The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 21, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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When This Sale I
. Tlv
29E9MHE9HHHBHHh,fut n
,.- a yg(
I his store win not noiu miumci uig die u
next January
. . . ,.....! .. ,oimn n roniitnfinn fnr unhin.niuinn. finstnmnrs have learned to exuect a nreat deal from them and in order nni .
rYoK aoods-and these reductions are from one-fifth to one-half the normal price. There is no mS
following items are selected from a list of hundreds. Come tomorrow. ; i
Ladies All-Wool Serge Dresses-regular price $7.50, now $5.25 Ladies' American Lady Corsets regular price $1.00, now , ci
Ladies White (lingerie Dresses-regular .price $6.00 to $8.50, now $3.25 Ladies' Crepe Kimonos regular price $1.50 and $1.25, now .... ' w
Ladies Modart Front-Lace Corsets regular price $5.00, now $4.00 Ladies' Mcssaline Silk Petticoats All colors, now " lK lg
Ladies' American Lady Corsets regular price $3.50, now $2.80 Ladies' Khaki and Madras Shirts regular price $1.50 and $1.25, now" f!
One-Fourth Off on Laces, Embroideries and Ribbons. JJ'j
This Sale Includes Hundreds of Bargains ' The Above List Gives Just an Idea of the Reductions Wejb at
. ' 71
Corner Broadway and Central Avenue
"Smart Wear For Women"
Iiino p
ir Gu(
! Mrs.
W An
not boenuse It had cost him about
thirty cents per square foot to fix It.
up for Hardening. j
Mr. UiirkliiRhfltn said that he had
been delayed In the drainage work by
the non-arrival of lumber. He said
thnt "iO.OOO feet was required for the
work and he had secured bids on It.
Tumble (her (Vincnt.
Mr. Ashby of the Warren Construc
tion Company appenlod to the Council
for permission to use cement on tho
V....... ('..... lHMn I.I. It... .L. ...
,, ,. ""iui r.uiu aiii'vi jiiii unit inu ill-
City COUnCll OppOSeS Exten- Wetor had rejected. Mr. Ashby snld
, n . , . Hint the cement had been ordered
51011 anil tieserVOir UliangC ! several weeks uro but thnt they were
Hrifipko Pnmnanu .lelnyed by ti'e curb contractors In
WIUGISe UOmpaiiy. putting It In and thnt the driving of
TllO (511 V POIIIK-Il lnt nvnnln,- I., ' Ul" 1,I1IK 'nr "'0 WaiOllOUBO hllll
sir ucte, " ty A "of luZ J L J01"""1 ll 8" ,liat " 8oltl0'1 "'t0 80
Sale?, nndo io M o rtWU ni 'TiTr '",' "a,,, w?t "?l ,,an,nB0,,
Cooh liny Water Company for f" ll,C,,,,n,Ki1 'T l,l"'lil"Rl,,,,1 'l'j;t-
ther extension of tin n In vl.l,.i. m "' tl"11 ,le l,ll,, "ol,t ""llon of tho
.nnkotl.oi w5i, n si ill ol ?'W" ,0 ,,,",,1"l"1 n,,,, C"rvnllls ,0
ordered by the or "Jon K Iro d C on" S iT ,, Ht' lf ," Wl18 ""
mission and nlso to onm.,. iim ..".. !,K", Mr- Ah,,1,v was niilou to uso
tbo lower level Tim Itnllrnmi Pniii ",Hl '" c,"i0 ,no ',!l"ct wn found to
mission l.n I" cnilod 1 I o"rlB oifX l,,,V,P,fr,lV t,,"U ,M ,nl !'
juntter for Friday. h " tl10 t'-o street and relay It.
