: J WTKMW a" ivjiyjBal -aw. mar-wimit,! ii THE COOS SAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, CHEQON. FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1914 EVENIMC EDITION TWO WilfrSfliP BIG LEAGUE SLAUGHTER SEAL BALL SCORES U UMPQUA focksitrial Review of (the State xi:v r.rromi:s, improyk.m kxts and kxtkiiimhsks that axr promo it; Tin-, im-.i i-i.v'i IVCltKASi: THH PAYROLLS mi:xt or OHKOOX. Engineers have completed the sur- Presbyterian church. I . r . . t- ' I.. ....... J . Tlim Iillnrl fn i-av fnr thn f!raltmi? of SO. 000 acres POr and Wilis a Iliree-lO-IWO .;i.llUIUUo Ul mem mi iv ';- -"" - . ,' The Southern Pacific Co. win Binri Victory Over San Francisco Save Salmon- Exciting ? J ttUB i work on b.iia.ting n. ..mm ii.. m I A I I If los Aiigeies wins Denton counties. Battle on Beach . . . . . a. . ... 4. . 1 It ...... (IaMa ... t. . (.CI. ., ,. . HI Atoiiiea rnw i ww uj i ..larsiinii aim i..t. uv v v- pnnrf.AVn nr .Tnlv 10. Port- . ..... -.. nad water supply. " gaged in tne ues.rucuon oi mr u, m! won a thrca-to-two Victory ... . I wnicn iniesi ine caiim i"'i "tc land won a three-to-two hAF. 1'natflrrlnv frnm Son Frnnnlnrn. while Log Angeles took both games meeting with good stirce The Southern Pacific Co. will start .... .. i.nH.ictliu' li tnnlii tines 111 .tuiiv v. uiii..o - 'ttnrn nrecnii with crushed rock North Powder will have a 130-foot to be taken from Marlon. Now the State rood Harrlsburg gets a new For the brick department store. of a double header there from Sac- short time they have been at work( carrItH, n4(000 bonds for a nnd Dairy two-story Commission complains because there Is no state law providing for the killing of rats. Flttgerald llros., of Troutdale. are building a ferry to operate across will have a new Columbia Slough and Blue Lake. ramento. The scoros: ,d-v have succeeded In destroying i i!it, wi At Portland R. H. E. over 2oo. They have sturgeon hooks ' San Francisco S 5 0 fft,,0.,j t0 all the snags and logs! Klamath Falls Portland S 13 1 ,.,. tn seals are accustomed to iiniienes i.euiem aaa iuri.e cin.h uon. which maKes It almost; . i lie annum ihuiisuj uu ""i'"" impossible for the seal to get back ""' " & w...u....f. Unnkg Marteil ofr wltll caU.u 0t Into th water without being hooked, the flames. 30.000 pounds by the first schooner " ' , ; , tnat went out. West and Yantz. The halibut industry on Yniiulnn COLUMBIA la the nnino nnd brand of tlio product of tho now fin -...,. ,,!.. Lull' n) Aalnrln 'I'lmv I'lini'iiMOiit Hut Mr,. I.... ."Ur I lUlLIIIIJ .nil. ti v .mw .... -..- ...,..u ...u .i IUICSL htA lii lnllilng machinery. I hnve had tho flour trlod und tn,i? .......!... ..f (In. In. or ..nnlrc nil f'inu llnv 'PI1..1. (n .. " lCd I lllllllUUI . HIU "H'V w.,.. .... . wm... .'..t 11VV I. Ill 1 Q I. I '.( flour one of them snyii It In tho IichI flbur alio lias over H Intrnitlicn thin flour, tho limUUfautlll'orH llllVn litmto n ' V!(ll liermltH mo to offer tho housowlvoa of Coob Huy tho b0i ' they have over hud. I havo decided to mnku Saturday, July 11, FLOUR DA! when I will soil thin mipcrlor AHtorla flour for Hil.lf. PRR SAPK- " I want every family on Coos Hay to try n sack of thi8 j0 P.' I am ninklng this price to Imliico tlloni to do ao. i.jvm.. "'' E guaranteed. 