The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 09, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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I! Ml
'TZLl ?S9L
.;. i". mohbissky xs mis ru it-
i;xrmi IX matkhiai.. itm.
mmm horse falls
For Women and pt
New White
!e re'
if thl
jg-. BTerlo
L'dltor Times
I lead with considerable Interest
tno report lll(? -" councils i- . on nUl nf
ceedlngs of last Monlay night's nirof . q...:... rjoc. af ;45 With Left at 12:30 0 ClOCK - U
inn rcKHnlliiK the ivlng on South -CIl OIllllii "U'u . .
Broadway. I was also present at 4 raSSeiltjeib iillll d , hiiio , " " "
that meeting as President of th Cep Gnnd CardO. I RflCC tl1C tlClGI
Day I'avlng Company and heaid the uuuu uui ju.
criticism of theconinpaetaolnetaoln Th ,WWWr aj freight steam-1 The steamer Broukwatci sullen
criticism of tie company I represent d j f ihefrotn her .lock nt Vl'.M o'clock this
by two of the councllmen. Mr. Al- er . ' .. ......v.. ...-J -,, .. r.. tn,-H,.ml. Sim carried
. . . .. riu.11 .. KJit n oinrr ini iivi" niirumviu ti . .. i . . . . .
OTimuwMii ....- ......--.- ft-hi itnliei w It'll le HlrUCK llltf lll'Utl
nine first rnuin pnsscngciH i"1" --
TIlO Dl'OIlk- ,,M lMU "our Bill, run i ru nil mo
hnuuehos anil toll headlong into the
hrccht nntl Mr. Connie.
1 was surprised also at the state
ment made by Councilman Copple
Birj Crowd Sees Animal Plunge
Into Bay Rescued After j
Much Effort j
Whllo being lead nur the giiug-'
plunk of the steamer doorgo V. HI-'
tier, Solund, a gray horse, became
noon for Portland. She carried 1 1 4 i
and hc.r cargo. The' steerage
New Mackinafi
Hub Dry Goods j
nil .f..- ln'
to the effect "that he thought that ,. . . . .,,, ftf .,. w!-r also took a fair cargo from this
"ri """ I"""- -
I... nnllni. nt I 11 .1 ClIlM Il X' Pllllir
Company coming In at this "time and her at North Bend
leaking a bid of one dollar and Tne s(nitnR 0f the steamer was de-eighty-five
cents ll.s lr yard fnr....flv. mihMti when a horse
was disreputable, tnat it loogeu to --- -"'"'; tM. mMtmm ,h. ,,,, the Hitler
him as though eltner me conia.jiy wt im .... . - -" . . . consltlorablo tnlk
was going to slight ire whk. haa )ank M nto the Bay. A detailed , thei e has boon onsiuuaiMo n u
.llmnvarMl BM wwni of uavlnK. or 1 , .K- IJi will lu. fflimil l)OUt HlO 11ICO of tllO tWt) Sll'MHOlS
had made an exorbitant profit here- ..,, iUM,,,
tofore." No. Mr Copple. e are not
going to "measure our corn In your
bushel." You may be disreputable,
Officials of the company deny ttmt
the Breakwater will attompt to beat
Into Portland. However.
, to tho Koso City.
water. The animal vhh rescued af
ter some difficulty. Incitement mi
Intense among the big crowd which
had gnthured to sue the departure
of (he Hteamur.
Officers of tho boat first tried to
get the animal acrosH the gang-
'01 net'
ItKintluiiy anil
l-'Olt WOSIHN"
A vo.
Offleers of the N'orth Pacific
Stenniifhlp Company declare that tho
The Breakwater will sail from this l,lllll wltll,,l lHint-fnlil. lt tlio
yon may slight the make of your .,,., , . nlM 1 ,.- .j,,, u..pBfc.
goods, or you may haxe dlcoered a Udtr ot oa ,tt rac lfie UlRK
water to rorimnu
the Klder were
V. K. Stenrt. Mrs. H. U Pmt.
Miss Clara Hanson. Frank Anderson,
X. Wagner. Mrs. Wilklll. Win.
.iu1e'on. W. A. Garwln. A. V. Carl-
new war of disposing of our mer
chandise, when you tell a lady's suit
In January and February for twenty
five dollars ($2.". and In March sell
the same Identical suit for twelve
dollars and fifty cent i$12.:.0i.
