FOUR COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALONEV.. Editor and Pub. DAN K. MALONKY...NOWR Editor ICE CREAM! COXES. "1 geo.thoso llttlo children run aWcln down tho Btrect! BoiVou overy single ono ijiya a cone to eat! Juet this mornln' I rtlo throo! Now I can't have, any Taugo my rriamma says to mo, "Not another ponny!". Each ono costa a nickel, too! Wasn't mnnima funny? "What I'm nover 'lowod to do Is tcaso around (or money! Aren't those cones Just awful good7 What? You never ate one? lly! I'd treat you If I could! You really ought to get one! REPORTS ABE HDLLISTER TO BDDILUiHIE llfflUltltHiit ffl lain Will !! nnm mumiM) niiinpr UUir TO DC DllCtt ill I Tfl ATT. ! UUnrLluiinb urtn umrirtiun unnnoc nnuc iu umuunlu -all uj xoitrn rAOiPio steamship riflmncratic Candidate for SLfSrSffi! Confess Feels Sanguine rASTKRT VOYAGE. wvw WUIUU,,IV' wm. rnoorts renrdl.. the1.. HolHater of North Complalnt ma;f0 -" ' ,. ,, . uona, me aemucruuu uuiumcu . jibticw. pexnook iiRFKiu ufl-' Crawford Point Land' Clm-, Several Matters of I J nMWitiW" nHK T IHSTlUCVi . "f. ATTORNEY Li M HQVUSTFEHN-. AIiM MAN;ACUUEI. arrival of the stoamors Elder ", 'eM was In Marshflold today tlcfi I'enriock that II. Gustbfson, who Dreakwater at the Astoria bar havo Officials of on business. Ho returned pany to Build Wharf at' Cooston Townsite . At a nicotine of tho Htockholdera 1 tnnocK wmi 11. uu. ' f , nrawCord Point Hand Com- Ohainbororcotnmer ' 1..1.AH iitirt itniiin;iu iir I'liiiiiiiii' - -- . - - -v.inBi J ,a f0W, his parole by Bottug drunk, secured imny held here yesterday, directors thu proso.ico of every J baby and "fl P Ui ',, Tho reort were elected and ateps wore taken to organisation at tho BJ Bergman tho p n. l?1 ?J L ward the Improvement of Cooston will, bo,, hold tonl.hl. 2? u'fiH nin in ii HiiiiiM itfi'Jii hu iLruiiiiiii ..... orni tbb'eiActed'UlJOfH,1 cumber ofconm Hugh MeLaln, ptesH,,,' been received to.iay. u.c.u. , hg wf nnd thn Vnrh Pnnlflc Steamshln Com- ".' . b.. ... .... ,., i .-. - x. i v t n.i n.- iifiiiiiir iiiu 11 ni.iii . iiinrii n i iiiiiinivMiiii'iiL it uuuniuii iv ii 1 iiiii iit'iii iiitiiai. 1 pany havo a telegram from Astoria " k nnd f . , wa8 niado by some local saloonmen, . llol(llllK8 tor ... ,111I)()r(nn .''.. stating that the E.der crossed the - of Cn,lforn,a ,, who .do not wan to M ummoa or ,)o - - .- bar fifteen minutes ahead of tho iIni,,lv start hU Oustofson s predicament. They in- .,, im.,.,l' ..resident. i.n.,., ,.......' I 'lOt, iiuoii meeting wns k.ii iMIlltnfit it nnilm !.-.. . ' ..... nw.t..l.1 rrtv l.n n rnriu uiuuui iiuiinuiui ' - vm. vV v.wmu NL'IOrrtlV.H In the district and make one of the " ' dlrertor. Most of the HtiicKholdbrH night will renulrc tho ! UIIIL" lllllll OUIU l"-- iniuw; iu i..v-.. . I ... I. ...! .. . "" Breakwater. The message tile Elder crossed at 7:30 Urenkwuter at 7:45 this morning of tho un uul lul", Ul ", .; Gustofson's predicament. They . "i'- '" nn arranging to linniedlately start UK u" ' ,. . ,. .... A. h Sother wiib olccled' piesldent, hn .n th .'" for t,,c NowmbflP C,0C' Seout or he .taStoMiau" John Wc,olnry. II. K. Bhnn.