I, t J w$WW'mni'wrmwTwf " nyigpi j, r WWUlftlJi IWyHlplPMiii OMPPEOPLE SEEM DETERMINED TO RUN HALEWAY TO MEET BAD LUCK GI000 lag mmw youii orroirrxwiTV roach the groat pprchnBhrg power , thlfl community BhoulU not lie orlookcd In placing youriftdveHls- S In g. The choice ot -medln bf buc- ' Bafiil merchants IS THE TIMES. family circi.ls reached with every copy of this medium. Have your advertisement rcntl by the Home Community regularly, so that they will know you. lie In troduced HY TIIK TIMKS. t MEMBER OK THE ASSOPIATKI) PRESS WBHBWMMHIIWWMWBWi iced c L XXXVII. !Mllil1UerM87H iir' Tlio Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of TIiiips, Const Mali mid Coos liny Advertiser No. 300 ) riLSON WILL NOT RECOGNIZE GEt NEW PROVISIONAL PRESIDENT YEAR, NDAT JTEt 31 ily Approve One Duly .Elected -$l or Chosen According to ..$3j Mediation Terms. ECT "REbIEF WILL -1 ENTER CAPITAL MOW jniestion as to Whether They b Will Accept Carabjal :as JjTjj Temporary Head. ' ! 10 r Aliltl Ttnt to Coat Ilr Tlmn.1 WASHINGTON. D. C. ..Inly 10. ; 'caldent WHflonMvIll not rerognl.o, ' oylBlonnl , President Corbujul nor icpi y other government lit Mexico not. pnrilnnrn wit In' the nrotlieiilH AiBllbtl corunnco ltni,tno protocols bimiui l.jr vl "0."3 .0" .--- -- --- Nlngarn Falls., Despite th6' resignation -nf llnurln will contlniiBlhls "wntchf.ll wall- i -.11.,, ..Afii tii Mnviiii.i mi mi. I ,?"L&uS Mu,,U,n Ul ' Tho oxnoetatldh.of the ndmlnlstrn-, n Is that a 'peaceful entry of the' jiiHtlttitlonallstimnto Mexico City 111 l. n,n,1 .MlnTn -nurrntixii mill 'II ID 1IIUU v ' n.Mii uo maue.mn.cBo ;nrriiuzu mm "va irnnnrnln fllllv. rofllHit to accent Eonorals irbalal. pending tho holding of nn octlon, President "Wilson believes .at tho othor nktloHs will not retog io any now 'government until tho nlted States has? Indicated Its at tudo. For that rwison ho thinks lo Constitutionalists will do care mI In tholr procedure. President 'llson Is understood to hirvo no ab action to Carbajal except on thoj , ,i,oro thnt he derived Ms power from jTuerta ,and is willing to accept htm ' cu tho ConstltutlonnllBtH will agree Jcj him being provIsloBiil president cttAtll tho elections. Wliliu House Kf- nlnlu nm nnntiAnnt OlfH A 111. fntl4tl. ntlonnllsts.wlll'bo toinpeTate In th-r "'its when thoy enter MexUxClhy. it r- i i- -i tl!, i. ii- -. heneral Funston Thinks tiuerta ?, f Forces Will Resign and r nvv, T cnnn bOme I nere O00n. .f ,. ,,.. , rn All4 Pr" Coo Itat Tlmr WASHINaTON"D. C July 10. -Imueral Funston at Vera Cruz. In TsJs '"lapatchefl, made no mention of llurr- r-l 8' PJUI1B, OUl BXprCSSeil 1110 liunri, si-ooiinoauenco of 'the dictator's reslg ,'atlQn there willo defections from Wria's troops on guard along he r&lroadf and. that tho deserters HfouWepme to' Vara Cruz. It was ex-! alnL at tho war Department that e ureterals wouia uo autnvi-u m cu- mrYiCruz without being arrested Ittbfyjfulil dowa their amis. Bonsijtutiomtjst Leader Would ;f Not CornnKfjHimself Ovjcr 4 HiiftatResicjnation. IB Aafft4 rrM la C.OOI 0r Tlmu.l t MONTR1fir'.Hly 1C via Laredo i-Whe lafervt bf Huortn's reslg iatlon tol?itiaonernl Carrnnza made bo cuaMimt for publication, but a high CMtazu official said ho )elIovedttbNrBu;ld,bo uo change In jhe plan t Mature Mexico City. Ho inallfled :ftejttemjint by saying that this ijHan might io changod In he event (rf.'KWfmdltliuinl surrender. i " w ; v J.". Sbntanft'sBSeme CourrHbJds Lt Valid Initiative and Ref- er Amendment. r i 4, 1 .