When you did that. Mr. Copple. were
you "slipping something over on the
public"? You would rightfully ay
no, that you had the goods on hand
and was willing to sell ul cost iatl:er
than carry them over. We are Just In
the same position that you am, Mr.
Copplo. We have teams, machinery
nnd material on hand and are willing
nt this time to sell our goodg at cost.
Wo nre a small home company tlint
llvn In this rnmtmiiiltv. nnv inn- (ni-
linrn Imlti .imiwirt ilia ini-.intit.i mill TlllllllllPI'. II. 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 11 (1 1. Ml'S,
IrntldTiinn t l(if.l...ll. v M fix ...!.. n...l 1. C 1t..t.ln.. t T .... I
IMtuvjiivu iiii..iliil,ir, ..l(. Ufii(; tlltll linir-. I . .wl.Mill.l, O. II l-llll'll. .1. I.L'l'
Mr. Hoagland). give to public ontor- i)rovv. Dnn .Me Fee. Mrs. S. Weltlen.
prlso and support every effort of the ,ii... -... . , n. ,
tho people here for betterment of tfco ' A,8,t(,K' (!,rst C,ulor ,rft ttMl1-
city's lutorests. Wesley Taylor. O. Hanson. H. C.
The company has nt all times glvon Johnson, C. Wagner, 0. J. I.ciuniiHkl,
tho public n sqiinro deal, glvon thorn .i0im H0,iori A. iotonit Wm 0nn.
a better pnvlng tiinn they can now ,, ,., . , ,, ,. , ,, ,
get through the Warren Construction ,ln"' "' U ,10(,,t'r' u ' McClosky. K I
Comnauy or nnyonu elst that dotw 'ouch. Italpli Wlioulor. V. Crogur, J.
not use tho bitumen, and has so H. Ulrlcli, Win. Wliooler, C. Sean,
proven Itself. Nk.k Klrlliis, II. Phillips, C. Bonn-
Sonic muy ask why wo can do tho ,,, ,. .,, ,,, ,. .. ,,. "
work cheaper now than heretoforo or ,MI"1, " Mn"18' w "nnllnic. Miss M.
nt the tlmo when tontntlvo IiIiIh wore Knnm. ' I). Prlco, Mrs. (iortrudo
.submitted. Ilecnuso materlnl Is from Itussell. Miss N. Klllsey. C. A. Wise,
lu , nit, per cenicuowper. Aovor . oy.i ituwiell. (!. Incklnl....... win.
port again on July 1 1. Slio Is sched
uled to sail at 1:30 o'clock during
tho mouth of July.
Several persons who did not think
tnottg the passenger sailing on tlt, m-onkwnler would sail before 1
o'clock went to I ho dock to see her
off hut arrived too late.
Among those sailing on the Bion1
water were:
J. A. (liillfoyle, I. J. StrafusH. Mrs.
son. H. J. .Ionian. X. Jnckson. Mrs. J duo. Nlcols, Mrs. Chns. Owsley, J. S.
A. V. Carlson. P. l-Mgerton. .Mrs. N. j Woods. W. M. UlU, Mrs. W. M. Bltz,
Jackson. B. C. Adams. Jamos Mr- c; as. ('nil. 0. Kelly, Kil Sclirecken
noimld. Lorotta Fabor, W. Dodge. I gost. W. c'Stbreckengost, Jesse My
Wm. Wood, (leorgo Faher, 1-2. Powell. ! rick nnd .1. W. (Jlass.
W. M. Oralinni. Mrs. (loo. Faher. J
Trolllg. T. M. Collins. J. C. Halo.
Imrso refused to put mote than two
feet on the plank. Then one of tho
men lu clinrgo placed a brand sack
oyer the head of tho horse, walked
it over tho warehouse platform sti
as to deceive it, and then made a
second attempt to get tho animal
aboard. ' COOS
i Without much coetclon the horse!
walked the plank, but Just hh It ,
was entering (lie door It's head struck j
the door sill. Then tho animal
stood on Ills haunches, fell over tho
ropus and plunged into tho wutur.
