The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 10, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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i - n rv n Tl A
Twhuite Paid to Am mereem
as Expert Ma
American Lumberman Prints Interesting Account of General Superin
tendent of the C. A. Smith Companies Some
of His Accomplishments.
J 111
as Great Qf
Lady Readers 1
ARECBXT Issue of the American tlon of his aptitude In this dlrec
Lumberman of Chicago, the tlon. when he took .charge of the C.
lending lumber paper of the I A. Smith Lumber Company s mill at
United State, contained the fjii-iw- 7"; - ' " '" " ;
' .. , .lint limn ftlnfn will n tTTPflf llOlll nf
ing Interesting and compllmntrryj
nrtlcie or n wen Known vuus v
mnn. Mr. Arno Mereen. jceneral up-
that time, there was a great deal of
waste In manufacture. This did not
please Mr. Mereen and he gradually
made changes In the mechanical ar-
resaws and
completes Its railroad now under
consmntlon from Eugene, Oregon,
to Marshfleld, such of the lumber
from the Mnrshflehl mills as Is In
tended for the Eastern market will
be loaded on cars and shipped direct.
The purpose of this nrtlcie Is not
to so Into the mechanical details
heretofore fully described In the
crintendent of the C. A. Smith Co made changes In the n
The artlec was given place oi iionor -6".... .- . , , ,
"L n. nml . srcomnanleu thinner gauged saws to economize In j American Lumberman, but the ex-
1((I IM"V '3" .- . .
by nn excellent portrait of Mr. Mer
To Look Over The List Of Free
Embroidery Patterns Given
four vpsm. It turned out 107.1S9.000
feet of lumber from 07. .237, 000 feet
1 of low. Four years previous, before
This 1b coticedodly an age of spec- .ir. Mereen took charge, the mill
lallstn, iind In the lumber Indutsry that year had made l OS, 237,000 feet
they are to be found g well as elw- of lumber out of SI. 111.500 feet of
where. Thore are thoie who special- logs. In word. In 1903 the
Izc In timber, others In logging or rnf 1 1 made within one million feet
manufacturing and still othors In of the tame amount of lumber out
marketing lumber products. During of nearly 18,000.000 feet loss less
the last decade a marked advance ', as than four yeans previous, and ag logs
been made in designing, manufartur- were worth 110 a thousand In the
lug and using machinery and dericos ' Minneapolis boom In 1903, the saving
for economically manufacturing lum-' was nearly $180,000 that year In the
bor, which means, of course, with the cost of log required to make within
Vcnst wate. The subject of this one million merchantable feot of as
sketch, Arno Mereen, of Oakland, much lumber.
al., vice president of the C. A. Smith Preparatory to the construction
Lumber & Manufacturing Company. 'of the great plant at Marshfleld,
ono of tl.e world's largest lumbor Mr. Mereen made several trips to
manufacturing concerns, has devoted the Pacific Coast, studying rondl-trlrty-flvo
years or bis life to the tlons and in January, 1900, he went
ntudy of making lumbor, and In doing to Marshfleld and bought the Donn
so ho has worked out many problems mill, that was the nucleus of the
that have resulted In great saving plant there. It Is now known as
not only by means of specially de- the East Side Mill and has boon on
signed machinery but also In the In- tlroly rebuilt within the last year
gcnlous adapting of machinery to and the capacity lias been doubled,
certain uses and In the utilizing In, In the spring of I90C work was be
origins! ways of electricity In the gun on the construction of the main
handling of lumber. j sawmill, nnd on February IS, 1908,
As the reader of the Amcrlrnn tlio big sawmill engine were started
Lumberman well know, at Marsh- and on Fubruaiy 29 the mill begnn
field, Ore., on Coos Hay. the C. A. sawing.
