mpm jeoweu -osteal I r 1FMW""!'W,( tw PfHHfllHi'f 2?H s f)f.'l.rt -it, f. !A, y, -. .. ,--.. . Tf 17 FT ' ' 1 CI r't f I A f a 'Dind This Store . 't bcenour purpose to make tliis ijood clothes tnplpigin size, liniher till our thoughts, our lmvc.luiQii directed towttrd milking it geuu- Seulpli6niinunity a real public benefit. Itbi'1' stcii&Opiisistent growth is not due to us, so ,8 ifais'tq the, steadfast loyalty of our patrons. '3lleieir wnyp'Jtolliiig us that they believe in this ls. niprgliaiidisc and its policies; that this is VI oikstdrcj they wan ( and til ways have wanted. S;PPBNMBIEK CLOTH KS $20 TO 10 . .l.vQthers $8.00 to 2r F1XUP taL '' ,i'vv -4 hm"i ...ft Agents Royal Tailors ,.fiel(l ft ' North Bend WPw 5REVITIE5 JULY TIDES Below 1b given tlio tlmo and height of high nnd low water at MnrshfJeld. The tides nrc placed In the order of occurrence, with tholr tlnica on lio first linn nml heights on tho llii" of each day; n eompnr isnn of lunsi'i'iitlvo heights will ln 1 Irate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar two hours :u minutes. fl-ltnit 2 5 1 1 ra . I Ft.. iroiiii-H . I Ft.. 27111. I Ft.. 28'llrs. Ft.. lng n bill up for providing funds for moving tho life-saving station and says Chnnihorlaln will got a $12,000, 000 appropriation nt the next ses sion of Congress to restore the Coos liny Jetties. ( hllil Dlox. Miss IVarbnrn Lucy Puvne, the Il-nionths-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Payne, died nt their home about C o'clock this morning. She had been ailing for sonic time nnd although every ef fort and caro wns exerted by the parents, It was In vain. She was the only child and the heartfelt sym pathy of a host of friends is extend ed to t!'.c bereaved couple. Tho fun eral will Ite Htrlitly private and will bo conducted from tin l'ayne home nt South Fifth ami lugorsoll Sun day afternoon, the Rev. It. 13. Drown ing offlt luting. $jg>Mx UR ANNUAL SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE See Fr'duy, Jllli, Capers (1 'MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS i rulay, unicr8 Mi AND FURNISHINGS f), ?l8.C0'nnd-ir () $22.50. $25.00 and Q4 Q nr ) SUITS .WaiOiuU ?-'7.50 SUITS ... uHOiJU "tJ3oloo, $2.50 nnd mni OP Why so reasonable? Because we sell for Cash. '' SEE WINDOWS 20 30 31 llrs. Ft.. Ilrs. Ft.. Ilrs. ,im.. 3.37 C.3 1.23 ti.O r,.i3 5.0 (1.07 1.1 1.08 0.9 2.1C 0.7 3.20 0.1 10.00 0.0 10.11 0.3 1 1.21 0.1 0.00 fi.O 7.10 1.5 8.35 4.1 10.01 a. it 1.51 5.0 5.27 5.8 tl.07 0.0 12.00 0.7 12.11 1.2 1.3C 1.8 2.41 2.3 10.20 1.0 11.11 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.4 9 0.0 7.38 0.1 8.33 CO 9.37 0.0 local temperature record For the 24 hours ending nt 1:43 a. m.. July 25. by HonJ. Ostllml, special government me teorologist: Maximum 07 Minimum 43 At 4:43 n. m 41 Precipitation 00 Preclpltntlou since Sept. 1, 1913 00. Gl Precipitation same period last year 04.81 Wind: Northwest; clear. Off for Rovcburg. Four passen gers left this morning on the Marsh-tleld-Itoseburg auto line. Hide KitrMluniii. I.. L. Thomns, Archie Johnson and Tom Hums cs snyed the surf-bonrd ride UiIb afternoon. aseball -MORROW CLASSIFIED Candy .Man Here. J. W. Vognn, president of the Modern Confection ery Company of Portland. Is spend ing n few days hero as the guest of W. C. Bradley. .Motorcycle Collision. Last even ing an auto driven by Sharkey Phil lips and a motorcycle ridden by Max Krugcr collided at the comer of Second nnd Commercial. Kruger was slightly hurt and the motorcycle pretty badly smnshed. The auto be longed to liny Mnrtln. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY BAY VS. "SMITH MILL -THIS IS THE SECOND FOR SI.E Furniture for H-rnnni house. 187 South Second. 'A 1. SERIES OF FIVE GAMES THOSE WISHING Good Imnrd nml room, call at 229 S. Broadway. 'WOULD 1,1 KE To exchange plimo, picture and cblnn for camping out fit. Answer 1021 Ingersoii Ave. ti mission 25c Mill SALE A beautiful Ill-room I home, with two big lots, In one of tho beauty spots of Marshfleld. Price ridiculously low for tiulck rale. 1. S. Kanfinnn & Co. WANTED iRAND THEATRE O-NIGHT iCT OFWKHING OF LI liXHHU WIOTOIMjAYS i?lllfi TANGO CHA'.E" lllcklng comedy prpducod vo reels, based on tho ) that has created such a the World ovor. No ono e this dellsh ful comedy ut wantlns to tango too. i winner. A THOUSAND DOLLARS SHOUT" feature Patho drama, fea K Crane Wilbur, la one of beet offerings In a slnglo for Borne tlmo. You can ifford to,imlfla this lntor g draa.' CIIK WKEKIiY No. at" teat' Hventa In Pictures. ItONCHO HILLY GUN " MAN" picture features Miss on and G, M. Anderson In adyiWeetern story. Miss on Is "the charming little m that made Marshfleld dt R few weeks ago and r of' her trliyids requested iaasjement of this piny 4 te.get some of the pic ,' la' which she has taken Ia'lthla western play Miss on daee some excellent . aa4' -demonstrated her r'y .vas a motion picture lm VLtft'J WAXTI'.n T buy ImntlntiiM not less than 22 ft. Inside. Apply Ilrowory Saloon. FOR RENT VtiLvr. i TMUi'vra OMISSION ta-eif0 br Adults 15c nWOSIONl)AY AND .TIJESI1AY imiu.-:, LlMIUTAT SL1K11A- ktti:" thatTevory woman ought lnim that every man IMiaee u reels or real I'Olt HUNT Fuiiilhhed two-room hoiiFokcoplug npartment. 413 No, Seccnd streot. l'OU lti:.NT Sleeping rooms nnd housekeeping apartments. 321 South Urondwny. I'Olt HUNT Tuo nicely furiiMuHl bedrooms In prlvato family. 352 First street North. ! I'Olt HKXT ViiniMietl room, mod I ern, 241 Commercial. I'Olt HUNT Itoom, nml Itoiud for gontlemau. 345 N. First, I'OK lli:.T (1-riHim furnished Iioiiko for summer. Phone 372-J, or call 5G1 Sovouth street, south. FOR HUNT House of ft rooms nnd bath, In good ordor. 1029 Cen tral. Apply McPhorson-QInser Co., Phone 211-L. FOR SALE f FOIt SALF 1 Rood team, weight 2G00, $150. P. Clmlnlo, Lakeside, FOH SALR CIIHAl' 2fl.foot cnbln launch, Union engine, big bargain, best ranch boat on Day. Inquire at Times Office. FOH SALK-S-Siv-buriier gas range, equipped with oven and coal or wood burner with waterfront. A-l condition and cheap for cash. Ap ply Times office. I AGENTS WANTED. o WANTFl), AVO.MHN Soli KUiirun teed hosiery to frlonds and neigh bors; 70 per cent profit; make $10 dally. Experience unneces sary. International Mills, Vox 4029, West Philadelphia, Pa. Fruit Scai re. Fruit and vegeta bles on the local market are rather scarce as a result of no boats be ing In from San Francisco for a fuw days. Even the Coos Itlver ranch ers were short on a number of kinds of vegetable, saying that It Is Just between crops for them. Answers in Kinney Suit. Attor ney Hryson, who Is now In North Ileud, sayH nearly all the auswors In thu mattor of the receivership of I.. I). Kluuey Vnvo been filed and that ho expects little or no testimony to be taken