The hlg crowd which Intel gathered
lo see tho animal put alumni moved
iinr nm T Tn uiti.s
hr hm , A
UXJL, Ul lu. i - llniiw l-'iinu
I ' .
River Ranchers Berjin
War on Plant That Threat
ens Their Vegetation
Tim Itoscbi i-
itiiniwing- two y()11J
Known in i(ii!inrKi
ai-rnss tho (Via i I(anf
Point to HtKt tnirg
on iooi iiihi ur-iK IRw,
staying lu Con (VV.
U'IWIM Mtllt tuning V..
,,tht ilf ptvait
cliiutloiiti or ii trip Kyo
divide, deeltled to tr;fecc,i
si'Ivoh. Tlie iiirefitesS
tin tliolr Joiirui j in r,'n
" a "
'i pal
Com It Ivor touchers are resort
ing to salt to cllmluuto a peculiar
weed or flower wl Icb Is-rnlslng huv- walkers, too. ni'i(rdlicflro
inaile II lu safity Tufts,.':
beforo could wo get gruvol for loss
Bold Bandall. Mis. (j. Packlnghani.
than t'i nor vni'll. Now wo ran Imvn
It dellvored on the ground for into Mr- ' ' Smith. Oortlo Krlck. .Mrs.
dollar and fifty rents. (11.50). I.a- Martini Clinlf. Mllo M. Plorson. It. A
bor nnd all other inuterlals tiro chonp- Andrews Mrs i v Pnipynn m,-
or nm we feel that tho people are on- , , , V , ,1c,n'n1' 'MrH'
titled to tho houoflt. Furtl.or. wo U' A' l,,rw". OIhiI.vh Plorson. A. K.
feci that on tho wltolo we slioulil 'vans. C. H. Daniels. Mrs. A. 1-3. Kv-
havo been nwnnleil tho work at tho nns, Mrs. Hslor Stroniberg. Tlios .1.
tlmo It wits given to tho Warren Con- Fox, MImh I-: Bobiu-is mm tiww i
Iriiflltin company. Our hltl was for v' ;.' . ,, ? , '
two dollars nnd eleven cents per yard ' x' Mr' '' "' s,l'w"'l. (loorge Mor-
10 BE I
forward to get n of tho
I animal In tho water and three or
four came near losing their balance.
Swims I'ndcr Dock.
Tlu horso enmo to the surfneo Im
niedliitely after tho plunge and start
ed lu tlu dlrovtloii of tho bow of
oc with tliolr runhes. About twenty-
six tons of salt have lison taken up
1iy Cant. I-:. (leorgo Smith of the
Itniubow tht last few days t'o lie
used on the randies of J. J. Cllnken
board, S. II. Cutllp. S. (J. Bogors, J.
A. Smith nnd K. It. lltnlson. Tno loneo. The rain cn.nlibrn
salt costs about ?i per ton ami Is tho road muddy and "-,T
took thotn to cm- trol
Allowing for tune .V-foot
rouil (tliey walkcil i "wJic
four miles an hour ..q t
thorottgli ilrenihliiR -,,ofii
thorn, tliey suffcrcl . -nim't
the boat, (hen It changed Its course ,,,, , , tM0 01lIy rI110tIy fol. , .,,, ,rfI(, ;,,.'
and vn, under the Smith dock. Tho ,,.. f , ,..,... bu, &&
crowd movotl towtirt tho fooL of
n.,-,lw n f c.,l mi.,o t'01Urnl "vonuo and many crowded
Only One of Several Matters 10 rlonllK ,,oek. ,,,. H llmo
tO COtnC BcfOrC Chamber nothing could bu scon or tho animal
of Commerce Tomorrow j1""1 """ thought u iud iWfcH
I drowned.
