The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 14, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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WWTaajBanjffi'mprT- ""'
-...,. .mil u ' I m't.f '.l''M ' w.w.' -T-nrtt7lt
.!- - J. i... 1 W! 'ni.'il' hrarr.a.u-jrii nn'miimrn...
HP ' TmkwWm
.i. zzlz- gggj
THE crowds in our store, since the opening testify to the genuine bargains to be f
at this BIG SALE. This is the one big money-saving event of the season foryjj
This store holds just two big sales a year. This is one of them. A sale at this $
means a genuine, trenchant reduction from the normal price. 1 here
is no
with price under the word "Value." See Monday's paper for piices. See display window
Hub Dry Goods Companfi
Corner Broadway and Central Avenue. "Smart Wear for Women. Phone 361
get coracn
i .i-ii i..i j i n. .' a ; i i l j
it ! o-K-r wort vu o'jn . a.
i I u d thar f wou.d prooab y
- 'o t on the palax ftrit .u
be paving bid were rejected, th
work voald not m nHid
roll wu called o th partax
art tad All event Doll voted are '
and Doll voted no. atakln four to '
on and Xajrr AH declared the
i 10 GEI
.-. i.' ' r I - i
' fill ,1,1 I . II" 4
I" Birti hal at-i.r- 1
N rth Bend would o ahad Juat as
'vj3 as Marotrfleld did. At tt ould
on th bw boulevards, b Mid
-at rh park privilege would be
.--7 advantageous In th future.
('o'.nrtlmaa Albrht moved that
- . Uy contribute 0 towards
Mirhflds (bare of the survey
s i Or fc. If lit
,iJ K ' rail aaJ'JGB
! vviiite!nat,
i)' ?!r Tity r'.vLs
' f-l n-IL!li'ifent
f xe 1 't j
Mn r Allen in latit
with Henry Sup,,... H
the damages niniS'
in" int (lamaeri tn.
. Pftiinnil lAill A Until Thnm Crnn .. .. .. Km
- uuuiiuh ifiii miiuvy nitin iicu Jiarsru.cia propt-lain
on and Juyer All declared the
Council Votes to Give Them -oa-ra-t framed to to wirrn Council to Improve Old Ceme
South Broadway Paving for ? to J x7l2. TS 1 n
S2.10 Legal Scrap. , "' company j bid winiiary neerves.
lJay IIIJUJ. Ta eoarrt enrb Sretary Motley of the Ctian.r)r
The Marhf!ld C.ty Counrtl lut B y"" wre awarded to Paart o Comemrce nt a letter to th
evenios dleaoeed of the aoeth Bread- BrM- & sl ceau. tae Ioflt bid. Coanrtl akin? th-m to have the tlt.e
way pa1ay eoatroveny la ihort or- The earthwork wa awarded to War- tbe old cemetery oa Knob Kill
der, awardla tae eoatraet for the r Bpo- tor eeau. cleared aad taa Unrot the tract
work to tae Warren Contraction Tw AheutJ. , tor park paraww. Mr. Goea x-
woifsiBf (or - iv per yarn aaa 'vnw-m tn fwui oi tae """ utui uk uu n ?oon aaa
practically laaorlag tin offer of tae ""ostraru, the C.iy Racorder waj ia- oaly tala? tb- city had to do
Cooi liar P.iwlnr n,l rnn.ira. Hu Mmcted to notlfr the abatttar smn. va tO Jbtft is liirf rfa rlu wavV
a saw m g mm iaw a ,..
L U ' i IIP -n bBt Co,,c,, Fr,MOB tat Reign August 4 Other Pro- nd then itm1
I n I r.n .a . .?"; " do"'- tbe ' . ceedinas Last Night. n,t,tlt ice
IWII wll LUI1U " VM lu' "" 'arriew IXiI IIjDI
.".jcmotiily and lr ordered that The City Cun II latit eealiiK. In The rgunrll bji.WO
m rr a hd ,tiM a. .a j 4f PkdliiinkA tn ia mniiMl frtH fT k" . . ...
::.?ard to b oald out when the Cook. mrlary of the Moone lodau. rhu ..,!?. M
ii f n.shd aKr?el to turn the city over to that bon ocr elght: Mfc
otiw for ".Moow Hay." August 4. ho u; d ir.uHueri
ne avvvq w in nun n on m mhid and Mbrecht i: itreet
onilUlona that the Fourth of July 0tol tor It. I!'Unl
ommlttee had It, the utreet com- wag not uffl(r m
mlttee to have Keneral miprrlalon. would lie reiumaW,cc
IliirtT' r- wiea mat tlt .Mooe (llnniuo
u mm me nireeii wore prop- tori;uiion arjM
rleanel un afterunrd. r n . .u .
