ttfllO " '-(Tfln pjy J THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1914. EVENING EDITION. FIVE flit - -1 ,jiS3J537- 4 Jadley 1 1 HHHILMLLLMHHILH EKHSrH sweaters M the thing for camp S'auto rides and out- life. Only $3.50 to st itliP fhlnn vnn mnn 1 ;:;: ;::,",::,:: i :;uuun iuumiiu iur jood, look good, wear i and above all feel fortable. Us 'Show You i "Braffley" line Sweaters. o J& JL MXoo IXUF .. 4 Marslificld 15.00 Cash (35 per year for thrco years. s A Building Site VEL AND CLEARER lot, cloae In ... .91 1 lot, cleared $1H. lot) Kradedstroot s?iinr! 5 lot, improved at. JMO 1 lot, Improved at., $:t(to 0 lot, improved at., J?:i."5) ' A FEW LOTS JiEFT AT H PRICES. IIUY NOW ty "Water and Street Improvement See Held About It." PIioho 264-j. . A. Reid 150 FroHt.,8trcct i . THE CAMPING SEASON ENTS 8x10 TO 10SI ,99.00 to" $10.7.1 ammocks j IJne Prom f 1.75 up to $7.00 COUGHHA.MMOOKS $11.7E-TO $17.00 nson-Gulovsen ' Company aallty V&kv with n Service " ft BfMHC. h w u ivoyai rONIGHT 10U8R OT RIG FEATURES" Big Bpoolai Feature Hit, TM SERGEANTS" ,Jt fix Reels, taed Htrwa a Famous French '' St"ji A thrilling and su it4 ptry drama, the prln irt IM acted by A. Capossi, WHin'g foremost actors, w U w4 remarkable by the ( dramatic work of A. Capos gftjMtl m one of the foremost rs oflurope, who takes the 0jt. Drvllle, one of tho Two ta. ' That, Scream vr aKd a'engeance" 'Ulur7Tw-Reel Comedy, full iHfaxwIi'wnont, will be shown l5tOHlfht. This Is the ban hWasvere will bo EIGHT "of-all FEATURES. "How's v . Www- 1 Re Dalcony 10c MVPayfFaight, another three- 'pfofOIrt am', tlio Tiger," a -MYTMUire. tf-iUpiit "Tho Secret Lu- f-jgWl Three-Reeler. flASSIHE TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Rotuoen KliiBttjiff mill Marsh flofd. omnll puekage containing lo(lnk pictures nml other nrtlclcs Finder jilenso leave at Times office. FOR SALF Om hiu hod nnd "'"' snnltnry couch, both In good con dition. !10 South Fifth street. WANTED Competent girl for gen eral housework. .Phone :i!)7-.l or liuiulre !)10 South Fifth Btreot. FOUND Child' jtnM cngnucil bracelet. Owner can have snmi by identifying property nt Times office. FOUND About July 1. I Strrrott surfaco gunge, part of lathe. Own er can have Riime by Identifying and paying for ad at Times office. REPRESENT me In your town: turn your spare time Into money. Either sex; good pay: W. II. Harris, Grants Pass, Oregon. LOST Holhuluy shock absorber cap. Roturn to Norton and Hanson & Co. and receive reward. WANTED Fashionable mid plain dressmaking. Prices reasonable. Mrs. L. M. Warner, Nasburg Apart ment 10. WANTED WANTED Position by stenographer. Phono 3G7-J. WANTED To buy 111-foot rowhoat. Phono 303X8. WANTED Competent housemaid. MrB. G. W. Kaufman, 208 South Tenth street. FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping apartment. 413 No. Second street. FOR RENT Desirable IMoom house keeping apartment, for a couple. References. Addross Times. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housokijeluB. J122 North First. FOR RENT 2, :t or l-ioom modern housekeeping suite. Phono 1531, North Ilend. FOR RENT Modern clenu, cosy hotiso nt 075 So 7th st. $20. mo. 