""ff Copyright, 1814, by Panama-PacMc International Expoaltlon Co. IU B. Crocker Co, official photosraphers. t t THE LARGEST GLASS BUBBLE IN THE WORLD. J.- tTEhL framework of the great dome of tho Palace of Horticulture at the Pnnamn-I'nclflc Intcrnntloniil Exposition, Ban Francisco, 1010. Tho dome is the largest ever constructed, being 102 feet In diameter and 180 feet high and surmounted by a basket thirty fcet.lri diameter, which will be filled with growing Mowers. Tb dome, lighted from within by whirling colored lights, will reueinbl a huge tire opal. S'- SOUTH COOS . . RIVER NEWS Furnishes Largest Amount of MilkJSnd Produce in Years Summer Colony. Souths Coos Rivor Ih now furnish ins more-' milk thnn at any other ' time In Its history, It is said. Honts carrying milk for tho Coos Bny ' Creamory, tho North Henil Conduit aary and' tho Marshflolil' Icu & Cold ' St'o'ragelfplant nro making twlco-n- day trlps7 Owing to tho largo am ount sorno of the boats hnvo to hnul acpwBto' carry tho largo number ol milk ca'nB. It is Haid that tho com potitlonbetwoen tho three buyors In keen and today it was reported thai tho condonBa'ry was paying as hlgn BBv'$lf50 'per hundred. rranic?ItoKors, S. C. Rogers, A. O. Rogcraand . A. Church liavn the iblggestHhordH. milking about fifty cowb on 'each ranch. Mr. Church ha; tho Bluford Davis ranch at tho forks Mr.1 Kr onilngn, Warren Uossoy, K, L. BesaeyJjjnnd n numhor of others arc mnklngjabout twonty-flvo cows each, 'in addition to tho Increaso In the m1lk;tBupply, moro vogutablcH and fruit aro- being shipped from South CoosruVor than In a long tlino. VhlliT'fho npplo crop thero will bo poor'tlTh"? year, tho plum and borry cropBarejlargor than usual. 'Moto Summer Rcsidcuta. 'The'summor colony on South Coob Rjvorwlil bo largor this year than In' 'throfjfor four yoais. Tho trend of tfiejuminor colony away from Cooahlvor dates from tho tlino that CoosJBayltCR took up tho automobile hofibyjPJahd discarded itho gasollno launches.' However, this senson moBtXofltho places will ho occuplod. ' 'jVjAlbort Matson's family yester day moved back to "Tho Nook." CRjPcck will Boon have his now TIMBER HELD BY FEW MEN STATEMENT OF CONDITION OP Flaimagairn b Bemtoeitil: Banks of Marsh field and .Myrtle Point Oregon, at tho close of business, Juno ill), 1014. RESOURCES Loans and .discounts $G3G,994.25 Hanking Houses and Real Estate 64,973.94 Cash and Sight Exchange 227,174.72 Total $928,142.91 LIADIMTIES. Capital Stock Paid In $ 75,000.00 SurplUB nnd Undivided Profits 71,409.97 Deposits 781,732.94 Total $928,142.91 TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. donning, repairing or now platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons nnd carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono 44. Alllanco office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Buinnlejryhoino completed and ready , for. occupancy. It adjoins tho W. S. Chandler placo. '. T?8jJClinndlor nntl family nnd the B.'r., Chandler and W. G. Chandlor lands In the map area, and a little elsewhere, shows that or t"icso parti cular lands, granted long ago to sin gle corporations apparently with tho Idea that they would ho quickly Bold to Bottlers, only fifteen per cent aro now distributed In small holdings. Elghty-fivo per cent aro owend by tho grantees or their successors, or by famlllfrsTwIll soon occupy tho Chnnd lw summer homo. -ArtBur McKcown will movo 1Mb famliyFto Tho Mazo sorno tlmo this week.M? MJrJB?TF. II. Clarko and children aro oftsinBoafross tho rivor from Camp OnCThoy liavo had Miss Ursuln Farrlnger .as a guest this week. - Alljljbwen has been entertaining hlsTnlejo, Mrs. Carrie Dungau, and MraMfjflo Farrlnger for a few days. MJSSJJQwynoddo Tower returned