The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 18, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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MIL. blUv) Um iTlllUOy iiiniium it.iw --- vinviom, . i ..,.
o o
if :. the o Fast 7. Week I
2 sr&i,lFrjAsj9. l5oaJl . JL
xnmm4w4is I ... m
jMPCTCinj j' b i iwm iSj'L'i'yiL'i'i'i'L.Ji""- V'yv.'j
'Vni'jrryi wvv ri.iir
r -,ggaTYiirrHi i
PI i ' i uiKT.iin.w I'Aitrii:.
Vi . I BI
'I .Miss Alarjorlo nrnhnniiontortnlni
1 with -a doUchtful little .Iilrtliday pa
Sec Window
Greatly Reduced Prte
Throughout the House.
-See Window
Miss Murjorlo Clrahnmioutortalncd IK"8, r r wero Miss Beatrice
wltli.n doUchtful little -lilrlhtlny pnr-iN'iul, of Snn FraiiclBco, who Is the
ty on Thuratlay which day marked house guest of Miss Kvolyn Carey,
nw, nnnivnnw nf imr iiiriii. Aftor and Allss Harriett Pomeroy. of San
IIIU ! ., J v liwt ...w
tf.xihm faimavkll. i I
.line. About 150 guests enjoyed Mr. ui'i'tirdf'en. m m Mnhnti. Vlnlot-
I Minor's hospitality. A ntmibur of Robinson. Anil Lams. Lois Hnssford. I
dinner, parties nt tho uluh preceded nnd Rev. A. V. Rnrsford, Ouy Clau-
i (ti unnco. iibb l.ottiso uurns pre- hod, Herman. UIossop, DeForest Ma
A t I tt fill 1 ttH it l9 nlltllf,,lll iiI)ih,i f f !
oiiiun ut uuu ui uifeiitvii tutuitti iiL'i auu
v I F
's ,, Inllv nflnrtmrin nf irntiina mill llflllP- I'TnllCISCO, WHO IB VlSltlUg Her Bister,
fl imr Mrn . .ijpjiliiini. hhmIpIiu! hv Mrs. Mr8..Thoinns' Scott Hrooke. Mr. and
'Tims, lliinwjy, Rurvwl ileJidmis re-; Mrs. Fremont .Orlando Downing, M1!
itreBiiiiicniu. fitter me gliosis nun
hostess attended the "movies" am
(enjoyed u ileasant ovenlng together.
'.Those present were: Ruth Uowau,
Uuth Dunklin, Wlldn .Harris, Flor
ence Powers, Hortlia Uavls, Gertrudo
jlloblnsoji, Iliwlo Hall, Dngmar Ftics-
lier Alildrwl Story and MarJorle
and Mro. W. 1). Clark, Dr. nnd Mrs.
Herbert Nichols and several others
had tables for eight. Portland Tel
KlliVKIt TI3A.
The Women's Auxiliary of tho
Presbyterian Church was entmtnlned
4 at Hie homo of Mrs. II. J. Mohr, on
j Secoild nnd Curtis, lust Wednesday.
Tluvliostcsses acting with Aire. Mohr
Ii. T. Ii. .MHKTINU.
Mrs. 1. S. Kaufman anil Mrs. T. 11.
Brown were hostesses t a Bridge
Ten as a fnrowell for .Miss Jossla
Chose nt the Kaufman homo Inst
I 1 Monday Jifternoon. The dining room
v 1 decoration schemo was In yellow.
The Ii. T. Ii. Society met Tues.lnvi while roses nnd dnhllns were used' la
evening nt the Baptist Church for the other rooms. Jn serving they
mcir regular meeting, nt wnicii tlie
followhiK iirogrnm was rendered:
Song The Club
Heading Hoy Fulton
Solo Bess Ayre
uurrent Events I.eo Byorly
wero nsflistcd by Mrs. Helse nnd Mrs.
Ijerfenbnugli. At curds Mrs. B. It.
Chnndler won first prlzo. Their
guestR Included Mrs. K. Mlngus, Mrs.
H. K. Booth. Mrs. 0. A. Bennett, Mrs.
Helse. Mrs. Deffen much. Mrs. ttenrr
Solo 0. A. Williamson Sengstacken, Miss aenovlevo Seng
Heading Bessie Flnnagan stnehen, Mts. M. C. Maloney, Mrs. C.