'l FOR SALE I COOSTON SNAP Flno Improu'd homo of GO acres close to Cooston for $3000. Tonus $1500 caBh, bal unco ono year, Interest 0 per cent, ninuoy-mnkor. See Title Guaran tee nnd Abstract Co. FOR KALE One -Mi. p. liulh io-, torcyclo for $00. Ekbhul & Son.! FOR SALIC Place In Coaledo; n snap. Inquire Mrs. Wltschoy, Coaledo. FOR SALE Two cows, ono fresh soon. Soo W. J. Drown, Hnngor. Addross North Itoud. FOR SALE Gravel, 81.00 per yard, f. o. b. Myrtlo Point. Phono '63. Harrison Dros., Myrtlo Point, Or. FOR SALE CHEAP !!(Nfoot cabin launch, Union cnglno, big bargain, best ranch boat on Day. Inquire jitTlme8 Offlco. FOR SALIC Sl. burner gas range, equipped with oven nnd coal or wood burner with wntorfront. A-l condition nnd chonp for cash. Ap ply Times offlco. Sl'OMf SOCIETY, 111(1 PICNIC, SUNDAY, AUGUST UNI). GRAND THEATRE O-NIGHT The General Film Company Presents lllograph's Spectacular Master piece 'JUDITH OF RETHULED" In Four Parts. We claim this attraction to bo one of the greatest film's tho world has ever seen. On ac count of tho quality of this grand production, wo will show it TWO NIGHTS TONIGHT AND 'TOMORROW NIGHT ".YN ALASKAN INTERLUDE" An Edison Fenturo Portraying llfo In Alaska. Heautlful scenes of outdoors mako this an unusual attrac tive offering. feOOVk BREVITIES JULY Til) US Dolow Is given the tlmo and holght of high and low water nt Marshflold. The tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tlie first lino and holghts on tho second line of each day; a compar ison of conscctitivo holghts will in dicate whether It Is high or low water. For- high wntor on tho bar subtract two hours 34 minutes. L'lillrs. . 0.11 7.11 2.25 7.2fl IFt. . . CO 0.4 4.5 2.7 22Hrs.. 1.27 S.22 3.04 8.03 Ft. .. C3 O.C 4.8 2.C 23lllrn.. 2.10 8.5!) 3.40 8. IS IFt. .. C4 0.8 5.0 2.2 2lillrs.. 2.53 0.33 4.15 9.33 IFt... CI 0.8 5.3 1.9 25Hrs..3.37 10.09 4.51 10.20 IFt. .. 0.3 O.G 5.C 1.0 2C)lrs.. 4.23 10.4 1 5.27 11.11 Ft... 0.0 0.3 5.8 1.4 27llrs.. 5.13 11.21 0.07 0.0 IFt. .. 5.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 2SHrs.. 0.07 0.09 12.00 G.49 Ft... 1.1 0.0 0.7 CO 29Hrs.. 1.08 7.19 12.44 7.38 Ft... 0.9 4.5 1.2 0.1 30 His.. 2.10 8.35 1.3C 8.33 Ft... 0.7 4.1 1.8 CO 31 Hrs.. 3.29 10.04 2.41 9.37 Ft... 0.4 3.9 2.3 CO 5'?3 WEATHER FORECAST Dr Aaiorltta Prrii U Cool IUf Tlmn. I OREGON Fair and warmer 1 Wednesday In east: variable winds, mostly northorly. LOCA L TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending nt 1:43 a. in., July 21, by Dcnj. Ostllud, special government me teorologist: Maximum G8 Minimum 10 At 1:43 a, m 47 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1913 GC5I Precipitation si mo period last year 01. SI Wind: Northwest; clear. - -4 HORN. LOUD To Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Loud, nt their homo at Klttyvlllc, a daughter. Sho Is their first child and the proud father, who Is court reporter for Judgo Coko, Is today xiuimiuu in nuiiiu.i. .uuuiur nun daughter mo doing nicely. TULLY To Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Tally on Sunday, July 19, a seven-pound daughter. Mother nnd daughter are doing flno and Mr. Tully is tlio nroiiilcHl nvor nvnr fhn nilvent the proudest oor or tho ndvent of their nnrond child, tho