yesterday to Major Tower's summer horaWShor a abort visit with Mrs. O. oTjHockett at Empire. ''J$JKJf Wright and family are camnidjat tho Chandler placo while Mr.Wrtght Is completing C. R. Peck's "J w) 2ii nww, uu AltanSTodd and wife and baby PHtiundny nt tho J. A. Goodwill I v'",'.fpj tfltany ouniiuy viMiors. Tligr&'woro a largo number of usASyTTylsItors at the Hatchery, pTOne, and tho Goodwill place. ROBgUhoso returning on tho Rain w"?ttoiiday night from outings '4 vrn. T Five Men Control Over Third of It in Western Oregon Government Figures. (IlT AtnocliteJ Prrti to Coo lliy Tlmn.J I WASHINGTON, D. C, July 14. Concentration of timber lauds In tho United States In tho hands of a few ivnnrs Is discussed nt length In tno lecond nnd third parts of tho report if tho Bureau of Corporations on the number Industry, submitted to Pres dent Wilson yesterday by Conimls doner DavlcB. Two men hold 49 per cent of tho timber In southwestern Washington, ho report says; five -jnon hold 30 )or cent In western Oregon; six hnvo TO per cent In northeastern Cnllfor ila; ten have moro than half In tho ed wood nrea, and lunorth central Idaho four holders hnvo fifty per 2011 1. "Tho control of outstanding tim ber In a comparatively fpw enormous holdings, speculatively held far In idvanco of any use thereof, and tho treat Inciease In tho value of timber, resulting In part from such specula tive holding, nro underlying fncts large timber holders. Of 82,500,000 that will becomo moro and more Im- acres granted to threo western rnll- portnnt elements In determining tho toads In the hIxUcb, the roads still prlco of lumber ns tho supply of retained 40 per cent in 1910. timber diminishes," says tho report. "This marked concentration In tho "Tho main fact shown Is that ownership of Innd has two importnnt 1,091 timber owners hold in fee over aspects. Tho first Is tho concentra- ono-twentlotji of the land nrea of tho ton of control of tho natural re- sntlro United States from tho Cnna- sources, o'thor than agricultural, In dlnn to tho Moxlcnn border. In tho nrea comprised In these holdings, many states these l.fiO'-I own no InndB Besides Its timber now stundlng, part at all. In tho 900 timbered conn- of the land must be doponded' on, to- Ioh Investigated thoy' own one-sov- Bethor with tho national forostB, to ?nth of tho nrea. supply futuro cropB of tlnibcr. Fur- "Theso 1,091 holders own 105,- thormoro, uonio of It has valuablo ro- 000,000 acres. This la an men four- sources of ores, oils, gas, water pow- fifths tho size of Franco: or grenter n,. than tho cntlro Btato 'of California; ) '"The second Is tho possibility that or moro than two and ono-half times ti,eB0 holdings, which will form a no i mm nrea of tho six Now England considerable proportion of tho futuro states. Sixteen holders own 47,800,- r0a used for ngrlculturo Jn this 000 acres, or nenrly ten times the country, may bo retained under con- Innd area of Now Jersoy. Threo land contrated control. Formtorty lum- srnnt rnllroads own qnough to give ' bermon often got rid of their cut-over 10 acres to overy male of voting ngo jana nt nominal prices or let it go In tho nlno western states whero nl- for taxes. Hut ns tho agricultural most all their holdings Ho. possibilities of such land have be- "Not all this land Is suitable for. como apparent this, policy Is being grlculture. In tho south and In tho abandoned, A Iargf part of ftlio .ako states and In part of tho west present cut-over land la now of con- .1 lnrgo portion of It can be used for sldorablo value for tillage. That agiicuiitiro nrtor tho tlmbor Is re- part of tho present timberland which moved; hut In many parts of the west whon denuded will bo arable, will tho land Is mountainous and adapted i.nvn n