The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 24, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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2- -a -Tf
VtrWflxlMlSUHJVf) JnBISmCHiranKm9.MwSBs3l
to reach tlio 'grent purchasing power
of this community should not bo
overlooked In plnelng your advertis
ing. Tho choice of media or suc
cessful merchnnts IS TI1K T1M1CS.
i'amii.v cmci.i.s m:.riiK)
with every copy of tliis medium.
Hove your advertisement read bv
tho Homo Community regularly, so
I thnt they will know you. Uo In
troduced BY TIIK TI.MKS.
mi;mi:i:k ok tiii: associ.vtkd pri:ss
INtabllrh'v.l tKTK
as The Const Mali.
A Consolidation of Tlmo, Const Melt
and Coos Uny AthertKcr
No. 9.
: 1 ln ,i U
Mrs. Walter Baird of Marsh-
field Arrested for Drugging
Russ Johnson.
Johnson Claims to Have Losl
$100 Summon Marsh-
fidd Witness.
Mrs. Luvlna Balrd, formerly known
as; Lou Fraaklln, was nrrotftcd horo
lato lasl nlglit and taken to Couulllc
by SherlfffoSgo on the r.hnrgo of
drugging aad'xohblue Rush Johnson,
a loggor from Coriulllo, nt the Arngo
DENIES REPORT That .Her Daughter
Has No. Intention of Marry
ing a Chinaman.
Mrs. .lennlu M.sBtowart, mother of
Knto Sargent, better known as Kntc
Stewart, denies morft emphatically
thnt her daughter Iiiih murrlcd, or Is
HAVE often thought thnt one of the weak spots In the organized effort
for tho general betterment of Coos liny 1ms been lnek of co-operative
ccrdl.illly, If I mny bo permitted to coin n phrncs, In welcoming new-
lomors to the community. Wo contribute to tho Chnmber of Commerce,
spend money In advertising, anil In mnny ways herald to tho world tho
ntti actions and nd vantages of Coos liny to bring people hither, and then
promptly forgot nil nbout thorn. Wo manifest no Interest In the newcomer.
It Is not Hint wo nrc Inhospitable merely Indirforcnt.
A short time nftcr Tom Richardson mndo his famous remark thnt tho
women of Oregon wore by their Indlfforeneo In tho matter of hospitality
nnd cordlnllty driving thousnndB of settlors from tho Btnte, (luy Warner
tomnrked to mo that he know one case In Mnrshflcld where n family thnt
mine to make their future home changed their minds because of the
nppnrent lack of cordiality. This particular family wns possessed of
nbundnnt means and, In fact, had purcbnBoa a lot to build a homo, but
tho mother said thnt after several months of Isolntlou she decided she did
not wIbIi to remain in such n selfish nnd self-centered community. Guy
suggested that here was nn opportunity Tor The Times to do some helpful
work. ,
Now the truth Is that Coos Uny Is neither selfish nor self-centered. Tho
lommunlty ns n whole deslros to share Its many advantages of climate nnd
opportunity with the whole world. This nppnrent neglect of n cordlnl wel-
Declare That Coos County Ser
vice From Roscburq Should
Not Cost Over $25,000.
Hotol lu KajiUvj ion July 1. John-"is engaged to bo married to Low
mn nind -' (.nmiilnlnt rlmniliiu her 'Chung, n wealthy Uhliiiimuntof Se-
wlth taking! 1i00 iroin him. I "ttlo. " Sargent left heio about, como wns only Booming, but It Is something thnt should receive the attention
-A'. . . ... . ' two weeks ngo Tor Portland in com- j of our citlrt-us, our clubs nnd our comniurdJul bodies.
sirs. uaiNWiomcB nu- gum. &i"1my w(h Mm Ullb.y ,rurnor. Ilecontly I learned of it now Idea that might with profit bo ndopted by
wns still lu JaU nt Couulllo this uf-j M,.M 8tewn,.t Huy8 t;mt ,or dnugh-i Coos Uny cities. Tho plan originated, I think, lu Wllllntnsport, I'onn
tcrnoon, belrie unnblo to furnish ter wont to Seattle about throo years sylvhnln, my native state, whero every new family receives a wnrm welcome.
nB" i "V", ?..!..?. -."' .... ........ ,u comes In tho form of nn nttrnctively printed card of welcome and tho
sot yet. r' Chinaman Lew Chang. Shortly nf- rucipionis nvu invited to Join In tlio inovemcitt to ninke tho city Ideal for said:
liar .hearing has not been "?"