In the large majority of Judgment creditors. Femes Tract. It. K. Shine and Others who are opposing the open "lng of Curtis avenue to n width of tdxty foot hnvo ronred In tholr lotB lout to the fifty throo foot mnrk. Whether the city will nllow the fence to remain Is a question Hint will probably ininn up at Monday night's Council meeting. Jinny on Stum There woro twen ty Incoming passengers on tho Ornln stage lino this morning, requiring threu iiutos to bring them down tho bench from Ciardlner. Capt. Corn wall Is said to be figuring on chnng- i lug Ills stngo line from Drain to Floronco as soon ns tho Southorn Pacific establishes train sorvlco from Kugcno to tho Siuslnw point. Corrects Wrong; Impression. Iel CI. Duncan of tho local Moose Lodge wishes to correct tho Impression Hint Is abroad that only members of the Moose lodgo nro entitled to enter tho contests for tho Mooso Dny cele bration. Tho public nt largo Is In vited to attend and to participate in all sports, and entries may bo regis tered with F. Q. Morton. Flks Practice. Tomorrow tho Mnrshflold Elks will practlco nt tho North Dond ball grounds nt 10 o'clock and every Elk who has any Indication of becoming n ball player Is notified to bo out. The practlco Is tho first of tho preliminaries for tho gamo at Hoseburg In lAugust, and Don Gardiner, tho conch, says ho will have n real classy bunch. l'lniik Alley. Chns. Doano nnd other property owners In South Marshfleld are ondenvorlng to hnvo tho alley betwoon Broadway and Second streot, extending from Cur tis to Mall, planked with tho old planking torn out of Broadway. While somo of the old planking Is useless, considerable of It Is good, and by utilizing It tho alley could bo improved at a slight cost. Jloves Business. F. O. Morton has completed tho moving of tho stock of tho Allen & Lewis Company Into its now qunrtors on South Broadway. Tho front of tho ware house Is to be improved and other changes made, but bo has arranged things temporarily. Mo now has much needed room to caro for tho rapid growth his business has been enjoying. PEOPLE YQ01 W "-' ' um.iiir . j Wmm ABOUT W. .T. KINO wob In from Jlllllcoma today on business. ri ' HOY IIOKHLLH ennio down from North Bend yestei day on business. JAY MONTOJOMHItY Is In from his ranch at Bridge for u few dnys. W. II. MOHOAN. of Dnnlols Creek, wns n Mnrshflold visitor todny. A. J. MENDEL returned Inst evening from n business trip to Portland. J. W. CATCHING, of Catching Inlet, was n .Marshfleld business visitor todny. MRS. CAUL EGENHOFF of South Coos Itlver visited friends In tho city todny. JULIUS LABSON and daughter re turned today from a short stay on tho Siuslnw. CHAS. MAMOFFEY. of Coos Itlver. was a business visitor In Mnrsh flold today. J. II. DAVIS, of Coos Itlver, wns In .Mnrshflold todny on business nnd pleasure. CAPT. DUNSEN, of tho Cnpo Arngo Lighthouse, wns n Marshfleld vis itor today. WM. BONEBIIAKE and daughter, of Catching Inlet were Marshfleld visitors today. JUDGE MALL left on tho Marshfleld Itosehurg auto yesterday morning for Coqulllo. MUS. JOHN JIIIIHASOUL nnd .chil dren returned today from a visit at Myrtle Point. CAHL GHISSE.Y, VIOLINIST, will nppesir in COXCEHT at tlio FINNISH HALL, Tuesday, JULY 28. Defends Chamberlain. The Port land Journal has a three-ounrter column Interview with Hugh McLaln of Mnrshflold, denying tho statement of Cnpt. Mncgonn