After tho business session games K. Perry, Mrs. I). Y. Stafford, Mrs,
were ployed, and Inter refreshments 0. W. Kaufman, Mrs. B. H. Chnndlct,
Were served to the members nnd I Miss Geneva Wilcox nnd Mrs. Malr
their friends.
n.. r n, 0,.i,.,.tat ,in,,,.iiii nnr. were Mrs. D. A. Jones, Mrs F. M
ti..u ,,f Hi,. Konunn uiis ilvmi Inst Irl', ami Mrs. A. h. Butz. The
l.ii.H.i n, iw vvnvnpiv Pniintpv fiinii rooms were bunutlfully decorated
by Wirt Mliwr In'hotior df .Miss Huth wiu wcet pens and roses. Hnlnty
.Tw.ll, the nttc-actlve duughtrr of Mr. refreshment! were greatly enjoyed
Mr. nnd Mrs. 1). I). Hobb enter
tained with a Hook party on Mon-
dny In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Nell
- . .
Mr. and Mrs. .1. I). Moughmera
were pleasanly surprised by a
number of their friends nt their
f -.l. -.... ... IIV II IINII 111 NIMH II lllllll I' l II II III IV- I'll r.. 11.1.. t 1... . m I ......... . ski
, ann .Mrs. .ku'jijji imuiuiii inmi, wuu - ..",,".,,," ", "-1 nuiiieriunu, who ion i nursuny ror I cosy aparimeuiH in me l'lonccr iiiiuu-
ls homo from Miss Spnnro's school V,,e",n,m('H ' s , 1,',t ,' , ..m, n ,?' ,,,c,r fo'', h""0 '- Ma'tie. r.ficr n !i'R ct NYrt'i S turdny evening.
In Now Yoi-J; for tho Hummer. Mr. loliMt Moore, J. right IIboii, ,11. yenfs rel!enie on Coin liny. After 'F e pn-ty was eoiiipMimsiitnry to tho
Mfcior Ji :ia iJlfetlmo frlerfil of tho ll- "yuo, i-vu oanunill, L. M. al- u ji't-nsant evening nt gamer, wfrnsh- dopnrtu.e of Mr. :.nd .Mrs. Mough-
ITcj.1h and hn been Identified In bus- tvTlf A- p. Ulnient nnd M. A. Sweet- nicutH were sen el ti the following men to Mnrjhriela, where they ex-
llness with Mi Teal for majjy years. ",an ..Al,1,'nK "o v sHora .present K) 0sts: Mr. and Mrs. K. Ynke. Mr. iicet to mnke tlnlr limn... Tho nvn-
Mla Kiln Stephens' artlMJ" ability Wl, Vri,-K"B,8 ,f'11". 'b Smith nnd .Mrs. Nell Sutherland. Mr. nnd nlng wr.s cnjoyuli'v spent nt whist.
..... .11....1......1 I.. i... .1....,..,. ,i..,.u .and Mrs. M. C Cliniiiiiuii. A n mrt i,.u i..n m i ,.. t..i. i t...r"..i . . ..." .'. ..., .... ....
Iiu uin)iiiiji rn in lihj ininuiHiuiin, .... ..... . mi, iiuiuiivi, .hi. uuu .um. t nuur iii'in'miuiumi . uie linen uy Jirs.
whli -h wcre.fhnrmlng and elicited br.Hloesa session wub held juiuI nr- um. Mr. nnd Mis. Chns. Moms nnd .1. H. Hoboifion iiBslsted by others.
. I lllln.lllllilllu limiln In Iwild ii n . . "
, imidlli admiration
1 room, with 9zm mulberry
wnjk-'idorued ll.b uunntlllat, of wild I
,flours In mulberry and lavender!
j shades, nrraivtccd In bankets and Btnn-j
idnrtJt mil eatendini; in great i
The 1..1I11KIHK-. "UP-MiicjiitB mnilo to hold u cooked Clinrlun nnd Hllln Boss
lerryinglngs,!"'1 s"10 " Jlll" -s- v
coos hivki: i)A.'i:ij.
16 Newest r.nilrrr.H-ry I'ullrrni nrnbcolutcljr the latest ilclirn which,
nt 10 ccnU ened rritiilnr rrliill tnliie.wuulri cot more tlimi llo.oo.
Book of CntnriliUi' lr"(iin In I'uibroMcrj' Stltclilng hy Mine. I)u I'liriiue,
, ' the notnl 1'tunili rxiwrt.
