ff'ttiawaai THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1914 -EVENING EDITION. SIX 1V0 FAIL OFF IRALPH CULVER 15 SAVAGE LAUNCH TODAY; STILL IB MEDAL WINNER m m wkvrr iyiifinTfifnar n., while seated on the stem of th Youth Who Disappeared Mon-' Awarded the Gold Trophy by Jaunch North Star, a Mrs. Anderson, ,! Mnrninn Mav HaVff Jlldnes of W. C. T. U. Sneak- irllh he,, ri.ronr.nlil ilnnchlpr In her ... , . i n i-i I i ! l.i .;; ',,,"" nr.u v. Committed suiciae. ing ooniesi Lasi board this morning. They were res cued by Attorney J. C. Kendall. The accld tit happened just above Sandy rolm Mvsterv still surrounds the dlsap- Mrs Howard Savage last evening pearance of Ral h Culver, aged 23. was awarded the gold medal In the who left his room at 235 Market Demorest contest which was held at street last Monday morning about 7 the Marsy field Baptist church" under According to Captain Ned Gallo- o'clock, declaring that he had nofu- the auspices of the W. C. T. f. There R-av of the North Star, the boat ing to live for and that luck was was a larse attendance. The Judges stuck on a mud shoal and when she against him. He took none of his were I. S Smith, Dr. K. E. Straw and was finally floated she started off personal effects when he left the Mrs. M C. Maloney. The program with, a lurch. The woman, with her place and Mrs. E. M. Johnson, who was under the direction of Mrs. Re daughter In her lap. who were sit- conducts the boarding house, fears becca Luso-Stump and It Is said to ting In a chair close to the stern, that he has committed suicide or met have been one of the best over held went over backward, turned a com- with foul play. , here. It was as follows: jilete somersault, and landed on their Walter McLeow. of North Bend. Opening Exerciser Dy the I'res .feet In the water. telphoned The Times office last ijent. Mrs Jessie Marsh. Kendall, who was seated near them night, after reading the story con- ,,.,,,. ..i- ..nn.- v.. rw at the time, Jumped overboard and rernlng the disappearance of Culver. "tone 1. . How s Mj Bo, helped them out of the water. Gallo- and said that he saw Culver going Homer Alexander tartln. way says that the little girl was toward Shore Acres with a team and Recitation, "The Angels of Duena swimming like a fish when Kendall wagon on Monday. Whether Culver vista" Dr Mattie B Shaw reached her. He placed her aboard 9 n the ilclnlty of Shore Acres or ... " .".. v.,',n, '., n the boat and then assisted Mrs. not has not been learned, as no one OMt.on, A ' at"t Mllo D. Anderson aboard. Galloway tfcen of that community has notified The Sumner, etcered the boat back to Saunder's Times office or Mrs. Johnson. Oration, "A Vivid Pen Picture" iauuins. wnere .ura. vautruu miu rs. j-rea .Messerie. ot (.atcntns virs C O Gosnev her daughter got off. miet. a cousin of the missing man. n'rti' i nJ'vi., t' r Both Mrs Anderson and her daugh- c(iau, n aealn this morning In the Oration, A Red Niagara Lee D. ter were drenched. Kendall came to hope of finding some clew to his Overly. North Bend and from there whereabouts. Both she and Mrs. Recitation, "Poorhouse Nan" to the City by auto and Johnson telephoned some of the rail- Mrg n 1 .Vace then changed his clothes. It road camps about the bay and Inlets. ' ," "' "", .... v. Ja understood that Mrs. Anderson but