- te .on,.S ?'-; Mf.'iVi'!1 eI'CJiUSr toioCoLab.eCoXtZae;n- brook, treasurer and O C. Sothor, ,. WHEN the whole blame world seems gone to pot, nnd bus lness Is on the bum. a two cent grin and a lifted chin helps some, my boy. helps some. .fi... .... .....1..... - w. t. .Miner, BuiitTiiiiuiiueiu ui ....,i.. ., i,. ,.,, tho Southern Pacific Company, has "81 """.". ,,.,0 will leave I. f Oustofson's last Sunday. Justice nl ontcorn are .on., .. . .... eoncer e... . . ... J. ... .. been conducted. He will anno in .. . . .. . nt n.r v, at Iliimloii. All of tho Aiuonir tlm tnniii.i-. . n te esram from u. w. uouoris, o. . . ,t,f,i ,,, ...i rennocc nns reierrea u.o i.nmer m - - .... , . .1.1- ... ... . "'D,ol Astoria. In which he states that the aJ9Z$ZJloTal- DWriet Atton,e-v mlsi nml ,l ,8 ni0B ".m T T i , Ii !! . ". " . l"0 "'H Dreakwater crossed the bar at 0:30 ,e Gootl Uoai18 Coi"cn 0XI)Ccted that an Investigation will bo lpoHltlon nnd Intend I rush tholr In thu mnll service. Dr. J PERSONAL MENTION t Inn tlinro thl8 morning. There Is a difference M w1, mnkc (,ie cnlnpalgn or one nour nnu i.iieeu iiuinuus in the Ureakwater's time when the two telegrams are compared. mi .. . . ....... .,.... p.iiinn i.r tho Kerndnle man for boot purely business lines, enmiiinuiiK - - said .Mr. Holllster to- ' Tho Hreakwater left her dock nt party lines," dny. "I believe thnt the great nnt- ural resources which the Fodernt C. II. FIIEE.MAX left this morning Smith dock nt 1 :4H and crossed the for Portlnnd. 7. E. ALLEN left yesterday for Co- qulllo Valley points. D. O. ltOIlEUTS, of this city, left 12:30 o'clock yesterday and crossed aovcrnnelt ,,, , 0regon entitles the state to more Federal nsslstonco than she has received. For Instance out at 2 o'clock. The Elder left the bar at 4:46. making a difference of ornl of .(n ,,M reccv. fl !..... .1 f " (lint nn I lint t Itun . IIUIIIB mill 111 lllillllli-a 111 inu iiiuu v.iion the boats crosseil the bar. Officials of tho North Pacific ed about $2:.. 000. 000 of Federal 11 Id for the Irrigation nnd reclamation projects In that state while Oregon this morning for Myrtle Point on steamship Company nnd the the ,IM Bwnml nbout $17(00o,000. al FOUR PERFORM -B business. ' Southern Pacific company said yes- ..... n ,, 0,.,i a ,., ...,r.......,.. ...!. ...,.! . . ,, , ,, . ... I. . IIIUUU UHSUII H.IO KIH"! "'" " - xuiuiUH Jiaia, ui .miiiii u.:..... igruny uiui w.e nvo uuius wui.iu 1101 .., -,..,.,. ,,,. illll,m 1... left on tho morning train for Co- race. Howover, It Is generally con- Another thing is that tho Columbia -..lltn .. I.h.Iiiau. .rt.ln.l 1 ".. ....!.. tnnH.. ... .l. ' ,...".,,.. ,f . ,. . : T T, . . "ver has received nbout $15,000.