" iUiW4adfcuftl:& T,Tt-WU."inaimMililii n k m rtiifclfft Tift'f hMftl2JWIMMMMMfcl inniiiijumwinyii "'Jlffi"wf m,i "w iVfW y ijl if iwyilW W"l' f-nrw(rtiwini( iWWC" r THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1914. EVENING EDITION. FIVE 'HHf I M t - , And After You vHave Bought 7E novotyCqel that our obligation to you -rV ... :?L ,..,." ;,..!. ia .miixjiuuu. wucti we iiiMivrr your rsuii nfl .WlAVVfri ."J t,r OvercoatvLi fact it lias just bornm i ir our mine-and that of Hart, SrlinlTiu'i' . Marx'ini;hc gavmonts moan that wo both tnvc cntcrwinto contract with yoii, a cou ' met tlmfirfisdnly 1'ul filled when vou sav . I mil; thoroughly satisfied. " "fntil, yqufccl that way, whelhor it bo a D,ay, a weekmpr a year after delivery, your i its ,,Wtt'i ioney is-ony deposit here you can call for !t at any timet ?his statement is made in all good faith ror we lmoVi4hat, whethei'you pay $18, $20, 22.50, $25W$35 or $-10 for tho clothes vou iuy hel'eTtheir values are so great that vou , A'ill be lnorejtlmn satisfied. - The 'Woolen Mill Stores 111,11111 !!!i ALAril l Jfr rW BREVITIES ! JULY TIDES I Relow Ik given tliu tlmo nml 1 height of high and low witter tit ainrsiineiu. Tlu tides tiro placed In tho order of ocpiiri'iMU'O. with their times on the first lino mid heights on tlio Boi-o.ti line of each day; a compnr Ison of consecutive IioIkIHb will In (II (lite tvlietlier It Is hi nil or low ! water. For high water on tho bar srlitni't two hours :u inlnntes. when brought liefore Hectirtlor Htitlcr this morning for a hearing Officer Doatto said that Weber was tnklttK up i more of tho street than Is required by the nverugo Individual. Weber had only $11.1- when arrested, lie turned t'. nt over to the Recorder and said he would take up a collection among his friends to pay the romaln der of tho fine. WILSEY MOVE JUDGE 1 CUSS TALK; LAID TO BEST HI Mrs. Ft . . :r!ihs. Ft.. 2iMrs. Ft. . UT'Ilrs. in. . ! 2S Mm. n . SlHIIrs. 1 1-'t . . an His. in. . :u Mrs. in.. V Iarshf iol'd ' North T3ond EZU' hmsbehmwhw .r 0.1 ::.:i- u.a i.s:i ti.n r..i:i r. 0.07 i.i l.os o.n 2.10 0.7 a.i'ii 0.1 n.a; o.s 10.011 0.0 10.11 o.a 1 1.21 o.i 0.0!) (i.O 7.1!) U s. a s 4.1 10.01 a.!) 4.1G n. a 4.5 1 11.1; r..27 r.s 0.07 0.0 12.00 0.7 12.4 1 1.2 1.30 l.S 2.44 2.3 0.33 1.0 10.20 1.0 11.11 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.49 0.0 7.38 0.1 s.aa CO a. 37 CO Wl'l Speak Tonight Captnln Wll- boh I. Davenny. field secretnry for the National Rivers and Harbors 1 Congress, which hag Its headquarters J In Washington, I), c.. will speak at t' 0 Chamber of Continereo meeting tonight. Ills talk will bo of vital In terest hero now, owing to the govern I mem appropriations here being cut ofr for tlie tiniti being. Tom Hentiett will pieslde nt the meeting In the place of Hugh Mel.aln. who will bo out of tho city. Much Speculation as to His Plans About Kinney Proper tyHitchcock Coming. arrives here. I iturdayAND Monday le of Specials That Affords Economical Savings. ,ny Other Bargains Will Be Found in This Store. Tango Hnlrplnw-pOf unbreakable celluloid, the l"c Ifl only lUC 22c Summer Hlblicd PnntH-Liiro trliuniod, the :!"-(' grade, it. ' ' ' ' ''" ' Kiuicy Tango Girdle Hells Of shirred silks, variety "jr rs, tho $1.00 kinds, now 3 House mid Semi-Street Div..r. Variety of styles lorn, values to $1.7C. only ' Med Shoots 72x90 Inches, tho 0c and "tie kinds, rf : $1.15 53c $2.75 ' Sample Hllk WiiInIn Various colors and styles, up to $15.00, ori'salo at vo nuuked.atjjSpoclal l'rlrc.i all our Curtains, lied SpieadH, b and Table Linens, Host Hummer Ilnlliriggaii rudcinc-iir Values to "fir, Af nt, each... jsigfe ....,, -T&U Red nnd Blue- Checked Table Damask Fast colors, allty, only, a yard 35, LOCA I- TEMPERATURE t record For tlio 24 hourB ending nt 4:43 a. in., July 24, by U011J. Ostllnd, special government mo teorologlst: .Mnxlmuin GO Minimum IS At 4: 13 a. in r.l Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1913 00. HI Precipitation same period last year 04. SI 1 Wind: North west; clear. 