HHfffTlifciMiifmiWi i.5HHR5,3Rift6 fWWRPr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 20, 1914,-E VENIWQ EDITION- TWO i I! . COOS BAY TIMES M. ('. MALONKV . Kdltnr anil Pub. PAX H. M.U.O.MiV. News Kdllor Kntcrotl nt tho Poatotrice at Marsh flcltl, OroKon, for transmission through tin- malls ns second-class mall matter. , YOUTH HELD ICORUE .n Independent Uepubllcan new i paper published every ovonlng oxcot . 1C -Allonrj Sunday, and Weekly by Jollil OsbOI'UC, At)G 16, ACCUSed Tho coim liny ThiiM publishing Co. 0f stealing Sacks, Gloves Dedicated to tho service of the anfj Copper Kettle, peoplo, thnt no good cause shall Jack a champion, and that evil shall j0lui Osborne, age 16. arrested on nnt tlirlvn tinonnoscd. I TING SPIT II THE I I How It Affects the Sons of Nimrod--- Guns and Dogs and Shooting Tog the Talk of the Day SUHSCItlPTlOX KATKS. DA I lit. Ono year JG.OO Per month CO WHKKIiV. Ono year $1.50 Wlun paid strictly In advance, tho Subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times Is $0.00 per year or $2.50 tor six months. an Information ren, who nlloge Signs Address nil communications to COOS DAY DAIIiY TIMKS MnrtJiflclil : ". :; :; Oregon 1. ...... nt...l.. nnimnnl.t V.ll III SlnV OVOI'll !gll t . nilOlOUlZlllK filed by C W. Wnr-SBns of the hunting season, which for the bed le offers vnu by s.lim es that the youth Is " "car nt hand. Signs of n good he wishes It were n bed of balsam v.n.. int.. iiiititiM' ri'i'kons not the 1 ... T.t.t... Ut'r IIIU III1IB 1. 1111 llli.lllllli.lin. li ."... ....v .. .. , j beforo Judgo n,)0Ut th,g ,mD of vpnr hovorg n aort inuHip9 of t10 trail. He welcomes . Osbomo was of mi8ti visible only to the sons of them. They Increase his Joy. Men Nimrod. It Is not Inert, hut strange- disappointments nnve a renum mri- lv beckons. Dv those who hnve the nation. Ho tells you with great gusto eyes to see nnd tho gift and grace of of the deer he didn't kill, and inclitd-, understanding It Is called "tho spirit ig tw incident In the story be sends of hunting." t,', i,s favorite outdoor magazine. ' If you would stnllo at this fancy. ,Rt notice the conclusion of the fol-' remember the story thnt Is told of mvng paragraph, taken from nn ne- Whlstler. the artist. A tourist stood t,unt 0f a bear bunt: I Dcsuie tne ranioits painter in n coun try of lnkes and mountains. One was i MM IS PLEASED Says Coos Bay Is to Be Com mended for Furnishing the Funds for Harbor Work. 1'nHTLAN'l). Or.. .Iiilv I'D. Deter mined that the harbor work under h,s mother ls ,lciul nml ,lml ,l ,s un Incorrigible and delinquent, lint! preliminary hearing i Hall this afternoon turned over to Constable Cox, who will have charge of him until tomor row morning at 10 o'clock, when bo will again be brought before the Judge. In the Information filed by War ren It Is alleged that Osborne stole from David Mussen 1000 barley 'sacks, from Arthur MoKcown one seeing the sntne sunset thnt tho other I pair of driving gloves, nnd from was only looking nt. : Warren one copper kettle. It is ulso "' don't see niiyf lug In n sunset." ,,,.'. . . ... complained the touilst. .alleged that Osborne stole a boiler ..,t ,,., yo, w8h vo ,,,;. ,irom tuo uasemeni oi me msi uouse said Whistler. 