The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 25, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Yoim opportunity
to roach tho groat purchasing power
of this community should not bo
overlooked In plnclng your advertis
ing. Tho choice of media of suc
cessful merchants IS THE TIMES.
family nitri,i,s reached
with every copy of this inodluni.
Have your advertisement read by
tho Homo Community regularly, bo
I that they will know you. Ho in
troduced II V THIS TIMES.
IN'nlillx'iOd tS7H
ns Tito Coast .Mull.
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mail
and Coos I'.ay Advertiser
No. 10.
Pays Glowing Tribute to Coos
Bay People for Taking
Expesses Hope That Rivers
and Harbors Bill Will Pass
'By Big Majority Vote.
"Tho. paramount need of tho coun
try atcthls tlmu Is the dovoioimeut
of all moans of transportation. Sup
plomonti'tlio rnllrnnds by tho proper
dovclopm'ont of tho waterways and
by all moans help build up tho tor-
mlnalB,of tho country," said Captain
Wilson-'!. Davonny, fluid secretary
of tho National III vara and Harbors I
nnna 1.. ,, n.i.imuM .... v.. i (,... 1 1
Congress, In an address on National
Waterways boforo tho members of
tho Chamber of Commcrco last night.
('T M.lln inlf.t .. lini ... .1...
people of Coos Hay." said tho speak-
or, "In 'recognition of tho splendid
sorvlco you hnvo rendered. Your
contributions toward tho develop
ment of your waterway hnvo been
most generous, which gives promise
thnt thpv dreams of your most en
vnn uMll uuutnln It ninm
a roa'sohablo line, hut remember Hint
InactuaTltv ...u. , orf . ,-- i,,,,, c,ty" M ID IU OUUlll OIUUJjII UUIS UIHOnai I HaCIS in SISKIYOU
-No; matter now big you may , .wm. ti.o em.ption of the orchard- Mining Machinery. Forest Reserve.
crow von mtiHL nhvnvM cherish the ls nt Bridge, tho npplo growois of .. ...
moansliof triiiiBiiortutlon that mndo "l0 ,unl.v will hnvo the poorest crop I lonstniiio w. n. Cox arrived nomo SIEDFORD. Or.. July 25. Word1
you what you are You will wol-i"' ' Mr- ltlf Hays. At Falr-t : o'clock this morning after una hns been received by Supervisor Sic-!
conioftho comlnir of tho railroad and view, whero thoy generally hnvo f tho most strenuous trips ho hn Duff of tho Siskiyou National Forest
Z.l. "-,0 "V"?....VVIU.5.' ,,",l".lll"lllr.l.l.. fl.w. nM..n...i..l... !... bad Inn lonir tlmn. Tlinv left . Imrn ' 11. nt uovnrnl ..,.lo r .,.i ...i.m.J
rr nnii rnn vnii ii iii uiiurnin it iimnir mkimi; ii iiiii Mjiinii iiini iiii-i i ------ -.. - .. r, . . ... v. m - j . ...--, iiul ! ifiii i bin ui iiiini oiliiiii
your bay is your primitive channel ll,vor n"'1 ' 'st of tho Coqulllo Rt hung up on tho mud flat at South Secrotnry of the Interior to ho open
of commcrco nnd that It should bo ' VHoy, tho condition Is tho same, tho Slough nnd thoy hud to wult until .ed to entiy under tho forest homo
doopon'ed nnd wldonod to float tho'In, f,,Bt' following tho warm weath- 1 o clock this morning for tho rising stead net.
largest vossols tbnt plow the oceans."
Waterway' Importance.
Captain Davonny said that tho
groa'test commercial and Industrial
activity is found along tho water
WRya.""' Ho dwelt nt longth on tho
magnltudo nnd Imiiortauco of trans
portation In relation to tho hlgh
waysffand wntorwnys. Captain I)o
vennyldoclnred that undue exaction
for the snko of trnnspnrtntlon Is fool-1
isn, out, no niincd -uommcrco ones
not creato facilities It Is facilities
that croato commcrco."