Smith Lumbor & Manufacturing Com-j Economy here Is the koynote of
pany has n lumber manufacturing nil the operations, nnd when the
plant that Is r. mmlol of Its kind, j lumber is taken from the mill on
Arno Moreen's was tho master m!nd , the long sorting plntform, such
that carried out the Idoas of C. A. j of It us Is to bo remnnufucturcd
Hmltii nnd made possible the modern I pusses to the remiinufiutuiliig plnnt
Itcd methods In operation there. Mr. 'and Is thou tnken on cnrH by elec
Mereon Is a native of Whltneyvlllo, (trie transfer system to the docks
Mo., and was born March 31, ISM, nnd by electric cranes, in unit pack
the son of John Mercun, who passed ages, It Is quickly put nbonrd the
nwny In Minneapolis in ISfi.l, nt tho'enmpnny's big vessels ospoclally do
ago of 87. Tho senior Moreen wns a' signed for this purpose tho Xnnn
merchnnt nnd from his store furnish. 'Smith nnd tho Adeline .Smith, and
cd loggers with supplloH, Inking In ro-'transported to tho largo storago ynrd
turn their logs, brought them down planing mill nnd box factory nt Hay
tho river In tho spring and had them I'olnt. California, for shipment to
manufactured In n mill nt Whitney-, tho trade. Tills Is tho plan at pros
vlllo. Tho custom In those days '"'. hut when tho Southorn Pacific
vnen n person bad logs was to rent
ono or moro of the ton up-and-down !
saws In this mill for tho sawing nf
Ills logs. Tho lumber was taken on
a rnilrnnd sovon nillos long to Mnch
lasport, where It was loaded on ves
sels nnd shipped to market at lloston
or elsewhere on tl:o cast const .or
Tho family was of French descent,
as tho nnmn Indicates. Arno Merern
went to hchool nnd between spoils
worked In tho storo. When ho was
18 years old ho left home nnd spent
ono yenr on tho Kennebec ltlver drlv.
Ing logs, nnd tho following year was
with his brother-in-law in tho coal
ml Ice business in Massachusetts.
In 1S78 Arno Moreen went tn Minn
npolls nnd there ho began Ills ex
perience in mnklng lumber, securing
work tending gnng In the mill of
Colo & Hammond on tho west side,
nnd for several jours bo Veld Jobs
about tho mill. Including that nf cir
cular (thon band) sawyer, and In
tho wlntor lu worked In tho woods
as senior whon not doing lulll-wrlsht
work, tiding naturally of a mcchnnl-
rni disposition, lie took Id Co work
vt millwright and In this way i miilr
od an intensive knowledge "f the
mechanical workings of tho mochiii
ory In sawmills.
While band sawyer for .1. li. lias
sett d Co.. at tho Falls nt Mlnnon
polla, tho foreman quit and Mr. Mor
een was given his Job by tlio Into
Major llnssott until another mnn
could bo securod, but tho other mnn
was never hired and Mr. Meroon ro
innlned with this concern until tho
mill was burned, In IStHi. He thon
vent to St. Ullalre. Minn., as mill
superintendent for tho St. Ullnlro
Lumber Company, remaining there
tl roo years, the last two of which
ho wns In chnrgo of all the operations.
Including the marketing of lumbor.
In 1899 Mr. Moreen retunuM to
Minneapolis) and took chnrgo of tho
iiiHiiufnctuiing Interest of tho C. A.
Smith Lumber Company as goneral
superintendent, nnd sinco then ho has
found tl o opportunity to put Into
Vrnctlcnl uso tho idoas ho obtained
during jenrs previous In operating
awmm machinery. Ag an lllustra-l
atrinr wih tho rpsnlt tbnt In 1903. press desire Is to give credit to Ar
after he had had charge of the mill uo Mereen for the working out of
At tlio Clinndlei'.
C. A. Taylor, Tncomn; Earl 1).
Dornn, Portland; S. J. Heals. Nuroh,
Wis.; R. E. Enlst, Los Angeles; F.
O. Soatan, Portland; J. A. Moon,
San Francisco; J. J. Nonny, Port
land; N. G. Elestno, Sun Francisco;
II. Ilopphelmcr, Portland; It. E.
Ilnnness, Hosoburg; A. M. Oakes,
Portland; C. It. Iirjion, Eugono;
F. I). Lnyton, Eurekn; David A. Mil
lor, San Francisco; .1. Mormnnn, San
Frnnclbco; Ollbort Witters, Port
land; Edgar K. Jamison, San Fran
clsio; (5 .1. McCarthy. Portland; E.
tl. Spare, Snn Francisco; I). L. Els
tor ami wife, Eugono.
A I Tho Llojil.
John Hldmrd, Myrtle Point: It.
I'eloisou. Loon Lake; John Ilnndox,
1 1 ess
Strang. loroht (Srovo; E. llartuinn.
Illuo Uldgo.
At The lllmicit.
A. L. Ilauimer. Caidlnor; O. West
ordalo. Unidlnor; (J. Ollboitsou, Kn
tuck Inlet; P. Peonlmaii. Portland:
Tom Ulogor. Handou; W. W. Smith.