i Chlnaiuan. w Chang. Shortly nf- recllonls are Invited to Join In the inov
According to JJio story that John-; tor, she says, her daughter was taken homo nnd business. Tlio fonturo Is u part of tho plnn of the Welcome
Official Doubts Inspector's
I Plan to. Send It by Boat
Will AHrlrocc Mnnrinri at Phnm. '. Writes tO HaWley.
twin nuui wuu in ww ill i y ui wi n.ti 1 1
ber of Commerce Tonight
on Important Subject.
son told District Attorney Llljouvlst, ' "1 with appendicitis and was remnvod, Committee of the Civic Club nnd has proed ono of tho best undertakings
ho sold wine -j.roj.crty nt Couulllo '" .;"' u "'-, of tho club,
. . .... . . v" " . " Tl... ......
and went to Etnplro July 1 to see
According to .Mis. Stewart, tho
about a scow.Ho went to tho Arago I ciiinuman paid the hospital
Hotol. ho aai'H, -ami gut a drink. , whl.di amounted to over $l!U0
8oon aftor hotook It ho claims ho wlicn .Miss Fargcnt was ublo to bo
folt dly Mi'dr.wont to his room. Ho-""""1 ""'" " n"K,,, ''ur l" ,,,nr,J
.In I.,,. H,f .r,',.n n flnl-UMii il till) u-n. ' M,l,1 ' ,,Ut "HH SttrR1'111 rofllHOll to
claims that soon jvttoiwnul tho vo- (,() n)c BPCOraI l0 Mrf stownrt tbo
man appearednd took his bankroll chlnumun hns been after her dniiB'h
from hl pocket, llo said thnt ho ter recr since.
had shown Ui'e Lauk .roll to tm nutoj .Mrs. Stewart says that ho told hor
driver whea tie j.ald him fur taklus, ilniiKior that sho would have to
him Pmnlri marry him foi tho renmm thnt "no
mm to Umpira. had in claim oi. her." Wo says that
Ho clalmod iliat ho was uimhlo to , Htl0 1Il8 ,eon nving In fear of the
locate the Daird' woman for a long Chinaman for tho pnst thaco years,
tlmo and also told JUr. LUJeuvist that ' lowOhung sent his photograph to
.mib. siiiwuri some iimo ngu, togciiHT
Congressman Haley has sent tho
copy of tho self-explanatory letter
to Tho Times to explain tho mall
It Is expected that thcro will bo situation:
n largo attendance nt tho Mnrshflcld My Dear Mr. Ilawley:
Chamber of Commerce this evening with reference to your fnvor of
to hour Cnpt. Wilson 1. Oavcnny, field the 14th Instant, relative to star
secretary of the National KIvorH nnd routo service between Uoseburg ami
ItarboiB Congress, talk on "Our Nat- and Myrtle Point, Oregon, In whlr
lonnl Waterways." .!. W. Uonnctt, you urgo that tho servlco on theso
who Is n vlco president of tho or- routes bo maintained, I bog to udvlso
ganlzntlon. will jireslde. Cnpt. Da- you thnt tho Department hns been
venny hnH been u closo student of pnylng approximately ir.,000 n year
the waterway problem and hns trnv-' er."h for theso routes. They nro both
olod widely. In discussing It, ho very difficult to perform sorvlco over.
I especlnlly during the winter tnon.
"The Interest In the development Tho., Itosehurg-Mnrsliflold route 1
of channels for wntor-borno com- !'?,! !' 1.r. ' . !"r:L. XX W ' .. !
morco Is deepening lu every part or iid Iteston Is lu very bad condition,
tho country. My time for n' portion I'inl the county authorities havo fall-
of last year was occupied on tho ei1 ' kopl ll ln aultnblo repnlr for tho
South Atlantic seaboard nnd around !,0.l1f"""n,IIP,ln? "U'V'r.t:-..Iif.,.Ic
mono with tho imnip nnd local address of every now family nrrlvlng. This t: o gulf coast, to tho border of Mcxl- nindo for tho linntlllnir nr iim imnvv
might bo obtained from the manifest with uumes accompanying the furul- o. and overy port lu all that const pnicels post mall for Coos nnd Curry
The committee found n flno spirit of commendation nnd co-operation on
1.111,1 ' l ' oteryoiio wnoso neip wns sougni. uero mo stenmsliip companres
mill , "" l" irnimier men migni rurnisn tins secretary of the Chamber of Com
lure and tho transfer men could glo tho address where It was delivered.
