Mmuuv.k-am HHMUW "JWWySSi btitmM mms .!-.. . . .,.,i)?m rf THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEU), UHhUUN, iiAIUWAi, JULi a, tm-ccwwu c,... FOUR .. " ... -SJftvu'. " li I v w b I fl III m a th1 trl nil to 80 I COOS BAY TIMES ,,,.. .? j.n. ..m c r nuiu, "i. ... - -- --- from London Town to John o Oront s. the women, ror men- iircciuim ' kvoodle. shriek ami elp. So let us atlHtl ami thankful be Hint In this country of the free, the women nre more wise; In gentlemanly stylo they tight, that they may gain their sa-(i-p rlsht. the ballot, bless their ejesl Walt Mason. m r. MU.oVHV. .Kdltor nml Tub. PAV K. MA LP SKY. ..News Kdltor i...nnrpit nt tlin Pnstofflce at Mnrsh- Oroecn. for transinissiuu 1 field through the malls as second-class mall matter. An Independent Uepuhllcan new published every evening except Sunday, mid Weekly by trim too- Uny Times JubljsliljigCo. Dedicated to the service of the people, that no good causo Btaall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrive unopposed. SCHSCHIPTION ItATKS. DAILY. Ono year $S'j0 ppr month u ' WHKKLY. Ono vear . $ 1.50 Wh n paid strictly In advance, the Subscription price of the Coos Bay Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.5o for six months. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMKS "IIOXKSTV" IX ADYKUTLSIXG THE keynote, the Associated Ad vertisers' (invent Ion IipII in the rity of Toronto last week, sounded most vigorously, was that of honesty In advertising. Tho ad vertisers nnd publishers present, In the adoption of standards, declared for tho sale of advertising as a com modity on a basis of proved circula tion and the service the paper will render the manufacturer or the mer chant, the publisher to provide tho fullest Information regarding tho character of such circulation and how procured. Moat of the men who attended that convention were expert adver tising men who look at advertising for what It Is worth and live men In tho nowspaper business who de sire that tho advertiser shall re ceive it return from his advertising proportionate to his expenditure. Tho merchant or manufacturer who spends a dollar In advertising his wares. If citlfed to k-- w '"it he shall receive for (lint dollar. The result of tho Judicious expenditure of that dollar menus an Increase, In the business of both. The standard ndoptel by the Toronto convention Is nothing more than a suggestion for confidential relations between the advertiser und publisher for their mutual benefit. Other standards adopted by the convention were ns follows: To protect tho honest advertiser nnd the general newspaper reader as far as possible from deceptive or offensive advertising. To nccept no advertising which is antagonistic to the publlr welfare. This Is n declaration for clean newspapers nnd advertisers nro be ginning to realize that advertising in nowspapers, which nbldo by such standards is worth more thnn space in n paper which caters to nil classes of business nt the expense of clean liness. l'OSTKHS Mil) I'SKLKSS. , THi: DIOADLY UATIlTl'll. This Is a prophylactic age. All progressive people have abolished the roller towel, the common drink ing cup. the community hair brush, and the public soap cake; the street car strap is under suspicion, the milk and the meat and the plumbing nre Inspected, but the end is not yet. Tho hygienic bureau of a New Jersey town lids condemned the family hnth ' . ... ihe dangers discovered lu the bath tub, however, are not those found by mi old gentleman In the state of Washington who had always been ac customed to performing his ablutions In the creek in summer and in a wash tub on the kitchen floor in win ter. When he confidently stopped Into a slippery porcelain tub for the first time his feet