no trace wa found of Culver. """tone solo. TheRosary,' Ne iitho wife of a superintendent at this afternoon Mrs. Messerle sent a v,a Alexander Martin. . ine nouser & nouser camp near telegram to T. M. Culver, of Newport. Judges decision and uuuui.b .om?. .father of the lost boy. telling him 0f medal Rev orains placing an Iron railing ,? " "" W Accompanltt-Mrs. William Hon -around the stern of the North Star. ;, jonnn has two sons. Arthur '". Jr. to guard against a repetition of such ,a v,, .. r ,. h. .-. ..,. ,.,. I . .. . , . " . . - . i M' .. wu v,i r mvih ct.tt r- ruut""-' ?"n nTa?u! MX u'Tlo.ed at the Se!ey & Anderson .eiifrom tre bear, out lortunateiy , rcmp. 5n. thlnks t probble of ., dFw' Culver has gone to the camp in search omium an lurnis ( mrurrw un 0f WOrk. Mrs. Johnson tried to omcr wuncnes piying ptwen var- m touch with the camp by phon ions points on loo. . some ot afternoon, but was Informed that It them resulting fatally wou)d abottt fi 0-ciock before there One man who waa drowned when 0uld be anyone to answer at that ne if. i i rum ine aun n i aion recent- tnj 0( the line. jy, was iircxi' aiea at me 'ime. I presentation Robert Browning. Clearance Sale sSu Now In Full Swing I THIS SALE MEANS MUCH TO YOU. EVERY REDUCTION ISGENn"f INE. THIS STORE HOLDS JUST TWO BIG SALES EACH YEAR THIS IS ONE OF THEM. COME TOMORROW. SEE MONDivJ'R PAPER FOR PRICES. SEE DISPLAY WINDOWS. THESE ITF 'U ARE SELECTED AT RANDOM FROM A LIST OF HUNDREDS: One lot Ladies' Messaline Silk Petticoats, all colors, now Si 85L" All Ladies' White Lingerie Dresses, prices $6.00 to $8.50, nowijaVjn Ladies' Khaki, Madras and Soisette Shirts, price $1.50 and "" ' $1.25, now --.75m-, Ladies Messaline and Taffeta Silk Waists, price $3.50 and "p $6.00, now $2.S'' Ladies' Crepe Kimonos, price $1.50 and $1.25, now ..it0 All Laces, Embroideries and Ribbons, Less One-Fourth Recjular""pricil!j Ladies' Wool Dresses, price $7.50, now ' "Jj Ladies' Muslin Underwear at almost unbelievable prices. $ The Famous Modart and American Lady Corsets at Sale Prices, rS! Ladies' and Children's Shoes at Sale Prices. LAUNCH DRIVEN ASHORE TODAY derson ;I PLAN EXHIBITS FOR EXPOSITION Hub Dry Goods Co., "SMART WEAR FOR WOMEN" Corner Broadway and Central Avenue Culver came here from Newport I about a year ago and has worked In , a number of hotels and restaurants ; In the capacity of dishwasher and Qpn M Hvlanrl nf PnrHflnH tn ' walfer He was employed at the UH ',, nyd,luj "L,3.",!.10 chandler for a while, but quit hu Be Here Soon to Confer With job there on May is. Since that time Hhrimllpr nf Pnmmornn he has had only temporary employ- namoer 01 UOmmerCC. men? One nf thn tnulu , t.n .11..... t n:ln.lVi:Vuryj. ?, "S"lar meeting of "the .Marsniieiu (.namber of Commerce Queen, Belonging to Graham Bros, of Coquille, Wrecked Near Bandon. (Special to The Tln.es HAN DON. Or. Iiilv li! -. T .., lino launch Queen, belonging to Gra Ham Brothers, of Coquille. am! uif, Capt. Hark Dunham as master, was wrecked on the south beach here this rooming, being washed ashore about 00 yards south of the Jetty. Capt Dunham and one of the Graham bos, who were aboard, escaped. Tho Queen started out about 5 o' clock and was Itound for 'Coos Bay. On the bar she encountered a roller that filled the engine room and caus ed tho gasoline engine to die" on them. ( Tho llfcsavlnc crew wax alt.t ! and were soon alongside the Queen Is requested to telephone The Times office or notify Mrs. Johnson. 