Mfip " fawtwf'wTT f tynn.f. '.'TffqpiWiPJt,HI THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1914.- EVENING EDITION. "T-r; Ti r TWEE M3ttrMlOT P BETH'S TUTO SERVICE ITANI) AT CHANDLER HOTEL PHONE ill). iwi go anywhere any time ; new oait and careful driving kates to camping parties . LYNN LAMBETH Owner and DrUcr. I ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL iWo havo a great many inquiries f ncrcngo and lu IT you will II nt it rcnl mun h'o list your bporty at tho SI. Lawrence Ilotol Lloyd Ilotul. No commission tod. IMTWntUmKJMH . , MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular, place for Goo'd. Meals. i Prices Reasonable. 3or. Commercial & B'clw'y row Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks between anj nta In Mnrshflold for tho follow ; rates, delivery to ho mado In I first floors of "buildings: rco trunks $ .25 rco trunks '.'. ' CO olvo trunks, ,h 1.50 Star Transfer-and Storage Co. Levi Hclsticr, I'rop. lMiimo 1U0-J, 1-L. llH-lt. J. SUAIFK fi A. II. IIODCJINS- aishfiplfl PA,Nr AND& Estimates FuniMird unit U OU-J. Aliii-hlillcld, Ort'K NO HAW, EDGES ron I YOUIt COLLARS If you liuvo them hiiiudcicil Ht WIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marahflold .VAHII INGTON AVENUE STAHDEN STREET NORTH REND O. A. Mctllu, Prop. MITH'S VARIETY STORE. NortriBcncl, Dr Fancy and Domestic QHI,NA - iUlTS GLEANED AND PRESS :i) SPITS MADE TO ORDER filVK 11H', A TKIAIi UNIQUE PANTATORIUM fAY DOYLB & 0. O. DAGGETT :GG Contral Avo. Phono 2G0-X. I Pictures & framing Walker Studio N'ew Models 'HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend RT WOOD AT AMPBELL'Sj WOODYARD North Front Street, PlioSe J 80-J. 0 Commutation Tickets $2.00 rshfeId-Nortj?ltciid Auto -Lino i-s every teH Hilnutos from U a. in to ISjJO p. in. GOR8T .KINO, Pi a-J .'rops. HAVE THATifROOF FIXED UM)W SeeCORTHELL Phone 3171. 3W ifr,MTT Tirt"- ---.- wtf CHIMNIYSlIf FIRE PLACES J. nIbayliss ny Kindfaff Urick Work at PrltwvTkat Are night And alFfWork Guaranteed Call at "TheFJreside," Johnson nidg., 137uSecond St. Phono 13 4-J. M. ' French JU3! I3oller Work , For Camping and Fishing The GoldeiFalls Excels Delightful scenery, nnd free from the wind. Streams teeming with fish. Not far from Loon Lake and near to good deer hunting sections. If you wish a pleasant outiiiR, don't forget the Golden Falls coun try. You can leave .Marshflehl In tho morning and return tho sumo evening. Autos to nnd from Allegany dally to carry any needs of outlni; parties. Steamer Alert maker, two round trips dally between Mnrslifleld nnd Allegany to connect with autos. For further particulars, phone Ilusy Corner or Scandanavlnn Drug Stores. aoy-Drain Auto Line Oregon Girl Wins Road Essay Prize Alleg I). L. FOOTE, Proprietor. KEEK Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire aftd Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY HKNGWAOKKN, Mntmgcr FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY GENERAL AGENTS EASTS IDF. MAHSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE t-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PI I ON P 1IM. S. S. PARAISO Equipped villi Wireless. Finn Passenger Aitoiiii.hmI itiuns. Now Steel limit. S. K. PARAIKO WILL SAIL FOR SAN FRANCISCO SATUIIDAY .Il'LY 1H, AT I P. M.. WITH PASSENGEIIS AND FREIGHT YELLOWSTONE WIM, SAIL FOR PORTLAND, SATUIIDAY, .IULY IHTII, AT ." P. M.