Captain Dovonny said that mlloago
is, not. tho commercial incnsuro of
distance. To Illustrate his point ho
compared tho difference In frolcht
ratesjin relation to tho development, that backed by their faith and cour
of watorwayB. Ho said that tho cost ngo thoy did not wait for tho govern
of carrying ono bushel of wliont niont to meet them half way. but on
from Now York to Liverpool hud
been, reduced from 211 cents to :i
cents ns a direct result of dcopor
Referring to otlior mothods of
transportation, Captain Davonny said
that whero It cost 2fi cents to haul
a ton of cargo ono mllo ovor nn I in-
proved highway It can ho haulod for,
10 conts a ton ovor nn improved
highway. Ho said that whero it cost
seven nnd two-tonths mills to hnul a
ton of coat ono mllo by rail, tho
same amount can bo curried tho siiino
dlstanco by tho water route for one-
X third of n mill por ton, or ouc-nlnt
tfi oiuno cost uy ran. in otner womb,
ha' ulllil SI will I'liri-v n Inn 1 r.n
'ji Billes by water.
l$4 Captain Davonny gavo a lot of
",r Interesting statistics nnd data denl
iw Ing with tho wntorwnys system In
QiKIMlljr mill UillUI I'.U Ufi;illl LWllll-
tries. Ho snld that Conuda, with a
population of a-llttlo moro thnn 8,
000,000, has spent moro thnn hnlf
as much ns tho United States with
a, population of ovor 100,000,000, In
the development of its waterways.
""Wo must pay moro attention to
the development of our waterways,"
he said. "Your harbor must bo dcop
'enough to Invite the vossols from tho
Far East. Lot them como Into your
iron, nni vmir nrniiiint nnd tnkn It .
m -, c-- -... ,..-- --;:- "li,
back to tho Orient, and you will bo
' amply repaid," said Captain Davonny,
.' Tho Government will not holp In
- the development of watorwuys unless
:tno community can rocognlzo tho
Jproprlety of It nil. What frontage?
What terminals? Theso aro tho first
'ouestions propounded by tho Oov-
tternmont beforo mnklng npproprla-
ptions, declared tho speaker.
Tlio Natlonnl RIvors and Harbors
Congress Is in no sonso n lobby, lie
gadded. It was formed merely for
tho purposo of arousing sontimont
land for arriving nt tho proper np
Eproprlatlons to bo allotted to tho
dlfforont ports.
Very Enthusiastic.
Captain Dnvenny was a most en
thusiastic speaker and cortalnly is
heart nnd soul In favor of tho pas
sage of tho RIvors and Harbors Rill.
Ho road an artlclo which nppcared
recently In n Portland pnpor, which
predicted that tho bill would meet
with overwhelming defeat. He said
It was nothing moro thnn a reflec
tion on tho United States ongineers.
At that juncturo Captain Devenny
cpald a glowing trlbuto to tho United
States Engineering Corps. Ho said
fthat every man in that capacity
tranks high in ability, that they uu-
dorstand their business and that they
fnro resourceful and reliable. Ho de
clared that If the Rivers and Har
bors bill Is defeated ho will lead a
propaganda of protest along tho Paci
fic Const from Seattle to San Diego.
'We aro dealing with a matter
J. D. Hayes Will Have Excel
lent Crop at Roland"
Apple Crop Poor.
J. I). Hayes has one of tho finest
crops of peaches on his two-ncro or-
chnrd at Itolnnd Prairie, in tho upper
11n1 ... ,i,. .,. .1,1 ...i....
ft'"1 n "tr' l l-on5nc,?1ll,,1I VJim
' or. according to F. A. Ooldun, who
lecently visited it. The orchard Is a
young one and this will bo tho first
good crop sir. Hayes 1ms secured
"" ' .wlt" .U, exception f the
',w f '"'J" ln,0K. '.? " bUcx
(lie orchard Is heavily ladon with
much better fruit thnn Is now shown
in the stores nnd which coiiiho fiom
California orchards.
Mr. (loldi-n lodny brought over
!'"v prnctlcally nothing.
On Coos
or In Starch, killing tho buds. How
ovor. tho Rridgo district escaped.
About one-third of tho rural
schools In the county nro now In ges
slon. (lint Ih nbovo politics," dcclnred tho
speaker. "Tho pork hnrrol system
will not hnvo u chnncn to work nnd It
novor did work for t lint mnttor."
Ho dcclnred tbnt tho time Is pass
ing when n Congressman will vnto
for n worthless measure In nxchnngo
for tho voto of n man ho favors by
bo doing.
Tilhiito ( Hay.
Captain Davonny pnld n trlbuto to
tho peoplo of Coos liny when tio sold
tho other hand took tho inltlntivo
and went ahead with tho development
of tho wntorwny.
