HHBr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1914. EVENING EDITION. FIVE ( m ri..j -'':iMwrw "HUH r . if iffliM V !uPll Jl. ' fTP0 TTnri rJ KS J Ifo r.A in... : if :'a H.mJ Hart Schaffner ; & Marx Mna Clothes m f M 4 " w-.?iisT'ijy''hm'sh's",,c.'i',Ls m"'U, -ajiitiiiKUayunj wiioif expression OI llll) uraws. csigncr of dollies can do the wiihoit ,',, 'sSamelthmg j a single line wrong may difference between right "almost." Schaffner & Marx make clpthesithat are designed on correct ell them here; iou ought "pretty (jhul of the oppov- 'to (el such good things wWoolen Mill Store v m 4'lM Marshficld North Benu :mm III . " - .'JLrf . .. :.. Ski: lh;r , samp Won, jmicanHthc - ' &L Joel j ,f9&gffid iip i lUiiDr Aimwmi I. U "linsSHK? En 'fniTTzGfs co, lm3m w -PfSMy & ttHBHK liii . 'jr:Bin''i Dr.l 111 Otto Ita" B fbc .'. "T 5 Gape Arago COFFEE w bos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House Roc0 North Broadway Phone 3D-1-.T Wrs M - or Camping and Fishing i . . m Golden Falls m itxceis 'Delightful gficenery and freo from the wind. Streams teeming th fleli. LNpufarlfrom Loon Lnko and near to good door hunting tlons. in "If ypu wlaltlalpleaannt outing, don't forgot tho Golden Falls coun- QV. You cajalleave Mnrshriold In the morning mid return the same 'enlng. M Autoalt? nnd from Allegany dully to carry any needH of 3tlng' partSiEBteamor Alert ninkeH two round trips dally botweon jirshfleld andTAJlegnny to connect with uutos. jFor further, particulars, phone Ilusy Corner or Seandannvlaii Drug jores. ''SfeBflt Allegany-Drain Auto Line r w U. L. FOOTE, Proprietor. ead Off Suffering And Surgery On account of tlio naturo of the ailment many peoplo neglect treatmetgHes until the condition becomes such as to domain! radical treatment. This Is a serious mistake Don't put It off; get a paekageTpf V liw .jiMH T fQR IMC WJBtlCWWHj TKADC N"H Me Remedy ivalvntiraAlf nt tlila nllninnt nt lininn Thltt la : and. relleveTyoursolf of this ailment at home. This is a scientific prsparatlajyfguarantoed to produce results, and not to be con fused wUhYerdlnary remedies. Kasy to use and thoroughly de pendablefflKHU directions with each package. Come In and get a packageftflday. Two sizes, 50c and $1.00. n.W . . i-or sale oy POWIi PIUMCIUPTIOX PHAH.AI.VCV Exclusive Agency Frtuik 1). Cohan Haa III I Arr m. mm m ttc CALIFORNIA MJhUtortnm STAMre .UtOlOUtTL0? MIU3 ;ofR"g2.-ompcinyr caluukjiih BREVITIE6 IPEOPbE . a .lULY TII)i:S llolow Is given thu time nnd height of high and low water at Mnislifluld. The tides nro placed In tlio order of occurrence, with their times on tlio first lino nnd lioltilitn on tlio second lino of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will in dicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tlio bnr two hours .14 minutes. st'btrnet Ilrs. I Ft.. Ilrs. Ft.. Hrs. I Ft.. St'lUrs. IFt.. I'GIHrs. Ft.. l!7Hrs. IFt.. 28III1-8. IFt.. UUIIIrs. Ft.. His. Ft.. Hrs. Ft.. l.i G.S 2.10 G.4 2.H3 C.I :t.37 o.:i 1.2:1 CO R.ia n.c 0.07 1.1 1.0s 0.!) 2.1G 0.7 3.29 0.4 8.22 O.C. 8.5H 0.8 9.33 0.S 10.09 O.C 10.4-1 0.3 11.21 0.1 0.09 CO 7.19 4.5 8.3G 1.1 10.04 3.9 3.0 t 4.8 3.40 5.0 1.15 5.3 4.51 5.0 5.27 5.8 0.07 CO 12.00 0.7 12.44 1.2 1.30 l.S 2.44 2.3 8.03 2.5 8.48 O O 9.33 1.9 10.20 1.0 11.11 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.4 9 0.0 7.38 G.l 8.33 CO 9.37 CO I WHATIIKIl FORECAST j (Or A.x !! Prni IJ Coo IU7 Tlmn.) I OIIGQOX Fair and warmer except near coast; west to north winds. UICAIj TKMPHKATUKK ItlCCOUI) For tlio 24 hours ending at 4:13 a. 111.. July 22, by DonJ. Osttlnd, special government meteorologist: I Maximum A 08 Minimum 45 At 4:43 a. m IS Precipitation 00 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1913 GG.C4 Precipitation snmo period last year G4.81 Wind: Northwest; clear. .Mirny on Picnic Tlio Daptlst Sun day School picnic nt Charleston Day drew u largo crowd, both launches being crowded with picnickers this morning. Somo ('IiIiioiiUh. A few Chinook' salmon are being caught In the lower bay by fishermen. V, 8. Turpou states that thurc Is good trolling nenr Sunset Day now nnd expects to land u few big oium next Sundny. Manager llciv. 