mmmiESSBES wKMWhw, TrBByitaiS i. W1 r C. MT IUHII III V ' . 11" Hi; nit fim i'WIi ,' ,"1 HI 'W I ' I "" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1914. EVENING EDITION. TWO ! L. Ill p w b( i-: n In IK ao th tr an fo 801 frClQ O A V THIflTC l,, mysteries. Yet tomorrow my JkJD ntX I llYlllO traveler will ho Iuitimi. Ilmv In- - f nltelv sorrowful that t lit Kates of w. C. MAIjOXKV. .Htlltor nnd rub. iive-Hye should cut be closed DA.Y K. M XI.OV10V. . .New l.tlltor 1,,-niitlViil. wonderful. tttnuiKe I-nml Kntnrnfl lit tl7p Pnstnfflrn .-it Mnrsh- of Ilve-Hyo. I'llCil III It all tilt field, OreKcti, for transmission plunder of baby dioains and the through tip malls as socoml-class manual things of low? ago. Ilyo mall matter -Bjp l the Land of Novor-Can-He. - i 'nnd Is just arounil uip'uiock some i vv here, everywhere, anywhere. An - ni.-el stands guard, and none ran 'shy nave for the length of a sum- ior m urn I hit TIip wnv bark Is lined i .. 1.1. iii.. i. ,i.. i.uiinit an.) tnnin i Mtnnf Minlr'a. iwmi lime unu,t uuktiiivc m... ...v.. . ,i.v. ....,-. . ...,i.,, f in.i ini.i.ciif.n tlvn.Uv la JJ-sl- in ice t.i ii.oi Hiuuv. ii.. . - -- i lite life from here to yonder: nnd! Iiuty eomes before p.o.isute ir pfralircilB are travelers and travel- ... ,.,, ,.ii itttle children seeking you don't believe It, look In the ll - II ors. Some rlrritmnavlgnto tlm ut Its mysteries. AXON', jtlonary. TRAVELERS IN BYE-BYE LAND WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST ,, -- Life Is a grindstone that h.itens either our wits or our noses llapplue?s Is merely gettl.ti: un , you want and forgetting oui don't. ; Somp Coos Uay people hum their , bridges behind them, and others fire-, j&uatMlaMy tSSSS3B0 IRVING BLOCK PE-Annuaju mer Clearaiirwll .-v tt'-NI- MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING SHOP OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF CLOTHING. EXCEPT FULL DRESS, PRICED LOTS SALE BEGINS SATURDAY, JULY 25TH. ' a globo In white-nulled ships, hide behind the M.-Mids of summer! sens nnd go on pilgrimages to inya-, tenons old minis. Hunting strange WHAT Wi: MAV JJ.VTI.CT. Si -::-- Charity may begin at home, hut you frequently find It out when yon tall 00, I S.'iO illl I oo SI ITS . . . oiKnn ipiu.uU experiences and new sonsatlons. y-v.N'H of the constructive business i -::-J! Others boat the hot paths of pppu- I leaders of Xew York City Is I Occasionally yon 1 Ions cities discontented, and still , v-' Irving T. Hush, the man who ,., wj,0 )s so 0.v -::-- meet a Coos Hnv L'.tlrmitt tll.'if tin 1 otiiers mount on Fancy's wings to a responsible for the Hush terminal actually polite to his own wife. tne tnousnnu ami one worms mat radiuics. lien vir. uusn s,ie..Ks, jj; Ho dreaming on the limpid bosom he always says something. Whether she tangoed up and down the bea b of tho night. Hut iho grentest trnv- ;ii comment Is favorable or nnf.iv- The sweet girl from Durango. elor I over saw I saw this morning, orable, It always possesses the stamp tm tu,M s10 jj j0 ,.3l, tu, olesn h She came out from under some rose-of original thinking. Mr. Hush said -j0 mail ,Ui