Clly Attorney (loss wild Him linlui.i ! V1 .'0",1,l,()" Ioi-nIIi was
mked 1 that tl o earm e xelat a ""lU': ,' l oxnocto.! that tho re
later date, Hut tlm the Co.nmlKslon In "' ,h t08U W'" ,w n'v9lvtA
.ltad replied that Krldav was tho last I H0 " ., ..
ilny of tho tlmo In which tho com- ,. "' ' ;' '"
irany lad been granted i nmko tl e Clly ' wor,,or ' lino1, ropurUMl that
Improvements Mr n . i! .ii i iV. .i 10 '" ""veiny betweon tho Davis
tho order of the 1 a Iron Com m s" on ,,n,,y "" ,0 ,10 lJ",od ,u"1 t!, 8t,00t
for ininrnvpi -.ens n?i . M "H.nent oil North Second street
understand n what basis they would " ? ' '. W,V1"1 " ,. dny8,1
nsk tho extension. What tbo Hal' A1'1", Ik, ,0 lm'"pnt on which Con
road Commission will , l'l factor KlanaKaii has been wnltlnB.
road Commission will do nbout no
need dciiik paid to their orders re-
miiiB ii) no seen.
Chairman ICvfi-tKnn or iim n,.i.t
commlttoo reported In favor of
Mr. Oobh said that tho work on omi.i . rol,OI',t,,l ' '"vor of
Central nvnn.m .. l.'.?.,k. "'I KrniitlMB tho petition of Tom Mad-
tho waste of tho com i.,v '"' ,I(, mr n lKht on North Front street
that there were four' dlffero,,, po Z , "'Ml.., V,l'","-. .w""
.,,, ; "hi iu no pm iii or
d.d not feel that the city's finance
would permit It.
D.i inn tfo to Streets.
Councllmnn KvortHoii rmwii'lnil Mini
the teams haullut; snivel for the new
Carnegie library bulldlUB-were scnt
torlng lots of It on tho street, espe
cially on Mnrknt liotu'nnn Pnnrtli nml
Sixth streets, and stated that It was
ruining tho new plimkliiK.
J. N. Nelson, former nienibor of
the City Council, said that tho gra
vel was not only dumnRliiK tho
plankhiR, but that It was dnmnglnK
tho bituminous pnviiiK also. Ilo
said that they should bo required to
him! tho Kinvel lu tight dump wag
ons, as It was not r.ilr to (jnniiiKi)
Councllmnn Ferguson said that It
was a hard Job to haul gravel over n
rought street without scnttorlng
some. Ilowevor, he snld ho would
take the matter up with Contractors
l.add mid I Inn-la and notify them
that thoy must be more careful.
Collect .Use.ssiimnts.
A vvarraht was ordored Issuotl for
the collection of the assossmontH on
North Front street.
A rebate of 5121.11 was ordored
returned to tho proporty owners on
l-lr botweou Hlghth mid Ninth
The City Knglneer was ordorod to
prepare plans for grading Twelfth'
Court, South. Plana for hard pnv-'
lug this wero made a yoar ago, but'
nothing wits dono about It. Coun
cilman Ferguson snld that somo of
the property owners wanted It grad
ed now.
m l'lie Chief Delegate. !
. .rll. Coi"lt'H voted to sond Flro
Chief Dan Keating as n delegato to
tho Pacific Coast Flro Chlofs con
vontlon. which will bo hold at Vic
toria, If. C, Soptenibor 1 to a. Mr.
Keating nttonded last yoar'H con
vention at Tncomn. Tli rnn..t
nt first shied nt tho exponse, but
.Council Finds Serious Tannics
j in Ferry Street and
j Curtis Avenue.
i Curtis nventio and the Ferry street
, crossing wore two street probloniB
thnt bobbed up lu the City Council
last night and from Indications will
not be settled for some time.
, City Attorney (loss brought up tho
, Ferry streot crossing nfter Superin
tendent Miller of tho Southern I'a-
, cine nan Drought up the matter of
tho company being allowed to uso
i South Front street as u place to
ili'iup their gravol. Mr. (loss snld
that tho city was taking stops to
condemn It If tho railroad company
would not grant the request for the
crossing, and wanted to know what
Mr. Miller thought about It.
Mr. Miller said that the final (te
nsion rested with the San Franclsin
Southern Pacific Gets Permit
to Use Street Will Haul
It on Barnes.
M(ISt Of till) uravitl for tlui Kmilli.
orn Pacific's new hrldgo nerosa Coos
Hay will ho dumped on South Front
street lu Murshfleld nml Inter will
bo hauled 0n barges from Marahflold
to tho bridge, lf tho present plans of
l-.nglneer Hroughton nml Superin
tendent Miller arn rurrlml mil 'Pii..
