SNHIHIHHHHHHHHHHHHHIiHHBilS 11 MffiHHMRmhkii mfm J ' WW ! ll Mil llllllllli'.l ! -! Frog-" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAKSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 20, 1914. EVENING EDITION. The Dukeeivet von troter style tt "NaturalSiap" comfort feature because zxetetun Lnci, i Every Pay You find more satisfaction 'in a pair of Florsheims. ,They fit right, they look right and they stay right $5.00 a pair and worth it. Imperial Quality $6.00. Woolen Mill Store BREVITIES IUIjY tidks Rolnw Is given tlio tlmo and height of high and low water at Marshflold. The tides are placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho firat Unu and heights on tho peco.ul lino of each dny: n compnr ijon of consecutive heights will In dicate whether It Is high or low water. For high wntor on tho har 8"litraci two hours 34 minutes. fi.r.s 1.13 o.o 4.3 7.11 0.4 8.22 b!c" -0.8 !.:i3 o.s donntlon. It Ib tlio plan to have local dealers rill the orders If possible. Tho confractora have tho work on tho new building well under way. CO Mrs. (Ft . 21 Mrs. Ft . . 22 Mrs Ft . 23 Urn. Ft . . 2 1 Mrs. Ft . . 0.0 0.4 t 0.0 1.27 C.3 2.10 0.4 2.f.3 0.4 2.8 2.25 1.0 3.04 4.8 3.10 fi.O 4.1G 5.3 0.0 7.2 2.7 8.05 2.5 8.48 n o 1.9 WEATHER FORECAST ! .iv-IVM V M l!onii UlJ TlmM.J j OREGON Fair and cooler In east; westerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For the 21 hours ending nt 1:13 n. in., July 20, by IlonJ. Ostllud, special government me teorologist: Maximum C2 Minimum 47 At 4: 13 a. m 48 Precipitation 00 Precipitation alnco Sept. 1. 1913 00.54 Precipitation same period last year C4.S1 Wind: Northwest; cloudy. Forest Fire. According to renorts received by A. 11. Daly & Company, i the foiost flro In tho McDonald K; Vang', an camp on Ditto Illdgc Is tin-, dor control. Tho dnniago Is not as bnd as reported at first. The newly built trestle has been badly burned and new ties will have to be laid over Hs entire length. Smoke from the binned area was plainly visible from Day points yesterday and last night tho heavens wore aglow. Ileriuuiiii Coming;. Dinger Her mann, of Roseburg, former Congress man ,1s 'expected to visit Coos county soon. Ho Is to ninke a number of talks In Myrtle- Point, Coqullle, Mnrshfleld and North Dend In behalf of the proposed railroad between Mnrshfleld and llosoburg, for which RoBoburg pinna to voto a $300,000 subsidy. Forfeit Hall. .loo Opalka and An drew Lot! Is, arrested Saturday night by Officer Richardson on a chnrgo of fighting In tho streets, and 11. Wellds and Ervey Harry, nrreBted Saturday night by Officer Smith also on n charge of fighting In tho streots, for feited ball of $10 each whon they failed to appear before Recorder Dut ler this morning. Honry King was arrested this morning by Marshal Carter, who found him on tho streets In u drunken condition. Council Tonight. Tlio Marshflold City Council will meet tonight to tnko up various matters, Including soino1 street work. I,'fl on tHiiKC Dr. Sothor, A. J. Mendol, Jns. Footer, .1. 