Several ninttera of vital Importanco ,,..... lini. .
to tho community will bo discussed I, Uo KBlioromoii socuiod u row-
nnd settled nt tho regular meeting of l,out a"'l lu tliolr wuy untlur tlio
the Mnrshflehl Clnuuber of Commorco wnrohoitse. Aftor scouting niotind
iiiiiitiiniw nigiii. i-.vory niemiier ih , for nbont fti-n i,ii,.i..
retiuosted to attend
Action will bo taken toward so
curing our mull sorvlco on one of
they oil mo
out Willi tlio hoiso tied to tho boat.
iiioio was no plnce in the Imuiudluto
tho two linos, tho old Coos Bay Welnlty of tho dock whoro tho horso
cfliild wnlk out, so tho luiigslmroiiion
paddloil toward tlio mud flats on tho
'Wagon Bond or by way of .Myrtle
Point. No proposals that tho De
partment will accept have boon re
wived for carrying the mall on the "I'UosItu alioru.
in tho business district as iiKiilnst low' Mrs. Burr Wngner. Mrs. (leont-i
two dollars nnd ten centH ($:. 10) bv Morrow. Mrs. M. K. Ocnnnor. .lor-
mu iiiinuii i;onsiruicion company.
I.nt III., vjil.lnt .IIMI... I........
nnd nnv-flvrcenlH .Vl .toTw.M MIw Ann ()8"'0' W' '" usou. .i.'"J'.
titar routes. It Ik possible that they I When tho horso ronchod th mn.i
will bo received nt tho meeting. ; f lnt In tow or tho bout, it tri,i .
-r sniis iu
t I
t . .. " .. . " IJ.I1II Illii s..
no ih very oiiiiiiibihruc nuotit i u """' iui moro onerjcv
Cotmlriilrluu romiKiiiy. (,.!. Ml-.1. rwi. mi... u ... ! .V.-im . t. " ... . ",." . .. . ut footll., bill thu until won ifr
.... .l-.ll.... wr.,,.., ., wit is ih, . ii .-ii, iwfwrmim i tn nv ill lUfS lilvUUT ....... . . i
"' kLJ
Ctspt. Smith of the Itniubow said discourage them Tl '$10
that tho weed or flower Is Just gain- hospitable entortnlnnv until
lug a foothold. When It first inado wivoa' along the rouUiitioii
lis appoiiraine It was regarded as a od uccommodntiniig it-exli
ery nttractlvo flower, holng soino- atoppod. When they trJnj?
thing llko n liutterciip. Some of tho told their atory, tlielrt
ranchers transplanted It simply as a horrified, but pcrlupi nue
flower. Now they find that It Hprenda truth, Just u bit protfr
rapidly and tlio vine, creeping out ho HitccosHfiilly amW.fiQi
from tho roots liken struwhorry vino, elusion by their 8troni?j
Itlllx III! Other VOKOtatltlll. ('uttln will llidiilloiiiliint ilnnt-hleri til
oat It, lint It bus no value. young ladies t hnrmint
!the experience wai i
hkaii i:st.ti: snaps iightrm.
Ilnat I, nil. II, i. r I,. I I,. I.' I.. I., w-i... """"'",
Ilouso nnd lot nt Biiv Piiik.' sikiii ti'" llBnnro
FIiim i' ' ut Bunker Hill, ""h l prohnbly flo!j"
wot loiiiiitiu, i?.hhi. and very row young
.nil, iii.i;i;.
(Vntriil -immiiih
nifiiinr iiihi una iiiii.i-iMin.i n in irvinir m ui,,..i .... i.u ..... ..
ouu tij.ur iini o g i y touts til. SO). " 'iHiiiiows. v. ;. wooi , , rs. J. i ".".i ., "V ,. T -"," ,,' " " " u tun uutii
by tlio Warron .Construttlon Co,,.: w. Mattlmws. (5eo. Harding c . iSwiuSl, ,,,1H"1W"" ' "," ! nwlmmliiK ucrosa the bay
""in" conclusion we want ... v m Vm"' "" ' ('' " w- '"''.e ndvjrtlslng conimlttoo will Hi-'J"0''' 0"ot', ,0 l,im " ,"f''
Ihoo S,S CI,' rno'wr- '" """- ! W- .MII.-I...II ho make a report. It has been some, u I ; mtllo. U .,. ,,,
w ,.r ... in.. .' .;" ....""" "l0""). l.-,,.,! it,.,...... ... ... ,,.,... ,, time slnco Hint body mm o known .Captain Butts wmit to h, uui
.... .- .... -....v .inainiuui
niliviiit-n It 11(1 I 111)
Times Want Ads B lug itt-siilu.
il it it it i f ti m um-li t. Irl
'" -" islw
there Is nnthln:; too rj
I'mpuun Valley glrlj g
nil- nudiiii
ablo roiitilroincnls by tho City Conn- on. A. A. Mokvlst. I-Mward llller. II
oil in crtlflod check or otherwise, l-j. nncon. Mis Oreln nindoi- i n
nud proposo to do your work lu good oM, , ' Tll,' "J, " ' ' "' .;'; "'
nntl workmanllko manner for ono '' M'' ,M' " Morltlltli Xnlmr.
dollar nnd elghty-flvo cetns (JUSli) MH- M,,r' -Malyno nntl (leorgo Wlilt
jior yard, nntlor tlio plans itudtfpocl- Held.