flew out irotn un der him and the fall broke his leg. It Is not the smooth Interior that condemns the bath tub to the Intelli gent mind of the New Jersey city's health department. It Is some Intent danger of Infection. The solution Is n private bath for each one In the family. Thus bathing may heroine a lux ury prohibited to all but the well-to-do. Amerlcnn Ingenuity that Invent ed the folding paper cup will at least be taxed to provide a bathtub substi tute within reach of nil. if It Is not successful we shall perhaps be com peted to agree with the estimable gentleman aforementioned, who, af ter the deplorable Incident of the bath tub. confided to his friends that "the way folks bathe nowadays Is carryln' civilization Just a lettlc too far." Exchange. WORTH BEND NEWS I - Ruth I.essev. of South Coos Ulver. was n Marshfiold visitor last even Mrs. K. L. Hessey nnd Mrs. T. 11. Chlldcr of .Mllllcomn wore Marshfiold visitors last eevnliig. i Krmn llodson Is III with measles as her home on South Coos Ulver. The Methodist Kplscopnl. Chris tian, Presbyterian nnd I'nlted l'o thren Churches will have Union ser vices at the M. K. Church tomorrow evening nt S o'clock. Mrs. W. Sneddon and dnughtcr Uuth of Uoslyn. Wash., nnd Mrs. D J. Uees of .Marshfiold are guests of Mrs. Hubert Church on North Coos Ulver. , Mrs. R Johnson, who has boon spending a few days In Murshfleld. returned to her homo on Daniels Creek yesterday. . Mrs. K. Don McCrnry nnd son, who have been visiting on South Coos Ulver, returned yesterday. Captain Hyrd Lattln of tho launch l-'xpress was detained for about two hours yesterday when his boat caught on a snag. The water lu the river was quite low nt the time. wiiyv - ! stouy i'ou tin: day. At a wedding feast recently the bridegroom was called upon, as usual, to respond to the given toast, In spite of tho fact that he hnd pre viously pleaded to he excused. Mushing to the roots of his hnlr, he rose to his feet. He Intended to Imply that he was unprepared for speech-making, but he unfortiiniitcly pluied his iiimd upon his hrldb'j shoulder, nnd looked down at her ns ! e 3tammcreil out his opening mid concluding words: "This er thing Iiiih been forced upon me." TIIK IJ.UTIST Sl'XDAY SCHOOL PICNIC I Whv does n horse sleep standing? Let us ask another question which will help ns to iiirlorstnnd tho an swer to this one. nnd that Is: Why do we lie down when we want to go, 'to sleep? If you think for n mo ment, you will see Hint It Is because, If we did not, we should fall as soon as wo lost consciousness, because the effort by which wo balance our-, selves on two Ieg3 would no longer : be acting, says the Children's Maga zine. Hut it Is much more ensy for the horse to reninln standing with almost no effort nt all, simply he cause his four legs balance his own weight. Some horses, like human beings, prefer to sleep lying down. If they cnu: nnd so we see them nsleep in the fields, nnd it is for that reason thnt n horse tied up lu u stable should always have a halter long enough to nllow him to lie down If he wishes to do so. THtt vnluo of newsimiiP" advertis ing was effectunlly demonstrat ed In illllshoro'H celebration of fho lth this year, suys tho Indepen dent. In the past It has boon t: e cus tom to supplement nowHuippr n-ib""'-ly with expensive pos'ors. but this yenr It wng decided to try n illfforent plan. No poster wore printed nnd tho money savod. iih well us oxpoiisn of posting, which usually wiih double thut of printing, wiih used In display advertising In tho various county papors. Tho crowd thnt thronged the celebration grounds was tho re sult, nnd It must be remembered that tho sole moans of announcing tho ovont whs through the newspapers. When tht fact sinks In. porlmps n light will