f i miHi Wili'WMJMWUf'Mtyl ' iLHiaLaaaaK WHlI!0 E COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1914. EVENING EDITION. THREE BETH'S AUTO SERVICE MLiUL3J!2Sg SIS vj'iJrirAW,vwMmmvww7mK'Pr9!rm Eli GOLDMi HEBE YESTERDAlf nrnr r TnwinriMinrrinrTHri rDAND AT CHANDLER HOTEL $4 and $5,50 Men ? PHOXE HO. LS EWS NOTES WIIJ5LGO ANYWHERE ANY TIME NKW CAK AXI) CAREFUL U DIM VI NO ' WfiriiLIAM mm mn stWEr1 ' ,4 3 V' ISMfttftf jw " taamwii. el :p A"' liiKi v m ' tnr.js . LI J WrStlr elfin Mr-i hvjjfr .VjlV' rs i' j' I ffi 1 '.sfSaHHiV r BATES TO CAMPING PARTIES LYNN LAMBETH Owner ami Driver. J&THE COOS HOTEL Fortnorly of Mnrshflold aWASIIINGTOX AVENUE V'i HTADREX STREET NORTH HEXD '.MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for - f Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. 'Cor, Commercial & B'dw'y N T. ' IjAWIIKNCK HOTEL Wo, havo a groat ninny Inquiries for''acreago and lots. If yon will tell at a real sacrlflco list your 'T '. ... r. . properly ai ino si. i.nwrcnco noioi o7lloyd Hotel. No commission faked. tlJii HOMVK J A. II. HODGINS Iflarchfiplri PA,NT AND ffldRMK;iU DEC0RATING CO. v KstliuateH Furiilhlied ifaOBe SOW-J. MnrHliflelit, Oregon ' waff fnflWr' " NO SAW EDGES on YOUIt COLLARS It you liavo tlicin laundered Ht rwiN.orrr steam laundry CHIMNEYS FIIIH PLACES . xJLL N. BAYLISS AnylKind of llrlck Work nt 'Prices That Aro Right Amrll Work (iiiniiinteod Call -at "Tho Fireside," Johnson Bldg., 137 Second St. Phono 434-J. French Ranges. Ilollor Work Low Rates for Handling Trunks wj yt', We haul trunkit between any Mfpblntsjln Marahflold for tho follow 'Ki, ilngratea, dollvory to bo iiiuilo In ., cnanrii iioora or uuiioings: Mfi rh'rTtrunlc8 $ .2G ' A ' J tfhreeUrunk co MweTveTtrunks 1.C0 . ..&$ -, Ci'Ijv- r -.i c p iKUjiieui&ici aim uiurugt: .u. Levi Hvlsiirr, Prop. ,, V . i Phono 120..I, ll-L, 8.1t. ISMITH'S VARIETY STORE, ! North Bend. Ihior Fancy and Domestic u H I N A SUITS CWJAXKI) AND PItRSS HI) SUITS MADK TO OHDKU Ci2 GIVJJ XIH A TIlIATi UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY DOYLE & C. O. DAGGETT 266 Gontral Avo. Phono 2G0-X. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio HENDERSON CORSETS" I also nrlnciiml distributors "0NYX" and "CADET" i HOSE li5 IPMWIMRS Mn. Rnnri w. ...... ....., ..-. WOOD I s ViSHfc ; 1 : u HVu.M f l.lillll 'iBaH III! UM alBA nrlncinal d strluutora m OH HOSE -B;?S. JENNINGS, No. Bend I jML' ... - Mry AT I rf- ' -, -,V. ( - r rMSpBELL'S W00DYARD I JT-- - - - '-: Z-J fjSBkH, North Front Street, 9 Varr i -a ,. ' .'b!JBI Phone 180-J. r.. -"" vv Commutation nf 5 JIM J Tickets $2.00 U I 'HK Syery ten minutes from O a. m STREET and No (ri- vHK m to 12'"0 V' CITY or TOWN. X "BL i;olteT & KIXO. Propg; "" !:W VE THAT ROOF FIXED f F" flf NOW W . E W' iseeCORTHELL wl 1 Phone 3171. I LL Shoe nly .. Your choice of Patent Leather, Tans and Gun Metal Shoes, sizes ranging from 5y2 to 10. We have decided to close out this line of shoes and are offering them at less than wholesale price. The best bargain in shoes ever offered on the Bay. Don't miss this opportunity. Come early in order to be sure of getting your size and the kind you want. BUNKER HILL DEPT. STORE V. II. RINIilXGKH . CO., Phono ll'Jt. wmmmmfflmmmffimmmmmmm I That Plcmic or Oiatim.g Won't be a Success . Unless the "Eats" ars Good We make a specialty of supplying the needings of pic nickers, outing parties and campers. Everything in the canned and prepared