railm-n-iff i . I t -iifnH,;,m,vmifmt nBBTff' BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD.. OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1914. EVENING EDITION, THE COOS .-M A H..II I " II II I I . - - - ....i. t..-r.-jr,-.. . - - - ii i win inn CTftvwJ'iffl 1 I - -ss- sv tt w A VHfo A T Y f 1T T I O A U rv be H fl In, Ho! nei thi trc art rot sot WHEN THIS SALE ENDS THIS STORE WILL NOT HOLD ANOTHER BIG SALE 'TIL NEXTJH comina only twice a year, are making a reputation for value-giving. Customers have learned to expect a great deal from .them and in order not to Jn Inr genuine reduotlons on up-to-date seasonable goods-and these reductions are from one-fifth to one -half the normal price. There is no juggling These Sales wfi are nffermn nenuine reductions on up following items are selected from a list of hundreds. Come tomorrow. !..!-. ah . i.-i o n i :..Mtn .,.., QR9R I nrlinV Amnrinnn I nrlv Corsets rcnillar nrice $1.00. now V Lames mii-vvuui oeiytj urussui ruyuiai ijiiuu oi.uu, huw v. - - - ft'-.- - - i nriio.Q Whitfl linnorm nrflssfis rnnnlap .orlce S6.00 to S8.50. now $3.25 Ladies' Crepe Kimonos regular price $1.50 and $1.25, now .... Ladies Modart Front-Lace Corsets regular price S5.00, now $4.00 Ladies' Mcssalinc Silk Petticoats All eolers, now - Ladies' American Lady Corsets regular pries $3.50, now $2.80 Ladies' Khaki and Madras Shirts regular price $1.50 and $1.25, now."' nnfi-F.inrth Off nn Laces. Embroideries and Ribbons. This Sale Includes Hundreds of Bargains The Above List Gives Just an Idea of the Reductions M I SEE DISPLAY WINDOWS ft Hub Dry Goods Com pa if Corner Broadway and Central Avenue "Smart Wear For Women" ;-J smpSgmws I is m lijlLE T1I hhiwitfiT RFimmnn IGEO W ELDER i HIGIPi8E BEFff lfS uiis.iiiioi :i 1 1. ti iiuyuiiuu 111 ! I mi ar ipt 5T nirnnfnr Fontnn Ronniuns I nt. 1 urnr innsy rnnfiii rn nnn! Aii ters ot commendation iunc luuni rnu rnouu u uui Spokane Offer Arrived Early This Morning Arrived at Smith Terminal Dock 70 Pasengers, 300 Tons of , at 4 O'clock Yesterday Miscellaneous Freight, i with 17 Passengers. Tho Hleamer IJreakwnter arrlvoil The utoniiior Hod lo nrrlvod tit Arrived at 10 O'clock This Morning and Sailed at 1 1 for Portland with 72 in Cabin. The jmsRciKcr tniil freight steamer i.ooiko w. rawer wined rrotn tlio Smith Terminal Dock at 1 1 o'clock It. N Foiitou, director of the Coon nay ma IjiuiiIh I hi: lair con tract. itho citleiiH uuy Huuiiiuy lii uuvim riu- uuuuuk uffli poses Very Stringent Pro- ! Coos andCiito hibition Ordinance. Attorney I.. A. I.lljeiivlxt Ih work Limit ff AtiRU8t 1 UOrtV mil,. lll...L' it. .. reuuiii, (iirecior 01 me uoom mmi-ney i.. a. i.iijoivihi ih worn- -tiriisc I WwTv ay Concert Mauri. Ih In receipt of Iuk on a llno-up for a city orillnanco inonthi, will kin any letters of congratulation friui make effective tlio tlrynctw re- door. With ail! iiiiIh In tho northwest. eonKrntulut-,oiitly derided on by the Coitilllo than two wcttiM X him on HuiMirltiK tliu Oregon State City Council anil tho majority of men nro ihliiwfji nlr cmitrni't l till. cltlvcilM. If lui wii.'ltu II mil i.u mill nm nruiJBi If ho workH II out iih anil nrc prtfUMM HirnnRlioii oi m riur ciiihiiiih. nil? iw.run. u uu woritH ii oui iih ihiii nre prtf In addition to thin he rerelvod to- he Iiiih it lu mind 11 will he a corker HtroiiRhold ot .ln. . 