-ny uiuurii last evening gavo tho
railroad permission to uso tho Htreot
providing tho consent of tho nbut
tlng property owners, U. M. Noblo,
(.eo. Haines, s. Chandler nml
others Is secured.
Incidentally, lu tin, discussion, It
developed that Messrs. Miller and
iriiiiKiilon no mil oviiiiKt Mi.. -,.n
mini i i-iiiii i-;ugeno to ho
f'fitti ttl Jit ml
officials, but that personally hoi Y.V.. '!!. "Iiorntlon hero by a year from
fiiiiMiiiiiia ill 1 1 ,. .... .. .1
.. , ....... .,,,. .u,nUr MiiiiiMl i i in
that the business nie,, m Cet -alive , yr 'Ulon .8,,,.,l,, "''" tho fire-
nue should have redr ', agal n.i the If ''v'1 l''"'8 Paint tho flro
company. Ho said that thevlu ,,.i "v!lr'u,,H, ,r ,lu 'y would buy tho
the streot I r ", ',,al,,t- ", 8 "tntoil that son o of
and thnt now t e y wtw wop k nK v l.""" ttTi ,l?,,U,nB ,,a,lly- U wns
one man on the J..I. . !wl "o i . l'?llei .', ,nl '.'P "y,"'a,,,s ,,n """
dlcap that tlev wore lini naliiL n h.i ' n ".' wh,, ,nm n"'1 ,, )'-
business houses. ,in'")8"'K " "i ilrnn will bo numbered. Fire Chief
Wot .MaiNhriel.l ),aii u IT. K "I'1'1 ,,,lnt """"'"Pnts had
The Mill Slough nil i.obloni ',' ! iT''0 for ,t10 work '" "
came up agn laS. night " n R ( 0,"u" "HJ": y ,
cart Inslsttvl thnt tbo drain hiVii .". n"" l:''"'ni'.
north arm of the sl.L , . " l,,,,,1? .Mi"?Lr.. A"p" .n,'l t"t tlto pres-
iow enough so thnt It would n ' ,"" l '" ino ,', K "'""fe
Ms garden. Mr n.icklnK ,, L . 1II",',I",,J'; "o recommended
that he was aim,,, "A,h t(, j 'i,. . l Vm V,ni,kl,IK ,l0 torl1 "'". tlio
with the ..., 1,7, ' ,fni i ?n ''"r f '' n,,,, '""'roll, walk In It
l.ut lli d,a! ,h mVc L ? 'it r,:,""t "f ,n,V'':y "" Tho Co '
wanted It. Mr. ii,,, v.,..i.-.. .. . ''' ! Muoyml of the Idea.
that R. o. ivrham hU( ,, i7 ., i ,K.M8r n'"' !i,1,,"' "hl
ieiilre the dralimee to be L J . . " ,,W0'I '""t about $lon to
the old swamp. bW luH "8 mU'u (,J' l"H wharf and dock
Mr. Calhcsrt sal 1 thst W had " w,u h" " "rk ilmu-nt oupo.
l'olnled urn to tlm Council the ,.p..I n :Sn',, ( "' """
) of thl. low drHmage i SneX' ,1,2 uT'i V1"" "aM " '
til was made and thai ehn pi,". ," ,m t ... . !. ,"" ",l ho,"1 "
t'en ,ae bcn put In r..r ' n L.V ,"",ni"'' " 'he lil b..lldl.iK
5100 ' "i '"I iss than 's Mbiiis .-hoiil.t ho made for hulldliiK'
Major l.n smb....,,-,! thai r.ih. ','"'.',? ."'"" ""." i)IH ,,at ,lu "
ait fill his lowl.,.,,1 slx o, !,.;., ' 'r'" 'l' "m"'1 "r Tin- su..cstlon
bnt Mr Cat!,, an ,.,, V,7 !.:'". f,";t. ;',11,,;,l "'V,' V." "V" " "-P-iw
Binoculars and Field Glasses
FROM S9.00 TO S75.00
. You'll Need a Pair for Hunting Season.