liluhnr nnd hlcher valuo as chlofly to reforestation. Much of th inmi tho longer the timber Is kent Don't be Held Up Deposit your money with us, open a checking account, and you wont' have to worry about holdup mon. Not only will you gunrd against thieves getting your money, but you will bo protected against loalng It. Another renson for carrying n bank account Is that It will help oil to save money the temptation to spend or fritter It nway will not bo bo great when you nro not cnrrylng a pocket full of loose change, In paying your accounts by check, you have a douhlo receipt and arc conducting your nffalra In a businesslike manner. Don't wait until you hnvo $100 to open nn account do It with $1 or $5 and do It today. Drop in and let us explain It to you If you nro not familiar with banking. First Nationtal Bank of Coos Bay WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, FOR PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Call on LeMieux & Miller, 393 No. Front St. Phone 11C-R. - IDEAL TREE GROVE AND PICNIC flROUNDS Urlng your lunch baskets, kodak and fishing tncklo for n few days' outing. Sunday School and all picnic crowds a specialty. Excursion to South Coos Rivor evory day. Mnittlifirlil Tlmo Tablol Launch Express, week ilnya, leaves, 8 a. in.; Steamer Rain bow Icnvcs Marshfluld at 8 a. m., overy Sunday and 2 p. in. week dnys. For charter nnd picnic ar rangements, apply on board HOTEL DOTSON C. A! IImiisoii, Proprietor Now open under now mnnageinout, A home ;ilaca with homo cook ing served In family style. Hoard and room, $0.50 per week. 316 South Second St., Phono 1G7-J. tn were: "Tf"JV mriau und, R. P. "Watson, Mario )hn Hansell, Rltta M. Ross, Desslo Hale, Frank ? ' V-SMtb, iVtrvii??V'' Johnson, Katrlna Holm: rsnipment iUnBoni Jolm Andersoni O. S. Erlcson, Agnes s. Robert Mnrsden, den, Josephine Cor- Stella Handling, E. Crosthwait and and family, T. D. railroad-owned lano outside the tlm bor reglonB is arid or semi-arid. "In the upper peninsula of Mlchl- ?an 45 por cent of the land Is held, mostly In fee, by 32 timber owners. In Florida 52 holders, (mostly tlm bor owners) hold one-third of the laud In the entire state. "Lavish land grants and loose, ill- enforced land laws are tho historical background of the concentration of land and timber ownership shown in this report. A study of the present ownership of 7,370,000 acres of rail road, wagon-road and canal grant lands, covering most of the granted IU ir,MSjni . aasfTl - riv;wvj.ii uncut; because If the timber is held for ninny years tho land when finally denuded will bo in greater demand for agriculture. Such a condition suggests the following pcentlal ef fects upon the public: high prices for land sold to settlers, Increase of tho tenantry system, or direct farm ing by largo corporations. "Most of tho land grants -nfcre mado on conditions, and it appears that in many cases not all of the conditions were complied with. The government Is now attacking some of these grunts for alleged violation of the conditions imposed. Tho abuse of tho general land laws pames nnd family, E. A. Elckworth In the past suggests that any lands and wife, D. Converse, Mrs. Maggie restored to the public domain by Young, W, G. Egleston. Herbert these, or other; forfeiture BUlts Bradley, Jack Sasser, Arthur K. Peek, should not he disposed of under tho Wf G. Chandlor, G. A. Williamson, present land laws. To allow such Mrs. R. R. Chandler, Edytha Mer- lands to bo taken up by private par chant Lagerstrom, J. E. Moore, Mrs. ties before the revision of the py,b W. C. Bradley, S. E. Henderson, Geo. He landi laws has been completed : M. Harris, Frank Matson, R. E. Mat- would be to lose much of the public son and Ben Chandler. benefit from their recovery," GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC and FORD ' AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS .147 Central Av. Phone 373-L San Francisco QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHFELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue -'I S. S. GEO. W. ELDER LEAVES MAHSHFIEL1) WEEKLY EVERY' MONDAY P. M. ARRIVES EUREKA TUESDAY A. M. H. S. V. A. KILIIURN LEAVES EUREKA Tliurndny, Juno 18, Monday, June UiJnd, Friday, .Tune 20, Tues day, Juno !JO, and Friday, July 3. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY C. F. McGcorgc, Agent, Mnralificld, .Phono -14, W. II. Painter, Agent, North llcnd. .Phono 421. THE NEW PASSENGER AND FREIGHT STEAMER S. S. Geo. W. Elder TWENTY-FOUR HOUR SERVICE. PORTLAND TO COOS UAY EVERY SUNDAY, O A. M. AltHTVK COOS MAX EVERY MONDAY MORNING MAHS1LF1ULD TO PORTLAND EVHRY THURSDAY MARSUFIIILD TO EUREKA EVERY MONDAY AFTERNOON NEWLY EQUIPPED SERVICE UNEQUALLED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY 0. F. Mc.dcorge, Agent, Multifield. .Phono 44. W. II. Painter, Agent, Nortk llcnd. Phono 421. S. S. HARDY ' SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY EVERY NINE DAYS San Francisco Office, Harrison Street Dock, Pier 10, Coos Ray .V Eurcku Steamship Lino E. J. LINDION, Agt.. Phone Doug. 21)70. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Sjjgmshjp Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM MAHSHFIELD DURING MONTH OF JULY AT 12:110 P. M., ON THE 4TII, MTII, 14TII, 10TII, 2ITH AND 20TII.... Tickets on nalo to nl! ICMoro olntn nnd Information na to routes nd rtc cheerfully furnished. Phono 427-L. j. T. SHELDON. Agent Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service Coos Bay nnd San I?raiicisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM COOS RAY .MONDAY AFTERNOON, JULY til Equipped witli wireless nnd submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passeutrera and freight. HAILS FROM MAHSHFIELD FOR SANFRAKCIHCO WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, AT 2 P. SI. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. P. McGiiouaii:, Phone 44. S. S. PARAISO Equipped with WlrelcNH. Flim Pansenger ArroinuHxlntioiiN. Now Steel Rent. S. 8. PARAISO WILL SAIL FOR SAN FRANCISCO SATURDAY JULY 18, AT 4 P. SI., WITH PAKSENOERS AND FREIGHT YELLOWSTONE WILL HAIL FOR, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, JULY 1HTII,- AT n.P. SI., WITH FREIGHT ONLY. NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agents TOM JAMES, Ageut, Slnrfihfield. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has been a hobby with ua for a Rood many yeara and a lot of our customers will tell you when it comes to getting good, sound, durable framing mnterlal nt tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just tell what you wnut to build and the aniouut you want to Kpoud and we'll get busy with our pencil and figure out tho best your monoy can buy. Try ua. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. R ETA I L DEPARTS! ENT CUT THE FUEL RILL IN TWO 11Y USING OUR WOOD PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH I1ROADWAY Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY SENGSTAOICKN, MnuaKer FARM, COAL, T1MHER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY, GENERAL AGENTH EAST-8IDK MAHSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE ".4-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PIIONF- 101. APRICOTS Wo will receive a shlpmont of nprlcota for canning next Monday, July 13-14. Phono iib your ordem. Wo havo a good grade of DAIRY BUTTER, PURE and FRESH, Tor CGc for a 2-lb. squaro. COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE & SPICE HOUSE 130 North Broadway.Phono 304-J. j v 1. -r"