1 1 t.ll.i l. ....... al... ............. 'lift. I .1 III .....Is.. Ii... li...l .. I t rpl. - .1.. im. iii t iiiiiiwii ii win uu iiiiiiiiihu "in iiiunu uiv iiiinnifrn ill limn- i mil a K( niPiit of the IntorHtate I'ulr Hoard nt IokkIiik an exceeilliiKly nrecailmiH fn Indicated bt ...i... i ... i i.i ...... mi' niuiiiiii'i iki-iiiiiiuii iilllii-d in n,!.i. Tormliiiil lliwlf n II .,..l.w.V '-ni. in iiiu HIlorHllllu c Mir lllllll'II ni '"KhiiiK "II esrceillllKiy irecarioiiH ih iniiicaiw watfc.- early thin mornliiK with seventy pas- ti,0 Smith Terminal Dock ahopt I fiV' ,...1 .V... V, '.,.". . ' V..".( k Spokane anklnK them to enter a bid occupation. heHl.loH piiiihIiik more or more rcmo'.tJft ;nlay nftoraiion with nov-t , ' '. 'I' ' "' ,,, ""."' '"" on furnlshlnK miic Tor Hint liffc Ichh Inconvenlenco for thoHowho like Cooa ami CuruCt Bftiitfiuu mill iilinnt Jllll " . B"u"lJ l"u tlll'IU pUHbOUfseiH .. o,,,,.,,,,,!.,,,. ) i i- pi, ....... in lmvn Dm imI...I,.Iu f.... .. II. .1.. .. ., ... .ljjlfe ... uviii.iiiir. i ... ... .iij iiiuu- " .-. ...w iiiiMviitiifl .... .1 .lulu ii I- uu i nvic jririwat j lllir lllltn lu 11 U'nlll.' llfllil- Dial linlmn ' VII ti III If ll'lllirn I Inn- f.im Im. Hi. .In Mill.. lk.AAB.JU I ami a fair cargo. uuKeru and :i00 Iomh of migcollau- o'clock yesterd -coiiH rro But. ontoon iinMOiipurH and ahout Captain MacOnn leporlH an un- tons ,)f nilBi-olltuiouiiH frolKht. cveiilful trip from I'prtlnnd. Tho u0li()ll( HUIetl from I no iirniiKunior u-in unii nf i".!in i.. i .......... . lomorrow . . I'",1 . .. V "" """'" .."" """ nur IllR find w nm i ii miuiiiu 1 1 1 ii ii i iiiii'iiiiiia . . .. . AiiioiiK the paetiKer8 to arrive tro, HtrotiK mirtliwoMt wind mi V. ni" ""." r"r I'-"roku .Monilny nn the Htonmer (I.Ih momlUK vro: If.o " vZnS In a dilay of S. "?"!! 1UI" ,ut"'" ll0'' '" xl . n (-Pinion. A. (5. Mink, .lohn Kor- several Iioiiih inuiBiiny. l. John Ilozlln. Wm. Poterson, MUh Anions ilm' ..,.,..,, i rrivJ . A,".n '? nnMoiipors Halllni? on K. rarsoiiH. K. Owoiih. Hilda Kilt- .... h... J7..n... ..... '." Vn .... i o.. "i" i-iuor tins mornliiK were: veil. i.i,. m,. i,. Wnrmn i.. n.... '" ' "linn. jes Male. Johanna MIkh Cath nil ovniiiiiMi i in i i. in; miuu- .ii. . inu iiiiiiui nun un II lllllti I- Tho Killer will lenvi. I'mUniut fnr '" ,,ato ' n wot',J Ilf,1' '" Salem ' vntj' Jan whore they can lay their Sun ' ''lr Will ieH0 I nilinilll for fn. .i..,,,,. nil, ih ..,.,. .1,1 lltimlu num. tli.m. n... 'If,1" Inn and will arrive hero Monday. She !1,,0"".tA,JU tji linii.l woiiltl lvnloiit r llio tliliiKH tlinl It Ih propoaed to .. . 1. ........ i. in iiwiiiiiiiii 11 lliu 11-. v ........ 