236 Market street. RIEL0 IAN BETS CO Ifi D. Y. Stafford Is Awarded Ex elusive Use of Word "Hi Tone" for Clracolates. will center qn the proposed exhibits which will be sent from Coos coutm to the Panama Pacific International Exposition. No definite action wi:i te taken, however, until the arrival of George M. Hyland. of Portland, representative of the Oregon Com n 'sslon. J V. Motley, seretarv of tha CranJHr of Commerce. Is In receipt u.c (Knowing letter rrom B. T. orhorst. office secretnrv nf ,L Oregon Commission: "Your two fnv. prs. July 9th and July llth. are at nana, m ine absence of Mr. Hyland I wish to acknowledge same and to say that 1 nm sure Mr. Hvland will arrange for an early trip into your country, at the expense of the Ore gon Commission. nr. jijianu ig now in earno LEAGUE BALL SCORES MEAT l'HK'KS WII.I, ItlSK. ' AT .11 ho ' ,c icbf -rt. Sll Pr. 0lV' n t. Phone 36tioi ISO I111C m i o n Ion VA nitt mil V ) ton nt or inc tint i AaJCPV p h. mJ a iiLjm vii iV m. trf00 ' Tcran, if th VoorJ Orego a I Portland Will Jump Into First Place Today if Los Angeles and Venice Lose. CHICAGO. July 1C.-Mont price will rlfo above the rocord flRiirea of recent yours, dosplt tho Iiiikv Krnln rop, nccordlnK to packlng-hotiso rep- I renentntlvoH, who assert that tho proem sciirclty of cattle anil the effect of dry weather on khizIiik lands would more than offset tho enormous Brain yield. IMcCutclieoii, lMw'tont A price of 10 cunts to tho butcher Clu"oll, Jnrvli IfiRrn for beof was predicted uk an enrly,-Mu"llt'y' 0,n,pl1' !,,' poMlblllly. nuil It was pointed out uy,,oaux' Se,tl', s- LvoV one of the luicklnL-hciim.. n...i. ,n,Io! " Ilelot, TbtFop clc wc. Ijal l At the (W!01 T. L, Botsfortl, P; ,nln ux D. I)f AumiiiM ftnt to '.oo. u TIbim.) PORTLAND. Or.. Jnli 1 fi if inr land wins from I.os Angeles today aUl" Hrc now lllK,lor ,lm fr ome and San Pranclapn ilfAa,u v...,i.,.. U,"B- Brcity or KMsn-fod cattle " "" "Jttn Oregon and will ratnm i ,i.. - ...i .. ..!.. tvaa rHforriui m n f,.,.. i.. .,. hliorhnrt, PortlaBd, InTTrt v c.....i i ..... . i ... . . .." ": - ". oi bin, .'iivieuit; s nion will iea.1 inn - - m mu . .i' Jiniiuiu una just ruinmenceu so. anu i ueiioi-o ho ,.iann.i .- , . .. - i.r.i, i .i iiiiriimr: . - . " . . .. . - l".nucu U uv I'nna, la.ii. - .!. i- .... 1'iuwiviwi Itlll.llll-H. I " Mnnche, Tncoma; Jlf.do Ham Hutchinson, PfX"1 ue Coast League for tho flm time this "rwlk',oJ nuance. vwii uauukBiua ! niMttn .. .. ...!. . . . .. -- mi. iin u w but could do nothlnc eii i ,i.w i. 'rw,ucuo" ew brand of in Lincoln county the latter part of In with her g XCept t0 dr,ft .hoc? a,.e B.od8 und'' the title "HI. this week. However, will write Vm! mw) The Queen was not damage.) and ,. -" . ". '"iTl'u..? . ".vT ol W "' "I'On hU return here Just The scores yesterday were: I .si I.7.VAIIW Foil SIIKLL nsif. t.!Lhr ' ""K Has ZZ ?SB Zr7b ' . V "X.VoSLZnZW , t Venice- ' Capt.DiinhanVsu.talned a few cut. u0eVn?J1!.nt, V.,nR hl,.n 'i16 exc,.us,ve ,he rellef maP ls being heW In -.an,,-rancl8C0 13 1 Is the la, about the face when the uave broke XL2 . e llLV, !!?. "k?r !Lle.yanSe. (?r. V" Pending N fe'"Ce " " ' - ' f-nhli. no class n the nl oi ronm .w .h ;:".