- lauinJ Du. Ik Paa I1b fllrKI 1 I HBLBNA; Mnt'.. July IC The t&te mipr'ie eurt, in a decision to 4y, held ,Uinttlativo and rutoreu-' juw 'anHMWlHKtto" the constitution ta constitutes!. Tho question was iklftlAK.XJw.ad.vx)catcs ot tho RUoy okiug law, wblfh nll be referred. v. "'- ' . J ' ' " I'JO.YIC, IXPETMN! I AT VERA CRUZ mm MAY CHANGE PLANS Mtgnfl allKGiw,0 GREAT CBEOIT England Glad of Huerta's Re tirement But Fears New Mexican Problems. (nj AMocitird I'lim lo Cant IU7 Tlmrs, LONDON. July 111 Oenoral lluer- t .. . I A I . u.t.1 . ..1 .. "l H esiKiiiiiiuii ' ruKiirtiuu iih a vic- ipmI1iiii UMIhoh'r nnllev and Jh woh-ittncil by tha IlrltiBli public and "'" LjT'ttM roblcm solution or mo .Mexican promem. Tlio livening Standard says: "The 1... I.. 1. ..... A I "ft ' " ,: civlcli iy. .Proa - l l ' "" r HOII-rOCOg W 1 1 ho ii admlnlHtiatlou won a dlplo Prcaldeut wllsou lias I pnllunt In his nltlon, hut It Is likely enough ho will bo mut now hy other olisiai'lcs just as hard to sur mount as llttortn's obstinacy." E MEETS SMITH "Gunboat" Draws Big Crowd in London Former Favor ite French Champion. (II, A.xwI.IM I'rrti In Coot Utr Tlmn.I LONDON, .Inly 1(!. Thero was n great Influx of sportsmen from 'Franco and other countiles today to sou tho twenty round fight between '(lliiiilwut" Smith and (leorge Car pentler tonight. Many who failed to Ihook their seats In advance wete doomed to disappointment, as scnts nr-mil ling ut u premium. Tho very I poorest seats were quoted nt $K to t-'". wlillo no good seats were ob- titmoiiio. corpontier continued th r'voiit i ti,0 betting, smith's Imokorii ro willing to nccopt oven ' imuioy, ,lut tho- Frenchman's backers Boeiiivd Milling to place money at any I odtiiL 'i'ruiumidiMis amounts woro wngr;d. Geortjc Carpentier Won in 6th Round on FoUMImmense Crowd ract'theTight. ID, AkUI4 rrM in Coot H TlmM 1 LONDON, July iC. Goorgea Cnr pentler won from "Gunboat" Smith In tho sixth round on a foul. Smith hit Carpentler before ho nroso from tho floor nfter Carpontlor hat! slipp ed. In tho fifth round n blow to the kidneys sent Smith down for a count of six, when the routid ended. Tho fighters went at It hammeiviud tongs from tho start, exchanging many hard blows, T HERE TOOAY Tho steamer Manznnltn, of the United States Light House Service, arrived In port about 3 o'clock this afternoon and Is docked near tho Smith tormlnnl warehoube, where sho ! In ...llnn llllln. nll.lllllAn ,ah 41.A l.nHl,M ' ID lllIVUMIII Qlll'I'IIUS IUI IIIU llill IMI1 lights uloug Coos Day ana :mmedlato vicinity. Cnptaln lllchnrdson, of the Munzanlta, says that ho will sail from hero to Port Orford, whore he will make some repairs to tho big bony, Astoria Is the homo port of tho Manzanlta. Her crow keeps Uie N. S. lights between Seattle and' Capo Illanco In repair ana furnishes sup plies when needed. Tho Geo. W. Kldor was delayed nt Huroka by fog and will not arrive In- until .lato. today. ' XOTICR TOKLKS. Big meeting Wednesday evening, July 15. Initiation and balloting on candidates. A ' special featuro will lid given. -Lunch. -. Want-evory jElk to attend, T, B". JAMES, Secy. GOHIAT LOST TO FRENCHMAN O.S. S 0 5 TO GENERAL CARRANZA AS TO SETTLEMENT OF CONFLICT If Peaceful Overtures of Federals Are Met, Constitutional Government Will Be Recognized; But if Ignored, Re cognition Will Be Delayed Until a Legal Election Can Be Held. (Ilr Aitoclttfi I'rr.. lo WASHINGTON, ..Tilly J.G. Tho United Stales today instructed Jolin I?. .Silliinaii, American consul at Saltillo, to int'oi'in OiiTniisai that if he arrives at peaccl'ul ayree inent with the Carbajal government J'or the transfer of. )t)ver at lexico City, recognition will be extended to 'the resultant administration, li.. i.i iii i i- it... it) cuni)ieu M'lueiiieui ui Lin. iiueriiiii nuuiici, iiv tuj;iu- malic means and insist on forcible entry into Mexico City, recognition will be deferred until there is a legal election. American forces will not be withdrawn from Vera Cruz until the government :is recognized. Villa vm. CViTiiiiMi. cs was that ho was concentrating his This determination was reported forces at Chihuahua so as to make