13. Endlcotti mid A. Scott woro tho first passon gorB to leave on tho Mnrshflold-RoBC-burg auto stage yesterday morning. Memorial Olft. Mrs. Dello D. Mc pherson has Just arranged through tho rector of the Episcopal Church for a handsome memorlnl gift to tho church In memory of her father, who died last year In San Francisco, John Pearson Derlng. Tho gift Is an oak choir stall placed In the chancel. This Is ono of tunny beautiful me morial gifts with which tho church Is adorned. Drotlioi' Dend. Sol Drlscoll of tlio Hub Clothing & Shoo Company re ceived n telegram this morning an nouncing the midden death of n brother In Spokane. No particulars were given. If WM W irweas Are Kpijiert.-Alva Gran by, of Marshflold, w. o Is now employed nt tho A. O. Rogers ranch on South Coos River, has written his family hero nnuoiiucliig his engagement to Miss Clara Sargent of Coob Rlvor. Damage Cane. Miss Gwyneddo Tower, who has been spending a few months at tho homo of hor grnndpnr ontfl, Major and Mrs. Morton Towor, leaves on tho dcorgo W. Elder for Eitrokn, where she will bo present nt tho trial of hor case against tho street car company. About n yenr ago alio waB run over by u car nt Eureka, Btiatiiliilng tho loss of an nrm mid a log. Dr. Dai He Delter. In n card to friends, Mrs. Ira D. Dartle states that Dr. Dartlo wa qulto 111 for n time, be ing threatened with typ'.old fever. They weio stmt for homo In their auto last week and will probnbly reach North Dend early this weok. (ilfl to Firemen. Dnvls' and Ash ninn, proprietors of the Dlnnco Dll llnrd Hall, today presented a check for $20 to tho Marshflold Depart ment for tholr efficient work In ex tinguishing tho blnzo which tlnenl ened to destroy tho Dlanco Hotel building tho other morning. D Position bf,stiitogiiiplicr. ,o307-J. j( FOR SALE -Bunch keys. iTFijider please FOR SAM-: Place In Conlcdos a ;n to Tlmoa otfUeA . ,,, inouho Mrs. WltBchoy, JON SKAPlFlib' snap, innuli'Q Ooalodo. SNAP IFtab Improved J Of GO acrea.BJwl to Cooaton l.'Olt SAM-! Tmi rows, one fresh 13000. Terminf 1600 cash, bal- soon. Seo V. J. Drown, Bangor one year, Istft G per cent. I Title (liiarnn A..i..enB .Sort n Rend. ly-maker. tnd Abtraa3( 3ALKS .Ire 13G N I ! ALB Oh? rele for $ JSNTV- I)onr3do zing nparUHl trences. A44tM shMt HtfW kT.lB t OWS, ClU-lip. ;oadwny. Indian inn- blad & Son. room house- or a couple. Tim 08. WANTIt I FOR SAI.i: (iinvel, $1.00 per yard, f. o. b. Myrtle Point. Phono 03. Harrison Dros,, Myrtlo Point, Or. FOR SAM-: Cll KAP IMI-foot cabin launch, Union euglnd, big bargain, best ranch boat on Day. Inqulro ntjrime8 Office. FOR SAM-: SK-burner gas range, equipped with oven nnd coal or wood liurnor with waterfront. A-l condition nud cheap for cash. Ap ply Times office. Miiile Fast Run. Capt. Edgar Simpson loft hero late Saturday after noon In IiIh nuto on a hurry up call to RoHohurg. Ho planned to make tho. dtlvo In less than six hours via tho J Myrtlo Point road nud clipped off tho find eighteen miles out of Marsh-1 field In about thirty minutes, It Is snld. .Made Fast Run. Saturday nfter noon Ray Martin took John Herron, Joo Coach nnd another party from hero to Dandon. Ono of thorn had a trunk nud tho other milt cases and ho niudo tho run down In less than three liours and n half. Returning, :6 mndo tho run In less than two and one-ltnlf hours. I I Small Fire Today. Today noon n spark sot flro to ono of tho C. A. Smith Company's houses at Day City. The house waB vacant, I'M CoIIIiib and family having lecoutly vncntod It. The blazo was discovered beforo It" had gained much headway and waB extinguished beroro It had cnusod over $100 damage. HI) Te tmr ie 303X8, '." 