S5&1SSS23 THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. 3HE60W. WEDMESPAV, JULY 22, 19U.-EV.ENING EDITION. SIX S iyftg5iHejwijanii.1H!wfifntanuij' BIG LEAGUE PERI'S KM HUB CLOTHING & BULL SCORES! 10 BUILD &0W OF 0 STORE nnmrmmmmmmam gmwmm " O LOtt PLAN nSBBXI&r A liMEET 01 COOS BIB SH! iW Announces at Roseburn That Dairymen's Convention at Enc cjreirs wove menueu uy 35 With Families. Coos Countv Will Con tribute Large Amount. .Inly 22. Tlint A1)()(, ,tlrl.v-fl farmers ntul 's on Portland Increases Her Lead in Coast League Race Los Angeles Lost. (lit amaU'iM ri. i " tH Timet t I'OHTI.AXM. Or.. July 22.- Port- i.uitl Inere.isod lu-r lead In the Coast League rrco yesterday by defeating Snn Fuunlsco In an eleven-inning contest while Los Angeles was sliut tho p- oplo of Coos count are el it us fMinlp.- nttended the dnlr.Mnen: .cd oxm- the prospects of n rnl ron.l " ' ,.,.,. 0ime 0 from Hoseburg to the toast ntul ni , ", s Klu-r Yesterday. Lee onlv nwaltliiR definite action on tho J oiitli l i " im r . , ..ii tn...lll.. mien m-imnis " IIUMiCJI " lllir liira .iupi-iii voi- ...... part of the citizens of this I"'?'' ' glnlulnn, of cw ami dairy products mU bv Sarrftmpt0. The srores: was tho statement of J. W. reiKina, .iniiiered by Professor Oraves,; ,. ,,( jj it v who returned from .Marshfleld. i,on, f the slate dairy department of Nog Angeles 0 5 1 "1 talked with many of the lead- ,iu oieg.ni Agricultural College, and gHrrampn,0 j Jng citizens of Coos county during my ,. smith, rounty agriculturist. retteries: l'niltt, Love. Holes viol. Ilinrn " onlil Mr. I'cM'ldllH. "illlll I I'mf.. (! flrnVes declared that tlie , llllc- Ai-mllnu an.) Unltlinli was surprised to find the sentiment row nf n,8 county are Just as good A, jjan Franrlsco , , f. afmost unnnlniously In favor of tho nt( ,iu cows of Tillamook county. iortinnij tj proposed road. Tho people there fill- W,.M .UVe the reputation of being $m Francisco 5 S :' Iy realize tlio ueneins in ue nun ten nu. H.st in tne siaie. ne iii u"i from an east and west lino and have (WA ,,imiv ims five cow testing as- promised to dn everything po'slbm Mt.Htlons. which Is more than In any to bring about a maii'iiallzntlon of other county In the t'nlted States, the project. At .Marshfleld the poo- Wt, tlio exception of Onleda county, plo nro especially anxious to liavo Xow york. the road constructel In iiccordnnro In the afternoon the farmers went with the plans outlined by the local to the farm owned by James'Landtltli. Kloen Innings. llntteries: Krmise. West and Fvans. Yantz and Fisher; Lelfleld. Standrldge and Schmidt. At Venice It. H. B. Oakland 1 S 0 enlt e 2 5 1 Uaterles: l'rultt and MlUe; railroad commltiee. And to show wien. thPV j,BW gome fine specimens jKlopfer n.id lloean. tneir gooii faun i nave no huuui um 0f Holsteln cows. live or tne cows -what they will Issue bonds In the woro judged on points by experts and sum of at least $300.1100 as soon as ,MU mmivsij, showed that they rank similar bonds aro auiuonzeo i mo as j,, ns atlv WKS ti10 state 1 ii.fi......iit( f i i ti'rtn ... ... .. . t ..... A.MHKKWX LKACl'i:. Detroit 5. New York 7: Chicago n. Worth Bend Man Has Plans Prepared for a 345,000 Apartment House. -... v ....Mi.. ..r v...tii 11.. nil u :m IVIl'l l.l'KMl' ' ' I Imm last