of
Issuing bogus checks. It is stnted
tl nt Williams opened a checking ac
count In a Marsh field bank and when
souio or tho Itosoburg promoters of
tt o project whllo en routo to tho
ISuy Inst week. Ho stated that if
Mnrshrield and Coos county would do
Its share, tho road would be built.
Ho also Inferret that tho road
might bo extondod enstw
Coos Hay's development
that nnothcr lirnncli lino.
moro southeasterly might bo n good War snld ho considered wnr between governments, nn.i oaimriniiv with
thing, monnlng that nil the products! "UB " n' Austria to bo almost In- nUssln, led to tho belief that nn out-
i ii '. . . i .i I ,ot r tho deadlock would bo round.
Ills statement was mado after tho TJ)0 8t0ck mnrko,8 of Londo nnd
Husslan Ministry, had Issued an of- Kuropenn capitals still displayed a
flclal declaration that Russia wns panicky reeling, although It was not
greatly disturbed and eon d not ro-iBO r0nounced ns on Saturday.
main Indifferent In the cHsIb botweon , slr EdWnrd Grey Invited tho gor-
Sorvln and Austrla-Hungary. The, ornments of Austria, Hungaria, Sor-
order for the complete mobilisation vn nnd Russia to suspend operation.
of tho Russian army was confirmed, ponding tho result of tho proposed
President Wilson snld today In an- COnrorenco which would ho hold I
swor to Inquiries whether tho United London. His HiigBestlon wns that
States would try to bring about peace tll0 Prancj,, Oormnn nnd Italian ara-
n Kuropo that ho had not considered hnBsadors. confer with him In nn cn-
tho subject, but tho traditional poll- .tnnvni- tn oniun m ,nrrin..ii.
a. ltn I1iIa.I atn,.- a. 4nl .... ..I....WU0.
vy mi iiiu uiuiuii oiuii'a nun iiui iu
mix In Kuropenn affairs.
syndlcuto has an immeiiso tract In
central Oregon.
Tho Hoseburg railroad bond sub
sidy election will bo hold onrly In
Octobor and It Is oxpected that on or
boforo that date thoro will bo some
thing doing, In developing this end ot
tho projoct.
Mr. Wllsey left yesterday morning
at fi o'clock, but expects to roturn
hero inside or n month,
Aid ror Hotel.
Saturday arternoon Mr. Wllsey
promised to contribute $3000 to
itilMml Clll.tttln 1... oli.n,l..iy tilmcnlf .... . .1 . mt...l ,1.- ..... .....n. . . .. .. I
s.V, me Bccroinry saiu inni 1110 :. . ------ - r ,. ,.7 . 1 chuck ihiok aim on reiuriiiiiK 10 rori-i ; ; VMU "w" i ihuji m .-"n
erwould result In weeding out tliroiiKh tne no art at tho King ranch , loml proceeded to Issuo checks rroo- "onil. Ho snld that tho improve-(sfi-bles
nnd raise tho general ?,",,'"? 4N!)r.tu I,0or1k ,r, u' Conulllo j ,y On0 , ,, ,oug;,t co cont8. nionts made thoro this summer'
dar4.of tho enlisted porsonnol. , i1',r'u ' ,y ',!'1t- , ; ?Bm ,lwoith or rish and hnd a ?10 check "round his proporty had cost him,
Vv- -' was horo todny, stned that tho sul-, cllBho(1 . Ketti c $9j0. Hoisnlsore- $11,000 but that he was glad to
" '- CKlO WaS (1110 IO (ieS I01K 0I1CV allll ....' 1 ..!. .1 ,.. ... - &nnn,1 tha mnnnv nml ..-llll.,.. in
noma a i vpiaiai m I . .., 1 mimiuu iu uuvu iiisi.tu 11 iiuiiiuer 111 u
(If Auo(llt4 rrw 10 Con Dj TIoim )
j Tlio Greek Minister hero todny do
j dared that In event or war botwee
AiiKiria-iiungnry ami Hervin, urcece
would bo compelled to dispatch 100,
000 troops to tho asslstauco of Sor-vla.
Tohibition Forces .Are
ted on Election and
on Governor.
. .m.(
,.! 1 I !'.' I
uurciiiiiiuii line. alinllnr wnv
.F.,dnV,.?a"j:..w?!l.t.t0 " d.nuh,.ep. X.i.i.SupiH.rt Case.
"' .V. ' N .""'v.,'" ' .l",u. r' " B ' Jud MrDonlols.- who has been om-
v iiiutt (111 u tno iiui po turn h 11 1 vn Mini
doclarod that ho was going to com-
put In a lot inoio ns soon ns they
couiu coutinuo tno systematic Im
provement of tho city.
nlnviul nt tlio Palnro rnstnnrnnl. vn -
,.. n. --. .. U . . ....1.1., ., WW
mlt suicide. ,"".;.. . .i.-.i'rf .- ." i... "5 ", .yu.