first bo- ",K n B011, i Oneiis iici.ilmmrters Plinlrnmn T tlon has ostabllBhod hendauarters in Room 21, First National Hank build- lug, nml will direct thu committee work from now on, devoting prnctl- tally all of HIh time to It. For Rest Room Mrs. M. A. Sweet- man, Mih. McCnrty, Dr. Straw nnd other lenders In the Women's Rest Room movement havo been endonv orlug to secure sultnblo quarters bo that a pormanent lest room can be. opened here. Finds Keys. Through n Times wnnt nil, Win. Crimes today recov ered his key ring, Sunday ho loft It sticking In tho lock of his unto trunk and -It dropped out on North It and lunula It oP to Tto Tim b! ' Front Btreot. Cnrl Isrortson found Mr. Grimes ndvcrtlscd for It yester day. Try Surfboard, Saturday evening .Misses Mndgo Harry. Frances WU- Hams nnd Grace Williams demon- strated thnt they could rldo tho surf-j board ns well as tho bovs. All nrn excollout Bwlmmers nnd tliolr feats attracted a largo number. ltciuill Ali'i't. Tlin Rtnnmnp Alni-t which piles botweon Marshflold nnd ' OHi Marshrield To Portland In Only 1 6 Hours Leave Marshflold at 5 o'clock In tho morning, enjoy the boat rldo to Allegany, then a most scenic and dollghtful auto ride over hills, along brooks, stronms and lakes, through dense woods, and arrive in Drain In tlmo for tho nftornoon train. Wo have not missed tho train ono day this season. Tho faro is only $11. Return the same way, reaching Marshfleld early in tho evening. Remember nnd travol by the Allegany -Brain Auto Line 1). L. FOOTE, Proprietor. Tickets on Sale 'at nusy Corner and Scnndanavlan Drug Stores. Allegany. Is undergoing repairs to I her boiler and will bo out of com mission for about three dnys. The Alert has been replaced by tho Mll llcoma. Two export mechanics are engaged l.i making ropalrs to tho Alert and Captain Edwards says she will lie In fine shape when on the run again. Ivnu' Today. Hugh MeLaln, Ver non A. Smith nml J. It. Itlehl wero outgoing passengers on this morn-i lug's Mnrshfleld-Hoseburg nuto line, going to Portland. Mr. MrLnln also, expects to nttend the Medford Good Koads Convention duly 27 and 2S. No Clue Found. Tho police have found no clue that would lead to the arrest of the party or parties who robbed the G. C. Schroeder residence Sunday or who entered tho homo of Frank Pugsley yesterday morning. Mrs .Schroeder found n missing box yesterday afternoon containing some insurance policies nnd deeds to prop erty In Idaho, but aside from that none of tho diamonds or Jewelry has been lecovored. Asleep on Wharf. Mike Kelly, nr rested liiBt night by Officer Donne, who found him asleep on tho wharf, was released without being fined when brought beforo Recorder Uut lcr this morning for a hearing, Kelly said that ho had engaged transpor tation to Portland on tho steamer Brenkwater and Hint ho was await lug tho noxt trip out. Ho told tho ttnnnrflnr Hint Mm wltnpf wna H14 softest bed lie hnd found In n loni time. Kelly had $1.80 In loost change when tho officer found him. 1 To Ilnvo Rest RM)in. The AIooso Lodge has mndo arrangements to re open tho public rest room .which proved such n good fcaturo during tho Fourth of July celebration during fllnlr Pnlnl.rntlm, nnvt .,.!