1 . rniiKOinoutK can he made, hut It In a' To Hell. Klvo away, deliver or Tur flue niipreclatlon anyway. f it IhIi liquor to another ponton. ManaKor Wilson litis heen notlflod : To have It In pohkohhIoii with the hy the OrcKon State 'nl- honnl that Intent to furubli It to any other pcr they will nBslHt In ndvertlHliiK thocon- ""'. the pokpohhIou of more than it certs at Itosehurt;. Alliauy and other 'ii'iui nf illMt!lled or more than a m.lnlo Mi. Will.... ..I ... I . 1,'llllni. ..f .....II II I. I of their machines to take t'-o hand 10 itosoinifK. ..rnf j 7i;ii. - 1 1 .. "" mo Bieauier were: .mum v. hiii- m i ii,.,.,! tu , Y, i"" 'V..s.- Mlt'roft. K. I.. Lowell, i,..,.!,. .m,u. i.. rnr,llnr i.. n... ...' .' I V1":. J0"'4 ,,n K. Ii. White. MUtt M (Viimell 1. .. 1 ,..i. ...., ..,... 'espcrso I, II. II. t raves. Jl kh Clltll- "v"n " "..ni.. iumiii.v uuu uiuvr ",".' '" "i'iiin r inure inai a nick,,.. J. 1 a MirS'MaV: V ir.ftn KVUffi'!! Mor.oA.t.,,!l V "J-. Mr W. In M-n.loh.vo; JinHoj. of n.alt llouorH ftj. 1111, .Mr. ami .Mm. 11. a. tioihiih. i -n m......... r i. .......:.;.; 'ih'. ii. j. uouoriu. 11. w. scar- .":."." ",." "v,v "'" ""' "' "" .: ...himhi-iii nmu mium. Wnrllin Thomas. J. W. Ilarmnve. tl n.i'r "lli C W '" WrlKl mi.'... : ,,n,roK,J. J- "rlffllh. II. Xelrdruni. Mrs. Alice Wllklns. Mrs. Mnlo Ham- smith Willi! 1.1 Kol ev J l.,', 1 ?'Vm lluvkm, Mra. I.. II. Murray. el. Sbtllii llnmol. Mm. NVUlo IMillllpx. P Nowihnii J Tmim ' J"11""". . .Icilm W. Ward. It. Curios. C. I). Chan. Ilauer. I'erry Strou.le. K. II. 'owIuk I o the h,M nf 1,1. wir., !"'. J- I-'loWs. J. J. MorrlH. TdcCrea. P. (S. Unwell, M. (5. Copley. .i.J T , ror of ' th tl in fi.i In! W An," ,8n,u'8- M'-8- J- Bnar W. L. Mull. It. !:. CuniiliiKliniii. otto ll, rtr t . I L ?,lr.. F,r.n,lk Uoll"m1' J(, '' s""' Rtno pnnKol. P. Lewis Immll, Win. ."rc " n, e to hi ho ,, ...nt ! ,.m &,W" Kor"' J m- Chnmherlaln. Win. Frnllch. Mm. K. Claypool. Fay Allen, Z ' " nnd 1 P' vor- S- - -Moorohead, Madam (In- Mrs. J. A. Allen. KiiKeno Casldy, Mrs. ornitl8 hrlotson, Howard Itandall, 13. Ran- J. K. Casldy, Mnrfinrot CiiBldy. Mrs. n .dnll, l.owla Unndnil. Chris I'auloH. l'.l.llcorliliiK . Chiis. Krlckron, John coos Hay to he used n n i,ir Krank "K"11"0- Albert Ralph. Nick Ktrom. Chiis. Hall. J. R. (lueii, Mrs. ,,7.,, sLitr 11 1. t0,",r1Manos, Matt Pollarl, (ieo. Pof. Hay 11. P. Kler, S. J. Welner and twenty: on,),l xl w ,B,"1 nt f'W,.,,BOqii;rk' Knwr. Mrs. J. Hale, Pro.l bmor. three .eeraRe. (k, N ,"?:"' ,.U,.0(,:'- ." "rnvo.. Mr.' J. M. Hied,: HAUL LAUNCH , arter a mnnth'B vacation Hiieat In Idaho, Is home iikiiIii. I The Hteamor Speedwell nrrlvod In from San DleKo and San Frnnulseo , with a lnre list of passoiiKers. ; Tho llOStofflce hllllillinr. wl.ni. vn. cated on tho first of the month, will 11 ANSWER IDE 10 F. P. NORTON univ Hirer am?. 1 1.. 