"!"Eg"Wjg'MMBSffi W"&i 4TAHIffiX. loMidbidWhiMHMriSKHMI miMMWWi!Wr m mi'! in " lHflwpplwwPBlwl'w,' fc ApiF" , ' 'Ti"v7Pir; "SaiSv mm win r ffJ ,l ,w?m'yiiff''ww wxtfwfr&m Tomorrow at rxiox services. The Hilton services of the lo- 1 -1. t. ...Itl I. A l.1.t In flli CUI C'llllIl'llUH Mill Ul' lll-ni 1" "- I I Christian Churrh at s o'clock i ! Sunday evening. Hev. A. F. Uassford of the Itaptlst Church i will bring the message. The , nubile Is cordially Invited. I . ei'iscoiwl ci i men. Itli nnd .Market. I It, E. Drowning. Hector 8 a. in.. Holy Communion. No Sunday School. 1 1 a. m.. Morning Service and Ser mon, with music rendered by full vested choir. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. I Joseph Knotts, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Morning Service at 11 a. m. Epworth League at 7 p. in. Preaching at S p. m. Junior League Service Thursday afternoon at 3:45. Prayer Meeting Thursday oven- Imm ni CAO nVlnnll Morning sermon. "Omnipresence of i UOIl. Mrs. Howard Savage will sing n solo at the morning nervine. Union services In the evening nt the Christian Church. I HEVEXTII DAY ARVENTISTS. Local Elder, J. E. Quails. Hoventh Day Advcntlst services nro conducted every Saturday ni follows: Sabbath School at 10 a. m. llible Study at 11 n. m. Young People's Society at 3 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at .7:30 p. ni, ciimsriAX science Christian Sctonco Hall. 2.17 Third Street North Services nt 1 1 a. in., Sunday and S p. m. Wednesday. Subject, "Truth." Sunday School a' 12 Sunday. Reading room open every day except Sundays and Holidays from 1 to I p. in. AT .THE . 4OTIEO At the Chandler. M. II. Cordon, Ilaudnn: L. I). Smith, Coos River; L. J. Watson, San Francisco; Mrs. II. Vnlllno, South Inlut; Mrs. L. Stengel, Krultvnle; .Inck Murshall. San Francisco; J. C. llnnson, Portland: Mrs. Mary Mc Crnckon, Heaver Hill; II. W. Xoner, Portland; C. J. Howard, San Fran cisco; William J. Wllsey, Portland; Miss Anna Wagner, Portland; Mr. nnd Mrs. W. M .Hamilton, Salem; Perry Shoud, Portland; J. II. Mar tin, North Slough. At tho Lloyd. W. T. Ilaxley, Herkoloy; C. A. Oourloy, Myrtle Point; William Frn llrk, Portland; C. Hasting, Denver Hill; L. Drown, Denver Hill; F. W. Kt. Heaver Hill; F. M. Addison, iyrue 1'oin' At f.'ie St. IjiHTcnee. " John Cclliol, Orand RnjiIdH; L. (. Masters, Sumner; Annn Sprague. -'Isthmus Inlet; J. W. Hart, Spokane. At the niiiucii. Oscar Franz, Conledo: Raymond nunls Cofiullle; C. D. Hitter. Cold Tjill; h. E. Hender. Myrtlo Point; ; ).- ,,rJ'nt. Knllspoll, Mont.; J. W. Weaver. Cleveland; John Mezllla, J ortland; Maurice Moore, Hosehurg; ' !?' (J.rcon I'nrtlnml; II. L. Hnrt, Portland; w. Lnrson. Coqullle. All Over Oregon fi'!i:,!n',0,Ul)AUI,0"" " forest fire danger Is greatest now than for any time this year, there nro no had fires burning now. Prnctlcnllv all Jlres are now under control, ac'coid lug to n report of tho officials of the Hon -y nro Patrol Assoeln- SALEM. The published report or aml,mn-,BOiVrrM,,,,,',,,,,,U,u'ai",' ami Hoy r. Hrown n,ius out nu or- ,",p' , ,0. Ifriiiiin from apparent- reliable source wems to have leen frninw np for u pracihal jX; niliinkn ,"',ll,,r,"!"1, " ere,ablo mistnko.- Capital Jmirual. (1HANT8 P'"k?