(. tin their celebration next month. Or, Strnw Is chnlrmnn of tho conunltteo In chnrcn nml Mrs. M. A. Kwnntinnn has been onuiloved to take charuo nf.H C .tho ammgementn and supervision. It Is planned to hnvo a flower show nt tho rest room and other attract ive features and tho committee Is ex tending a cordial Invitation to nil who arc Interested to visit tho rooms and if any wish to assist tho com mittee they will bo glad of their ser vices. - - "- - i After Miti-rlauo License. Justlco of the Pcnco Ponnock left this after noon for Coqulllo, whero ho will get a mnrrlago license for Robert Hol land. Tho brldo to bo Is Miss Flor ence Fnrley, dnughter of John Farley, who conducts n cigar storo on Front street near tho Flanagan & Dennett bank. Holland Is captain of the Mnble II., one of tho C. A. Smith mill bonis. Ho has been In tho employ of C. A. Smith for over a yenr. Doth no unu ansa i ar ev aro won known. It Is understood that tho marriage ceremony will bo performed tonight or tomorrow night by Justlco Pon nock. tl t "TT ,, ,lc'" K'" H' Henry KIiir. ncBtot, yestordny by MarBUUl Cnrtori who f0Ullll ,,m on lho 8trcot8 , ,,runkon condition, was fined $5 when brought boforo Recordor I,ut,er '" tM0 nftoruoon. Marshal Car- h morn ng nnd ndvlsed him to go 'mloors until ho sobered up. Ten minutes Inter, ho said, King was on the Btreot again and taking up n R00(, (lenl more of t)l0 B,,ownIk , "ecessary. This Is tho third tlmo King has been up on a charge of drunkonneos. Ride Surf Hoard Miss Mndgo Har ry and Miss Frances Williams ottract ed a crowd to tho waterfront for tho second tlmo when they rodo the speeding surfboard last night. They exporlonced llttlo difficulty In riding tho board nnd In fnct aro becoming qulto export nt It. They ran up nnd down tho Hay sovornl times yester- "!"! '! "I lr ,Hn! anco oxcopt when tho boat to which tho board was tied slowed down. Rolllo Harry and C. Larson, who havo been practicing tho feat for somo tlmo for tho Mooso Day colobrntlon, wero also out ngnln last night. They perform tho stunt about as well ob 'rcl I'roblo and Goorgo Kelly, tho tw9 i'"K 'e w)' took part In tho water aporta during tho Fourth of July colobrntlon. Miss Hurry and Miss Williams mny rldo tho board on Mooso Day, Times Wnnt nils bring results. MOOSE WE HAVE OPENED HEADQUARTERS IN ROOM 21, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, WHERE THE MAN AGER FOR "MOOSE DAY," J. M. WRIGHT, WILL BE PLEASED TO MEET ALL COMMITTEES AND ALL OTHERS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THE SUCCESS OF THE UNDERTAKING. EVERYTHING IS WORKING FINE. WATCH THIS SPACE ID IREOPhB KMOW ABOUT JAMES COWAN Is In from Ten Mile on business nnd pleasure. C. A. MYRICIC and family have gono to Lakeside for a short stay, DR. GEORGE 13. I)tX went to Myrtlo Point today to Inspect the railroad camp work. ELMER YOUNG, of Uils city, loft this afternoon to visit friends on Coos River. E. W. WRIGHT, of Portland, arrived hero yesterday for a short stay on .business nnd pleasure. iT0,r N'COLS left on the Mnrshfleld- I ROSOblirg BlltO HllC tills morilltlg for Myrtlo Point on business. DIERS, of North Rend, was n Mnrshrield visitor today. Ho Is expecting W. J. Wllsey