- 3HLO IMEKSON and wlfo left yester- llreakwntor and Captain I.ofstedt of 00Q of tJ)e i7000 000 allotted to any mr iu miw, wiiuiu iuu m me i;iuit. pinuneii 10 ueni cacn oiner ... gtnto spenu 1110 ncxi ween or iwu. ncrovs 1110 unr C. C. IlltlDGKS nnd wife left yester day for Portland, where they ex pect to mnku their home. TAUL EDOEHTON left yesterday for Minneapolis, whero ho will prob ably remain at his old home. EDMUND ICEANE returned yester day from California and wilt prob ably spend some time on tho Hay. LOCAL BOATS "l nm confident of election If Coos County will give me the proper support. Coos County has about 10.000 votes and If I receive sixty or seventy percent of tho vote In this county, I will easily defeat Hnwley. I nm going nfter them, too." nvnnntrwl ' .. l.. iri.l 111 iitif..a.ilt t ....HI.. (.. . made which will result In the prose- i"a"8- ' '"' 1X,IK "'" '-'""" "iu u i.uui ui rough , 1110 company nere. uiiamner or t'omnicrco tu, I According to A. F. Sother the coin- tory Hltos u up Indiiccmni jpiiuy will build a large wharf nt Coos- fnctureiH. Tho ndverlUV ton nt n place where the new channel tec. will ulso nikno a rpj win no (iicuKuu. 1 1 1 1-y iuhii 1111111 n inry .Money nnu several tB do consiiiernnie cieniing anil iiiiiko tious to rend which w some re-Hiirveys. cHt to most nicinhers. Ildlllllim Is Here. Motley linn n letter to It. B. L. nedllllini ni 1110 over from JoHopliHon, Bccretnry uj Hiindon thin morning on 1110 apeeu- inuimgor of the Iloscburj wen nun win leave on ner lor an uiub In which ho tr rranclsco. where ho expectK In eloso tlmiikti for the report ol contractH for his next year. He said Coos Hay. .Mr. .loscphioi that bo would also limit over unmu tlmt tho Kosoburg builiu other polnlH that weie holding out working nil the time u Inducements its sites for the woolen burg-Coim liny rnilrnaauiS. mill. He was veiy letlcent nbout . oxpect to enny It to niiwS , the matter. I. L. Kioiieiiberg. the llniidoti 0 u 8- C. Larson, Lee Byrle, R. Bar ry and C. Hagquist Do Trick on Shingle 10 dk. Thomas fox nml wife return- Examined Wah-ta-Waso. the cd to their home in Portland yes-' Transit, Tramp and Rustler terday after a pleasant visit here. VAIlllc Here Yesterday j E. A. nOXXELYICKE, engineer on O. Q. Weldln and J. J. Menny. of the dredgo Seattle, has moved his Portland, official wntcrcraft Inspect family from Marshflold to Empire crs, lolt this morning for Coqullle, ' whore they will Inspect the stenmers ' " A Tl MM.M)Cnvr ...! ...Ifn nA MA..IHM ..... . .....,,...,,. u,.uH favorite, .Aiapie, uora and Charm. Moccrc Unnu nnrl Cn,,:M ,. IMvOului I IwwJ C4IIU I lIILdlllw IU SUMMER 1 Fasclnnted by watching tho nntlcs ).,uia,1. nnil ,0rtt,.,., relurned from a nf George Kelly nnd Ted Preble, ex- tr, , gj,,, .-rnllc,ro y(.,,tt.,dny mid pert surf-board performers, who took ,oIt, Mr ,u,i0 that the busliieHS n prominent pnrt In the Fourth or ollIloI WII 1)UttL.rt July program, four Marshflold young , men tried the stunt Inst night, using NOTICE! the same surf-board used by Prehlo and Kelly. They were C. Larson. Leo Tl 0 monthly meeting of tho Chain- nvi.rir 11 iinrrv nml p iinuniilst nc'r nf Commerce will be held Friday ncr. It. I any and C. Iaj,qu st. 0Vpn j , , T n,,V(irH,n Although It was the flrHt time