Sltkuiu: X. (5. Emorson, Hluo Hldge:'
Harry Suon, Hluo Hldge.
Ai tho St. Uiuiciuc
II. J. Huberts, Portland: A. J
Williams nnd wlfo, Eureka; L. Mar
'HiUo, Eugone: J. Hohlondor and
lfo .Hluo Hldge; W. O. Cooper.
Handou: llarrv L.timmri fi...i..
,-".. v utiii'llll.
the mechanical details of this I in
mone plant as well as the plant at
Hay Point, to which he has devoted
seven years of his life.
Mr. Me re on makes his homo In
Berkeley, Cal. He married, January
C, 1SS3, Miss Mary Dunning, who
died fifteen years ago, lonvlng one
son nnd two daughters. The son,
John I). .Moreen, hns charge of the
electric operations at the Marshfleld
plant. The oldest daughter, Miss
Edith, is attending Smith College;
the younger daughter, Dorrls, is a
pupil In a private school nt Bor
keloy. Mr. Moreen Is a director In tho
C. A. Smith Lumber Company, ns
well ns general superintendent nnd
vlce-prosldont of the C. A. Smith
Lumber & Manufacturing Company.
He Is nlso president of the Terminal
Hallway Company, nt .Marshfleld,
which constructed u steam road nlong
the wnlorfront nnd hod a franchise
for an oloctric line. Tho steam road
and Its terminal facilities woro re
cently sold to the Southern Pacific
Mr. Meroon, nlthough his home is
in Dcrkolcy, spends much of his time
on Coos Uny. but whon he Is nt tho
general offlcos of tho company In
Oakland ho dollghts In devoting his
spare time to his home nnd his chil
dren, and his wishes do not Ho In
tho direction of club life, nlthough
ho Is u member of tho Athenian
Club of Oakland and tho .Marshfleld
Commercial Club, as well as of Hoo-
Hoo. His tastes arc simple and his
demeanor is unostentatious. Such,
In brief, Is tho genius who has done
so much to make tho C. A. Smith
lumber manufacturing Interests on
tho Pacific Coast famod far nmi
wide. Ho Is tho nblo lieutenant of
n Brent lender nnd has been doing
h's full share In maintaining and
perfecting tlio Smith organization.
Xo. 2S85.
In tho District Court of tho United
StntoH for tho District of Oregon.
In tho Mnttor of S. T. Lovlno,
alleged bankrupt.
It npponrlug to tho satisfaction of
tho court that u petition was filed
111 tills COlirt. Oil Mm .Trrl ilnv nf
Juno, 19H, praying that tho nbovo-
iiniiitu n. t. i,ovino bo adjudged a
bankrupt, nud that n subpoena dlrcc
ed to said alleged bankrupt was
duly issued out of the court to tho
marshal of tho district, that Bald
subpoona has not boon served; that
Bald alleged bankrupt 1b not now
within this district bo that personal
service mny bo mndo upon him, and
that diligent offors have been mndo
to nBcortnln tho whereabouts of said
alleged bankrupt, but tbnt ho Is not
now within tho Jurisdiction of this
It Is, Therefore, on application
of tho petitioners herein, ordered
Hint tho nbovo-nnmed, alleged bank
rupt plead, answer or domur to tho
petition filed hero on or beforo tho
ifith day of July, 19H, and In enso
Of lllB falltirn Rn in nlnn.l ,...-
or demur, adjudication shall bo made
:,..ulin"B iu mo prayer of said pe
tition; And further, that this order bo
published in tho Coos llnv Tin,
, , , ' ", i -..v.. . ,i,u tuuj uny Times.
Ion: E. smith, Portland; John", newspaper of genornl circulation
.Norway; Mrs. William Foster, Mw,""8 Co,,,ty. Oregon, onco n week
?'',":. :"'""' "!'.' .!'""' &fiMTS"2lKSf 2? fit
.),.. .i. .i", .,-":""''" "UV "T
...... tuu -mi uy or JUly, iuij and
hnt it copy of this ordor bo moiled
m.f l a,b1ovo:lia"id- nllegcd bank
iiu t at his last known place of
rosldence at tho City of Los An
koIos, State of California, on or be
foro tho dnto of the first publication
hereof, and that tho proof of such
mall ng bo filed In this office before
1 .,., t0 "1'Hear and plond.