1...... ill ill v.ll 11 liuim 1 Any uuitllatlN to conceal tUrfM the jaw, P(CK Thoinag un itawi member tbittklk fish on the mil hnvn Imlh kuHM CCIUC8 If Ifff sports. m Will tbe wmt. ... ..... ..m' wiiiioin me cai TMk Imheowa In tho mlnili'i would not be W tt men would W .i nniH. un o Aitiini.no Mru c v u ltoiiHo, Dr. W. S. Dorby, K. H. Cher- ti i.r- 1 1 . ryinan !tv. a. u. Munro. o. v. M,- The Marshfield Liquor Dealers S.u vAuiSS: finrv !: Make Statement About Race ven, S. I.oopolo. Mrs. J. .1. mWi Meet SUhRnnntinn Mnttnr For IIIIV OII( hilt 11 cm 1 1 mini nr or, pretw coiupiiiiy or n coumion carrier to traiiHporl lliiuor Into or throiiKh the town, or for a common cnrrlor til lllillvni u ul.l.. ........ .. II... . I .. minimum 1,1 ll- in IIICI1 HIIUlU " 11 ; any one but the rniiH!fciieu In person, printed iiponlW l lo keen or Htom IIiuuip ill vinif ..iirniniili Ihilal I 1.1...... .. I ....... ....... v.... . i' i iicsiiiohh or on proniisos at a iiuianct. adiacent tlnnnii. i. ....... . u. 1 lo exhibit or drink liquor In a hunter to twti .public pin,,,. Htrurtlon$pri lo Hollclt ordei-8 for lltjuor for llccnsea. whetiei III 111 I'll lllltll'lU'l. tl'l.......... 1 1. ....lll Ihl. .....r ... .... ... ,. . air. ..IT. nil.!!. ..I'll... M l' HI II II I .Ml .!.. "r" to bo filled from IiihIiIo or out- who liav ituiW diiiii in mi) mwii. AIoiik with thin will Ko n proyl Hlon for a henrcli warrant that will onablo tho officer to find any lliiuor that inav in iniwnfii,.,! .... ,i J .,, -----... .v...vi un uiu ilium- ihn outHlde of tho anatomy of tho fi(iimionii t,, refreih mlslity sooil"fi 1 M.!ll!!.Wj n. Howard J. miL n i J. A ,n- ' morris, muvi ouijoui i juun vuiuui. " ,",,n,lu "' mo anatomy or the .MlBS llenrlnlln IVnni Aln.il, in. in... ' i.ohi.hm,ii. i. nf'i'i.i.inii i.i I.1... ..... i i, t. ... i .--....-.,.- .u.... ...,,.,, iiiiiiiuM. ... . --....., riWrn nrn I ,,3' imr ior simp, m toother If vV !?. B' w; Wright. J. M. ', "" ,-""lor or T" coa ....r""" V" H,,,n,,H ' "lo Hffor- Smllli. Urn KI-AI H ' T-J-',,ino"oi'tri" r,s Zi "0H,",,", from tlit ' " GIen 0r" I I H I II III lAllll ..... i. ........ "' "' Dl'1' ier. I'haB. lvlor. Stm. nv P,.n.i.... Wn nl.Knii-n I., ii... ........i.... towns of tlu. .!... i.. r ,i ,.ninnr. U B L 1 1 U LI 1 U 1 1 jow.ph Kyf0 Jr-i MlwlHIRnB OWlor I J"" Al ii Hnndall, Mr. 13. Han- f -"Uy 28 of your valued paper nn hnt 8,'V ,nH ." ProvlBlon In tho chnr- J. W. JwflJJ r the A. F. I3tahrook : cSniimny.lS?i v ., 'i ' " ' a' " W,n nrl,,,, ,wr,.tton "y F- p- No,,,'' '" '. wllU'li Klvoa ,I,Q Co,l'","l lowor C'liarle 1 W af.e,-a week's sojourn In this vlcl..: ' , .',. V; "' C-MA TZ'' A' ai"u'11'1' ?r,,,f ,,l?..,r"(, t,!,(,1' nIoP tho ' "Hh 't unlawful "to Klvo nway, SCUe. CoquB Efforts to Float OlIPPll it Rnn ',ly '" ",0 ",,ovot,t of ' ompnny. "b",, & HIM) to f(k'I,,01'a- r'."""8; ,ln,' Meol,n ' c,''l ,Vup r "'"'"I"" lor to an- !i ii UllCeil at Bail- departed on the steamer llnndoi for tV pi.ini ro,Kl-M orfv '" t'' purposo of thin com- othni 1",,'t,"' wllll tho other towns , .,,, milSSD dOII UnSUCCCSSflll and NOW VaniU,,,, Hay. where n,0 co.umny tPri nlK1 5Pk Vi nnV,0lSm.U,1' ,',,(,.,1,,U'U,,,,11 '" " rro.t iho orr. - "ronI1r,,,y ""oworort to Hupplemo. t ' ' 'JJ'S ' "Inn Will Rp TpIpH l,now operatltiK. niorffi ,I,Ih