Ideal KmbroMrry l.p whlcli ennnot iretiotit of order.
I" i v -v
Seine 8 of tlicoCoujM)m,rii(l m Ccnti loU:honireiiuiljrclcroniploU01'
No. nJwwr't0,JJ" -i' ili'iil1 j . -ft t '" , P ' rZ -
uutrof 1otn Rrntlrr ivirt ml I S Cent Rxtm fm-poilniP nnrt uinlllnr.
STREBJ'nd No.. , . . . .
- . ,
braniVies ulwi the rirojOAoiim id overj Thuic will be a dnncn this even
the v'.iiidowe. 'Brilliant red and deep . lntr nt I. us. Smith's barn on Coo:
, pink tflndloll used, hi tnu hnll Ithra. nn.l n number of MuTHhrield
nun rii me uinnig-room. .iua iiiiskoib jieupii are planning m uuni;i.
at vaflcolonvl frweel ptns m-ntcred
. the imll tnhlffcatl whlcli sup'r wns
serf-a Miss T).il presented i. prot- I IMCX1C 1UHTV.
1 ty plri,ire In tuer dnlnty ilniiclng
frock rf whlto I'UiurineiiHe and Ince. i The Weinberg nnd friend of Class
At the corsage ho wore u cliiHtor n. -laf the Baptist Church enjoyed
i'it!-:wi:iiii paiitv.
On Monday oenlng n Jolly party
of yotinir folks Biirprlsed Miss Xclln
o Swlnford nt her homo by coming In
unawares to bid her farewell and
to mnke meriy for n few hours. Af
ter a luippy evening nt gnmes, re
fieshments brought by the guests
completed the evening. Those pres
ent were: Misses Mnrjorlo Fulmer,
Lulu Benson, Alko Hlchardsan, Huth
iMcl.oiighlln, (leiievu Archer, Olendn
Those piesent were Mr. nnd Mrs.
Auifbt It lellliiT. Mr. nnd Mrs. C
O. KIiik. M-. nnd Mr.;. 0. H. Hoop.
Mr. nnd .Mrs. V. W. Hnndnll, Mr.
nnd Mrs. .1. I). Moughmore, Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. H. Hobertson nnd J. A.
xohtii iikm) vr:ui)ir;.
AMss Marjorlo Smlt!', of North
Bcnll, nnd Ilownrd Moody, of North
Bond, wore, ninrrled uulutly InBt ov
enliiK to tho stirprlso of their mnny
irieiius. iiev. nisey performed the
sminn in 3 i
.. I... . I .1 1 . ...!.. .1 ' .. i1.... I . f ..!.. .!... 4.. II.... til ." ... :: "' " . '" "----;-" i
111 IIIlllUHir liri'l!illlH llllll l-HI llllll It I II lllllll- 1 I '1 I I I H Mill III J I I I IIHl III,-. llll I-,... ....! 1111..... 11... 1 .... I T .- .. i .. I
... ........... ........ i , ....., .,...,.... riuii'ii, iiiiin iiuiiKiiinii, venin oil- corelllony. WHICH took nlncn nt nu-
nosegay of old-laHhloned flowers, merry .... ow of j-oimk People MllllPn ,, Alice Tlckell. nnd Ks-lhon.e, he I de 11.0 or? Airs J.
Irs Tfit. wore n Jiundsoine Pio Hln.i ured 't:.e Alice 11. The djiy wub umu (i,)HHup, ,lese Frnniz. Ted F. Taylor of North 1 end The yVuiir
..rentlon . black hnrinoUM nil. l not dial lis, n iilcuh-Hiid Aporvs of nil IJoWi VntUvy ',, liy cinusen. Eh- couple are now the 1,,,., of f
.niuil Mr. Herbert Nlcho s. Mr. Mill- kinds w .m IiiiI.iIk.! .uindm Bump- Kono Kelly. Hermann Clossup, Do- brl.'e's hInIit. Msr V cy Pee at
oi-Biile.. whonrtrnted In reeehlug. luuus .picnic Itint- sorved In ho Forest Mhsoii, Albert Bassford, Will KustHl.Io. where tl. -y went booh nf-
wi.B ntthvj n a LuMitlful vown of urow ri.ose onjt.y ng tht- outing McMahon, Florent Daniels and Chns. tor tho woldlng Thej Ida i to
tthltH emli'ofilered repe. 8bo -rnr- were: -LIIhsos llaeel Cowan. Lulu smith. mikmh sniiw. iimV. m ii.,JnI i ,,f,,r,
.rled an unn bouqib-t of red IWh- Uoiimm . Zella MimtmA. Oeuov.cvo" . " nJ ...nkeuDhiii :Vi Voril. Hond row. StmciiT I-'lynn. or New tiomey.'JulMi Ayre. (ieiuura Archer. I LJ t.ra li I m, ,
lllbien. Conn.. JiiiiiniioimiH nenntt. Murjoiiiu Fiillmor. Jennie Wnlmw. T um .,...-., wheio the will mnke their houm
... .. i...... ...... . . , . . . .... i,i. ... ,.... .1....