9 Sells Saloon. It Is reported that Hugh Sneddon has sold the Kaglo Saloon to Unxler llrothers of Coiiilllo who will take possession as soon as the City Council approves the trans fer of tho license next Monday night. Ilaxter llrothers had a saloon In Co riulllo, but were put out of business when tho City Council decided that Coqulllo should bo dry after July 1. IJnlng 30 Inches wl '(, sale prlie. . . ctlou icy led THE FAIR le a yard Central Awimo Net Door to Cliaudlei' llotol illlUK to E MONEY omo lire and buy your You wU find greater as such as Imported Grecian n dellciacle, etc. have a nice lot of and Vegetables New Pea,- Cabbago, Car shee, Turnips, Lettuce, Cooklnfr Applos, Ornngcs, lana&aa, etc; land Grocery Store 7 Soutk )readwoy Door to Fostofflco PHONB 19-J. )0NTZ GARAGE lor Motorcycle Agency EE TIRES )MOBILBg '.STORED INTY'S M06T CO.Ml'LKTE 4ACHINK SHOP AND AUTOMOBILE RSPAIRINQ OIANK FOR SALE 'ROWF 8T. PHONE 180-J tine RKPA1UKI) AND OHARGKD t ARAG0 OFFEE IJJEA, COFFEE AND IPICE HOUSE 1 , ' prth Broadway 394-J Itecovers Arllcles. .Through n Times want ad, W. Uoss Smith has recovered a valuable attachment for his bltb lathe. Tho attachment was 'eft on the running board of an auto wlili h was being overhauled and was not noticed when tho auto loft the shop. It was lost and Clyde Ma gary picked It up In West Mashflold and Inserted a "found" ad. Mr. Smith gave Clyde $1 reward for Its return. I'll emeu Practice. A picked team irom me .mius; field Firo Department wns out again last night for praetlco piellmlnary to the race meet which will bo held between tho local team anil the North Mend flroinen on Moose Day, August I. Tlio flremon practiced the hub raco nnd tho wet test. Thev show good speed nnd stnnd a fair chance of winning the trophy for tho second timet. North Heud having won It once and Mnruli. field once. Klned lor Drinking. Jul Weber, arrested last night by Officer Doano. who found him on tho streets In 11 1 drunken condition, was fined $r Co On Outing. District Attorney Llljeuvlst and Ills fathcr-ln-law, A. J. Sherwood, nnd their families, plan to leave booh for Curry county, whero thoy will upend ten days or two weeks enjoying tho simple life. Mr. Llljeiivlst snys that ho Is going to get whero no telephone messages can reach lilm so that he can get a real rest. I PERSONAL MENTION 4 . The Royal TONIGHT "THE IIOl'Si: OI-' IMG I'-KATl'HKS" "1. 1 'Pi 1. 1. 1.' i.nvw Tin.' nun. rw MVSTICKY" Fifth 'chapter of the I grcntcu serial drnmn evor produced. if you imvo seen tho foregoing chap ters of this serial drnmn, you will not miss seolng this Installment, It gets better ench number. "THE INTJtUDHir A strong drama by tlio Nestor Company. "A COINCIDENTAL I1UIDR OltOOM" A one-ieol Powers photo plny. "SAVINO Till: CHILD,,A Jokor comedy full of mystory. B Heels 50(H) feet t all new pIctlllC'H, A OMISSION: Lower floor, I Tic. Halcony, 10c. Hero Monday Night "THAPPKD IN TII13 CASTLE OF MYSTBHY" Special threo-reolor. Hero Tuesday Night James O' Neill In "THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO." Hero Wednesday Night "THE WORLD, THE FLESH AND THE DEVIL" Ono of tho greatest hu manity dramas of tho age. In six reols. CLASlflED WILL MORE MONEY HELP YOUR BUSINESS? Do you need money to nrolnoto your business or to market an Invention? If you Imvo a legiti mate proposition you can prob ably find tho money quickly nnd easily through a Times Want Ad. The capitalists of this city have long since learned that they can find good use for tholr unem ployed money by watching Times Classified Advertising for sound .propositions. You can reach those men cheaply through a little Want Ad. Turn to The Times' Classi fied Advertising section NOW. You may find an offor of capital for use In a business llko yours, U S E "THE TIMES WANT AD WAY." I-'OU HUNT Sleeping rooms d housekeeping npartmouts. 