( WITH FREIGHT ONLY. NORTH BE.JD KILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Afjents TOM JAMES,, Multifield. SN A contest In which nenrly 5000 children all over tho Pnlted Stntes engaged, two Khlc and a boy. nil aged I I, have been nwurded prizes by Logan Waller Piiko, director of tho United States office of public roans, ror writing the best essuyi on the repair and malnteii'anco ol (hit ronds. The second prlzo wm won bv .Miss Lucille Huff, nKod 1 I an OroRoti Klrl, atteadlng school In Ai Huston, Or. Tho contest .was arrani;ed by Di rector Pngu to arouse Interest iuiioiik school children lu the subject of Im provliiK the public roads of the United States. Mr. Pane believed that If such a contest were started the children would ask questions f their parents, and an Impetus would be Riven to tho road improvement. .Many of the eshiiys submitted bore evidence of havliiR been prepared with tho assistance of parents or school teachers, and theso were elim inated. Tho ablest eiiRlneors In the Unlteil Stntes Office of Public Heads acted as a board lu passing on the essays nnd In makliiR the decisions. Prizes Glwn lo Three. The prize winners aro: First prize, gold medal, Amy Coon, Scammon, Kansas, a pupil lu tho Bkidmnre School. Second, Lucille Huff, ago 1 1, Wll lowdalo Farm, Arlington, Oregon, a pupil in the Arlington School. Third, Melvln Paulson, ago II, LloomluK Prairie, Minnesota. Miss Huffs essay Is given here with lu full: Clliiiiit- mid DruluiiRC Discussed. One of tho chief necessities of life Is food. Often this Is produced lu regions remote from town and rail road. Thus tho transportation must be over earth roads, which, nfter much usage, becomo badly In need -if repairs. Thus tho question arises lu rural districts, "How Shall 'Earth Roads lie Maintained and Kept in Repair?" First of all, tho climate must be considered; for what would suit an arid region would bo an utter failure in a humid climate, and vice versa. .Much atlniillmi Hlmnlrl lin tin 1 . 1 In Jraiuaue In a humid climate, as the A (JIHEYANCE IN (T'HHY. wpter gathers on tho rond If not properly drained. The sldo ditches must be kept cleared of all obstruc tions, and bo of sufficient dimensions to Insure good drainage. The rond crown Is slightly elevated and sloped gradually toward tho side ditches. Plnco culverts under the road nt canyons, nnd outlets for gutters nt every low point, sufficiently lnrgo to carry off all surplus water. Special Method Described. Some compositions of soil will not stand usage, and need special treat ment. Either a mixture or alternate Inyers of sand nnd clay at a propor tion of nbout 70 per cent sand to JIO per cent clay should bo spread on at a sufficient depth to remedy the defect. If sandy plnces appear, add more clay; or If sticky places form ndd more sand. Tho rond Is smoothed, graded nnd given tho slope to uitciics liororo tnu now soil is put on; then before a crust forms, a split-log drag should bo run over to crown and pnek tho road. Ronds In nrid regions require en tirely different repairs. Tho cMef difficulties arc sand drift nnd dust beds. Planting trees or Bhrubs by the road or henplng brush on tho wind ward sldo will often check tho drift. In some places it might be accessary to clear away brush or debris on the other side, allowing tho drifts to blow off tho road. Temporary llepalr Explained. After a dust bed starts, each pass age Incrcnses; tho depth, therefore, should ho immediately ropalred. Tho most satisfactory tompornry rcpnlr Is mado by scnttorltiB straw, brush or other Utter over tho bad places. Tills acts as a ctiBhlon to prevent wear ing. After the rains enmo, tho dust beds settle and tho rond can thou bo repaired, and packed with tho drag. In arid regions tho Biirfnco will be mndo to distrlbuto tho moisture even ly, rather than to drain It off tho rond. Although sldo ditches should bo provl led whero necessary, still they nro not so Important as in rnlny roglons. Spllt-LoR Drair Useful. The split-log drag Is one of tho most useful tools for repairing roads. It s enslly constructed at home by splitting a log 10 or 12 Inches In dlnmetor and seven or eight feet long. Select tho best half for tho front. Ilore three holes with n two Inch augur; ono located four Inches from the rond ond, tho second twenty-two Inches from tho ditch end, urn u imru miuwny between. On the back slab boro at polntB twenty Inches from rond ond, six Inches from ditch end, n