Tho enrd of welcome might ho mndo lu n form thnt could bo hung on
tho wnll with n hlnnk space lu which tho nnmo or tho newcomer could bo
written. Tho following Is merely n Btisogution as to form:
"Tho City or MoBhfleld, through Its Chnmbor of Cbmmorco, welcomes
you ns ono of ItH'tanllllos, and hopes It will not bo long until you can with
perfect freedom nnd satisfaction cnll this city MIOMK.'
"Wo trust you Will llo your Bhora In making 'It un ideal city for home
nnd business.
"As a help to this, there Is horo presented a list of our houses of wor
.....-. V- . .. 1. nI...U.l II
1VJ1HI1 IIH HHW J1UJ . HlllJ UllllltLLLIll lb i. . .. .. ... . ... .
and offered to pay Imak some, but hoClilch Smtc" to soinelhing ovcrJ",,,,,, ,n M,mo 0Mvt vMeh y" ni,,y (""ck,y f,,1(1 C0K-'nInI fellowship nnd
Insisted on getting It all. I SL'OO.ono. lu hlh letter ho promised .nn opportunity of i.ursomtlnnd community service."
wmi siicn n euro migni no enclosed n list or tho churches with tho
Tinnies nnd nddressos or-tho mlnlstors, n cnnl tolling how to'uso tho public
unrnry, a list or tlio -schools and tenchors, and sucli other Inronnntlon ns a
iit'wcomor might find luufil).
A rogulur coniinliiMi might bo appointed to nttond to this work and
wlfliln a weok after the cards aro sent out tho members of tho commlttoo
mlR'ht call upon tho now residents with n cordlnl welcome and tho helpful
Information nbout the city. 'This committee might co-onernto with similar
committees from the various women's clubs.
YTJiy not doolop this i.lun In some practical manner to prove to tbo
nowcomor that wo nrc glad ho t-ninu nnd that ho will find on Coos Hay a
hospltaVIe wolcomn to tho j.Imio ho will henceforth call "IIOM13"?
. fill,, wnnMnvt imv .mil! hn filed to nuiko Miss Siu'gent n MOSOUt ori
,,-N., ..--.- - ,,.., - -
tho charges,- Uo claims that Carl "' ,.",,,, ",l ","u,",l " "u "u"'"
.Vftlker of Mamhflold will Buhtan-I MrBt at-art bii.h thnt her dnugh
.tlato hlg story and District Attorney ter told her that slit would not marry
JLIIJeavJdt stated this afternoon ithut.n Uhlimmnii for nil tho moiuv lu So
i. ..... ......n.... ur,.iL.i. nttlo. Sho Is verj' much worried
ho was. sending for Wnlkoi. n,lt ,,,. rtllll,,ltorlow n8 ,,10 ,,
Johnson has been around Conulllo not 'heard fiwm her-tor sovornl .days.
Xpr some tune and worked in the It is untie. stood thnt Miss Kwvgent
woods. He drinks quite luunlly nnd was engaged to ho mnrrlnd to n
ISLknown,:! Marshfield. The Marth- 'C"R "' of Hils cotimunlty m or
field police know him ns Gust Joun-
i about August 17.
i?.Uo -ArORoIHotel Is run by Mrs.
Fannie O'Dpnnoll, formerly of Hun
ker Hill anriTlarshfleld. . I
Walter J3a.lrd, husband of Hie iw
cielVQtupJ?l8 n well known bar-'
tender tn Manmtleld. He did uotl
kHPW of hlsk'JVo's arrest untl after i
h ittniveil ,U?no nfler work at,
12:30 night. He published not-i
lue today ihai.h would not bo io-'
paiMlbje lwtjay viiy for her actions.
Me jMjya ttWt.i8hu was abhent from
J:. lIllfVBt Vr8 informed hr
Aerlff (Jage that Mm. Ilnlrd wns the
MMieVwmifthatMt J.IIJcnrlHt had
praeqiitod bh tlfuo.ago uidor tho
Was Sufferinn From Infection
oJ Injury to Arm When
Last Heard Fiom.
.1. P. Morris, who wa In from Plat
II toduy, stated iliat the last advices
received Jrom Major Kinney wiero
name, of LouFMntl' for .a gather I)'1"1 "" ffrlnK from nn at
. M aclt of hlood poisoning resulting
from un Injury to his arm while he
wns being taken out. This tvns sev
eral days ago and us no Inter .advices
have been reielved It Is belletd thnt
1 e must bo Improving, He w im
proving mentally .