dawn on soino IiusIuohh men who assort thnt people do not ired newspaper udvei Using. New berg Graphic. TIIK Cia.SHIC IDKAL. I TDK toiulenry lo rolurn to the classic type or feminine beauty U suggested liv a compe tition conducted the other day In Par is In which models resembling tho finnoiiB Voiiiih de Milo In Ideal were submitted for the purpose of select ing tho host dressmaker's lay figures for tho rutins of current fashions. Tho Incident Is significant. When 'fashion en in oh to illciale mi lilntil flic. rv nre based upon the artistic ooncep- 1 " !!.,.. ...1.1.1. I I. !.... .. iiuim wiuii nine niuiHiuiiii mo chango or agon It seem ns If we aro approaching n moro sanely practical appreciation f beauty. LOW Kit TANKS. To Charleston Heach on our picnic wo went, I 'or an outing nnd pleasure; the day was well spent. Over the water we glided along. With '.greetings of welcome Inter mingled with song. Soon did wo reach Its sandy shore With Its rocks where those streams como rippling o'or: Where the bliick snnd glistens with yellow grnlns; Whore the miner seoks his earthly gains. With our baskets filled with n good ly store, We laid them down where the billows roar. Wo gaiod at tho chlldron, nt their rrollc and glee As they plnyed with the waves by the opon sen. I'rom this plensur wo turned to it tnhln well up road With kooiI thltiKsto ent. Soon tho children were led. Then over the sand whore the sun hon mi down, llnro-rootod they inn, with n leap nnd a hound. And up the stoop olirrs they clam- bored so high, As we watched the big stoatnoiH go gliding by. Thoy saluted our gnzo with their whistles throo Oi linilo us rarewell as they crossod out to sou. When through with their gamos, their pleasure nml run. Wo hnstonod along to our bonis thon homo. M. k. u. Spend the day nt (i'ihxIw Coos Hiier Kt'Miri mill out n luuno-eooked chicken ilimici-. i COQl'll.Li: CLt'H. ' Mrs Hi-r W. Kndlcott entortnlned the J. G. W. Club on Tuesdny evening or this week In n most chnrmlng man-1 nor. Tho meeting vn n most Inter-1 estlng one ns quite n number of visit-' ir nnihprs whose homes nro now in . r P" i-es wore p ogent. Music nnd friendly converse were most of the program of the evening, until tho hostess Invited tho ladles to a de licious lui"?hoon lu the dining room. Tho tables wero decorated with bas kets or sweet peas nnd the club's lov ing cup. nnd nt each place wero dnln ty little houtonnlores or sweet pens cs favors ror the guests. The time was drawing toward tho "woo sninll hours" when tho ladles dopnrted, having had n most enjoyable evening. Tho visiting members present woro Mrs. S. S. Norton, of Heddlng, Oil., Mrs, Andy Larson, or Los Angeles, Mrs. C. C. Johnson, of Hnndon, nnd Mrs, J. S. Lyons, of Murshfleld, Oth ers present were Mcsdnmos Hawkins, Hnrtsou, Single, Kuhrmnn, Jones, II. I.oicnz, Lnmb, Johnson, Lyons. Krt I orou.. George Lnrenz, Mrs. J. H. Woodford, of Modford. and Miss Mno Jones, or Sacramento. The dub will 'oe' with Mrs. J ? Lyons lu Marshfiold nt their next rogulnr meeting. Coqulllo Sentinel. COLD HKACH Nl'GGKTS. News From Nearby Towns PLAYS IX XKW YOHK. or the Mnrgnrot lies Theatrical (Min or the Margaret lllos t om niinv. is In town this v'd. onmpln-i In the grow with Chits. "'" "' Coiiulllo nnd attending the Smeinli l)nv Adeutlst cniup meeting. Mr Meade, who suffered a stroke of par nlvsls about two years ugo. Is now able to got about pretty well with n cune. Ho is losUIIng on n ruiun nbout two miles from Coiiulllo and iiinkos a llvllhood raising chickens Mr. Moado Informs the Hnterprlse that Margnrot lies, who was n fa orlto with Myrtle Point tlieatn-goen sovornl vears ugo. Is now playing In New York City. Myrtle Point H' torprise. MVHTLK POINT POIXTKItS. Xeus of Cppef C(Miitlle Viilley