third midway be tween. Fasten theso two slnbs thirty Indies apart, by stakes driven Into tho holes and firmly wedged. When completed tho back slab lies 10 Inches nearer tho road center than the front ono. A 2x4 brace Is placed diagonally to the stakes at tho ditch ond, resting within an Inch of tho ground on tho front slab nnd in tho nr.glo between stnko nnd slnb nt tho rear. A strip of Iron three nnd onc linlf Teet long, four Inches wldo anil ono-ofurth Inch thick, attached to tho ditch end of tho front slab by counter-sunk bolts, so that It extends from one-half Inch below Blab at end to flush nt middle, may bo used for the blade. Plank DriiR Is Substitute. In treeless regions a good Bubsti- tllto 1b tlin tilnnk ilrnn- ,.ntiuii..n.i on tho samo plans, but with tho ad- tmioii oi moro secure orncing, Tim HIlC.C'OHRflll nnnrnllnn nl tl. drag depends much on tho position of tho driver nnd length nnd position of tho hitch. Iloth may be regulated to suit every purpose. Drag tho right hand side of tho road, making tho return trip over tho other half. Tho nlm Is to throw tho enrth toward the center of the rond, forming n crown. Two horses can usually do tho work; but If four nro necessary, they should bo hitched by n four-liorso ovoner. If gravel or crushed rock nro avail able, n thin coating will make tho road moro durnblo and stive n great doal of trouble. Tlin rnnt nf ronnlrliiir n mm! vn.iii. greatly with tho oxtont of repair, easiness to procuro inntorlnl and tho cosi or innor. To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST AND COMFOUTAHLE S. S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NOHTII PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. C. 1-'. MtGEOHGE AGENT W. IL PAINTEU Phono II, Mnrshfield Phono 421, North Head HmmmammammmMmmammma Erf EQUIPPED WITH WIHELESB. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FKOM MAIISHFIELD DUHING MONTH OF JULY AT 12:30 P. M., ON THE -ITU, OTII, 11TII, 1DTII, 2ITII AND 20TIL... Tickets on sale to nil Ko&tern polntfl nnd Information us to routes nd rates cheerfully furnished. Phono 127-L. F. T. SHELDON. ArciU Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FKOM MAKSHFIEL1) FOK SAN FKANCISCO AND SAN PEDKO SATUIIDAY, JULY 25, nt 12 NOON. Equipped with wireless and submarine bel).. Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. SAILS FKOM MAKSHFIELD FOK SAN FKANCISCO WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, AT 11 A. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and 600 Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McGeorcie, Phone 44. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or neir platens, work guaranteed. Itibbous nnd carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phone 41. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Tho pooplo in Curry County seom to havo a well-founded Rrlovunro against tho Postofflco Department of ficials at WiiMhlUKtou, as word has boon received at Gold Uoach, tho county sent of Curry, that nil bids for carrying tho mails between Gold Hunch and Harbor hao boon reject ed, and that after July l tho only way to get mall from tho county scat to the lower portion of Curry County will bo to sand It by stage to Port Orford, I hence by stage to llnudou, thenco up tho Cocjtilllu River by boat to Co(iilllo, thence by rail to Myrtle Point, thonco by .stngo to lloseburg, henco over the Southorn Pacific to Grants Pass, thenco through tho Illi nois Valley and over tho Siskiyou to Crescent City, thonco up tho coast to Harbor, lu all, thin mnkos a dis tance of about ll'i mllos to gain a distance of forty-two mllos. Under siidi circumstances It would take mall, In tho best of weather, from olgi.t to olovu days to pass from Gold Reach to Harbor; lu winter, from tun to fifteen days. Tho contract prlco for carrying tho mull over theso forty-two mllos, mnkltiR three round trips n weok, has beou nbout SIL'.'O. This