oveiilntc Mild slated that ho was having plans completed for the erection of a four-story aparioieni house on his comer on Sherman ae nue. near tho site of 'The Simpson" Hotel there. The building i to be (four stories high and of oiniiie. faced with brick. He estimate!, tiiat i It will cost over $i:,ooo. lie plans to put in mi elevator , and make It one of the most modern , anartinent houses. Nothing will be1 spared in completing it. Mr. Loggle i experts to go ahead with the struc-( tore and have It completed about the same time that the now Slmps-n Hotel is finished. .Mr. Loggle said that about $flo,. 000 of the funds needed for the new hotel had been subscribed. I.. .1. Simpson subscribed $lo.noo. ('has Tlinm til Illlll mill Mr mill .Mrs. Hummel another $ 1 0,000. The1 .other subscriptions are In smaller amounts. The site for the fine depot which 1 FXHFI I FIMT I INF OF MFM'o r... iunio rm The right kind and style for these hot rja t prices. Plain colors or stripes, at $3 oo $3!l JUST ARRIVED-ANOTHER LINE 0FWa In plain white and stripes. Choice nait MEW'S HOT WEATHER UNDERWEAR briggans, B. V. D. and Light Knit, in Unions, and Drawers, at $1.00 and $ WATCH OUR SPACE FOR STORE -FOR "MONEY TALKS" NATIONAL LKAt.TK. residents of this locality. With $(00.- Smllll ,oW of ,lie importance ofv"ch" "' 'i.cilVMlttw SoiitlH-rn Pacific will build Is 000 in cash to turn over to some logi- K11Mg ,, reputntlon for Coos county ,.,,? .;,' .V; 'g. " , V...J, r ..voi,i ? N1"" wo ,,ln,lis ,,!1Ht c,r ,lu, l'"r,,rr tlmato railroad builder. I mro little Cutter and cheese, lie urged the PO.-Jgfl where Mr. Loggle's block ami tho doubt but what tho road will he con- 0,1PrBtlon of all the farmers to that . ' ,le" "'" ' M '0I-,J("". j hotel will be built. It Is also a little Hi. unlras IN SMASH UP ntr.min.i n mi nnrit' iintn. roniiiiie .....i ram. City la also evincing considerable In- SllltIl l8 ,,innnlng to hold similar forest In the proposed road ami tho conventions In other counties in the people there may Issue bonds In a Bouthwestern part of Oregon. iioiulnnl sum. I feel that I was well repaid for my trip, and 1 am almost certain thnt our present plans will XLLSON IS .sol (ill I. materialize." . ; . . . ' Ito-i'limg .Man Thought to llinei Come to .Miifdlficlil. I pr.HSO.VAl, OVKIiKI.OW I i The Hofcburg Review says: Al- lUilladelphla :. Chicago I: New York 0, Cincinnati ." (1:1 Innings : Iloston 0. Pittsburg 0; Brooklyn I. St. Louis ,". MASONIC OPERA HALL Our Town Cut-Ups Will Execute Two cJ a.' riai nai entitled NOimiU'KSTKIIN Li:.V(Jli:. ( - though the officers have made every! xl-.i- n tt..n . rt. . ....... . . ........... ...". ,-' i iviurin o. minimi v. aeauie I. . . ..... ......... .- in mrr in iiinn in -viiiii -vuiuriii w nr. . ' MISSUS .MAUCil-: iiAHicr ami tiraie " " " """" "', .Tacoma 2. ,, , .. , . . . .. . ,, iiiiTi.t I'm Piu.vi-n i (nr wmim V.U1I1, Kruso left today for n visit at Iho 10,r t,ffor,H ,iave falIe(Ii NeIgon Is Nook. I wanted here on n charge of non-sup- II. M. FKN8LKK and wife of .Myrtle port, preferred by h!s wife. Nelson 1'olnt were .Marshfleld business Mt lief.1' rw werk! n. a,", ,l was vi.iinra (,i,in. geiiemny supposed mm ue wont to Msltors tounj. ..Mnrshflshl. When the warrant for Spokane 3. Vancouver S. it.si:it.Li. last