'on South Hroadway. Osborne tlinf lin tnnt. llin pnnnnr WMl ,t!ic boiler and that he tried to dls- '.e n.nsierp.ece or a org. ..... , ,,, , ,., ..i,n ?......' Tho zest and exhll aratlon of the pose of them nt the .Nelson Iron ,UU are no, to bc ,.nmvn vlcnrloil8,v OI'KS. In- nroxv. Ti pv nro leurnnil nnlv ( Warren further states thnt young I Osborne Is Incorrigible, that be Is growing up In idleness and that his father has no control over him, that "While putting tho dogs Into the brush at the bottom of a gulch, some thing nttracted my nttentlon up the mountainside on the rocks. I looked up and beheld n fine little brown bear gazing down upon us. 1 threw my gun to my shoulder and fired. io admits1 The spirit of hunting, perhnps. will ''.it an Instant late, for Just as I pull ttle and be embodied In marble-- oil the trigger he dropped out of sight UIO ItllU .. ....... . . I.. ,1,1... I ll ..l.a M'li.i .Imiti ,, lilltl. safe to permit the child to run nt large. Osborne was held In the city Jail this morning, pending his bearing before Judgo Hall. He asked per mission of the Judge to allow him to remain with his rather until tomor row morning. The father said he would be responsible for him. way In their section shall receive no check pending tho enactment Into law of the rivers and harbors bill now beforo Congress, the Port of Coos Day officials notified .Major Jay J. Morrow, corps of engineers, U. S. A., thnt their organization will do nate tho necessary funds to keep the Government dredge Colonel P. S. iMIchle nnd' Oregon In service. "I mil highly gratified nt tho ac tion tnken by the Port of Coos Hay," ald Major Morrow this morning. "It Is only another striking Illustration of the effort.) being put forth by the residents of Coos Day to help them solves In the matter or Increasing the commercial Importance of their section of tho state." About tho only rivers and harbors projects to be affected In the dls- SOUtllCm Pacific Steel Getting trlct now In caso tbo appropriation Nparor fnnQ Rnu Hnt Bill should not pass nt un early date Ne?.CI 0S bay Hot nro the construction or The-Dnlles WCatllCr BOtllCrS. Celllo boat canal and the building KUOENB, Or.. July 20 That the of roads and trails through tho Cra- track or tho Wlllamotto Pacific Hull. tcr Lake Park. Tho construction of wn' has been laid to the brlduo behind the rocks. Tbo dogs saw him. however, nnd the chase was on. Mr. Hear turned Into the brush and down the gulch he came, with both dogs at his Tieels. Close to the Handier they cashed through the thick under growth so thick thnt It was diffi cult to determine which was bear and which wns dog. The Rancher got In sovernl shots, but with no ef fect. Down the mountain we ran, dogs and hear In the lend, everybody yelling to encourage the dogs and In kls. however, he was a will- ,1L' ,,0j!0 ,f. rlw the hour up n i: nnd every year when the e- "rcnthloM and weary, we In- ica nnd he takes to the hard ""' ot ,n "10 1(,8- ho were ling .. tlnu'ii iiMtliir n flirt rill In ntwl mi 43 i S OF m m in through experience, but It doesn't tako very long. After the first hunt ing trip there Is no cure for the mnl ndy that results. Some friend of yours, for example. Ho disappeared Into the woods with rifle nnd camping kit and when bo enmc back he was a dlfrerent man. His beard was shock ing. He never acted tho snmo r.gnln Idko Ilarkls In' victim fni'nt rnfiina niiio nn.i ,.i.nn!f0,i fniiu iilni- io ., down under n tree, 'nil