n Told b.v the Knlerprise. Mr. Graves, of the Corvullls Agri cultural College, ciime up from C qulllo Saturday, together with II. H Warner nnd Indies, nnd hold n meet ing at tho Schroedor oak grove, dem onstrating with cows how to select the best qualities for either milk or beer. Mr. Winner lend the record ,.r tiui i'hu'h bo bus lu charge for testing. A bountirul picnic dinner was served, with Ice cream and enke for dessert, which proved or re freshing upon such u very warm day. .1. C. Huberts and wire, who are hero from Portland ticeonipanlod by .Mayor L. A. notions ami who, inane n pleasure trip over the now Stnlili Powers logging road Tuesday, going to the end of the line on ono of the company's gravol trains. Miss Hazel Hadubnugli left last Thursday via Hodoburg to Alson to visit with her sister und fninlly, Mr. and Mrs. Klton Stephens, who nre the happy parents of u daughter born July 10. Allison Huberts nml Lelnnd Hack lerr have purchased the A. H. Taylor tnllor hliop nt the comer or Sixth nnd Spruce streets nnd took charge of same the first of this week. XKWS ()!' SIl'SLAW. I DRESS GOODh SPECIAL ! Jcful j These Are All Seasonable uootts at Very Allrati'14?1?.11 Prices. A Good Assortment of Colors anil hhtxvX - is..ii 44-inch Heavy Brocaded Ratine, was $1.95- .d olVj- .Ll. -SDto-Piiir, urice now .. 44-inoh Imported urepe losca, was 68c, Redutt Prino i. ,,vw frj 41 .iimh Fmncli Crone Enonoe. was S1.00. nmu ' A' ,, . -, .... .., 42-inch Fine Wool Brocade, was $1.15, now jjlIlclil db-llicn W00I iviiauu Diuuauu, vvcti) oou, now.... - rirr I'-!. A '-.vf iUW The Golden iif 1 y MMW yMMUMMMBMMMMIMMMi put It on the run between (iloniidn nnd the hikes, to in commodate the summer visitors H. P. Dutton. vlie prrildetii und miinngor of tho Tldevvnte- Mill Co.. iirrlvod In Florence Tuesdny morn ing, lie was iiccoinpanlod by Mrs. Dutton. this being her first Hip to the Sluslnw. One of the steam shovels which has been nt work near the IhIIiiiuih camp will be moved and put to work Hour the crossing or the Kiddle Crook arm of Tslltcoos Lake shortly. Porter Pros, aro rushing rnllrond mnterliil to the hikes over the narrow gauge us fast as It Is lauded nt their deck. Miss lloulah Klblor or Point Tor-; rnce left this morning ror Kugetic on a visit to fiieiuls ror u couple of weeks. Two Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Seattle. Wash., have mnilu this ter ritory nlong the W. P. II. H. camp, Interviewing the laborers in the In terest of that Institution In charitable work , Grant Colter has bought from Por-, tor Htos. ii passenger truck lie will. XKWS I'HO.M isosnitritc. ('. is County People nl Houglu. County Sent .Many Tinvelers. S. L. Coart. of Marshfiold. ar rived here by singe today to look ifter business mutters before the Ciilted Stales Land Orfiie. Mrs. Mary Kiilstnn. of Gladstone. Or. nrrlwd hero enrouto to points In Coos County, whore she will spend tho next few duys with friends and relatives. .. r' aV ' 'S,',,,er rtiWday, lurry Staplolon and ulfe nicrB hero Siindiiy for SlnnhfWiv und other Coast cities, it will spend a week or ten dan Mr. und Mrs l.unilln. of M $18 who recently passed throiv' nni' by automobile enrouto tolte returnod hero this tnornlri report n dellghtrul trip tor. und will probably leave f home in Portland tomorroi William Wlmnior and Mursltrielil. arrived here lit lug. Mrs. Whinner ronttoAhV Journey to Crabtrco todip she will visit with reliiim und Mrs. Wlminor formorlj . this elly. -Hosoburg ItOTlew John H. Goss, a well v-" lomey or Miirshriohl, vliluj',- here n short tlmo today, 01& to Portland, lu tnlklng tot- or the local railroad forat:".lfl , iiHsttrrod them Hint .Manhllt'Jt' .1.. It.. .... I.. I.I..W .( . 