was for a horseback and pack-aulmnl route. Under tho best conditions tho con tractor, could only mako a very small wage; since tho parcel post law bo enmo offectlvo overy trip ills shown n loss. Hence tho lowest bid re ceived prior to letting for the next four years was $1000. Tho officials uiy this prlco Is prohibitive; hence, ill bids havo been rojoctud. .lust now the greatest dovolop meuts In Curry are taking placo nt llrooklngs, just north of nnd across tho Chotco Hlvor from Harbor. Tho largost town In tho county has sprung up there as If by magic. Moro than 350 pooplo nro now located thoro nnd this uuinbor Is being dally ntigmont ted. When tho llrooklngs sawmill gots undor full way, within a fow weeks, the population will begin to swell still moro rapidly. Tho llrook lngs company has n largo amount ot good farm laud to put upon tho mar ket lu smnll tracts in tho hopo that settlors will purchase It to ralso sup pllos for tho new town. Homos will bo sold to workmen. Thoro will bo much business of nil sorts with tho county sont. Hut In plain language tho postal officials say that tho dis tance to tho county sont Is -i2.r miles; tho quick transit for a lotter eight day Which in tho wlntor sonson will moro often bo twelve to fifteen days. Portland Oregonlnn. Scientific Varieties CAKL GK1SSEN In CONCEKT nt j Finnish Hall JULY 2H. Admission HO CENTS. , I Japan lins nearly CO, 000, 000 peo ple. Illinois lends In the amount ot In ternal revenuo receipts. Australia has 1)211, l."0 occupied dwelling houses. South African cronmorles nrodtico S.000,000 pounds of butter ycnrly. Atlanta. Gn has Installed a now water works pump cnpablo of pump ing 10,000,000 gallons an hour. Eighty-six por cont of tho factories In Switzerland uso electricity ns mo tive power. Tho Mississippi Hlvor Is 31G0 miles long, and tho .Missouri, which emp ties Into It, Is :i,100 miles long. Sovornl plem. 1000 feet In length, will he constructed nt tho Atlnntle ond of tho Pannmn Cnunl. Germany usos 118,000 tons of American lubricating nils nnnunlly. Its totnl consumption of such oils reaches 280,000 tons. Hussln leads tho world In tho pro duction of flax flbor nnd Argontlnn In the production of seod. Applo growors in tho stnto of Washington nro planning to soli tholr crops In Colombo, Singapore, Cal cutta nnd Hong Kong. Tolophono connection between eltlos on tho Atlnntle and Pacific coast of tho United Stntes is prom ised boforo tho ond of tho year. Waters of Lower California pro duro lobsters, nnd mnuy 'tons of criistnconns wero shipped to tho United States last season. In nn endeavor to euro doop-soatod diseases, French physicians nro ex perimenting with injecting solutions of radium Into tho human body. According to tho United States govornmont exports, raisin seeds can bo mado to ylold n clear syrup, nn oil useful In paint and soap-inakiug, n tannin extract and a meal for feed ing stock. Statistics which havo been pub lished In tho Orvosl Hotilap assort that tho numbor of medical mon In tho whole of Europo amounts to about 100,000. An ingonlous Implomont has boon patented by a Khodo Island Invontor to ounblo n man to tlo a knot In cord around n parcel and cut the superfluous cord with ono hand. It Is roported that an extensive bed of rock salt has been discovered on tho Skeenn River, about forty-five mllos from Princo Rupert, along the lino of tho Grand Trunk Pacific Rail way. Tho tulip beds on tho permlses of C, M. Thomas, Spruco street, Rock lnnd. Mo., havo evoked a groat doal WE! WE AD OS D NOSTRILS OPEN, Instantly Relieves Swollen, Inflamed Nose, Head. Thiimt You llrcutlio Freely Dull Headache Goes Nas ty Discharge Stops. Try "Ely's Cream nalm." Get a small bottle anyway, Just to try it Apply a little in the nostrils and instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up nir passages of tho head will open; you will breatho freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning! tho