-": ."- v wiW i.u.c, mii ueiwiiea i.,in(.h "' '"" ." au nuts. Trails pre Bend; John Thorp. fij"' A. Schnefer, ItclaiPVf; ...i Mf wui.UfiW( M tlicU Tom Ityen, HujH n iniorniat on unon a counter proKsltlon which tho Com- m yyntiitHS FOR OfflCES I Mr. Stafford has been planning fo, nT.7s.on &T Tho ,no 2 zZt' Ui .,?,!, .7 .some time the matter of placing a eous. This and other inatter wH i ,Mtt aml KIIIott- superior oranu or cnocoiate goods 03 taken up by .Mr. Hyland when he Is the market, but did not desire to be- with the local organization erwn sin Ms promotion and advertising ally. " leron- i.uiiuiiKn until ne nau nu brand properly protected. This has been iione ana now coos Bay's fame will (Fourteen Innings.) Battorles: Pernoll and Suhnild Mate H.7r.L65:, Azzl" Shnrpe, CooMj porl by Stnto Fish hCL' "nlon: K, J.fV., FIltKMK.V WILL HACil. Ik A ssttti n r.M AM.lt.-i-. - - mJ V c. ,,"i.?,.L lne l'rouuc., nan lor .Mailifie Id an.l oit, iu.IMi ,tlon of Stafford's "Hl-Tone" choco- (V.ntot Aiiuust 4 Ute. Stafford'a randlM hnv fi. A ..lbj .. "t ... ! vPar nttnlnml . .h.. . l"" 'V t..." '""' "" V " l Mllflelll ".:, i i. ,; , ""'""'l" r" "epnnmeni win practice 'IV.V. ?:"h-.fdf.?J! P"" ?J.R. t'i?ni 8,reet wmprrow night for th The Sperry Flour Company has copyrighted brand will still further vv uivvv. niiii'ii will DO nnlil nn UlnSIll UUt nam nnn hlahni- inti:uT:StV.9" f.""ALaen.'I.n'P'o Moose. Day. August 4. between the . it was ita.w!""' " n"l"eC"- Krtment S W,d th Sor,h nena to accommotlate the Increased nvoV m miif:i- iwm.-vi.. J..... .m- . . I whlrh Ihnlr .rn.ln. ....,,. "..".. tul 'V "." " V :'""'"'".. . " l0 exceiltons the tenm Is - . h i u n it h u a i ivitK ! 111 !&( .i Di n ' v- nnii i n i ia. - wl eillO II. II. K. SIMTI'I f li....... ...... . " ., ., JUiy 10. uur- t yenr the uticll nnd hiiI-' g Industry Iiiih nettod tho nl3'. Berkley; P ! (itUoun of this according to n roport LoinmiBsloiior Darwin today Tho J- "Hur, Sumner, 'pat h. amount Is tu'.co as much a tho vonr K,vo residence,) 3 previous. Moro thnn L'.sr.'i i- .nnJ At the Biw,? 1 of na 1 1 non worn fw.,-L-...i ..i . . Enrl noodinan. KWi .! - i'ivnvu. i ii i ii iii ni " i.w Arellanos, btewnrt and ilL'.'t.tT nn,' n-n.n nn.ni.n! Vn35i Hannah: Geyer d Alexander. i JJ Brookings; If. lUunl At Portland H. K. ' , ,, ,., ,,,-:? Lo Angeles . -. .. Prodiicel so tense a btruuL-lo fnr i,n. ' '".' Ui ori ivh . i . . .oouui ijoos iincr. ouei 512 0 "" n ,,a" c,0BCd Sat,"-'y AtlhoSUiWalBi Drook! It'1 T ?f.th0 'llc was p. . shackclforllorn' .., ,. u nnn games ovi .t uaKiaim it. Sacramonto 2 Oakland , , ,9 Battorles: II. Angeles Portland . . Batteries: 'tti Perrltt and them to carry. 1 , p iuiJ' .. ' n.ii. "T: $Z.ZVJ2 ?! nM." Wlnt ilr. Fletcher. dUtrlu manager for rell. ' ," "V, ??'. Tnose ln the Ih" !!r..e ? hU "n.. and the Otto A. MorrU.ey and Mary Alt K." .&. i:a,ri"J,enr- ..nKruirni i much better than a: stanle). CoonlUe Herald. mV 1.': .. ,,' '. "'"'. ."""" rver. nr nn. n .. ...,i r...ll" trolt: Waahlnninn ..". ,7..; :.. "ura " ,,u"' v"uro. games hehin.1 ih . . Watt8' Chicago; Mnt j Bame behind the leaders; Chicago don; Mrs. N. D.M I ouls fo1!,?,0 f,m"er "Wn a",V St C"a-les B. Taft, W. V"'8 fof'r Bnes removed from tho. 1 Chicago 3: New York 2. Chlcaeo --i. ., M ,r""cU ,n tho leadlns Don't forset th .. ...