WltlieSS tlln llnnnrnliln 11. .
Henn. Judge of said Court nnd tho
sea thereof at Portland, In said
AD. 'id"110 ""d Uay 0f Jun
yot Jb Pirintinflr
Dorae at Times' Off.
3 Designs for Apron
is Designs lor waisi
1 Running Border
3 Sprays
1 Bulgarian Collar and Tnb
2 Itunniug Scallops
1 Pointed Scallop
12 Bulgarian Designs
1 Script Alphabet
1 Block Alphabet
1 Centerpiece, sizclGxlGin.
1 Centerpiece, sie ij.y in.
1 Spray of Eow Knots
1 3i)Viy of Wheat
1 Spray of Violets
1 Spray of Holly
1 Wheat Design
1 Set Surays
l Kft'jyTap
1 Phi Cushion
1 Design for Tow cIDsd
1 .lih't.,ais; fcrCroso-slitch
1 Spray of Daisies
1 fey cf I crgct-;v.e-Hots
1 Hat Wn Wolacr
1 Sofa liiiow
2 Odd I'mlenvcar Designs
1 Corsoi Cover
2 Bow Via
?. Spr:..s of Daisies
1 fJulgarian Heli Design
1 Kern Leaf
1 Baby Press Drsiini
1 Doiiy, t:irv fi x 6 iiichcs
1 Spray of Yield'
1 Anchor for Saiior Suit
1 Jabot
1 Butterfly FV.?m
5 Designs for Vv'ork
1 Bir.l Yicp
I Huhjr.rianJrv.trf
1 Saib.- Su'.'. net
1 Grape Dcs;gu
1 Towel Eii-i Design
1 Bow 'iie
1 Bolder Design 'jr Tress
1 Siray of Forgci ;.:: ito
1 ( orjet C'iv( ;, ' rcsj-utitch
1 Spray of ".we.t
1 Anchor
16 Little Designs nn-' r:gurs
1 12 My for Eyelet Lr.ibioid-
1 Anron
1 Bunch of Violcin
1 Bow Tie for C'r.isH--titch
1 Sailloocd Border
1 Tray for Punch Work
2 Sprays
1 Border for Towel
1 Branch of Leaves
1 Spray of Tulip
13 Odd Desigr.a fcr Cellars,
Dresses, cJo.
1 Pillow Caso Border
2 Large Centerpieces, size
12 x 12 inches
1 Butterfly Design
1 Spray L'ily of Valley
1 Wreath
1 Scissors Case and Back
2 Sprays of Fcms
1 Spray of Jasmin
1 Spray of Tulip
2 Jabots
1 Spray Wild Rose
1 Shirtwaist Design
1 Anchor
1 Wheat Design with Leaves
1 Doily, size 5x5 inches .
1 Bulgarian Pin Cushion
1 Bulgarian Border
3 Small Borders
4 Borders for Scalloping
1 Butterfly for Collars 'or
1 Smaller Butterfly
1 Powder Box Cover
1 Spray of Wheat
1 Shirtwaist for Punch
1 Medallion
2 Sprays
1 Extra Large Butterfly
1 Bulgarian Doily
1 rorgct-me-not Bow Tie
1 Box Cover
1 Scarf
G Small Wreathsand Sprays
1 Bulgarian Bow Tie
1 Cat Design
1 Star Design
1 Wild Rose and Leaves
-' M
f mm SSXI- ' ff W
I D3 y&kT' !' lit
iii 7(1'' It
iv Jr JBaaft. -- 'XvgaM tlWYi8118
"I fS 4
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vSLo A
A loucnor Lmbro..c:y Adits Kctmcrr.enUot1veryGiv1Dc
r-piIE PwfccF
. sons on ErnKJ-C
r.otcd Fto'ie'i ceid-i
so plain th l-'i)'
tho 8 stitches rasoRS
h lcnnicd, ami vilig
untl nUcntion to k(El"l
tions tiny one iw, . '
rrinc j; real expec
liic nrl. t'j.'f
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r-- --' vutnMiniaMMM.i4i,niiurr. 'th wtirm "1T I nH'WaMtHj)J
these patterns amid
book of
in Emferoidler y
In 'J
Given to Coos Bay Tinp
Readers for Six Coupo.Fa
$md 70c.
ra $16.20
6 C0VNpDNS 68c.
Free Coupon
These pattern oMftf its
imow be seem at th
Times Office