they ,, , Bor'vcp t,()ininlt,t.eH nil(1 ,., had ever tried to rldo n Burf-board. jj. Mlngim have mntterfl of Import nil four of tho young men performed nnco to tnlc up mil It Is Important tho trick without much difficulty, that nil member,, ho present nt thlx At first they tried It ono nt a time. n,oom,K' thou two boarded tho speeding huIii- gle at one time. They Hklpped ovor NCV WHITE VOILE WAISTS, tho wnter nt n fast clip nnd their per- HBAUTIFUI. DESIGXS. VALUES formnnco attracted many people to TO $2.50. SPECIAL $1.18 AT THE elusion. Mr. .losopliHon says thitJ to visit Mi.rHhfleld whni ei'H eouie In August. LADIES. Dl'TCII Dllf MADE OF LIGHT AMj PEIICALES, TIU.MJIOS HUAIDS. SPECIAL 25i FAIR ON CEXTUAL ki UKAIj ESTATK51fi IioHt building lot In Tn Houbo nud lot at Dun! FH10 lot, -10x100 attoSC best locution, )?.l(i(). f AU. I'lUEH Central arenti from First Addition to Emplro, Krom thero thev will uo to Handon. whero they will mako their homo, whero they will Inspect the steamer Kllhynni and tho sea-going barge. wiiiiu ncro ycsioruny ine inspect- Ki'nKM.r or iu. iat... m win ui, im ,. .-,.,,, ,,, r..i..,.r. rr " - ' "- ' back t0 sit. Tran n I .tie n " '"" Je !...,op..!.ho. ",0"lh..of. tho lose their balance. - "- -- L. iiiiiiiiiii III vni u- inrn nr U'ltwi inatiiM I'nAXK HLACK and family, who havo spent tho past year at Twin Falls, Jdnlio, aro mov Marshf'lcTd! ' Bring Families to Winches ter Bay for Summer the waterfront. The speedboat Pronto was used for pulling the plank nnd n speed esti mated at IS miles per hour win maintained. Only when ;tho boat would slow down would tho riders FA I It ON CENTRAL AVENUE. Times Want Ads Hrlng HoHiiltH. I rente. All of the boats wero found nay ,l0 0C8 ,0 .,,-. ,,.,. ,.....' Mnn l,eo',,c "nvo c cItj,'.o be . first class condition. I. A. fBip fuMntir nc ?V'' JT Tul r M "'Smh omo lh.ll. captain of the ferryboat Trail- oeJ, el,Klncor ,,, J i ITcblo and Nolly did It WILLIAM FEItGPSON, of this c left vestcrdnv for I.Ih former li . . nt fl...... tin ..h ..... ...!.... in Wisconsin, whore ho won called "" """ """ 'u lu' ""l -" ik Htructlon of the Wlllametto Pnelfie, to attend tho funeral of his father, l!l8 llc0B0- with his family nnd It. Fon- vho died Thurbday. . Tio Inspectors wore expected hero ,lllu , of K, ,,, I early yesiordny morning but th ami his family. They expect to (JOXSTAHLE COX left on tho mom- came overland mid did not get hero t.ave in a fow days for this sum ing train for Couulllo with Mlko mull lato in tho afternoon. Iller ,., wiiulioator Hay Ih slt- Toohoy, n logger of North Hend, They conferred with T. A. Harry. .,, , Ilort d,8tam.0 rrom tll0 who has been committed to tho collector of customs, while in tho Op0 ocean nnd back In a covo oiuiu nmiiiii; iinjiiiiu, vu;i un iiiaiiuin ui uiliumi DUalliecS aiiSHKS noiia TOWEIl and Gono tlovo SeiiK8tnokcn loft yestoulny for Ten Mile, whero they will be tho g.tustH of Mrs. J. V. Hennett for a while. Many people have expressed a do- -board fent slnco on the Fourth. mxxmammmBmmmmmmmoim VJ THEATRE