Cnptnlu Davonny said that In tho
past fow weeks ho had traveled ovor
ninny hundreds of mllos nnd that
hero ho hns found tho largest nor
capita of bond Issue of which ho hns
any knowledge $40 per capita nt
fi per cent.
In dealing with tho Importance of
c' cap transportation. Cnntaln Da-
venny snld that It will brine tho raw
matorlul Into tho cities and ns a ill-
rect result It menus moro fnctories
and n larger city. Ho pointed out
tnnt one-tenth of tlio standing Mm
bor In tho United Stntcs Is tributary
to Coob nay. That subject nlono,
ho snld, suggests a rational move
ment for n better waterway.
In closing. Captain Davonny men
tioned tho fact that J. W. Donnett
had been vice president of tho RIvors
nnd Hnrborrf Congress for Oregon
slnco Its organization In tho yenr
1901. Ho also paid a trlbuto to Joe
Teal, of Portland. He declared that
Mr. Teal Is blggor than tho commun
ity In which ho lives nnd that ho has
dono a romarkablo lot of good for
Portland nnd Oregon In general in
tho dovolopment of its watorways.
Bennett Presides.
Captain Davonny was Introduced
to tho largo audlenco by Sir. nonnott.
"u kvo n unui onuino oi mo worn
.. ., .,.- . ...
nnd purposes of tho RIvors and Har
bors Congress. In that connection I
n n vl 'CKrT'''
.......... .w ... ,, ...... ...nw.., w. w,
that steps aro being taken to hnvo
tho meeting hold In San Francisco
next year, during tho Pnnnmn Pacific
International Exposition. neunott
praised tho work of Captain Davonny i i
and said that ho was the first mem
hor of tho Rivers nnd Harbors Con
gres3 to visit Coos Ray. I l
Captain Davenny was a member nt
tho staff of tho New York Trlbuno!
for several years, was ono of tho
founders of tho United Spanish Wnr
Veterans, and tho founder nnd pub
lisher of tho Spanish Wnr Review,
tho official paper of that organiza
tion. During the past sixteen months ho
has traveled 15,000 miles on the At
lantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts, in
tho Interests of tho National RIvors
nnd Hnrbors Congress. Ho has beon
on tho Pacific Coast since January,
having come to nddress tho Inland
! Watorways Congress at Its mooting
in San rrancisco. since then ho has
addressed numerous organizations
Interested In the line of development
ho ropresonts.
Follownlg his lengthy nddross last
night, tho Marshflold Chancer of
Commerce extended a voto of thanks
to Captain Davenny for delivering
so much valuable Information. Ho
was Invited to visit tho Day whenever
unilhi film imnrliitd it'lifnlt u-nrn tilM.'nil
Stoamar Sails for San Francis
co and San Pedro Cheese
Shipped from Here.
T'.o Redondo suited at noon today
tor San Francisco and San Pedro.
Slio had a cargo of lumber nnd con-
sldcrablo miscellaneous freight, In-
eluding 300 cases of cheese from C. to J. K, Wheeler, his brother, L. R.
13. Brondbcnt nt Slyrtlo Point. Among ' Wheeler, nnd John F. Carroll, for
thoso Bailing on her wore: I eight years tl o managing editor of
lion .Mnrknwltz, S. D. Allen, D. H. tho paper, It was announced today.
Townes, Wm. Wlghtman. F. A. Rob- J. 15. Wheeler stated that Carroll
erts, J. C. Harvoy, Chris Erlckson, ' will continue In his present position.
John Strom, SI. Chick, Ella Hough-, The transfer of tho Telegram be
ton, SIlss Stordecnl, II. A. Thomas, ' comes effective next Slondny If no
Miss Martha Thomas, Stcvo Herman, hitch oceuis. Tho Wheeler Broth-
A. Larson nnd F. .1. Wilson.
Constable Cox Has Strenuous
r..!. i- n...ii. ni.IIHL ri
Jostordny morning nnd their launch
tide to roleaso thorn.