by PicsldiMit Wllnon and Secretary Hryan nfior tho viewpoint of tho! South American mediators was laid before them. The only cloud on the horizon of pence In Mexico wiih tho uncertainty about the ntUtudo uf'VII- la. Informntlon from nimble iKOiirc - Mouth Ganned by Handker chief on Which Was Skull and Cross Bones. I Ilr AMWIttcl l-nti Id Com Dt TIdm.1 CHICAGO, July 111. Suffocated by a hnudkei chief on which wns a crude drawing of a skull nud crossbones, tho body of A. Dubone wns found to day. Ills feet woro bound together with a rope and tho pockets of his clothing woro turned Insldo out, but whether tho motive was robbery or revenue the police were nimble to sny. Sheriffs and Deputies Defend Mine Property One De 1 fender Hurt. 1)7 AuocUt Prm to Coot IUr TIdm. STUDKNV1LL13, Ohio, July IC 300 striking minors marched down from the hills whero they camped last night to tho mines nt Ilrndloy today and nttompted to drive off tho pump men. Tho sheriff and his deputies resisted tholr advance and fired n number of shots, but none of the at tacking party woro hurt. Tlrlcks and stones rallied on tho defenders and Deputy Lucas was seriously Injured. Tho strikers woro driven off and a number wore arrested. PRESIDENT WILSON HAS ATTACK OF INDIGESTION in, AuotUted Proi la ton nr Tlmfi 1 WASHINGTON. D. C, July IC PrOhtdnnt Wilson linil n ollchl nftnnl.- nf lm,ltnAa4ln., InIn,. n,l .....11.1 I ill WIMIbl'Ol"" iUUiljr IIIIU i-illlWUllCU all engagements. Ho had arranged to hold n conferenco with Now York business men and meet Congressmen on tho patranago question, 1 Hoy Got Gun. Constnblo Cox has scoured evidence which practically proves, In his mind, thnt Stanley Peters took tho gun which Harry Thomas, pf Bunker IJIU. lost. Peters Is tho youth who told tho fnko stejry about tho Bunker IIIU robbery and was later taken to tho tjounty Jail pending action by tho grand Jury on the charge of robbing Thomas' trunk. MRS. F. M. FRIEDBERG and little son will leave tomorrow for their .Coos Rlvqr. home, where she will arrange for an extended stay later ' in the season, ,- MURDER MAN 6! SUFFOCATION ALSOHAS STRIKE TROUBLE Co. lr Tlroi.1 but should Carranza refuse :..j i n:..j i... .i:..i.. l;orous demnuilH on Cnrrnn.it. It Is leported that when tho conference of generals Is called at Mexico City nfter Carrnnza enters there, that tho Villa adherents may attempt to sub stltuto another first c'.let for Car- '.rnnzn. BRtOE OF SEVEN E 17-Year Old Wife Cruelly Slain Officers Searching for .Her Cousin. ' (Or AuocltteJ Vint to Coo. Il, Time, DlMU'QPi:. In.. July 10 Mrs. John Allen, 17, a bride of sovon days. I was murdered last night, nud tho pol ice Attn relatives or tue young woman nre searching today for Georgo De-i Ifll.l 1t4, ..Aliolll ,'lln l .inl.l ,n l.f. I iji ,, vwuaui, iiiiu p duin iu iiiivu paid her nttnotlous before her mar riage, nioodhounds have been sent to the jsceuo of tho clinic. Plans Made for Exhibit to Cost Half a Million 1 Dollars. in, AuotUte.1 rrr.i to Cooi Btr Tlron.) SKATTLK. July IC Hoorukl Va mawakl, tho commissioner In chargo of the Japanese govornmont s exhibit nt tho Panama Pacific Exposition, ar rived hero from Yokohama and will leavo tomorrow for San Francisco. He said that Japan planned o most pretentious exhibit at a cost of half a million dollars. E Twenty-Two Large Business i Houses of Chicago Endorse the President's Choice. 'tO, AuocUt! PrtM If Coot HJ TIwm.J WASHINGTON,'D. C.