In.' and no holding him back. Tho best thing bear In sight. Ills pace had been too Hint you can do Is to go along with hot for our unhnrdened pups, n ml he your hiintei friend. You p"., nnsllv 1,ail i''ll. N"w lir the con- get vour doctor to ndvlse It i 'union of Hie matter.) "It wns the 1 Vow Is Mm hunter's time of nutlet- llcncliei's first bpar nnd ie wns intHi -,,mi. It h tho time when tle or- d sa'itiolnted noi to get Mm. Wo flce-cnged man has hallucinations ev- v'r a" mreed ilia' it wn the bio en In business hours. He looks out sport that ue hail had lu a lung time, or the window and sees n herd or hence wore pretty well satisfied." mountain sheep feeding In their sky It was "the Handler's Hrst hear." ...ma TUtf pni. fflp (lin fr " ", ','.ot. I rnf.nil 111010 p,.lo 1 'tis; f n " "liln 1 1 " U'i ,- t' e t rt'o ininier nd lv 'be -v ' at or a lappy huntlug-grouiid thnt he party did not finish their trip emp could reach by train. A railroad time- t.v-handed not In n country thnt table, bearing evidence or much use. abounded In bears, mountain sheep. Is locked In tho drawer or his desk, mountain goats, cougar and dor. n , and with It lies a copy of the game well ns the smaller game, like phens- laws. ants ami rabbits, which nny towns- The boss Is similarly arfected. so he man or fanner can find near home. doesn't notice that anything Is the It Is wonderful what a transform- .matter, do homo with olthor man lug power n hunting trip bus. A pur and yon find Hint somo room In the son. conducting morning prayers lu I houso looks like n sporting goods fiont of n Inlteward-looklng tent, was store, and all through dinner you Interrupted by a Hhout from one of know thnt he Is thinking or n enmp tho group: "There's n loon out there menu or grouse, trout and venison, by the point." The next word wns Finally, nfter nil the necessary small "Anion," and the loon now stands .1.. ...!. I- A ... . .. llfl'IIHtf Ktlll Alllniln rViw.ls .11 II ...ll.. ... ..u.i jun ui me iiiuihii oi uio f --- ,,,,-" .7" ;,:, :,,: ' ;r '," " M "iscovers tnnt you belong to upon tbo parson's bookcase. Columbia river Is being done torn- S ,'1 W ft,, "'. Bt' hehr J'' '"' ,""r' f-f luinllnis fraternity. Thnt settles A hunter Is ns old n he reels, and pornrlly with Muds or ?I7r,,000 np- Cot . I ay has &, a 'St Z " ,lK'-,n,k,' t,,.,,V '""."'o rest of Iho Judged by that standard ho has the Proprlated by tho Po.t of Portlaild nBir -tSSIK Sf ,i!W.!jS1P,-S S. and .,,000 given by tho Port or , J jrm, g brought j, H(.,.n.o. aim It. nnd look through P....nlln of Vonth. Though the gift A8,or1"' ; tundciit of constructlo i i for MacVrl tlu? slilnliiK barrel; lie proudly calls of the tral's nnd camps and campflres thur, Porks & Co cnntrictors V0llr "ttentlon to the antlers on this physical henlth and strongth, ono I t .. . " Ur. If nM'l, ...... l.n.l r. ,At I. a lliM-n'-J n,i.r.n lin.,l. tl,l, .,, ,1.... COOS M BAND TOiSTATE Fl .Is?; Awarded Contract for Furnish- ing Music for Big Salem Gathering This Fall. 8AI.KM .Or.. Julv 20. -i.'i.mi, iip. . '.k "" o oiiiiiintions ror tho pier edit., secretao or the state r.r JVioJA "ns'lstT fc .JJT uonnl. nniiouiices Hint tho contract olevon ordinary spans and nbout ur uio i.iui.c at tne cumlme tnr """""n or a mile or trestle. Vtf.ll (t -Ollgb v.iu hail ,rp:i I'.iem !.r- "'"'"1 "i"i Im-I; er the Hue as Mr as tho rails aro f,,10) nn'1 t0,U yo" tho who, story; ' -"""d'ow an even richer legacy has laid and says Hint the work Is urn. 