-w Hie very fmv ebluook il:,.ii ,-,, ,, ,,,,,,0,. !r now. n,l most of tho boa V or ho eoumimlnl fll,lug ft0, ,,,,v IbwmtiiuuMi fhhinu. only th . HWU we out Inst nlubT n ml ,u I I H ...i.i.iiiumi mien was ISO pounds. i J rc his i .k vtm 'lis ' A ITER ;ill YEARS ,,,i Cm, J"'?1- "riner resident of ((te and Curry Count if. who ! ourly duys spent Wl,n, iii1(. iinin; rlva ywterday. Mr. AnKl ',,,. hestt Darin nv. ik .. ' "" Ou of the flit men he mer y.Jt, r. , hey monlml each other by rh , Z ,"i,W ,',n,' ,,wn '""OWtllllleil llt SNIil hi' In. 'in., I I,. jNinal to walkln to tht old' scenes In the miniiiK ,,., ,. , ,,,,"" Cree ami Sixes lthir. Myrtle Point Hutorurlse. ' ",t Llbby COAL. 'Hie Klml Vflir !,,.. ALWAYS USED, Plume 71'. Pacific JJtery and Truusfer Coiiiiauy. I J-1. "V the Churches christian ciintcn l . . Samuel Gregg, Minister, . . Residence, 2S0 North Eleventh Phono -102. Cnrvlnna na fnllnwa nt ltn Cllllrrll corner Sixth and Central: : Regular morning service beginning with the Itlble Sihool at H) o'clock. t'nlon services In the ct enlng nt S o'clock. Hev. Uassford will preach this sermon. , Hev. Samuel Gregg will preach the I sermon for the Union Meeting In North Hond next Sunday night. Ser vices will be held ill the M. E. ! Church. CATHOLIC CHURCH I NORTH HKXI) Row Father McDevItt- Mass will be celebrated Sunday morning nt S by the Hev. Father Munro. I ITHST IIAPTIST ClimCH Albert F. Uassford, M. A. ! Residence CG.'l So. llth street I 59-X Dlblo School at 10 a. m., with graded classerand coiupetent teach ers. Morning Worship nt 1 1, with ser- . mon uy rnsior imssioni. I Young People's service nt 7 for .one hour. A special Invitation it extended to all young men and wo- men. I Music nt both services by a large nmrus cuoir urnier rroiossor ucorge Ayre. A cordial welcome Is extended to all. I NORTH DHXD UNITARIAN 1 A. 11. Sargent, Minister. v Loggle Hull, Sunday evening. Children's Church, 6 p. m. Prenchlng service, S p. m. Subject of sermon for Sunday, July 2, "Tho Good Enemy." UNITED DRETHREX CHURCH NORTH HKn Mrs. It. N. Lewis. Pastor 4 Sabbath School nt 10 a. in. Christian Endeavor nt 7 p. m. Preaching nt 1 1 n. in. nnd S p.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday eve ning nt S o'clock. 4 XORTH REND I'RESRVTERIAN I Rev. irederlck Shlmlnn, Pastor . 0 Sunday School, 10 u. m. PrenchliiK. 1 1 n. ni. C'hrlstlHii Endeavor, 7 p. ni. PrearliliiK, S p. in. CATHOLIC ClIl'ltCH .MARSH FIELD I - Muss will be celobrntod nt 10 o'clock Sunday morning by Rev. Enther MeDovltt. NORTH REND CHRISTIAN pmrirrir Mrs. S. nrnci?. Mlnlolnr PrenchlnB at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m Dlblo School, 10 a. in. ,METIIODLST CHURCH I HCV. A. S. Illsnw Pnnlnr I Nnrrh rtonrt . a Tho services Sunday will bo as follows-; Sunday School nt 10 n. m. Vesper Circle nml Rnwnrih i.nmo at 7 I), in. Sermons by tho Pastor at 11 n. m. nnd S p. ni. I I'RESDYTERIAN CHURCH. I i Hlblo School nt 10 n. in. Prnyer MeotlnB on Thursday ovo nlni; at S o'clock. Special music nt both services. I SWEDISH EVANOELICAL I I LITIIERAN CHURCH. Sundny School at Di-tr. a. m. No prenchlng service. j NORWEOIAN LUTHERAN. I Rov. It. o. Thorpe T i ForVlces Will lin Iiolil I,. tk v weglnn Lutheran Chapel at Marsh field Sunday nt 1 1 n. in. Services will b0 hold In tho Nor jyeghin Lutheran Chapel nt North Rend, Sunday, at 7 H.I p, m Don't take any chances Aetna-ize See io or phono me at once and Marshflelil E. I. ' ttBREAD fee' ijijBmrri, Vij.i -y., -mmr ia PENNOCK" BROTHERS" "-v.mium, AD IIEATINf tmmtmtt m9 THE LIFE CAREER "Schooling in nu!h hoill1 Inrartably ht dlrrclnl to ptfMff a ifroii In the test T fi thr l,rt ivfninncnl occupation lot which be t capable ' I'rtMiImlC V Kllol Till ' thr Mission of th I l:nrtvlth Scluiol Vcar Open SKPTKriBKR uStli. 