'Mti A. T. HAINES I Phone IS! At Oakland R. H. E. Venice 5 4 0 Oakland 0 I 1 Batteries Kltnfer and Biiss; Prough and Arbogasts. At Los Angels ft. H. E. Sacramento S i Los Anselw 7 14 ! Datterlw Gregory and Han nab; Emke and Boles. . .... U,l ....-!. In I Thi over a ooien u; & . . . . , . , thU manner f",v" n"vlc " ,v" "' """":' """ Th.t- had x vrr excltlne exnerl-lawdu?t h"d bn II- A light Sutheriin has a building boom . u'lmt v hli.M'Inr ami It wna fnnroil ..... 1.1..., .. tmnnn r.M.ninn ....... .... . .- - . ulu. ofuij, u (ii'VV 1.S1111.111V. that the fire would spread to one or . more of the buildings In the vicinity. Tne Public Utility Commission has MnwIiflenJjf'. lo nr one mornlnz when they sur prUeJ a herd of seal, getting b- f(M thM aBll ne w,.r on the,more of ,h,? b,'lns n the vicinity. The iUblIo Utility Commission has sand spit where the smh had come ln t0 ,he ,,el'th of ,He and authorled n raise of telephone rates out to rest. They estimated that r'"7 ""' """."' V '"- in an me principal ions oi j.uk- ui.iii.ui. in 1 v.iwn- om uouiuv to a inyiuK uas IS. thre were over CJ muwaicu ii . , 500 la the herd.!"1" .had. a SECO.VD CAME. Sacramento. ,1 Los Angeles 4 14 0 Batteries Matorkey and Roa rer; Hagbw and Brooks. They used up all the ammunition tbey bad and attacked them with their knives, also using their guns 7 0 as clubs. The seals made desperat Ing the flames. Small Kiiginc lcil. Oregon sash and door mauufne- The little engine, four hose carts tlir,,rs ,ad a liearlim before the In-' 't.il ''nrtll font rt lino.. ..'UFA 1lai.il . -. . r 1 . I , i ...... - ... . ..cv ..v. ..ovu icrsiaie commerce ioiuiuibsiuu io at uunner Hill, w hue the timber Is ..i-ntest ncalnat lower rate for Kast- AMKIMCAX i.iant'K Chicago, t: Boiton. 2. Detroit. S; PhllaielnhU. 3. Boston, S; Philadelphia. I. Cleveland, 4; New York. 7. r-i.-j . v ,,.,.. w" wounaeu mat mey win uie. C.evland, J; New ork, 3. (Call- .... ,v . .. t ,j L a i- .-.l, i. . . H1 th ammunition held out the cd in tenth Inning on account of f -lt fklv ,. ., . ... . rfartnau M tulnK they would have de- the hand, he having to ue his rifle to pry the mouth of the seal open so as to release his hand. Before they could get off of the sand spit th hunters succeeded in killing fifty, and probably as many more were so wounded that they will die darkneM St. Louis, I WatnlngtM. 0. NATIONAL I.KAfifi: Boston. 3: Chicago, 1. Philadelphia. 1; Pittsburg. 0, Brooklyn. 6; Cincinnati. 5. New York, I: St. Louis, 5. Innings.) (i: xoitTiivi:sTi:itx lkaoui: stroyed as many more. Since that time th sals have become scarcer. and it Is thought they are leaving for other haunts. It Is said that during the run of salmon that one sal will destroy five salmon oach day. boeldos keeping the fish from entering the river. Already at this rate there will be a saving of 1000 salmon a day I'mpqua Courier. Victoria. 4. Seattle, 3 Portland. 3. Vanrouver. 