goods line, paper plates and cups, napkins in fact, everything. COOS RIVER PRODUCTS. By special arrangement with Coos River ranchers, we are able to supply the best that the Coos County growers can provide.. Just now, some fine Coos River cauliflower, cucumbers and potatoes arc coming in. NASBURG'S GROCERY The Good Housekeeping Store BREATHE FREELY Instantly Itelleves .Swollen, Inflamed Xose, Head. Throat Yon llieatlie I'mdy Dull Headache (Joes Nas ty l)I.Mcliarp' Slops. Try "Ely's Cream Halm." (lot a small bottlo anyway, Just to try It Apply a little In tho nostrils and Instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up ttlr passages of tho hond will open; you will breathe, frcoly; dullucM and hoadacho disappear, ny morning! tho cntarhh, cold-ln-liead or catarrhal soro throat will bo gone End such misery now! Got tho small bottlo of "Ely's Cream Dalm" at nny drug store This swcot frn-' ijrant balm dissolves by tho heat of FREE COOTQN E?j TrVP-W., PXTAT.ER - PRESENTATION "" SIX OF THE above coupons Li-" GIFT No. 1 IDEAL ARTJPATTERN OUTFIT Containing 10J Newest Embroidery rutttriu ofabnolutely the latest dlrn which. at 10 cent! cacti, regular retail value, would cott moro than $1100, Boole of Complete Lauoni In Embroidery Stitching by lime. Du t'aruue, the noted French expert. Ideal Embroidery Hoop which cannot .. Brine of the; Coupons and M Centto-thi office and.lsceive coropleta J!ft No. i. and write name and artdrma Jiw,'iT-'ic::lJi , -.-r Aiwo-rr Vi7 JV i"", k---. ... .r "I tiufofTownllcaiJent tvfH add 5 Cents NAMk. CALIFORNIA P WM e They Last ! OPEN NOSTRIL P iJ I ilio nostrils; ponotrates and heals tho Inflamed, hwo13i n membrnuo which lines tho nose, head and throat; clears tho air passages; stops nasty discharges and n fooling of cleansing, soothing relief comes Im mediately. Don't lay nwnke tonight strug gling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrilB closed, hawking and blow ing, Catarrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul mucous dropping Into tho throat, and raw dryness Is distressing but truly noedlcsB. Put your fnlth Just onco In "Ely's Cream Dalm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. For Salo bv Drown Drug Co. 5m-rf HxfcUTFIT entitle every reader get out of order. - " -rf --- "2HZ-i t k.1 Extra for postage and 01311107. lrA EID C ."set 82C Irani rntL Emma Uoldmnu and Dr. Holtmnn wore aboard, and when they caino down tho gangplnnk to walk about tho streets of the city for n fow minutes, everybody tried to got n glluipsu of tho couple. "Men mid women who mo not ready to listen to contrary opinion on any given subject, thereby con demn themselves to the grossest Ig norance and tho most outrageous tyranny," said Emina Uoldmnu, when Interviewed, "if what the I. V. V. or any other undesirable, have lo say is wrong, It will die of Itself a much quicker death than ir those people are beaten, clubbed, tnrred. and driven out like wild beasts. "Xor can anything 1 Btnnd for be killed by niob-butchery or by polho violence. The Issue of free speech Is o.io ef the most vital mid funda mental In America, mid the very moment any given section of the country undertakes to suppress free dom of expression, It at tho same time undermines every other prin ciple or liberty and condemns Itself to death." "After six years or nctlve anar chist propaganda, I am beginning to understand thnt which is difficult for every Ainorlcnn to appreciate: iinmoly, that there Is only as much freedom In America as the authorities and property In terests are willing to grant." Bald Dr. Iteltmnn, "and It Is very plain to mo now that whenever the police permit too much froo speech, tho capitalist class will stop In and take matters Into Its own hands. "Our San Diego experience- of May 12, 11)12, not only burned Industrial unionism Into my flesh, but also en graved on my heart and soul that this is a country of the mastor class, and thnt the. latter controls free speech." "Many lessons can bo drawn from our San Diego experience," added Miss Goldman, "hut none more Im portant than this: tho business men and tho property ownors will fight for their rights. The historian who nunlyrcri tho cause ot the San Diego trouble will havo to record that It was proporty, and tho rear that It may ho takon from them, thnt roused tho savagery of tho San Dlego vigi lantes." Emma Goldman and Dr. Holtnian woro nt Eureka from last Saturday until Wednesday noon, when they snlled on tho Elder. Whilo thoro they delivered a series of lecturos and also nt Areata. They say thnt all of the incotlngH woro woll at tended. According to thorn, tho trip up tho const from Eureka was vory rough. Thoy sny tho boat encountered a strong northwost wind mid thnt sho rolled considerably. PHEASANT FLIES AGAIXST AUTO. Perhaps ono of tho most peculiar accidents thnt has happened for some tlmo occurred last week whon n Chi nese pheasant flow full tilt Into tho hood of Stove Curron's auto. Mr. Curron wns returning to Dnudou with n load of pasongors and was on tho road botweon horo and Coqulllo whon thov woro surprised to honr'sonio thlug lilt tho auto top with coustd orablo forco. Tho car was stopped mid an investigation disclosod tho dend body of tho pheasant. IJnndon World. (jet ih!o()I)i:i) oattm:. Somo of tho finest registered Hoi Htolns tho stock thnt Is eventually to dlsplaco nil other broods of cattlo for cheoso'innkliiB purposes brought to this soction, .arrived on tho Inst Elizabeth. Tho shlpmont contained flvo head consigned by the A. W. MorrU & Sons Corporation nt Wood land, Cnl to G. A. Ilonry nnd Dr. J. R. Wotherbeo. Umidon World. Freckles Don't Hide Tlicin With a Veil: Kc. moto TJieju With Tho Otlilne Pivsci'lptlon. This prescription for tho removal of freckles was written bv a promi nent physician and is usunlly so sue cesbful In removing frecklos nnd giv ing a clear boautlful comploxlon that It is sold by druggibts under guarantee to refund tho monoy If It rails. Don't hide your frooklos under n veil; get an ounco of othino and re in ovo them. Evon tho first fow appli cations should show a wondorfnl im provomont, somo of tho lighter freck los vanish entirely. Do sure to nsk tho druggist for tho double strength othino; It Is this that Is sold on the monoy-back gimran- LAUXai FREAK leaves every day a li0 iv.in.rtm,SpUTII Qws River. Docks at CENTRAL AVEXUI2 blip. NORTH. IH3ND NEWS Geo. Johnson, of Cooston, ling gone to tho Willamette Valley, whoro ho has Ingon a position with a cow testing association. Wm. Galloway, grand ninBter of tho Oregon I. O. O. R, Is expected hero .Iuly'22 to pay his nnnunl visit to the North Hond lodge. Ho will visit nil the other lodges In thin section also. Ho will bo accompanied by Mrs. Galloway, who is Past Presi dent of the Heboknh Assembly. Malinger E. C. Drews of the Coob Hay Telephone Company Is circulat ing a petition to the Oregon Hnll