12. U. Wheelock, manager of the C A. Smith Ltuubor Company, ai rived hoio on tlio Adeline Smith from Oakland today nnd will spend hoiiio time at the local plant getting In touch with tlio business hero. r3W d UMCMJ ABOUT AIITIU'H DAltlLH loft today for n trip to various California points. MI JlOjM fA ( We Are Prepared PIioiip 77 ROY ltOZHLLi: and wife of Fmplro wore Marshficld visitors today. To furnish FRUIT JARS In oil sizes. Hull .Mason Jars In old stylo and wide mouth, also Sure Seal Extra Caps and Rubbers. Schroeder & Hildenbrand CIKNEKAr, REPAIRING HARDWARE AND PLUMHINQ T. M. COU.VER, of Catching Inlet, spent the day In Mnrshfleld. E. P. LEWIS and family have gone to Ten MHo for n two weeks' outing. C. K. PERRY and wife will leave to- morrow for a short outing on Coos Rlvor. GEO. N. HOLT Is spending a few days at Coqulllo Valley points on business. TOM HENNETT Is expected home tomorrow or next day from his auto trip to Portland. RAY TROXEL of Roseburg Is spend ing n few days on the Hay on bus iness and pleasure. WM. HOWRON, tho Ten Mlio ranch er, was In Marshficld on business yesterday. W. U. DOUGLAS and C. F. Mc Knight have returned from a few days' outing in Curry County. E. M. KAHN left this morning for Coqulllo on business. Ho will re turn tomorrow. ARTHUR McKEOWN returned this morning after a visit with his fam lly at Tho Maze, on Coos Rlvor. E. R. HODSON, of Coos River, enmo In this morning on matters per talnlng to his business. MISS MAHEI, MASON, of Coos Riv er, came In on tho Rainbow this morning to do some shopping. MISS GRACE Kit USE returned to Tho Nook today after viBltlng In Mnrshfleld for several days. limiting; Trip. Geoiee Rotnor, Hcrold Rotnor, Dr. Vaughn, Ford Painter and Frank Donning will leave Sunday for .Mr. Rontor's "Happy Hunting Ground" in Curry County. They will go down In Mr. Rotnor'a car and will bo gone about two weeks. They nro now receiving or dci'H for venison. MRS. JAMES COWAN, JR., Is In from Ten MHo visiting relatives for a fow days. KA.13L J. It. ROHERTSON nnd wlfo of North llend were Marshflold busi ness visitors today. WATT SHORT, who has boon spend ing tho past year nt Roscburg, San FranclMco and othor points, has re turned hero for u short stay. Narrow Ksniiu Tho ranch homo of Ren Smith nt Daniels Crook nar rowly escaped destruction by flro Sundny. Tho roof caught from a defective kitchen chimney nnd had gained considerable headway before It was noticed. Hy prompt and hard work a bucket brlgndo extinguished it. Married lleiv. Joe Josophson nnd Miss Emma Claruo wero quietly married Monday evening at tho Cen tral Hotol, tho Rev. G. I.oRoy Hall officiating. Mr. Josephsou Is tho son of Mrs. H. E. Hampton of tho Cen tral hotel nnd recently returned hero nfter three years sorvlco In tho U. S. navy In the Orient. Tho brldo Is from Gold Dench but Is well known through visits on tho liny. They will resldo In Mnrshfleld. ItoiuN Fine. D. L. Footo wns down from Allegany yosterduy and reports tho rond botweon there nnd Loon I.ako In fine shape. There Is good traffic and many outing parties are going to tho Golden Falls section. Road Supervisor Stull Is keoplng up tho Allegany district In fine shape. Mr. Footo said that tho othor day two of tho passengers who had just completed a tour of the Rocky Moun tains and had in ado the Canadian trip stated that tho Allegauy-Svotts-burg road was ono of tho most beau tiful that they had ever traveled. G. F. HULL and family, who have been residing at Hunker