hero soon. MISS ELM A M'DONALD loft morning for Coqullle, whero will visit her relatives for a or two. this sho day W. MOTLEY, secrotary of Chamber of Commerce, left tho this morning to nttend tho dairymen's meeting nt Enegren grove. CARL STOCKIN, typewriter mag nate, left on tho morning train for Coqullle nnd Myrtle Point on business. MISS ADELINE CLARKE, or Coos River, came In on tho Rainbow this morning to do boiuo shopping, E. HAMILTON, of Allegany, enmo In this morning to nttend to n buBlncss matter. lie left for his homo this afternoon. MR. AND MRS. W. F. HODSON, of Coos River, cnine in-on tho Rain bow this morning to visit somo friends nnd attend to business mat ters. AHTHUR K. PECK spent Sunday nt Sunset liny and says thnt It was n regular miniature Atlantic City on Sunday. About thlrty-flvo nuto parties wero there. 1 MARY LOUISE M'ARTHUR, Edith Ayre nnd Wllma Hoaglaud aro to Bpond n few dnys with Mr. nnd Mrs.l J. A. Illntt on tlielr rnncii on coos It Ivor. J. II. COX nnd family and Win. Sloop Icavo today for Hastondorf Reach, where they will enjoy an outing. Mr. Cox has rotlred as Janitor of tho high school building nnd will take a long-earned i oat. FREDERICK HOLLISTER was hero from North Dond yesterday nnd Btntes thnt ho received word thnt the DnllnH count v Dull Mooso. nt n meeting n week ago, voted to en-l dorso him for Congress. Hi!i yj ( J. M. WRIGHT AND FAMILY have returned from South Coos Rlvor.l John Fnrrolly, n wealthy rancher whoro they havo been enjoying an ..of Now Zealand, and his brothor-ln-outlng while Mr. Wright hns been law, Pat Dalton, nn old resident of completing tho now summer homo EnstBldo, left yesterday for Portland, of C. It. Peck. whoro Mr. Dalton will visit his slstor. whom ho hns not soon In forty-fivo C. E. ALTIIOUSE nnd family, who hnvo been residing nt Klttyvlllo. will leave this week for tliolr old homo In Kansas, wliero thoy expect to remain. FRED WILSON AND DR1DE re turned last evening from Sumner, whoro they spout a few days and whoro thoy wero glvon n charivari Sunday and last ovoulng tho Sum nor band gave thoin a morry Bond off. iiatiiiv U'lAtnAI.T. nml wlfo. Mrs Kimball's mother nnd sister-in-law, nnd Miss Georgia .tmmor loft to day In Lynn Lnmboth's nuto for a tour of tho county. Thoy will go to Coqulllo, Myrtlo Point nnd Dan- don nnd return to tho Day by tho Reach road. MRS. C. W. MONTGOMERY and son, Jay. leave tonight for San Francis co, whero thoy will vibu relatives. until Mr. Montgomery gets located nt Eureka, 'tnoir iiepariuro is, greatly regrottcd by tho many friends they havo mndo on tho Bay. MRS. LABOVITCH and son nrrtvod homo yesterdny from n two months visit with relntlves In Portland. While there sho disposed of tliolr homo and arranged to ship their household effects hero. Sho states that It has been very warm in Portland nnd Coos Day's cooling breezos aro most welcome DR. 11. E. KELTY, DENTIST. Phono 112-J, Room 201. Coko Bldg. mmmmKautMuaak i.. r PHONE 1 0 Cent 158-R Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY JOTTING GEO W ELDER IN ID OUT Arrived Late in Afternoon with 74 Passengers from Port landSails South. The passenger and freight steamer George W. Elder sailed at 7:30 o' clock