Whfcw .nttwuq.
3wt. Mapgenn Wanls inrjer
iange Limits and Dojphins
, Changed Soon.
Clapt, Mann hns started a iuove-
usui pw.f ine rniiKO usms ur
Head of Oreqon Commission
Will Seek Exhibits for the
Frisco Exposition.
niti: ix noufiiiAs.
t() I'l.fOit
Illtlo Diiimme Done
TliU Swim. ii,
HOSlCIlUItO. Or., July 24. -A tim
ber flro In South Douglas County
hah boon roportcd ns under control
by Klro Chlof l.tmders. The flro
bur i.od through somo good timber,
hut tho dnmngo Is not groat. Sev
eral brush fires near Roseburg havo
destrood rencos nnd cordwood nnd
also threatened sovornl farmhouses.
hlaa la ikaTunnor Ih.v elinueed so TJmboruujn say thnt tho undergrowth
lint tho fiSr l.nlK rnmtnir and.1" ,l10. w,,Bl19 ls s( llenvy tills yenr
"fLTI 33 : n "" ..... ..' ..,"': I " J8 danger rro,., fire, and
i'ffii n wmi j
loe to Uwiwhnrvcs.
not ply o
He says that
f the ehaageTls mndo, it wllliueau
:reaLer sufafor tho smaller crafts
vhlfh are tied up to tho docks and
should a flro start, It Is claimed, It
wilt bo a great menace.
Silas Christofferson Performs
Heroic Stunt on Lake
SKATTM5, July 24. Aviator Silas
Chrlstoiforson used his hydro-noro-piano
for purposes of rescuo Sunday
when t.o boats capsized on Lake
. .. W .., IIVMII M tlU IIUI tlllUHt Ul
nshlngton during his flight over publicity and exploitation of the Or
that body of wntor. The Klrklnnd' rn. ,,,,. nf Ml i,nmf
Jerry crashed Into n small power boatl pcmc Pxnosltlon in which ho states
containing Mr. nnd Mrs. T. M. Loar-L. . ,X"0R"I0,I '" w,llrM " 8,tt,es
man of Portland, tholr little son and tl,nt u wl" ,)0 ronvonlent for him
Knrl Cohlwoll. Ienrmiin tossed tho"o nPIear botaro tlio local body on
baby aboard the ferry bofore ho' August 2, 3 or 4.
v:th the mombor8 of tho Chnmbor of
Commerce relative to tho class of ex-
J. V. Mmttjy, teecrotnry or tho
Marshflold Chnniber of Commorce,
Is In receipt of n letter from fJcorgc
M. Hylnud, head o( tho dopartmont of
rmmti-v lu ninnifoutiinr n nn loim. i,.,. counties by steamer from Portland.
Interest In the siil.lcct nr wntnr frnns. w.lllcI relieves the contractor on tho
inurua in no sui.jtct or wntor trans- Btar roulC8 of linm)IlnB thnt clnHg ot
portntlon, duo to tho nearness nt that mall, except for tho Intermediate- of-
tlmo of tho opening of the Paunmn flees.
Canal, . , No proposal was received for either
"I miiv snv In truth howovnr lmi rollto '" rc8P0"BO to tho several ad
l mil) sn m trut i, how eve , that VOrtIsomont8 for sorvlco during the
no part of tho country Is so keenly qundronnlnl term beginning July 1,
nllvo to tho posslblltles presented by 1914, and tho representative of thtt
tho completion of tho canal as tlio , Dopartmont who visited that locality
cities alontr tho Pnclflc const nn fnr for tho I)urPoso of procuring bids rc
cuicb nionj, n lacitic coast, so far commonjei, tlint tll0 through servlrs
ns I havo visited thorn. Of course, bo omitted, nnd n routo established
tho exact effect that tho channol nf-'from RoBoburg to Iteston, nnd un-
rorded by tho cnnnl will hnvo upon other from Marshflold to Sltkum lor
commorco gonornlly ,no one can nc- ",0 BP"ly..of Ul, ,nt?lrn!C(,ln, ,0-
llr,..... ..,n. i. ! ,i . f'ceB the through mall to bo dls-
curntely predict. It Is reasonable to ntrliocl on tho Myrtlo Polut route,
assuino, howovcr, thnt with tho op- Ho was unnblo, however ,to procure a
portunlty of a shortened haul by tho satisfactory proposal for tho Myrtlo
cheapest form of transportation. It I'olnt routo, tho present contractor
.m ,..., ,.... ,, , , declining to unbuilt a bid for less
will wonderfully stimulate com- ... nnnn ....- ...i.i.i. ..,-.,
lllllll 'lftllll(l II ll'UI. 111III1 HUD LUU"
sidered oxccsslvo, nnd more tlinn thu
Department would bo wnrrnnteS to
paying. Tho old contract was, there
fore extended for a period of four
mouths, nnd new advertisements
hnvo been Issued with n vlow of pro
viding service between Rosoburg nnd
Marshflold, us recommended by tho
Inspector, nlso with n vlow to provid
ing sorvlco for tho Intormcdlnto of
fices on tl'o Rosebnrg-Myrtlo Point
routo by two through routes, In the
i event n satisfactory proposal cnnnoC
I bo secured for tho through wrctcn
noiwceu itosouurg nna .Myrtlo roint.