'KD i O. W. :h street. : 'foot i-ouboat. r t hoiLsomnld, ID. 208 Soutll woman who wokeeper, for small ranch. vb, Lakesldo, and terms. ' "'"MW l i-ooms for 322 North Jsheri house. iSeventh. us nt m4 6KHI ;n jt8d room modern Phone 1531, Ladles; Madam Ilulliurt Is at Rogers House for ono weok, with lino of Froitch, roflned hair goods, swltchos 3G Inches long, dipping dyeing and combings a specialty. Cnll 2 to 4 p. in. ftHNI ONE Cwfct isei clean, cosy fit. $20. mo. 58-R service iRSJiiFiai CYCLERY TEe Royal TONIGHT THE IIOUSU OF HIO FKATUKKS "THE DISON TRIO" In an entlro change of program, These clever performers have certainly made good since their engagement here and will continue to give the host. Special two-reel featuro Sterling Universal two-reel relenso "LOVE AND VENOEANCB" A comedy up roar, the laughing hit of the season. "THE CRACKSMAN'S REFORM ATION" A Powers drama with Wal lac Reld. "THE HAUNTED RRIDE" A mystifying Rex drama, with Lois Weber and Phillips Smalley. Lower floor 15c. Dalcony 10c Here tomorrow night Tho Pro gressive Motion Picture Company presents "THE TWO SERGEANTS" six reels C000 feet of photoplay. A thrilling and superbly acted mili tary drama. Dramatized from a fam ous French military story, Kitjoy Auto Trips. Miss Allco Curtis yesterday drove tholr now enr almost to Dandon and return. Sho Is one of tho first women to drlvo n car ovor tho Sovon Devils. With her woro Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Curtis, Miss Amy Isaacs, Frank Curtis and Ed Stoolo. J. S, Lyons also motored to Dandon yesterday to got his family, who have beou visiting there. Committee Appointed. Hugh Mc Lnin, president or the Mnrshtlold Chamber of Comiuorro, has appointed tho following comniltteo to confer with tho City Council on the mnttor of revising tho city chnrter: Dr. E. E. Straw, chairman: W. U. Douglns, Hon. I. 8. Smith nnd Arno Moreen. Tho comniltteo will meet within tho next fow dnys and begin tho work of weeding out tho Imporfoctlons In the chartov. Douglas, who broachod the subject at tho last meeting of tho Chnmbor of Commerce suggested that tho charter bo amouded so that tho proporty owners could get tho benefit of competitive bidding. Have Town Homo. A. O. Rogers Ib furnishing tho houso on North Second street which ho built last year and will have It as a town residence. Ho will maintain his ranch homo and divide his tlmo between tho two. The house which he will occttpy(here was until rocently occupied by E. W. Kammerer. EOTE b I Ovli flIji T Wed Tuesday. Tho marriage of Miss May Magee, 'daughter of Captain and Mrs. James Magee of Empire, and J. J. Daly, will bo solemnized at tho North Dend Catholic jChnpel, the Rev. Father McDovltt officiating. Mr. Daly Ib chief englneor on the drodgo Mlchle. Only close relatives and Intimate friends will bo In attendance. KMOW ABOUT JOHN HOLMES, of Coos River, was a visitor In tho city today. REV. FATHER A. R. MUNRO left this afternoon for Coqullle for a short stay. W. O. CHANDLER and wlfo and mother spent Sunday at Charleston and the beach. Library Hoard to Meet. The next regular bi-monthly meeting of tho Library Board Is scheduled for this evening. The only special business Ib n plan to take stops toward secur ing the furniture for the new building which under the Cnrnoglo stipulation will be paid for from the $12,500 E. R. HODSON, of Coob Rlvor, came In on the Rainbow this morning on business. RALPH