1 Tacoma, 1; Spokane, ' I" f0 MES5ALINE SILK PETTI fUTS. ALL LATEST SHADES. SPECIAII2.95 AT THE FAIR ON CENTRAL AVENl'E. THY OUU NEW BRAND OF COFFEE At 35 Cents A Pound tiSi ih. ;tin lo IT'S TIIK ItKST HVKR. gle IN OXK-POUXI) T)jnc B COOS BAY TEA, COfFEE & SPICE iii..nna - . iau North Broij, Phono 304. All Over Oregon iiori io cet duck, into tnt naier. vlciouslv attacking the men. One Ist"1 """oerlng. there Is little dan- orn lompctltors succeeds In biting Boye through fer ot tne.nrc s'!?ai,1,ls: c ""l be havitiir tn . his rlflolwr was tnorougniy sonKeu as welt; As a result of minimum wago and as the shrubbery and fallen timber 'eight-hour lnws. the Llvcsley hop within a radius or 200 feet. No ynnis near Salom will Install two damage was done to any property hop-ph-klng machines. In the neighborhood. I nt ntm nf Mia flrnmnn trim ti'oni t Tlin ttnnil Wniup I li.li m..,1 l)iiunn u.U l,Mi ri.... 1...1..1.....1 ...i t ,.. -.. -. ... ........ ,.,, "iiu , . .iv .'vi.i. ni.ti, ..it.ii. i.ini unvi ,,,. .4,4.11. WIIU IIIIIIUM'II nun niri- to fight the Bunker Hill fire had Company will build n 100,000 gnl-Vven permits for tho appropriation flf.fA ,. IMmA tl.ll.i Pa.nli liln 1,m...a 1i.l ,ao r Ml. I . 1 .. ...... I... 1 . . i . ... ..... ... ...,. t iiii.il iitii inn iiuuic iu nuiiun. in wniur iiiivi1 neon ihhiicii uy before the second alarm was sound-1 ; Unglnocr ml fSnma ..! nn n ri,,i m ,i.o Itrown Lumber Coiini.'uiv. nt Cnt . Hw...v V...1.C u.i h .1.1, J IHV - - . ' .111111 111 I.III1II1LI .llllll .III. I 111. I'llH Blanco fire and others came on mo- '"P0 -'ove. will enlarge Its logging 0f the work Involved about $11,000 lilnul I i PROFESSIONAL DIRE( Mildred Rogers Nelson. w? 'IVnclier of Pnno n"c Pupil of Ihigii .MiuiHf.,n, a,01"" flNI'll, fill. Ktiiilln titji1? llronihYiiy, .AliiiMifirM k'!oal .. . 1 .. iUlY' .State Plmiic 7(1-1,. John II. Lewis for tln I ending June :iu. Tho cost ' U U Harnpr (tl lUHk ' . '....- torcycles. Most of the flremon were !'-B--t- tired out. but all declnreil that they 30CI 1V1H jua 000. OKKOON CITY (loorge A. Hard- . i uui-.iiu. cri'v cixirvi. a i in i',i. were still In the ring and ready to '" ' ?"1 " ' " J?1"" ing. one of the fl.st lonil , , ..,,. wii ii v "."'" mnuui nip liUIHt'8. . . , . .become Interested In the building of Eugene has ."2 factorloa and n a i"1110"'- fri"i Oregon City Into monthly payroll of $.l,!,7'il. jtho .Mollnla country, wuh elected di rector or tho Wlllaniotto Vnllov respond to a third alarm If necoscary. That part of the Illancj which was damaged by fire and water is owned by J. V. Benne'.t. The Enter- i prise Market, which was damaged I The S. more by water than by fire, is owned 1 1000-foot by George King. Slight damage was done to the Blanco Cafe. I Astoria nnif.m.: m-iimn Onornl Repairing ni c- Making, n. Phone 340-.I. ' na j McBroom & Cameron lve coxTHAcrroKs A.ir muss Estlmntes fiirnlshod. Repulr Workji H BEPAfiliEfiT BUST ALL P. & S. Co., will drill n'S-J-ituorn to fill the vacancy causi'd well at Flavol. ily tlio death of the Into F. M. fj t Tnmn'llno n c , Swift nt tin. mi.kiiIiii, ,.f ii... i -.i " JlliPMIIOf U.O.I - "- -"- .....f, .,, I III) KUIIIU ..) .... ,. 2S.000 feet of of tHrectors lust Tuesday evening. ' Every known dlseiie r.uiiii.M-4 j. j. nurd returned without druus or sun-trr t from a business trln to fnttiiLn. nn-l -'. 2..7 South Uroadtu i-uono j. .