------ - .... rf y ,tttJ pOH
Cook aluo htated that the ii,ia,i t.m. n..r'y in
Moose . would bar nil confetti anil off playing pool tW&E
similar nultancwi and dnngerii. nlaceH Albrl! fil&L1
For H'M lt(xtm.
praciimiiy lanonag tae Ofier Ot tae '-, w.iy neevrwer w m- vw wj iua io- ciiy mm to 00 . .-.w -w... ...
Coon Day Paving aad Coaatnictloa racted to notify the absttt? prop- v to tajrt ia aad do tlw work. similar nulaancwi an
Coapaay to pot la bltamlnoai par- V crtk-aon that W tay wastad ta H aid that tlw ioataera Oreyoa OffJCST Completely EXOHTated ,r ,t",t '
Ini; for 11. S3 p-r yard. The vota oii P'"" oa Sooth Broadly thoy Cooipaay had vantt the ortxiaai on Drinkinn Pharnp Pnn VV Tr,bb8Jr st
on the matter wM foor to oae. wonW to reaiov them shortly. Pl ad than MpiMtted tt. Ia vacat-i j.- r.'i i " Kdwarda wantwl t t
uun rdiib iu Hppear.
u ui 4i -ma iwr to oae, w . w.a aawckty. k - vvh vvyiniuni n. tn vacat-1
Coaacilaua Doll bela the oaly oae Other Ue they wil: yo to the coa- ' the ortalaul plat, he ld that
io vace armiiut ivintinr flu m,i- trcxon. one-nail it cum mill im .h . .i.
" ' i'-o -- - ..-., bv .- iok cnarz or nt.ii- .in bh.i
the bttalitaie people. The water eompaay aad other nr ahooM reeerc to that aroarty. mUrondu.t nr,i ,,.i... ..,
nhlif BtilltlM wm t 4 4 Snt rhd ....u.. ,-J...J. i.-j . r - iniai
iitatc law which ta1!'
stated that Capt. 21 ulnild be rotnorh
han the wait- bov hanclnnr 'om,A
iOK roORI Which he UrtllHMtHl In nut nrr umi.Ii nnA Por'eii
in at the Alort lan.llns. He wanto.1 (oiifrtil('?!,or?.1
rnnfrt? f. rk Ki.ili.ku ..i.. Tl WAUr AMiihAw , mA Ak Taip ihAjfU wum. ...- tn f,ni. tlu a... u.i t...n.s .. .
. .w "'i i-rup.. -..-., , . wi --- '"" " ui property. mu-ondut preferred aaulnst Special "" " !"" hu nuui wnm- me ormnici '.. .
Coandlavan Coppl it oat of the city P"" Mtloa were aieo ordered ao- th -omway isaread had platted Mrrhant Patrolman Chu Doanebr "' rlrom ' th l"tr of It, tltklcr-, etc. m103110
on aa eara trip aad coaaoqaoatly 'W to ?et tbair Uaea ta thapa. , the -vhota r-.H,i. Turthrmore. b W. J. Condon in a letter to Major pr'' W,"K th C,IJP omW m" for the opposition, all f 0
u not preaeat. Fr FVrry Strwt. w- " bad :nri a quit-, Allen last wk. tl flat at the har- I,lurab,' " fount llinan Kvert- """
mIHL! l lb """'J0 l" CUy E'lB 1B4 Attotao- ;Ui rw" E" " 15 l l?ht. Condon f.lllnB to put "" ?ppo1 u- " rt , , PS3eh
aa the eoaarll a. eoacaraad, bat Uwtmrtad to uka th aeaary "" f!nm ' In n appearance and no wltattao, wrfroiit ahouW be kepi clear and J fl EeS
Lnu 'L f-'"'"T "lr " ,0 "I 4 "- o T'"" f0f "T?"" PU" W "- t0 subeuatiate the ac H0' ,,,a',8 ... "lw r,relra'- K 1 f I SS .
wm . . V . ,. '"' ""llw im sootaera padflc tracka for the r. '' """' """" now- cuwtloas. Instead. Officer Doaae by '" "n mw u,al ,n ,1,,a W U ''WalBei
7. " "J.kU.kB to? '" tM,rti- U Bw r ' The Eaautd poo- ' ' 0a-" w two other ! proved the rn"' wanted the Council to ...