U I NORTH BEND NEWS 1 David Convcrso mid IiIh sister, .Mis. M. Young, of Lents, nto visit ing friends on South Coos Illvor. Mrs. Itohert MeMnnu, who has HISS MYRTLE SMITH. rimiKutor of C. A. Smith, and her friend, MIsh1 Rlckor of Now Jersey, nrrlved hero! yeaterdny and will bo guosts at tho Vernon Smith homo for 11 whllo. ONLY 13 DEAD I 111 niur rmiivrii in DHnt ruunin 1, i ,,. . , , , .'ii n, iiuiiui 1 .iiu.iiiiiiii, nnii nun n..i . V x V C.0"81 W,l,,lH bco I"110 " '' ' dn'. Is w and the bienkors, tho place offers inilirnvi HluhXbmrl8,T , fr riV!tt 01,t- Tho-Sie w. c. T. U. of Kansas, Nigh IiIIIh. wooded and with plenty .... ..,.... .,., ..,.,... .... 11 f ant-lm.w ...... u. ..i..i . . ""B K"' niuir niuiu luuniuuiii, .iii, - - "' 'i.iiui ui iroui ine 1 iiii,.,. waters udgo. Directly across .river la tho life the M. Ml tch nor, leave of ab sence so hIio may lend n hand to Fewer Deaths and Injuries auqust carusox came down from From Celebration Tliis Year Coos Rlvor today on buslnoss. Ills Than EVOr Before on, .Milton, wlio Ih now a. cadet St AnimunllH. In nnw mnlrlnr n nnr on a Irntiihiir uhii, nml ... .,... ....... J" r01' -'' -.. .- ..........n .,..,, ...... (n ,,.... i.-., saving atntlon of ......... ..... .. the Umpqua. Wlncheater Way Is .V"B","K," "' ' "ru"'; '" eir .about seven mllea down stream from .,,ry T ,W "' . .'.' n T) OnrdliioF n...i ia 1.. . was given her nt tho Commorcial Hon by boat with Yl town iC'"b ,00m8 '" ,,0rt,amI ancl ma"y '"' ' "' cnllod to greet this prominent wo- "au. Mrs. Mltchnor will como to Cops nay aomo tlmo In Auguat. Sho la glvon tho credit of putting Kun- AMONG THE SICK Naples. Josoph Sacchl, tho little son of Mr snB dry CHICAGO, July 10. Dead 13. In-' n"'1 Ml'8- A- Sacchl, Is reported! i muiio seriously 111. This Is tho casualty list of tho aan- Ull' Harnuni, formorly of Holse nnd est Fourth of July celebration In tho a nunv" -o "ay property owner, I TO-NIGHT me Perils of Pauline ' ' The Ro TONIO ,1 1 ?i-,ooo PRIZE PICTURE DON'T .MISS IT! Tho House of Ills Tit" "Hnby Irene," will i; entire elinugo of slugM lug. "Luclllo Love." Ser!l Girl of Mystory. This la morn Intcroiti flrat two scries. "Two Mon nnd a Mi llunco comedy that wlHf' you giggle. "Tho Children's Hol reel Thmihoiisor drama. "Getting Rid of MotifT A siiro tickler. llened!ta&r till". Admlstilnu, lower fljjfr cony, 10c. R. Tomorrow night, tbi of "Zlngo." ".Iiiro'i MW Clouds." fffi Sunday night, "Abiwffij' Imp ninaternlcco In fow urlng King Haggot. Tueaduy night, thet Neighbor's Wife foro Dawu." "AJ I'm iTO ARNO MEREEN returned yesterday CuHed States since tho uao or fire-1 r1)0l',ml seriously Hi nt tho Rogers on the Adeline Smith froin Horko- W01B hi'caiiie popular. Tho proporty "'01, Joy. whero he tins boon spondlnic a lo,f, ll)' "ro t,no directly to powdorl ,,lll M'Artlmr, tho young ton of few weoka. He say that thoro filed inventions wns but $5500, trlv-(M''' ""', M'"8- ,:- V- McArthur ,hns hna been llttlo Iniprovoniont In tho ml WMon ooinpnrod with the proporty rwovorml sufficiently