--i,. jianu He says his mine In tlio NIGHT FIGHTING Ti FIRES fill In.. Of-utHI 111 111, Firemen say that Jf the Blanco fire 'sewer ninn HiIr mnr had Started tlllrtv in I nil too mnnnr . than It did it would have gained con-, Two fronk laws fell by the way-drove aiiierauie neauway uerore the denart ment could have been of any service, i-'irenu-ii Callcil. buildings, mid the Sunday Blue stamp mill Ih operating ateadllv an.) Tm-N' TUXKIi AXD IIRH Following Is a list of the flrnmnn 1-aw. ,lirM ... ... K lu"n, """ , L." "fdors nt W. II. H.lii v.ho fnncht tho ninnon i. ii --...-I ...T,.v ' . ,B'c.L5mPany. 'Tr:itr va ftuouili r- t.( side the Jackson amondment to tax Rohemln district Is running full blast , , . , e all lands except sites for . pubHe-j with about 20 men emnloyed Tlio JOCl Ostlllld buildings, mill the Sunday Blue stamp mill Ih oi ..ti.,., .......m. , J'lAXO TUXKII AXD KIJOENi: The sectliin men of 415 a. Sixth Streot. I'houl . .....-,. . j.. wanipiicii, ii. i, , ; - "" me uregou i; ectr c Railway din: nn II. HUlyer. I). B. Kcntlmr. ' fron 0re"on C,,- ' " ""'..th fork , wnnilll . ,., .""? '"'h . "', M. Kruger. E. A. Llndborg. 0. C. Lnt- r ,l10 Clackamas to give that clty'viiril "V " ." '" "?.. ... '.l J- !. Wrigtlt I tin. J. W. Hunt. c. Larson, r. L.n.ln ,ure wn,or 'Plly. I ,. , ",",".. """"",l wm 0L, . ' C. .MntHon. Arthur Mlllnr. u v vn ' is immediately b ,, ; , Lot Angeles (apltaPsts will de fContlnded from Pag One irf'l amoulderln w ---- m m m - .., 1-m,, t I ,..... . mil.. . I ...... iirti.v(l ttllMlill nia V tucceoded In saving some of the fur-'b,,k of ,lle Krlkson Hotel ami only jj. pVtt'lt.'v O Pratt I) Rhodes ' VOl" tho p,,u'cr "llnu on s,ca-"t nlshlng In the two rear rooms, but few yards from the railroad. It 0. Oulovson." O Gulovson R I ang' Crtok.ln t,1L' "oliomln district. Sr?V: volunteer Xr ?"?, ST ,,eUt 0f ,ho So,,ll,Pr" ,,ndflc- B0t '!,,on of ' "" ' O.trow. O.l Commissioner Daly of Portland .IeS tie firemen k1. a"d "," "", '" fr ,,, ,lro 'lePr"t- f,",,ov,,0' '". Oulovson. Hal would spend 1.00,000 on a ,', gaged in flihtinc th fir.. h, tn, '"-- . io nii,h nu a. inuiiey. inoy wero re- pressuro at Portland. t. bu m iisiuhk me lire, Dut for- s-ithered nbnut t h atniimi f- .. i,.i,w.,i i.. nu .., . ... . -- -...,.w.. ,u, iu , ......v.. hi ,,.nT in uu iiillllllTHK Willllll .undo to start a lawn. Plow! nuiliDixn r?nvTii4ml iJstlmatos furnished oi LAMBETH'S AUTO SERVICE C. 0. Gosney. auuuLi-ia mi mi ic ihi.i r,n,.i .. .x . , " rt e,'nK. when the alarm enmo In ..--u . c .iuiiou Wflon the flro.The run to ll.mknr urn uu ,,..i was extinguished. Hunker Hill Fire. The Bunker Hill fre. which In cnilck time. Moro than twenty firemen responded and thorn worn Is aevojal residents of Bunlcer Hill who tho city limits. W. F. Miller, suporlntendont of tho Southern Pacific, called for tho flro department at Bunker Hill nt tho oxponso of the railroad company, I READY 1 THE FEAST IS SPREAD "The Store is Yours" We Launch:- Tomorrow Morning at 9 A. M. The Annual Clearance Sale EVERYBODY IS TALKING ABOUT the sale that hundreds of people have waited for and are eager, anxious and ready to attend. . ima-uuo HUNDREDS HAVE WITNESSED THE DAILY ACTIVITIES in preparation for this Great , Event, and have proclaimed its broad- sided Bona-fide Bargains Broadcast BE HERE TOMORROW. r S vmm ,-...,.. ...nw i uuii rnicmuo The Pelican Bay Sawmill recent ly burned, will bo rebuilt at once. Orants Pass & Crescont City Rail road Is oporutlng five miles. Wheolor has acquired tho wntor Plant and will build n city hall. Laborers nro