Hvinl V. ..:?"" f0r ar '' to "r U for a "tory.tharwa were without foundation and w,w ,et tba''- ,,ukox complete liia 111
urilne IhltlrT w " JLI? 1" "rwt - w M a"' '.''cT "1 Pr'C- l the conf,t,0 0? the hear tj Se !"M,,0U" or pr "V hat he had . K J
S; 3TSL2 r!: b?arfihlAhat Council adored a rlutlon di ,U"1- -" " o-re aJ DHLL
to .n.ifr .: vi. ; "..."; i -"" tiw om ..., .::,.:;:" ""s,"i urapany i8 lMt uo,ow haU been t.omp,e,oly - i
,,.-.., ... . . pa,iaji, m .- wooj rft.otftli frM. ,v- . ,, ...""" t"w? iia toe city over tho rAnrtA,i . conni' man AIl.r..,., lu
yance. The difference la the bid ,j .k.. ' t that thar had rAmi , .. . . .,.... .. . tim r.,n ... ...
m w m t4d t& n jmr i iv nun r n n ra mi. w uuuiu 11 l'im ii i'
ifolad (mar eMAiM .-. .
.m. . -w. ... .- 7 wwre ao aoia
v..w m !". ihU ad tk .4., ,u .j .. .
.j1..!'!?:" - .-nu."
. , .....w7. ,mi rmuiini, i
letter from Sopt. Miller of the South
era PaeJflc ia aleh he stated that repaired.
c cuvtHcro raciiK oaid with
draw it remoMtraace aalaat the.
"jwmaweai noever. he itdtod that i J s r ... . .w., v...- .
lijlml llmt
lliniatVU UIUI
lfft.-k AtlAH. ml.. OahiAA II
- . m ura.i iiiir w isi pa i ai ria ...... nv ni iliitli uiiiiiiihi itiiinr mjiihn ia
thU aad the city old find It W '. ,. w p K1 " However. , Attorney Goss called for Condon to from Clty Aorney Gobs as to How. lh
-. wVA,.s ,a r. ,.. .0rtOn. i Sten fnranr.l in.l -!. ..1.1 mucil nowor tllv nA In m..,,l.,.i.. - ,
hoereoa the Council ar ,h ., '..'.: v.. "'" "'s ' con- Wfl.r. n, .-' """ "- f,
expeaaive If it alted for awhile. ". ws'" d r. p. Norton. . step foruard and she evldonco con- WMch powor ,,le' ' ''
City Ea?laef aackiasham waa re " th CeoneU at th ".' eralng his charges. Condon could ,wa,errt Improvement.
instructed to have the city hall dock J r 1 d d a0 rcollt"n ' not be found nor could anyone who' Co"?nan Doll sub
i::1- irne'crhir? . about jzj: v
Vinr Fir MyilrjntH.
the Council had sought It.
Angeles t
siiBKOsted that' PORTLAND, 0
rhnron. ult ,unu Is belnc collected now series of EamMrr
(Recorder Butler said that he had . Usel by CPtHn Kd wards In flt-i Lensue todtj-1, -, -
, .!.. .rrf "-
I UK nhcn
... . .. .. - Miiqr uuuer sain that h. t..,.i -" j vtiiiiuin i
... .; ""W ' Prewntand stated mailed notice to Condon i, .. ilnB "P the restroom ti.r.r
ImJS ?SZT?I:'T a"d bm h,s b"Ses at!n!;'"a- CT' - l Pol.nd. Th.
.u, ..: . -." -. - o. i.7oi ot ta .Neuoa Iroa '"" 'B,: aoainorB urecon Corananv.'Bnt nnH .,.,
1.D( mT II alii l3 irml akf ihlj .Lf...a "a ... - I .. .. " "- --- .. euvgiHiii atL' iiiji nnnrPAn n I " aw w all UH lillH 151 von
ahould not be eo',;"", ?rLZZZ" rr 1"C U,-Slfe.,,tal r;.r t.!?i.,.V 'cw?" ,n tbe b"nS. -" -Permission to B0 ahead, providing ..rial.
drawal of their oppcitloa i oa-' 1 k:".; 7 "!! ! had uamT7:r.r."!.'d "lrM:.. Major A" a'1 bt he guessed I "e. 8 .?!. " "eement to removol Los AneeleK
, r. . . .--,.-- ..., ,wl ura, aa . .- ,w uuiu ui aeterain inn mnt mi.k. ..... ... me uniininnu ...v. .... ..
rerry street acroM tae s P.tkav rAwj n .j .L. .. .iirut. pv.. d..i. .. . ."-,"- "" im jubi as well bo. . B " me city wants
.in r ntt. lit. .....