Xlcatlons given by tho city engluoor. Inco.nli.g IWcim,.,-
except the Hurfacli.K will be clear ,.. 7i ?
Mtumon against n conglon.oriitlon of "' "K ,l'" '",880ll(', ' nrrlv-
rruBhcil rock nnd oil. Wo will bo 0l1 "" ,l", ,:ii,ur l,,ls 'uornlng from
horo at nil times to mako good nnv I'ureka wero:
defect lu work or material that might ' (i. Witters. Mrs. J. Montgomery
occur, bh these things mo liable to P n i ..,.. P . ' ' h. ,, l,l'
occur to nny class of builders. ," ,.' I,"),()"' c- Swl. I. A. Miller.
If Mr. Albrecl.t ami those who '" ''" ',oson, A. K. Wheolor. W.
have been so Rollcltons for tho wel-'(i- HKleBton. K. A. Kenne, J. Hor-
-.;:,:"'" M"v" ""?" "ciiiiii i'o., iiiiiiiii, ,. ,i. Williams. Mrs. wii.
miiiKiumry or tlio Htnndard Oil. lln,u n tviiiin ,i '...'. :.
. amy
Billiards. W.
Baw. .1. Bo-
I'OIKirt Is (if IIim lim-un I.. .1... . ... .
looked forward t will, .....,.i, , .n.I I '.' "".". " ,,,,,", " IH
ulialillnry of tlio Standard Oil. nm c ivniinm. in n
w want to save something rr tho1 Wllllnns Alice Hognn
fojile. they hnvo an opportunity to (I,),,,I1,!,1- I'. IHolil, II. Mae. K.
uo so to tho i-xtent of about twenty- ,,,1U1- Acorn. J.
ffM'.k l.l....lHn.l .(..II .......... w .. . . -. .
... uiiiiuitMl tlullHra ISZZUOl nil ll II til. (" nii-kuiii n
smnll piece of work
I'res. Coos Bay Paving Co.
....""Im fo.,?,,, ,h0 !,v l"ihoon nt
'lli Clmiiillcr.
Hn. ti Adams.
iii,JT1,iii,I;U' l wl" SKU, COM'M.
IA .'.) B nt tfl.l.-i CASH per sack.
liVi" ""' ' Kiiarauteed. A. T.
Epidemic of Insanity in Coos
Liljeqvist's Stenographer
One of Those Committed
mi. . .- .
iiiey nod n ropo iiround tl i
horse's liond nnd pulled It to the foot
of Coldon avenue, whoro tho horse
walked nshoro. still frightened, but
noiio tlio worso for Its experience.
At tho foot or Coition avoniio uic
horso wns tnkon in churgo by J a
Thompson, who load the animal
back to tho stalilu from whence It
euuic. A largo crowd followed tlio
courso of tho animal down n m,
I foot of Golden uvoiiuo nnd back up
Owiietl In- .Iiiii.w.
Tho horso bolongod to'.N. Jink-'
" . ..o una neon living In Marsh
no. t rr about ono year. Jackson'
md used tho horso In his transfer
"willow. Jnckson had engaged pas-
nite on tho Elder, but ronmlned over
Watch this space every other day and we will tell
you all about the plans and purposes of the FIRST COOS
rnlTu0SEDAY't0l,e0bscrvcd ,n te'.
AUGUST 4TH, 1914. There will he somothinn rinin
l "viiiyi
Throw Awav
yoi'b ri.vr i.ixKi-s im. .-,....
ot (.-ooi) H.ii Tl. ."'' "";; ' .' ',:XSKS "!:
distant oBji:rrs. ,.. t ,-;. :':"rrm N,) i
. .-- . . vM i I.IVMllfi
!'. IS FOB TOBIO l.KXB.s, Wi
l'l K I'AIB.