pvfttl tail go. bushes whero a cricket lives and a few days ago: Mngs, was in a rour-wiieoicr utile "A great ileal iicpenus upon crops Willi, I. ItOSIMiriUJ SI. KIM'S. buggy nnd was goinng bye-nyc. nnd confidence, so fur ns crops nre That's Just around the block some- concerned, the Almighty seems to bo wiiere. overywnere, nnywiiere, niula Democrat this year: and we nre she was nccompanled by a little ::. .mi. and $:".. M SI' ITS . . . $18.75 ?:i(i,(io, j Jf.' si its TWO LOTS OF SHIRTS, PLAIN BOSOMS, YOUR CHOICE ALL SUIT-CASES AND HAND-BAGS.... 33 1-3 PER .ots of Kelt Mats. (JM nr l SlllfSoclM. nil colors. .Mic fh-f o niul S't i holce ipiiJu I mltics, til ;irc; :t pairs for f) Hitffl Ifj am " an. a. .m K UliA win A II i. . ... .. ...... uun COATl s 'KU C8XT , Out with the hntchet. boys, out with the knives, Slat leZ1 passfni, of a perlo-d 'of Kllsunlve",?s,:n,e,ng., 'Itiii.ertalnty. Whether we like the ',,f "" "r "I f'V "h" . ....i ..i. ...,., J i ..... ior our lives. ALL UNDERWEAR, EXCEPT B. V. D., CHOICE OF STOCK 25 PER CENjj Two lots of Hoys' Hants ; & SI if Hoys' Hunts Pn Two lots Hoys' Hunts, fjp values, choice JUU I Sl-f. mid $ I . .. 0 (iolci UJb ill,.,,. I,,., ,. "u iiuo niiys Iant values to $. PlHI, ;or. pass us by? have a decision In the application'.... '"? r," ,,',,.,,,, , , ,, fnr an advRn.e In railroad rates. If ) la,'or" . ' " n,ro los,1 the decision be favorable, some of." Is wn.f " tlu ,I,U' tlU 0Hr l,n,,,,,U'' brown spaniel pup. Hye-Hye Is the i ... .... .: .... . ... :..... . .... iiinu ui nouiiuniii iuiuks. nun im-ianti or currency ciinnges or noi, wc- . . , j........... ., ., ,, ,,,, ofnr irna u.t fa ant.. Ill n f,M... I ...I.n. .1,.,.. a .1 nl,.l u-lll 'XUU lilt IIIIU1UIIMK UlltSt StBrt Witll mmu,. v-w. pufco r" .. r....- ... .. tut.t - i 1(11.1 nilUH nil. 11 nil.' iiiir, ..., ..... .. i!(1ilM Avhceled little buggy, on n summer goon know "who will direct the new' l"U1"'1" IMnMllllt I'll!..! Ill .,, fltl.fll. ...tit 1 f I....I.I. .. .n..l. I... tlM.d.l,,t H.r1.1.,.iA ' ...uiiKi.e,. i.ivii- io i.u wnit. mi; .u IIHIinillfi; IIHirillllV. 1 U'.TIIl I. Hll.'llii; 11., ,,,,,- I ...,tl,.,,,1., I ,ill pnl lliorn An iinirnl alnn.U .-llniil ....I..., . nl.l m 'n ulll ennn . "iU Illnttl'rS If lallrOilllS nlld tlllll . V. . . .? . 7 " i.u.iii.i n. ...-.i- ...l.... "V .. ... v... nnu nnves oni k an imi a uiue-eycii baby girl nsul a bright-eyed baby hoy with rubber rattles In their linn'ls. Hye-Hyo Land lies within the county lino, but none sees it save the pure In heart. Yes, the great est traveler I ever saw didn't go fur ther than around the blo !(, but the ninny strange and beautiful things sho saw could not hnve been found the wide-world around. She saw n big house with vines nnd flowers growing iiroiind It. two little girls our most pessimistic friends will lose their best argument. If unfavorable, the railroad officials can save the price of their hotel accommodations In Washington, and get busy hand ling the crops. We have a pretty definite Idea what form the new trust legislation will take, and It does not .eetn very terrible to any but the '(ft-llicli-qulrk