, THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 19U-EVMG EDITION. -FOUR 'J IT HISTORY OF DYNAMITE THEN Forty-six years ago today the first official tests of dyninalto In KnK land wero made. The hills around Morstham shook beneath the mighty 'brntlons of a now explosive horn to civilisation. It had been dlsco ered by Alfred Nobel, of Sweden, mid Its experimental tests made In thu nreccdliiK year. Nobel created It to tnke the place of the untamed iiltro-glycerlno which had appalled the world for sovoral years with Its fiflm tragedies. The Inventor had lost his father mid a brother when his nltro-glycerlno factory had blown up a few years boforo his discovery. Its death toll was such that Eng land, Uelglum and Sweden forbade Its manufacture. The world was arousud when ns a climax to Its record a ship loaded with nitrogly cerine blow up In mid-ocean while on Its way from Europe to Chill, and tho governments were on the point of prohibiting Its use. It wns then that Nobel began his experi ments toward taming nltro-glycerlne mid created dynamite, or "giant powder" as It was first called In the United States. In his world wide propaganda to eonvlncu govern ments that dynnmlto was a safe explosive, the Inventor camo to Amer ica. It was while ho was register ing at n small hotel In New York that he casually exclaimed to the hotel clerk that his satchel contain ed dynamite. The clerk firmly or dered Nobel to seek other quarters, and was relieved when he went out of tho door. NOW Today dynamlto Is holng manu factured In tho United States at the rato of no, 000, 000 pounds a year. Filling r.000 freight cars, It Is con stantly being transported over the railroads of tho country. Though It Is the third most powerful cxplo Hive In general use, It has been tam ed so that railroad companies re ceive It for transportation almost as readily ns they do coal. Nitrogly cerin, however, Is still under the transportation ban In both the Unit ed States and Europe. Dynamlto Is today ouo of the most Important factors In tho progress of civiliza tion. Without It tho mighty en gineering achievements tho Panama Canal, tho mountain and river tun nels could not be accomplished. It takes an important part In building thu modern skyscrapers; It Is used to mine thu necessary huge quanti ties of Iron mid othor metals that enter Into structures. It blasts out tho millions of tons of coal that supply heat, light and powor, and glvo llfo to tho locomotives that bring food and clothing to tho pop ulaco of cities. It Is helping to grow tho food wo eat tho modern scientific farmer uses It to plaw his land, Us explosions shattering tho sub-soil which no plow over reaches. It Is said to Increaso tho crops greatly In qunllty nnd at least by fifty per cent In quantity. Todny dynamlto Is used to fight groat con flagrations, to flKbt warn ami n nm. pare for a largo part of tho progress of tho world. m-iMc k K7?MHrn9 ttil'J.MaliW Firearms and Ammunition (I nnlTR remarkable favor shown by the L 1 Jmnfmd nubile to Reminiilon-UMC rifles and shotguns, shot shells and metallics means just one thing That sportsmen everywhere are becoming more con scious o)' their desire for the dependability that they find only in Remington-UMC arms and ammunition. So you see the keen sportsman, when buying a new rifle or nlmtcTiin. rm tn thfi denier who disDiava the Red Ball Mark of Rem ington-UMC Or if he is already fitted with a rifle or shotgun, his J tendency is more and more to shoot Kemington-UMC shot shells and metallics the ammunition that flatters any make of gun. The Red BJl Mark of Rcmington-UMCfmd the dealer who displays it. Loc!c for it on every box of ammunition you buy. To keep your gun cleaned and lubricated right, use Rem Oil, the new powder solvent, rust preventative, and gun lubricant. Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 29) Broadway i 5 iilTd New York oEipr ' 1 ju. 1 S T,r.N - "l w-- ' CO W ? W CLsTJ 13 lNfkUfc: " Hi Ml UkMH m&: mm -i -r -7.r 1 totttJ&r w i55J ;fv &.. . - t!52l: u mrs y V- sZzsi-V m s mu n - Q) - -.. rt& -iy ,4.'W, ,--. THE GUNNERY "Sportsmen's Headquarters" Everything for the big game hunter, the fisherman and autoist HWtni- Qfwant- mm .., A AVlftl UUCCl ----. Marshfield, Oregpn iu:km:wioxh ok a HAcm:r.oit 01 It!,. Thu wonder of tho modern womnn Is Hint alio can bo "clothed with modesty," yet wear It so very fluff Hy. that ono acareoly notices It. The first siKu or u KIrla lovo Is her deslro to run her fingers through a man's hair; the first sign of a man's Is the self-control he exhibits when ho uIIowh her to do it. There Is so much wisdom In n fool nnd so much fool In the wheat man that to a normal woman they are hut too slightly different hinds of ha by. It Is always u shock to a girl to marry a man who adores her "little white lunula." and then disco or that ho expects her to use them for peel ing onions and broiling steak. Tho "long, long thoughts of youth" are nothing to the thoughts of a woman of thlrty-three. who has not y't met the right man. or Is man led to tho wrong ono. Whon a man Hes and dlos a bach elor, it Is not so often because ho nas never seen th ti..i.. .. mi because he has seen too much of the wrong kind. mNDLETON-s. H.lllott, of the Department of the Interior a Washington, ha, been at the Hull.,, reservation hero for tho past two m' filing up land ses ," """,!a' -: bee1," i. r.nuni conies as a snechil "Rent who charges the Indians lnal fee, thus saving then, ,1,0 "Penso of employing attorn "s0 look up tholr ueods. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK I.V COOS COUNTY. Kstabllsln.Hl 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest PaH on Timo Depoilu Offl. era: J. W. Bennett, President. J. II. FliinoKnu, Vlccirresldent. H. P. WIIIIium, Cashier. Go. P. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. Abstracts. Rgi! Kn Fire and Marine Insurance riTLE GUARANTEED ABSTRACT CO., !nc HENRY HKNGSl'ACKEN, Manner FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND I'DATTIVO Tv.Va , aTiiiliii is'i ivi.ii niit iv coomiwew "SpEfcSBS? ; -:- I TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAMF has been a Imhiiv ...m. .. .. mir customers will tel "ou wii2.,Ki?0'1 mnnjr years ani n lot of durable framing mi Slal at & -K?, t0 SettlK '00". unu' "ess. Just tell what you wint i.J.u 1 J rico ,;e kllow our busl to spend and we'll get busv win "d "IS1 t,,e lu,10nt vou want your money can buy. Tr,"uJ I I,enc" a,lU "sure out the beat C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co ItRTAIT, DRl'AJmiKNT nomUT- ""- ""' " i oun wood ,H- OUTH llltOAUWAY Don't be Held Up Deposit your inoney"wIth us, open a cheeking account, and you wont' hnvo to worry ubout holdup uicii. Not ooly will you guard against thlovoa getting your money, but you'wlil be protected against loalng It. Another reason for cnrrylug a hank accouut Ih that It will lielp ;ou to sav(f money tho temptation to spend or frJUur It away will not he ao great when you uro not cnrrylng a pocket full of loose change. I" paying your accounts by check, you have a douhlo receipt nud are conducting your nffulm In a businesslike maBinr. Don't wait until you hav 100 to open an account do it with ?1 or $5 and do It today. Drop In and let uh explain It to you if you aro not familiar with banking. First National Bank of Coos Bay .V M KM. of To, l'rimifr typfwritcdc am i--i . r: TTj. '.- i-nw Hii aictiiuara maKes, so a on easy vu. miunnrs,.nen SndHruebuilt; Fox Underwood, Reminoton.Royal CMer, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier for rent or exchange. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO ,., .,. n,ow l.ARSO PIANIST. TlIAT DESIRRS TO ANNOUNCE NQ SHU WILL RESUMK TEACH' FOR THE SUAIMEU ON MONDAY, JULY 2JMl 1. Vnr RTKNOnitAPIUP WORK of uny kind Gall 181-j Two competent atonographenj u euurge fVn;.i i STUDIO CORNER Or' Cential Ave. I AVENUE AND 8TH PHONE 437-U rREM t PRO s Pupil til Hj Oft I'hOB, Mcfc co, Eim W.T, wllbor and 1,; I'honi'i JoelO. lm Uati, 1151 m Per,- - i? 'Dellgl iKTffi '1? Jtlons. lt you CJr. ,Yo 'enl'ngl tIMP fForfu press :& 1 1 M it eaa On acci ,t'ratm radical) l'T" get &Jp preparat bfu8djwi ' nanHohln iln. -,Sr" a n.fllf.D preww Vile i I" . t mm i u'il iandrelh II II TIP M