ii .MiirHiiiK'iu, who nil giicsm nunu iiKinra r n.vraiu, juuiiieeu i'.iz;er- .
Ten I home, wore rIbo In the rccclvlxK'nld. VHnm Hosb. Alice Tlckell. AUmm
A Fine Place to Live
Tho I). AL C. Club met Thursday
i iturnuon at the home of Mrs. Hob
ieit Simpson. The club will meet
I again on duly 29 nt tho homo of
Airs. Wllllnin Vniiglmn. Among
those who wero nt the ineotlng this
Iimfoirmal Chat
C. H. Peck and fnmlly will occupy
week wero Alra. Henry Kern. Mrs. tllolr uw summer home Pti Sontb
ii. A. I.oomls, Mrs. N. I). HunieB, 0O vi'r ne.xi week.
Vra. .lack Wallace, Airs. Dorothy.
.Martin, Mrs. Hoy Bennett, Mrs.' Oeorgo F. Muich nnd fnmlly nnd
Chnrles AVllllnniH, Aim. Knrlo Mich-. Airs. Hugo Qulst nnd dnughter, Suiy,
uel. Tho club enjoyed nn outing aio spending a few weeks nt their
nt Sunset Buy Inst Sunilny afternoon, mimiuor homo on SouthSoos River.
Among those who enjoyed that trip k
were .Mr. and Airs. Henry Kern,1 II. Painter nnd family jilnn to
.nr. "nn .urn. ii. a. i.uoiniH, .Mr. nun icuvo next woiineBdny Tor Golden
N. D. Humes. Air. anil Aim. .laok Falls, where they will enmp out for
Wnllnce, Airs. Dorothy Alnrtln, Air. n few weeks.
and Airs. HcJ' Hrnlnnrd, Mr. and"
Aim. Charlea Wllllnms. Air. and Airs.
Stewnrd McDonald, Airs. Fay Ward,
Alias AVaima Chapman and Walter
H in-still.
(hat Is -what pooplo arc sayinp; about First Addition to larsh
field. Tin" ltcsidcnts arc coiituiitcd and arc therefore improving
their homes. iMany ol the other buyers are getting ready to build
and are pnty-mring their lots. The Company is anticipating an
active wasow .of celling and is grading many new streets. The
Coos Bay Warier ('oiii)auy is kopt" busy making new taps juhI
? extending pie ltiucs. 4lt is a district whore new things are hap
pening all the iwuo.
if A13rTT'CnTTrlT TV 'ou waM ,'0Ul' home in the district where the biggest
V oJUrf-jClnl ft r " i' J ' .irtlvanecs are beijug unade? Of course you want to live among
pKjtfsnnt natural wiuiroundings, accessioie to business, Tnen call
ll'or a marked plat t First. Addition and look over the choice
Hotetto be had hemesitt $300 each on terms within "your wnch.
Airs. .1. S. Lons has been tho ghost
of relatives nnd friends In Coqulllo
nnd Baiidon this weok .attendlntj tho
mnrrluge of Miss Kethor Jnlinson anil
H. Stanley Dollar In Coiiilllo.
.Miss Huth Alloii Is spending a row
WVelCS With Mrs. D. l,V Mnlnnn.,
Allsn Vloln Wilson entertained In (loodwlll's on Kant), r,,,. iM..n.
honor of her olglith blrthdny at the I Airs. C. K. Perry Is nlnnnlng to
.....iu i ui i,inuin uv riini. rtlliu-1 n,unii u iuv weens at UOOUWIlls OD
tiou on 'luesday iifteinooii. Llttlo, South Coos Rtvor.