KRUSE, Herbert Dusterud and Harold Rotnor spent Sunday at "The Nook." II. O'MARA and family have return ed from a visit with relatives at Sutherlln, Oregon, JAMES GIDNEY, of Allegany, came In this morning to attend to some buolnesa matters. MRS. MILO DARNES arrived here this afternoon from Redding, Cal., FLY-Go Get Em Kid Screen Doors Adjustable Wind Screens- Screen Cloth Fly Traps ami Swatters. CAMP SEASON: Tents, Camp Stoves and Camp Utensils. Seo us. Phoue 77. Schroeder & Hildenbrand GENERAL REPAIRING HARDWARE AND PLUMDING nnd will lenvo tomorrow morning for Coos Day to visit with relatives. RoBoburg Review. MRS. CHRISTIN'E KRUSE and MIbb Mar KniBo returned today front a short visit nt "The Nook." MARTIN LUTHER of the HoiiBcr & Houser Company, spent Sunday here as the guest of F. D. Cohan. DR. MELVIN of Lakeside was a paa Bonger on thla morning's MuibIi-flold-Rosebttrg auto stage via Myr tlo Point. Mnrshfleld. CHAUXCEY CLARKE, clerk at Camp One, returned to South Coos Riv er yesterday after spending part of his vacation In town. Sidney Clnrke Is camp clerk during his vacation. MISS LULU HODSON, of Allegany, canto In on tho Alert thla morning to see some friends and do a little shopping. J. WRIGHT WILSON and family plnn to leave tills weok for Golden FnllB, whero they will camp out for a while. FOY COX and Win. Garrett camo down from Cnntp Ono Saturday evening for n short stay but Cox lost Gnrrett booh after their nr rlval and for a tlmo began to glvo serious heed to tho rumors about Garrett deserting tho bachelor ranks. MRS. WALTER SNEDDON and daughter Ruth will nrrlvo hero on the next Dreakwnter to vUlt rela tives. They are from Roslyn, Wnah. FRANK PUGSLEY and wife wore In Coqullle this forenoon. J. .1. and OEORQE CL1NKENDEARD MISS LENA ASHMAN is taklnp a of Coob River, enmo In this morn ing to nttond to n mntter of business. MRS. G. E. WAGGONER of Portland 1h a guest nt thu homo of her brother, E. G. Porlinm, In West Marshflold. D. A. JONES and family Bpont yester day on South Coob River. Mrs. Jones nnd tho children may spend n fow weeks camping there. A. J. MENDEL of tho Huh left yes terday for Portland nnd plans to return horo Friday. DR. C. W. TOWER and wlfo nro ex pected homo soon from Monrovia, California, where they have spent tho past ten months. month's vncatlon from her duties at the Western Union and has gono to Delllnghnm, Wash., to visit rel atives for a while. J. KROMINGA, who has been con 'ductlng Mrs. Yoakam'H rnnch on Coos River, left today for Curry county, whero ho may sccuro a ranch for next year. Ho has been milking thlrty-nlno cows on the Yoakam rnnch but Bays that ho will not havo much profit after ho pays $1700 rent, tho total lncomo from tho herd for tho year being nbottt $2800, ho estimates. DR. II. E. KIMTV, DENTIST. Phono 112-.T, Room 201, Coke Bldgr. I. O. O. F. NOTICE. Members of Sunset Lodgo No. Gl and Western Stnr Robokah Lodgo, I. MRS. R. A. CHURCH, of Coos Rlvor, O. O. F., nro requested, to meet at loft for hor homo this nftoinoon .1. O. O. F. hall Tuesday ovo, July 21, after doing somo shopping visiting 901110 friends. nnd MRS. L. S. DODLE, who has been visiting ut the Claude Nasburg homo, left vln Myrtlo Point and Roscburg for her homo at Eugene. J. ALBERT MATSON, E. K. Jones and Arthur McKcown returned this morning from nn over Sunday stny with tholr families on Coob River. MRS. KATE LAN DO returned yester day from a trip to Floronro and Gardiner, whoro sho visited tho Robokah lodges. ROY LANDRITH of North Coos Rlv or waB In Marshflold Saturday. Ho roports It Is fine wenthor for hay ing. Ho expects to got about 100 tons off forty ncros, JAMES FLANAGAN and Ilorbert Lockhnrt roturnod this morning on tho Rainbow after spending a fow days at the Lockhnrt bungalow on Coos Rlvor. 