that Senntor Chamburlnin hnd not done anything for Coos nay. Mr. McLnln gives Chnmberlnln credit for passing the bill to close Mill Slough, for get- J. L. SMITH, Coos County Agricul turist, camo over from Coqulllo today on business. PAUL DIMMICK, tho North Bond lumberman, was a Marshfleld bus iness visitor today. WESLEY SEAMAN camo down from the Orchnrd on South Coos Klvcr nnd spent the day In town. MIPS JOAN FITZOEHALD. of North Inlet, came In this morning on the North Star to do somo shopping. MAYOIt F. E. ALLEN and Eugono Crusthwalte returned todny noon from a business trip to Sluslaw points. MISS ANNA CLINKINBEAUD, of Coos Itlver, camo In this morning to visit somo frlonds and do n 1 It tlu shopping. MBS. MEHBEHT HOGERS, of Coos Itlver, came In on tho Itnlubow this morning to nttond to u mat ter of business. W. E. BEST loft for Bnndon this nf teruoou nftor looking after the Interests of tho Estnbrook com pany on tho Bay. MR. MAGEE, representing Lnngloy & Michaels of San Francisco, will lonvo Monday for Hiirokn after mnklng tho county trip. W. O. CHANDLER nnd wlfo and B. I. Chnndlor left this aftornoon on the Pronto for Allegany to meet Mr. r.nd Mrs. W. S. Chandler. HUNTERS ATTENTION You know thnt when August 1st comes you wnnt thnt venison, nnd In order to get It you must hnvo the proper Firearms nnd Ammunition. Wo carry a complete line of Winchester, Snvngo and Remington Rifles also Hunting and Skinning Knives. (Jet Your I'lililng Tackle and Accessories. See- Cs. Schroeder & Hildenbrand GENERAL REPAIRING HARDWARE AND PLUMBING 00SE JOTTING You do not have to be a Moose to enter contests for prizes on MOOSE DAY, AUGUST 4TH. All are eligible. All entries should be ,:de to F. C. Horlon not later than Saturday, August 1st. Everything is lovely and a good time assured. WATCH THIS SPACE. T. Boldon. Mrs. Snndon Is a niece of Mr. Boldon and Mr. Saudou hns been In tho big C. A. Smith mill for five years, as a setter on ono of tho carriages. Coqulllo Sentl nol. 'W' Bit. II. K. KELTV, DENTIST. Phono 112-J, Room 204. Coke Bldg. FLOWER SHOWS ON SATURDAY LOCICHAHT-PAHSONS DRUG CO. TO HAVE DAHLIA AND SWEET PEA CONTESTS AT BUSY COB NEIt AND SCANDINAVIAN DRUG STORES AUGUST I. Next Saturday, August 1, tho Lockhart-Pnrsons Drug Company will hold tholr annual flower shows., Tho Dahlia Show will bo held at the Busy Comer and thrco substan tial prizes will bo awarded first, second nnd third, Tho Sweot Pen Show will bo hold nt tho Scandinavian Drug Storo and threu substantial prizes will also be awarded thoro. i The conditions nro: I Flowers must hnvo been rnlsed In Coos County, nnd hothouso flowers nro bnrrod. Competing bouquets miiBt bo brought to storo boforo D o'clock p. m., Saturday, August 1. No entry leo charged. Prizes will be nwnrded nt 0 o'clock by three Judges, to bo named later. Last year the flower show scored a distinct hit nnd It Is believed that the shows this year will be oven greator. TiTe Royal TONIGHT The House of Big Features .MISS .MABEL FORD Will Sing Two Now and Pleasing Songs. "BLOOD WILTj TELL" A Lubln Drama of Powerful Heart felt Interest. "THE INTRUDER" ' A Nestor Drnmn of tho West. "SAVING THE CHILD" A Joker Detective Comedy. "WINKV WILLY'S JIAA'IJIS" A Mellcs Comedy Full of- Fun. "UNIVERSAL IKE (JETS A GOAT" Featuring Augustus Carney, tho World's Colebrnted Cowboy Comedian. Five Heels of the Icadlng Photo