...,, .Hm im ( in l. i lr WAUud Ki ..u .1 .l .
4raV .-r .. .. Mm tnai iae
, . I eompaay woald make them for the
Immediately afterward. W. V. same price that the elty paid for th
IIk !" letter ,la.t oaea aad he wanted them adopt-
from the Coo Bay Pavln aad Coa- ed as the official kiad ,o that In
to clour the waterfront.
To Dniln I.MII
City Engineer nucklnghaia was
. avtNam rarx. if ua rii m.i M.AH....i ... " -
that this aa rflau. " "I. T rr u,u,'1,w: un,cer Uoane ai pres-
... ' w" ,l Ul 'e ent ana said that he v,..m ...t..
.rjnn;ierr. . ' -weiM lauitri
Then a flUMtlon flr ,k- ' "a,e ine maer thoroughly sifted so ,"' pnB"eer Buckingham was
aov. ,rU'" ar03e alwut " tha' n one could say that he h,i i'tructed to go ahead and h.v
rr!?.-- -!:!-1!" .:,- . a --Jw ..? counter Ahrs r- :'r :s?-:. " -ij :isDirM tt ? ?? - .
- kria k aaa inv mrinT in c i v x v m i . r n m k .. . . . .. . ..-. . biuuii i ii iiiw v ni link! - ui'oiun h (i finnnni
. ,-.... ,. ,, a . n. n gia mat to ask hiiiai"4"1 mere ere oetwen "na -m.i im k .L "uc bui .u " " ium
Per yard aad the coa.rete enrb aad o. tha hydraats v,0.d mean Tompt!'"" ww and the L'uW hat! u k" h commun,t'- Consequent-, pro';fr,- owner8 south of Klrod
gutter for S3 renu. It waa accom- tltion aad ihor cfuU J!:e removed. UW hae t0,,he was a8kl o tell his story and nb?ut V1'00 o pay the est.
Ianiel Bra rrt il! .k.v .. n... ..... .t. ... .. "" i !-..
a. .M..j ;r :r: ; " "? ,ow nRur ist b-
.. or rood f,,B. Th mjul. m M fc .
bW, and Mr. Oomrla aatd that ih- B,r-.a w. ,..., ... ! . K ...
reaaon for submlitl., ., ... . " " . I. " '" 'l "w rvw '0!" " I
.. , , -" "" " ", iiias mem ja apiece more for
come be claim, some had made hut' hydrant, jus, boc.uJ they Ie,e a
eek that the company did not mean home concern. The Coumll J
lata .'-I ' f " '!" ' h"1 4n,, f,Ua,"' th oul ive him th"
Ineeof hTmar Th'" h V""- He waa Jd to ",
AftfrK Wre rPa'1 aR"n 'W,,h 'h ' lfy EWr and . hi." of
After their readm.- r un i'n an rrr- the ( re department
ir. llllcklnchntn u'n. oio i
structed to fix tl.o o,l of tho Cen-
.... ... - "W IU
Anally the matter w .,...,.. ..l"'?": f.euI"? Poetically what was
City Attorney Go and the Co7nt.i . , , , T'mes la8t Tuesday ;cie" ,0 the end of tho Cen-
a committee oTtbe whoU SL I'i iJ T Cm,ns from b"- "!b0 w m' MBPr b0 ,hat ll W0l"'
Into It. ,0 ,ooK "Ude tbat e night that Con- be0ke,,t umlor nier at low tide.
Out Milliarv i...,v. Z." "u.sna -e accusation against
U this connection C I ' ni,,. ,hr po,lce- he met Con-
ho has been worv,;,0, J; ?!?!? 1B Vtbe stt and noticed Con-
ot rear to set park art vlJeZ" ,. h. u"" n drlnklns- e l.
270 acres of ml l,.rj ., , ' L 'er' ansry an'1 threatened
Coos Head and S.J SJL1 VlLC0,?0n a" h dW not st0"
'or North Bead a.i v, u h ' mlsrP''ntlns him.
h..k. .... ana -arshfield. I Then Mr. Do,. ...., . .
... , iM.oiiHcu n state-
(2 FOR 5c)
Also have Tanglefoot, Fly Poison, etc. Phone your orders.