Coos County Is nppnrcntly sur
ferlng from an opldonilc of Insanity
now. following the opldonilc or
smallpox, whooping cough nnd meas
les and mumps which prevailed a .", , ' , , l" ll,,m'- "o saya ir
whllo ago. Today two moro wore ' , " ," ,U out " lIl oxt sailing
loniniltted to tlie stato asylum, mak-' ... " tho ,J'0'kwnier
Iiik four sent out this month. L stonmor Kldor was dt Inyc-i
MlkeTooehy. a logger from North '"' '"T t,,,,H 'Oy-flvo ininutea on
iifiiit. wus flm comiulttotl. Ho "",l "' lo accident. She
.is up soveral woks ago, but the
Miulneri, declared that he was suf
(iiiiK from alcoholism and sent
Idni in the jioor farm at Coiiilu Ha
i. in away and ratuinod to North
Bend and got on guollier spree. He
l Mi-nv years old and cama to
me tounty about n uumth ago
a no relatives.
riifiioginpiior liisuue.
The other ma conuulttead today
was w. M. lSvans. of Coiiullle. a
steut.graphor In the offlcoe of DIs
trlct Attorney I,. A. LUJoqvUit and
A. J. Sherwood. Kans is about
forty-four years old and has a wife
and two children at Boaburg. Worry
over finnuclnl matters U suld to
have bean the lauw. or his mental
Mrs. Lydin Wlstl, of I.akoslde.
Vl inn . - "
.. n 8l.,u out lust Suudny, and
M.iJor 1,. D. Kinney, who was taut
to Snlom a week ago today were
..... muois committed this month
Jliie to sail at 1 t.Vlock. ", ,,, ,
got away until 1:1.-,.
"", "-'""anion in their omit.;,;,,,
I-Ir..l that the horso had more
9iiso than tho mon.
He1 I At niun 11 ..77
; jJiievvA TER FR 0 N T
totNy" JIIITk ""iiTTirt.,
today from San Franclw-o
f,-I!U' '" (!len,le1' ' In ...dni
. iiniiiiuer.
The Yellowstone . , ,.
low aiteruonn.
jH-e Bustler passed In.pectlo,, ,,
OrfoM ",rr0W f0r naml0- ''
0lL",'Il0","vr. nl Che..
dayhl,t ?" a,m,"n 8a"" WW1
" """"'"" mms for California.
. : -Ate
' fie ','
SsssssssHssf sfe&1 sffliTi;Zor4Uf
kssssssssssssl y -t,T hjru it &J?vv4N v!iy453r' l r-
III fr Wmk
HI W "4 RHnE.''
i Mjyj mmsmt,
i IssTssssUH ' QTX J III Y JT '
m if v
ssssssssssH V 2lWV We
sssssssssssB "BflWrSSS fill
IsssssssssssssssssssssssssS WTVik. H
Vnssssssssssi X - K-J
E7v .BSSsl X QllQ
IrQ " "The Seven Age$" of the Ultra of ft-,
3 Tea Garden Syrup J
IM Tlio .school child needs honlthful, body nnd brain- gift
IB I?ulrlil!lJ,lr,f?.ot,..i1" url, My run fulfills tho fuwtloM-,4-.
jr a food dfrllghtfully uud bunoflclally. Order a can t J2
' B3J i grocer's. It Is '""Hnt
Ka Name v "' coupon on rt jH
EM ,a anil when -ou liuva fjTS
R3 Cltj- irSSr,Vrour.,,Si5Ir5,jfirt
M lnrocerNnmo... SlV.U,y!5Mar'-f"Vaj5i;
M I' ' If i'reBrvei uLolute y "3-
' KH Sara These Coupons for Free Preserves Sjj
m Pacific Coast Syrup Cog
UVj Portland, Oregon )j
- l,-"'J '. Jut
I tti
II"1 ni.n. for SOUTH t'is vor , , J, n " lr's'o. Sun Pcth-o
Docks t CH.VTHAL AVKNU,: fo,U,a0,,,l- ' Se.s,m-ke
The Good Housekeeping Store