Red Cross Drug Store
PHONE 122.
Jwhon thoy found It cost only ?72 for
I mo inn nisi year, iney ngreed to It.
Mr. Keating said that tho dopart
tment hnd voted to bo reiirosented
Ithoro and he Bald that he thought
I lint It would well repay tho city.
I because thn dnlncnln i.nnl.1 i '
(whole lot about flre-flghtlng. Ho
... uui iiiro wneinor no or somo
other mombor of the department
thai MrV" tho Council decided
(that .Mr. Keating should go
, 1'hore was Borne talk about tho
.. uuimruuonrs exponsos growing
oo rapidly but Chief Keating said
that tho department was being
chai-Koil w i h YMi.,icnU i..,i .. '.h
:!"7 .ranch RoK?"l Slier
enled this saying that tho do a it"
. mom was charged with only oto f
.to ciiKlnoen. tho otlmr being
bae u,, mxUm tlip i)olko9...g
I i'i. ,.;,T,l'i,,'1"K1",,
I Mio Chief Keating reportod that
he new anto flro engine ruck ,
. lw. shipped from .Ww York i
AHBiwi is and should roach 1 ere
'early In Septemhor. This Is tie no
llor-.lrlxen cnml.h.ail .i .. .,.. " "
,eng...e and truck and will cost about
I. . O. F. XOTICH.
Members of Smwet" l.(iK0 Xo. Bl
and Western Star ltniiVa-m. i .i.. ,
i "nV;; ai' m,,e8,' to meet at
O O. F. hall Tuesday ovo. July 21,
fH. 1. rand Master Wm. Galloway.
!. 0. M. Joun F. nU nil MrJ
Kate nmi0, proal,,OIlt of Uoboknh
-" win visit on official bm.
I. LAXUO, Secretary.
VMlh nuissny. vim.ivic . ...
..., AUTOiiay, JUIA 28.
V'M III tllt llllllimlu. II... . I -
........ ....I llMIMU UIU IIUHHIIIK. JlOi rHi,,,,..,.!
k!l III Mini tin. n..noul,H, .. .. ........... I leiUOWII
...loniiif, in iii nitir
yards, that It would he dangerous to '
itno putillc hecause cars would be
switched back and forth. Ilo said
that tho forry lauding would como
lu close to the trucks. In addition
to tho danger from tho railroad op
eration, ho snld that the ferrv would
bo n danger to navigation, bolng be
tweon tho Smith terminal dock nml
tho Southern Pacific dock. Ilo also
stated thnt tho ferry landing would
mean that considerable abutting
proporty would bo rendered ulmost
valueless. Ho thought that t10 fer
ry could bo changed some place else.
City Attorney (loss said that the
people of Hnstsldo wanted It there
and tho County Court nlso favored
that place. Mr. (Joss said that tho
lurry wouiii not interforo with navi
gation, ulthough ho renllzod that
thoro would bo more or less of n haz
ard lu tho railroad yards. Ho said
that to put tho ferry whoro It would
not bothor nuyono would rondcr It
useless as It would bo so far nway
that It would not sorvo tho neonle.
huperlntendent Miller thought I
v ...I uiu niiiioaii was entitled to con-
pe'oTle " "8 W" "8 Ul Kn8l8l',
Allen Has Plan.
Mayor F. IJ. Allen said that he
thought that tho best way would bo
for Marshflold to absorb Kastsldo
and h.nkor Hill and then build a
drawbridge across Isthmus Inlet near
tho mill so thnt thoy would not have
.... umy- rh0 roBt of
he Council did not approvo of this1
Idea. Mnally tho matter was loft'
until word could i. m,.. i... , ' . .
the San Francisco officials.