-,, 0 ,,ve games rrnm ti. . u - . ... ": " " "! J7IO CIWIIIUIT. AMKKICA.V LR(;t'IC St. LoulS-Phlladelllhln !raln ,. liA rn ,.. a w.r iiiimuHRy location. I He lnfornu th rtiirniuiiiitl, - this paper that he will be glad to have The boys will urmtlip rnth.. ..,i. (ilANGK AT rLOHI.XCK K K IvliPAl hac n.tLl I...'. --"" witw .-.. wi wis wuiM hii mi mm in nis new office and ex- Jewelry, clocks, etc. to C. i' '"f'r "I'inion or tne ne home wno villi move it to his "i nir nufrry Kiour Cnninanv in Kv' luilM Inir Mr n ...l.i... " .--.r. .... H.C.'II BUU 1U1 illl !. 11.1'Cll .W. irnneia y will leaiw ahnnt fh fM, .. ... -". wrci. .MIIS.. I. . OOHWII.t. annnime- '' Twin Fall. Id.iho. where h ,...". ?n'L"f.,mft w" ,U,''' hlch that her SIMMFI- ',.iw on South ' 'K.ii:e 111 ih.- miiu- luuiaes - v.V.Tu L u!T ..lo Her Vio Jfi.r k Mi UI'U.Y to re- h!"' Pi'ot in. ViiVi-ij " tn Mii, ii.ii ........ " .'.'.V .:'' ..lo e il .Urrfield nurd 'Ms'.'r"!:',,:: " . i.. s,fc ,,, Kssa,T3?srjK .... v ullluc aoioug ,n wjttnerg l; New ork 2: called In oli.ti. account of darkness. Cleveland 0; Boston 4. iron. .: wasninston 3? rniiQ,i . "'ce u tne water race. Last vr 1 . . 'ii,iun oj caneii "k rNr,K' 1 , ,hey a rwor of 00 vard8 ?n ,n e,h,h ,0 a,low Detrolt to catc" cup rai once Philadelphia ; Cincinnati Brooklyn S; Pittsburg l. Boston 2; St. Louis 5, New York 4; Chicago 5. C. OUTING SUPPLIES KODAKS PAPER LUNCH SETS FOLDING CUPS THERMOS BOTTLES BATHING CAPS TRAVELING HATS and SLIPPERS j pout miFoitn nFi'i:ui;s. NORTH WKSTWt.V LlUaii:. Red Cross PHONE 122. Drug Store Portland 9; Spokane 2 Victoria 9; Mrs Wm. Clarno U enjoying a visit from her father. Vm. Cox. and alio a sister and brother. W K. .BS Move con. the latter being aicom MPnlrthVr,'",La.Uo'K. r. io. jjr . who is Tit vu.o h.?ZX2S itii ' n. ""'! year to rnnw 1 i!f Taromn C. Seattle 0. Vancouver " irv I - .liBB, I M Salll,MSBiBBMMaiMMMMMM,BBm'ooni mKtKKKKKEttKNEKHK0L 3rlni 1 m Ufc ! 7 HKJ LKACU'K UAC1W. National and .isl, i Ainorlcaii TliU Year. OBK. July ifi. Thf 1., if. In the major loague i.,ige. ho r. ...,..0,,!r.m. Da" senn. reached last week. fi.i. to attetul thu election. ' "u so,1 ,he In each league an open one mSh'& '?& Carrt.' P possibilities for at leas.' !ve moving .loufniil..,0,-!' !.r!e c ubs NallonaK.nd fo- iration promise tn ha ,T 1,;" r: B,:v '" lU0 American. Sl. but thVduVv'nf .OB,y th p,-,v- Way wark evenr nf 1. 1.1... . r "' "i5Slsi Whlla . . . Port Orfor w ,n ,he Wory .of v "". "" s'rBB'e net ween tho Davidson f.,r h!a ..:. ,0 TBos-. R-HfoxtheeA-esof linsflimii fD .,..' ). u-.. ..""'. ,,v Pr ear. while1 ......... . . me mure- ' ttiiarn wha mj x.. .... .1. ..-...-- 1 ouaiainHii nrafast w - BlIl-I'MjiiCrrr I l,l,IJ "MVIUSl Sfai bidder! nt preaoht is in tho CIGARETTES No Premiums with Camels THE cost of the to baccos in Camel Cig arettes simply forbids the giving- of such induce ments. 20 for J 0c and you never smoked a better cigarette at any price. They're pleasing: m flavor and fra ""." Besides, they w7 Vir thfoat.norw.il theyWr that citaretly Uute J r v- R. J. REYNOLDS lOBACCOCa Wuuton.Slja, N. C. v 1 taa 1 broa tncy iMlge fee. tbls orgau'lzntinn ' I Nt In years Mas tbl ' H , f.-!- ' S,ilt4- tft t V'.VS'" tf 4 ,,. j,!,,!. RHiL k B& 1 ... Sxk. " I Ifi TbbbV" .'' I . - ',i -. , .NM.- jaKjjjgffir'