oporntlng tlio saw mill at Thompson. Baker County, of whlcji the manager mado a failure. STAXIl AT CHANIM,..!. HOTI.r. PHOXI. (i. WILL (JO AXYWIII.Ri: AXY TIMIJ XKW CAR AXD CAIliaTfj DRIVIXO RATES TO CAMPIXCJ PARTIES Plal CONTRACTOR AXD IltT I'.stinintiiH Furulshcd out My Pnst Work is Mr Iltl First nnd Alder Sts. . lid LYNN LAMBETH OitiH-r mill Driver. Dr. H. M. Shaw Kvo. I!iii-. Snt nnil DR. MATTII3 II. HHAW DIsnim-h of Women and 0.1 202, Irving Block. M Houso phone, 105-ltf Xl'li' .MnilxU "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributor "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend i Dr. A. J. Hendry IHO.VTIST Marshfiold, Ore0L iiooms 204-205 Coke Buliu itesiuenco phono 252-X. Office phouo 112-J. Mrs. Fnrrinnpr TKACl'lKIt OF PI.i i.csiueiico Studio, Pliooi- S. S. Jennings NOIITU Dcun -' NORTH BEND. Portland's inunlclnnl iin,. ,..m .... abandoned nbout August 1st. Eugeno hns a $40,000 mn,!,... "imimient liouso Just completed. IrvIiiRton gets a now $40,000 school and Amity n $20,000 school. j C.lndstou has grantod a 25-year 'Bas franchise at $1.40 per thousand The ruling of IhT Attorney Gen eral that girls ahall not work In Hotel cigar stands after six o'clock will bo carried into the courts. Redmond is seeking o locate a ""no uuiiKard colony. Amity has a building boom and every carpentor Is employed. Union and Wallowa Counties fire protection association u-m t,...,.. . complete system of lolophono lines. Woodlawn cranirA u fit,.i.. .. . elght-hour law and tax exemption The Oregon Compensating Com mission begins work with a forCo - -.Bit-uiceu peon o. a m-ioi - Pert and a skeleton. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four Rood curs with careful drivers lot day service, phono M i-j, Hluiico lllllunl Parlors. For night service. l!iunn ytn.i RlKht Cnfo. D. L. F00TE. Benmmin nQtlinrl COXSUII'INO KXIXKFJfl AimniTii'rrp ' Offices. 20C Irvlae W,i mono 103-L or 207-J. i Marshflelil CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A new taxlcab has been added to ny auto lerrico. Careful drivera. Will go anywhere at any tlms. Btand manco ugar Storo. Day phone, 78 Night phoni, 139-X. TOM OOODAI.E. Pronrletor. W. G. Chandler .-.., .n.i.rvn aiiLiiiii'ibi , "i Rooms 301 and 302, ColteW .Marshfiold, Oreioi Wm. S. Turpen AiiniiiTKfrr Marshfiold, Oregcs. a-'ft Pprl Rilntf nollinnnr' lIAVia'ii ivn rrlilflll Residence Studio, 217 No.W Phone ans-u MISS DONNELLY 8CnSs rl"? aI,c, Fftc,nl Massage 004 Elrod Ato. Phono 41tt-J My Own Formula HAIR TONIO r-HlUE $1.00 I fa Far Sale Only at tho Owl Pro- Ecriiiiinn i-im ,,... v .. . Tho Central Avenue Drue stow, LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS TUU & Trust Co.. AWi thoroilrhlv ilnanJlilllCu 'J dlato service, nrompt M tO nil InlaHgla anr El minimum cn I. S. KAUFMAN & Tho Oregon-Idaho Pn n- u. DRESajIAKING by Mriencod dreasmaker. br dky or niece. Will so to borne, Hal nr fatcy. 1kon ng arta? ARE YOU BOTHf WJtfc taBU? Tf M. Q 1 J n KG' . - 13', '.. CAft. i TfU tn.hMl iaBriil u. 1 Wi a fore of too ,, at work 0. bow on ti, saake Rlrtr. gstift&r - .. ---. -'- ii , :U SS .X a Voraaa- rt rtU' . ,J!'lliiaiaaM "t rvi,.a..'-.t7'MB,wmatfcJnr.ir.iiiil rfrTiaMii.m,. n, ., T . . " 'I'MII'Wiaii i i IHWmiaaaManaMiil wia ?rjBWWHMBMpiBwanajaBaaiaaaaaaaaMMl.l,