WnlllngfoiMs' of the nation, When these factors tariff. with a rope, ami some big boys with currency, crops, trust legislation, nnd xi ball. She saw a church with a 'railroad rates have passed from tho tower and a schoolhoiise. and a .eRItii of uncertainty, we will have nock of birds. She traveled nil (tt'o left to worry us." .humiiuk nnu "mi iimiiicii eyes nsiceu many, very ninny, questions of these elio met. nnd learned more than would fill unnumbered books of travel. Why doesn't somebody write n took on tho Land of Ilyu-Dye? Henu-I use In the next wilt. It Is not wo who reckon the cost Oh, we boost now nnd then, boost some newcomer out. We can drown nny cheer with n groan: While the other towns fight for the mills nnd the like, We do all our fighting nt home Contributed to tho Koseburg He vie vv. A Good Stock of Jumbo Knit Sweater Coats pr pcr q.m Any floods purchased here, if not as represented, will cheerfully refund the nib All high-grade merchandise and the original prices marked conservative. 'fS WHY? Because wc sell for Cash. H i rn AT .THE. IH0TI01S WAXTKH. ".Vow. my friends. ' said :he can didate, making nnother effort to HAXDV. nrouse enthusiasm in hlu henrers vvlmt do we need in order to carr.v "isn't It strange Hint nothing we this dlstrht by the biggest majority possess In this world will be of nny I in Ms history?" ' rne rosnnntin wim Itmiiiullniii .,... --,--..- , IIVUIII.V .1111. tlf til It is for situation, nnd most I "Oh. I don't know. You might .cnthuslnstlc wonderful: filled with fairies nnd bnng on to that little book entitled 1 "Another candidate! eterual sunshine: n place of Incred- "Wim tn Ho In Case of Klre.' " audience. m m. T . yelled the I Wescott, Kotiebiin; At the Si, l.tivvii'iict'. Charles Stunlo). Portland. .1 litis iiiitKHcn. Oiinliner .1 It llutlor ami son. (lardlner. Mrs II ,M Young, Lakeside. Chester Itlebel. Itosehurg: Herbert Quiiiu. Itosehurg. I (1. Huh Hell. CiiiniiH Inn: I). .Morgnn iitul riimily. nuiiilcti: JesNle Simon, To ledo: It. II. million, Kent; )au Me VllJ . Scuttle. At the ISIiiiicii. , .. ,. I " l.nmin. Cniiiilile: ClinrleH Jnmes MiCiitcheoii. Heaver Hill; Swim -oil. Coos Hlver; K. Karl. (!ur- .1 C. Hervey. K I.cvlson. San .lliu.r- .inlm i,.rr...... i n... n .... ' '.'"i'.v' -.."""v' "'J!1 ""I- K,,,w"11' ''l"l-: ' "' HeiiderH. msco: C. A Pnrker. New York;,. ; Carl Hitter. Hold : omin. Hort'an.l: . A. Schae-, V. K. Ilender. Myrtle IMut; K I W, 1 r.r. ti.tllan r: Joli.1 Th. rj. Mi-m- kor. Sun Kninclsco; (i,.,Kl. Nagll. phis: Mrs. .1. II. Dunlap. Clarlndn. Duliith. ""'". llonryvllle i ., i,u i,?'," ll-i'. Ilenrj Denny, 0rC (liiurln. I'oiti.imi r iv ,rco No. ". H ol'vi At the Cliamller. " in:vi:(,r. Stai Iowa; J. M. Whetstone. Olvinnlii: K lleiiilnrsoii. Hortlnnd: William At Hie l.iojd. V M Adillsiui Mi- I.. I'olnt; Wl- Mill And you mimik,, -V lo got inarrlel? - .1111 That k vvl-at n,,., "And her father, oiJiJ.."' thoin?" u ; "Sure thing" "And did he catih uniaft "llo certainly dl.l, wt,'"'1 lug with them yet" ia oiks' ca-iMiiriw HA I. Church of IIMI'IHEi lA.N('K nnd sociai, i' t Hull SATt'llllA) eieulji Central! i