1914. Grand Mastor Win. Gnllowny, Dcp. G. M. Jottn F. Hall and Mrs. Knto Lnndo, President of Robokah Assembly will visit on official busi ness. OSCAR OULOVSEN, N. G. I. LANDO, Sccrotary. MISS EDNA LOUI8E LARSON, PIANIST, DESIRES TO ANNOUNCE THAT SHE WILL RESUME TEACHING FOR THE SUMMER ON MONDAY. JULY 20TII. STUDIO CORNER OF CENTRAL AVENUE AND 8TH STREET PHONE 437-R 3 r. I GRAND JUDGE GALLOWAY and wlfo nrriv ed horo yestordny via Drain to spend soma tlmo In this section visiting tho Odd Follow nnd Ro-1 boknh lodges of Coos County. MRS. MAJOR TOWER, of Coos Rlv or, enmo in tills morning with Miss Gwyneddo Towor of Euroku, who has been visiting at tho Tower homo for about threo weeks. Miss Towor will sail for Eureka on the Elder today. KENNETH HOUSER Is expected horo from Portlnnd this weok to assist In supervising tho Houser & Housor contract work betweon hero nnd Lakeside Ho has been in British Columbia on railroad work for tho past six months. W .W. JOHNSON, nn old friend of II. J. McKeown, of the Chandler, who has been spending somo tlmo horo, loft this morning on the auto stage via Myrtlo Point for his home In Canada. MR. AND MRS. D. J. REES and two daughters arrived home this morn ing via Drain from Roslyn, Wash ington, whero they have been In attendance nt the bedside of Mr. Rees' fathr, who died recently from the effects of an accident. ED MOEHLER has returned from Florence. Thoy nro making a new survey of the bar as Portor Brothers are anxious to get In new vessels to carry out tholr lumber. They havo tho mill operating In flue shapo now. DR. SETIIER of Rosoburg loft yes terday for home, but plans to re turn to tho Day In a fow wcoks Ho has beou troubled considerably with hay fever, hut found almost Instant rollel when ho reached T HEATRE O-NIGHT Tho Second Eplsodo of "THE PERILS OF PAULINE" Seo tho pnnornmlc vlow from tho clouds, tho racing train and tho startling noroplnuo dtsastor. Threo Reels of Exciting Clv. muxes, Thrilling Action, In-'fl tonso Situations nnd the Most Daring Plot In Motion Pictures. "THREE LITTLE l'OWl An Essanay scream Joy good comedy, do this. "HER 1IIO SCOOI An Interesting Dlograph drama. produced by an nll-sta Children He Adult TOMORROW NIOI 'MUDITII OF BETH A Splendid Fonturo In Four Part Tafe Aloe .v-aijvt . . r .WiritS-; w'' T 1 ,IV ? &a' -ir 1 rZWi a milt v "a k it ' If you en- f RjB ' not miss W,. 1 J MIT? ,' , sniK2. SUii ! BttBtTSKSJ V.2 .emmtmmm ri . 1 . v.i JUSMm TmimMmaLt.'vi kh. i i i -. , i r MmPfm (in mmmmm mw.mmmm 111. s ! itW ill 1 -. . ra HHi.'UWaW frtfHMf!i;i i-.' VlP 1 &.IW1&&WK J- ,Xtt t7Al .(Ml Jft.Si 34iN'raW7,-?syi Orfotr.? ;? : Vii n Wntnrmnn's Ideal Fountain 1P1 on your vacation. The 8afetylwfH is designed sportsmen tho solf-fllllng and regular jffj in an sues anu prices. Tho Store for Quality fli vacation. The safetyJJ&UfH U)i . t) Ignod for women's 4jiif''t$MtJ '..J! on's use. We also e ? ? J . ; 1 tl j-i ' Ji -filling and regular ,tfu ,,Vii? iff I W' jrSe-