roiul Commission to revise their rates in North Hnnd. a higher rate being necossnry to Install a now switch board and other Improvements hero. Wm. Strang nnd family nro cmnp Ingat Ten Mile. E. M. Shrlxer nnd family aro en- Joying an outing nt Lakeside. Mrs. E. V. Woodon. of Klamath Falls. Is tho guest of Mrs. Georgo Ilolstor. John Olson and wife, of Cooston, aro rojolilng over tho birth or n sou. C. II. Grove, tluj shocninn, lias ;ono to Shlppnrds Springs ror treat ment for rhpumntlim, Mrs. Frank Elsmlngor Is now nhlo to bo out after a threo months' III- I10HS. ' Mrs. M. II. Clint loft yesterday for New York In response to a mes sage announcing tho illness of her mother. M. E. Everltt Is nt Newport at tending tho convention of tho Oregon Pharmaceutical Association nnd ho will than visit at lllllsboro and other points. h. G. Piatt has returned from St. .Mary's, Idaho, where ho was cnllod by tho Illness or Mrs. Piatt. He In ought liar to Portlnnd and sho was considerably Improved at n san itarium there when ho loft. J. A. Fltzpatrlck, who recently nrrlved hero from Eastern Oregon with his family, him taken a posi tion In tho Coos Day Grocery. Will Ilendryx has arrived from Portland and Tnconin to Join Mrs. Hendrix nnd baby, who havo been visiting at tho homo of hor parents, Mr. nnd .Mrs. Peterson, mid with other relatives. Mrs. Tom Juzn and son, Kenneth, hnvo roturnod from n row months' visit with rolntlvos In Cnlirornlu. ' Clifford Mnrtln and wire or Itivor ton, motored horo Inst Sunday In tholr new Ford nnd woro guests of Mrs. Henry San ford. Ward Whltten Is sufrorliiK rrom sovoro Injurlos which he sustained In tho Twin City Mill tho otlior day. A. It. Mercer Is prostdout und'L. G. Iook8 secretary or tho now Commer cial Club nt Cooston, formed to boost that section. Ono or tho things pro posed Is tho Incorporation or tho town. V. C. Gorst, or tho Gorst & King lino is figuring with dipt. N. J. Corn wnjl on submitting a bid for cnrrylng tho Coos liny mall via tho Gardiner mid Drain routo. COOS II.VV MX 1-2 SUUVEV. Will l.e Contracts on Pat( of Sutli i'I'IIii l.iuo Soon. Suthorlli, Or., July 17. Another lni'KB party or survoyors arrived ror work on tho Sutherllu, Coos Day & Eastern Railroad. Thoro are now about 25 surveyors on tho work, a tr.njoiityof whom aro running linos through tho tlmbor halt In tho oast end or tho valley. Superintendent Fox Is oxpoctod to nrrlvo horo soon and it Is announced that contracta will bo let within u row days after his arrival ror constructing tho road. Two railroad contractors rrom Wash ington nro now horo to bid on tho binding. From n rallnblo source It Is lonrnod that work on tho survoy w-ost to tho coast will start about tho last or tho present month. SEA.MAX'S TRIP. Motorcycling through tho Wlllam otto Valloy from Mnrshflold, A. E. Sonmnu and his son stopped In Sa lem Thursday morning nt Mauser Irros. to got suppllos for their Har-loy-Davldson machine Tho two vis itors, who are Interested In tho rais ins of blooded stock, expect to visit Albany, Independence, Cnrvallis, Eu gouo and othor valley towns beforo returning home. Salem Capital Journal. .MORE LARORERS LEAVE. Another shlpmont or laborers loft tho Coffoo Club ror tho railroad camps near Coos Hay. More men could bo used on this work, nccord in to C, L. Gano, manager or tho Coffeo Club, but they do not ilko tho terms and difficulty of reaching tholr destination. Eugene, Guard, '-- -IK ' M In