wi:i:ic. Hr AwllM mm to Coo. 2l Tlmra.) NKW YORK. Jnlv 22. Noltln.r nf nis arrest wa issueu. snenrr ueo. tho major league baseball ratos tight ") ' -- A. Mlntoyne of KSny.JK el appreciably during last week. ' "."' ,"';" liilllo was bore yesterday In his SL,ho". "h o" tl.?r" neither had On the contrary, the beginning of tho :t',t;k t,,,"tlnf1,ori; i Dr. Horsfall's Automobile Was Sliglitly Damaged When Struck by Wagon. An automobile owuel by Dr. Mora- dutmiged uboiit .'I SNOW BAI Masonic Opera Ho; Fish Day Eve. Julyj i i . i 1 1 II Saved Up Seats, 35c !.' Iluy Coqulllo was hero yesterday In his '! ,'"";' ' ,,,..." i.r.' ..." V. ' ! On the contrary, the i.(.kIi..ii.u. r n... " " nftornoon when a horse now Ford. Although he Just got,. heen on the coast. ' Nelson has a -'w playing period found the sitiiii.!,lrnw'"B " IlK'lt W"K"'' ,'"" ,l,to ll tho machine last week, ho drove to wlfo and baby, who are at present i tion In each circuit loss tonse and 1'10 nn'11111' 'n-'i'iuno frightened whllo Kimsot nay last Hiiiulay and over """ "' ,nt """ " ,m " ' ,,H,,pr- with fewer probable chances of not- HI'U1""1K '" rront "' "u ihoiiIc Hilo changes In tho Immedlnte future u,,crn "0"K(! r"" "ow" l wn'm that seemed tie case u week ago. i"'"10 '' folllilcd with the auto- If Now Yoik In tb.. Nnfinimi n..,i "'". Allien was stamllug in front Philadelphia In the American League are not to ropoitt their pennant win- liero yesterday without n hitch Tliree Cuim lleie. Three nutomo bllo parties arrived here today on ino Aiori, iirniKing tneir uiaciunes with thorn. HI wood W. Wlls and John P. Sharkey, Portland real es tato men, were two of the partes. Iho officers will continue their search, but have little hope of ap prehending the much wanted man. HANDON lll'.SI.NKSS CIIANtii:. A deal has Jieen consummated 'of tho Ilutlor building. A shaft of tho rig plowed Its way I itl.......l... ! II.....1.... !.... tt. 1... 1 ' tMVK-i.j uir liuillltlll nun Hunts Wi'llmm .i.lll l.n... . l. . ..i. ...... ,.i i i .... Uiem Will nave to slimv mnm nuw u. ('nlv.if '.n"S',ii iiNinin iiiiii uiu coniroillllK . . w -""" - UllIT i ,,,l, ,..... i Illlll u- 11 II In. ..nn-.... II. .1 ,,. ..ti.. i ... . i . . I n uiituii utur i new ilinurt. i - n ."i iiinn tiiij ui ilium yas painfully but not seriously In- c. Mc JuIiiihoii has disposed of a I displayed last week. Jured when he wns struck by a bar- lnr.. part of his stock, the new I jn tho linn IoIimho.. ,.irn..i n... rnl .,f ..In........ u.,.1.,1 , .... Vn.i Htockbnl.li.iH linhiL. n W t.. n ' . .".' '" """ l0""H" ClICIlH, tllO ,, i. ..,... .,.. K. Moore. (5. T. TroadL-ol'd. .M.' j! " Rnlnoil a full gumo on )0- I" J !- II ) (II ' UU was (nkliiK tho lmrrtl out of u waj? i . . . nlng potformances. tho clubs behind miwou" uio supportH of tlie lop cover mm uio rig count not lie rclousud until It was sawed In two. GUY COUNCIL Absence of Councilmen Causes Suspension of Work Pe- ' tition Is Circulated. HI roil; on Head. .1. I). The horse was b.ullv cni nlmnr tin. knees. It was led awnv In- Mni-uinii ' ....,.,.... ... ... .. .. i tv ...in .luiniHiiii I'lirnii. inn " ' " i 7 rSK 'Wtt.?? Atl.lot.rH W.n.,l a full game o 'vLT '" T "'' ('"""",,"" Hm-tor. C.ly Uocnl ," "L . McKenna. I). C. Ilaworth and W. I). trot. !' "oxt elub In ranking, tho ' """""ll- ",' -h that It ran for Maybeo ami City Attornoy Jierby- iiutiou. i tigers bo nir three im.i n...i...if ...... ,.w "n"t "ieruuy in imiiKor Mill ami aiuro were tlio only orric'nlH of North ,, , ,,,,v riMiuv-n ,i . . II.. ...I ...1 ..! 