321 South Hrondwny. Poll HUNT Two nicely furnished bedrooms In prlvato family. 352 First street North. WANTED WANTED To buy hoathousc not loss than 22 ft. Inside. Apply Ilrewory Saloon. WANTED Position by stenographer. Phono 307-J. FOR RENT KOlt It EXT Kuril l.shed room, mod. em. 241 Commercial. KOlt HEXT Room, mid hoard for gontleniau. 84G N, First. KOlt HEXT (1-rooiu furnished house for summer. Phono 372-J, or call 5G1 Soventh street, south. KOH HEXT Ilonso of 5 rooms nnd bath, In good order. 1029 Cen tral. Apply McPherson-GInser Co., Phono 211-L. 'l FOR SALE I KOH SALE 1 good team, weight 2C00, ?lf0. P. Cimlnlo, Lakeside, KOH SALE CHEAP 20-foot cabin launch, Union engine, big bargain, best ranch boat on Day. Inquire at Times Ojfflce. KOH SALE SK-hiirner gas range, equipped with oven nnd coal or wood burner with waterfront. A-l condition and cheap for cash. Ap ply Times office. HOMKSEKIvK.H ran buy good new house on Improved street, Bunker Hill, for ?990. Easy terms. See Reld, 150 Front street. MRS. A. O. AIKEN plnns to loavo to morrow for San Francisco. P. N. REIIERC, of North tfend, Is n Mnrsh field business visitor. EDOAR Mc DANIEL or North Rend was a Marshflcld visitor today. MRS. T. M. DIMMICK, of Coqulllo, is a Alarshfleld visitor today. FRANK COHAN left tills afternoon for a short outing nt Sunset liny. LOUIS ST. DENNIS, of North Inlet, came In this morning on business. MRS. L. E. .MATTHEWS, of North Inlet, was a visitor In tho city for a fow hours today. ROI1ERT SWANTON has gono to Dora, where ho will spend n few days, IIEKUERT LOCKIIART, of this city, cnino In this morning from his summer homo on Coos Rlvtr. S. 11. CATHCART heturned Unlay from North Inlet, where ho linn been doing some surveying. ARNO MEREEN left yesterday for Myrtle Point, where ho will make a trip over tho now Smith-Powers lino. MRS. A. J. SHERWOOD and little daughters cnino over from Coqulllo today to spend n few days at tho RogerH home on Coos River. MISS LILLIAN II. CHENEY, of Pueblo, Colo., Is spending n fow weeks hero as tho guest of her , coiihln, Mrs, J. II. Stnddeu. ' MRS. EDWARD IIANSELL returned to her homo In Portland today af ter a visit on tho Hay. going out ' via the Allegany auto line. I W. T. MOFFETT, of Denver Hill, was n Marshfleld visitor today. He states that they are getting out about forty tons of coal per day. A. K. PECK, of this city, returned this morning after spending a day or two nt his summer home on Coos River. J. ALI1ERT MATSON, of this city, came In this morning after spend ing sovoral days nt his summer home on Coos River. A. J. MENDEL returned overland this afternoon from Portland, where he has been tho pnst week on business. GUS PETERSON, of North Inlet, enmo In on tho North Star this morning to attend to a matter per taining to his business. Ho left for his homo this nftornoou. MRS. J. I). REES nnd children nnd Mrs. Walter Sneddon left this morning for tho R. A. Church homo on Coos Rlvor, whoro thoy will visit n day or so. MRS. It. W. Mnrsters nnd children of Roseburg, who have been visit ing Mrs. Miirstors' sister. Mrs. J. J. Kendall, of Hunker Hill, left on tho morning's stage to visit Mrs. Oustafsou of Scotsburg. W. S. CHANDLER and wife will ar rlyo tomorrow via tho Allegany auto lino from Portland.