This wns tlm Inst RPn nf 1,1m nn.' """" "' "' iiw-iijiiui v . I uin
til his body
Irate Celestials in San Fran
cisco Threaten the Presi
dent's Man.
Or AHOCItted Prni tu coo. Dljf Time
tho last seen of him nn- ...lf0 ' f," wns taken tnPoniiiiio in I 1 Saturday to try and pacify tho ro
' was round A 2B-30 n'e. ,e ', dbxvbr. July 27-Tl.o sepc- volutlonary factious In San Francis-
wont clear through hlsi wB7ecelve ' al commltteo appointed to con- co, has made n hasty dearturo, pro-
nr AuncUteJ I'rt.. to Toot n.r Tlmtt 1
VIKNNA. July 27. Roonrts from
.Hungary stnto that Sorvlnn troops
on n stoamor on tho Danube River
, nonr Temos-Kubln flrnd on soma
Austrian troops. Tlio Austrlnns re
It u mod tho flro nnd an ongugement
'nf Hdinn (nnumiumirn tnnlf nlncn !(
SAN FRANCI3CO, July 27. Chul id considered prolmblo that this Is
Qtial, roprosontntlvo or tho prosldout nnothor vorslon or yesterday's en
of tho Chlnoso Ropuhllc, who arrived counter,
rlflo bullet
Coroner Wilson was notiried, but
when henrlng thnt It wns plainly a
, case or suicide, notified Justlco Stan
ley nt Coqulllo to conduct tho Inquest.
I4wcl.M P-rrti io root nr TlmM
JsUUWiS, Texas, July 27. Though
jpairnB from Saturday a Demo-
riniary aro still incomplete,
towing results are conceded:)
ission ot siaie-wiuo proiuui-
J. K. SCHILLING and daughter, Mrs.
Ill in linrl lionn drnnnnil nn tin h,, riw! I SldOr tllO subject Of tllO IlllUllk'a
ceipts to offset tho evidence In tho motion or tho Westorn Fodora
charKo. Ho was expected to return I t,(m ot Miners and tho Unltod
tonight and resumo his place In tlio I J,lno Workors, mado a report to
Palaco restaurant. I ' ''' to tho annual convention
Three Arrested. I of tho Federation favoring tho
Henry Hunch, Jack Klnjr and Hort1 J P.oject.
Woodbury w'oro tho three nrresta re-
Biimably for Cuba. It Is said that his. I"' Atotutod rr. to cou. n.r Tim..
lire was throntonod. HOMK, July 27. Tho Italian gor-
Tho Chlnoso president lncurrod tho ornmont Infoiined Sir Kdwnrd Grey
wrath or tho Chlnoso In Amorlca by. that it had accepted the Invltntlon to
rofiislng to nnswor telogrums urging
i l.lm to tako moasuros to Improvo tho
! condition or tho Chlnoso In this conn-
win Timers nere. unns. uosner, n -
1 Tl TlAninnt dxni'n nunu ! ..'.. .. 0
v. it wuiiivm, uiwiu uiur ill UlUbnoi-tnil Iti- tlm nn fA mAi Cmw nu
.... - .. . r ii tj. tw iiuiau w i vt uiiinuiiii - - -.---. . . ...,
beaming car rrom Myrtio Point! woodburv was charced with Intnvirn. I resident or tho Hay about twenty" COOS
Mile. f. a n..rwi . nl, i .. . T. . " ..." Z --.. , . - ....a . i , ,.' i
tlon and tne other two with drunken-1 e,,rb "K,',1 U1"- "u" a u,s "enui-iu.i,
near i'oriiano, is visiung irioniis
this arternoon rpr a short visit.
defeated by about 20.000' TKXD .MHKTIXG Tuesday evcnluir.
p. Ferguson, nntl-prohlbitlon- LAUXCII FRKAK leaves overy day
nominated for governor by nt 1:30 p. m. for SOUTH Coos River.
,000 majority. Docks nt CEXTHAL AVENUE slip.
here. Mr. Chambers, who was tho' I
CAUL GIHSSKN, VIOLINIST, m' crack riflo shot of Coos River about
nnimir In covrrnTnt tiinFivvmir twenty-fivo yoara ago, has roturnod
,1 iTt , V. J I. " to visit Cnpt. Llghtner and other
ii.ujij, xiiusuii), utJU n.
"ir n drovo or deor cnpio run- I
iiIiik by nnd ono was shot, how
many would bo loft?"
Answor tomorrow.
Join In tho mediation coiiforouco.
Nn Military Orders Issued In Ger
many I'euding Developments.
inr AHorUtrJ I'rm to Coat IVmy TlmM
RKRLIN, July 27 Tho mllltarr
oloment In Germany cnlnily await
the outcome or tho Intornntlonal r ri
al. It was stated that no orders
had beon Issued to the army in thl
l. 1 .
. -: 1oAj