1 HOME TALa PI i "Tin? sxow nut CO.MLDV, TO AT MASOMC .MAIt.Slirii:iJi(i ! "The Snowball-, est coiucdlci prtu he put on br a k the .Masonic 0' iiIl-IiI Inlv 'i hi1 r..., w.,. sl, .. illrcctloti of JllH tho best director! In MarshflclJ. II good show, dool now on sale. fill 111 rnmit nf tin. tlMn.ll.... .....!.. ! . . I " " "" PlIHVn.., . . . i . . . i . .. i - . . I "' "Ul '" ""' """" ""ij; -ew oin.ers mve oeen elected ns behind the loaders. WashliiKion n...i ,l,,u " r,mrH ll vv" '"' '' " further "miu who reporteu tor uio rogumr The cnit hWU Company fa. tory when It slipped ,!fonoH: C. I. Moore, president: W. - f ' ' ' 8 N " 3,1, "" I,0"k commercial use. ",T""K Vf tlM,i ( l,y c"1,l,l,, 'Hl well known Mira Btruck him on his forehead CoUer l,'",- vice-president: M. .1. Mc . "" wo", "l. dropping back i ...,, ' ., . iiIkIh. mid ns that number d I.I mit.'iinir IllancliarJ, Ki tried to oJko l.e " i,i ,ii iJ',,!im- "'" retary-.reasurer. and ll. 'on point five gu.uos from the front. N )tM,mn wn" l,,,,,,"K 'tlri .constltuto a .iiorum tho iiiuuIIiik lyerly "C A f..,i .ii?..,.. i n. . ( Ilaworth. manager. IJandon lie- It romalnud, howover. for Chlcagol"" "'" mm wllon ll, h lieiauno wiih adjourned. Coiincllmnn Falkon-. .ridd e, MIm DhA .,,,! ' r "" ",8,l'ri ,"nle''- ' '' me wo.st croppo. The fr,"l,,0,lwl- ,"J,,I ' ","r", W" Toot. K , ,,', h on. ll I Times WaVads WtTn,.. Sox won only ZZ seve ! ... A .!" " ' ' Trout of I 'JSfr A V LS'" ""' S I V3Xeti5atiUlaMr I '""IP ' "VIIzt.L0,' I IRVING BLOCK " oviv ... ..... .;- KmiifH played ami are moro limn "'r """'"K Immediately af-t games behind tho pace makers. Thus ' "" H,',"1,,," , U will bo seen that the first six i clubs are not nearly g closoly bunch-' ed iih Ihnv unin I. ...,...i. ...... ' ... .. i.w.JIt UK. I. I Hroklyii'M apurt and Us resultant advance to the first division was tho SPECIAL SALE IN MEN'S SUITS $ 1 5.00 Sec Window SPECIAL SALE IN LADIES' DEPARTMENT Greatly Reduced Prices Throughout the House. See Window Bsumdoim H ews II l V,WM n . . f.i ... . .. .- . i.i.tin.. or, .III y v u Ul "' 'iico in mo Federal Moore, who has been . 4v.llftllV C.ilcago maintained tn londorahlp. A largu iitii.ibor of cltluiiH gu thered In tho Council looms oNpoct Iiik to hoar some healed arguments relatho to street improvemoiita. It Is understood that a petition Iiiih oeen in. uiaioii opposing tho grant ing or any bids to tho Wiirron Con Hirucilon Company. Tho petltloneiH Oeo. W. claim that that company Is being in Hi.. ui..i.. lavoro.i iv uio c'liiii.fiiniiiti Tiuisii. list for n week. Is out again. who signed tho petition favor pav- oi i. i little, tho news ugoncy 'K with a flvo-lnch concroto baso LARGE ENC E IS REACHED 81 DAILY CB08JM TIMES Number of Readers of The Daily Times More Than Five Times as Great as the Combined Seating Capacity of All Theatres on Coos Bay. Many niiMvlmnls ivj-ant the rentiers thev rea.-li KHijr., n (laily jiaper as an andieiiee to whii-li lii'.v appeal with the most intereslint.' faets tli.-v N N H substantial differences In nercentnue ' !!!."