-Jtily IC There was no lot-up totday In Presi dent Wilson's fight' for tho confirma tion of Thomas P. Jono for the Fed oral'' Reserve Board, Intimations that the" nomination might bo with drawn from 'the Senate wore vigor ously 'dqiiied. by WhFto House offi cials, who thought tho administration supporters had Increased lu numbors over night,' hut the opponents of con firmation expressed' confidence that thoy could hoat.lt. A.lpttu"r endorsing Jopo,,s!gped by 22 largo Chicago bus iness concerns, ;wa3 made public! a tho White House. I ' m M JAPANESE WILL HAVE 6IG EXHIBIT MNO 1 EX-PRESIDENT HOERTA LEFT MEXICO WITH 6 MILLION DOLLARS ORANGE MADE T Huerta.'s Resignation Received Calmly by Populace No Demonstrations. (Or AnnoHitM fnu In fnn llajr TlmfK.l M12XICO CITY. July 10. The chnnge In tho .Mexican government whereby Genernl Vlctorlano.IIuorta turned over tho provisional presiden cy to Francisco Carbajal, was calmly recolved by tho populace. Hxccpt for demonstrutlons made In honor uf Car bajal when ho was leaving tho Cham ber of Deputies building after taking 1 Is oath, no outbursts of Importance occurred. There were a few shouts In tho streets, "Down with Huertal" and "Viva Carranza!" but tho police promptly stopped such demonstra tions. Hiiertn, who remained In tho capi tal some hours yesterday after his resignation, Is In flight today, prob ably on his way to Puerto Mexico. Minister of War lilamiuct and soveral others fled with Huerta . A signifi cant Incident In connection with yes terday's chnngo was the announce i.'.cnt thnt a special committee left the capital last night for Celnya to arrange with tho Constitutionalists for a peaceful entry Into tho capital. ui:fi'(.'i:i:.s'iu:tl,hnin(i. Consider Conditions Safer Since lliici'tji'ti Itetlivmciit. in, AvuuiM tlrM lu Coo. IU; llrr.fi ) VI3UA CItl'Z. July IC With tho leslgnatlnn of Huortn, there Is every evidence among Amcilcnn and other foreign refugees of nn Immediate movement to return to tho capital and other Interior points, whero aban doned Interests lire awaiting atten tion. . nri:itTA fli:i:i.vg. May Hnvo Taken One of Several of tho Dlffeient Itouten. III. Aunrtii! I'lm In Coo. lur lltnc.T l'UKUTO MHX1CO, July IC It Is reported thnt Huerta Is on board ono of threo special trains known to bo on their way hero. Tlio British cruiser llrcstol anchmed uenr tho piers In front of the station this morning and a Gorman cruiser Is approaching tho harbor. TO STOP WORK Capt. Macgenn Wires That the Michie and Oregon Will Stop Next Saturday. Tho Port of Coos Bay and others nro today at a loss to understand a report wired from Portland that tho dredges Mlchle and Oregon would closo down Saturday night owing to a lack of Quids. Congressman Hawloy wrote hero In March that thero was a balanco or $4 4,000 In tho' dredgo Mlchlo fund tho last of February and stated that this, with tho $50,000 which the now river and harbor bill provided, was more than tho U. S. engineers expect ed to bo alio to spend before March 4, lOlC. There was only $10,000 In tho dredgo Oregon's Coos Biiy fund. Tho following Is tho telogrnni re ceived by Secretnry Songstnekon of tho Port of Coos Bay from Captain Mncgonn todny: "Saw Major Morrow again today. It Is absolutely Impossible for him to get any money to keop Mlchlo and Oregon In operation until rlvor nud harbor bill passos Congress. There fore, ho has Issued ordors to tho cap talus of tho Mlchlo and Oregon to conso operations on Saturday night. Would it not bo posslblo for tho Port of Coos Bay to put up monoy enough to keop tho vessels in oper ation, particularly tho bar dredgo, which cannot work In winter nnd which Is doing excellent work nt tho present time?" Big Liimoeiiiieii Here. Tom Bor deau, of Seattle, nnd, Sam Mumby, ' of tho Puget Sound country, two of tho biggest lumbermen of the North west, are spending somo tVi'ne heroj IUHI VIKIIIIIK WlUir OUl UH.'IHJ, J, I'., Schilling, of Myrtlo Point. Mr. Schill ing has been showing, thorn tjils sec tion mid thoy aro highly elated over It. 'Mr, Bprdeau"Is tho biggest, tim ber owner 111 Washington except the. 