Hill, loft today for California, where they expect to locate. CARL ACKERMAN, of this city, left on tho morning train for Coqulllo, whoro ho will attend to n matter of business. C. M. NELSON, potato magnato or Coos Rlvor, came down this morn ing to market somo of his Coos Rlvor specials. JOHN KRONHOL.M loft, this week for n visit In Portland, Senttlo and other northern points. Ho expects to bo away for about two weeks, MRS. MATT HOWRON and Miss Hattlo Howron of Isthmus Inlet wore Mnrshfiold visitors this morning. MRS. J. W. HENNETT ramo to Marshfold from her sumnior homo nt Ton Mile yestordny to remain over Sunduy. Wtil Today. Robert Holland and "Miss Florence Farley wero married at noon today nt tho homo of tho bride, 101 Eighth street, by Justice Ponnock. Cecil Holland, brothor of tho groom, was best man, and Miss Mnbelle Holland, sister of tho brldo, was tho maid of honor. A number of friends and relatives of tho young couple wero present. Holland Is captain of tho Mable II, ono of the boats owned by tho C. A. Smith Lum ber & Manufacturing Company. Tho brldo has been employed at tho cigar stand owned by her father, John Farley. MISS LOUISE GIDLEY Is sponllng tho week at .tho ranch of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Hlntt on South Coos River. MRS. A. E. SEAMAN and family loft yesterday to Join Mr. Seaman at their Coos Rlvor ranch for a short outing. CHAS. HOFFMAN and family leavo in their auto today for Salem, whoro they will visit. Lator thoy may go to Modford and will bo ab sent about two weoks. MISS INEZ BUNCH, a clerk In tho County Clork's office at Coqlulle, left today for a vncatlon trip to California points. SAM SMITH, of Coos River, enmo In this morning to get somo lumber and shingles to patch a hole In his father's house, which was slightly damaged by flro Sunday. Mns. E. J. HILLS, who has been visiting at tho W, E. Hoagland homo, loft today for California on route to her homo In South Dakota. FRITZ DAVIS, of San Francisco, who has been visiting Julius Matson at Tho Nook on South Coos River, left today for his home. Fritz Is n nephew of .Mrs. Toller, formerly Miss Lllnbel Jolinson, who Is well known In Mnrshfleld, where she followed her profession of nursing for somo years. MAYOR F. E. ALLEN left today for Florence and northern points. ED FRANKLIN of Gardiner was a Mnrshfleld business visitor Inst evening. MRS. WM. HILL nnd bnby have gone to the Goodwill ranch on South Coos Rlvor, where they will enjoy a few weeks outing. CLASiriED TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MR. AND MRS. 11. II. LUSE and daughter Frances returned from Mrs. C. H. Dungau'8 homo on South Coos Rlvor last evening. MISS ELLEN HOLM nnd Miss Rena Haglund nro here from Ucrkeley, where they arc attending tho Uni versity of California, to spend the summer vacation with relatives. MRS. WM. ROHRER of West Mnrsh fleld left on the Nnnn Smith for San Francisco, where sho will spend most of the summer with relatives. MR. AND MRS. I. F. CHAMBER lain, of this city, loft on tho morn ing trnln for Myrtlo Point, whero they will visit frlondB for a few days. HOMKSKKKKIl run buy good new hottso on Improved Btreet, Hunker Hill, for $990. Easy termB. Sco Held, 150 Front street. FOR RENT Ilouso of 5 rooms unrt bath, In good order. 