Rta enionts thorol.i c-ontnlncil ?r !"reo tho stuta Inw itRnliwt "noil- M""!! ,WI ,w ''IH V III DB CD. Tin irnnlnl ..n....l.,.,n t ,.. ,. , i'nilllK Itll tWolVO llinwoiicora fr... illll not IV mv nf .,,. ' ...... llllf. ' " ... ...VTO Miyton. the n.pnw.t.tlvi of' PtotahJi3Sth n$$ iX&X 7hVn !Z i' ,l88l",,i" ' MrNorto '' ,!ll''(Or the roat American D-'ffSgagj ner A: Mayer. Is aKaiu with m for r i AnumJ m, ..,. lokn l? ! ort" l r. that. tho "'l('tul 'l'luor Deal- ''t won't ho In It with Coqulllo hy 11 wwk"- 8tj ' cl y ve e ' "K U, ,H,",'W 'r thlB Ahhoc at on met y,lor,luy ami 'h ' I.IIJojvB, ,, tll0' ft . ,rf .'-apt. W? ,. Dnvenny. A)0I, Mnr. J J,!ot,,,0.".?w.l,U' 1"VS- J'0'"1. ' a . t",0,,K,, w" '.-Co.,Hlo Her- T F LIH IIH- :We lui.cl.eon I.8,V ,1 'K's..C- rVi"' .(,e-. J- V'!' Wml 11,( tln5 AiibTw . ' " "" " 1TANDQN, Or.. July 23. Tho nt tempt to flout ihe mm steamer Queen was not HiUTei-Kfi't, .( n conti-Hct lins been let u. in tu her overland Into the river t the time of the wreck, the CJui-t it una en mute to Don't feraet The ('handler. CALIFORNIA J.VffTmmwiinniwAHUIlDn fr tUlUER Fri,tvvI"lJSX UIIVMIA i..i. i!i.'.. . .'. V.'""?" '"iey, ;...Ur. Xelllo' iSjl-?" JLiti'Zl!. Vfc.' A: and decided not ,o ahln 'KlJ S. ? 1 "'"':o" race, hut 0 . , . -" " uiu iVHMiriniiini lll.ll ..n.... .....1... . -. ...... ....an luunoiy A NORTH BEND MEWS sirsiaw kihiii.vci. The flshliiK soitHon opened on July ,'1V':.,"1!,,,tl,(? flrHt 'lay'H catch was hoKi'l.Pn.'l.'M"". 8010 niLri.i i..,.i w. ,,,K" "a soven or, ;i. . ". ",,,u" tnii8. Tho Uobo- ...L.IIaa If It dlrrclnt lo P'L fr il. lir.l tK''L be I cate"-w Thl ' i WEDDING Wg have the riQht goods at right prices in Sterling, Cut Glass and China. Calf and see our lines. led Cross Jewelry Department, RED CROSS DRUG STORE PHONE 122. . iL C-W i .... , . . " - "" een re a i y Infoinied ti.i . dn ,n ' "'iiuuh. tiio Kobo-, 'or y-'i"-- '.p... V0M.,ht "roakwator today ' W0l"'l rejected TI io s-ilnn. ,.,- 1'"" H,,,,0p tho lotml llaU' Shli,hf,D' Ihr. :.. " llIO Kir .' "" " I IIH Sll .r.. M wvwwwo. mult'' llOllit',. "-.."i won n. have returned lAwoelatlou bom, ,u.i-.i ....""" "' - . . Uiwhinri ti i ' I,,rH,lk ,Ilat,k and V0"1'1 ,,avu '"'" l 11 .... .' '"i"1 h0 "ovor appeared before laiiKhtoiB Ilelmaand l.olu wore vis ,I()lial ?-'00.00 mid th tm !. '' "" Vul ,lnvr requoH tod nny of the iSjffiJ' w,,h r. n,lVirI.1'i.w,ro,"d r our ABsoitlon to I Jj U. II. UdIM Aid at hor Lome t we l.nve .lwky.Tnrlh S 2 " 1" ?"J? . "'1!! anelu.ro "," 1U, race meets hold in ri.iui " ' ,',' V"? ll,mmun ty. city, and stand wlllim, t, 7. ,. . '. . MAKBHFlKMi liohor llini.,...il . -" Mitillllll lllir I ..-., , "! U nk.AI.l3HS' PHOTKP.TIVR ENOlNFfcRlNfi'a HlPhway.MsKSi .mmii-s. (;ri fr.v,v Ltbui abv lag. HM Krhnalo vuu I VekeCultui'- roi.Mii.., i"i ""'' in tlio future. BuiW1' Back at HAIXBS.. "' -- IW ..If into "pr t Vomo h uKo"!""l able to ascertain, bT,ei,Xonh001 Ill, l i'l.lll'ir Cl - . . I ll'llv Ml V......... . 7. ASSOCIATION, U. J. HI3I3S. Pres., I'. M1RRASOUL, Treas Fimf AiMi"" t '." '),