'i'l'L w.hjJl JLnJ?-Kfy . '-"'.". ' urgeH been boMowed. gressiug as rapidly as posslblo. Ho pay.i that the trains which nro now making the Fowler farm their stop- 1 soon e extended to nil that work has boon bridge at tho third SIiibIiiw Hlver. .Men niv senrce right now and hard to get." mild .Superintendent Dlxou. "During this wtirm wentbor It Is hard to keep them at work and many or them nro nuittlm?. Some illlng has been drlvon Mr S IIDDed Near V Tw CG a5 Mlirh the long bridge across Coos llav nnd 'io' ,r ' db IVIUUII n . Arrjur, fmm Qnih .,.;H, work 011 tho roumliitlons Mr the pie s lO Sai FrailCISCO 3S AlW 'DUU! Mm VC 110111 bOlltll Wltll LUMBER TRADE G00D THINGS OF CODS W IN MARKETS. The .. , , . M'lii'lr iiur l.lik lieen nwarilnil in ilu n.,. ..'".. n.. r. . ... ...;."" o lilea v -in iiniiii, ui .Miirsiinoiti. draw but will Music was rurnlsliwl last year bv the draw Instead. roruuiui nanil. Illds were received from iiiiiiierou other musical organi zations, nn.l the committee on music mado n thoroiigh Investigation boforo JiinklnK tho itwiird. TJie Coon Hay hand In considered ono or tho best In the stiito. and was recommended by numerous organizations In the south ern part or Hie state. Other Port. Coos nny shipped almost twice as lllllf'll lllllllinP In llio Cm, I? ,.ln. Tho company has abandoned ninrket during the first two weoks or 1 or Ptittliig In n lift at tho July as any other const port, as Is i-iiv 111 a swiuglllK uwii uy 1110 rollowlng riguros or 1 t li . rfifitlntu tli.in. ... ...V.,... i.lll,., 1 iiiiiriu'iors are wni mud- . ' i.'i.. .....1 u.. . . ---'iri 1111 mill kiiiiiii". seien or the tunnels betweou tho Abordeen n . in.,i 111111 v hub grewi Is being mad Supply of Vegetables and Fruits for Local Men. The tliuoly arrival or boats rrom the south bus replenished the de pleted stock or greon tilings in the ninrket, and today grocers aro show ing a large variety or both home. IIOOST I'oit n,v. ritnt Full' Trip Will lie Dltr Tliim. ror TliU Sft,n. H. N. Kenton, director or the Coos Day Concert Hand, said that th hand would leave on September 21 a ,,,)1,0' ,s now Improving nnu that It would give concerts at Jiokeuurg. Kiigone, Corvallls and Al unny her Sunday School class at hor homo on Meade avenue today. John I lazer. who spoilt the wook end with hlh ramlly caiuping on Ten Mile, returning homo today. I. F. Falkenstelii. who r..ll fmm load of lumber recently and broke at his till" htnwl M'MI ..!.... .... llll'U l..l...l... . . " concoriM at Tbo ".''' nu uernice. D.llles. Poi'thtlii! mill ,il,.,.. ..1.. ... . Nil to trln Inlr. ll .. , " - iiiu-i 111111 " "'-'wr vnney yes- then make the return trip to tho bay terdn by Hie boat louto. ' , MUs Kutlo Sniytho rrom South In- """'" 'eiiion. witn the support "l "" s""PPliig lu North Heud Sat the MHrshfluhl t'humber of Com- "rllnt of merce, pIu.iB to have the band mm-. sent tbo stale at the laiiuiiiH.in,ifi., P. Mol.ood ninl wi-o.,.1 laushtor. Maria Mri.n,i ,..i. 1 in..r,,nii,.., ,1 ... ' 1,.,.. 1. ",u "ve 'I,,- ; ' '-i'uioii next ywu. "-' i-iuuping at Ton Mil,,, returned Uie toos Huy ('oucert Hand win. t0 their home on Xorth iin.,.i 11.1..1... conip.tlurf with eolJ bauJ n ,ie eieniay. b ,s state for lhl. SUu, Ftl. Pllaite11fllt . . 