- whoro thoy have spont n week following a fow months visit with itheir daughter, Mrs, Tronialne, In Brit ish Columbia, MRS. CAL WRiailT arrived home Wednosdny from San Francisco, whero she has boon under tho enro of specialists. She Is much Im proved In health, greatly to tho gratification of her many friends. She reports n rather rough trip up tho coast. J. S. LYONS nnd family of Marsh field, Dr. C. W. Endlcott and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Furman of Coqullle, came down Saturday night and visited ovor Sunday at the Dr. Endlcott and C. McC. Johnson homes, The entire party and Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Wells took an outing on Johnson's neach Sunday. Randon Recordor. I W. J. Wllsey arrived In late I thsl afternoon on the Roseburg I unto stage line. He was alone. W. .1. Wllsey Is expected In lalo tonight or tomorrow morning nnd his coming has caused much speculation as to his plans for trying to secure tho Kinney properties for which ho woh negotiating n year or so ago. II, C, Dlers, of North llond, who has been looking after Wllsey's North llond holdings, has been busy for somo time cheeking up tho Kinney properties, showing Just whnt acre age there Is, what is platted Into town lots and tho waterfront, etc. Whether Wllsey plnns to try and buy It all or Just the lots or Just the ucicage, no one hero knows. It hns generally been supposed j thnt the property which Wllsey pur chased In North llond was for a pool In which somo of the officials of I tho McArthur-Perks Company were ( Interested, nnd ftlgo somo others who I were connected with Wllsey's rail way project. VIce-Presldont Hitchcock tof the McArthur-Perks Company hns rcrent- ly returned to the United States from Spain nnd Is expected to be In Eu gene some tlmo this week nnd mny come to Coos Day. Ills coming Is presumed to bo In connection with tho bridge contracts on the Southern Pacific lino. F. II. Wnlte, whom rumor hns also linked up with Wllsoy In tho pro posed denl for the Kinney properties, has boon expected here for tho past week or ton days. I NORTH BEND NEWS I The Southern Pacific Compnny hns opened negotiations with tho Simpson Lumbar Company for sever al enrgos of crushed rock from Point Richmond, California, to bo used in concrete construction, this variety being tho best on tho coast for tho work. T. S. Hoggs, who hns been a part ner in tlio Esther Hotel In North Rend sold out his Interest to P. A. MeNabb. Tho several chnptors of tho East ern Star in Coos county will oh-, servo Natal Day this year on Aug-J ust 15. A prlzo of n silver loving' cup has been offered to tho chapter having tho Inrgest memboisMp In nttendnnco. Hlllnh Tomplo, Order of tho Mystln Shrine, will hold meetings In Mnrsh flold August 11 to 13, when degrees will bo conferred upon bcveral candi dates from Coos county. .Mrs. Roy O. Hrnlnnrd Is n visitor at Sunset Hay. Miss Nora llago will leave soon for North Dakota, whoro sho will visit relatives for the remainder of tho summer. Miss Knthorlno Mondo Is employ ed in tho Coos Day Grocery In tho position mndo vacant by tho resigna tion of Miss Gertrude Mnudlgo, C. K. Shaw left recontly Tor Cal ifornia, whoro ho will Join Mrs. Shnw for 11 visit of sovoral weeks. Ho plans to return In August. Mrs. L. E. Motzler, formerly of this placo, but now of Corvallls, Oregon, Is visiting friends In North Rend this week. Arclilo Phillips, who returned this week from the Ton Mllo country, says that HaiiBor & Hauser havo tho con tract for the grading botweon Sand Point and Lakeside and have In stalled electric lighting on tholr steam shovels and plan to havo two shifts working eleven hours each In stead of tho one twolvo hour shift. This will facilitate tho work and nld In finishing tho worst of tho grading beforo tho wet weather sets in, Funeral Held at 2 0'Clock This Afternoon from the Wilson Undortakinr Parlors. The funeral or Judge Guy C. Rar lium, who died early osterday morn ing or a complication or diseases, was l.eld nt 2 oYlurl; this afternoon from the Wilson undertaking par lors. The pall bearers were Claudo Nasburg. Henry