to roturn lumber trml. nlthoiiKh the out- daniMKo sustained In former yoars. l,om" from Mercy Hospital, whore look Ih moro hopeful. There weie fewer doaths In the'10 1'm'",1' underwent an operation. celoluatloim this year than In any of , Jllu ,J,1,ly tho young son of Mrs. J. WATTS, n prominent real e- the sixteen years thnt roenrds of tho ' Mi 'I'lJ'. underwent nu ojiorn- late man uf tliU city, left on tho toll ho been kept, with tho e.cep-Jll" ,ptrduy, nu Injury to hi foot morning train for Eden Valley, Hon of IS!)!), when but three liven, ,n a,,e'led to and his adouoida where ho will Hpeiul n wook or ton were lout. Hut In that yonr the nuln-lromom, days. Mr. Watts hna not boon woll ber Injuied wne repoited nt 1071, or! ,,CT for the pnat few days nnd ho thinks threo times that of this. yonr. Since ,,,' , ,,. l"'AST COI'0U CALICOES 11 aluiri nil... I.. 11... ......!.. in i un . ... , .. . . .Mr.IJll ,I A.'l) II AIM," IMI'Tllli .,. -..,..,.., ui nv vuiiiui'j niu uu - um juiiuy iota Bllliorod from, ., """ flroworks has ranged from SC0.7 00 r,..,."'. e AU" A1' THE hi in good. In 1002 to $724,515 In 1909. As iiBiinl flroworks woro rosponsl- FAIR ON CENTRAL AVENUE. "VVATMIl PimVT ... ...... ... , ..o won,., uiunuiKH woro I OSDOnsI- T.t.'Vini i.i....... TVl.l ulaul.iai. I,.!),... ,.IA... , l.l ..!. . . - ".. .u II I'lllli.lU IOIIX P.J nvimv .1.... .- ....... ,Blimu nrnvou mu lu. mo mrKes nuinuor of Injurlen, nt l::io n, ,n. for sot'T rw ,,. "'' at the Arrow Line dock about 10 o'- 105. Injuries caused by toy pistols, ,"''l" t ('EXTRA I. VFu" 1Z' ' . fuv iiiuiiBiii hi uuiii which iBianug irequontly dovel- ahnnt aluliti lima tt ...iAii n..n .. ... " " "i nuBiBiiiiiieuiiH "'. rrw os. J' persona 4iriui. iu eiiowatone is now nt were malinod by small cannon. North Hend. where ahe l loading; Immed by yuup'owder. five hurt jiiiuur. one win nan for San Fran- torpedoes and four in ri-o at I o dork tomorrow. The steamer Puralto U due Sntur- uay from Sun I'rancleco with pnwen. fcrs anil frolht. Saturday YOU WILL BE WELCOME Ni: "V OST- Nor Kev, BpHJN ,lty EAGLE'S BALI AT EAGLE'S HALL UNDER THE AUSPICES OF MARSHFIELD GENTLEMEN 'ANQ iV r" r 'n- AERIE NO. 538, F. 0.L2 ?i 1UIU u,i- SATURDAY I will SF1,L mini J! viXumi at ,,-" s po?.ck: ' ;ivV...8ack Buarantoed. A. T t by ilAIM'A, ' rmiawas HAILKY'S IJISST TALCUM POW "fill, SPK PAIR ON iSeverul of .the lnlurel win .u n i. ' .. .'"? ' ILL annoniipas bolWd. Six uersons were kilii. i! ..., ,!'," r,MiH ',.0.,e. South . fireworks, four by gunpowder, two rolve IIOARDIMts nr i iiu f,,.'0 '?: by torpedoen. and one by a revolver. '.? rno I'VXHIt auy day to i.i, n I'.nniiis or exci "S I1KST TALCUM POW- , SATURDAY I will SELL COLU.M- XJIAL 9c CAN. AT TEE !, l l'umi a' " OASIl par sack. CENTRAL AVENUE. I ft mTS Snuiteed. A. T. irlonlsts. "-'"Miivs COTTON. S M "nVi4ii''l(i;Jt.Nv -- 3WT& - . .ir. 3S "Llos!i sinni e FOR soc AT THE FAIR OX CEN TRAL AVENUE. $1.00 Saturday Evening, Saturday GoodMnsic . Good Time July l Jt r-.. -.-an '.i iiimwwaiMn k,, Tl TTT!I ,nfcv JRCSi