Ho wont down to replevin tho min
ing machinery of J. F. Tolnndor
which Addison Cook and Chns. Lnsh
hold. Tolnndor operated the black
sund machlno for a time and then
sold It to Lash nnd Cook and thoy
failed to coma through on tho pay'
monts, so ho roplovlned it. Mr. To
laudor accompanied Constable Cox
down. Capt. O Kelly of tho launch
SlarBhfleld took on u special South
Slough pilot to avoid getting strand
ed, but his precaution uvnllcd noth
Two Strangers Alleged to Have
Attempted to Blackmail
Otto Dill and John Hill, two for
eigners who enmo originally from
Astoria but who hnvo beon working
on tho railroad work, spout last
night In Jail following an alleged at
tempt to blackmail Otto Kdlund of
tho Sven Saloon.
Thoy claimed to be father and son
niul had been making tho rounds of
the saloons. Thoy wero first at tho
Urowory Saloon nnd Hilly Cox
thought tho boy looked too young
nnd in ado him sign n statement that
tio was ovor twenty-ono beforo ho
was given nny boor. From thoro
thoy went to tho Sven bnr, whero thoy
got beor. Then thoy nro alleged
to have proceeded to tho police sta
tion nnd wanted tho bnrtender ar
rested for selling liquor to a minor.
The officers took them Into custody
ns woll as Kdlund, Prior to their
being arrostod, it Is claimed that ono
of thorn went to ICdlpnd and told
him that If ho would glvo thorn $20
thoy would not prosecute him. Ho
.. This .morning thoy failed to prove
their charge against Edlund nnd tho
mnttor was dropped. Thoro Is talk
of prosecuting them.
PADDOCK To Sir. and Sirs. Harry
Paddock, nt tholr home In Glad
stone, Or., Saturday, July 25, a son,
tholr second boy. sirs. Paddock
will bo remembered as SIlss Roth
Rradloy. daughter of .Mr. and Sirs.
W. C. Bradley of Marshflold.
E. H. FISH, of Bandon, Is a Slarsh
flqld business visitor today.
Monday to visit relatives In Eu
reka. Her cousin, SIlss Stella
Hnnelln. nf KmvK-n. wlin lino l.oon '
visiting hero, will return to Eu
reka with hor.
Three Arrested. Frank Ward was
arrested today by .Marshal Carter for
bogging. He had $4.85 and was ro
lonsed on promlso to loavo town. Ed
Qulnn. who has boon in nbout onco a
month for the past year, and Tom
Hnle and n man nnmod O'Neil were
arrested last night for drunkenness.
Oregonian Publishing Company
Transfers Portland Tele
gram to New Company.
(Or Aitoclitdl Preu to Com Pit Tlmu.)
PORTLAND, Or.. July 2ii. Tho
livening Telegram has been Bold by
tho Orcuonlnn Publishing Comnanv
era are wealthy timber owners.
Government Throws Open Ad
it i r i
I tho forest have been llBted with tho
An area comprising eighty acres
in Bcction r, township 32 south, rnugo
14 west Willnmetto meridian, was
applied for by J. W. McKenzio of Port
Orford, Oregon.
A second area was applied for by
R. R. Copley of Slarlal, Oregon, nnd
comprises acres In section 14,
township U3 south, range 9 west,
Wlllnmctco merldlnn.
A third area, Including 8G acres,
was applied for by Frank Sherman of
Weddorburn. It 1b located In unsur
voyed section 28, township 31 south,
rnng6 13 west, Willnmetto merldlnn.
Plant Generally Called Indian
Pipe on Coos Bay Causes
Botanists' Discussion.
Tho following dispatch from Cot
tago Grovo will bo of Intorest hero,
ns "Indian Plpo" la found In consid
erable quantities near Marshflold
and especially In the wntorwoiks re
servo west of town.
"An exquisitely beautiful and sup
posedly strange flower nnd so rare
that old-timers who hnvo tramped
nearly overy section In this vicinity
have never heard of It, has been dis
covered In llarge quantities ,long
Lnyng Creek In tho Umpqua Forest
Reserve. The flowor Is n puro wax
en white, the stalk, stamen and pis
til being of the snmo uniform color.
It grows nbout 18 Inches In height
and then turns earthward, taking tho
appearanco of n delicate wnxen pipe.
Tho flower hns beon found only In
moss In tho low and heavily shaded
creek bottoms. Seen from n dlstanco
a clump of the flowers has tho np-,
pearanco of snow growing from the'
ground. So dollcnto Is tho flower I
that when plucked It turns black j
within a few minutes, nnd It is there-1
foro Impossible to got the flowor to I
tho city In a condition for botanical!