.. .,' ".,:'. Avemio Woik.
p .'..iV .1W'UI'I roportod to tho
....... uuu mo pian to Imiirom
Ul11' aonuo botween Broadway
and Second streot by private con
,';?.';t ',"'! rn"' ""0". K .Bhlno
',.;,''" .:', V '""I""" refusing
"" '" ii. .iir. will nms ln.i
IUOpOke.1 to linnrnvn iV J ,, ...' i"'
wC1,.8J"!.L.t .t,.,,, 'lhho Bl,0t
,.: rm v.,",. "'J""1 ,8.?lx'y W wide
out later throshed
lJ!:0,,m;,'."" t? force the
. : ... U'V'"' " wnethor the
i,,ar .. '"" """"ing proporty will
lose tho imvnn r.m. i.. ...'..-' '"
What can bo i n "l" "vp''
street in. fn , " i ."" .: "" "''
lu ., ..:".," w",u' '" l" moantlnio
- I'.WU.UIU.
Of tho univnl fn.iii i,'...,.
street would bo completed by May
or .Iiino next your. Mr. Broiigliton
Hlated that they would not bo ready
to begin using the grnvol on tho
bridge Tor three or four mouthy yet.
Haul UIOO c,un.
hiiiirliiuniciii Miller stuted that
y lilllug the gravel on South Front
street and then hauling It on barges,
the city would be saved thn Incon
U'lileuco of having about 2100
"eight wih ":,
Htrett. He."'""1,0'
wnB for IO,0(!j!?K!loa
thnt probabljiu Agun
ho rciiulrcil j. in .
pletcd. ., c
Ho said U " r
venlcnt place IHMoxlc'
the grncl, T1
gravel out oa ri.- 111
It will bo ink,
feet of trailer 'ko X
nt this end cf t i
Knter the Chj,UKV
uiu oiiuuhtii n ..
vol and cruWC0 tllc
ears alons FroX'Oii tl
son said that Mil rot
claimed tbat Kjcccb
caused byn:Htt ,,,,
and off tbeewt'0 ll"
they bo armtd "norB
- clean
I Along to Mne. t
r of
Tho Spccdnlat. .-'j
Inst iiIkM froeUs ton
. "Tihoin
.Niivv Mtittit .. "
terdnv reccltcdv .l" '
of Moik for ' tyof
which they Wr,
Broadwa) ml
overhauling the:
lug tho Intern'
have one of tin
stores la the it.
PUS- .
DFSIUKS TO i- , ',
HI IK WIUilW"'..,
STl'DIO CORN?, ng.
AVIJXl'K AV. .Hjjj
r i
' Vl
it tin
rj-i -, (salve
1 he Store Ads Are a Cof i
' "W; ,
ative Service for the m
Til K woiiinu who is in too much ofaKniSr
tli ads almost always wastes a MM"?
looking about for what she wnntstjJJJJJ
1 1 's a wise a vory wise woman wW5V0ji;,
!' llioughi n)0ut lei. tablo and the buyiijigt ir
ahles for tho homo folks. Tho woman wm
in lliis f iL- miiAiM.k. t,, ,...n,..t.;,.t."ii"'
"' 'iiill'llllin IVI UllUHHOIIin... '" ,B
to accomplish the most difficult of mil
Hie makiiif.- of a real home. The stow ads
co-openiuve.sei-vK.o to such a housewiift
You can niako ahonf. ovorv one of '
trips a "mind stroke of husinoss'Toryo
" "v i wiv; til IMiniJIl 'U .-
as much attention to the wl
RI'KKDWKIil, sails fro,.! .MAKS.
ll VOll nav
Hie "milking" of a home is a serioujH
"ccupauon rr n housewife. .11 W.lCiti
"'vc in mo 11(,w fiiiiifrs 111 the cliaiicw"
llw liMiiw. I'.. ....:,.!.: . 11. ..iw nlioiiifSl
.""' "uuiMHiij'H in uirm-niii'" MiM;
lien with routine home expenses. BccaiSTaa
the ads she knows when sIioiuust"luw?5OT.
'nid when she may profit by making H2g
unlrequented shop! , E
o one would think it "fiuiny" lcS
lu'olcer or investor shov a somewhat ieverHD0
m financial news and stock quotation Eg
Jiave no more potential importance t5Ai,
store ads have for the woman who does l&0xSJ
i me money lor the home. $
Times Want ads bring results
PHONE 133.
,?Stt. 1J rUiiSrittil-:t:iii.tkliVihir:U i&