'Io on nil or them. , llelllngbam Tr.o.OOO 8" rom Callforill. ''Ides the ' -oiunii)ia u 2,221,000 1B,",,"- "lB,,8 nml bananas, rio niel- A Coos llav 0 ti.-.r. nnn 'oils, ifi-nniiti ini,l.io 1... .1... . NORTH BEND NEWS I g5S,t,,,,rbop l SlBnd MUo for '""""' ''" nw. - I'Ort AllCOlHA ccnnnnl1 " Klilll'S, 1 110 IlltOI inillL- Mrs. K. F. Hussell Is entertaliung J!01" 'dlov '.', 300)000 ,0 Krc0" antI snn- 'cdloss vnrlo- ;."''"" 200,000 llos ''"nil apple.-. ! mi Ooos Hlver WU,n,w 1.I.-.0.000, orchards are also o..0,- ror sale, Total "TvlTooo "S W" "8 BO,,,on ,lr011 l'1""18 Ono HcIhimhI. ' ' ' grocer Saturday had CO pounds or Vibim," ."'.0 12.000 of green and string beans rrom cJJSr :::::::::::::: 'HKZ I' nrew,,,w: Va,ll,y nir- -""" Fort Dragg .....:):..:: 1,070000 ,,ar,it'"liul' h and appotlz- .MUIHlOCinO -fin nftA "IK. 1 IIOV Wore hrnni.lii I.. 1 . r . iuii.uuu .. - - ..n.v in "l,,,lt ,pIeinw?0S. 463 000 tbo mall route by pareol post ami " W. Simpson and r.miu. Crobccnt City 3l6 00X offer .. O0. fin l, '5. nml ---. ..-....,.. unu 1 -i 'unp.uiiuii iii v ii ri ar Kieon stufr during tho tho summer. Other i'ogeables on dlsnlnv carrots, green onions. mips, asparagus, cab- tabaga, wbllo rrom Call- , ...- t-ivcu .inn wax beans. corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliriow or summer squash a,,d boll poppers. I bo first colery of the season ia n... iarlng and Is of goo.l quality and HI prove a quick seller. Eggs are retail!,, at HOc and ,i,' ," -...w. tii it i nvi ime prh'os 'I'li.-i 1..1...1 ... A It' J I'.. ...,.. m 11.11111 win ne onuaoil nl '" ""CiiniiKer ami ilaiii iupa Mn-. 1 Tn,.,i -.cuniiK fresh thn Slnln l.'oli. n, q..i , loll.. .... t.-...i.... . . . ' I l, 039. 000 ....... " wuiriii iioiu ep- - " iiiiiuinio, aim Harold " - '.-iiiuiniier or tuniliiip C ,.. rv.i-i .. Slnioc... . i I iii. . ,..... ... i " " " "luiier .i. r" mi c;iiupinK at Hrcwsteri V. 4 '""'ST HKSF.UVK. I i "ie-grown 1 'Pit iim n4 iiit i ntl... .! WAQtllVt inn . -. I! ...v. r. ... ,(M08 I,, the band '"'"-v- n ,, S' " - Jly I n'o peas, beets II 11,1 ....!, ..!.,.. ,. . . Mm . ,.. ,. . ... ' JO. TIlP Prt8 linn, l.no l . '. ..'. ' '"-v"' , ' V. r,,vo. sUr .i:V,""".-,,r- "' W'"'" Mr! ' Proclamation elm mtTnul iU,,8,le8' ' ... T..- ..i-,j, un mn iwriiiMi i,. (,, ...ii ..iib. w . ii, Minnsmi nml ,l.,,,i. i i snollnn f.... .... ..." " -...".. , i iinCft n,i ...... .luiiHU-l -...w..o will nil) I Mlllllll'l rnpuct i "- "' " I . .. -.-... ...v v 111111,1 UIIL'Sl mado an I "?.,. UKIas f'i'ty. The lands I for " . homestead entry furnla are Mrs. .v. September l. days beginning nbout i SfXIlAY 1MC.V1C. I ITCA N BE DOHe Sowcbmlji said fltiif il couldn't (, (j And lie. irilli ii chuckle, rri(( ' ml t..f. . . I . ..... . i . t. . . i t Thitl niuiuc ii citiiiiiii i; ititi lie ii'OHhlit ii'... .l.,,.l.ll, oi .; 7 . :utm ii nu fiiiimn i "i. .. oi rrrr ik ..jC( U.. I.., ii, ) m'ilil in mt'l Ii II.. i ' un ir. imm ...... .. .,;- . - trtt i race of it On Iiim hiii ll lie H'ni'ri'i'il I,., in.'. I "" ' ' l"' " 'tl He whirled Io suijf, us he lueldtd ll,c That couldn't bc done unit e,,'(j.? l. I. ...I '. KM ll ooiucuoiii .M(yii(, vii, un a lUVfrfon Al icasi no one ever nu.s done H," It nl lin liil.' nl' I' Ii m iii in,, I I. i ,u ,,., ....... ..,, ..... ...... (, ne tool; 0ti And the first Ihinu wc knew ,.',. 