Allss Wilson wns the recipient oft
many beautiful gifts. A beautiful W. S. Chandler nnd wlfo aro cr-
' Milrthdny feast was a plenKitnt finish i pected In today or tomorrow from.
I no tho nfternoon'H merriment. AIIbb Portland, whoio they hnvo beon vilt-
ubuu i iiiiuu guoHHou- mo exact i ik nir u iow nays following their ro-
- ,Mt4k I-
Reynolds levelopment Co.
" (OWNiER)
178 Ccntiral Ave.
Phone 1G0.
v.nllllinp nt rncn untnlu Mini ,lnn,iMli..l
j ...... i. .... w, . nu ,u,.,.D llltlt UUIUI lllL'll
uiu uiruiiiiiy eilliu llllll .Millie HlllKOy
niB the lucky one to get tho nickel.
Tho Invited guests wore Louisa Con-
turn from Vancouver.
A. T. Haines and fimillv. wim nr.
enjoying an outing nt Sunsot Bay.
nor, Lesllo Union. Margaret Wood.1 have had as their cudhIii tni. wn,t?
Aluijy Stownrt, Marie Blukey, Kuth- Doraoy Krcltzor and- family and Eu
orlrw Hcdloek, Twlla Blukey, Vloln Beno Crosthwnlto and funilli-.
I Wilson, Poarl. Bernlta and Lolotn
Lapp, Airs. Win. Ablo, Airs. Chas.
Lapp. Airs. Blukey, Airs. T. P. Wil
son, ami the .Misses AInry, Elizabeth
and Jinetto Wilson.
Arm. T. B. Brown and dnughter.
who nro visiting nt tho J. . JCauf
mnn homo, will not leave for tho east
until tho last of August. They will
return via Seattlo, Spokane and Hel
ena, reaching homo early In Sep
The J. O. Y. Whist Club of North! Air. and Airs. Win. Hntehnnn nn
Bend, wns entertnlnod by Air. nnd drughters, Alpha and JJva, of Port
Mis. Albert Wlcklund nt their homo 'mid, camo In by auto on Wodnes
on Porter Hill last Saturday ove-'day for a short stay on tho Bar.
nlng. . Those present wero Air. and Misses Alpha and Eva aro guests at
Airs. .Mark Berglund, Air. and Airs, the A. 10. Seaman homo, whllo Mr.
A. Carlson, Air. nnd Airs. A. Andcr- nnd Airs. Hutchebon nro guests of
son, Mr. and Mrs. dim Tyborg and Mrs. Ganuulll.
son icoy, Air. anil Airs. W. M.
StrniiK. Air. and Airs. Albert Wlck- M'sb Delat, who has beon toach
lund, Kormlt Wlcklund, Air. C. II. '"K l the Bnndon High -School for
Lax, Cards wero played from 9 "'o past year, was tho guest of her
to 12, Tho first prlzo was won by friend, Allss Alurjorle Cowan,' this
Air. A. Anderson, and tno second weok. After hor yenr'a work, Alls
prlzo by Airs. Carlson. After tho Bolat mndo a vacation trip down the
evening's play a dollghtful lunch coaBt to Crescent City and loft Alarsh
was sorved by Airs. Albert Wlcklund.1 N01'1 Thursdny oiiroulo to hor home
i Tho club will meet next nt tho homo nt T,1 Dalles, where bIio will spend
of Air, nnd Mis. A. Carlson.
twin City Ste
Laundry That Always Treats You Right
tho remainder of hor vacation,
Airs. Ouorso A. Oould and sister,
Allss AlcCIay, have roturnoil from a.
trip to Curry County, whoro ther
visited Mr. Neil Woodruff, a son-in-law
of tho forinor.
Gould's camp resumed oporatlonc
Monday aftor a vacation of two
Clarence Oould Is spending a few
days with his wlfo at North Bend
They aro rejoicing ovor the birth of a.
baby at North Bond.
We had sorvicos of a religious na
tuie Saturday ovonlng and Sunday
nnd a leeturo on travels Alonday.
Allegany is waking up.
James Nowlln Is putting In an
Irrigating plant on his plnco belov
Allegany, Ho Is going to pump the
water from tho river Into a largo
tank situated on tho hill and rutc
the water In a largo plpo along the
foot of the hill and divert it frow.
that to tho garden below.
I Tho road eamp has moved tn Mr.
I Kroeger's plnco to work tho rond Ik
that vicinity.
r-'tfw T Pl' "-7 a