It being tho Intention, ll uo satisfac
tory bid Is received ror tho througa
sorvlco, to dlBpntch nil such mall on
tho steamers by way ot Portlnutl, un
less arrangements can bo mndo for
Further Particulars of Death
of Brother of Sol Driscoll
at Spokane.
ilq ellralBati, danger of collisions. Mrs. Charles Wheeler of Hryn Mawr,
Tke preftMt ranges wero put In mother of tho Countess of Pappon-
we.u ovoruoaro and mo cnim wns
A canoe nearby contains threo
young men mndo for tho sceno, but
It, too, was capsized when Mrs. I.enr
man reached for It In her rrenzy.
Chrlstofforson, with Carl Wallon,
wns mnhlug a flight for tho movies
when ho Baw tho first bout go over.
He Immediately turned nbout and
made for tho scene, in the mean
time tl o canoo also had gone over,
lieforo ho reached the scone tho threo
nboard the power boat wero rescued,
but the threo cnnoolsts wero still ln
tho water. Ho picked thorn up and
scudded for shore nt Madison Park,
half a mile distant. Chrlstorrorson
did not get their names. Tho Inci
dent wns witnessed by a great crowd
of pleasuro seekors spending Sunday
on tho lake.
Ti.o following from the Spokes-j sending such mall by way or Drain,
mnn-RovIew, or Spokane, gives ,mi-Sctt8burg and (Jnrdlner, but It seem
tlculnrs concornlng tho death br tho I 'Ip,,!lf"L,'l'otllc,r.!,mt c,n" bo (,0.n
brother of So. Dr.scol. of tho Hub JliZTliTit
Clothing & Shoo Company or Marsh- to Stay JS. 1914, show that but little
Hold: over 1000 pounds or mnll por dar
Harry A. Driscoll, aged 3S years nni,,,,el " efth routo, nnd It Is
oo , L ,.., u,1L. '.:'.;:; sursa ffCSJM ass
clans In the Inland Umpire, a real- tlo Point routo for npproxlnvntoly
dont of Spoknno for 25 years, died i 2C,000 per annum, nt which rato
at C o'clock Sunday night nt tho tllQ Pnrtmont was willing to nccopt
Sacred Heart Hospital, after a threo , .vtag .mis un;' the 'pondC It
weeks lllnoss with a complicated vortlsemeiits will oxplro on tho 2Sth
stomnch trouble tnat dolled accurate Instant, shortly nfter which tho mat
diagnosis -by tho nttomllng phynl- ,0'' will bo given further attention,
clans. Tho limiv Ik nt Hniltii r'n.'n nnd I shall bu ulnd to adilue nn or
hlblts which will go from this county undertaking rooms 'awaiting funeral tho conclusions reached.
to the exposition. Krom hero Mr. a rungements. SIncoroly yours.
Hylnnd will go t0 Coqulllo, Myrtlo) Mr. Driscoll was born In St.'I.ouls.) JAS. I.. nhAKKSI.UB,
Point, Ranilon nnd other points to , Mo nnd enmo to Spoknno with his, Fomth Assistant Postmnster (loneraU
parents when 13 years old. Ho was
Idontlflod with sovornl theater or-:
chostroH in tho city nnd for soverali
years was leador of Drlscoll's or- ,
vhe the efeannol
was narrow and ''0'm """ one of tne frenist social
.. ii- . . , ii-huuih in iiiiuiuuimiiu. hum uoon
tugged thajflock line. blnco tlio nlnm, Hmlor $n0o bonds by Justlco
hasnel haajbeen deepened nnd wld-'of tho Peace Richard T. Lewis,
ned. the Imer ships hnvo plenty j. The speciric charge Is thnt sho
.f water furUTer east. Ho says that i'LV.'m JTtr vV 0tt, U ?,N
. ... , , . foront counts by romovlng rrom her
he range sjuld bo moved at least llonio n Illnia suffering from tho
au reet to tne eastward, lie planned : measles.