"J. E. Young, wno is quite fnmlllnr
with the flowers of tho surrounding
country and a student of botnny, nt
first declared tho flower to bo tho
monotropn unlflora or monotropai
hypophyttlsn, both of which aro much
allko nnd nro commonly called In
dian pipes. Thoy grow under tho
snmo condtlons as tho newly found
flower and nnswer tlio description In
many ways. One distinctive differ-1
onco between the newly found flower
nnd tho Indian plpo Is that the ends
of the stamens and pistils nro of a '
golden color, while thoso who found ,
tho now flowor claim that In this caso
tho pIbUIs and stamens aro white
Harvoy Taylor, who 1b familiar
with tho Indian plpo, mndo a trip to i
tho resorve to convinco hlnisolf that j
tho flowor found there was tho plpo,
but upon seeing It ho decided that It
was not, nml no ono has beon found
who knows wr-at tho nnmo of tho
strangor Is.
LAUNCH FREAK leaves every day
nt liilO p. m. for SOUTH Coos River.
Docks nt CENTRAL AVKNUE slip.
0 00DF0WER
Fire Causes Loss of $300,000
Many Are Thrown Out
of Employment.
tnr Amu UtcJ PrtM to Cooi llur Tlin.1
KALASIA. Wash., July 25. Tho
Mountain Timber Compnuy's big
snwmlll, Including tho main dock nnd
offico building, was totally destroyed
by flro early today with nn estimated
loss of $1100,000. It burned so rapid
ly that efforts to snvo It wore futile.
From eighty to 100 men nro thrown
out of employment.
Portland Promoter Has Little
to Say About Plans
Expects English.
W. J. Wllsey, tho Portland promo
tor, whoso plans for taking over the
Kinney properties hnvo caused much
speculation, arrived hero Into yester
day .but was rather reticent about
his trip. Ho said that ho was moroly
looking after his holdings on tho
Hay. Ho bought heavily In North
Bend n year or so ago.
Sir. Wllsey .In talking with friends
hero .Intimated that thoro might bo
big developments In tho railroad sit
uation hero boforo long. On his Inst
visit ho declared that tho through
coast lino to Snn Francisco would
como soon, but this tlino ho Intlmntcd
that thoro might bo a now railroad
project which would mean moro to
Coos Bay than tho Coast road. TIiIb
would bo nn east and west road across
Oregon from Coob Bay.
Sir. Turner, who was hero with
him a couple of years ago, and who
Is said to ho tho Duko of Portland,
n wealthy English promoter, Is ex
pected to Join Sir. Wllsoy In Portland
boforo long. Tho inforonco Is that
tho English syndicate headed by Sir.
Turner la behind tho now railroad
Sir. Wllsoy nnd tho English syndl
cnto started tho Pacific Great West
ern from Eugene to Coos Hay and
this was lator taken over by the
Southern Pacific. Homo claim that It
was this project that hastened the
Southern Pacific In building tho Coos
Bay-Eugono lino now under construc
Sltirslifield Young People Acquit
Tliemsolves with Credit.
Tho amateur performance of the
Snowball, given by a group of Marsh
flold young peoplo under tho direc
tion of Miss Frances Roberts last
evening, was pronounced exoellont
by all In attendance nnd tho perform
ers nro so woll pleased with tholr re
ception that they have decided to ro
poat the farco on August 3. Thoro
was a good houso and the receipts
wero sntlsfacotry, '
Out Half .Million Feet of Lumber,
10,(100 Post nml OOO Tien.
Tho Grace Dollar, tho largest cap
acity lumber schooner plying be
twonn Bandon and California points
at this tlmo, left Sunday evening,
carrying what Is said to bo tho rec
ord cargo from this port. Tho load
comprised 525,000 feet of lumbor
from tho Johnson mill, nnd 10,000
shipped by Georgo Lnffaw for F. L.
Hotsford. Bandon World.
W. H. Terry made a very short stay 1
with Landlord Lnndreth nt tho court!
houso. Ho was brought ovor hero
from Marshflold Slondny in default
of payment of u Judgmont nnd incar
cerated,' But whon his creditors dis
covered that In order to keep him In
Jail thoy would hnvo to put up for
his board thoy didn't want him thoro
hnlf ns badly as they thought and ho
was released yostorday, Coqulllo
Try the chicken dinner at Good.
Hill's on Coos Rher tomorrow.
Tho LIIKS of EMPIRE will glv
Hall SATURDAY evening, July 2.'..