wMili,IMillllllllM"lll"''"'M"MlilltliniriMM i '" p jomme on Central Avemnm HI-TONE CHOCOLATES The Kind They AH Want For Snle at TAFFORD5 Quality Quantity Service. Only three words but they mean a whole lot to you and every other consumer. They are some of the features of Central Avenue. They are attractions auv place, but in Central Avenue stores thev reach their full significance. Xew stores, new and un-lo-rlnJo line, ami 'quality, (iiautitv and service" have made Central Avenue the shopping center of Coos bay. Concentrate. Centralize. Kcononilze. Morchan ilUe. Keopyonrlzo on Central Avenue. """"" .Moronan- PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Channdller Hotel a Good Mouu The Hub of Central Avenue I r . For i ell REAL ESTATE BARGAINS . HOUSES TO RENT ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE ' Sec Aung. Frizeee Central Avenue TAJ 2DG Place That Insurance Now Hy sycclal arrangement, l am ahlo to adjust all small fire losses immediately. J ropresmit tho following fire In- c"tronarCUimiU'Ule3' "" "llUl" d0"ar eori)oratlon8- tho solid- LSi LANCASHIRE QUEEN lm r,n LONDON UNDERWRITERS FIREMEN'S FUND I also renro-ont tho famous Aetna, wrltlns liability, bur Kinri. olalo glass, surety bonds, etc. E. I. CHANDLER World Renown MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES AND DRUG SUNDRIES Advertised all throuRhout tho I'nltod States, many In foreign nations as well. If y Hw ,t mlvertlHed you can Rot It here. If lf new to us. wo will Bet t ap0clall- for you. Learn to call on us first when It's somothlns In our lino you want, whether now or old. Our stock Is kept up-to-date and always complete On the strength of thU you are always certain of recoIvm fresh goods. "Nationally Advertised" Goods Are Good Goods OWLrs!MONC74J a p.rrr. ixC-tUKU'TION dHARMACI J?00 , Columbia 1 Bread and River Flour (aimies i Shorts $IJS 3 h Wheat $1.90' pi ii -. u I twf-7 IN BUlllimiM-i)in.-m.r..r. 'nnnn u UUMAN "The Kodak Store" How about that newjpiano? We have a fine line of instruments to select from. Terms can be arranged to suit your convenience. R OI'KX AS ACCOUNT WITH TIIK Firrt National Bamk i fi Off Coos Bay f AVAIL V0UI.8KI.P 0V ITS SUPKUIOK FACIMTI g, 8"' deposit boxes In bBlar.proof vaults for rent at lot 3' ras. central Avenue. ey .emi Co0 I- I.. THOMAS, MKr. , CENTRAL AVENUE. RUSSELL BLK. --- '"'I'tial Avonuo . . Underunriii 'p. . I H , ZZZZ J i ' el- 35: A?iS,,5 oumivua IYPEWRITER? inesonhLncf UlG f0"WlnfJ factopy rebllit maoh L?fi0 6" 535 Remlnoton No. 10, $55 ;";;"";. Au nmihim-sB,,, " V '' r'"' """ '"''. Im CARLL STOCKKN - zMi i Ik's Easy to Understand Whv mi. 1.. ..... won you Biv0 .,.?. ,.ron.0', U - .. to show .W B 1'w ...o,r a,,,,, - , rZ"t that can b. n. - . -" i I'liajju. uiean iovvbis " v jii Itio. toBothop vvi l"roiiBSo. Clean towels for e "" " - ii,"s.iK ssr a,,a " "'"" Terrell's Chairadleir Barbeu0 Shop lAn t Ca inii (43 Tt LrbLi 7NtTfffT! "-y!-.; vwrTrmfkAM fr-r ' fnr,rTnrw... !,t'''5 V.Ktfth' I KtK.'l ( f rlWffPBHSM I WWB 1 -aa ijjjjj.-wrr-r . , i' r r rrter-Aji i t jl ri ij a lit ij i iiijuhui NaMn itnnLvnm.- 5 1 - i;. ydiMfitaiyiOMi 'j5mwSHM"J, jflDKH