plays. ADMISSION Lower Floor Iftc Balcony 10c I If iv .Monday Night "TILVI'PED IN THE CASTLE OF JIVSTEHY" A Wlcrd Ghostly Story of n Gang of Counterfeiters nnd Their Capture, In Six RcelB. Here Tuesday Night Daniel Frohmnu Presents JAM KM O'NEILL In His Famous Version of Dumas' Masterpiece "THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO" Heiv Wednesday Night. "The WORLD, tlio FLESH and the DEVIL" In Six Rcols. DEALERS IN SCHOOL SUPPLIES ALL I.OYAI1 MOOSE WILL AT TEND .MEETING Tuesday ovenliiRV Tho following supplies will bo used next year In Marshfleld City Schools: substitutes cannot bo ac cepted: Prang il-A Water Colors, tho Prang Co., Chicago. "Crayo," Colored Art 'Crayons, Atkinson, Mentzor& Orover, Chicago. Muplo Foot Rulers In tho QUAR TER INCH ONLY. (To bo sold, not glvon nway.) School will re-opon September 14. F. A. TIEDGEN, i Suporlntondont. ! NOTICE. Wo hnvo leased, roniodolcl and re furnished tho building on tho corner of Third nnd Commercial, formerly known ns tho Portland Motol, which will hereafter ho known ns tho Mnrshflold Motel. Everything clean nnd up to date. Glvo us a trlnl nnd bo convlncod. MR. AND MRS. GEO. II. HUGHES. K00NTZ GARAGE Excelsior Motorcycle Agency '4 LEE TIRES AUTO.MOHILES STORED COOS COUNTY'S .MOST COJIPLETB .MACHINE SHOP MARINE AND AUTO.MOBILK REPAIRING GASOLINE FOR SALE NORTH FRONT ST. PHONE 180-J BA1TEHIES REPAIRED AND CHARGED ARE YOU BOTHERED Will. rfit..a' If an vmi itrn ilnnrlv. ed of half tho pleasure of life pleasant walking and healthy oxor clso. A visit to Mrs. Olivia Edmiiii, Scientific Chiropodist, Ap't it, O' Councll Bldg., will bo tho Bourco of a pormnuont remedy for aching foot. ALL LOYAL JIOOSE AVILL AT. TEND MEETING Turxdny evening; S'tcnd Sunday up Coos Itlver nt Goodwill's. 158-R PHONE 1 0 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY MR. AND MRS. E. D. NOONAN. of Coos Rlvor, came In on the Rain bow this morning to do somo shop ping and visit n few friends. F. A. GOLDEN returned today from Coqulllo, where ho has been as sisting in compiling tho annual re port of tho Coos County schools. HERBERT LOCKHART returned yesterday from his South Coos River summer home, whore his family Is now located for the bal ance of tho season. MR. AND MRS. JOHN FITZGERALD of this city returned this morn ing aftor spending a fow days at tho Herbert Rogers home on Coos River. FRANK DENNING. Geo. Rotnor, Harold Rotnor, Dr. Vaughn and Fortl Painter will leave tomorrow for Wild Horso Prairie, Curry County, where thoy will enjoy a fow weeks' deer hunting. JlltS. D. E. MALONEY and daugh ter and Miss Ruth Alton rotumed today to the Goodwill placo on Coos River .nftor a short visit in town. Mrs. W. J. Mill nnd bnby nnd Mrs, Nelson nnd bnby, of Bun kor Mill, nro also staying at tho Goodwill place. MR. AND MRS. ALEX SANDON and three children camo over from Marshfleld Sunday In their enr and took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. A. V Aft v.ji . 1 tt A i AIZ vift. PKY'-iL vfvt. . I fiviJw lW&'AiA. j? nu i i u r i ? i i D)iogejAe0 0; aV Z ea nZct7 jsup.r i ' ", 7 . VWklizKe. I L "' V-'wrifWMHimiiii t ii u .'.'IMnv'v j Because I Take Two Papaya Digestant Tablets after each meal." You, too, may get rid of your indiges tion, sour stomach, gas and all your other stomach trou bles, by the regular use of these tablets. 50c the bottle. For Sale by Us Only ' S hi fsk-1 ljMWm