."' Ih I,,1V"K '"niporary building ,'"' asphalt top, In pioforonco to :;r"r.:;';:l,:,,Tr,r " v"! 0XV" Tl ""' : "'" - up iih sorles with Indianapolis. I he gas steamer Quouii Is still on ' Pwimliilii. on .Sherman uvoniio, In- "' l,oa ; h. but with tho prumrntloiiHto"ll '' present a matter of hoiiio . ... . ... V '"'""i i is expected i """'""i io uio council last uigiit. mat sbo will ho floatod soon. At tho next meotlng ho will point i no steamer Ilandon arrived In , out t'1" lnKr of carolesaly throw- JJ? , " ra,,1,'lti',' with a largo I '"K '''Kara and cigarettes on tho p 0I,KU,I11 freight. Plank slduwalks. Ho says that four i.J !08.a l8 ""'.''""K n now ware-1 1",11"1 1 Hroa have started In front of c , u. .V" ino Lo"tral Ware- "' lmco within tho last fow duya .?...? "'. ."'"roainory. It will 'woof tho flroa occurred on the t ... .'. ,:' .V10 hPrry Flour Co.,!8'""" 'y. no says, f hid, c. F. laa s tlio local I nooo p. T,.,.. ,... ! .vi)vi:ims.:i) ukvtkim. 600,000 Feet of Lumber ' ttirM,w c,"my f"? ""' U S ADoarcl the Big Vessel. OUT a NOON of .MISS Kd Dliectnr of Ihf Kx "Tlio SmiHliall, MS Ultuj e ' weeks. Iho Htoamor draco Dollar 1 List of unclaimed lettora roiimln ng In tho .MaiHlifiold poBtofflco for tlio week omlliii; Julv i. ini.i !.. lirm.n II..1I..H ....ii... - '".. --, .... . . f..r M... "...."" .."""" "uiiuii bu liiiiuiK ror the samo will nlnnn The steamer NIln Smtl ,,, iMrKe o o coda" lm!"ih..rW",li " Zi."!1 Hrt,M",.,n,.,rt "liy (," t0,U for "" " Smith Tormlual dock ,"-' W1 lnmlm' "rTvXlZu n today wi,,, M ,, i Vn, "l,JCr,,V" J.)r" Co- IU, N. li"llo,J,S"J,r,oU' WW ,-MO-D0 ' -Iffili . rtffl- ""I "W! ttrXph . I'lg crowd athnr8,i .. ,i. .,.... In Ilandon .,, . .'.'o ' ,. " ' ' "? ! ""BI1"1".. -Mlw M to see the l,g yl depart. I.UU.;?);):,","hp '", -nlil .tWlij M I..n. Simmons, who recently 'the '"twi muTvu Z lTn w,th ' l08"'l a 'wo weeks' mimm,,,, ' K. N s . f "f,. ' !. " ' f vo '"'". ' 'he Hoval Thnul t. "."." Klur 1 Z ' ." . '.,'tU ,,iiI" "Ulll .......' v. "" ' u" "I 010 a, ..".,,,.""' rdi MllfTl II.. --' - ii.iiihoii, iiarri. Iliirrls, Andy. Harmon. .Mrs. S. V. Ilamdon. Chariot. Hill. Matt. llniislon, .Mrs. Ilhd. i inn ri r'niir,.....!.. - -- .. milium niii BTJ ''l"!!'! KHII. Ufltiu nt 1 . . M I11U FUMI llPlltultx ...1.1. i i tlUMU'0 111 Cs Co(V, ' tM I '",'V'IrtltS . Mri. 8. H. g,m.l ''OUT oFU) c-.xiFvivu.. ! Stitwi. ShortV. r. 'Mho first five months of H)M Tin ,,;, I '" ''" m TjXS&T & l wSifef', si His, orapproNiniately 10,01)0 readers Tl i 5 ." K u K,r'"- ' i cv .21 FlliTl hB,,, w"i. muMtw' audieneo ot newspaper renters is mm , ii . . B '"' ln" u"n,b- K"r DinT L ntL't ""J1 l,M"t"" ''oiug held ..., . : -"". i. Arm- eriiiif . .w " TT: ',""UTt!. ' r"r ov- . - u ..way and wlfo, who nro --"--. uaiii'iiiK win ,.,, in Look Vcars lwS, mother's 1WWMI for rcslor.neJ.fa Its natural WW 1 grandmothers Ifj ,0 keep her JJffl glossy and.TO1 her hair e" .f' dull, fadod or i this simple . with wonderful Th.t brewing Jo nnd out-oNf. i "hmi,.so applause ami approval are w,l ! RaiiunB, Uvanso it is eon posed en , , ' Uinity.perinanent.earnin.leinenttir'th;:;:.!: "B..".. V.iwetkl OOIOO oi ".',, ,gl Illlll ,v " . "lnII; famous om iv ..nn.io.i nnon 1.' ,N or nnd beaut. wg BplcnUld for u; fr - Btat Bays It - bo.nuturaliy. "" V." ? .toii..'v;a.