catarhh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get the small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug storo. This aweot fra grant balm dissolves by tho heat of tho nostrils; ponotratcs and heals the inflamed, swollen membrane which lines tho noso, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief conies Im mediately. Don't lay awake tonight strug gling for breath, with head sturfed; nostrils closed, hawking and blow ing, Catarrh or a cold, with its running nose, foul mucous dropping Into tho throat, and raw dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith Just once in "Ely'B Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh will Burely disappear. For Sale by Brown Drug Co, of comment nnd admiration. Thoro aro between 50,000 and 00,000 of tho plnntB, tho blooms on which mako a dazzling sen of color. A photographic papor which Is sensitized on bath sides Is designed for tho purposo of making copies of records for filing. Tho schomo Is a spneo-savor. Thoro aro In Canndn four tolo phono lines owned by provincial gov ernments, twenty-sovon owned by municipalities, .108 owned by cor porations, i:i:i owned by co-operntlvo companies, .11 owned by partnerships and 113 private lines. Whou full, tho terminal elevators nt Port Arthur nnd Port William will hold approximately 30,000,000 bush els of grain, but, owing to tho dif ferent grades of grain and Its con dition, this totnl capacity Is hardly over reached. If tho earth woro to rovolve seven teen times faster than It docs, bodlos at the equator would losn their wolght nnd remain stationary in the air without support. The Assouan dam and other Irri gation works In Egypt linvo cost about Ifi3.000.000; but tho Increase in vnluo of Innd In mlddlo nnd lowor Egypt nnd tho Fnyoum provfiices lias boon from $955,000,000 to 2, 4-10,000,000. Tho tolnl rent of this land has rlson from $82,000,000 to $190,000,000. Eighteen barrels of ginseng, con taining 1343 pounds and worth $8001, havo begun tholr journey from WnuBnu, Wis., to China. This crop wns grown by J. H. ICoohler on one-half aero of land near Wau sau. An expert of tho Department of Agriculture has been sont to tho ex tromo northwestoru corner of China, never boforo visited by scientists, to seek now plants that might be valu ablo In tho United States. Somo peoplo may not bo awaro of tho origin of tho word "porcelain." When, in tho sixteenth rontury, traders Introduced this Chinese prod uct into Europo, Its polished, trans lucent surface was thought to resom blo cowrlo sholls, which, from their supposed likeness to the shape or a llttlo pig woro called "porcollana." One of the wonders of tho Guate mala Jungle Is tho "water vino," n black, snakolike, leafless stom, drop ping from tho Celba and mahognny trees to which It has climbed. It Is said to contain a quart ot water to overy foot. When tho stom la cut tho wntor spurts forth In n refresh ing stream, Molsturo Is drawn up from tho soli, and flltored through tho pores of tho plant. Enrly wells lu what later devel oped Into the greatest oil region In the country woro put down for salt, bomo being sunk to a depth of 800 feet. Nearly all yielded quantities of potroloum, nnd somo produced nenrly all nil, but It was not until tho Into fifties that the commercial value of oil as an lllumlnant was realized, Moro than 600,000 pounds of snail sholls aro shipped out of Malaysia ovpry year to Europo and America to bo used mnlnly lu tho making of buttons, The shells are taken from tho ocean by fishermen and sold through Chinese collectors to Euro pean firms at Slngamoro. Tho prod uct brings nbout sixteen cents a pound In Now York. MARRIED ARITHMETIC. Mudgo Hero's a man figured out that If all the money In tho world woro divided equally each adult would got about thirty dollars. Meek He's wrong. My wife would get sixty dollars. Vj IsJIsillsissLsLsLMsMLsWL