TEND MEETING Tuesday evening.
Austria Insists That European
Powers Must Not Intervene
Between Two Countries.
Unofficial Reports Say Danger
! of Conflict Is Considerably
Lessened Lata Today.
I lll) AuHH'ltM'.l I'rt-M lii i ooi Ilr TlniM. I
Tlio nowa run Servln had glr
1 en In was received from an unof
I flclal source, Its reliability Is
I such, however, that tho messneo
I Is accepted us offlclnl. It Is
uuderstod Hero tnnt Soma's fi
nal surrender Is unconditional.
It is considered tV.nt tho danger
of war Is over.
Wf AMOclatfel Prr. in CA" tur Tiqim
VIENNA. Austria. July 25. Aus
ti lu has ueml-offlclally rejectoi.'
attempts by other powers to intor
eiio between Austria nnd Servln. I
(' dared that arbitration was unac
ceptable. ArianKcments nre belnf
tnndo to Invade Servla unless the la
tor replies satisfactorily hy G p. n
to Austria's demand. It Is roportc
tbnt n general mobilization will b
ordered tonight.
Shoitly beforo 0 o'clock tho Aut
tro-llungnrlan ,M mister nt Bolgrau
presented a note to tho Servian for
olgn offico snylng that tho Scrvlni
reply to too demands was unsntlfc,
fnctqry. Ho also refused to extent
tho tlmo limit for a further con
sldorntlon. Tho AiistroHungarlai
.Minister una start men ictt uei
Orders for the mnblllzntlon of th
Servian army wero given this aftei
noon. The King of Servln, with hi
court and garrison, nro leaving tin'
Servian capital as It Is too open t;
attack. Tlio Soman govornmont I
to bo conducted from Konguyovatle
whore there Is nn nrsonnl nnd nn arm,
nnd ammunition factory.
It Is rumored that shortly aftor.i
o clock Sorvia nnd accepted all d
mauds, but this was unconfirmed
Despite the many complaints
today, tho thermomotor only
showed It to be 74 abovo. On u
July 18 It was 7G nnd on Slay
I 21 It was 87. t
Within tho past fow days worfl
has been started on tho building fol
tho now fish cnunory ami cold stoiS
I ngo plnnt to bo located at Bay Clt:
Tim lilillillnir will lin fUvflfi font mil
, ..- ......... ..... .. w ... V .. . MMJ
among otlior up-to-ilato facilities wig
include nn Ico-mukiiig plnnt with
cnpuclty of ten tons por dny. Thl
building will bo used for hnndllnr
Tillamook Bay salmon, both fros
and canned, nnd Its estimated com
will bo betweon $25,000 and $30J
(ion. in addition to tho main built
Ing, the company will erect a doc
32x80 feot for tho accommodatlo
of the fishermen, nnd will also bull!
drying racks for nets.
Travelers coming In from Rob
burg ovor tho Slyrtlo Point stnj
route report that work has bof
started on tho construction of thrt
miles of now road Just tho other sIO
of Camas Valley tbat will greatly n
duco tho grado. Tho now route, li
stead of climbing part wny up tl
mountain ns the present way doe
will skirt the crook very closoly, ntw
lessen considerably tho climb on oifl
of tho worst sections of tho whoB
rood. coqulllo Sentinel.
EUGENE, Or.. July 25. A ne
sawmill will soon bo erected nt Joh
Stntlon, tho present tormlnus of tl
Willnmetto Pnclflo trains, thlrt:
sovon miles west of Eugeno, In tl,
Const .Mountains. Tho Joler Lumb
Company has beon Incorporated a
tho work of electing tho mill w
begin this month. Tho Incorporate
nro A. A. Dlmlntlo nnd Georgo Uu
tor, of Aberdeen, Wnsh.; nnd V
Ham Rush and SI. T. Rush, of t
Alonn the Waterfront.
Tho stoamor Hardy camo In frol
San Francisco with n mlsccllanooil
enrgo of freight and will load luil
bor at North Bend,
Tho A. SI. Simpson sailed Tlnnl
day with a cargo of lumbor from' t
Simpson mills.
Tho Slnyfair sailed Thursday wll
n cargo of lumbor from tho Porta
mill at Florence.
Tho Speodwoll camo In from Dal
don today nnd will load ties
North Bond and will probably hi
FIHnibh Hall JULY 28. Admhw