Sengstncken, C. J. Hrusche, It. I). Wlnslow, Tom James and Georgo Carlton. Reautlful flor al wreaths woro offered by Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wnlrath. with whom tho Judge mndo his homo for a number ol years, other friends of the de ceased also orfored beautiful flow ers. Judge Rarnuni Is well known on tho Hay. Ho came hero nine years ago and Invested heavily In real es tate Judge Hnrnuin loft tho Day n number of times on extended trips. He came back for tho last tlmo on May 1 and wns more or less In disposed up to tho tlmo of his death. Judge Harnum is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Freda Harnum Cluff. THE WORLD'S POPULATION'. Tho population of tlio earth Is slightly over 1,900,000,000, an In creaso of 140,000,000 In tho last four j ears, according to tho Hurcau of Universal Statistics, which has Just announced Its figures for 1912. Asia now has 933,000,000; Europe 484, 000,000; Africa ISS.000,000; Am erica 187,000,000; nnd Oceanlca r.7,000,000. Tho world's comniorco now am ounts to $40,900,000,000, and it is carried on by 55,802 sailing ships nnd 47,714 stenmers. Othor figures show n total of 025,000 miles of rail roads, or enough to girdle tho globo twonty-lfov times. A dobt of $42,900,000,000 Is tlio total shown In tho accounts of all tho nations o ftho world. Of this, total public Indebtedness thirty-two milliards aro charged against Eu rope alone. A century ngo tho public debt of nil countries amounted to on ly n little over sevon ntllllards. Exchange. Women's Auxiliary of tho Presby terian Church will hold a Cooked Food Salo at Perry Nicholson's Satur day, July 25, beginning nt 1 o'clock. GRAND THEATRE O-NIGHT SIX HKKLS IOO( l-'ct't of IVittum PhutoithiYx Till; D III ST MUSIC IN THE CITY. "THE MASTER ROOUE" Flesh nnd blood tics nro noth ing to this wretch who sooka to victimize his blind brother's benefactors. Tho awful explo sion which brings death to tho "Master Rogue," tho pistol battle botweon pollco nnd crim inals aro two of tho tenso Kronen of this fen t tiro Kaleut In two reols. "SHOTGUN JONES" A. wild nnd wooly western play showing how thoy tamed and reformed ono of tho "gamiest typo" and mado him a useful citizen, This Is a Sollg pro duction In two parts. "ON THE MINUTE" A mayor threatening to voto an Iniquitous bill Is kidnapped. His secretnry files the docu ments In tlmo to snvo tho situ ation. An Ingonlous nnd thril ling piny In two reels. "DOC YAK'S TEMPER ANCE LECTURE" Ho nban dons gasoline and moves to a higher direction. ALL SEATS 10c. ALL SEATS All Sent, 10c. AH Seats, 10c. COMINO TUESDAY Tho film thnt is causing much heat ed discussion "THE MILI TANT SUFFRAGETTES C reols of solid fun. CHIEF OF POLICE ANDERSON, of North Rend, left on tho morning train for Handon. From thoro ho will go Into Curry County, whero ho will enjoy n two weeks' vaca tion. Anderson said that his fam ily would leavo North Hend Sun day by auto and Join him at Handon, DH. II. E. KELTY, DENTIST Phone 112-J, Room 201, Coke Dldg. LAUNCH FREAK leaves every day nt liilO p. in. for SOUTH Coos Hlver. Docks nt CENTRAL AVENUE slip.. i OAHL GHISSEX, VIOLINIST, will nppir In CONCERT at tho KIXNISH HALL, TuoHday, JULY 28. I ARE YOU BOTHERED With Corns? If so, you aro depriv ed of half tho ploasure of life pleasant walking and healthy exer cise. A visit to Mrs. Olivia ICduuiii. Scientific Chiropodist, Ap't !J, O'. Council HIdg,, will be tho source of a permanent rpmedv for nchlng feot 158-R PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Everything: For the Baby SEE OUR WINDOW. ;1T?WVaJTH&1 Mil (. U .n r - :cc b. ar lelB erJ hid thi r.i, da ,i j! U: n: mi i -il orj fol :oiJ Rj nl i1 i rivl mi OK :o 301 .lit oc all osl '.ail ) oc 1 trl Bill u ill t) joe an I1U1 IICJ Olll 111 lrt;1 HI ib(I a i w to lu W tli po lui U1 ft Wl na SftaawngpFWMgyyjWE'Miqg