1 ...... .., ; i .. . . . u " WJIil ii nn a iii o ins emu ana a mi of u (jf Without ani doubt or ijuiddit, ' Ue started to sinij as he tackled the ',, That couldn't be done and he did if ''. ,11. ,,,lL,lli. ,., ,, , linn .. i.r.y..n......o mn ii M un K rniiijoiii I here arc uiousanas to prophesy fA There are iiionsunas to sioir to ion onch Tho damjers that wait to assail o. just buckle in with a bit of a ip'in dust lake off nour coal and ijo Iq, And start in tosinij us iou tackle the Ufa That can not bc doncund iou'il f0,' LARGE AUDIENCE IS I fflf D 1 Number of Readers of The Daily Times M Five Times as Great as the Combined Ses! Capacity of All Theatres on Coos Baj. Mimy HKMvliimts rc-'anl the render tlier Uii'oiiL'li n (Imly imni-r ns an audience U; Ihoy appeal with the most interesting fart have at eoiiiiimiid regarding their incnk aiKi'service. Dealers who advertise in The lMlj'M reaeii ny lar the largest audience it lsposl iiiiiiieiiee in Coos County. I'or the first i'ive months of MM TU limes h-u am average of more t'nn W .sciiher.s, or ainn'oxiiimtelv 10.000 renders audience of newspaper readers is more th. nines ns great as the combined seating or 01 an I lie theatres on Toos llav. It is ai ence whose applause and nnnroval are well' KJiiniiift because it is composed entirely thrifty, permaiieiit, earning element ot! uiniioii. IS- The Store Ads Are a Co-( ns SIM:iiDWKI.I, Mi fro,,, M.US11 JinliJ.",J,,Iy '-'"ll f,,P S,,n ,V'i. M.llAriO.s at AIIKTHACT offla.. waarjSSS"-- vor yesterday. They mudo tho I " trip on the steamer Halnbow, return-' DAIMiS'is to rn CTTT,, n ae In th. eve,K. Arnon. Soil t,. i'. . " C l.iA,"IS8TIW- iu tne party were: Mr. and Mrs w u V. ' un"ny Bchol . Mrs. O. Honson ,.f n, .'; " 1, !' r nnm,nl "Ic'" to Cha Walker. Mr. Robert kv,,;": , .' - . "". Jul JS"?'?'' !':'rt "Winel.ur and V """"" 'rugor. Hans Krueor. filial .owt eiehl and H. HaBeni0l.t V: " "y mvitod. Children will lies- 'Mueer. Mr. II. and Sta.m,,i i... lot On ... . . i "v o il, mi. IfPlMir vmin l i.. --. "nuiH won y 22. ti, ah.. e Market street Kverybody invited. ative Service fojr the Housr TH 13 woman who is in too much of a lirrj; the ads almost iilwiivs wnstns n lot oft f looking about for what she wants to bu It Sn WIS!' 51 viii ii.iuii iiminini wild tilt" ' thought about her table, and the having oft iu;s lor the home folks. The woman whose ii uiis task amounts to enthusiasm will bepiw ' ju-im iiipusn t no most difficult of JaerD1 the making of a real home. The store ads art-fo-opernt i ve service to such a housewife. . . i on can make about every one of yours! tnps a 'good stroke of business" i'or vourhfl&l 't ou nnv as iniw.li .i4fn:., i fi., mlcnsll iii H mi viiiiwu iu niv i. a SIlOHKl. The "making" of a home is a serious,.' oeeupation for n housewife. It keeps lien llu; ,n t"P new things in the chances for he home iurnishings-in thrift-ehnnces'' on with routine home expenses. Because W i ne ads she knows when she must " hurry Wf ; d when she nmy profit bv making a for" un rerninnfni d,.. l n Xt' -'111(1. -Ao one would iiiinir u p., n spc'I ;;! or hivestor show a somewhat feverf "."."icuu news nnd stock quotations. n. e no more potential importance to him M) e ads have for the woman who does the s ,ho oney for the home. COOS BAY TIMK PITON1. 133. .-., HOC, IIIKIIS stnn nl V'..li. . ,, ... ...un,, uemi.