1914 I Write lor illuotr lint 10.. plgr Huok j let. " I HIJ I It-S CAR! U " .ind loi Ota I log Mint lining lull mfor tn.it ) rgt c-Vimmci A'lHirtM rtlR!' ! Ae.ronnm v. Aium.il Husbandry, M.ilry Hus bandry. Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture. Acrlniltutr for Teachers. PORt-STRV, LOfitilNC. PNC.INMRINO. HOMh KCO NOMICS. I inmestic Science, OomrMIc Art, KNOINI t-RiNO: Kledrltal. Irrigation, Hlghuav, .Mechanical, Chemical, .Mining. Ceramics CO.MMLRCi:. PHARMACY Industrial arts J'iii(joijc"cn-AKrlfulture, Dairy ing.. Horn- Makers' Course. Industrial Arts. PnrrtFV. Ruslness Short Course. SrhiHtl of Vi.tr Piano, String, Band, Volie (.ultutr. Fanner Bminr Coiirtr by Mail Free. AddlfM Tlln KKCISTRAK, (tw.7..Mo -P) CoralII, Oregon HOTEL DOTSON C. A. llnnson, Proprietor Now open under new management. A homo placo with homo cook- Itlrr nnrvml In fnmlli oti'ln Tlnnril and room, $G.50 per week. 31 G South Second St., Phono 1C7-J. TOR RENT riiritl.slieri Hvo-iooni housekeeping apartment. 413 No. Second street. BUY THE VERY BEST 44 0 JtAD17 UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED .MILK AND CREA.M. PURE ICf Free delivery, 8 n. in. and a p. in Phono 7:1 STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, llronildo Enlarging nnd Kodak Finishing. GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL .MAKES OF CARS !M7 Central A v. Phono :7:Mj DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHFELD BROS. missen building i Central Avenue ' Yourself Today i Wil explain U to you. . Aetent ;:iq Coko Hiil'dlng. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEG IHtKAI) .MAKES DRAWN, nnd good. puro. wholosomo, nour- S'lL mCatl nnmkeH ,,0- "'8"'' r ?b. fh?ii,yl 0,r1Hr8n,, ' 'a,1 fo, tie finest bard Winter wheat the K u ten and phosphates. Consequent' I It s 1 1. 1, I,, nutrltloM. and s ab solitdy p.,re in eve,y particular of1 bnkinuanc hjiuiiin a' i ,..". t ' costs but little numey "'S ,0a' Coos Bay Bakery J Ho place for good goodies. Mars.., Ave. Phone I ILL ' i rtii "Wiani ijli . - iH . 'r, ',"-'yfif ' li'l'IfWWftft imHiB GROCERIES of a High Standard of Quality PRICES that arc Right all tho time, SERVICE that is satisfactory, DELIVERY that is Prompt and Particular, These Arc Our Business Principles. Conner &h Hoagland DEALERS lll 7I7 SOITII IJROADWAY Convenience and Safeguard If you linvo ever stumbled on tho lurk lmseinent steps, you can renl I70 lmt n convenience It Is to linve nn Electric Light Sultcli nt tlie head of tlio stairs. When plnnnliig jour new liiuue or tho iciniHlclIng of jour pie-ent Inline, don't forget the switch on (he basement stairs, or the swllcli to light (lie second floor lights fioni (tie first floor. sr r A KINDLY KEMKM13EB AND GIVE US A TRIAL KVERYTIIINO IN THE DAKERV LINE AEAKSriFJEI.D BAKING COiMPANY VMl NORTH SECOND ST., NEAR CENTRAL AVENUE. PIIO.VI3 .8. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has been n hobby with us for n good many years nnd n lot of our eiiHtoinors will tell you when It comes to getting good, sound, durable framing material nt tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build and tho amount you want to spoiitl nnd wo'll got busy with our pencil nnd flguro out tho best your monoy can buy. Try us. 0. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO 11V USING OUR WOOD PHOM, 1IM. FLANAGAN & BENNEH BANK OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Vnii on Time Deposits Officers! - J. Y. Ilennett, President. J. II. Flnnngan, Vlce-IVesldent. R. P. Williams, Cashier. Geo. P. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. I zzz Don't be Held Up nepo-lt your money with us, open n checking account, nnd you wonf have to worry about holdup men. Nt 0ly will you guard ,,. thieves getting your money, but yon will ho protoctod against losing It, Another ,o.ou for currying blt account Is that It will l.ol,, on to snvo monoy-tho temptation to spend or fritter It away "HI not be so groat when you Bro not carrying pookc, f ull of loose clmiigo. In Haying your accounts by chock v,... i.n. " i tnotK, jou have n double receipt and nro conducting your affahsi i.. ,. i . 3 """ ,, " 1'uslnoHBiiko ,nnnuor Don t wait until you livu lion i ,.., t mu I00 to oiiun an ueoount do It with ?1 or $5 and do It today. Drop in and lot us oxplaln It u 10 with banking. First, National Bank of Coos Bay ' J J rnngement8B GOOD GROCERIES. IMIOXEH :t IH-.I AXU :ji(l Reiiiemlier to Include closet lights, porch lights, Imsehourtl sock ots for (lie flat Irons unci other nppllnuces. It's simpler nml less expensive to plan thcc things before tlio actual work Is stnrteil. SEE YOUR ELECTRICAL DEA1. ER or telephone to us. Oregon Power Company TcH'phoue 178. Cor. Second nnd Central. jus SOUTH IlltOADWAY you If you nro not familiar """" -rr s i"UJ r v i i NOiBU MHjM RPVarR mtui j(jBf m lii'1lIJ f--rJ Hfi 31 5t. fVff.T ''' ' I Hl'1.1 BHlWlP y-' . "K ' ' Pni.lt . . . :: Hlt ' :m I . . 'PI M. ri'!h0I"'3lH',Alt,A I Dill Bvcr, "Win without d, n:t vBi ''"ono 132-L. real T, "- th0 ; J?,? I Ostlind oto1- I'lAXo Tii. Lcnvn n.j. 1 S.tfR' - u. 111. . "ui i I. M. ur;,LDular. , """Good -lmme C 0. Gosfi,Z7 "S Iff Sjii, Dr. H. M.&. trl1 ,, I'JP. l4r,jlarshl DR. MATtii'. .i.1l. oKteThift-" m lka .. nnka wis. t-arnngsransfei Tiunm,vi in Hesldences-.j Benjamin 0s -'O.V.SL'lTlCtU).u Offices. . Phono M'-eJjpU "-Si.itl, W. G. Chanftu-j. Kooms 301 i:j, Mrto- .- NO B Wm. S. Mint?'0 j . Pnrl Rilnu Dil. riA.MST I?111 Itcstdenco StiJi Tin 1 F CI nmrlv NQ1C LET 11 NOR C..A. i YOUR i- Title & Trl'S V thorouKbljr Nor dlnto service. ft to all lolerwiancy MINI M n C I. S. KAJffe . CLE;1 VI'TH CITY AOT0 AJ1JL A now UiloDUUb ny auto ienltiioyL!' Wlll go smwtni5y Dlanio Cl Ka; v Night phont IIH' " ' ' ' Tom oooDiajiii MX, Missel) Scnlp Trrsllaf "fjl UUi wroa.n My Ohti rrs ; . Is Tor Ssle Wkincn serlptlou 'llb -prl. THo Ceiitrftl yx"' YOU AUTO ttv jen pnR m- Foiir good cari!A For night &, I D.LffRPf ""wired lunni f rnin' T cewn YOURl1 i uuiiw ' .i m?r TO US BTJKJ WILL I,'CISI iCI OX IIS' l-Jf. wirvTte coos BJISES HU1. I IMIOXI3 07J- I " .1 FlTi r ! ' ..i.,.. vonr l """b j lis " kodak nndl" row " ,i School onfdl a specif" Sou li ""', u Launch w"t leaves, 8 a. B., DOW !"", ! a. ... rs? m. wee. fi VOT Cnai'" rnngements. 'UtiY .SSsT m- eefc.Mrtef?BH I I nU " ..aiiH.B hltV.,KiPMi IMrtffH! IMlliSfmnKHidTnflBMEHmi 9!m KKwsW rnz7T faLBlHK H