Red Cross Drug Store
PHONE 122.
ro5n, it up. He said that s,: .. . , .nrsnted a state
'BKroawa. h I : ' 7' ,u By lb'rty.for barter,
Chamberlain. Cmifrui...
;!ad Major Morrow had written abou,' they vJZl.l Proprletors ' hlch
ljU and that now about al tnat re ' u It K1 S'nfe Janua L
malaed m iw, h- .... . ' int r' IS11- they had never snan - ,.
- Doane taking a drink of
o ;, , ,v' " uw uue.
- . CntllP.irt U'n.,l.,.l .l. ...i.
0 , , ""li.vil UIU .Mill
5 ,(,ra,n fiu'1 so that the water
would be taken from his lots. Tho
t-oum-ll, after some discussion. In-
Sir'd; ,V StiUocl thBt h0 W serve
nnnn , lle' bl" remembered that
"oaiie had tnkm. i. '. ....
Col. Walrath, who was with Doano.
iook beer. Col. virnti. ...
same. Hoffmn.. o.. .... u
c'"i mat Lonuon
-- -Hliuuii I . ' ""MIL, lllliriltn
m. ii . u. ... . ,M ra- iu. they had nav-a, . .' 'i "
.-.. iV w none V9. fn ,k .... i . "-" 'cmi ur Know v.uiiin nrnim, . i..... .
of North luinn .-;":. "'.e"w l Doane taklnir a .,n ' fami,: .T." ,u """ ' Wednesday
b. a urVey made of S " " Si ST !T- ?h hou of S p? "
anil nlo... ,..., ....a -..u u i. rn. ' nov ov.,...
San Franeltf ' "Stla
SnrrnmentO itOUS, N
AMKlUfil orJRo
Chicago !i M'todaylj
i vw York J iwhethe
St. LouiJ-FWV'Ipuerllli
Cleveland CiColuml
Detroit 0; flgoeat
--j -Jiate
XATI0M1 jbera o
New YorkL1':
o. Stl
lintllflll Si v
Portland J; A
Snokane i", ,yJ
Victoria li
and plats fn-i ,.u Z! " """" """ a a. m
"" " j-i insraes rn nnnrt- .
w Miiuoai in it ii riuiir,, .
Pwit.. and he thought that the
Permit would be erantad r .... .?
ih..i. .. W "sc me
Mr p , ie,"porar- wildings, etc.
Mr Relgard said that he had tak
en the matter up as chairman of a
special committor ni,.. . a
Dartle of North LBHr"b'0IUr-
and himself, appoint nV"!"aet
STh-r ! 1 th!
vwcreu to make the neces-
They expressed a wlli-
ltiillan Work",
(111(1 i i"-
. rnllnn v
n,.,i ,. , """i uuueaiiuy I aii i""""
hehn.1 .BOt ,I,IM to t03tlf' that Porter DrolW
rofu7i t0 Doano' but o v,-ork was run
Hi Ulmmm " " "
i. iMln nn
ii'iiru iiniu v
oflfi, u ..... . "" ,OTlu' "uueri i o cone Uhlhn r .i... . ... m.n.di 5
.. icwuireu. ir ti'oo i- .. o .. " uiu ui itiHiii'u. ' iiPiir uic--
Jk. Petition represented eve "'"I1 U t T1 )" 'ad a motion (was bhcklW '
n town with the ex.nn..' . .7 !,.. . "eroa on tho records walking dow
In town with the exception of h I that om ,reA " tho records walking down
Owl. which Mr. Doane sai I ,n 'pletelv " I)0n" hart bee com-' suffered fro.
not know and where theTonio ' ll calii nra,utl " tho charge.. It Is believed
refused to sign the DMiiinn S "i M " d una,'"ou8y. ht as the U
they did nn, l 'IV" l0 because! r. Albrecht also L,tn,, n.fJt,. " the tr
they did not know ClSr p.?,.1 " Condon
...u wrtenuer Hoffman, whom but Cltv Y, K iniso d'arges,
Condon alleged had served 'be r 7 '-1, t Imt" a88 6ald was
Officer Doane at the Eagle bar. wi? take up Jriv.t.l?.Mn6 WU,a l
fn on the tf'l
could be stop
over and H
brought Jo
i j . LmmmmUmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 'ijl''la-g"7aammminlmmmiliama
VHH. AJ1 .? iffy"fffSTwBrlYWIaHmmmmmmmtBl an ai