'Weypi'hausor Interests. Mr. Mumby is a big snlnglo mill o operator. WTHOU Dictator's Own Officials Forced Resignation Promised to Resign Monday. MINISTER OF WAR THREATENED TO RESIGN Huerta Indulged in Dissipation ' During Last Few Days of His Term. t lllr mu llt-.l I ., in 'Tii. nr Tlm1 I VHKA CRUZ. Iul 10. It wns . Minister r.r War Hlamuiet who final, lv forced Huerta to retire from tho (lletatorslilp of Mexico, nccordlng to Informntlon lecolved from the capital. Foiclmi Minister Corabajal, who ac cepted tho post with the understand ing that Huerta step down In the for mer's favor, expected the resignation to bo sent to Congress Monday. On Saturday, however, Huerta began drinking and drank Steadily Sun day and Mondny. freqdVntlng his ub uol l.aunts. Mondny night Carbnjal wrote him: "You promised to resign Monday. I Relieved you woro n man or your word. If you don't resign Immediately and leave tho capital, I will." "My gunornls won't let mo," was lluorla's reply. Then C'urbajar appealed to lllanquet. Tho hitter had trouble In finding the President, who wn still inmbllng from i-nfu to cafe, but Tuesday night located him as he wob about to retire. Huerta was still obdurato, whereupon Ulnn quet tendered Vis own resignation. Huerta, furious, stormed and en treated alternately, but lllanquet was firm. ' Wednesday morning ho re newed his threats and Huortn yield ed at hmt. It Is reported that when Huerta left tho capital he took $0,000,000 In drafts on Huropcnn bnnks. llueiin Scores America. Huortn's resignation was sent to Congress lato yestorday afternoon and was accepted by tho senators and deputies, after n brief debate, hy a voto of 121 to 17. In tho messago conveying tho resignation, Iliwrttt took occasion to mnko hitter refer ences to tho United States govern ment. , .Mexicans IIInk Antl. American. Following tho nccoptanco of tho resignation, curbajni was appointed provisional president and ho took tho I oath of office at a Joint session of I sonntors and deputies two hours lat er. A fcaturo of tho discussion In tho chamber was n speech by Doputv Miuh qulz Dnnco ,who mndo a bitter attack, on Americans and American politics. Ho was hissed by tho public In the galleries. T Vote Either For or Against Indictment Expected Late Today. (Or AmocUIi4 I'rru to Ccm t!r TlmM.J MINEOLA, X. Y., July IC Tha grand Jury weighing tho evidence against Mrs. Floronco Carman, charg ed with slaying Mrs. Loulso Bailey, wns expected to voto for or against an Indictment this afternoon. Threo witnesses cnlled this morning Includ ed Frank J. Fnrrell, who claims ho saw a woman dart Into tho back door of tho houso nfter tho shot was fired. BIG ATTENDANCE AT MISSIONARY CONVENTION TURNER, Or., July IC Great crowdH assomhlod Sunday In nttond nnco at tho Christian missionary convention, Over 2000 woro prer out at each session, Geo. W. Muck ley, of Kansas City, and Rev. It, L. Dunn, of Gladstone, woro the speak ers. R, P. Hutton spoko nt ono ses sion, after which a resolution wat unanimously adopted favoring tha passago of tho Shoppherd-Hobsos bill, now boforo Congross, nnd Votcil In favor of Oregon "dry" In 19 U, Restaurant Clokl. Constable Cor this morning' attached tho "Greek; rostnurnnt" In North Bend, conduct ed for somo tlmo by Tom Morris ant (Jus Demos, oil a claim Instituted by Philip Anost, who snys that tha Greoks owo hlifi hbout threo months' back rent. This last attachment mnrks tho conclusion of n sorles of squabbles botweou tho plaintiff and tho two defendants, Twlco before tho restaurant has boon attached' on claims presented by Anest, but tha matter was settled for tho time be ing. Hoy & Miller are tho attorneys for tho plaintiff. A GOOD TI5IK ASSURED EV ERYONE WHO- .ATTENDS Vila SONS -OF NORWAY PIONIO AT SIMPSON'S PAVILION, -tfOimi BEND, SUNDAY, JULY 10. M S , ,. ''.,... . . .JLVu. . .. .r. ... -). AAto. WW: gVWgWBWBKgWggwgggyTgggggggggjWggg