1029 Cen tral. Apply McPherson-Glnscr Co., Phone 211-L. WANTED House, modem, four or five rooms ,by August first. Graven and Mclnturff, Coke Building. EDGAR McDANIEL, who returned with his family tho first of the week from nn nuto trip to San Diego, was hero from North llend yesterday on business. Ho had a fine trip, ARCHIE TODD nrrlved hero yester day from England to visit his bro thers, Allan and Frank Todd. Al lan Todd was not here to welcome his brother, bolng out on Hnyncs Inlet with his wlfo and bnby. He will return soon and IiIb two bro thers will join Mrs. Todd nnd baby for a few days' outing. ' J. V. McFALL, of Eugone, loft this afternoon wth( his automobile nboard u scow In tow of tho launch Cadillac. Mrs. J. V. McF.all and Mrs. S. I). McFnll also left on tho Mllllcoma. Thoy will Join McFnll nt Allegany and tho threo will then make tho overland trip to their homo In Hugeno. They havo spout about two weeks In this vicinity on n plcnsuro trip. I AMONG THE SICK I Tho young son of Mr. and Mrs. James Durrand, of Isthmus Inlet, underwent nn oporntlon yestordny for an Injury to his arm. Ho broko It a fow months ago and It was not healing very well. Mrs. Potor Scott Is rocuporatlng from n sovcro attack of ptomnlno poi soning which sho bolloves Is duo to eating canned tomato soup. Walter L. Condron, who was oper ated on at Mercy Hospital day boforo yesterday, Is reported to bo doing nlcoly. DR. II. K, KELTV, DEXTIST. Phono 112-J, Room 204, Coko Hldg. GRAND I THEATRE O-NIGHT Tlio General Film Company Presents Hlognipli'n Spectacular Master piece 'JUDITH OF HETHULEl)" In Four Parts. Wo claim this attraction to bo ono of tho greatest films tho world has ever soon. On ac count of tho quality of this grand production, we will show it TWO NIGHTS TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT FOR SALE I Rood tenin, weight 20$$, $150. P. Clmlnlo, Lnkesldc. FOR SALE Good secoiuMinnd bi cycle for small boy; only $7.50. Apply Tho Fair. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 1024 Elrod, t WANTED f WANTED FiiMilonnhlo and plain dressmaking. Prices reasonable. Mrs. L. M. Warner, Nasburg Apart ment 10. WANTED Petition by Monographer. Phono 3C7-.T. WANTED, WOMEN Sell mini-nn-tccd hosiery to friends nnd neigh bors; 70 per cent profit; niako $10 dally. Expcrlonco unneces sary. International Mills, Box 4029, West Philadelphia, Pa. HELP WANTED WANTED Competent lrl for Ron oral housowork. Phono 397-J or Inquire 91 0 South Fifth street. FOR RENT FOR RENT U, or l-rooni modem housekeeping suite. Phono 1531, North Bend. FOR RENT Modern clean, cony lioiieo at 075 So 7th Rt. $20. mo. FOR SALE I FOR SALE One bnisN lied and ono sanitary couch, both In good con dition. 910 South Fifth strcot. COOSTON SNAP Flno. Improved homo of GO acres closo to Cooston for $3000. Terms $1500 caah, bal anco ono year, Interest 0 per cent, monoy-mnkor. See Tltlo Guaran tee nnd AbBtrnct Co. FOR SALE One Mi. p. Indian mo torcyclo for $00. Ekblad & Son. FOR RAM? Two cows, ono fresh. soon. Sco W. J. Drown, Hangor. Address North Bond. FOR SALE Gravel, $1.00 per yard, f. o. b. Myrtlo Point. Phono 03. Harrison Bros., Myrtlo Point, Or. FOIt SALE CHEAP SlNfoot cabin launch, Union englno, big bargain, best ranch boat on Bay. Inquire at Times Ofrico. FOR HALE SK-burner gas range, oqulppod with ovou and conl or wood burnor with wntorrront. A-l condition and cheap for cash. Ap ply Times offlco. LOST "AX ALASKAN INTERLUDE" An Kdlson Feature Portraying llfo In Alaska. Heautirul scenes of outdoors mako this an unusual attrac tive offering. i LOST Between Flagstaff nnd Mnnli Hold, small packago containing kodak pictures and othor articles. Finder pleaso leavo at Times offlco. LOST Holladay xhock absorber cap. Return to Norton and Hanson & Co. and receive reward. FOUND Child's gold engraved bracelet. Ownor enn havo samo by Identifying property at Times orrico. FOUND AlMiut .Inly 1, 1 Sterrett Biirfaco guago, part or lathe. Own or can have samo by Identifying and paying for ad at Times offlco. a? i 158-R PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Tak Aloe a Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen on your vacation. The safety pen Is deslgnod for women's and sportsmen's use. Wo also carry the self-filling and regular typos In all sizes and prices. The Store for Quality Goods Tl ft VavJ Hi MlltVC1 rWWfjFrai