Tho action. Instituted by tho health
o take It upjwlth Cnpt. Olson today
nd tkea wltffithe lighthouse depart- Pertland.
. '
authorities of lower Marlon township,
is the chief topic of discussion among
tho exclusive set.
Tho Wostorn Union lino bo-
twoen here nnd Rosoburg has
' boon out of commission since
I about 2:30 yesterday afternoon,
with tho excoptlon of n few mln-
i utos this morning. Today It got
crossed with the long distance
telophbno lino and this after-
I noon neither was working be-
tween hero and Roseburg.
make further arrangements for col
lectlng exhibits.
Motley will advise .Mr. Hylnnd In
a few days as to tho most convenient years was leador of Diiscoll's or- - Ti nonch, of tho offlco or tho
tlmo to appoar betaro tho locnl or- cbostrn. whlni. im,i tim onnimni tn Sluslaw National ForeBt In this cltr-
ganlzntlon. August 2 falls on Sun- furnishing music In tbo city parks 's homo from a tilp through DouglaE
day. Tho regular meotlng of the Inst summer. Ho wns populur In tounty, having been omployed by the
Chnmbor Is hold every Krldny night. I musical clrclos nnd for sovornl con-' Department of Justlco to examine
It ls likely thnt a sneclnl nicotine' B..Mtk-,. inrnm ,vn,i no .!. somo or the O. & C. urant lands unon
will bo called when Mr. Ilyland nr-!or tho Spokane Musician's Union. 'l1-'1' pooplo woro located by tho de
At tho last meeting or the
her, Hugh McLaln .nrosldent
gostoj that tho committee appoint- tin to Liberty Luke far tho summer t,,ril0(1 to Pitlnnd rrom there, nrrlv
ed some time ago to look Into tho season. Ho had been onjoylng oxcol-, '" ' Kugeno Monday night Uu-
lont Konitli until threo weeks ago. bl,,c "
whon ho boenmo ill and was brought -
to tho hospital for treatment. His "T .. ,.... ., TTrTZZZZTTZTT
malady harried the physlclnns. I I ALONG the WATERFROWT I
Mr. Driscoll Is survived by his
widow, a 13-yenr-old daughtor, Ml- Tho tine Oleaner Is In from
llan; thioo sisters, Mrs. K. J. Gibson, dlnor with dairy products and will
ind nr- of tho Spokane Musician's Union. ' '-' pooplo woro located by tho d-
Kaiiy In Juno Mr. Driscoll. who ( "'ants In tho presont rrnud suit u
Cham-1 had beon living with his rnmlly nt PnrUum . Ho worked In tho vlclnltr
t, stig-iNmi wall stroot. took his orchos- r ("J'Hner for sovornl days and r
mattor of establishing a Coos county
uiuuiing at tne ralr would probably
bo tho proper commlttoo to moot nnd
confer with Mr. Hylnnd.
I will not bo rosponslblo for any
bills contracted by my wiro, Luvlna
rinlrd, nrter this dnto.
Women's Auxiliary or tho Presby
terian Church will hold a Cooked
Fqod Sale nt Perry Nicholson's Satur
day, July 25, bglnnlng at I o'clock.
Myrtlo npnrtmonts; Mrs. Kdwnrd Me- tako out goiloral morchnndise,
.Manon, mix I'acirio nvonuo; Mi. Tho tug Roicoo Is In rrom the
S. J. Bowers, W81C Sporford nvonuo. Sluslaw anil will probably take out
and two brothers. Paul Drlaooll. a hnrgo lond of coal.
K1517 Sovontoonth nvonuo, and Sol Tho stoamor Yellowstone nrrlvod'
Driscoll, Marshflold, Orogon. at tho Arrow Lino dock about 7 o-
" clock last night from Portland wftfc
The LADIKS of ICMPIRK will glvo a ralr cargo or frolght. Slio will vMA
n DAXCK and SOCIAL at KMPIItK at 4 o'clock tomorrow for San Fraiw
Hall SATURDAY evening, July 25. Cisco.
m rwirrgf wwmwwwfiy f.VB
lFi'f'Jt" Trr'mJ7'