last evening for Euroka with 20 cabin passengers from this port nnd several who boarded the boat at Portland. Tho Elder arrived nt tho Smith Terminal dock about 4 o'clock yester day afternoon with 74 paBSongors nnd a good cargo. Tho Elder was due nt tho Smith dock boforo noon but hnd a big cargo for North Bond. Sho will arrive hero again Thurs day and will sail In tho nftornoon of tho samo day for Portland. Among tl.o passengers to sail for Eureka Inst evening wero: Charles Robinson, Ucnnlc Robin son, Mrs. Inn Robinson, Miss L. Llngsby, Mrs. Lnrson, Mrs. Lvncl. Miss Elizabeth Lypcl, James Whitney, S. A. Whitney, Mrs. S. A'. Whitney, A. E. Green, It. H. Hobson, I. P. Hniiloy, Alfred Johnson, C. W. Montgomery, J. A. Pettlson, Miss E. G. Tower, Joo llorger, R. O. Mc Donald, W. Price, William Strom and Ed Grlbblc. Following Is the list of passenger from Portland: Snrah Van Dyke, Ellzn Moore, S. P. Van Dyke, Albert Hill, Isaac Mil ler, Alpha Mauzoy, L. D. Gordon, Mrs. A. Lnbowltch, Edward Labowltch, R. C. Young, Mrs. Solum Perry, Thol mn Perry, P. I). Jacobson, Mrs. Ju cobson, Lillian 11. Cheney, Archio Todd, It. II, Dobboll, E. W. Wright, Waltor 11. Gnrvln, Charles 'Statics, F. Roberts, W. 11. JnmcBon, G. G. Moor head, S. F. Rcnnor, S. G. Chonto, J. N. AyreB, Jr., Chas. J. Hochbcrg, It. M. Wntson, Harry Watson, Mrs. S. K. Metzlor, E. W. Dlrchnrd, E. W. Dlrch- nru, Jr., Jonn K. parry, E. Homlrlck- son, Mrs. Lokdum, Ruth Sneddon, Mrs. W. A. Sneddon, II. H. Kern, John Ilouowltz, M. A. Ilonowltz, Joo L. Smith, J. C. Crnnmer, A. A. Jnck man. Sun Kcc, A. llamaln, C. E, Wn worth, C. L. Moore, II. U. Ferguson, Miss Knto Protzmnn, Mrs. F. R. An thony, F. It. Anthony, H. Mncdonnld, A. W. Mylcons, Mrs. E. It. McQco, Nelllo Hall. A. V Smith, II. L. Tlor- noy. Miss L..M, Andrews, Miss Agnes McQuarrlo, Mrs. Ceorgo F. Nollest, Mrs. Daniel McQuarrlo, Goo. Drown, C. Slmpklns, Anna Noal, D. A. Nonl, Shubort G. Kitchen, A. Onrenson, Frank Wlrtnncn nnd L E. McDonald. IN 45 YEARS Pat Dalton Leaves Marshfield for Happy Reunion With Sistnr In Pnrtlnnrl. years. Mr. Fnrrolly nnd his family enmo J to tho United States recorttly on a tour and on nrrlvlng In Portland ro- called that Mrs. Fnrrelly'a brothor. Pat Dalton, whom thoy hnd not heard fiom for sovornl years, was on Coos liny when thoy Inst heard from him. Thoy hnd their six tlnughtors along and thought that it was too hard n trip for all of thorn to mako when thoy woro not suro about Mr. Dalton being horo, bo Mr. Fnrrolly decided to conic nlnno nnd try nnd find Mr. Dalton. Ho enmo nnd quickly found i i,n, Mr, Fnrrolly had never, met Mr. Dalton boforo. Mr. Fnrrolly lias over 30,000 sheop on ono of his Now Zealand ranches nml la nno nf I hit tiler rnnolinrn nt that country. Ho said whon leaving thnt j ho expected to bring Mrs. Fnrrolly ami uieir six uaugiiiora io uoos nay after a short stay In Portland, but nbovo all ho was anxious to havo his wfe nnd her brothor, Mr. Dalton, nieet. Take Anon a Wntorman's Ideal Fountain Pen on your vacation. Tho safety pen Is designed for women's and sportsmen's use. Wo nlso carry tho solf-fllllng and regular typos In nil sizes uud prices. Tlio Slro for Quality Goods I aai 4uUhL. wnwvwrwwmmm