1111 iin iiiiiiuni in uuiiuii oi I rum in ivuni'iniiK lucre ill doubt In the nilliil of Mr Rm such n road would be bulli-1 burg News. MY Let Us Rig You Out for 8 Ciiii-y County Seal Nevvs as Told by The (ilolie. Last weok Dr. niinlnp. In his auto, took Mrs. Austin Ralph to North nond. where ho iiM'stod In hii operntlon Mrs. Halph underwent for appendicitis. Tho operntlon win very successful Riul the many friends or Mrs. Hulph will bo glad to learn thnt she will soon return lu robust health 11 Kill II. Deputy Sheriff of Coos County Clyde Gso was en over-nluht v's tor In town Inst night. Ho stnrti'd nut after whnt he thought was n stolon horse, hut after reaching here be was advised from his office that the horso had showed up. so he laid nuldo his official jmslness and has been enjoying himself fishing. Tho flshormon on tho lower river are nil smiles todny, occasioned by except tonally good catches Inst night, it Is suld that about twelve, hundred salmon wero caught on tho lower drift during the night. All tho boats ernt from eighty to 200 each. that Camping or Hunting Trip IF YOU want lower taxes cloct n legislature that can ho trusted to spend the nubile funds economi cally; ditto as to county, township, municipal and school officers. If you want lower taxes soo that tho lovlos nro cut down proportionately to tho Increased assessments. IIKIt IIUSY DAY. ' Tho Hrltlsh miitron used to sit lu gracious dignity, mid Unit, und patch her husband's duds; with oaruest zeal 3I10 used to miiko the broad, nnd doughnuts nml the cakes, ami boll the luscious spuds. Hut times have chnngod; now. fleiy-eyed. she lots hor Itoi'sohohl dutlex s'lde. and treads lior mnrtlul path . and lu that land of ood robt beef, the men are full of four und grief, and shaken by hor wrath. Sho suys that she will 'have tho voto, If she must set the Ule sfloat, to drift to Kingdom Como; sho burns cuthe.lnil. hull and school, and In her dainty reticule, she pink st deadly bomb. Site pokes ber nuo piece purasol tlirouh costly pnint Ings ou the wall of this or that mu ss; she chases statesmen here ami there, until they )lune, lu their de spair. Into the sobbing sea. The king's afraid to take a walk, lest some bold matron's club may knock lilt crown across the strwt; lis shiv ers en his royal throua, and In hwr bowor, (iepr(l, alone, Que.011 Mary G OOD PROPERTY usually comes high Not mi with Uny Park lots. Tliey a iv priced within the reach of nil, nml 011 term vvilliln tho power of all. There's 110 ociim for your not being 11 property owner when you can buy 11 well locnteil lot foe Slot), nml only Imve to pay .Sit) down and S." 11 month on It till Its paid for. Pay llltle liy little, und get your money back In a lump sum, ThnC.s the way to nociiniiilnte capital. Hay Pink lots will grow in value we know they will, nml we know why. Let u toll you why In 11 few minutes' personal talk. You'll M0 lb- point, mid it's worth seelnj;, ho. caiiM li'ii ncy In It for joti. I. S. Kaofman Co. 177 l-'HOXT .STISHKT Our line is Furniture and Furnishincjs and it is our desire to be able to supply your every need in tbis business. Just now it is the season for camping and bunting and we have prepared for it with the finest assort ment of tents and camp conveniences, at prices that will be a cheerful surprise to you. TENTS. Sizes from 7x9 feet to 16x24 feet, and priced from $8.50 to $41.25. HA? ieOCKS Fine variety, all styles, priced at from $2.00 to $7.00. COUCH HAMMOCKS Priced at $10.75 to $17.00. CAMP CHAIRS Big variety of camp stools and chairs, priced from 35 cents to $2.50. BEDDING COTS All sizes and descriptions, and fine assortment of camp blankets and bedding. REMEMBER Everything is of the Johnson-Gulovsen Quality. "WUYPAYMOltfi?" Johnson Gulovsen Co. The Quality Name Wiih Service Fame. . 0 i 1'